Results for 'J. Valles'

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  1. Bilans, projets: quelle valeur prédictive?D.-J. Castra, F. Valls & J. -M. Lafitte - 1991 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 108:161-177.
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  2. Coordination and Harmony in Bilateral Logic.Pedro del Valle-Inclan & Julian J. Schlöder - 2023 - Mind 132 (525):192-207.
    Ian Rumfitt (2000) developed a bilateralist account of logic in which the meaning of the connectives is given by conditions on asserted and rejected sentences. An additional set of inference rules, the coordination principles, determines the interaction of assertion and rejection. Fernando Ferreira (2008) found this account defective, as Rumfitt must state the coordination principles for arbitrary complex sentences. Rumfitt (2008) has a reply, but we argue that the problem runs deeper than he acknowledges and is in fact related to (...)
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  3. Religiones monoteístas y tolerancia religiosa.J. Gonzalez Valles - 1999 - Studium 39 (1):153-160.
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    Microbicides Development Programme: Engaging the community in the standard of care debate in a vaginal microbicide trial in Mwanza, Tanzania.Andrew Vallely, Charles Shagi, Shelley Lees, Katherine Shapiro, Joseph Masanja, Lawi Nikolau, Johari Kazimoto, Selephina Soteli, Claire Moffat, John Changalucha, Sheena McCormack & Richard J. Hayes - 2009 - BMC Medical Ethics 10 (1):17-.
    BackgroundHIV prevention research in resource-limited countries is associated with a variety of ethical dilemmas. Key amongst these is the question of what constitutes an appropriate standard of health care (SoC) for participants in HIV prevention trials. This paper describes a community-focused approach to develop a locally-appropriate SoC in the context of a phase III vaginal microbicide trial in Mwanza City, northwest Tanzania.MethodsA mobile community-based sexual and reproductive health service for women working as informal food vendors or in traditional and modern (...)
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  5. Religiones y cultura de la paz: Congreso Internacional de Seúl.J. Gonzalez Valles - 2000 - Studium 40 (1):165-171.
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    Researchers' preferences and attitudes on ethical aspects of genomics research: a comparative study between the USA and Spain.M. Ruiz-Canela, J. I. Valle-Mansilla & D. P. Sulmasy - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (4):251-257.
    Introduction: The use of human samples in genomic research has increased ethical debate about informed consent (IC) requirements and the information that subjects should receive regarding the results of the research. However, there are no quantitative data regarding researchers’ attitudes about these issues. Methods: We present the results of a survey of 104 US and 100 Spanish researchers who had published genomic epidemiology studies in 61 journals during 2006. Results: Researchers preferred a broader IC than the IC they had actually (...)
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  7.  21
    Clinical Ethics in Pediatrics: An International Perspective.André Kidszun, Pablo Lezama-Del Valle, Jagdish Chinnappa, Priya Pais, Arpana Iyengar, Erwin J. Khoo, Janicke Syltern, Fajar Raza, Sarosh Saleem & John D. Lantos - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (1):35-45.
    In this article, we first review the development of clinical ethics in pediatrics in the United States. We report that, over the last 40 years, most children’s hospitals have ethics committees but that those committees are rarely consulted. We speculate that the reasons for the paucity of ethics consults might be because ethical dilemmas are aired in other venues. The role of the ethics consultant, then, might be to shape the institutional climate and create safe spaces for the discussion of (...)
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  8. Dimension interreligiosa de la mision dominicana de Japon in Dominicos en Oriente.J. Gonzalez Valles - 1987 - Studium 27 (3):571-592.
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    Human-robot collaboration for surface treatment tasks.Luis Gracia, J. Ernesto Solanes, Pau Muñoz-Benavent, Jaime Valls Miro, Carlos Perez-Vidal & Josep Tornero - 2019 - Interaction Studies 20 (1):148-184.
    This paper presents a human-robot closely collaborative solution to cooperatively perform surface treatment tasks such as polishing, grinding, finishing, deburring, etc. The proposed scheme is based on task priority and non-conventional sliding mode control. Furthermore, the proposal includes two force sensors attached to the manipulator end-effector and tool: one sensor is used to properly accomplish the surface treatment task, while the second one is used by the operator to guide the robot tool. The applicability and feasibility of the proposed collaborative (...)
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    How informed is consent in vulnerable populations? Experience using a continuous consent process during the MDP301 vaginal microbicide trial in Mwanza, Tanzania.Kavit Natujwa, Soteli Selephina, Kasindi Stella, Shagi Charles, Lees Shelley, Vallely Andrew, Vallely Lisa, McCormack Sheena, Pool Robert & J. Hayes Richard - 2010 - BMC Medical Ethics 11 (1):10.
