Results for 'James Gobbo'

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  1. Catholic identity and health care.James Gobbo - 2011 - Chisholm Health Ethics Bulletin 16 (3):1.
    Gobbo, James This is an edited record of the address given by Sir James Gobbo to the Centre's Annual General Meeting on 13 October 2010.
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  2. Desire, Aversion, and Welfare.James Fanciullo - forthcoming - Analysis.
    According to desire satisfactionism, well-being consists in getting what you desire. Recently, several theorists have suggested that this view should be extended to claim that ill-being consists in getting what you are averse to. I argue that both of these paradigmatic claims are false. As I show, desire and aversion are indeed both relevant to well-being and ill-being—in fact, perhaps surprisingly, each attitude has unique effects on both our well-being and ill-being. However, these effects are a matter of the unique (...)
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  3. Types and Tokens.James Miller - forthcoming - In Hilary Nesi & Petar Milin, International Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier.
    The entry provides an overview of the type-token distinction, including a comparison to other nearby distinctions.
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    Spinoza and the Poetic Imagination.Susan James - 2023 - Australasian Philosophical Review 7 (1):9-27.
    This paper traces Spinoza’s engagement with early-modern poetics. Historians of philosophy regularly locate Spinoza within the philosophical traditions of his time. I argue that, by placing him in a parallel poetic culture, we can extend our appreciation of the expectations and debates to which he is responding, and the ways he uses poetry in his philosophical work. I make three claims: that Spinoza’s conception of imagination is fundamentally poetic; that he offers a genealogical resolution to a debate about the relative (...)
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  5. The True Self and Decision-Making Capacity.James Toomey, Jonathan Lewis, Ivar R. Hannikainen & Brian D. Earp - 2024 - American Journal of Bioethics 24 (8):86-88.
    Jennifer Hawkins (2024) offers two cases that challenge traditional accounts of decision-making capacity, according to which respect for a medical decision turns on an individual’s cognitive capacities at the time the decision is made (Hawkins 2024; Appelbaum and Grisso 1988). In each of her described cases (involving anorexia nervosa and grief, respectively), a patient makes a decision that—although instrumentally rational at the time—does not reflect the patient’s longer-term values due to being in a particular psychological state. Importantly, this state does (...)
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  6. The Dogmatism Puzzle Undone.James Simpson - forthcoming - Analytic Philosophy.
    According to the dogmatism puzzle, for any S and any p, if S knows that p, then she’s entitled to be dogmatic about p, and so disregard any evidence against p, for she knows that (or is in a position to know that) that evidence is misleading. But this seems clearly problematically dogmatic. The standard solution to the dogmatism puzzle involves appealing to the view that acquiring new evidence (even misleading evidence) can undermine one’s knowledge that p. That’s why one (...)
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    Philoophical Consequences of Quantum Theory.James T. Cushing & Ernan McMullin (eds.) - 1989 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    From the beginning, the implications of quantum theory for our most general understanding of the world have been a matter of intense debate. Einstein argues that the theory had to be regarded as fundamentally incomplete. Its inability, for example, to predict the exact time of decay of a single radioactive atom had to be due to a failure of the theory and not due to a permanent inability on our part or a fundamental indeterminism in nature itself. In 1964, John (...)
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    Feelings: The Perception of Self.James D. Laird - 2007 - Oup Usa.
    This book aims to pinpoint the connection feelings have with behaviour - a connection that, while clear, has never been fully explained. Following William James, Laird argues that feelings are not the cause of behavior but rather its consequences; the same goes for behaviour and motives and behaviour and attitudes. He presents research into feelings across the spectrum, from anger to joy to fear to romantic love, that support this against-the-grain view. Laird discusses the problem of common sense, self-perception (...)
