Results for 'J. Wallwork'

944 found
  1.  31
    Assessing low volume, high cost, potentially life saving surgical interventions: how and when? Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) as a case study.G. Robert, N. Caine, L. D. Sharples, M. J. Buxton, S. R. Large Ms & J. Wallwork - 1999 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 5 (4):387-391.
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    (1 other version)Essays on Plato and Aristotle.J. L. Ackrill - 1997 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    J. L. Ackrill's work on Plato and Aristotle has had a considerable influence upon ancient philosophical studies in the late twentieth century. In his writings the rigour and clarity of contemporary analytic philosophy are brought to bear upon ancient thought; in many cases he has provided thefirst analytic treatment of a key issue. Gathered now in this volume are the best of Ackrill's essays on the two greatest philosophers of antiquity. With philosophical acuity and philological expertise he examines a wide (...)
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    Sense-experience revisited.J. M. Hinton - 1996 - Philosophical Investigations 19 (3):211-236.
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    Not God enough: why your small God leads to big problems.J. D. Greear - 2018 - Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan.
    In Not God Enough, J.D. Greear explains that the thing between you and the vibrant faith you want isn't answers to all our spiritual questions, but an escape from the small God we've imagined in place of an actual encounter with the real, awesome, glorious God of the Bible.
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    A Tribute to Hans Morgenthau: [truth and tragedy]: with an intellectual autobiography by Hans J. Morgenthau.Hans J. Morgenthau & Kenneth W. Thompson (eds.) - 1977 - Washington: New Republic Book Co..
    With an intellectual autobiography by Hans J. Morgenthau.
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    The Scottish Enlightenment: Human Nature, Social Theory and Moral Philosophy: Essays in Honour of Christopher J. Berry.R. J. W. Mills & Craig Smith (eds.) - 2021 - Edinburgh University Press.
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    The love 'without being' that opens (to) distance part one: Exploring the givenness of the erotic phenomenon with j-l. Marion.Derek J. Morrow - 2005 - Heythrop Journal 46 (3):281–298.
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    The mind's I has two eyes.J. Martin & K. Engleman - 1990 - Philosophy 65 (264):510-515.
    In ‘Minds, Machines and Gödel’, 1961, J. R. Lucas proposed that Godel's theorem made possible a refutation of mechanism—the thesis that mind is wholly comprehensible as a consistent, rule-governed machine. A sympathetic reading of Lucas's argument might run something as follows: ‘If I am a machine then it will be possible in principle to give a specification of the consistent formal system, L, that represents me. If this formal system were handed to me, I would be able to prove a (...)
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    The Context of Casuistryed. by J.F. Keenan, SJ. and T.A. Shannon. (review).Girard J. Etzkorn - 1998 - Franciscan Studies 55 (1):335-341.
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    Retrospectivity and the rule of law / C. Sampford ; with the assistance of J. Louise, S. Blencowe, and T. Round.C. Sampford, J. Louise, S. Blencowe & T. Round - unknown
    Retrospective rule-making has few supporters and many opponents. Defenders of retrospective laws generally do so on the basis that they are a necessary evil in specific or limited circumstances, for example to close tax loopholes, to deal with terrorists or to prosecute fallen tyrants. Yet the reality of retrospective rule making is far more widespread than this, and ranges from ’corrective’ legislation to ’interpretive regulations’ to judicial decision making. The search for a rational justification for retrospective rule-making necessitates a reconsideration (...)
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    Essays on language and literature.J. L. Hevesi - 1947 - Port Washington, N.Y.,: Kennikat Press.
    Introduction, by J. L. Hevesi.--Days of reading, by M. Proust.--Poetry and abstract thought, by P. Valèry.--Jacob Cow the pirate; or, Whether words are signs, by J. Paulhan.--Concerning the pebble, by F. Ponge.--The journey and the return, by J. P. Sartre.--The power of words, by B. Parain.
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    The early Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnic Society: A reconsideration.J. B. Morrell - 1988 - Annals of Science 45 (2):153-167.
    This article gives new information about the social, cultural, and political beliefs of Thomas Wilson, the first Secretary and Treasurer of the Yorkshire Geological and Polytechnic Society founded in 1837. Wilson's private correspondence was not available to J. W. Davis, who wrote the standard history of the Society to celebrate its jubilee. Davis's history underestimates the part played by Wilson and overestimates the importance of Thomas William Embleton, whose private papers were placed at Davis's disposal. It is shown that Wilson, (...)
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  13. The semiotic regimentation of social-life+ with special regard to Thibault, Paul, J.'social semiotics as praxis'.Richard J. Parmentier - 1993 - Semiotica 95 (3-4):357-395.
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  14.  9
    (1 other version)Carl Schmitt and Leo Strauss: The Hidden Dialogue.J. Harvey Lomax (ed.) - 1995 - University of Chicago Press.