    Background HIV prevention trials conducted among disadvantaged vulnerable at-risk populations in developing countries present unique ethical dilemmas. A key concern in bioethics is the validity of informed consent for trial participation obtained from research subjects in such settings. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of a continuous informed consent process adopted during the MDP301 phase III vaginal microbicide trial in Mwanza, Tanzania. Methods A total of 1146 women at increased risk of HIV acquisition working as alcohol (...)
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  11. J. Angelo Corlett, Race, Racism, And Reparations. [REVIEW]Andrew Valls - 2005 - Philosophy in Review 25:98-101.
  12.  28
    Re-Examining Academic Expectations: Using Self-Study to Promote Academic Justice and Student Retention.Shirley M. Matteson, Colette M. Taylor, Fernando Valle, Mary Cain Fehr, Stacy A. Jacob & Stephanie J. Jones - 2011 - Journal of Thought 46 (1-2):65.
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    La relación entre el 3er conde de Shaftesbury y Johann Georg Hamann. A propósito de Sócrates y el humor.Santiago Rebelles Del Valle - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71:203-224.
    Existe una línea temática moderna que vincula el trabajo sobre las fuentes clásicas del 3er conde de Shaftesbury con el mosaico filosófico que más tarde desarrollará Johann Georg Hamann: se trata del “proyecto socrático”, que aparece en el primero bajo la idea de unas Chartae socraticae y será motivación para que Hamann recoja el testigo en sus Memorabilia socratica. Se rastrea las raíces shaftesburianas del Sócrates de Hamann –surgidas de su lectura y traducción de juventud: Sensus communis y Carta sobre (...)
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  14. The mixture of distributions as a model for analyzing anthropometric data.M. I. Osman, E. Ebomoyi, O. O. Adetoro, A. R. Wickremasinghe, J. Garza-Flores, D. L. De la Cruz, V. Valles de Bourges, R. Sanchez-Nuncio, M. Martinez & J. L. Fuziwara - 1991 - Journal of Biosocial Science 23 (4):417-23.
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    Alain Badiou / Jean-Luc Nancy: "Deutsche Philosophie. Ein Dialog", ed. J. Völker, Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2017, 111 pp. [REVIEW]José M. García Gómez del Valle - 2018 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 35 (2):559-562.
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    Learning Christ: Ignatius of Antioch and the Mystery of Redemption by Gregory Vall.S. J. David Vincent Meconi - 2016 - The Thomist 80 (2):321-323.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Learning Christ: Ignatius of Antioch and the Mystery of Redemption by Gregory VallDavid Vincent Meconi S.J.Learning Christ: Ignatius of Antioch and the Mystery of Redemption. By Gregory Vall. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2013. Pp. xii + 401. $69.95 (cloth). ISBN: 978-0-8132-2158-8.In the first decade of the first Christian century, the bishop of Antioch found himself surrounded by imperial guards under order to drag him (...)
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  17.  7
    Margot, J.-P. (2021). Descartes y Spinoza. Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad del Valle.Jorge Aurelio Díaz - 2022 - Praxis Filosófica 54:199-202.
    El libro recoge siete artículos, cuatro sobre temas de la filosofía de Descartes y tres sobre la de Spinoza, algunos ya publicados y otros inéditos, como lo señalan los Créditos Editoriales, pero con versiones revisadas, corregidas y ampliadas. Aunque cada uno de los capítulos puede ser leído de manera independiente, hay un hilo conductor que los integra, y que no es otro que la confrontación entre el racionalismo moderado del pensador francés y el racionalismo radical del judío de Ámsterdam: “Spinoza (...)
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  18.  39
    The Sixteenth Epistle of Horace.M. J. McGann - 1960 - Classical Quarterly 10 (3-4):205-.
    Wishing to forestall an inquiry from Quinctius about the produce of his farm, Horace says that he will describe its forma et situs . What follows is not an impersonal description, but an account directed at Quinctius who is thought of as passing judgement on the farm . This involvement of Quinctius in the description must be extended to the protasis of the opening sentence of the description: continui montes si dissocientur opaca/valle…, temperiem laudes where the sense is something like (...)
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  19.  53
    Thinking (-Animal-Technology-Human-) Touch.Ike Kamphof - 2013 - Foundations of Science 18 (1):173-178.
