Results for 'Jack Arnold'

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  1. Reducing the Link's false positive problem.Jack Levin & Arnold Arluke - 2009 - In Andrew Linzey, The link between animal abuse and human violence. Portland, Ore.: Sussex Academic Press. pp. 163--171.
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  2. Where in the (world wide) web of belief is the law of non-contradiction?Jack Arnold & Stewart Shapiro - 2007 - Noûs 41 (2):276–297.
    It is sometimes said that there are two, competing versions of W. V. O. Quine’s unrelenting empiricism, perhaps divided according to temporal periods of his career. According to one, logic is exempt from, or lies outside the scope of, the attack on the analytic-synthetic distinction. This logic-friendly Quine holds that logical truths and, presumably, logical inferences are analytic in the traditional sense. Logical truths are knowable a priori, and, importantly, they are incorrigible, and so immune from revision. The other, radical (...)
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    Verbal conditioning and extinction with verbal and nonverbal reinforcers.Arnold H. Buss, Irma R. Gerjuoy & Jack Zusman - 1958 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 56 (2):139.
  4.  33
    A multidimensional scaling study of semantic distance.Jack B. Arnold - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 90 (2):349.
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    Gentlemen of Science: Early Correspondence of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. Jack Morrell, Arnold Thackray.Roy Porter - 1987 - Isis 78 (4):641-642.
  6. Intuitive Science, Poetic Thought.Jack Stetter - 2023 - Australasian Philosophical Review 7 (1):71-76.
    The paper argues that Spinoza may have deepened his conception of poetry as not only a resource for the understanding but as the highest peak of the understanding. I begin by reviewing selected literature on Spinoza’s views on language and show how Spinoza’s presentation of his philosophy builds on a conception of what language can do. I then make a succinct case for a reading of Ethics Part 5 Proposition 24, where we find an attempt at a poetic expression of (...)
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    Reply to Angius and Primiero on Software Intensive Science.Jack Horner & John Symons - 2014 - Philosophy and Technology 27 (3):491-494.
    This paper provides a reply to articles by Nicola Angius and Guiseppe Primiero responding to our paper “Software Intensive Science”.
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    Software engineering standards for epidemiological models.Jack K. Horner & John F. Symons - 2020 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 42 (4):1-24.
    There are many tangled normative and technical questions involved in evaluating the quality of software used in epidemiological simulations. In this paper we answer some of these questions and offer practical guidance to practitioners, funders, scientific journals, and consumers of epidemiological research. The heart of our paper is a case study of the Imperial College London covid-19 simulator, set in the context of recent work in epistemology of simulation and philosophy of epidemiology.
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    The booming economics-made-fun genre: more than having fun, but less than economics imperialism.Jack J. Vromen - 2009 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 2 (1):70.
    Over the last few years there seems to have been a sharp increase in the number of books that want to spread the news that economics is, or at least can be, fun. This paper sets out to explain in what senses economics is supposed to be fun. In particular, the books in what I will call the economics-made-fun genre will be compared first with papers and books written by economists with the explicit intent of making fun of economics. Subsequently, (...)
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  10. The Social History of Art.Arnold Hauser, Frederick Antal, Walter Friedlaender & John Shearman - 1968 - Science and Society 32 (3):307-320.
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    Buridan and skepticism.Jack Zupko - 1993 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 31 (2):191-221.
  12. John Buridan: Portrait of a Fourteenth-Century Arts Master.Jack Zupko - 2005 - Philosophical Quarterly 55 (218):124-126.
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    Literacy in Traditional Societies.Jack Goody - 1975 - Cambridge University Press.
    The importance of writing as a means of communication in a society formerly without it, or where writing has been confined to particular groups, is enormous. It objectifies speech, provides language with a material correlative, and in this material form speech can be transmitted over space and preserved over time. In this book the contributors discuss cultures at different levels of sophistication and literacy and examine the importance of writing on the development of these societies. All the articles except the (...)
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  14. The historicity of aesthetics — I.Arnold Berleant - 1986 - British Journal of Aesthetics 26 (2):101-111.
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  15. The Sociology of Art.Arnold Hauser & Kenneth J. Northcott - 1985 - Science and Society 49 (1):84-90.
  16. Mapping a set of reals onto the reals.Arnold W. Miller - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):575-584.
    In this paper we show that it is consistent with ZFC that for any set of reals of cardinality the continuum, there is a continuous map from that set onto the closed unit interval. In fact, this holds in the iterated perfect set model. We also show that in this model every set of reals which is always of first category has cardinality less than or equal to ω 1.