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  9. Preference as Desire.James Fanciullo - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper considers two competing views of the relationship between preference and desire. On what I call the “preference-first view,” preference is our most basic form of conative attitude, and desire reduces to preference. This view is widely assumed, and essentially treated as orthodoxy, among standard decision theorists, economists, and others. I argue, however, that the preference-first view has things the wrong way around. I first show that the standard motivation offered for this view—motivation underlying foundational work in decision theory (...)
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  10. A Permissive View of Fitting Emotional Change.James Fritz - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Many object-directed emotions change in intensity over time. Importantly, this sometimes happens even though the emotion’s object remains unchanged: grief over the tragic loss of a loved one, for instance, fades even though the loss remains tragic. Can a changing emotion continue to fit its unchanging object? Existing answers to this question tend to vindicate strikingly narrow visions of fitting emotional change: some, for instance, consider it uniquely fitting for grief to diminish, while others consider grief fitting only when it (...)
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  11. How to Be a Prudential Expressivist.James L. D. Brown - 2025 - Mind:fzae072.
    This paper examines the prospects for an expressivist theory of prudential thought and discussion, or thought and discussion about what is good for us or what makes our lives go well. It is becoming increasingly common to view prudential thought and discussion as a kind of normative thought and discussion. If this is right, then expressivism, like any other meta-normative view, must be able to explain prudential thought and discussion. However, existing expressivist theories offer no such explanation and lack the (...)
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  12. ‘You do it like this!’: Bare Impersonals as Indefinite Singular Generics.James Ravi Kirkpatrick & Joshua Knobe - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Sentences with impersonal pronouns, like 'You do it like this', seem to make both statistical and prescriptive claims, that a certain way of behaving is common and that it is prescriptively good. We argue that these kinds of sentences are closely related to another kind of sentence, namely, indefinite singular generics, like 'A person does it like this'. We propose that there is a single underlying mechanism that allows both kinds of sentences to express mixed statistical/prescriptive readings. We then provide (...)
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  13. The Muses Speak as One.James Griffith - 2025 - In Stories and Memories, Memories and Histories: A Cross-disciplinary Volume on Time, Narrativity, and Identity. Leiden: Brill. pp. 1-26.
    This chapter first gives a rough outline of the reasoning behind the division of this collection of essays, one part focused on particular issues and the second on more universal ones. It then works out that reasoning in more detail through an examination of the historical development of the relationship between storytelling, as represented by myth and poetry, and history in the Western tradition from Hesiod through Hegel. The thesis is that Aristotle’s philosophical preference for poetry over history is overturned (...)
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  14. The Ethics of Putting Things Into Perspective.James Fritz - forthcoming - Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics.
    This paper looks into the ethics of positive perspective-taking. Positive perspective-taking is, roughly, an attitudinal orientation toward an object that treats that object as sufficiently good, or in other words, as meeting one’s normative expectations. Sometimes, positive perspective-taking is both prudent and virtuous. But sometimes, positive perspective-taking–especially about injustices done to others–seems morally suspicious. When is positive perspective-taking actually morally problematic, and in those cases, what is the nature of the moral problem? I argue that a complete answer to this (...)
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    Antinatalism and the vegan’s dilemma.James Schultz - 2024 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 45 (6):493-494.
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  16. ‘Hell? Yes!’ Moorean Reasons to Reject Three Objections to the Possibility of Damnation.James Dominic Rooney - forthcoming - Religious Studies.
    Objections to the orthodox doctrine of an eternal hell often rely on arguments that it cannot be a person’s own fault that she ends up in hell. The paper summarizes and addresses three significant arguments which aim to show that it could not be any individual’s fault that they end up in hell. I respond to these objections by showing that those who affirm a classical picture of sin have Moorean reasons to reject these objections. That classical perspective holds that (...)
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  17. Four Bottomless Errors and the Collapse of Statistical Fairness.James Brusseau - manuscript
    The AI ethics of statistical fairness is an error, the approach should be abandoned, and the accumulated academic work deleted. The argument proceeds by identifying four recurring mistakes within statistical fairness. One conflates fairness with equality, which confines thinking to similars being treated similarly. The second and third errors derive from a perspectival ethical view which functions by negating others and their viewpoints. The final mistake constrains fairness to work within predefined social groups instead of allowing unconstrained fairness to subsequently (...)
