Results for 'Jaap Does'

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  1. Sums and quantifiers.Jaap Does - 1993 - Linguistics and Philosophy 16 (5):509 - 550.
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    A generalized quantifier logic for naked infinitives.Jaap Does - 1991 - Linguistics and Philosophy 14 (3):241 - 294.
  3. Het goede zwijgen.Jaap van der Does - 2015 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 55 (4):46-47.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Cut Might Cautiously.Jaap van der Does - 1995 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 3 (2-3):191-202.
    This note is on cautious cut elimination for one of Veitman's might logics. Syntactically, the logic is presented as an extension of a sequent system for classical proposition logic . I show that this extension preserves the completeness and decidability of CPL. The proof has cautious cut elimination as a corollary. I also give a rather general syntactic proof of cautious cut elimination. It states that any ‘base’ logic which has a reflexive, monotone consequence relation that allows cautious cut to (...)
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    De Tractatus lezen. En waarderen.Martin Stokhof & Jaap van der Does - 2023 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 115 (2):139-152.
    Reading the Tractatus. And appreciating it The reception history of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus displays an impressive and persistent diversity. This paper explores possible sources of that diversity and locates them in different takes on the text and its context of origin, and in different perspectives of the readers. This hermeneutics is illustrated by a comparison of two views on the importance of ethics for an understanding of the Tractatus: that of Cora Diamond and the one developed by the authors in (...)
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    Quantification in natural languages (volumes I & II), E. Bach, E. Jelinek, A. Kratzer, and B.h. Partee, eds.Jaap van der Does & Henk Verkuyl - 1999 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 8 (2):243-251.
  7. An Update on "Might'".Jaap van der Does, Willem Groeneveld & Frank Veltman - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (4):361-380.
    This paper is on the update semantics for might of Veltman. Threeconsequence relations are introduced and studied in an abstract setting.Next we present sequent-style systems for each of the consequence relations.We show the logics to be complete and decidable. The paper ends with asyntactic cut elimination result.
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    A generalized quantifier logic for naked infinitives.Jaap van der Does - 1991 - Linguistics and Philosophy 14 (3):241-294.
  9.  6
    Quantifiers, Logic and Language.Jaap van der Does & J. van Eijck - 1996 - Center for the Study of Language and Information Publications.
    This volume presents contributions to quantifier theory and its applications and gives a good impression of the depth and diversity of recent work in the field. The book starts with a long introduction aimed at making the individual papers accessible to a wide audience of logicians and linguists.
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    A logic of vision.Jaap M. van der Does & Michiel van Lambalgen - 2000 - Linguistics and Philosophy 23 (1):1-92.
    This essay attempts to develop a psychologically informed semantics of perception reports, whose predictions match with the linguistic data. As suggested by the quotation from Miller and Johnson-Laird, we take a hallmark of perception to be its fallible nature; the resulting semantics thus necessarily differs from situation semantics. On the psychological side, our main inspiration is Marr's (1982) theory of vision, which can easily accomodate fallible perception. In Marr's theory, vision is a multi-layered process. The different layers have filters of (...)
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    Tractatus, Application and Use.Martin Stokhof & Jaap van der Does - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):770-797.
    The article argues for a contextualised reading of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. It analyses in detail the role that use and application play in the text and how that supports a conception of transcendentality of logic that allows for contextualisation. The article identifies a tension in the text, between the requirement that sense be determinate and the contextual nature of application, and suggests that it is this tension that is a major driver of Wittgenstein’s later ideas.
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    Does Hume Hold a Regularity Theory of Causality?Anne Jaap Jacobson - 1984 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 1 (1):75 - 91.
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  13. Does Hume Hold a Regularity Theory?Anne Jaap Jacobsen - 1984 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 1.
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    Power, Paideia & Pythagoreanism: Greek Identity, Conceptions of the Relationship Between Philosophers and Monarchs and Political Ideas in Philostratus' Life of Apollonius.Jaap-Jan Flinterman - 1995 - J.C. Gieben, Publisher.
    The Athenian sophist Philostratus completed a romanticised biography of Apollonius of Tyana in the second or third decade of the third century A.D. One of the most striking aspects of the presentation of this firstcentury Pythagorean sage and miracleworker in the Vita Apollonii (VA) is his role as 'politically active philosopher'. Not only does the protagonist of the VA regularly intervene in situa-tions of conflict in Greek cities and instruct their citi-zens on how they ought to live together, but (...)