    J. Macgregor Wise and R. van de Vall kindly reviewed my analysis of the potential of webcams on nature conservation sites for developing networks of care. I am indebted to them for their subtle and intelligent deliberation and their valuable suggestions for further elaboration of the project. My focus, as stated in the article, is on the study of users, technology and animals as assemblages, bound together by physical, visual and affective bonds in the process of ‘doing something’.
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    United in discontent: local responses to cosmopolitanism and globalization.Dimitrios Theodossopoulos & Elisabeth Kirtsoglou (eds.) - 2012 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    Introduction : united in discontent / Dimitrios Theodossopoulos -- Shifting centres, tense peripheries: indigenous cosmopolitanisms / Andrew Strathern and Pamela J. Stewart -- Sabili and Indonesian Muslim resistance to cosmopolitanism / C.W. Watson -- The cosmopolitan and the noumenal : a case study of Islamic jihadist night dreams as reported sources of spiritual and political inspiration / Iain Edgar and David Henig -- Intimacies of anti-globalization : imagining unhappy others as oneself in Greece / Elisabeth Kirtsoglou and Dimitrios Theodossopoulos -- (...)
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  21. Explaining Games: The Epistemic Programme in Game Theory.Boudewijn de Bruin - 2010 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Contents. Introduction. 1. Preliminaries. 2. Normal Form Games. 3. Extensive Games. 4. Applications of Game Theory. 5. The Methodology of Game Theory. Conclusion. Appendix. Bibliography. Index. Does game theory—the mathematical theory of strategic interaction—provide genuine explanations of human behaviour? Can game theory be used in economic consultancy or other normative contexts? Explaining Games: The Epistemic Programme in Game Theory—the first monograph on the philosophy of game theory—is an attempt to combine insights from epistemic logic and the philosophy of science to (...)
  22. The Metaphysics of Causation.J. Dmitri Gallow - 2022 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Consider the following claims: -/- 1. The drought caused the famine. -/- 2. Drowsy driving causes crashes. -/- 3. How much I water my plant influences how tall it grows. -/- 4. How much novocaine a patient receives affects how much pain they will feel during dental surgery. -/- The metaphysics of causation asks questions about what it takes for claims like these to be true—what kind of relation the claims are about, and in virtue of what these relations obtain.
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  23.  19
    Deconstruction and the Yale School: An Interview with J. Hillis Miller.Ning Yizhong & J. Hillis Miller - 2023 - Derrida Today 16 (2):170-184.
    J. Hillis Miller (1928–2021) was one of the most prominent figures in literary criticism and theory. After receiving his Ph.D. from Harvard University, he taught at Johns Hopkins University, Yale University and the University of California at Irvine. He retired as Professor Emeritus in 2002. Miller was president of the Modern Language Association of America in 1986 and contributed significantly to professional academic institutions and organizations throughout his career. As an important representative of the Yale School, he had close relationships (...)
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  24. Intuitive realism in Slovakia (the works of J. Diesku and NO Losskeho).J. Bodnar - 1996 - Filozofia 51 (10):634-662.
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  25. Herzog, I., see Eklof, PC Hjorth, G., see Brendle, J.J. Brendle - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 72:309.
  26. 266 Up against Foucault 170,249 Hennques, J. 156.J. Hiniz - 1993 - In Caroline Ramazanoglu (ed.), Up against Foucault: explorations of some tensions between Foucault and feminism. New York: Routledge. pp. 1--265.
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    Characterization of the unconfined compressive strength test in rocks by fine granulometry.Ernesto Patricio Feijoo Calle & Bernardo Andrés Feijoo Guevara - 2020 - Minerva 1 (3):5-14.
    This work presents a proposal for the characterization of the UnconfinedCompressive Strength test, through a series of operations that can be carried outwithout inconvenience in the field. Initially, fresh rock samples are obtained from outcropsin the area and specimens of specific dimensions are made. After the test specimenelaboration phase, crushing and granulometric classification tests are carried out witha set of specimens and in parallel with a second group, UCS tests are carried out. With theresults, the rock is characterized by graphing (...)
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  28. A. Zee, Fearful Symmetry: The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1999).J. W. McAllister - unknown
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    De conservatieve uitdaging: de scepsis van J.L. Heldring.J. L. Heldring (ed.) - 2003 - Rotterdam: NRC Handelsblad.
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  30. Kekes, J.(2002). The Art of Life.M. J. Hannush - 2005 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 36 (1).
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    On some intracranialist dogmas in epistemology.J. Adam Carter - 2022 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):1-21.