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    Spinoza and the Poetic Imagination: Replies.Susan James - 2023 - Australasian Philosophical Review 7 (1):94-104.
    These eight generous commentaries raise an inspiring array of questions about the relationship between philosophy and poetry as it was viewed by Spinoza and his contemporaries. Taken singly and tog...
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  19. The Evidential Problem of Evil and the Aesthetics of Surprise.James S. Spiegel - forthcoming - Faith and Philosophy.
    Paul Draper argues that given theism we should not expect the amount of pain and suffering we observe in the world. And since the prevalence of such evils is not surprising from a non-theistic perspective, we should reject the theistic hypothesis. But not all surprising observations are necessarily a demerit when it comes to the assessment of a given theoretical perspective. I propose that on Christian theism the prevalence of evil is a surprising feature that contributes to the overall aesthetic (...)
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  20. We Deserve It: An Augustinian Response to Divine Hiddenness Arguments.James Dominic Rooney - forthcoming - New Blackfriars.
    Significant attention as been devoted to the problem of ‘divine hiddenness’ proposed by JL Shellenberg. I propose a novel response that involves denying part of the empirical premise in divine hiddenness arguments, which holds that nonresistant nonbelievers are capable of relationship with God. While Plantinga and others in ‘reformed’ epistemology have at times appealed to original sin as an explanation for divine hiddenness, such responses might seem outlandish to many, given the way that many find nonbelievers to be no more (...)
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    Constitutional liberalism through thick and thin: Reflections on Frank Michelman’s Constitutional Essentials.James E. Fleming & Linda C. McClain - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (7):1085-1100.
    In his new book, Constitutional Essentials, Frank Michelman provides a splendid elaboration and defense of ‘the constitutional theory of political liberalism’ implicit in John Rawls’s classic work, Political Liberalism. In this essay, we make some observations about what a difference 30 years makes, comparing the political and constitutional climate in which Rawls wrote and published Political Liberalism in 1993 with the climate in which Michelman wrote and published this exegesis of it. We focus on (1) changes in our circumstances of (...)
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  22. Is metaethical naturalism sufficient? A Confucian response to problems of meaning.James Dominic Rooney - forthcoming - Asian Philosophy:1-11.
    Ethical naturalism is sometimes accused of problematic metaphysics or epistemology. Some argue that naturalists rely on concepts of ‘nature’ indefensible in the light of modern evolutionary biology. There is also an epistemological worry that has been raised recently that strong normative evaluation, such as meaning in human life, is empirically inaccessible or even in conflict with what we know in scientific contexts. While the critics have targeted Aristotelian and Neo-Aristotelian views, I will appeal to an argument from the Neo- Confucian (...)
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    How ectogestation can impact the gestational versus moral parenthood debate.James J. Cordeiro - 2025 - Journal of Medical Ethics 51 (2):98-99.
    Ectogestation technology, when feasible, will permit fetal development within an artificial womb. Ectogestation is termed ectogenesis when it is full (gestation occurs exclusively within an artificial womb post in vitro fertilisation) or partial (artificial gestation occurs during the course of in vivo gestation, post a caesarean-like fetal transfer). In what follows, I explore the implications for the gestational versus moral parenthood debate recently spotlighted by Benjamin Lange1 for various alternative uses of ectogestation compared to the baseline case of in vivo (...)
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  24. The Myth of the Aesthetic.James O. Young - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    Philosophers have failed to give a satisfactory analysis of the concept of the aesthetic. The attempt to analyze the concept faces two difficulties. The first is that aesthetic objects cannot be identified without knowing which experiences are aesthetic experiences and aesthetic experiences cannot be identified without knowing which objects are aesthetic objects. The second problem is that an incredibly broad range of experiences and objects are described as aesthetic. There is no principled way to choose between the various accounts of (...)
