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  1.  64
    P-curve: A key to the file-drawer.Uri Simonsohn, Leif D. Nelson & Joseph P. Simmons - 2014 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 143 (2):534-547.
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  2. Is There a Duty to Obey the Law?Christopher Wellman & John Simmons - 2005 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by A. John Simmons.
    The central question in political philosophy is whether political states have the right to coerce their constituents and whether citizens have a moral duty to obey the commands of their state. In this 2005 book, Christopher Heath Wellman and A. John Simmons defend opposing answers to this question. Wellman bases his argument on samaritan obligations to perform easy rescues, arguing that each of us has a moral duty to obey the law as his or her fair share of the communal (...)
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  3. There are nowadays professors of philosophy, but not philosophers.Pierre Hadot, J. Aaron Simmons & Mason Marshall - 2005 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 19 (3):229-237.
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    Embedding Corporate Social Responsibility in Corporate Governance: A Stakeholder Systems Approach.Chris Mason & John Simmons - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (1):77-86.
    Current research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) illustrates the growing sense of discord surrounding the ‘business of doing good’ (Dobers and Springett, Corp Soc Responsib Environ Manage 17(2):63–69, 2010). Central to these concerns is that CSR risks becoming an over-simplified and peripheral part of corporate strategy. Rather than transforming the dominant corporate discourse, it is argued that CSR and related concepts are limited to “emancipatory rhetoric…defined by narrow business interests and serve to curtail interests of external stakeholders.” (Banerjee, Crit Sociol (...)
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  5.  11
    Believe It or Not: On the possibility of suspending belief.Uri Hasson, Joseph P. Simmons & Alexander Todorov - 2005 - Psychological Science 16 (7):566-571.
    We present two experiments that cast doubt on existing evidence suggesting that it is impossible to suspend belief in a comprehended proposition. In Experiment 1, we found that interrupting the encoding of a statement's veracity decreased memory for the statement's falsity when the false version of the statement was uninformative, but not when the false version was informative. This suggests that statements that are informative when false are not represented as if they were true. In Experiment 2, participants made faster (...)
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  6.  13
    Christian Philosophy: Conceptions, Continuations, and Challenges.J. Aaron Simmons (ed.) - 2018 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The contributors consider the idea of Christian philosophy in light of current debates in such areas as philosophy of religion, moral theory, epistemology, and metaphysics in order to show that these important historical questions continue to press upon us today.
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  7.  11
    The new phenomenology: a philosophical introduction.J. Aaron Simmons - 2013 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Welcome to the family -- The sources of new phenomenology in Husserl and Heidegger -- How to be a phenomenological heretic: the origins and development of new phenomenology -- Phenomenology and onto-theology -- Phenomenology and theology reconsidered -- New phenomenology on the existence and nature of God -- The call, prayer, and Christian philosophy -- Proposals for new phenomenology and analytic philosophy of religion -- Normativity: ethics, politics, and society -- Possible futures for new phenomenology.
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  8.  25
    Intuitive confidence: Choosing between intuitive and nonintuitive alternatives.Joseph P. Simmons & Leif D. Nelson - 2006 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 135 (3):409-428.
    People often choose intuitive rather than equally valid nonintuitive alternatives. The authors suggest that these intuitive biases arise because intuitions often spring to mind with subjective ease, and the subjective ease leads people to hold their intuitions with high confidence. An investigation of predictions against point spreads found that people predicted intuitive options more often than equally valid nonintuitive alternatives. Critically, though, this effect was largely determined by people's confidence in their intuitions. Across naturalistic, expert, and laboratory samples, against personally (...)
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  9.  49
    God and the Other: Ethics and Politics After the Theological Turn.J. Aaron Simmons (ed.) - 2011 - Indiana University Press.
    The theological turn in French phenomenology has been of great interest to scholars working in contemporary continental thought, but according to J. Aaron Simmons, not enough has been done to bring these debates into conversation with more mainstream philosophy. Building on the work of Kierkegaard, Levinas, Marion, and Derrida, among others, Simmons suggests how continental philosophy of religion can intersect with political philosophy, environmental philosophy, and theories of knowledge. By productively engaging philosophical "God-talk," Simmons proposes a robust model of postmodern (...)
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  10. WHAT ABOUT ISAAC?: Rereading Fear and Trembling and Rethinking Kierkegaardian Ethics.J. Aaron Simmons - 2007 - Journal of Religious Ethics 35 (2):319-345.
    In this essay I offer a reading of Fear and Trembling that responds to critiques of Kierkegaardian ethics as being, as Brand Blanshard claims, “morally nihilistic,” as Emmanuel Levinas contends, ethically violent, and, as Alasdair MacIntyre charges, simply irrational. I argue that by focusing on Isaac's singularity as the very condition for Abraham's “ordeal,” the book presents a story about responsible subjectivity. Rather than standing in competition with the relation to God, the relation to other people is, thus, inscribed into (...)
