Results for 'Jan Czapla'

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  1.  31
    The Address from the Polish Ambassador to India.Jan Czapla - 1976 - Dialectics and Humanism 3 (3-4):8-8.
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    Unknotting reciprocal causation between organism and environment.Jan Baedke, Alejandro Fábregas-Tejeda & Guido I. Prieto - 2021 - Biology and Philosophy 36 (5):1-29.
    In recent years, biologists and philosophers of science have argued that evolutionary theory should incorporate more seriously the idea of ‘reciprocal causation.’ This notion refers to feedback loops whereby organisms change their experiences of the environment or alter the physical properties of their surroundings. In these loops, in particular niche constructing activities are central, since they may alter selection pressures acting on organisms, and thus affect their evolutionary trajectories. This paper discusses long-standing problems that emerge when studying such reciprocal causal (...)
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    Genesis: The Evolution of Biology.Jan Sapp - 2003 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Genesis: The Evolution of Biology presents a history of the past two centuries of biology, suitable for use in courses, but of interest more broadly to evolutionary biologists, geneticists, and biomedical scientists, as well as general readers interested in the history of science. The book covers the early evolutionary biologists-Lamarck, Cuvier, Darwin and Wallace through Mayr and the neodarwinian synthesis, in much the same way as other histories of evolution have done, bringing in also the social implications, the struggles with (...)
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  4. Autonomy and authenticity of enhanced personality traits.Jan Christoph Bublitz & Reinhard Merkel - 2009 - Bioethics 23 (6):360-374.
    There is concern that the use of neuroenhancements to alter character traits undermines consumer's authenticity. But the meaning, scope and value of authenticity remain vague. However, the majority of contemporary autonomy accounts ground individual autonomy on a notion of authenticity. So if neuroenhancements diminish an agent's authenticity, they may undermine his autonomy. This paper clarifies the relation between autonomy, authenticity and possible threats by neuroenhancements. We present six neuroenhancement scenarios and analyse how autonomy accounts evaluate them. Some cases are considered (...)
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  5. Collective responsibility.Jan Narveson - 2002 - The Journal of Ethics 6 (2):179-198.
    The basic bearer of responsibility is individuals, because that isall there are – nothing else can literally be the bearer of fullresponsibility. Claims about group responsibility therefore needanalysis. This would be impossible if all actions must be understoodas ones that could be performed whether or not anyone else exists.Individuals often act by virtue of membership in certain groups;often such membership bears a causal role in our behavior, andsometimes people act deliberately in order to promote the prospectsof members of a given (...)
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    Petrifying Earth Process: The Stratigraphic Imprint of Key Earth System Parameters in the Anthropocene.Jan Zalasiewicz, Will Steffen, Reinhold Leinfelder, Mark Williams & Colin Waters - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (2-3):83-104.
    The Anthropocene concept arose within the Earth System science (ESS) community, albeit explicitly as a geological (stratigraphical) time term. Its current analysis by the stratigraphical community, as a potential formal addition to the Geological Time Scale, necessitates comparison of the methodologies and patterns of enquiry of these two communities. One means of comparison is to consider some of the most widely used results of the ESS, the ‘planetary boundaries’ concept of Rockström and colleagues, and the ‘Great Acceleration’ graphs of Steffen (...)
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  7.  60
    Does the extended evolutionary synthesis entail extended explanatory power?Jan Baedke, Alejandro Fábregas-Tejeda & Francisco Vergara-Silva - 2020 - Biology and Philosophy 35 (1):1-22.
    Biologists and philosophers of science have recently called for an extension of evolutionary theory. This so-called ‘extended evolutionary synthesis’ seeks to integrate developmental processes, extra-genetic forms of inheritance, and niche construction into evolutionary theory in a central way. While there is often agreement in evolutionary biology over the existence of these phenomena, their explanatory relevance is questioned. Advocates of EES posit that their perspective offers better explanations than those provided by ‘standard evolutionary theory’. Still, why this would be the case (...)
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    To-Do Is to Be: Foucault, Levinas, and Technologically Mediated Subjectivation.Jan Peter Bergen & Peter-Paul Verbeek - 2021 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (2):325-348.
    The theory of technological mediation aims to take technological artifacts seriously, recognizing the constitutive role they play in how we experience the world, act in it, and how we are constituted as (moral) subjects. Its quest for a compatible ethics has led it to Foucault’s “care of the self,” i.e., a transformation of the self by oneself through self-discipline. In this regard, technologies have been interpreted as power structures to which one can relate through Foucaultian “technologies of the self” or (...)