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  15.  10
    Temporal Representation and Inference.Barry Richards, Inge Bethke, Jon Oberlander & Jaap van der Does - 1989
  16.  13
    The Limited Function of Hermeneutics in Law.Jaap Hage - 2019 - In David Duarte, Pedro Moniz Lopes & Jorge Silva Sampaio, Legal Interpretation and Scientific Knowledge. Springer Verlag. pp. 1-11.
    My main claim in this article is that lawyers should make less use of the hermeneutical method than they do. The reasons that I will adduce to support this claim are the following: law is first and foremost an answer to the question of how to act and, more in particular, the question of which rules to enforce by collective means. As such, law does not coincide with positive law. Nevertheless, positive law determines the content of the law to (...)
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    Law and Coherence.Jaap Hage - 2004 - Ratio Juris 17 (1):87-105.
    This paper deals with the questions of whether the law should be coherent and what this coherence would amount to. In this connection so‐called “integrated coherentism” is introduced. According to integrated coherentism, an acceptance set is coherent if and only if it contains everything that should rationally be accepted according to what else one accepts and does not contain anything that should rationally be rejected according to what else one accepts. Such an acceptance set is ideally a theory of (...)
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    Neurofeminism: issues at the intersection of feminist theory and cognitive science.Robyn Bluhm, Anne Jaap Jacobson & Heidi Lene Maibom (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Going beyond the hype of recent fMRI "findings," this interdisciplinary collection examines such questions as: Do women and men have significantly different brains? Do women empathize, while men systematize? Is there a "feminine" ethics? What does brain research on intersex conditions tell us about sex and gender?
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    Inductive Scepticism and Experimental Reasoning in Moral Subjects in Hume's Philosophy.Anne Jaap Jacobson - 1989 - Hume Studies 15 (2):325-338.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Inductive Scepticism and Experimental Reasoning in Moral Subjects in Hume's Philosophy Anne Jaap Jacobson According to its title page, Hume's Treatise Concerning HumanNature is An ATTEMPT to introduce the experimental Method ofReasoning INTO MORAL SUBJECTS."1 And from the first section onwards, Hume makes statements about the human mind which are given an unqualified generality;An Enquiry ConcerningHuman Understanding is marked by a similar assurance that much about human understanding (...)
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    Contemporary history and the art of self‐distancing.Jaap den Hollander - 2011 - History and Theory 50 (4):51-67.
    ABSTRACTThe metaphor of historical distance often appears in discussions about the study of contemporary history. It suggests that we cannot see the past in perspective if we are too near to it. According to founding fathers like Ranke and Humboldt, temporal distance is required to discern historical “ideas” or forms. The argument may have some plausibility, but the presupposition is plainly false, since we cannot see the past at all. This leaves us with the question of what to make of (...)
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  21. Mental representations: What philosophy leaves out and neuroscience puts in.Anne Jaap Jacobson - 2003 - Philosophical Psychology 16 (2):189-204.
    This paper investigates how "representation" is actually used in some areas in cognitive neuroscience. It is argued that recent philosophy has largely ignored an important kind of representation that differs in interesting ways from the representations that are standardly recognized in philosophy of mind. This overlooked kind of representation does not represent by having intentional contents; rather members of the kind represent by displaying or instantiating features. The investigation is not simply an ethnographic study of the discourse of neuroscientists. (...)
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    Epistemische deugden en hun verantwoording.Jaap Van Brakel - 1998 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 60 (2):243-268.
    In this paper I argue that all proposals for demarcation criteria distinguishing between scientific and non-scientific knowledge, have failed. Moreover, there is not a single set of epistemic virtues that characterizes 'good' knowledge, nor is there such a set that characterizes science. There are many different epistemic virtues and no universal rules about how they are to be applied in particular cases. Different virtues may dominate in different knowledge domains. In the 'same' domain there are neither universal nor domainspecific rules (...)
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    Legal Validity and Soft Law.Anne Mackor, Stephan Kirste, Jaap Hage & Pauline Westerman (eds.) - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book features essays that investigate the nature of legal validity from the point of view of different traditions and disciplines. Validity is a fascinating and elusive characteristic of law that in itself deserves to be explored, but further investigation is made more acute and necessary by the production, nowadays, of soft law products of regulation, such as declarations, self-regulatory codes, and standardization norms. These types of rules may not exhibit the characteristics of formal law, and may lack full formal (...)
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    The Effects of Intermittent Trunk Flexion With and Without Support on Sitting Balance in Young Adults.Matej Voglar, Žiga Kozinc, Idsart Kingma, Jaap H. van Dieën & Nejc Šarabon - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Prolonged trunk flexion is known to affect passive and active stabilization of the trunk. Previous studies have evaluated changes in spinal range of motion, muscle activity and reflex behavior induced by prolonged trunk flexion, whereas the effect on sitting postural control is vastly underexplored. In this study, we compared the effects of supported and unsupported intermittent trunk flexion on center of pressure motion during sitting on an unstable seat. Participants were exposed to 1-h intermittent trunk flexion and CoP root mean (...)