    Carl Schmitt was the most famous and controversial defender of political theology in the twentieth century. But in his best-known work, _The Concept of the Political_, issued in 1927, 1932, and 1933, political considerations led him to conceal the dependence of his political theory on his faith in divine revelation. In 1932 Leo Strauss published a critical review of _Concept _that initiated an extremely subtle exchange between Schmitt and Strauss regarding Schmitt’s critique of liberalism. Although Schmitt never answered Strauss publicly, (...)
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  15.  25
    Creativity and Method: Essays in Honor of Bernard Lonergan, S.J.Bernard J. F. Lonergan - 1981 - Milwaukee, Wis. : Marquette University Press.
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  16. Le dévot découronné.J. Gagey - 1996 - Recherches de Science Religieuse 84 (3):393-411.
    L’attribution au jésuite Jean-Pierre Caussade, faite sans recherche suffisamment critique des sources, du célèbre Traité de l’abandon à la Providence divine est remise en cause par l’analyse sérieuse, socio-historique, sémantique et graphologique, de la tradition manuscrite ainsi que par d’autres documents d’archives, dont certains récemment découverts. Ce traité, composé directement sous forme de traité et non de recueil de lettres, semble l’œuvre d’une femme de Lorraine, laïque et cultivée, correspondante de Caussade, en lien avec les monastères de la Visitation. Héritier (...)
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  17.  37
    Dice and Facie: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 1.7.23 and 9.4.39.J. Bradford Churchill - 2000 - American Journal of Philology 121 (2):279-289.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 121.2 (2000) 279-289 [Access article in PDF] Dice and Facie: Quintilian, Institutio Oratoria 1.7.23 And 9.4.39 J. Bradford Churchill In his discussion of orthography in book 1 of his Institutio Oratoria Quintilian mentions several examples of archaic spelling conventions, among them a practice of the Elder Cato, which I present here with readings I shall propose and defend during the course of this essay: Non (...)
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    Response to the papers of Prof T F J Dreyer and Prof J H Koekemoer, read at the symposium: Die roeping van die kerk in die nuwe Suid-Afrika.Z. J. Banda - 1996 - HTS Theological Studies 52 (1).
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    The Dilemma of Freedom and Foreknowledge by Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski.J. Michael Stebbins - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (4):714-718.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:714 BOOK REVIEWS learning; the Jesuits lean to the voluntarist. Possessed of a unitary academic model, he is really arguing for Aristotle's analogy of attribution. Apparently, no one of his 200 plus Jesuit contacts told him that Nastri prefer St. Thomas and his analogy of proper proportionality. The historian Daniel Boorstin spent 25 yeari!l writing his trilogy on The Americans. What emerges from this analysis? Boorstin points out that (...)
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  20.  11
    The Art and Style of Product Photography.J. Dennis Thomas - 2013 - Wiley.
    High quality images sell products. Here's how you do it. From cereal boxes to billboards to photos on Amazon, product photos have a strong impact on viewers. Now you can master the secrets of effective product photography with this essential guide. Author J. Dennis Thomas guides you through the basics, from selecting the right equipment and practicing different lighting techniques to controlling exposure, using backgrounds and props, and much more. Whether it's jewelry, food, fashion, or other products, learn how to (...)
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  21. (1 other version)In Defence of Platonic Division.J. L. Ackrill - 1970 - In Oscar Patrick Wood & George Pitcher, Ryle a Collection of Critical Essays. Garden City, NY, USA: Anchor Books, Doubleday.
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  22.  46
    On the Words πμαλα and βναυσος.J. Adam - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (03):102-.
  23.  52
    Plato, Republic VI. 507 D and 507 B.J. Adam - 1899 - The Classical Review 13 (02):99-100.
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    Interview mit Wolfgang Kluxen.J. A. Aertsen & A. Speer - 1999 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 66 (2):362-371.
    Im Jahrgang LXV der Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie médiévales wurde die Reihe «Entretiens» inauguriert, in der angesehene Forscher auf dem Gebiet der mittelalterlichen Theologie und Philosophie zu ihrem persönlichen Werdegang als Forscher, zu ihren Forschungsschwerpunkten und zur Zukunft der Mittelalterforschung Auskunft geben. Das zweite Interview führten Jan A. Aertsen und Andreas Speer mit Wolfgang Kluxen, emeritierter Ordinarius für Philosophie in Bonn, von 1972 bis 1982 Präsident, später président d’honneur der Société Internationale pour l’Étude de la Philosophie Médiévale.
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  25.  10
    Effective Cardinals and -Determinacy.J. P. Aguilera - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-8.
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  26. " A Rock of Defence for Human Nature": Philosophical and Literary Approaches to the Causes of Violence.J. T. Airaudi - 1996 - Analecta Husserliana 49:265-282.
