Results for 'Jan Maclean'

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  1. Montaigne. Essays in memory of Richard Sayce.I. D. Mcfarlane, Jan Maclean, François Moureau, René Bernoulli, Géralde Nakam & Stefan Zweig - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (4):463-464.
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    Theorie der Interpretation vom Humanismus bis zur Romantik - Rechtswissenschaft, Philosophie, Theologie: Beiträge zu einem interdisziplinären Symposion in Tübingen, 29. September bis 1. Oktober 1999.Jan Schröder (ed.) - 2001 - Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
    Die Interpretation (seit dem 17. Jahrhundert auch aHermeneutiko) ist das wichtigste methodische Hilfsmittel der Geisteswissenschaften. Die Erforschung ihrer fruehneuzeitlichen Urspruenge ist zwar im letzten Jahrzehnt ein Stueck vorangekommen, aber nach wie vor gibt es keine zusammenfassende Geschichte der juristischen, der theologischen oder der allgemeinen Hermeneutik und schon gar keinen facheruebergreifenden Vergleich. Der vorliegende Band faat die Ertrage der bisherigen Forschung zusammen und liefert darueber hinaus wichtige Bausteine zu einer vergleichenden Geschichte der Hermeneutik. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die bisher vernachlassigte Geschichte (...)
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    Theorie der Interpretation vom Humanismus bis zur Romantik - Rechtswissenschaft, Philosophie, Theologie: Beiträge zu einem interdisziplinären Symposion in Tübingen, 29. September bis 1. Oktober 1999.Jan Schröder (ed.) - 2001 - Stuttgart: Steiner.
    Die Interpretation (seit dem 17. Jahrhundert auch aHermeneutiko) ist das wichtigste methodische Hilfsmittel der Geisteswissenschaften. Die Erforschung ihrer fruehneuzeitlichen Urspruenge ist zwar im letzten Jahrzehnt ein Stueck vorangekommen, aber nach wie vor gibt es keine zusammenfassende Geschichte der juristischen, der theologischen oder der allgemeinen Hermeneutik und schon gar keinen facheruebergreifenden Vergleich. Der vorliegende Band faat die Ertrage der bisherigen Forschung zusammen und liefert darueber hinaus wichtige Bausteine zu einer vergleichenden Geschichte der Hermeneutik. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die bisher vernachlassigte Geschichte (...)
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    Democracy’s critical infrastructure: Rethinking intermediary powers.Jan-Werner Müller - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (3):269-282.
    Ever since the 19th century, political parties and free media were widely deemed indispensable for the proper functioning of representative democracy. They constituted what one might call the criti...
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    Back to WHAT? The role of research ethics in pandemic times.Jan Helge Solbakk, Heidi Beate Bentzen, Søren Holm, Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad, Bjørn Hofmann, Annette Robertsen, Anne Hambro Alnæs, Shereen Cox, Reidar Pedersen & Rose Bernabe - 2021 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 24 (1):3-20.
    The Covid-19 pandemic creates an unprecedented threatening situation worldwide with an urgent need for critical reflection and new knowledge production, but also a need for imminent action despite prevailing knowledge gaps and multilevel uncertainty. With regard to the role of research ethics in these pandemic times some argue in favor of exceptionalism, others, including the authors of this paper, emphasize the urgent need to remain committed to core ethical principles and fundamental human rights obligations all reflected in research regulations and (...)
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    Religion and CSR: An Islamic “Political” Model of Corporate Governance.Jan M. Smolarski & Maurice J. Murphy - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (5):823-854.
    This article examines the political perspective of corporate social responsibility from the standpoint of normative Islam. We argue that large firms within Muslim majority countries have the moral obligation to assist governments in addressing challenges related to sustainable socioeconomic development and in advancing human rights. In substantiating our argument, we draw upon the Islamic business ethics, stakeholder theory, and corporate governance literatures, as well as the concepts of Maqasid al Shariah (the objectives of Islamic law) and fard al ‘ayn (obligation (...)
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  7. The probabilistic no miracles argument.Jan Sprenger - 2016 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 6 (2):173-189.
