Results for 'Jacek Kaczmarek'

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  1. The Role of Technosophy and its Alliances in the Building of Civic Information Society of Universalistic Globalization Era.Jacek Kaczmarek - 2005 - Dialogue and Universalism 15 (7-8):139-140.
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  2. Moral Uncertainty, Pure Justifiers, and Agent-Centred Options.Patrick Kaczmarek & Harry R. Lloyd - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    Moral latitude is only ever a matter of coincidence on the most popular decision procedure in the literature on moral uncertainty. In all possible choice situations other than those in which two or more options happen to be tied for maximal expected choiceworthiness, Maximize Expected Choiceworthiness implies that only one possible option is uniquely appropriate. A better theory of appropriateness would be more sensitive to the decision maker’s credence in theories that endorse agent-centred prerogatives. In this paper, we will develop (...)
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  3. Świat fizyczny wyłania się z matematyki. Z Rogerem Penrosem rozmawia Jacek Urbaniec.Jacek Urbaniec - 1993 - Filozofia Nauki 1.
    Jacek Urbaniec: Platonism in the philosophy of mathematics does not necessarily imply that there are links between the temporal physical world and the eternal world of mathematics..
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    Self‐Deception in Human– AI Emotional Relations.Emilia Kaczmarek - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    Imagine a man chatting with his AI girlfriend app. He looks at his smartphone and says, ‘Finally, I'm being understood’. Is he deceiving himself? Is there anything morally wrong with it? The human tendency to anthropomorphize AI is well established, and the popularity of AI companions is growing. This article answers three questions: (1) How can being charmed by AI's simulated emotions be considered self‐deception? (2) Why might we have an obligation to avoid harmless self‐deception? (3) When is self‐deception in (...)
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  5. (2 other versions)On Locating Composite Objects.Jacek Brzozowski - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 4:193-222.
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    On the Topological Modelling of Ontological Objects: Substance in the Monadology.Janusz Kaczmarek - 2019 - In Bartłomiej Skowron, Contemporary Polish Ontology. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 149-160.
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    Refleksje pokonferencyjne: Nauka, filozofia i teologia o człowieku - perspektywy dialogu [konferencje i sympozja].Jacek Dębiec - 2000 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 27.
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  8. Veritas.Jacek Filek - 1988 - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej 33:249-266.
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  9. Ontologiczny opis Popperowskiego świata 3.Janusz Kaczmarek - 2014 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 92.
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  10. Z badań nad filozoficznymi podstawami nauk.Stefan Kaczmarek (ed.) - 1981 - Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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  11. Waging War on Pascal's Mugger.Patrick Kaczmarek - manuscript
    Fanatics judge a lottery with a tiny probability of arbitrarily high value as better than the certainty of some modest value, and they are prone to getting swindled. You need only make the lie “big enough” to get one over on them. I put forward an elegant solution to the fanatic’s problem. When coming to a fully rational decision, agents may ignore outlandish possibilities.
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  12. Relating Semantics for Hyper-Connexive and Totally Connexive Logics.Jacek Malinowski & Ricardo Arturo Nicolás-Francisco - 2023 - Logic and Logical Philosophy (4):509-522.
    In this paper we present a characterization of hyper-connexivity by means of a relating semantics for Boolean connexive logics. We also show that the minimal Boolean connexive logic is Abelardian, strongly consistent, Kapsner strong and antiparadox. We give an example showing that the minimal Boolean connexive logic is not simplificative. This shows that the minimal Boolean connexive logic is not totally connexive.
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    Relacja Ty, Ja i ten Trzeci jako egzystencjał.Jacek Filek - forthcoming - Archiwum Historii Filozofii I Myśli Społecznej.
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    How to distinguish medicalization from over-medicalization?Emilia Kaczmarek - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):119-128.
