Results for 'Jasmijn E. Bosch'

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  1.  27
    Draw a Star and Make it Perfect: Incremental Processing of Telicity.Francesca Foppolo, Jasmijn E. Bosch, Ciro Greco, Maria N. Carminati & Francesca Panzeri - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (10):e13052.
    Predicates like “coloring‐the‐star” denote events that have a temporal duration and a culmination point (telos). When combined with perfective aspect (e.g., “Valeria has colored the star”), a culmination inference arises implying that the action has stopped, and the star is fully colored. While the perfective aspect is known to constrain the conceptualization of the event as telic, many reading studies have demonstrated that readers do not make early commitments as to whether the event is bounded or unbounded. A few visual‐world (...)
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    Invariant reversible QEEG effects of anesthetics.E. R. John, L. S. Prichep, W. Kox, P. Valdés-Sosa, J. Bosch-Bayard, E. Aubert, M. Tom, F. diMichele & L. D. Gugino - 2001 - Consciousness and Cognition 10 (2):165-183.
    Continuous recordings of brain electrical activity were obtained from a group of 176 patients throughout surgical procedures using general anesthesia. Artifact-free data from the 19 electrodes of the International 10/20 System were subjected to quantitative analysis of the electroencephalogram (QEEG). Induction was variously accomplished with etomidate, propofol or thiopental. Anesthesia was maintained throughout the procedures by isoflurane, desflurane or sevoflurane (N = 68), total intravenous anesthesia using propofol (N = 49), or nitrous oxide plus narcotics (N = 59). A set (...)
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  3. Invariant reversible QEEG effects of anesthetics - volume 10, number 2 (2001), pages 165-183.E. R. John, L. S. Prichep, W. Kox, P. Valdes-Sosa, J. Bosch-Bayard, E. Aubert, M. Tom, F. diMichele & L. D. Gugino - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (1):138-138.
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    Finding the music of speech: Musical knowledge influences pitch processing in speech.Christina M. Vanden Bosch der Nederlanden, Erin E. Hannon & Joel S. Snyder - 2015 - Cognition 143 (C):135-140.
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  5. Barsalou, LW, 231.L. Bosch, S. F. Cappa, N. Chater, I. Choi, J. Dalery, E. Daprati, N. Franck, D. Gentner, N. Georgieff & R. L. Goldstone - 1998 - Cognition 65:301.
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    Invariant Reversible QEEG Effects of Anesthetics: Volume 10, Number 2 , pages 165–183.E. John, L. Prichep, W. Kox, P. Valdes-Sosa & J. Bosch-Bay - 2002 - Consciousness and Cognition 11 (1):138-138.
  7. On development of functional brain connectivity in the young brain.G. E. Anna-Jasmijn Hoff, M. P. Van den Heuvel, Manon J. N. L. Benders, Karina J. Kersbergen & L. S. De Vries - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    A Computerized Version of the Scrambled Sentences Test.Roberto Viviani, Lisa Dommes, Julia E. Bosch, Julia C. Stingl & Petra Beschoner - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Dolphins’ Willingness to Participate (WtP) in Positive Reinforcement Training as a Potential Welfare Indicator, Where WtP Predicts Early Changes in Health Status.Isabella L. K. Clegg, Heiko G. Rödel, Birgitta Mercera, Sander van der Heul, Thomas Schrijvers, Piet de Laender, Robert Gojceta, Martina Zimmitti, Esther Verhoeven, Jasmijn Burger, Paulien E. Bunskoek & Fabienne Delfour - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:476150.
    Welfare science has built its foundations on veterinary medicine and thus measures of health. Since bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) tend to mask symptoms of poor health, management in captivity would benefit from advanced understanding on the links between health and behavioural parameters, and few studies exist on the topic. In this study, four representative behavioural and health measures were chosen: health status (as qualified by veterinarians), percentage of daily food eaten, occurrences of new rake marks (proxy measure of social activity), (...)
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  10.  18
    Incomunicados: aislamiento espiritual en Dostoievski y su eco en la narrativa de Carson McCullers.Miriam Díez Bosch, Josep-Lluís Micó Sanz & Alba Sabaté Gauxachs - 2022 - Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación E Información Filosófica 78 (297):239-248.