    This paper develops a probabilistic reconstruction of the No Miracles Argument in the debate between scientific realists and anti-realists. The goal of the paper is to clarify and to sharpen the NMA by means of a probabilistic formalization. In particular, we demonstrate that the persuasive force of the NMA depends on the particular disciplinary context where it is applied, and the stability of theories in that discipline. Assessments and critiques of "the" NMA, without reference to a particular context, are misleading (...)
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    Memory, Authenticity, and Optogenethics.Jan Christoph Bublitz & Dimitris Repantis - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (1):30-32.
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    The Early Axiomatizations of Quantum Mechanics: Jordan, von Neumann and the Continuation of Hilbert's Program.Jan Lacki - 2000 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 54 (4):279-318.
    Hilbert's axiomatization program of physical theories met an interesting challenge when it confronted the rise of quantum mechanics in the mid-twenties. The novelty of the mathematical apparatus of the then newly born theory was to be matched only by its substantial lack of any definite physical interpretation. The early attempts at axiomatization, which are described here, reflect all the difficulty of the task faced by Jordan, Hilbert, von Neumann and others. The role of von Neumann is examined in considerable detail (...)
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    Platons Begriff der Wahrheit (2., durchgesehene Auflage. Studienausgabe).Jan Szaif - 1996 - Freiburg, Germany: Alber.
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    Edmund Husserls Heimat und Herkunft.Jan Kühndel - 1969 - Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 51 (3):286-290.
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    Sur le principe de contradiction chez Aristote.Jan Lukasiewicz, Barbara Cassin & Michel Narcy - 1991 - Rue Descartes 1:9-32.
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    In search of the truth: academic tendencies in middle platonism.Jan Opsomer - 1998 - Brussel: Paleis der Academiën Hertogsstraat I.
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    System structure and cognitive ability as predictors of performance in dynamic system control tasks.Jan Hundertmark, Daniel V. Holt, Andreas Fischer, Nadia Said & Helen Fischer - 2015 - Journal of Dynamic Decision Making 1 (1).
    In dynamic system control, cognitive mechanisms and abilities underlying performance may vary depending on the nature of the task. We therefore investigated the effects of system structure and its interaction with cognitive abilities on system control performance. A sample of 127 university students completed a series of different system control tasks that were manipulated in terms of system size and recurrent feedback, either with or without a cognitive load manipulation. Cognitive abilities assessed included reasoning ability, working memory capacity, and cognitive (...)
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    Between Kherson and Rome. A Survey of Wall Paintings in the Church of St Clement in Stará Boleslav.Jan Dienstbier, Jan Klípa & Adam Pokorný - 2023 - Convivium 10 (2):107-123.
    Comparative study of wall paintings in churches dedicated to St Clement in Stará Boleslav and Rome reveals the wide international networking of contemporary agents in artistic transfer. The importance of late twelfth-century wall paintings in St Clement’s in Stará Boleslav – among Bohemia’s foremost medieval monuments – is underscored by their close proximity to the place of the martyrdom and the center of the cult of the country’s patron, St Wenceslas. The Bohemian church’s consecration echoes the Cyril and Methodius mission, (...)
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    Neoliberalism and Post-Truth: Expertise and the Market Model.Jan Strassheim - 2023 - Theory, Culture and Society 40 (6):107-124.
    Contrary to widespread assumptions, post-truth politicians formally adopt a rhetoric of ‘truth’ but turn it against established experts. To explain one central factor behind this destructive strategy and its success with voters, I consider Walter Lippmann and Friedrich Hayek, who from 1922 onwards helped develop and popularize a political rhetoric of ‘truth’ in terms of scientific expertise. In Hayek’s influential version, market economics became the crucial expert field. Consequently, the 2008 financial crisis impacted attitudes towards experts more generally. But even (...)
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    Focus-Style Proofs for the Two-Way Alternation-Free μ-Calculus.Jan Rooduijn & Yde Venema - 2023 - In Helle Hvid Hansen, Andre Scedrov & Ruy J. G. B. De Queiroz (eds.), Logic, Language, Information, and Computation: 29th International Workshop, WoLLIC 2023, Halifax, NS, Canada, July 11–14, 2023, Proceedings. Springer Nature Switzerland. pp. 318-335.