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  9. Normative systems of discovery and logic of search.Jan M. Zytkow & Herbert A. Simon - 1988 - Synthese 74 (1):65 - 90.
    New computer systems of discovery create a research program for logic and philosophy of science. These systems consist of inference rules and control knowledge that guide the discovery process. Their paths of discovery are influenced by the available data and the discovery steps coincide with the justification of results. The discovery process can be described in terms of fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence such as heuristic search, and can also be interpreted in terms of logic. The traditional distinction that places (...)
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  10. Tense as a Feature of Perceptual Content.Jan Almäng - 2014 - Journal of Philosophy 111 (7):361-378.
    In recent years the idea that perceptual content is tensed in the sense that we can perceive objects as present or as past has come under attack. In this paper the notion of tensed content is to the contrary defended. The paper argues that assuming that something like an intentionalistic theory of perception is correct, it is very reasonable to suppose that perceptual content is tensed, and that a denial of this notion requires a denial of some intuitively very plausible (...)
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  11. What Is Lyric Philosophy?Jan Zwicky - 2014 - Common Knowledge 20 (1):14-27.
    These sixty-one numbered paragraphs offer an overview of the idea and practice of lyric philosophy. They draw heavily on the author's texts Lyric Philosophy, Wisdom & Metaphor, and “Bringhurst's Presocratics: Lyric and Ecology”. The present essay outlines key concepts — clarity as resonance, metaphor as gestalt shift, meaning as gesture, the overlap between philosophy and poetry, the nature of lyric truth — and suggests that they are essential to an adequate epistemology. These concepts allow us to address serious gaps in (...)
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  12.  52
    Politics and the political in critical discourse studies: state of the art and a call for an intensified focus on the metapolitical dimension of discursive practice.Jan Zienkowski - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (2):131-148.
    ABSTRACTBased on an overview of the ways in which politics and the political have been thought in critical discourse analysis, the author calls for a focus on the metapolitical dimension of discourse. The author develops his notion of metapolitics on the basis of post-foundational insights into politics, the political and processes of politicization. Metapolitics refers to projects and struggles where conflicting modes and models of politics clash. Metapolitical debates potentially reshape the structure of the public realm as well as the (...)
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  13.  57
    Adolf Lindenbaum: Notes on his Life, with Bibliography and Selected References.Jan Zygmunt & Robert Purdy - 2014 - Logica Universalis 8 (3-4):285-320.
    Notes on the life of Adolf Lindenbaum, a complete bibliography of his published works, and selected references to his unpublished results.
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    Medieval philosophy as transcendental thought: from Philip the Chancellor (ca. 1225) to Francisco Súarez.Jan Aertsen - 2012 - Boston: Brill.
    This book provides for the first time a complete history of the doctrine of the transcendentals and shows its importance for the understanding of philosophy in the Middle Ages.
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  15. Pacifism: A philosophical analysis.Jan Narveson - 1965 - Ethics 75 (4):259-271.
    Of all the attitudes and theories associated with or identified as "pacifism," only the doctrine that everyone ought not to resist violence with force is of philosophical interest, And it is logically incoherent. Pacifism's popularity rests on confusions about what the doctrine really is. If we have rights, We have the right to prevent infringements upon them. We have the right to use force to protect our rights, And in the degree necessary to accomplish that end. (staff).
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  16. Animal Rights.Jan Narveson - 1977 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):161 - 178.
    What do we owe to the lower animals, if anything? The issues raised by this question are among the most fascinating and fundamental in ethical theory. They provide a real watershed for the moral philosopher and, on perhaps the most widely professed view, a trenchant test of consistency in ethical practice. Among the virtues of these two challenging books is that they make painfully clear that there has been a paucity of clear and plausible argument in support of the nearly (...)
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  17. The epigenetic landscape in the course of time: Conrad Hal Waddington’s methodological impact on the life sciences.Jan Baedke - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4):756-773.
    It seems that the reception of Conrad Hal Waddington’s work never really gathered speed in mainstream biology. This paper, offering a transdisciplinary survey of approaches using his epigenetic landscape images, argues that (i) Waddington’s legacy is much broader than is usually recognized—it is widespread across the life sciences (e.g. stem cell biology, developmental psychology and cultural anthropology). In addition, I will show that (ii) there exist as yet unrecognized heuristic roles, especially in model building and theory formation, which Waddington’s images (...)
