Results for 'Jaap F. Hamming'

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  1.  22
    Varied Practice in Laparoscopy Training: Beneficial Learning Stimulation or Cognitive Overload?Edward N. Spruit, Luca Kleijweg, Guido P. H. Band & Jaap F. Hamming - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Influencing robot influence.Jaap Ham - 2021 - Interaction Studies 22 (3):464-487.
    In the near future, robots will function in social roles and attempt to influence the user’s behavior and / or thinking. The current contribution analyses how to influence robot influence: Persuasive robots can be personalized to make them more effective. We present an overview of (1) the user characteristics to which persuasive robots can be personalized, (2) considering the specific current situation of a user; and (3) the robot characteristics that can be personalized. Thereby, we give an overview of how (...)
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    More than advice.Rosalyn M. Langedijk & Jaap Ham - 2021 - Interaction Studies 22 (3):396-415.
    Persuasive social robots can influence human behavior through giving advice. The current study investigates whether references to prior discourse and signals of empathy make an advice-giving robot an even more effective persuader and whether participants follow the robot’s advice and drink even more water when the robot additionally uses these strategies. We recruited students and university staff for a lab-study in which three different robot personalities on the same robot type presented health-related information. In one condition, the robot gave advice (...)
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    What influences influence?Kerstin Fischer & Jaap Ham - 2021 - Interaction Studies 22 (3):291-302.
    This special issue addresses how aspects of the communicative situation influence how influential persuasive utterances (or other strategies of influence) are in their contexts of use. Specifically, we study the effects of interactional, speaker-, addressee- and channel-related factors and of the interpersonal relationship between speaker and hearer, as well as the effects of referring to the shared context itself. The papers combined in this special issue provide evidence for the considerable impact of the here and now of the interactional context (...)
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  5. The ins and outs of unpacking the black box: Understanding motivation using a multi-level approach.F. Wurm, I. J. M. van der Ham & J. Schomaker - 2025 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48:e49.
    Although higher-level constructs often fail to explain the mechanisms underlying motivation, we argue that purely mechanistic approaches have limitations. Lower-level neural data help us identify “biologically plausible” mechanisms, while higher-level constructs are critical to formulate measurable behavioral outcomes when constructing computational models. Therefore, we propose that a multi-level, multi-measure approach is required to fully unpack the black box of motivated behavior.
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    Brightness differences influence the evaluation of affective pictures.Daniël Lakens, Daniel A. Fockenberg, Karin P. H. Lemmens, Jaap Ham & Cees J. H. Midden - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (7):1225-1246.
    We explored the possibility of a general brightness bias: brighter pictures are evaluated more positively, while darker pictures are evaluated more negatively. In Study 1 we found that positive pictures are brighter than negative pictures in two affective picture databases (the IAPS and the GAPED). Study 2 revealed that because researchers select affective pictures on the extremity of their affective rating without controlling for brightness differences, pictures used in positive conditions of experiments were on average brighter than those used in (...)
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    Diaphonia: the Argument o f Alexander De Fato Chs. 1-2.Jaap Mansfeld - 1988 - Phronesis 33 (1):181-207.
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    Extension of Lifschitz' realizability to higher order arithmetic, and a solution to a problem of F. Richman.Jaap van Oosten - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (3):964-973.
    F. Richman raised the question of whether the following principle of second order arithmetic is valid in intuitionistic higher order arithmetic $\mathbf{HAH}$: $\forall X\lbrack\forall x(x \in X \vee \neg x \in X) \wedge \forall Y(\forall x(x \in Y \vee \neg x \in Y) \rightarrow \forall x(x \in X \rightarrow x \in Y) \vee \forall x \neg(x \in X \wedge x \in Y)) \rightarrow \exists n\forall x(x \in X \rightarrow x = n)\rbrack$, and if not, whether assuming Church's Thesis CT and (...)
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    Om og for praksis.Jan Jaap Rothuizen - 2019 - Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi 8 (2):20-43.
    I bestræbelsen på at placere et gennemført forskningsprojekt undersøges om det kan knyttes an til den åndsvidenskabelige pædagogik, der i Tyskland og Nederlandene dominerede den akademiske pædagogik i den første to tredjedel af det 20. århundrede. Der var gode grunde til at denne akademiske disciplin blev udkonkurreret at hhv. en empirisk-analytisk og en kritisk-emancipatorisk tilgang, men udfordringen af at etablere en pædagogisk videnskab der hverken er teknisk eller normativ er fortsat aktuel. Den åndsvidenskabelige pædagogik fik sin egenart af, at den (...)
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    A General Form of Relative Recursion.Jaap van Oosten - 2006 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 47 (3):311-318.