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  25. Jaap van der Does & Jan Van Eijk, eds., Quantifiers, Logic, and Language[REVIEW]Varol Akman - 1998 - Natural Language Engineering 4 (4):363-382.
    This is a review of Quantifiers, Logic, and Language, edited by Jaap van der Does and Jan van Eijk, published by CSLI (Center for the Study of Language and Information) Publications, Stanford, CA, in 1996.
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    Philosophy of chemistry as intercultural philosophy: Jaap van Brakel. [REVIEW]Klaus Ruthenberg & Rom Harré - 2012 - Foundations of Chemistry 14 (3):193-203.
    After a brief biography of Jaap van Brakel we set out his appropriation and use of the distinction between the manifest image and the scientific image of the world. In a certain sense van Brakel gives priority to the manifest image as the ultimate source of meaning in chemical discourses. He does not take sides in the debate about nominal and real essences, twin earths and so, but presents a compromise. As an active practitioner of the chemical arts (...)
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    Dialectical Methiod in Alexander of Aphrodisias' Treaties on Fate and Providence.Peter Adamson - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 54.
    This article offers an analysis of the argumentative method of two treatises by Alexander of Aphrodisias, On Fate and On Providence, the latter of which is preserved only in Arabic translation. It is argued that both texts use techniques from Aristotelian dialectic, albeit in different ways, with On Fate adhering to methods outlined in Aristotle's Topics whereas On Providence uses the ‘aporetic’ method familiar from texts such as MetaphysicsΒ‎. This represents a revision of a previous study of Alexander's method in (...)
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    Further beyond the Frege boundary.Edward L. Keenan - unknown
    avant propos This paper is basically Keenan (1992) augmented by some new types of properly polyadic quantification in natural language drawn from Moltmann (1992), Nam (1991) and Srivastav (1990). In addition I would draw the reader's attention to recent mathematical studies of polyadic quantiicationz Ben-Shalom (1992), Spaan (1992) and Westerstahl (1992). The first and third of these extend and generalize (in some cases considerably) the techniques and results in Keenan (1992). Finally I would like to acknowledge the stimulating and constructive (...)
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  29. Information and computation: Essays on scientific and philosophical understanding of foundations of information and computation.Gordana Dodig Crnkovic & Mark Burgin (eds.) - 2011 - World Scientific.
    Information is a basic structure of the world, while computation is a process of the dynamic change of information. This book provides a cutting-edge view of world's leading authorities in fields where information and computation play a central role. It sketches the contours of the future landscape for the development of our understanding of information and computation, their mutual relationship and the role in cognition, informatics, biology, artificial intelligence, and information technology. -/- This book is an utterly enjoyable and engaging (...)
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  30. Betekenis en leven.Marcel Sarot - 1993 - Bijdragen 54 (2):162-176.
    Dutch: Bij alle aandacht die er op dit moment is voor de aard van zingevingsvragen is de analogie tussen de betekenis van taal enerzijds en leven en werkelijkheid anderzijds wel opgemerkt, maar nog nergens uitvoerig doorgelicht. Marcel Sarot voorziet in dit gemis door een zorgvuldige analyse van de structurele overeenkomsten tussen verschillende theorieën over beide vormen van betekenis. Vervolgens past hij de gemaakte onderscheidingen toe in een weerlegging van de argumenten tegen de theïstische vorm van zingeving van Elmar D. Klemke (...)
