Results for 'Jason Gallo'

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  1. Bilingualism and Aging: Implications for (Delaying) Neurocognitive Decline.Federico Gallo, Vincent DeLuca, Yanina Prystauka, Toms Voits, Jason Rothman & Jubin Abutalebi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    As a result of advances in healthcare, the worldwide average life expectancy is steadily increasing. However, this positive trend has societal and individual costs, not least because greater life expectancy is linked to higher incidence of age-related diseases, such as dementia. Over the past few decades, research has isolated various protective “healthy lifestyle” factors argued to contribute positively to cognitive aging, e.g., healthy diet, physical exercise and occupational attainment. The present article critically reviews neuroscientific evidence for another such factor, i.e., (...)
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    The discursive and operational foundations of the national nanotechnology initiative in the history of the national science foundation.Jason Gallo - 2009 - Perspectives on Science 17 (2):pp. 174-211.
    The National Science Foundation's (NSF) role in, and influence on, the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) can best be understood through an examination of the NSF's history. Because of the NSF's weakened position at its founding in 1950 and obstacles faced throughout its history, the NSF developed a discursive strategy that focuses on making a causal link between support for basic science and societal benefits, and an operational strategy focused on growing its constituency through infrastructural support. The hallmarks of both of (...)
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    Unique effects of sedatives, dissociatives, psychedelics, stimulants, and cannabinoids on episodic memory: A review and reanalysis of acute drug effects on recollection, familiarity, and metamemory.Manoj K. Doss, Jason Samaha, Frederick S. Barrett, Roland R. Griffiths, Harriet de Wit, David A. Gallo & Joshua D. Koen - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (2):523-562.
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    The care of the self and biopolitics: Resistance and practices of freedom.Silvio Gallo - 2017 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 49 (7).
    This text through the direct use to Foucault’s work and using the concepts of ‘care of the self’ and biopolitics is questioning and analyzing resistance and practices of freedom. Mainly, from the Foucault’s courses at the College de France and the methodological tools found there, here I present a discussion about Gilles Deleuze’s contributions to Foucault’s thought and I develop a dialog where I try to explain the concepts of domination, power, ethics, esthetics and the relationship of the self with (...)
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    The Participation and Motivations of Grant Peer Reviewers: A Comprehensive Survey.Stephen A. Gallo, Lisa A. Thompson, Karen B. Schmaling & Scott R. Glisson - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):761-782.
    Scientific peer reviewers play an integral role in the grant selection process, yet very little has been reported on the levels of participation or the motivations of scientists to take part in peer review. The American Institute of Biological Sciences developed a comprehensive peer review survey that examined the motivations and levels of participation of grant reviewers. The survey was disseminated to 13,091 scientists in AIBS’s proprietary database. Of the 874 respondents, 76% indicated they had reviewed grant applications in the (...)
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    Frequency and Type of Conflicts of Interest in the Peer Review of Basic Biomedical Research Funding Applications: Self-Reporting Versus Manual Detection.Stephen A. Gallo, Michael Lemaster & Scott R. Glisson - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (1):189-197.
    Despite the presumed frequency of conflicts of interest in scientific peer review, there is a paucity of data in the literature reporting on the frequency and type of conflicts that occur, particularly with regard to the peer review of basic science applications. To address this gap, the American Institute of Biological Sciences conducted a retrospective analysis of conflict of interest data from the peer review of 282 biomedical research applications via several onsite review panels. The overall conflicted-ness of these panels (...)
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    The Transindividual Unconscious.Jason Read - 2018 - Australasian Philosophical Review 2 (1):62-68.
    I follow Etienne Balibar in understanding Freud as not only an important thinker of transindividuality alongside Spinoza and Marx, but also the one that pushes an ontology of relations to its full development. In response to Balibar I critically examine Freud, who, outside of Group Psychology and the Analysis of Ego, often referred individual and collective development to the family as the primal scene. I also explore how it would be possible to conceive of a concept of social relations that (...)