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  18.  67
    The struggle for authority in the field of heredity, 1900?1932: New perspectives on the rise of genetics.Jan Sapp - 1983 - Journal of the History of Biology 16 (3):311-342.
  19.  76
    The Meaning Structure of Social Networks.Jan A. Fuhse - 2009 - Sociological Theory 27 (1):51 - 73.
    This essay proposes to view networks as sociocultural structures. Following authors from Leopold von Wiese and Norbert Elias to Gary Alan Fine and Harrison White, networks are configurations of social relationships interwoven with meaning. Social relationships as the basic building blocks of networks are conceived of as dynamic structures of reciprocal (but not necessarily symmetric) expectations between alter and ego. Through their transactions, alter and ego construct an idiosyncratic "relationship culture" comprising symbols, narratives, and relational identities. The coupling of social (...)
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  20. Perceiving Exploding Tropes.Jan Almäng - 2016 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 93 (1):42-62.
    The topic of this paper is the perception of properties. It is argued that the perception of properties allows for a distinction between the sense of the identity and the sense of the qualitative nature of a property. So, for example, we might perceive a property as being identical over time even though it is presented as more and more determinate. Thus, you might see an object first as red and then as crimson red. In this case, the property is (...)
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    Educational Engagement: On the Entangled Possibilities of Investments in Education.Jan Frode Haugseth - forthcoming - Educational Theory.
    In this article, Jan Frode Haugseth discusses a multidimensional model of educational engagement by outlining Laurent Thévenot's regimes of engagement in an educational setting. Haugseth argues that six intertwined regimes of educational engagement could be perceived to exist in tension with each other: formality, justice, familiarity, exploration, love/care, and retreat, all reflecting the relationship between cognition, bodies, and the environment (immediate surroundings as well as cultural and historical configurations). The regimes are simultaneously valid on a personal level, as engagement is (...)
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  22.  39
    Democracy’s critical infrastructure: Rethinking intermediary powers.Jan-Werner Müller - 2021 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 47 (3):269-282.
    Ever since the 19th century, political parties and free media were widely deemed indispensable for the proper functioning of representative democracy. They constituted what one might call the criti...
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  23.  90
    What Is Ineffable?Jan Zwicky - 2012 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 26 (2):197-217.
    In this essay, I argue, via a revision of Freud's notions of primary and secondary process, that experiences of resonant form lie at the root of many serious ineffability claims. I suggest further that Western European culture's resistance to the perception of resonant form underlies some of its present crises.
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  24.  10
    Alkibiades' Love: Essays in Philosophy.Jan Zwicky - 2015 - Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    Alkibiades, a central character in Plato's Symposium, claims that philosophy touches him to the quick. When Socrates speaks, he's often moved to tears and realizes he must change his life. In Alkibiades' Love, Jan Zwicky demonstrates that this image of philosophy is not anachronistic, but remains the living heart of the discipline. Philosophy can indeed matter to our lives, but for it to do so, we must reconceive the methods that, since the Enlightenment, have dominated its self-image in the West. (...)
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  25.  58
    Gestalt descriptions embodiments and medical image interpretation.Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen Friis - 2017 - AI and Society 32 (2):209-218.
    In this paper I will argue that medical specialists interpret and diagnose through technological mediations like X-ray and fMRI images, and by actualizing embodied skills tacitly they are determining the identity of objects in the perceptual field. The initial phase of human interpretation of visual objects takes place during the moments of visual perception before we are consciously aware of the perceived. What facilitate this innate ability to interpret are experiences, learning and training that become humanly embodied skills. These embodied (...)
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  26.  22
    Once upon a Time in the West: Essays on the Politics of Thought and Imagination.Jan Zwicky - 2023 - Chicago: McGill-Queen's University Press.
    Western civilization is over. So begins Jan Zwicky’s trenchant exploration of the root of global cultural and ecological collapse: a way of thinking that is also linked to some of the West’s most noted achievements. The Renaissance merged imperial enterprise with Islamic algebra and recently recovered Greek mathematics to precipitate mechanized industry and resource extraction; these in turn made possible the growth of capitalism, the military-industrial complex, and Big Technology. Despite its self-image as objective, Zwicky argues, the West’s style of (...)
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  27. On a Case for Animal Rights.Jan Narveson - 1987 - The Monist 70 (1):31-49.