    The purpose of this note is to observe a generalization of the concept "computable in..." to arbitrary partial combinatory algebras. For every partial combinatory algebra (pca) A and every partial endofunction on A, a pca A[f] is constructed such that in A[f], the function f is representable by an element; a universal property of the construction is formulated in terms of Longley's 2-category of pcas and decidable applicative morphisms. It is proved that there is always a geometric inclusion from the (...)
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    Background knowledge and the structuralist approach: Reply to Jaap Kamps.Theo A. F. Kuipers - 2005 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 84 (1):338-342.
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    Modern Fıkıh Usûlü Kitaplarında Mutlakın Mukayyete Hamli Meselesinde Gösterilen Bazı Örneklerin Yeterliliği Sorunu.Nizamettin Karataş - 2020 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 6 (2):821-852.
    Mutlak ve mukayyet konusu fıkıh usûlünün lafız bahislerinde ele alınıp derinlemesine incelenen başlıklardan biridir. Konu her ne kadar fıkıh usûlü kitaplarında yeterince açıklanmış gözükse de her teorik meselede olduğu üzere farklı değerlendirmelere açık taraflar da ihtiva etmektedir. Bu iki lafız özellikle mutlakın mukayyede hamli etrafında ele alınmıştır. Usûlcülerin bu konuda verdiği örnekler ayrıca önemlidir. Bu örneklerin incelenmesi mutlak ve mukayyet lafızların daha iyi anlaşılmasına da katkı sağlayacaktır. Bu makalede öncelikle mutlak ve mukayyet lafızların tanımı, mahiyeti ve fıkıh usûlünün diğer konuları (...)
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    The sociology and theology of creationist objections to evolution: How blood marks the Bounds of the Christian body.Eugene F. Rogers - 2014 - Zygon 49 (3):540-553.
    The staying power of creationist objections to evolution needs explanation. It depends on the use of “blood” language. Both William Jennings Bryan and, a century later, Ken Ham connect evolution with the blood of predation and the blood of apes, and both also connect evolution with the blood of atonement. Drawing on Mary Douglas and Bettina Bildhauer, I suggest that blood becomes important to societies that image the social body on the human body. Blood reveals the body as porous and (...)
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    Things of Darkness: Economies of Race and Gender in Early Modern England.Kim F. Hall - 1995 - Cornell University Press.
    1. A World of Difference: Travel Narratives and the Inscription of Culture -- 2. Fair Texts/Dark Ladies: Renaissance Lyric and the Poetics of Color -- 3. "Commerce and Intercourse": Dramas of Alliance and Trade -- 4. The Daughters of Eve and the Children of Ham: Race and the English Woman Writer -- 5. "An Object in the Midst of Other Objects": Race, Gender, Material Culture -- Epilogue: Oil "Race," Black Feminism, and White Supremacy -- Appendix: Poems of Blackness.
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  15. The name of the rose. 1988. Dir. Jean-Jacques annaud, with Sean Connery, F. Murray abra-ham, and Christian Slater. Cristaldifilm. [REVIEW]Owen Flanagan, Patrizia Magli, Giovanni Manetti, Patrizia Violi, Charles Sanders Peirce & Ruggero Puletti - 1999 - Semiotics 23:81.
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    Den platoniske dialog Theages: oversættelse og fortolkning.Rasmus Sevelsted - 2012 - København: Museum Tusculanums Forlag.
    Blandt de værker, der er overleveret under Platons navn, er den forholdsvis ukendte Theages. Det er en ganske kort dialog, som ikke desto mindre behandler et kernespørgsmål i Platons forfatterskab: Hvordan opnår man visdom? Den har tydelige referencer til en række kendte passager i Platons værk, fx iForsvarstalen, Symposion, Staten og Theaitetos. Desuden viser den nogle af de berømteste sider af Platons Sokrates: Hans guddommelige tegn, hans særlige ironi, hans forhold til sofisterne og til de mennesker, der vil følge ham. (...)
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  17. "Introduction to Logical Theory." By P. F. Strawson.P. F. Strawson - 1952 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 5 (18):169-171.
  18.  15
    Compassion, by the Pound: The Economics of Farm Animal Welfare.F. Bailey Norwood & Jayson L. Lusk - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    This highly readable book is aimed at anyone with an interest in the food they eat. In conversational tone, and avoiding academic jargon, it provides an honest and objective account of the consequences of food consumption choices and policies, through the lens of economics.
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    A neural interpretation of exemplar theory.F. Gregory Ashby & Luke Rosedahl - 2017 - Psychological Review 124 (4):472-482.