    Fiodor Dostoievski rasga el alma humana hasta dejarla herida por el sufrimiento, la culpa y el aislamiento. Y, sin embargo, la derrota no gana la batalla. La escritora sureña estadounidense Carson McCullers escribe sobre la soledad y la miseria del sur de los Estados Unidos con una mirada atenta a los paisajes desolados de la Rusia de Fiodor Dostoievski, no sólo físicos sino esencialmente metafísicos. Esta autora que ya leyó al maestro ruso a los 13 años explora las entrañas humanas (...)
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    G i ovanni Reale, una vita e un'ope ra di unità e arm onia.Antoni Bosch-Veciana - 2006 - Comprendre 8 (1):63-73.
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    The clustering of galaxies in the sdss-iii baryon oscillation spectroscopic survey: The low-redshift sample.John K. Parejko, Tomomi Sunayama, Nikhil Padmanabhan, David A. Wake, Andreas A. Berlind, Dmitry Bizyaev, Michael Blanton, Adam S. Bolton, Frank van den Bosch, Jon Brinkmann, Joel R. Brownstein, Luiz Alberto Nicolaci da Costa, Daniel J. Eisenstein, Hong Guo, Eyal Kazin, Marcio Maia, Elena Malanushenko, Claudia Maraston, Cameron K. McBride, Robert C. Nichol, Daniel J. Oravetz, Kaike Pan, Will J. Percival, Francisco Prada, Ashley J. Ross, Nicholas P. Ross, David J. Schlegel, Don Schneider, Audrey E. Simmons, Ramin Skibba, Jeremy Tinker, Rita Tojeiro, Benjamin A. Weaver, Andrew Wetzel, Martin White, David H. Weinberg, Daniel Thomas, Idit Zehavi & Zheng Zheng - unknown
    We report on the small-scale (0.5 13 h - 1M, a large-scale bias of ~2.0 and a satellite fraction of 12 ± 2 per cent. Thus, these galaxies occupy haloes with average masses in between those of the higher redshift BOSS CMASS sample and the original SDSS I/II luminous red galaxy sample © 2012 The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society © doi:10.1093/mnras/sts314.
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  13. Solovay models and forcing extensions.Joan Bagaria & Roger Bosch - 2004 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 69 (3):742-766.
    We study the preservation under projective ccc forcing extensions of the property of L(ℝ) being a Solovay model. We prove that this property is preserved by every strongly-̰Σ₃¹ absolutely-ccc forcing extension, and that this is essentially the optimal preservation result, i.e., it does not hold for Σ₃¹ absolutely-ccc forcing notions. We extend these results to the higher projective classes of ccc posets, and to the class of all projective ccc posets, using definably-Mahlo cardinals. As a consequence we obtain an exact (...)
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  14. Bosch's "garden of earthly delights": A progress report.E. H. Gombrich - 1969 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 32 (1):162-170.
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    Tension between perceived collocation and actual geographic distribution in project teams.Renate Fruchter, Petra Bosch-Sijtsema & Virpi Ruohomäki - 2010 - AI and Society 25 (2):183-192.
    This paper describes an exploratory comparative study of knowledge workers and their challenges in high tech global project teams. More specifically we focus on the tension between perceived collocation and actual geographical distributed project work as a function of: (1) the demand to distribute and shift attention in multi-teaming, (2) virtuality i.e. number of virtual teams participants engage in, (3) the continuous adjustment and re-adjustment to new places they perform their activity, and (4) the collaboration technologies they use. We present (...)
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  16. The earliest description of Bosch's garden of delight.E. H. Gombrich - 1967 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 30 (1):403-406.
  17.  20
    Neurocognitive Development of the Resolution of Selective Visuo-Spatial Attention: Functional MRI Evidence From Object Tracking.Kerstin Wolf, Elena Galeano Weber, Jasper J. F. van den Bosch, Steffen Volz, Ulrike Nöth, Ralf Deichmann, Marcus J. Naumer, Till Pfeiffer & Christian J. Fiebach - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:373139.
    Our ability to select relevant information from the environment is limited by the resolution of attention – i.e., the minimum size of the region that can be selected. Neural mechanisms that underlie this limit and its development are not yet understood. Functional MRI was performed during an object tracking task in 7- and 11-year-old children, and in young adults. Object tracking activated canonical fronto-parietal attention systems and motion-sensitive area MT in children as young as 7 years. Object tracking performance improved (...)