    Is medicalization always harmful? When does medicine overstep its proper boundaries? The aim of this article is to outline the pragmatic criteria for distinguishing between medicalization and over-medicalization. The consequences of considering a phenomenon to be a medical problem may take radically different forms depending on whether the problem in question is correctly or incorrectly perceived as a medical issue. Neither indiscriminate acceptance of medicalization of subsequent areas of human existence, nor criticizing new medicalization cases just because they are medicalization (...)
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    What is a formalized ontology today? An example of IIC.Janusz Kaczmarek - 2008 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 37 (3/4):238-244.
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    Transcendentalizm Levinasa.Jacek Migasiński - 2006 - Filo-Sofija 6 (1(6)):21-41.
    Author: Migasiński Jacek Title: TRANSCENDENTALISM OF LEVINAS (Transcendentalizm Levinasa) Source: Filo-Sofija year: 2006, vol:.6, number: 2006/1, pages: 21-41 Keywords: LEVINAS, KANT, TRANSCENDENTALISME, PHÉNOMÉNOLOGIE Discipline: PHILOSOPHY Language: POLISH Document type: ARTICLE Publication order reference (Primary author’s office address): E-mail: www:En s’inspirant de l’approche de Natalie Depraz qui defini la position théorique de Husserl tardif comme «l’empirisme transcendental», je propose retrouver aussi dans la philosophie de Emmanuel Levinas une forme specifique du transcendentalisme, transcendentalisme de genese – différente de l’apriorisme transcendental de (...)
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    Jakości idealne, własności, tropy. Rozwiązania Ingardena, rozwiązania obecne.Janusz Kaczmarek - 2020 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:205-221.
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    Ontologia bytu społecznego. Teoria sprawiedliwości i liberalizm polityczny Johna Rawlsa w ujęciu ontologii systemów Józefa M. Bocheńskiego.Janusz Kaczmarek - 2021 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:303-314.
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    Agency in Legal Institutions: Dispositionism and Situationism.Przemysław Kaczmarek - 2018 - Principia 2018 (Tom 65):145-165.
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    Mądrość banału (Tadeusz Gadacz, O umiejętności życia).Jacek Migasiński - 2003 - Etyka 36:232-235.
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    Problemy etyki kartezjańskiej (Dezsó Kalocsai, Le problème de régles de la morale „provisoire” de Descartes).Jacek Migasiński - 1974 - Etyka 13:260-262.
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  22. Moral Uncertainty, Proportionality and Bargaining.Patrick Kaczmarek, Harry R. Lloyd & Michael Plant - forthcoming - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy.
    As well as disagreeing about how much one should donate to charity, moral theories also disagree about where one should donate. In light of this disagreement, how should the morally uncertain philanthropist allocate her donations? In many cases, one intuitively attractive option is for the philanthropist to split her donations across all of the charities that are recommended by moral views in which she has positive credence, with each charity’s share being proportional to her credence in the moral theories that (...)
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  23. Back to the actual future.Jacek Wawer & Alex Malpass - 2020 - Synthese 197 (5):2193-2213.
    The purpose of the paper is to rethink the role of actuality in the branching model of possibilities. We investigate the idea that the model should be enriched with an additional factor—the so-called Thin Red Line—which is supposed to represent the single possible course of events that gets actualized in time. We believe that this idea was often misconceived which prompted some unfortunate reactions. On the one hand, it suggested problematic semantic models of future tense and and on the other, (...)
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    Bogusław Wolniewicz jako filozof polityki.Jacek Bartyzel - 2018 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:267-307.
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    Janusz Czelakowski on Logical Consequence.Jacek Malinowski & Rafał Palczewski (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This book is dedicated to the life and work of logician Janusz Czelakowski on the topic of logical consequence. It consists of three parts – a biography, a survey and research sections. The volume begins with an autobiographic chapter by Janusz Czelakowski followed by a historical chapter written by Jacek Malinowski. The survey section forms the backbone of the volume with each chapter covering one of Janusz Czelakowski’s results. They focus on his results in the area of logical consequence, (...)