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  25. Experimenting with a democratic ideal: Deliberative polling and public opinion.James Fishkin & Robert Luskin - 2005 - Acta Politica 40 (3):284–98.
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  26. True Purposes and an Outstanding Problem of Purposiveness in Hegel.James Kreines - 2024 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy (2):161-187.
    This paper focuses on Hegel’s claim that purposiveness or teleology is, in his unusual terminology, “the truth of” mechanism. First, I defend several important insights about this from Maraguat’s book, True Purposes in Hegel’s Logic. Second, I argue that what follows from these insights is that there is an outstanding problem about Hegel’s account of teleology, not solved in this book, or other recent work on the topic; I conclude with reason to expect that a solution would have to involve (...)
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    Obituary Professor Richard Pring (1938–2024).James Arthur - 2024 - British Journal of Educational Studies 72 (6):671-673.
    Richard’s funeral Mass was celebrated in the Oratory Church, Oxford on 30 October 2024. A church Richard was thoroughly familiar with because of the Latin Masses he attended there. He would often d...
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  28. Emotion-enriched moral perception.James Hutton - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    This article provides a new account of how moral beliefs can be epistemically justified. I argue that we should take seriously the hypothesis that the human mind contains emotion-enriched moral perceptions, i.e. perceptual experiences as of moral properties, arising from cognitive penetration by emotions. Further, I argue that if this hypothesis is true, then such perceptual experiences can provide regress-stopping justification for moral beliefs. Emotion-enriched moral perceptions do exhibit a kind of epistemic dependence: they can only justify moral beliefs if (...)
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    Proceeding with care.James J. Cordeiro - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (11):740-741.
    Rodger et al 1 present a thoughtful case for the ethical defensibility of genetic disenhancement targeting unnecessary harm and suffering of the pigs raised for xenotransplantation research. On the assumption that xenotransplantation research is unlikely to be halted (and by my lights, also that no other short-term palliative options can be identified or developed), their view appears to be largely reasonable and aligned with recent proposals by animal ethicists for targeting pain in factory-farmed animals. Yet, despite their thoughtful responses to (...)
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  30. Is Rationality Normative for Reasoning?James L. D. Brown - 2024 - Erkenntnis:1-15.
    The reasoning view of rational normativity claims that structural rationality is normative for reasoning. Specifically, it claims that structural rationality gives us reasons to structure deliberation in ways that respect the requirements of rationality. This paper critically assesses the reasoning view. It argues that while the reasoning view might succeed in responding to arguments against the normativity of rationality, it is in tension with the motivations for thinking that rationality is normative in the first place. Moreover, proponents of the view (...)
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  31. Increasing the Probability of Good Art: Descartes, Aesthetic Judgment, and Generosity.James Griffith - 2024 - Flsf: Felsefe Ve Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi 37:259-282.
    Descartes’ first book, 1618’s Compendium of Music, focuses on biomechanical reactions in the human body but also claims that the purpose of art is to arouse emotions. By the end of the 1630s, however, he had given up on precisely predicting how that arousal may occur. This article contends, though, that Descartes’ abandonment of that project is a result of using an inappropriate psychological model for such predictions. An appropriate model is developed in his last book, 1649’s The Passions of (...)
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  32. Introduction: The Biopolitics of Human Enhancement.James J. Hughes, Steven Umbrello & Cristiano Calì - 2024 - In Steven Umbrello, Cristiano Calì & James J. Hughes, The Biopolitics of Human Enhancement. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 1-7.
    People have sought ways to improve their physical and mental capabilities for thousands of years. For those of us who believe that human enhancement technologies include clothes, tools and weapons, the politics of enhancement started in prehistory. The norms of pre-industrial societies that only certain castes or genders could touch specific tools or wear certain clothes were preliminary politics of enhancement. Prosthetic limbs are thousands of years old, and by the 15th century, there were multiple experiments with vaccination around the (...)