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    Add Bilingualism to the Mix: L2 Proficiency Modulates the Effect of Cognitive Reserve Proxies on Executive Performance in Healthy Aging.Federico Gallo, Joanna Kubiak & Andriy Myachykov - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    We investigated the contribution of bilingual experience to the development of cognitive reserve when compared with other, traditionally more researched, CR proxies, in a sample of cognitively healthy senior bilingual speakers. Participants performed in an online study where, in addition to a wide inventory of factors known to promote CR, we assessed several factors related to their second language use. In addition, participants’ inhibitory executive control was measured via the Flanker Task. We used Structural Equation Modeling to derive a latent (...)
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  9. Algunas conferencias sobre filosofía.García Galló & Gaspar M. Jorge - 1979 - La Habana: Editora Política.
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    A função da filosofia na escola e seu caráter interdisciplinar.Silvio Gallo - 2011 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 2.
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    Apuntes Para Una Filosofia de la Educacion. Una Indagación En El Ideario de Jorge Millas.Fernando Gallo - 2018 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 6 (2):142.
    El pensamiento de Jorge Millas (1917-1982) posee una articulación que resulta altamente sugestiva toda vez que es posible captar, bajo el plexo de sus ideas, una clara relación de dependencia en la cual la reflexión en materia de educación es deudora de una antropología filosófica previa que operó como su soporte. El presente trabajo se propone exponer las principales ideas de Jorge Millas en materia de educación, poniendo en evidencia los nexos antes mencionados entre educación y antropología.
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    Acción,historia Y naturaleza en el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt.Gloria Gallo - 2013 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 34 (109):12.
    El objetivo de este trabajo es plantear la relación que establece Hannah Arendt entre los conceptos de acción, historia y naturaleza, cuya conexión se da en torno a las características que hacen a las acciones humanas contingentes, es decir, la imposibilidad de predecir sus consecuencias y sus efectos ilimitados. El análisis de las relaciones entre los conceptos aquí aludidos es una herramienta de reflexión sobre la necesidad de replantear la relación entre el hombre y la naturaleza. Inicialmente, haré una breve (...)
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    Covid-19 and Mental Health: Could Visual Art Exposure Help?Laura M. H. Gallo, Vincent Giampietro, Patricia A. Zunszain & Kai Syng Tan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    A worldwidemental health crisis is expected, as millions worldwide fear death and disease while being forced into repeated isolation. Thus, there is a need for new proactive approaches to improve mental resilience and prevent mental health conditions. Since the 1990s, art has emerged as an alternative mental health therapy in the United States and Europe, becoming part of the social care agenda. This article focuses on how visual esthetic experiences can create similar patterns of neuronal activity as those observed when (...)
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    Dialettica hegeliana e fenomenismo nel primo Della Volpe.Lucio Gallo - 1999 - Cosenza: Orizzonti meridionali.
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    Discipulus ludi.Ernest Gallo - 1978 - Journal of Value Inquiry 12 (1):64-67.
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    Dalla patria allo Stato: Bertrando Spaventa, una biografia intellettuale.Fernanda Gallo - 2012 - Roma: Laterza.
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    Ensino de Filosofia: tendências e desafios.Silvio Gallo - 2012 - Filosofia E Educação 4 (1):1-9.
    O debate em torno do ensino de Filosofia no Brasil, especialmente na educação média, não é novo. Estudos esparsos e pontuais, embora em número bastante reduzido, podem ser encontrados ao longo da história da educaçãono país, notadamente no século XX, depois da criação da Universidade de São Paulo e de seu Departamento de Filosofia. É, porém, no final da década de 1970 e, sobretudo, durante a década de 1980, que a discussão ganha vulto, mediante a articulação dos Departamentos de Filosofia (...)
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    (1 other version)Esquisse en vue d’une histoire du conditionnement politique. Le cas de la SS.David Gallo - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 62 (1):, [ p.].