    Down through the past decade and more, no philosophical writer has taken a greater interest in the issues of how we ought to act in relation to animals, nor pressed more strongly the case for according them rights, than Tom Regan, in many articles, reviews, and exchanges at scholarly conferences and in print. Now, in The Case for Animal Rights we have a substantial volume in which Regan most fully and systematically presents his case for a strong panoply of rights (...)
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  28.  42
    Democracy and disrespect.Jan-Werner Müller - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (9-10):1208-1221.
    The essay takes the widespread complaint that societies today are deeply divided and polarized as a starting point. Affirming that there is no democracy without division, it asks what it means for conflict and disagreement to be dealt with in a respectful and civil manner. As an illustration of the main argument, the way that liberals (in the broadest sense) have engaged with populist leaders is criticized on both a strategic and normative level. An alternative to existing strategies of dealing (...)
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  29.  47
    Where the social meets the biological: new ontologies of biosocial race.Jan Baedke & Azita Chellappoo - 2023 - Synthese 201 (1):1-23.
    In recent years, postgenomic research, and the fields of epigenetics and microbiome science in particular, have described novel ways in which social processes of racialization can become embodied and result in physiological and health-related racial difference. This new conception of biosocial race has important implications for philosophical debates on the ontology of race. We argue that postgenomic research on race exhibits two key biases in the way that racial schemas are deployed. Firstly, although the ‘new biosocial race’ has been characterized (...)
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    Where organisms meet the environment.Jan Baedke & Tatjana Buklijas - 2023 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 99 (C):4-9.
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    A problem for extensional theories of time-consciousness.Jan Almäng - 2021 - Synthese 199 (5-6):14865-14880.
    Extensionalist theories of the specious present suggest that every perceptual experience is extended in time for a short while, such that they are co-extensive in time with the time experienced in them. Thus, there can be no experience of time, unless the experience itself is extended in time. Accordingly, there must be something that unites the temporal parts of a perceptual experience into temporally extended wholes. I call this the “glue-problem for extensionalism”. In this paper I suggest three desiderata that (...)
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  32.  62
    Rules, Standards, and the Video Assistant Referee in Football.Jan Zglinski - 2020 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 16 (1):3-19.
    Introduced with the hope of reducing refereeing errors and increasing “football justice”, the Video Assistant Referee has attracted much criticism from players and spectators alike. Drawing o...
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  33. Analysis without actual infinity.Jan Mycielski - 1981 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 46 (3):625-633.
    We define a first-order theory FIN which has a recursive axiomatization and has the following two properties. Each finite part of FIN has finite models. FIN is strong enough to develop that part of mathematics which is used or has potential applications in natural science. This work can also be regarded as a consistency proof of this hitherto informal part of mathematics. In FIN one can count every set; this permits one to prove some new probabilistic theorems.
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    Saving the World through Sacrificing Liberties? A Critique of some Normative Arguments in Unfit for the Future.Jan Christoph Bublitz - 2016 - Neuroethics 12 (1):23-34.
    The paper critically engages with some of the normative arguments in Julian Savulescu and Ingmar Persson’s book Unfit for the Future. In particular, it scrutinizes the authors’ argument in denial of a moral right to privacy as well as their political proposal to alter humankind’s moral psychology in order to avert climate change, terrorism and to redress global injustice.
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    How Experts Solve a Novel Problem in Experimental Design.Jan Maarten Schraagen - 1993 - Cognitive Science 17 (2):285-309.
    Research on expert‐novice differences has mainly focused on how experts solve familiar problems. We know far less about the skills and knowledge used by experts when they are confronted with novel problems within their area of expertise. This article discusses a study in which verbal protocols were taken from subjects of various expertise designing an experiment in an area with which they were unfamiliar. The results showed that even when domain knowledge is lacking, experts solve a novel problem within their (...)
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  36.  45
    On the Origins of Constitutional Patriotism.Jan-Werner Müller - 2006 - Contemporary Political Theory 5 (3):278-296.
    Political theorists tend to dismiss the concept of constitutional patriotism for two main reasons. On the one hand, constitutional patriotism — understood as a post-national, universalist form of democratic political allegiance — is rejected on account of its abstract quality. On the otherhand, it is argued that constitutional patriotism, while apprearing universalist, is in fact particular through and through. According to this genealogical critique, it is held that constitutional patriotism might have been appropriate in the context when it originated — (...)
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    Debate: Immigrants and Newcomers by Birth—Do Statist Arguments Imply a Right to Exclude Both?Jan Brezger & Andreas Cassee - 2016 - Journal of Political Philosophy 24 (3):367-378.