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    Philosophical theology.James F. Ross - 1969 - Indianapolis,: Bobbs-Merrill.
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    On the Scope of the Right to Explanation.James Fritz - forthcoming - AI and Ethics.
    As opaque algorithmic systems take up a larger and larger role in shaping our lives, calls for explainability in various algorithmic systems have increased. Many moral and political philosophers have sought to vindicate these calls for explainability by developing theories on which decision-subjects—that is, individuals affected by decisions—have a moral right to the explanation of the systems that affect them. Existing theories tend to suggest that the right to explanation arises solely in virtue of facts about how decision-subjects are affected (...)
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    Patterns All The Way Up: Prolegomena to a Future Naturalised Metaphysics.James Ladyman - unknown
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    The Community Reconstructs: The Meaning of Pragmatic Social Thought.James Campbell - 1992 - University of Illinois Press.
    Explores the Pragmatists' contributions to American social thought, drawing upon the writings of William James, John Dewey, George Herbert Mead, James Hayden Tufts, and their various critics. This work also explores the Pragmatic analysis of society's potential for ongoing intelligent inquiry and cooperative evaluation to address social ills.
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    Husserl and the marks of the mental.James Kinkaid - 2024 - Synthese 205 (1):1-22.
    An active area of research in the philosophy of mind concerns the relation between the two marks of the mental: intentionality and phenomenal consciousness. One position that has recently gained in popularity is the _phenomenal intentionality theory_, according to which intentionality arises from phenomenal consciousness. Proponents of the phenomenal intentionality theory recognize Edmund Husserl’s phenomenology as a precedent, but little work has been done to locate Husserl within the contemporary landscape of views on the relation between the marks of the (...)
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    Ethical norms, particular cases.James D. Wallace - 1996 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    James D. Wallace treats moral considerations as beliefs about the right and wrong ways of doing things - beliefs whose source and authority are the same as any ...
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    Deference to Opaque Systems and Morally Exemplary Decisions.James Fritz - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    Many have recently argued that there are weighty reasons against making high-stakes decisions solely on the basis of recommendations from artificially intelligent (AI) systems. Even if deference to a given AI system were known to reliably result in the right action being taken, the argument goes, that deference would lack morally important characteristics: the resulting decisions would not, for instance, be based on an appreciation of right-making reasons. Nor would they be performed from moral virtue; nor would they have moral (...)
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    Phenomenology and Metaphysics in Being and Time.James Kinkaid - 2024 - Res Philosophica 101 (4):715-735.
    On the dominant interpretation of Being and Time, Heidegger’s investigation of being (Sein) is really an investigation of meaning (Sinn). On a competing interpretation, Being and Time is a work of realist metaphysics. I argue that existing interpretations of both types oversimply the relationship between phenomenology and metaphysics in Being and Time. I show how a Husserlian framework for mapping the relations between formal ontology, regional ontology, and phenomenology illuminates the structure and ambitions of Being and Time. What results is (...)
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    Paradigmatically active: why Nietzschean drives are not dispositions.James Mollison - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    In this article, I argue against the scholarly consensus that Nietzsche understands drives as dispositions toward characteristic modes of behavior. After showing that Nietzsche’s texts do not support construing drives as dispositions, I draw out three consequences of this view: it undermines Nietzsche’s analysis of how drives take up objects, risks rendering drives causally otiose, and makes drives’ relations with affects needlessly complex. These consequences, I argue, impede drives’ abilities to assist Nietzsche’s philosophical ambitions. To avoid these textual and philosophical (...)
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    Justice without millionaires.James Christensen, Tom Parr & David V. Axelsen - 2025 - Economics and Philosophy 41 (1):186-187.
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    Two can play at this game: a dual-individuation account of games.James Lee - 2025 - Synthese 205 (1):1-23.