    Entre 1933 et 1945, la SS, qui se voulait l’élite des « soldats politiques » du régime nazi, développa un important programme visant à prodiguer à ses troupes une « instruction idéologique » weltanschauliche Schulung. Cet article donne un aperçu des conceptions et des méthodes de l’instruction idéologique et retrace les évolutions qu’elles subirent dans le contexte des transformations d’ensemble de la SS elle-même. Bien que l’« instruction idéologique » n’ait finalement pas produit les résultats décisifs escomptés par ses promoteurs, (...)
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  19. El hombre, mi hermano.Antonio Gallo Armosino - 1996 - Guatemala: Editorial Cultura, Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes de Guatemala.
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    Embodied Simulation and a Few Remarks on the Philosophy of Language in Italy.Giusy Gallo - 2017 - Philosophy Study 7 (9).
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  21. El ser como problema.Fernando Gallo Berríos - 1971 - Guatemala,: M. Salazar.
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    Em Torno de Uma Poética Do/No Pensamento.Sílvio Gallo - 2015 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 23:350-363.
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    Freud's Mexico: Into the Wilds of Psychoanalysis.Rubén Gallo - 2010 - MIT Press.
    Freud's Mexican disciples, Mexican books, Mexican antiquities, and Mexican dreams.
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    Guido Calogero.Luigi Gallo - 2000 - Firenze: Atheneum.
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    Grant Review Feedback: Appropriateness and Usefulness.Stephen A. Gallo, Karen B. Schmaling, Lisa A. Thompson & Scott R. Glisson - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (2):1-20.
    The primary goal of the peer review of research grant proposals is to evaluate their quality for the funding agency. An important secondary goal is to provide constructive feedback to applicants for their resubmissions. However, little is known about whether review feedback achieves this goal. In this paper, we present a multi-methods analysis of responses from grant applicants regarding their perceptions of the effectiveness and appropriateness of peer review feedback they received from grant submissions. Overall, 56–60% of applicants determined the (...)
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    Introducción al derecho.Hübner Gallo & Jorge Iván - 1984 - Santiago de Chile: Editorial Jurídica de Chile. Edited by Hübner Gallo & Jorge Iván.
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  27. Introducción a la teoría de la norma jurídica y la teoría de la institución.Hübner Gallo & Jorge Ivan - 1951 - [Santiago]: Editorial Jurídica de Chile.
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    Il Dio di Aristotele come “centrale elettrica della natura”.Francesco Luigi Gallo - 2023 - Studium Filosofía y Teología 26 (51):75-103.
    In questo contributo vengono indagati alcuni concetti della teologia aristotelica (il concetto di divino e quello di trascendenza) a partire da un’espressione emblematica utilizzata dallo storico francese Étienne Gilson per descrivere il Primo Motore Immobile aristotelico: “centrale elettrica della natura”. L’espressione del noto studioso non è soltanto particolarmente accattivante, ma risulta essere filosoficamente assai significativa poiché veicola perfettamente il significato che assume il Dio di Aristotele nell’economia complessiva del cosmo, più in particolare nel ciclo eterno delle corruzioni e delle generazioni. (...)
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    Insights on consciousness from taste memory research.Milagros Gallo - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
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    Il problema dell'immortalità dell'anima nella critica di Pietro Pomponazzi a Tommaso d'Aquino.Francesco Luigi Gallo - 2022 - Roma: Aracne.
  31. Il pensiero e l'opera di Salvatore Valitutti: atti del convegno nazionale di studio del 28 settembre 1996.Italo Gallo (ed.) - 1999 - Salerno: Laveglia.
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    Il ribelle del pensiero: Albert Einstein e la nascita della fisica quantistica.Domenico Gallo - 2016 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Kant e la filosofia tedesca postkantiana.Raffaele Folino Gallo - 1982 - [Cosenza]: Pellegrini.
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  34. Kielan Yarrow, Patrick Haggard, and John C. Rothwell. Action, arousal, and subjective time.David A. Gallo, John G. Seamon, L. Andrew Coward, Ron Sun, Jing Zhu, John F. Kihlstrom, Steven M. Platek, Jaime W. Thomson, Gordon G. Gallup Jr & Jeroen G. W. Raaijmakers - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12:783.