    We introduce a cyclic proof system for the two-way alternation-free modal μ-calculus. The system manipulates one-sided Gentzen sequents and locally deals with the backwards modalities by allowing analytic applications of the cut rule. The global effect of backwards modalities on traces is handled by making the semantics relative to a specific strategy of the opponent in the evaluation game. This allows us to augment sequents by so-called trace atoms, describing traces that the proponent can construct against the opponent’s strategy. The (...)
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    Enhancement: Consequentialist Arguments.Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2018 - Zeitschrift Für Ethik Und Moralphilosophie 1 (2):321–342.
    Enhancement, the improvement of mental capacities with psychoactive substances and technologies has stimulated one of the largest debates in contemporary bioethics. Surprisingly few participants in this debate take note of the tendentious legal status of psychoactive pharmaceuticals as the primary means of enhancement. -/- Enhancement technologies and substances have measurable effects on specific measurable cognitive functions. A major issue of contention in the debate is how to evaluate these effects, i. e. which theory of value to use. It is contested (...)
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    Vygotsky, Hegel and the Critique of Abstract Reason.Jan Derry - 2013 - In Vygotsky: Philosophy and Education. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 105–125.
    The chapter provides illustrations of the link between Hegel's work and Vygotsky's and shows how the argument that Vygotsky employed an abstract decontextualised form of reason, is groundless. Kant sets out to resolve the dualism of world and mind by positing the categories of understanding. Although Kant's later work moved towards overcoming the rigid separation of concept and intuition and of spontaneity from receptivity, dualism remained. Hegel dealt with dualism from a radically different standpoint, and this transformed the terms in (...)
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  20. S. Le'sniewski's Lecture Notes in Logic.Jan Srzednicki & Zbigniew Stachniak (eds.) - 1988 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    Opposition to Inbreeding Between Close Kin Reflects Inclusive Fitness Costs.Jan Antfolk, Debra Lieberman, Christopher Harju, Anna Albrecht, Andreas Mokros & Pekka Santtila - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Due to the intense selection pressure against inbreeding, humans are expected to possess psychological adaptations that regulate mate choice and avoid inbreeding. From a gene’s-eye perspective, there is little difference in the evolutionary costs between situations where an individual him/herself is participating in inbreeding and inbreeding among other close relatives. The difference is merely quantitative, as fitness can be compromised via both routes. The question is whether humans are sensitive to the direct as well as indirect costs of inbreeding. Using (...)
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    The Enlightenment Bible: Translation, Scholarship, Culture. By Jonathan Sheenan.Jan Marten Ivo Klaver - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):169-170.
  23. Minarchism.Jan Narveson - 2003 - Etica E Politica 5 (2):1-14.
    This essay addresses the on-going controversy between supporters of minimal government, or minarchists, and supporters of no government, or anarchists. Both lay claim to the Libertarian principle, which holds that the only justification for the use of force is to deal with aggressive force initiated by someone else. Both agree that force is justified in dealing with aggressors. The only question is, who wields it, and how? The essay explains, briefly, the role of private property in all this. Private property (...)
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    Racism, “ismism,” and Globalism.Jan Narveson - 2008 - Social Philosophy Today 24:27-38.
    ‘Racism’ has become the name of something we are all against. But what exactly is it, and why are we against it? This general account proposes that in many cases and contexts, the making of racial (and other) distinctions in such a way as to give some kind of preference to members of one such group among others is quite acceptable. When isn’t it, then? The answer proposed here is that it’s unacceptable when the kind of behavior done to some (...)
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  25. Scientific Law Versus Historical Generalization. An Attempt at an Explication.Jan Such - 2009 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 97 (1):337-350.
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    Schelling and protestant theology.Jan Rohls - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 80 (1-2):8-22.