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    Den erkendelsesteoretiske konflikt mellem den transcendental-filosofiske idealisme og teologien.K. E. Løgstrup - 1942 - København,: Samlerens forlag.
    K.E. Løgstrups disputats fra 1942 – nu i revideret udgave med Løgstrups senere tilføjelser og rettelser. Redaktion og efterskrift ved Kees van Kooten Niekerk. Den transcendentalfilosofiske Problemstillings Forstaaelse af Livet i sig selv som formløst og skikkelsesløst deler Teologien ikke. Den jødisk-kristne Livsforstaaelse er den modsatte: at Livet er noget bestemt, før og uanset den Skikkelse det vinder i Kulturen. Menneskelivet er ikke først og ikke udelukkende Kultur-Liv. I Israels Tro og i Jesu Forkyndelse er Livet i sig selv, uanset (...)
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  21. P.F. Strawson: Prosopa.Pantazes D. Tselemanes, P. F. Strawson & Konstantinos Ioannou Voudoures - 1980 - [S.N.].
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  22. Frigørelsesfilosofi.Enrique Dussel & Asger Sørensen (eds.) - 2008 - København: Politisk Revy.
    Et uventet og uformodet bidrag og introduktion til en filosofisk forståelse af den nye globaliserede verdensorden, der kommer fra et nyt sted i denne vores globaliserede verden: Mexiko. Ny og ukendt i hvert fald i en dansk sammenhæng – hverken vores stats- eller udenrigsminister har garanteret hørt om Enrique Dussel før. -/- Forfatteren forholder sig eksplicit til en europæisk filosofisk tradition, men udbygger en egensindig forståelse af både filosofi og dens anvendelse i enmoderne verdensorden – netop på baggrund af en (...)
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    The Emotional Effectiveness of Advertisement.F. Javier Otamendi & Dolores Lucia Sutil Martín - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Mathematical Generality, Letter-Labels, and All That.F. Acerbi - 2020 - Phronesis 65 (1):27-75.
    This article focusses on the generality of the entities involved in a geometric proof of the kind found in ancient Greek treatises: it shows that the standard modern translation of Greek mathematical propositions falsifies crucial syntactical elements, and employs an incorrect conception of the denotative letters in a Greek geometric proof; epigraphic evidence is adduced to show that these denotative letters are ‘letter-labels’. On this basis, the article explores the consequences of seeing that a Greek mathematical proposition is fully general, (...)
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  25. The biological concept of progress.F. J. Ayala - 1974 - In Francisco Jose Ayala & Theodosius Dobzhansky (eds.), Studies in the Philosophy of Biology: Reduction and Related Problems : [papers Presented at a Conference on Problems of Reduction in Biology Held in Villa Serbe, Bellagio, Italy 9-16 September 1972. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 339--354.
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    Comparativa de las ventajas de los sistemas hidropónicos como alternativas agrícolas en zonas urbanas.Vanessa Albuja, Juan Andrade, Carlos Lucano & Michelle Rodriguez - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):45-54.
    Este trabajo surge a partir de la investigación general de las técnicas hidropónicas teniendo en cuenta sus ventajas y desventajas para de esta forma poder encontrar aquel factor determinante a través de una comparación de técnicas hidropónicas que permitan clasificarlas y escoger la mejor opción que genere menos impacto ambiental negativo y demuestre ser más productivo en los entornos urbanos. Adicionalmente, un factor determinante en las ciudades es su espacio limitado por lo que la mejor opción también deberá incluir un (...)
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    Peber, ingefær, nelliker og muskatnød: Koloniale materialer og naturhistorisk ekspertise i Antoni van Leeuwenhoeks mikroskopiske observationer.Christoffer Basse Eriksen - forthcoming - Slagmark - Tidsskrift for Idéhistorie.
    I takt med at det naturhistoriske vidensideal i løbet af 1600-tallet i højere grad blev knyttet til observationer, eksperimenter og andre former for direkte kontakt med naturens fænomener, fremkom den naturhistoriske ekspert som en vigtig videnskabelig aktør. I denne artikel viser jeg, hvordan den hollandske mikroskopist Antoni van Leeuwenhoek indgik som ekspert i to umiddelbart væsensforskellige netværk, nemlig det engelske videnskabelige selskab Royal Society og det Nederlandske Ostindiske Handelskompagni (VOC). Hvor Royal Society havde som sit erklærede formål at skabe ny, (...)
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    Short communication on the discrete deffuant and alternative models in one dimension.Stylianos Scarlatos - 2016 - Complexity 21 (S1):437-439.