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    Alternative conceptions of semantic theory.Arnold L. Glass & Keith J. Holyoak - 1974 - Cognition 3 (4):313-339.
  18.  62
    How Are Souls Related to Bodies? A Study of John Buridan.Jack Zupko - 1993 - Review of Metaphysics 46 (3):575 - 601.
    MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHERS HAD NO SINGLE RESPONSE to the difficult question of how souls are related to the bodies they animate. In this respect, the theory of psychological inherence advanced by the noted Parisian philosopher John Buridan is a case in point. Buridan offers different accounts of the soul-body relation, depending upon which of two main varieties of natural, animate substance he is explaining. In the case of human beings, he defends a version of immanent dualism: the thesis that the soul (...)
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    How it played in the Rue de Fouarre: The reception of Adam wodeham's theory of the Complexe Significable in the arts faculty at Paris in the mid-fourteenth century.Jack Zupko - 1994 - Franciscan Studies 54 (1):211-225.
  20.  21
    Use of Resident-Origin Data to Define Nursing Home Market Boundaries.Jack Zwanziger, Dana B. Mukamel & Indridi Indridason - 2002 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 39 (1):56-66.
  21.  15
    A statistical model for the process of visual recognition.Arnold Binder - 1955 - Psychological Review 62 (2):119-129.
  22.  20
    Effects of altered frequencies upon recognition responses.Arnold Binder - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 66 (6):553.
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    Frequency shifts and response choices.Arnold Binder - 1967 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (3):485.
  24.  74
    Toward a theory of role acquisition.Arnold Birenbaum - 1984 - Sociological Theory 2:315-328.
    In attempting to learn more about the relationship between social structure and behavior, this chapter identifies the transforming conditions that promote an actor's acquisition of a noninstitutionalized role. The role concept is modified to be seen not only as an aspect of social structure, but connected to the life situation of a performer, constituting a person-role formula. Being defined according to the degree of involvement an actor will have with the proffered role, a person-role formula may be based on embracement, (...)
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    A Computationally Assisted Reconstruction of an Ontological Argument in Spinoza’s The Ethics.Jack K. Horner - 2019 - Open Philosophy 2 (1):211-229.
    The comments accompanying Proposition (Prop.) 11 (“God... necessarily exists”) in Part I of Spinoza’s The Ethics contain sketches of what appear to be at least three more or less distinct ontological arguments. The first of these is problematic even on its own terms. More is true: even the proposition “God exists” (GE), a consequence of Prop. 11, cannot be derived from the definitions and axioms of Part I (the “DAPI”) of The Ethics; thus, Prop. 11 cannot be derived from the (...)
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    Introduction.Arnold Berleant & Allen Carlson - 1998 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 56 (2):97-100.
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    (1 other version)Nominalism Meets Indivisibilism.Jack Zupko - 1993 - Journal of Nietzsche Studies 3:158-185.
  28.  24
    The Value of Independence between Experts: Epistemic Autonomy and Different Perspectives.Jack Wright - forthcoming - Episteme:1-17.
    I offer two interpretations of independence between experts: (i) independence as deciding autonomously, and (ii) independence as having different perspectives. I argue that when experts are grouped together, independence of both kinds is valuable for the same reason: they reduce the likelihood of erroneous consensus by enabling a greater variety of critical viewpoints. In offering this argument, I show that a purported proof from Finnur Dellsén that groups of more autonomous experts are more reliable does not work. It relies on (...)
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  29. Analytic induction.Jack Katz - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 1--480.
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    Deep hope: A song without words.Jack Coulehan - 2011 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 32 (3):143-160.
    Hope helps alleviate suffering. In the case of terminal illness, recent experience in palliative medicine has taught physicians that hope is durable and often thrives even in the face of imminent death. In this article, I examine the perspectives of philosophers, theologians, psychologists, clinicians, neuroscientists, and poets, and provide a series of observations, connections, and gestures about hope, particularly about what I call “deep hope.” I end with some proposals about how such hope can be sustained and enhanced at the (...)
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    Reference and Generality.Jack Kaminsky - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24 (2):289-290.
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    Political Rhetoric as Political Theory.Jack P. Geise - 1990 - Social Philosophy Today 4:25-38.
  33.  20
    2 Natural Selection and Human Choice.Arnold W. Ravin - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (6):30-31.
  34.  32
    Thomas of erfurt.Jack Zupko - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  35.  12
    Thinking Against Humanism? Heidegger on the Human Essence, the Inhuman, and Evil.Jack Wearing - forthcoming - European Journal of Philosophy.