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    Ideas and Mechanism: Essays on Early Modern Philosophy (review).Patrick R. Frierson - 2000 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 38 (1):125-126.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 38.1 (2000) 125-126 [Access article in PDF] Margaret Dauler Wilson. Ideas and Mechanism: Essays on Early Modern Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1999. Pp. xx + 524. Cloth, $70.00. Ideas and Mechanism is a record of remarkable scholarship. It collects thirty-one essays by one of the most influential scholars in early modern philosophy. (Wilson herself did most of the editing, though Anne (...) Jacobson brought the book to completion after Wilson's death.) All but one of essays have been published previously. (The one new essay is "The Issue of 'Common Sensibles' in Berkeley's New Theory of Vision." There is also an essay on "True and Immutable Natures" previously published only in Portuguese.) Many are classics, united here with essays less well known. The collection begins with "Skepticism without Indubitability," an application of Wilson's scholarly might to Rorty's criticisms of the early modern legacy of foundationalism. Chapters 2-8 focus on Descartes. Several of these emphasize Descartes's accounts of sensation and representation. Chapters 9-12 discuss Spinoza. Then follows Wilson's influential essay on "Superadded Properties" and her related response to M. R. Ayers. Chapter 15-21 comprise an extended defense of Berkeley. The book ends with a long essay on the role of history of philosophy and a brief essay on animal ideas.In her essays, Wilson does not limit herself to one side of the classic divide between empiricists and rationalists. She succeeds in this ambitious endeavor by focusing on a problem common to both: the relation between mechanistic science and early modern views of ideas. Wilson is concerned with how philosophers' scientific views bear on their metaphysics, epistemology, and philosophy of mind. This involves, in many cases, showing how philosophical positions take on new meaning as one considers the science underlying them. For example, Descartes's repeated claims that primary qualities "resemble" qualities in bodies are not taken to imply that any particular extension one sees is in a body. Extension in general, on which mechanistic explanations are based, is in bodies; color (and even perceived extension) is reducible by scientific explanation. The emphasis on the role of science also furnishes a platform for attention to neglected works. Wilson is exemplary in drawing from a wide range of texts to elucidate familiar points. In essays on Descartes and Berkeley, Wilson shows how their works on vision in particular enrich discussions of their epistemology. (One unfortunate limitation to Wilson's emphasis on mechanistic science is a neglect of political and theological works. Thus, she neglects to investigate the implications of, say, Spinoza's work in politics on his metaphysical views about man.)Of particular note is Wilson's defense of Berkeley. Wilson does not draw lines in terms of empiricists (Locke and Berkeley) and rationalists (Leibniz). Instead, she argues that Berkeley's defense of the common sense view that "physical things are as they are perceived" provides an alternative to the scientific realisms of Locke, Leibniz, and Kant. Defenders of Locke, for example, have claimed that Berkeley was insufficiently attentive to the role of mechanistic science in Locke's justifications of the primary-secondary distinction. Wilson shows how Berkeley took these Lockean arguments into account and why he objects to them. Rather than being a cure-all that saves Locke from Berkeley, the role of mechanistic science in his philosophy implicates Locke in the scientific realism against which Berkeley consistently defends common sense. [End Page 125]Not all of the essays directly relate to ideas and mechanism. Several deal with the closely related issue of mind-body interaction. One essay explains the epistemological argument for mind-body dualism in Descartes and another attacks Spinoza's account of mind and body. Wilson also writes on more general themes in Leibniz, such as necessity and contingency, causality, and confused and distinct ideas. She spends two chapters on the relationship between animals and humans. In one, she challenges appropriations of Spinoza that find in him the appealing view that there is no "radical ontological chasm" between humans and... (shrink)
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    The Last Month of Szent-Györgyi in Groningen.Jaap J. Beintema - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (1):159 - 165.
    Albert (von) Szent-Györgyi started his studies on biological oxidation processes - which also resulted in the discovery of vitamin C, for which he received the Nobel Price in 1937 - in the Laboratory of Physiology of the University in Groningen in 1922-1926. These studies were later continued in Cambridge (UK) and Szeged (Hungary). When he had already received the invitation as well as the financial means to come and work in Cambridge, he still did experiments in Groningen to find out (...)
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    The name of the game: An analysis of the Grünbaum debate.Jaap Bos & Robert Maier - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal.
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    On the Interpreter’s Choices: Making Hermeneutic Relativity Explicit.Jaap Brakel & Lin Ma - 2018 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 17 (4):453-478.
    In this essay, we explore the various aspects of hermeneutic relativity that have rarely been explicitly discussed. Our notion of “hermeneutic relativity” can be seen as an extension, with significant revisions, of Gadamer’s notion of Vorurteil. It refers to various choices and constraints of the interpreter, including beliefs concerning the best way of doing philosophy, what criteria are to be used to evaluate competing interpretations, and so on. The interpreter cannot completely eliminate the guidance and constraint originating from his/her “background.” (...)
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    Les grandes lignes d'une histoire culturelle de la psychologie politique.Jaap van Ginneken - 1989 - Hermes 5:161.
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    The Pseudo-Hippocratic Tract [Peri Hebdomadōn.]: Ch. 1-11 and Greek Philosophy.Jaap Mansfeld - 1971
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    The Wilamowitz-Nietzsche Struggle: Another New Document and Some Further Comments.Jaap Mansfeld - 1986 - In Mazzino Montinari, Wolfgang Müller-Lauter, Heinz Wenzel, Günter Abel & Werner Stegmaier, 1986. De Gruyter. pp. 41-58.