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    Action negation and alternative reductions for dynamic deontic logics.Jan Broersen - 2004 - Journal of Applied Logic 2 (1):153-168.
  39. An Argument for Shape Internalism.Jan Almäng - 2017 - Erkenntnis 82 (4):819-836.
    This paper is a defense of an internalist view of the perception of shapes. A basic assumption of the paper is that perceptual experiences have certain parts which account both for the phenomenal character associated with perceiving shapes—phenomenal shapes—and for the intentional content presenting shapes—intentional shapes. Internalism about perceptions of shapes is defined as the claim that phenomenal shapes determine the intentional shapes. Externalism is defined as the claim that perceptual experiences represent whatever shape the phenomenal shape reliably tracks. The (...)
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  40.  57
    Rawls, Historian : Remarks on Political Liberalism's 'Historicism'.Jan-Werner Müller - 2006 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 3 (3):327-339.
  41.  23
    In Defence of Ethicists. A Commentary on Christopher Cowley’s Paper.Jan Crosthwaite - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (3):281-283.
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  42. The Geology of Norway.Jan Zwicky - 1999 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 7 (1):29-34.
  43.  66
    Limitation of treatment at the end of life: an empirical-ethical analysis regarding the practices of physician members of the German Society for Palliative Medicine.Jan Schildmann, Julia Hoetzel, Anne Baumann, Christof Mueller-Busch & Jochen Vollmann - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (6):327-332.
    Objectives To determine the frequencies and types of limitation of medical treatment performed by physician members of the German Society for Palliative Medicine and to analyse the findings with respect to clinical and ethical aspects of end-of-life practices. Design Cross-sectional postal survey. Setting Data collection via the secretary of the German Society for Palliative Medicine using the German language version of the EURELD survey instrument. Subjects All 1645 physician members of the German Society for Palliative Medicine. Main outcome measures Types (...)
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    Interaction of Philosophy and Natural Sciences in Byzantine Empire.Ján Zozuľak - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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    Locally finite theories.Jan Mycielski - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (1):59-62.
    We say that a first order theoryTislocally finiteif every finite part ofThas a finite model. It is the purpose of this paper to construct in a uniform way for any consistent theoryTa locally finite theory FIN which is syntactically isomorphic toT.Our construction draws upon the main idea of Paris and Harrington [6] and generalizes the syntactic aspect of their result from arithmetic to arbitrary theories. The first mathematically strong locally finite theory, called FIN, was defined in [1]. Now we get (...)
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  46. Property and rights.Jan Narveson - 2010 - Social Philosophy and Policy 27 (1):101-134.
    I present what I take to be the approach to property rights, in which property is basically a unitary concept: owners are the ones with the right to do, and prohibit others from doing, whatever there is to do with the thing owned, within the limits imposed by the rights of others to their things. I expound and defend the idea of in more or less Lockean mode. I also point to the many difficulties of application of the general idea, (...)
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  47.  61
    Promising, Expecting, and Utility.Jan Narveson - 1971 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):207 - 233.
    In this paper, I shall be concerned to explore the utilitarian account of promising, which for some time has had, in many circles, the status of a dead horse. My aim is not to flog it, however, but to show that perhaps it yet lives. At least, I hope to show that some prominent and apparently powerful objections to this account do not find their mark. In the course of this, several subjects of wider interest will come in for review (...)
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    : Moral Teleology: A Theory of Progress.Jan-Christoph Heilinger - 2025 - Ethics 135 (3):621-627.
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    Libertarianism, postlibertarianism, and the welfare state: Reply to Friedman.Jan Narveson - 1992 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 6 (1):45-82.
    Jeffrey Friedman broaches a number of criticisms of Libertarianism as a conceptual basis for opposing the extensive modern welfare state, examining several variants and concluding that they are fundamentally unsupported. He opts for a “consequentialist” view of foundations. Nevertheless, he thinks that the modem welfare state is subject to effective critique along such lines. But rational contractarian individualism works and does provide foundations for libertarianism, while “consequentialism” is an ill‐defined theory.that is quite unpromising for the proposed critique; nevertheless, Friedman's empirical (...)
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    Symbiogenesis: the hidden face of constantin Merezhkowsky.Jan Sapp, Carrapiç, Francisco O. & Mikhail Zolotonosov - 2002 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 24 (3-4):413-440.
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