    Research questions in mainstream epistemology often take for granted a cognitive internalist picture of the mind. Perhaps this is unsurprising given the seemingly safe presumptions that knowledge entails belief and that the kind of belief that knowledge entails supervenes exclusively on brainbound cognition. It will be argued here that the most plausible version of the entailment thesis holds just that knowledge entails dispositional belief. However, regardless of whether occurrent belief supervenes only as the cognitive internalist permits, we should reject the (...)
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  32.  46
    Agency and Autonomy in Food Choice: Can We Really Vote with Our Forks?J. M. Dieterle - 2022 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 35 (1):1-15.
    Ethical consumerism is the thesis that we should let our values determine our consumer purchases. We should purchase items that accord with our values and refrain from buying those that do not. The end goal, for ethical consumerism, is to transform the market through consumer demand. The arm of this movement associated with food choice embraces the slogan “Vote with Your Fork!” As in the more general movement, the idea is that we should let our values dictate our choices. In (...)
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  33.  11
    Responsibility and punishment.J. Angelo Corlett - 2013 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    This volume provides discussions of both the concept of responsibility and of punishment, and of both individual and collective responsibility. It provides in-depth Socratic and Kantian bases for a new version of retributivism, and defends that version against the main criticisms that have been raised against retributivism in general. It includes chapters on criminal recidivism and capital punishment, as well as one on forgiveness, apology and punishment that is congruent with the basic precepts of the new retributivism defended therein. Finally, (...)
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  34. Code of Ethics for Politicians.A. Argandoña, N. Bilbeny, V. Camps, M. Calsina, Castiñeira À, C. Palazzi, F. Requejo, R. Ribera, B. Román, F. Sàez, M. Seguró, F. Torralba, Vallès Jm & R. Thomas - 2012 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 3 (3):9.
    Antonio Argandoña, Norbert Bilbeny, Victòria Camps, Miquel Calsina, Àngel Castiñeira, Cristian Palazzi, Ferran Requejo, Raimon Ribera, Begoña Román, Ferran Sàez, Miquel Seguró, Francesc Torralba, Josep Maria Vallès, Rosamund Thomas Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2012 3(3):9-16.
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    “Brain Fog” by COVID-19 or Alzheimer’s Disease? A Case Report.Jordi A. Matias-Guiu, Cristina Delgado-Alonso, Miguel Yus, Carmen Polidura, Natividad Gómez-Ruiz, María Valles-Salgado, Isabel Ortega-Madueño, María Nieves Cabrera-Martín & Jorge Matias-Guiu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Cognitive symptoms after COVID-19 have been increasingly recognized several months after the acute infection and have been designated as “brain fog.” We report a patient with cognitive symptoms that started immediately after COVID-19, in which cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers were highly suggestive of Alzheimer’s disease. Our case highlights the need to examine patients with cognitive symptoms following COVID-19 comprehensively. A detailed assessment combining clinical, cognitive, and biomarker studies may help disentangle the underlying mechanisms associated with cognitive dysfunction in each case. The (...)
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    Abstraction and Representation in Living Organisms: When Does a Biological System Compute?J. Young, Susan Stepney, Viv Kendon & Dominic Horsman - 2017 - In Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic & Raffaela Giovagnoli (eds.), Representation of Reality: Humans, Other Living Organism and Intelligent Machines. Heidelberg: Springer.
    Even the simplest known living organisms are complex chemical processing systems. But how sophisticated is the behaviour that arises from this? We present a framework in which even bacteria can be identified as capable of representing information in arbitrary signal molecules, to facilitate altering their behaviour to optimise their food supplies, for example. Known asion/Representation theory, this framework makes precise the relationship between physical systems and abstract concepts. Originally developed to answer the question of when a physical system is computing, (...)
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  37.  59
    Descartes. Philosophical Writings.J. N. Wright, Elizabeth Anscombe, Peter T. Geach & Alexander Koyre - 1957 - Philosophical Quarterly 7 (26):89.
  38.  35
    Reply to critics: collective (telic) virtue epistemology.J. Adam Carter - unknown
    Here I reply to criticisms by Jeroen de Ridder and S. Kate Devitt to my "Collective (Telic) Virtue Epistemology".
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    Vascular Amputees: A Study in Disappointment.J. M. Little, Dora Petritsi-Jones & Charles Kerr - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (1):21-24.