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    The impact of trust on employee participation in Poland.Jacek Sójka - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 21 (2-3):229 - 236.
    This paper comments on five problems concerning the transformation of the Polish economy with special emphasis on employee participation and trust. 1) There can be no ethical evaluation or justification of employee participation independent of the goals of the transformation. 2) In Poland this participation is affected by deep distrust towards the whole process of transformation. 3) Privatisation is the topic most often mentioned in this connection. 4) The definition of trust becomes even more crucial when the phenomenon of distrust (...)
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  27. On ideals of subsets of the plane and on Cohen reals.Jacek Cichoń & Janusz Pawlikowski - 1986 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 51 (3):560-569.
    Let J be any proper ideal of subsets of the real line R which contains all finite subsets of R. We define an ideal J * ∣B as follows: X ∈ J * ∣B if there exists a Borel set $B \subset R \times R$ such that $X \subset B$ and for any x ∈ R we have $\{y \in R: \langle x,y\rangle \in B\} \in \mathscr{J}$ . We show that there exists a family $\mathscr{A} \subset \mathscr{J}^\ast\mid\mathscr{B}$ of power ω (...)
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  28. Quantum experiments and the lattice of orthomodular logics.Jacek Malinowski - 1999 - Logique Et Analyse 42 (166):35-47.
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    How to Study Infrastructure: Methodological Remarks in the Context of the Pandemic and its Impact on City Design.Jacek Gądecki, Łukasz Afeltowicz, Ilona Morawska & Karolina Anielska - forthcoming - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies.
    The paper is an introduction to the anthropology of infrastructures. We define how infrastructure is understood on the grounds of anthropology and science and technology studies. We show what is the significance of various infrastructures for the functioning of modern and late societies. The text discusses extensively the methodological challenges of studying infrastructures. We not only explain why analyzing infrastructures is difficult but also discuss several methodological tricks we can resort to when trying to uncover infrastructures. We elaborate the methodological (...)
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    A matrix adequate for s5 with mp and rn.Jacek Hawranek - 1980 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 9 (3):122-123.
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  31. The Parent Trap: Why Choice-Dependent Moral Theories Fail to Deliver the Asymmetry.Timothy Campbell & Patrick Kaczmarek - forthcoming - Utilitas.
    According to the Asymmetry, creating a miserable person is wrong but failing to create a happy person is permissible, other things being equal. Some attempt to underwrite the Asymmetry by appealing to a choice-dependent moral theory according to which the deontic status of an act depends on whether it is chosen by the agent. We show that all choice-dependent moral theories in the literature are vulnerable to what we call the Parent Trap. These theories imply that the presence of impermissible (...)
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    Memory\'s Reprisal'.Jacek Żakowski - 2001 - Dialogue and Universalism 11 (7-8):105-128.
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  33. Let\'s Call for a Civil Movenment'.Jacek Kuroń\'S. Appeal - 2002 - Dialogue and Universalism 12 (3):101-102.
  34. Filozofia polityki: prolegomena.Jacek Bartyzel - 2011 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia.
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  35. Deane-Peter Baker lectures in philosophy at the University of Natal, and is an editor of Theoria. He is currently pursuing PhD studies through Macquarie University. Recent publications include 'Morality, Structure, Transcendence and Theism: A response to Melissa Lane's reading of Charles Taylor's Sources of the Self', forthcoming in Inter.Jacek Brzozowski, Matthew Festenstein, Marek Kwiek, Patrick Lenta & Christian Miller - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    Matematyczność przyrody. Uwagi po konferencji [sprawozdanie].Jacek Dembek - 1990 - Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce 12.