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    Inhabitants of the Unconscious: The Grotesque and the Vulgar in Everyday Life.E. Mark Stern & Robert B. Marchesani - 2003 - Routledge.
    This book explores numerous ways in which vulgar language, grotesque appearances, and horrific experiences affect us in our relationships with others and with ourselves. Its compelling case studies and revealing interviews bring together ideas and issues that are a lingering, but unexplored, focus in psychotherapy literature. The grotesque and the vulgar are major inhabitants of the vast unconscious. Their variations and haunting presence are anticipated and reflected in the transactions of everyday life. So too do they manifest themselves in our (...)
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  19. Juan Bosch : literatura y exilio.Rosa Elena Pérez de la Cruz - 2011 - In Adalberto Santana (ed.), Filosofía, historia de las ideas e ideología en América Latina y el Caribe. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
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    Érasme et saint Augustin ou Influence de saint Augustin sur l'humanisme d'Érasme.Ch Béné - 1969 - Genève,: Droz.
    Fondée en 1950 par Eugénie Droz, la collection des Travaux d'Humanisme et Renaissance a réuni, en soixante-cinq ans, plus de 550 titres. Elle s'est imposée comme la collection la plus importante au monde de sources et d'études sur l'Humanisme (Politien, Ficin, Erasme, Budé...), la Réforme francophone (Lefèvre d'Etaples, Calvin, Farel, Bèze...), la Renaissance (littéraire et artistique, Jérôme Bosch ou Rabelais, Ronsard ou le Primatice...), mais aussi la médecine, les sciences, la philosophie, l'histoire du livre et toutes les formes de (...)
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  21. What is Life.E. Schrodincer - forthcoming - Mind and Matter.
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    The PEARL Model: Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Sustainable Development.Mert Bilgin - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S3):545-554.
    This article formulates institutional virtues according to sustainable development (SD) criteria to come up with a paradigmatic set of corporate principles. It aims to answer how a corporation might obtain competitive advantage by combining "going ethical" with "going green." On the one hand, it brings out facts that indicate a forthcoming trend inclined to force relevant actors to comply with SD requirements. On the other hand, it suggests that SD may be implemented as a strategy to gain competitive advantage by (...)
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  23. Metaphysics as the Science of Essence.E. J. Lowe - 2018 - In Alexander Carruth, Sophie C. Gibb & John Heil (eds.), Ontology, Modality, and Mind: Themes From the Metaphysics of E. J. Lowe. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 14-34.
    If metaphysics is centrally concerned with charting the domain of the possible, the only coherent account of the ground of metaphysical possibility and of our capacity for modal knowledge is to be found in a version of essentialism: a version that I call serious essentialism, to distinguish it from certain other views which may superficially appear very similar to it but which, in fact, differ from it fundamentally in certain crucial respects. This version of essentialism eschews any appeal whatever to (...)
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  24.  44
    Saúde Comunitária: conhecimentos e experiências na América Latina.Anamélia Lins E. Silva Franco - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 37:235-237.
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    Body parts: Property rights and the ownership of human biological materials.E. Richard Gold & Russell Scott - 1998 - Bioethics 12 (3):250-252.
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  26. Indiscernables and the Absolute Theory of Space and Time.E. J. Khamara - 1988 - Studia Leibnitiana 20 (2):140-159.
    Cet article est un nouvel examen des objections soulevées par Leibniz dans la controverse avec Clarke contre la théorie absolutiste de l'espace et du temps. Or la plupart de ces objections sont fondées sur le principe de raison suffisante; mais Leibniz utilise aussi le principe de l'identité des indiscernables, qu'il prétend déduire du principe de raison suffisante . Ce qui m'intéresse c'est que Leibniz présente parfois deux versions de la même objection: l'une reposant uniquement sur le principe de raison suffisante, (...)
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  27. Smysl i granit︠s︡y chelovecheskoĭ dukhovnosti: (filosofsko-kulʹturologicheskoe ėsse).V. E. Gromov - 2005 - Dnepropetrovsk: Nat︠s︡īonalʹniĭ gīrnichiĭ unīversitet.