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    The influence of scene context on object recognition is independent of attentional focus.Jaap Munneke, Valentina Brentari & Marius V. Peelen - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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  39. The memory chain model of learning, forgetting and disorders of long-term memory.Jaap Murre, Gezinus Wolters & Raffone & Antonio - 2006 - In Hubert D. Zimmer, Axel Mecklinger & Ulman Lindenberger, Handbook of Binding and Memory: Perspectives From Cognitive Neuroscience. Oxford University Press.
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    How Law’s Nature Influences Law’s Logic.Jaap Hage - 2024 - Studia Humana 13 (3):4-17.
    Classical logic is based on an underlying view of the world, according to which there are elementary facts and compound facts, which are logical combinations of these elementary facts. Sentences are true if they correspond to, in last instance, the elementary facts in the world. This world view has no place for rules, which exist as individuals in the world, and which create relations between the most elementary facts. As a result, classical logic is not suitable to deal with rules, (...)
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    Euthanasia requests in dementia cases; what are experiences and needs of Dutch physicians? A qualitative interview study.Jaap Schuurmans, Romy Bouwmeester, Lamar Crombach, Tessa van Rijssel, Lizzy Wingens, Kristina Georgieva, Nadine O’Shea, Stephanie Vos, Bram Tilburgs & Yvonne Engels - 2019 - BMC Medical Ethics 20 (1):1-9.
    In the Netherlands, in 2002, euthanasia became a legitimate medical act, only allowed when the due care criteria and procedural requirements are met. Legally, an Advanced Euthanasia Directive can replace direct communication if a patient can no longer express his own wishes. In the past decade, an exponential number of persons with dementia share a euthanasia request with their physician. The impact this on physicians, and the consequent support needs, remained unknown. Our objective was to gain more insight into the (...)
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  42. Constitutivism and Social Reality.Jaap Hage - 2025 - In Stefano Bertea & Jorge Silva Sampaio, Metaethical issues in contemporary legal philosophy: a constitutivist approach. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Elusive normativity.Jaap Hage - 2011 - Netherlands Journal of Legal Philosophy 40 (2):146-168.
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  44. Objectivity of law and objectivity about law.Jaap Hage - 2022 - In Gonzalo Villa Rosas & Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora, Objectivity in jurisprudence, legal interpretation and practical reasoning. Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
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    M.J. Langeveld: pedagoog aan de hand van het kind.Jaap Bos - 2011 - Amsterdam: Boom.
    M.J. Langeveld (1905-1989) behoort tot de grootste Nederlandse pedagogen van de twintigste eeuw. Dit is de biografie van deze beroemde opvoedkundige, die tevens een gevreesde autoriteit was en een fenomenoloog van internationaal formaat.
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    A New Social Contract: Substituting the Neoliberal Public Policy Paradigm with a Participatory Public Policy Paradigm.Jaap Geerlof - 2019 - World Futures 75 (4):222-241.
    Peter Hall introduced the concept of paradigm shifts into the public policy discourse. His account explains the seismic transition the world experienced in the 1980s. With this neoliberal paradigm...
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    Het humanisme: over de klassieke erfenis, de interne verdeeldheid, de toets van de praktijk en actuele waardecrisis.Jaap Kruithof - 2001 - Berchem: EPO.
    Overzicht van de ontwikkeling van het ideaal van de vrije mens in de westerse wereld.
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  48. Being-in-the-Covenant : Reflections on the Crisis of Historicism in North Malaita, Solomon Islands.Jaap Timmer - 2015 - In Kalpana Ram & Christopher Houston, Phenomenology in Anthropology: A Sense of Perspective. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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    Het verloren paradijs en onze vrijheid: individuatie in de geschiedenis van de filosofie.Jaap Wijkstra - 2022 - 's-Hertogenbosch: Gompel & Svacina.
    Centraal in dit boek staat de vraag hoe wij bepaald worden door onze sociale orde en hoe wij er ook deels vrij van kunnen zijn. Het relationele proces waarin wij een individu worden - het separatie-individuatie-socialisatieproces - is de verbindingsschakel tussen individu en sociale orde. Door dit individuele proces in de geschiedenis van de filosofie te volgen, wordt duidelijk hoe onze autonomie historisch bepaald is en verwikkeld met onze maatschappelijke (on)vrijheid. Onze autonomie is een autonomie-in-verbondenheid. Het blijkt dat die verbondenheid (...)
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    Ein Männergrab mit D-Brakteatenbeschlägen des fränkischen Gräberfeldes bei Rhenen, Provinz Utrecht, Niederlande.Jaap Ypey - 1983 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 17 (1):460-478.
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