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    Grade Expectations: Rationality and Overconfidence.Jan R. Magnus & Anatoly A. Peresetsky - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  28. Strong and Weak Regress Arguments.Jan Willem Wieland - 2013 - Logique and Analyse 224:439-461.
    In the literature, regress arguments often take one of two different forms: either they conclude that a given solution fails to solve any problem of a certain kind (the strong conclusion), or they conclude that a given solution fails to solve all problems of a certain kind (the weaker conclusion). This gives rise to a logical problem: do regresses entail the strong or the weaker conclusion, or none? In this paper I demonstrate that regress arguments can in fact take both (...)
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  29. How to Speak About History of Analytic Philosophy.Jan Woleński - 2017 - In Jan Woleński, Friedrich Stadler & Anna Brożek (eds.), The Significance of the Lvov-Warsaw School in the European Culture. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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    Philosophy and parapsychology.Jan Ludwig (ed.) - 1978 - Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
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    Het oog van de wetenschapsfilosoof: visies op wetenschap en technologie.Jan Luyten & Ben Hoefnagel (eds.) - 1995 - Amsterdam: Boom Koninklijke Uitgevers.
    Inleidend overzicht van visies van wetenschapsfilosofen op wetenschap en technologie.
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    Theoretical Considerations on the Distribution of Incomes in a Feudal System.Jan Rutkowski - 2009 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 97 (1):185-223.
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  33. Gemeinschaften als Grundlage von Gesellschaft.Jan Schapp - 2006 - Rechtstheorie 37 (1):29-48.
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  34. Methodenlehre, allgemeine Lehren des Rechts und Fall-Lösung.Jan Schapp - 2001 - Rechtstheorie 32 (2-3):305-323.
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    Menschenwürde und Medizin: ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch.Jan C. Joerden, Eric Hilgendorf & Felix Thiele (eds.) - 2013 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
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  36. The promises and perils of non-invasive brain stimulation.Jan-Hendrik Heinrichs - 2012 - International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 35:121-129.
    Non-invasive brain stimulation promises innovative experimental possibilities for psychology and neurosci- ence as well as new therapeutic and palliative measures in medicine. Because of its good risk–benefit ratio, non-invasiveness and reversibility as well as its low effort and cost it has good chances of becoming a wide- spread tool in science, medicine and even in lay use. While most issues in medical and research ethics such as informed consent, safety, and potential for misuse can be handled with manageable effort, the (...)
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    Libertarianism, postlibertarianism, and the welfare state: Reply to Friedman.Jan Narveson - 1992 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 6 (1):45-82.
    Jeffrey Friedman broaches a number of criticisms of Libertarianism as a conceptual basis for opposing the extensive modern welfare state, examining several variants and concluding that they are fundamentally unsupported. He opts for a “consequentialist” view of foundations. Nevertheless, he thinks that the modem welfare state is subject to effective critique along such lines. But rational contractarian individualism works and does provide foundations for libertarianism, while “consequentialism” is an ill‐defined theory.that is quite unpromising for the proposed critique; nevertheless, Friedman's empirical (...)
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    Education and globalisation.Jan Masschelein - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (4):565-584.
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    An asymmetric view of brain laterality.Jan Bureš, O. Burešová & J. Krivánek - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):22-23.
  40. Posthuman sexlessness in cloning, Pokémon, and Nietzschean ethics.Jan Gresil S. Kahambing - 2020 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 30 (2):47-50.
    An inquiry into the bioethical or ethical component of post-humanism can be through the question of sex. Following from Manoj’s idea of a cyborg as having a “sexless” possibility, this paper presents other arguments that advance the possibility of asexuality in the posthuman. First, I begin with a discussion of Žižek’s point concerning the cessation or voiding of sexual difference. Second, I will continue such an argument through the selfreplicating possibilities of cloning and full cyberspace immersion, the later as prototyped (...)
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    Civic Education and the Reasonable Religious Citizen.Jan Harald Alnes - 2017 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 20 (3).