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  35. La concepción marxista sobre la escuela y la educación.García Galló & Gaspar M. Jorge - 1973 - México, D.F.: Editorial Grijalbo.
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    Le Cogito newmanien: La preuve du théisme by Grégory Solari.Oswaldo Gallo-Serratos - 2022 - Newman Studies Journal 19 (1):81-83.
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  37. Lineamenti di filosofia.Gallo Galli - 1935 - Bologna,: Coop. tipografica Azzoguidi.
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  38. Leyes de la dialéctica materialista.García Galló & Gaspar M. Jorge - 1985 - Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba: Gente Nueva.
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  39. Manual de filosofía del derecho.Hübner Gallo & Jorge Iván - 1954 - Santiago,: Editorial Jurídica de Chile.
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  40. (1 other version)Manual de introducción a las ciencias jurídicas y sociales.Hübner Gallo & Jorge Iván - 1952 - Santiago,: Editorial Jurídica de Chile.
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    Nietzsche e Schumann: musica, scrittura, forma e creazione.Franco Gallo & Paolo Zignani (eds.) - 2021 - Napoli: Istituto italiano per gli studi filosofici press.
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    Nuove iniziative sul Fondo Vailati.Yuri Gallo & Luca Natali - 2020 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 3:557-567.
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    Origem do reflexo estético, mundanidade e considerações preliminares sobre a obra de arte na “Estética” (1963) de Georg Lukács.Renata Altenfelder Garcia Gallo - 2020 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 26 (1):106-125.
    A partir da descrição das noções de reflexo artístico e de mundanidade na estética de maturidade de Georg Lukács, este estudo pretende apresentar algumas questões preliminares acerca do que vem a ser a obra de arte, suas particularidades e seus pressupostos na “Estética” (1963), com o intuito de ressaltar, por fim, o caráter absolutamente humanista dessa obra lukacsiana.
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  44. O Ensino Fundamental: Formação e Transformação.Sílvio Gallo - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (2).
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    Ordine internazionale: teorie, episodi, modelli.Ernesto Gallo - 2009 - Roma: Aracne.
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    On the Question of Nietzsche’s “Scientism”.Beverly E. Gallo - 1990 - International Studies in Philosophy 22 (2):111-119.
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    Platone.Gallo Galli - 1974 - Milano: Pergamena.
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    Políticas da diferença e políticas públicas em educação no Brasil.Sílvio Gallo - 2017 - Educação E Filosofia 31 (63):1331-1337.
    *Doutor pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Professor da Universidade Estadual de Campinas. ** Docteur à la Université de Paris 8. Professeur de philosophie de l'éducation, Université de Rouen. Apoio: CAPES-COFECUB. A noção de diferença ganhou o mundo, no final do século vinte, e chegou ao campo teórico da educação e às escolas. Educar a diferença; educar na diferença; educar para a diferença passaram a ser palavras de ordem em planos de educação de órgãos governamentais, em projetos políticos pedagógicos de escolas, (...)
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    Penser le capitalisme global : multiplication du travail, opérations du capital et contre-pouvoirs.Davide Gallo Lassere - 2021 - Actuel Marx 1:185-203.
    Cet article vise à contribuer à l’élaboration d’une théorie critique du capitalisme global. Il s’appuie pour ce faire, d’une part, sur une relecture serrée des deux ouvrages cosignés par Sandro Mezzadra et Brett Neilson, La Frontière comme méthode (2013) et The Politics of Operations (2019). Il esquisse d’autre part un diagnostic historique de la séquence enclenchée par la crise de 2008. L’article se développe en trois temps, l’un sur le « multivers capitaliste », où sont considérées les dimensions spatio-temporelles de (...)
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  50. (1 other version)Perche lega di dialettica autogenetica?Giuseppe Gallo - 1983 - International Logic Review 28:125.
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