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    The rise and fall of modern man.Jacek Dobrowolski - 2017 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Who, whom, why and how? -- The subject between extremes -- Genesis: the Socratic-Platonic deception or the irrepressible need for immortality -- Modern man: the adventures of Robinson Crusoe -- The scientific foundations of modern man -- The evolution of modern man, Nietzsche's moustache, the fittest man and the man without qualities: the four pillars of modern man -- Evolution and zoodicy: the animality of modern man -- Modernity as false consciousness -- Technology and the mind, God-machine, the individual vs. (...)
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    Ambiwalencja greckiej nadziei.Jacek Filek - 2021 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 69 (2):83-99.
    Artykuł jest próbą odtworzenia myślenia Greków o fenomenie nadziei. Stwierdzona zostaje wielopoziomowa jej ambiwalencja. Najpierw jako spodziewanie się albo czegoś dobrego, albo czegoś złego. Następnie jako nadzieja negatywna bądź pozytywna. Na koniec jako nadzieja moralnie dobra bądź zła w zależności od etycznej oceny jej przedmiotu. Stwierdzona zostaje też korelacja strachu i nadziei. Postawiony zostaje problem odniesienia nadziei do czasu. W tym kontekście są rozważane są poglądy Hezjoda, Tukidydesa, Platona, Arystotelesa i stoików.
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    Wokół pewnego zagadnienia z dziedziny półkrat górnych z jednością.Jacek Hawranek & Jan Zygmunt - 2018 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:163-174.
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    Priorytet sprawiedliwości.Jacek Hołówka - 2021 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria:165-194.
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    Wkład Kazimierza Twardowskiego w rozwój logiki w Polsce.Jacek Jadacki - 2019 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 13 (4):7-18.
    Kazimierz Twardowski’s contribution to the evolution of logicin PolandTwardowski’s legacy, which has been published so far—and the detailed analysis of it—suf fices to consider him a classic of Polish semiotics. The published results of Twardowski in the field of methodology also deserve high scores. A new light on the contribution of Twardowski to the development of logic in Poland sheds the content of his unpublished legacy, including the content of his lectures on logic and unedited logical monographs. Firstly, Twardowski conducted (...)
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    Filozofia miłośći, nadziei i przemijania.Stefan Kaczmarek - 1986 - Poznań: Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego.
  43. Immanuel Kant: portret filozofa.Stefan Kaczmarek - 1995 - Poznań: Wydawn. Nauk. Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.
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  44. Etyka a temperament. Z badań nad osobowością u człekokształtnych.Jacek Lejman - 2000 - Archeus. Studia Z Bioetyki I Antropologii Filozoficznej 1:77-90.
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    Michelle-Irène Brudny: Hannah Arendt. An Intellectual Biography.Justyna Piskorska-Kaczmarek - 2010 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 15 (2):443-445.
    The article reviews the book Hannah Arendt: An Intellectual Biography, by Michelle-Irene Brudny.
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    Derrida and Buddhism.Jacek Sieradzan - 2011 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 23:171-213.
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    Dialog biologa-buddysty z filozofem-ateistą o świadomości i reinkarnacji.Jacek Sieradzan - 2017 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 29 (2):87-100.
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  48. Podmiotowy charakter odpowiedzialności.Jacek Sójka - 2002 - Prakseologia 142 (142):29-36.
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    Strategie ontologiczne W wybranych utworach literackich I filmowych.Jacek Sobota - 2022 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 27:185-202.
    Artykuł jest próbą nakreślenia różnych sposobów konstruowania światów w wybranych utworach literackich i filmowych. Roger Caillois i – nieco później – Stanisław Lem dokonali dość szczegółowego rozróżnienia metod kreowania literackich światów, ze względu na ich gatunkowe zróżnicowanie. Inaczej konstruowane są zasady rządzące rzeczywistością w utworach kryminalnych, inaczej w literaturze grozy, inaczej w science fiction. Owe „strategie ontologiczne” mogą być podyktowane również innego rodzaju – niż zróżnicowanie gatunkowe – przyczynami.
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