    El propósito de este artículo es refutar las objeciones de Marc Ramsey a los principios de educación cívica del liberalismo político. Argumento que Ramsey malinterpreta la distinción entre la esfera pública y la esfera privada que emana del liberalismo político, y que su opinión de que, cuando es escrutado, el liberalismo político deriva en un liberalismo comprehensivo o de la «autonomía» carece de fundamento. La relevancia del tema es que la educación de acuerdo con el liberalismo político es más tolerante (...)
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    Steinzeit und Sternzeit: altägyptische Zeitkonzepte.Jan Assmann - 2011 - München: Fink.
    Der agyptische Zeitbegriff hat zwei Eigentumlichkeiten: erstens gibt es nicht einen, sondern zwei Begriffe fur das, was wir Zeit nennen, und zweitens konnen wir diese Begriffe zugleich mit Zeit und mit Ewigkeit wiedergeben. Sie bezeichnen die Zeit in ihrer Gesamtheit, ihrer unabsehbaren Fulle. Jan Assmann untersucht die Bedeutung dieses dualen Zeit/Ewigkeitsbegriffs in funf Schritten. Im ersten Teil wird diese Zweiteilung der Zeit aus der Aspektopposition des agyptischen Verbalsystems abgeleitet, das sich nicht, wie das uns vertraute auf die drei Zeitstufen Vergangenheit (...)
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    The Ecclesiological and Missiological Perspectives of Synodality.Jan Nowotnik - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1113):549-559.
    The aim of this paper is to appreciate more deeply the ecclesiological and missiological perspectives of synodality and thus to suggest that synodality is not something new or created as the whim of Pope Francis but that it is rooted in the Church's ecclesiology from its earliest times and as such finds an expression in the Church's life and mission. In this paper I will demonstrate that the Church has always been a synodal Church and what we are witnessing now (...)
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  44. Le'sniewski's Systems. Ontology and Mereology.Jan Srzednicki & Frederick Rickey (eds.) - 1984 - Martinus Nijhow Publishers, Ossolineum.
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  45. Aesthetic Normativity and Realism.Jan Hrkut - 2012 - Filozofia 67 (5):353-361.
  46. Po metafizyce o metafizyce i realizmie świata stanowionego.Jan P. Hudzik - 2008 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:21-44.
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  47. Falsificationist confirmation.Jan Sprenger - unknown
    Existing accounts of hypothetico-deductive confirmation are able to circumvent the classical objections, but the confirmation of conjunctions of hypotheses brings them into trouble. Therefore this paper develops a new, falsificationist account of qualitative confirmation by means of Ken Gemes ' theory of content parts. The new approach combines the hypothetico-deductive view with falsificationist and instance confirmation principles. It is considerably simpler than the previous suggestions and gives a better treatment of conjunctive hypotheses while solving the tacking problems equally well.
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    Learning to Regulate Learning Healthcare Systems.Jan Piasecki & Vilius Dranseika - 2019 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 28 (2):369-377.
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    Determining and Modifying Attributes.Jan Claas & Benjamin Schnieder - 2019 - In Giuliano Bacigalupo & Hélène Leblanc (eds.), Anton Marty and Contemporary Philosophy. Cham: Palgrave. pp. 59-96.
    This paper investigates the distinction between determining and modifying expressions that played an important role in the Brentano School. The focus lies on how the distinction is applied to adjectives by Anton Marty and Kazimierz Twardowski. In ‘heavy gun’, ‘heavy’ plays a determining role: heavy guns are guns; in ‘fake gun’, ‘fake’ plays a modifying role: fake guns are no guns at all. According to Marty and Twardowski, when a modifying adjective is combined with a noun, it shifts the meaning (...)
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    Agency without actors?: new approaches to collective action.Jan-Hendrik Passoth, Birgit Maria Peuker & Michael W. J. Schillmeier (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Routledge.
    Agency without Actors? New Approaches to collective Action is rethinking a key issue in social theory and research: the question of agency. The history of sociological thought is deeply intertwined with the discourse of human agency as an effect of social relations. In most recent discussions the role of non-humans gains a substantial impact. Consequently the book asks: Are nonhumans active, do they have agency? And if so: how and in what different ways? The volume offers a critical state-of-the-art debate (...)
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