    In his ‘Letter on “Humanism”’, Martin Heidegger advances a critique of humanism while insisting that this critique does not imply that he ‘advocates the inhuman’. There are two reasons why Heidegger might be concerned to rebut this accusation. First, one might worry that any rejection of humanism commits one to rejecting its central values, such as the idea that human beings have an essential worth. Second, Heidegger might be concerned to distance his critique from the inhuman policies of National Socialism, (...)
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    Losing faith and losing a world: deconversion as an occasion for grief.Jack Williams - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-32.
    Both bereavement and the loss of a religious faith can be deeply disorienting experiences which radically transform one’s experience of the world, sense of self, and relationships with others. Recently, grief has received increased philosophical interest – especially from a phenomenological perspective – as philosophers seek to understand what it is to experience grief and what understanding grief can teach us about human experience more broadly. Grief is most commonly associated with bereavement loss; however, there is growing awareness of the (...)
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    Selective covering properties of product spaces.Arnold W. Miller, Boaz Tsaban & Lyubomyr Zdomskyy - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (5):1034-1057.
    We study the preservation of selective covering properties, including classic ones introduced by Menger, Hurewicz, Rothberger, Gerlits and Nagy, and others, under products with some major families of concentrated sets of reals.Our methods include the projection method introduced by the authors in an earlier work, as well as several new methods. Some special consequences of our main results are : Every product of a concentrated space with a Hurewicz S1S1 space satisfies S1S1. On the other hand, assuming the Continuum Hypothesis, (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Logic and Reality: Essays on the Legacy of Arthur Prior.Jack Copeland - 1999 - Studia Logica 62 (3):445-448.
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    Cartam offerre super altare.Arnold Angendt - 2002 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 36 (1):133-158.
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    Der römische und gallisch-fränkische Anti-Ikonoklasmus.Arnold Angenendt - 2001 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 35 (1):201-226.
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  41. Kirchengeschichte angesichts der Religionsgeschichte.Arnold Angenendt - 2019 - In Manfred Gerwing, Klaus Hedwig & Daniela Riel, Sed ipsa novitas crescat: Themen der Eschatologie, Transformation und Innovation: Festschrift für Manfred Gerwing. Münster: Aschendorff Verlag.
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    Missa specialis. Zugleich ein Beitrag zur Entstehung der Privatmessen.Arnold Angenendt - 1983 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 17 (1):153-221.
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    Sühne durch Blut.Arnold Angenendt - 1984 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 18 (1):437-467.
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    Introduction to the special issue on legal text analytics.Jack G. Conrad & L. Karl Branting - 2018 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 26 (2):99-102.
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    What factors influenced Japan's decision to dispatch its Self-Defence Forces (SDF) to Iraq in 2004?Jack Edward Holden - 2011 - Polis (Misc) 6:2012.
  46.  59
    Putnam's complaint.Jack K. Horner - 1976 - Auslegung 3 (June):166-173.
  47.  28
    The Konigsberg Interpretation Of Quantum Mechanics?Jack K. Horner - unknown
  48.  76
    A response to law and McBrayer on homosexual activity.Jack Mulder - 2014 - Think 13 (38):39-46.
    This short paper argues that two attempts in this journal to argue for the moral permissibility of homosexual activity do not succeed.
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  49. Faith and Nothingness in Kierkegaard: A Mystical Reading of the God-Relationship.Jack E. Mulder - 2004 - Dissertation, Purdue University
    In this dissertation, I argue that Kierkegaard's relationship to the mystical tradition is misconstrued in the secondary literature, and that a fuller account of his attitude toward mysticism reveals a more appreciative stance toward it, which in turn reveals a more mystical religious dialectic. To that end, in the first chapter, I give an account of what is taken to be Kierkegaard's anti-mysticism, and then show that the resources in other signed sources, like Kierkegaard's Journals and Papers, allow us to (...)
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    Grace and Rigor in Kierkegaard's Reception of the Church Fathers.Jack Mulder - 2015 - In Jon Stewart, A Companion to Kierkegaard. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 155–166.
    This chapter traces the main lines of Kierkegaard's debt to, and usage of, the Church Fathers. The most significant points of contact concern issues of the Incarnation, sin, and grace, and where the Fathers exhibit an understanding of the rigor of the Christian life and where Kierkegaard believes they compromise with the world. Kierkegaard's most significant engagement with individual Fathers tends to be with Tertullian and Augustine, though he sees something to admire, and often something to criticize, in most major (...)
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