    This paper defends a theory of how it is that games are identical both at a time and over time. I argue that this view is an improvement over the account that Michael Ridge defends in his paper “Individuating Games”. This improvement involves a distinction between two kinds of individuation: constitutive individuation and relational individuation. I argue that this distinction does a better job at solving the various puzzles that are related to the synchronic and diachronic identity of games. I (...)
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    The Value of Character-Based Judgement in the Professional Domain.James Arthur, Stephen R. Earl, Aidan P. Thompson & Joseph W. Ward - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (2):293-308.
    Dimensions of character are often overlooked in professional practice at the expense of the development of technical competence and operational efficiency. Drawing on philosophical accounts of virtue ethics and positive psychology, the present work attempts to elevate the role of ‘good’ character in the professional domain. A ‘good’ professional is ideally one that exemplifies dimensions of character informed by sound judgement. A total of 2340 professionals, from five discrete professions, were profiled based on their valuation of qualities pertaining to character (...)
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    The Life of Understanding: A Contemporary Hermeneutics.James Risser - 2012 - Indiana University Press.
    In Gadamer’s hermeneutics, interpretation is inseparable from the broader concern of making one’s way in life. In this book, James Risser builds on this insight about the juxtaposition of human living and the act of understanding by tracing hermeneutics back to the basic experience of philosophy as defined by Plato. For Risser, Plato provides resources for new directions in hermeneutics and new possibilities for "the life of understanding" and "the understanding of life." Risser places Gadamer in dialogue with Plato, (...)
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  46. Deliberative polling.James Fishkin - 2018 - In André Bächtiger, Jane Mansbridge, John Dryzek & Mark Warren, Oxford Handbook of Deliberative Democracy. Oxford University Press. pp. 315–28.
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    Heidegger's Volk: between National Socialism and poetry.James Phillips - 2005 - Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
    In 1933 the philosopher Martin Heidegger declared his allegiance to Hitler. Ever since, scholars have asked to what extent his work is implicated in Nazism. To address this question properly involves neither conflating Nazism and the continuing philosophical project that is Heidegger's legacy, nor absolving Heidegger and, in the process, turning a deaf ear to what he himself called the philosophical motivations for his political engagement. It is important to establish the terms on which Heidegger aligned himself with National Socialism. (...)
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    The reasonableness of doubt: phenomenology and scientific realism.James Sares - 2024 - Synthese 204 (6):1-24.
    This article considers the contribution of Husserlian transcendental phenomenology to the scientific realism debate by thematizing the problem of dubitability. After first considering the rigorous standards for apodictic evidence in phenomenology, particularly in terms of the intuitive givenness of evidence, I consider how scientific theory is open, in principle, to doubt. I argue that phenomenology has both a critical and descriptive function for scientific theory: it clarifies what scientific theory can or cannot tell us about the world, both possibly and (...)
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  49. Neurotheology: The working brain and the work of theology.James B. Ashbrook - 1984 - Zygon 19 (3):331-350.
    Because the mind is the significance of the brain and God is the significance of the mind, the concept “mind” bridges how the brain works and traditional patterns of belief. The left mind, which utilizes rational vigilance and the imperative instructions of proclamation, names and analyzes the urgently right. The right mind, which discloses the relational responsiveness of numinous presence and natural symbolism, is immersed in and integrates the ultimately real. Together they provide a typology of mind‐states with which to (...)
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  50. Celebration and Betrayal: Martin Luther King’s Case for Racial Justice and Our Current Dilemma.James S. Spiegel - 2020 - Themelios 45 (2):260-276.
    During the American Civil Rights Movement, Martin Luther King’s principal arguments reasoned from theological ethics, appealing to natural law, imago Dei, and agape love. Today in the United States, with the prevailing ideal of public reason, such arguments are unacceptable in the public square. In lieu of King’s theological arguments, are there philosophical principles or values adequate to sustain the cause of racial justice, establishing both a secure rational foundation for racial justice and providing sufficient moral incentive for citizens to (...)
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