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    Philosophy and Porous Imagination: Between Coral Reefs.J. Allen - 2008 - South African Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):92-92.
    Diving into the life of the tropical coral reefs and Amadou Hampâté Ba’s reflections on the person conjoin in this work, which is at once philosophical and poetic. The permeable parameters of philosophy, which enable thought to hover between unstable contours rather than to prioritize secure foundations, open to a porous imagination, tracing and retracing panoramic geographies and contemporary tensions of globalization and development. Porous imagination slips, glides, between archipelagos of clay rooftops and refuge dotting the Sudan and the smallest (...)
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  28.  25
    (1 other version)Nuevas capacidades y nuevas desigualdades en la sociedad red.J. Francisco Alvarez - 2018 - Laguna: Revista de Filosofía 22 (42):9-28.
    Digital services and products that expand human capabilities can help to overcome the limitations of individuals, but they facilitate the emergence of new types of inequalities. A new profile of inequality is emerging as a product of unexpected consequences of technological change and calls for institutional policy and social action measures to reduce these new inequalities. The Internet, social networking and mobile devices are helping to generate what Lee Rainie and B. W. Wellman have called a new social operating system (...)
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  29.  14
    Why Semi-Compatibilists Should Be Metaphysical Compatibilists.J. P. Andrew - 2019 - Southwest Philosophy Review 35 (2):13-15.
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  30. SCHEDARIO-Aparisi Miralles Á.(a cura di), Ciudadanía y persona en la era de la globalización.J. Angelini - 2010 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 87 (3):465.
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  31.  11
    La prévision dans l'histoire humaine.J. Delevsky - 1936 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 122 (9/10):145 - 178.
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  32. La Téchnique éducative.J. Delvolvé - 1923 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 30 (1):7-8.
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  33. The Reasons, whether Administrative or Pedagogical or both, for the persistent Lack of Success in the Teaching of Latin.J. H. Denbigh - 1912 - Classical Weekly 6:218-222.
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  34. Secret, heresy and responsibility-patockas europe-(conclusion).J. Derrida - 1992 - Filosoficky Casopis 40 (5):857-867.
  35. Introduction to phenomenology. Introduction.J. T. Desanti - 2003 - Filozofia 58 (2):98-114.
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    Da filosofia, da pedagogia, da escola: liber amicorum Manuel Ferreira Patrício.J. M. De Barros Dias, Luís Sebastião & Manuel Ferreira Patrício (eds.) - 2008 - Évora.: Universidade de Évora.
  37. Reply to Prof. Spearman.J. Drever - 1928 - Mind 37:389.
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  38. Chineesche Denkers.J. J. L. Duyvendak - 1941 - Hollandia Drukkerij.
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  39.  22
    "'Grote woorden in'kleine landen': Finse en Nederlandse filosofie na de Tweede Wereldoorlog, in de serie" de nalatenschap va Erasmus".J. W. Duyvendak & J. Manninen - 1995 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 35 (6):191-193.
  40. Gregory F. goekjian.J. Claude Evans - 1993 - Semiotica 96:353.
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  41. Anthropology, Philosophy and India.J. Ferreira - 1978 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 5 (4):557-574.
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  42.  5
    Essai d'une critique de toute révélation: 1792-1793.J. Fichte - 1988 - Vrin.
    L'Essai d'une Critique de toute revelation parut sans nom d'auteur a Konigsberg. On salua unanimement la derniere Critique de Kant. Reinhold lui-meme s'y trompa. L'erreur rectifiee, le jeune Fichte fut ainsi publiquement eleve a la dignite de philosophe. Son oeuvre commencait. Bien que son auteur n'en ait jamais renie le resultat, cette Critique de toute revelation est, au sens fichteen du mot, un texte pre-critique. Le lecteur francais y trouvera expose le fondement ethique et religieux des Contributions destinees a rectifier (...)
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  43. Rhagor am ystyr.J. Fitzgerald - 1984 - In Meredydd Evans, Y Meddwl cyfoes. Caerdydd: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru.
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  44. Sylvain Auroux, La Raison, le langage et les normes.J. -M. Fortis - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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  45. Die Brühler Franziskaner und ihr Wirken für die Rheinlande.J. -B. Freyer - 1991 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 54 (2-3):194-208.
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  46. (1 other version)8. A Note on Religious Assent and Dissent.J. L. A. Garcia - 2001 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 4 (2).
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  47. The Quest for Eternity.J. C. A. Gaskin - 1985 - Mind 94 (374):298-300.
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  48. Le cadre conceptuel du Code de Sainteté.J. Joosten - 1995 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 75 (4):385-398.
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    Karl Marx som nordisk litteratur.Aage Jørgensen - 1972 - Århus,: Akademisk Boghandel. Edited by Martin Salmonsen.
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  50. Wladyslaw witwicki, "psychologia".J. P. J. - 1949 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 2:465.
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