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  28. Real and Abstract Analysis.E. Hewitt - 1965
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    Ideals, oughts, and regulatory focus.E. Tory Higgins - 1996 - In Peter M. Gollwitzer & John A. Bargh (eds.), The Psychology of Action: Linking Cognition and Motivation to Behavior. Guilford. pp. 91--114.
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  30. The Calling of Sociology and Other Essays on the Pursuit of Learning.E. SHILS - 1980
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    Logica matematica, storia E filosofia Della logica.Storia E. Filosofia Della Logica - 2001 - In V. Fano, M. Stanzione & G. Tarozzi (eds.), Prospettive Della Logica E Della Filosofia Della Scienza. Rubettino.
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  32. Gorgias and Republic.E. Hamilton & Eds H. Cairns - 1961 - In Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns (eds.), Plato: The Collected Dialogues. Princeton: New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
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  33. Lógica da invenção e outros ensaios.M. Rocha E. Silva - 1965 - Rio de Janeiro,: Livraria São José.
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  34. Parmenides.E. Hamilton & Eds H. Cairns - 1961 - In Edith Hamilton & Huntington Cairns (eds.), Plato: The Collected Dialogues. Princeton: New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
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    Generalizability: beyond plausibility and handwaving.E. Shahar - 2003 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 9 (2):151-159.
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  36. Ueber das Princip Der Vergleichung in der Physik.E. Mach - 1895 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 39:306-308.
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    A mulher no pedestal: representações de feminilidade e cristianismo na escrita masculina do periódico ouro-pretano O Noticiador de Minas.Matheus Da Cruz E. Zica - 2014 - Horizonte 12 (35).
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  38. The Human Metaphor.E. Sewell - 1964
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  39. Distribuzione di elementi traccia (Zn, Cu, Fe, Cd) in tessuti di uccelli selvatici della laguna di Venezia e delle ville del Quaderno.G. Andreani, E. Carpené, R. Serra, M. Kinde, R. Magni & G. Isami - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  40. Partiĭnostʹ kak ėsteticheskai︠a︡ kategorii︠a︡.D. E. Donskoĭ - 1980 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo "Nauka," Sibirskoe otd-nie. Edited by P. A. Nikolaev.
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    A Psychology for People of God.E. Rae Harcum - 2012 - Hamilton Books.
    E. Rae Harcum argues that Christians do not have to give up their religious faith to keep the contributions of science. He confronts the relation between the human body and its non-material parts—the mind and spirit—and provides a way of looking at these metaphysical issues.
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  42. The Orphic Voice.E. SEWELL - 1960
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  43. Poėticheskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ russkogo kosmizma: uchenie, ėstetika, poėtika.Ė. A. Balʹburov - 2003 - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo SO RAN.
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  44. Obrazy v ėkofilosofskoĭ kartine mira: monografii︠a︡.Ė. V. Barkova (ed.) - 2022 - Moskva: RU-Science.
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  45. Justification before knowledge?E. J. Coffman - manuscript
    This paper assesses several prominent recent attacks on the view that epistemic justification is conceptually prior to knowledge. I argue that this view—call it the Received View (RV)—emerges from these attacks unscathed. I start with Timothy Williamson’s two strongest arguments for the claim that all evidence is knowledge (E>K), which impugns RV when combined with the claim that justification depends on evidence. One of Williamson’s arguments assumes a false epistemic closure principle; the other misses some alternative (to E>K) explanations of (...)
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    L'aphasie de broca.E. Goblot - 1908 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 65:639 - 648.
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    The mind: consciousness, prediction, and the brain.E. Bruce Goldstein - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    This book is about the mind and its connection to the brain. The first two chapters discuss the basic characteristics of the mind, and places it in historical context by noting trends in popular culture, and various people's ideas about the mind. This discussion ends by concluding that the most fruitful approach to studying the mind is a scientific approach that looks for connections between the mind and the brain. The last four chapters focus on the following specific principles: The (...)
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    The making of the modern face: cosmetic surgery.E. Haiken - 2000 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 67 (1):81.
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    Lessons from a slave doctor of 1841.E. C. Halperin - 2013 - The Pharos of Alpha Omega Alpha-Honor Medical Society. Alpha Omega Alpha 76 (1):10.
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  50. Baker's Dictionary of Theology.E. F. Harrison, G. W. Bromiley & C. F. Henry - 1960
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