    The discrete Deffuant model and its alternatives is a family of stochastic spatial models for the dynamics of binary opinions on f issues. Another parameter is also incorporated that prevents interaction between two agents whenever their opinion profiles are at a Hamming distance greater than the confidence threshold θ. By numerical simulations, it was conjectured in (Adamopoulos and Scarlatos, Complexity 2012, 17, 43) that one‐dimensional models exhibit a phase transition at a critical value θ critical approximately equal to f/2. (...)
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    Flipping properties: A unifying thread in the theory of large cardinals.F. G. Abramson, L. A. Harrington, E. M. Kleinberg & W. S. Zwicker - 1977 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 12 (1):25.
  30. Ιω καλλιθυεσσα.F. Jacoby - 1922 - Hermes 57 (3):366-374.
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    The Biomolecular Basis for Plant and Animal Sentience: Senomic and Ephaptic Principles of Cellular Consciousness.F. Baluska & A. S. Reber - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (1-2):31-49.
    The defining principle of evolutionary biology is that all species, extant and extinct, evolved from ancient prokaryotic cells. Their initial appearance and adaptive evolution are proposed to have been accompanied by a cellular sentience, by feelings, subjectivity or, in a word, 'consciousness'. Prokaryotic cells, such as archaea and bacteria, have natural unitary, valence-marked 'mental' representations. They process and evaluate sensory information in a context-dependent manner. They learn, establish memories, and communicate using biophysical fields acting on excitable membranes. Symbiotic eukaryotic cells, (...)
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    German Pietism and the Genesis of Literary Aesthetics: The Discourse of Erfahrung in the 1700s.F. Corey Roberts - 2004 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 78 (2):200-228.
  33. Rhetorical analysis within a pragma-dialectical framework: The case of RJ Reynolds.F. H. Van Eemeren & Peter Houtlosser - 2000 - Argumentation 14 (3):293-305.
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  34. (2 other versions)On Truth and Copying.F. H. Bradley - 1907 - Philosophical Review 16:665.
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  35. (1 other version)The Beginnings of Indian Philosophy.F. Edgerton & Franklin Edgerton - 1965 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 27 (4):803-804.
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  36. The Unwritten Philosophy.F. M. Cornford & W. K. C. Guthrie - 1950 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 12 (4):774-775.
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  37. Existentialism and the Modern Predicament.F. H. Heinemann - 1955 - Philosophy 30 (112):84-87.
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  38. Signification de l'histoire de la pensée scientifique: Exposé.F. Enriques - 1934 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 34 (3).
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  39. The Works of Jacob Boehme [Ed. By F.F., Tr. By J. Ellistone]. The Epistles.Jacob Boehme, John Ellistone & F. F. - 1886
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  40. Para ler Hegel.F. P. Nóbrega, H. Rademaker, R. Garaudy, J. Hyppolite, Hamílcar de Garcia & A. Léonard - 1976 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 32 (1):93-101.
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  41. Commenti sull’attaccamento madre-bambino.F. Perez - 2007 - Información Filosófica 4 (1):125-137.
    Il presente contributo si propone di svolgere alcune riflessioni intorno alla formazione del processo di attaccamento madre-bambino. In particolare, l’autore prende in considerazione gli studi condotti da Bowlby, che ha inteso spiegare la formazione del legame d’attaccamento come comportamento sociale del bambino verso la persona che si prende cura di lui e non soltanto come comportamento derivato dalla soddisfazione di bisogni prevalentemente fisiologici. Parole chiave: psicologia, attaccamento madre-bambino, maternità.
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  42. Three treatises''on the teacher'': Augustine, Bonaventure, Aquinas.F. PerezRuiz - 1997 - Pensamiento 53 (206).
  43.  14
    L'idée d'expérience.F. Rauh - 1908 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 16 (6):871 - 881.
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  44. L'expérience morale. Bibliothèque de philosophie contemporoine.F. Rauh - 1904 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 57:208-214.
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  45. Thinking and action.F. Reither & T. Staudel - 1985 - In Michael Frese & John Sabini (eds.), Goal directed behavior: the concept of action in psychology. Hillsdale, N.J.: L. Erlbaum Associates. pp. 110--122.
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  46. Il socialismo di stato.F. Empedocle Restivo - 1900 - Milano,: R. Sandron.
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  47. Die Gottesidee bei Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.F. V. Rintelen - 1950 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 60:7-19.
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  48. Cajetan (vio, Tommaso, de) concept of ente as primum-cognitum.F. Riva - 1993 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 85 (1):3-20.
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    Philosophic Systems and Education.F. Bruce Rosen - 1968 - Merrill Publishing Company.
  50. (1 other version)Dialectique de la nature.F. Engels - 1952 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 142:79-80.
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