    Despite optimistic reports about the results of amputation for advanced vascular disease, the patient’s assessment of advantages and disadvantages is seldom acknowledged. A detailed social study of 67 amputees has revealed considerable disparity between the patient’s views and those of the medical staff. About a third of the patients are forced to retire from active work by the amputation; about three-quarters report a serious decline in their social activities; only about half are really independent with prostheses in the long term; (...)
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    Discapacidad y reconocimiento: reflexiones desde el prisma de Axel Honneth.Paulina Morales Aguilera & Beatriz Vallés González - 2013 - Dilemata 13:189-208.
    The sphere of disability can be treated nowadays from different perspectives that answer to multidimensional of this embodied reality. In this context, a privileged area of reflection is constituted by ethics and, inside of this, as this text propose, the prism of the reciprocal recognition. To achieve this, this present article is structured in two parts. The first, regarding to the understanding of disability from different models. The second, according to the recognition perspective approach of Honneth, and its link with (...)
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    Age and Illness Severity: A Case of Irrelevant Utilities?Borgar Jølstad & Niklas Juth - 2022 - Utilitas 34 (2):209-224.
    Illness severity is a priority setting criterion in several countries. Age seems to matter when considering severity, but perhaps not small age differences. In the following article we consider Small Differences : small differences in age are not relevant when considering differential illness severity. We show that SD cannot be accommodated within utilitarian, prioritarian or egalitarian theories. Attempting to accommodate SD by postulating a threshold model becomes exceedingly complex and self-defeating. The only way to accommodate SD seems to be to (...)
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  42.  20
    Dependência epistêmica, testemunho e gettierização.J. R. Fett - 2019 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 64 (3):e34636.
    O objetivo deste ensaio é examinar a proposta de Sandy Goldberg, segundo a qual há divisão de trabalho epistêmico em certos processos de aquisição de conhecimento – ao menos em se tratando de conhecimento testemunhal. Goldberg propõe mostrar a veracidade desta alegação salientando a nossa dependência epistêmica em relação a outros indivíduos, ou mesmo comunidades inteiras. Nós, então, vamos propor o tratamento de um famoso caso tipo-Gettier que, segundo Gilbert Harman, revelaria algumas dimensões sociais do conhecimento. Por fim, nós esperamos (...)
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    Introduction: Symposium on Serene J. Khader’s Decolonizing Universalism: A Transnational Feminist Ethic.Serene J. Khader - 2020 - Journal of Global Ethics 16 (3):343-348.
    ABSTRACT This symposium brings together commentaries on Serene J. Khader’s Decolonizing Universalism: A Transnational Feminist Ethic from Linda Martín Alcoff, Sunaina Arya, and Olúfẹ'mi O. Táíwò with a reply from Khader. Khader’s book aims to develop a conception of feminism that is both universalist and anti-imperialist. Central to this feminism are (a) the idea that the normative core of feminism is opposition to sexist oppression and (b) the idea that the role of normative concepts in transnational feminist praxis is a (...)
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    Sonnet de J.G. Fichte (1802).Alexis Philonenko & J. G. Fichte - 1975 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 80 (3):316 - 322.
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  45. Aristotle.J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1967 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Books.
    Aristotle and the sea battle, by G. E. M. Anscombe.--Aristotle's different possibilities, by K. J. J. Hintikka.--On Aristotle's square of opposition, by M. Thompson.--Categories in Aristotle and in Kant, by J. C. Wilson.--Aristotle's Categories, chapters I-V: translation and notes, by J. L. Ackrill--Aristotle's theory of categories, by J. M. E. Moravcsik.--Essence and accident, by I. M. Copi.--Tithenai ta phainomena, by G. E. L. Owen.--Matter and predication in Aristotle, by J. Owens.--Problems in Metaphysics Z, chapter 13, by M. J. Woods.--The meaning (...)
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    Dreams reflect nocturnal cognitive processes: Early-night dreams are more continuous with waking life, and late-night dreams are more emotional and hyperassociative.J. E. Malinowski & C. L. Horton - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 88:103071.
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  47. Patricia Harkin James J. Sosnoski.James J. Sosnoski - forthcoming - Intertexts: Reading Pedagogy in College Writing Classrooms.
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  48. Manuel d'archéologie hébraïque, de J. Benzinger.H. V. J. - 1894 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 27 (3):281.
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    Anne J Davis [interview by Verena Tschudin].A. J. Davis - 2003 - Nursing Ethics 10 (1):101-110.
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    Robert J. Fogelin 233.Robert J. Fogelin - 1976 - In John P. Cleave & Stephan Körner (eds.), Philosophy of logic: papers and discussions. Berkeley: University of California Press. pp. 233.
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