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  11.  34
    Kierkegaard and Levinas: Ethics, Politics, and Religion.J. Aaron Simmons & David Wood (eds.) - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    Recent discussions in the philosophy of religion, ethics, and personal political philosophy have been deeply marked by the influence of two philosophers who are often thought to be in opposition to each other, Søren Kierkegaard and Emmanuel Levinas. Devoted expressly to the relationship between Levinas and Kierkegaard, this volume sets forth a more rigorous comparison and sustained engagement between them. Established and newer scholars representing varied philosophical traditions bring these two thinkers into dialogue in 12 sparkling essays. They consider similarities (...)
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  12.  97
    Prospects for A Levinasian Epistemic Infinitism.J. Aaron Simmons & Scott F. Aikin - 2012 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20 (3):437-460.
    Abstract Epistemic infinitism is certainly not a majority view in contemporary epistemology. While there are some examples of infinitism in the history of philosophy, more work needs to be done mining this history in order to provide a richer understanding of how infinitism might be formulated internal to different philosophical frameworks. Accordingly, we argue that the philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas can be read as operating according to an ?impure? model of epistemic infinitism. The infinite obligation inaugurated by the ?face to (...)
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  13. God in recent French phenomenology.J. Aaron Simmons - 2008 - Philosophy Compass 3 (5):910-932.
    In this essay, I provide an introduction to the so-called 'theological turn' in recent French, 'new' phenomenology. I begin by articulating the stakes of excluding God from phenomenology (as advocated by Edmund Husserl and Martin Heidegger) and then move on to a brief consideration of why Dominique Janicaud contends that, by inquiring into the 'inapparent', new phenomenology is no longer phenomenological. I then consider the general trajectories of this recent movement and argue that there are five main themes that unite (...)
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  14.  60
    Personally Speaking … Kierkegaardian Postmodernism and the Messiness of Religious Existence.J. A. Simmons - 2016 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 24 (5):685-703.
    In this essay I consider the possible impact of thinking phenomenologically about faith in a postmodern/post-secular age. Following Merold Westphal’s encouragement that philosophy of religion should be more ‘personal’, I offer a phenomenological reflection on my own experience of the difficulties and complexities that accompany being a postmodern phenomenologist and a Pentecostal Christian. Working through the possible conflicts that can arise when these two identities are brought together, I propose an account of Kierkegaardian postmodernism that resolves the conflict without, thereby, (...)
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    Continuing to look for God in France: on the relationship between phenomenology and theology.J. Aaron Simmons - 2010 - In Bruce Ellis Benson & Norman Wirzba, Words of life: new theological turns in French phenomenology. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 13-29.
  16.  34
    Perceived numerosity as a function of array number, speed of array development, and density of array items.Walter H. Hollingsworth, J. Paul Simmons, Tammy R. Coates & Henry A. Cross - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (5):448-450.
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    A view of the world through the bat's ear: The formation of acoustic images in echolocation.James A. Simmons - 1989 - Cognition 33 (1-2):155-199.
  18. The principle of fair play.John Simmons - 1979 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 8 (4):307–37.
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  19.  43
    From necessity to hope: A Continental Perspective on Eschatology without Telos.J. Aaron Simmons & Nathan R. Kerr - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (6):948-965.
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  20. The Lockean theory of rights.John Simmons - 1992 - Princeton University Press.
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  21. Moral principles and political obligations.John Simmons - 1979 - Princeton University Press.
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  22.  61
    Postmodern Kataphaticism: A Constructive Proposal.J. Aaron Simmons - 2012 - Analecta Hermeneutica 4.
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  23.  52
    A Stakeholder Approach to Ethical Human Resource Management.Michelle R. Greenwood & John Simmons - 2004 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 23 (3):3-23.
  24.  44
    The Outsourcing of Ethical Thinking.Erik Nordenhaug & Jack Simmons - 2018 - Journal of Human Values 24 (2):138-149.
    The teaching of professional rules, procedures and standards, as well as the existence of ethics committees and legal advisers to achieve desired behaviours for a given profession, produces an unforeseen by-product of altering the way individuals relate to ethics. The institutionalization of a moral voice, a kind of artificial conscience for the legally defined ‘artificial person’, tends to do the ethical thinking for the individual who thinks being moral means methodically following the professionally approved rules. Professionalism and the type of (...)
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  25. Revisiting Gender-Inclusive God-Talk.J. Aaron Simmons & Mason Marshall - 2008 - Philosophy and Theology 20 (1-2):243-263.
    Though academic debate over gender-inclusive God-talk seems to have fizzled, the issue is a pressing one within many Christiandenominations today—both within and outside the Church—and for that reason deserves to be briefly revisited. Accordingly, althoughin this essay we approach the issue as professional philosophers, our focus is on the life of the Church—more specifically, those no doubt sizable segments of the Church for which a personal God and Satan exist and evangelism matters. Running an elimination argument, we contend that if (...)
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  26.  38
    Cheaper than a Corvette: The Relevance of Phenomenology for Contemporary Philosophy of Religion.J. Aaron Simmons - 2017 - Sophia 56 (1):33-43.
    Contemporary phenomenology has often been critiqued as having crossed into the domain of confessional theology. Though I reject this characterization, I do think it is important to consider how best to understand the distinction between philosophy and theology. Accordingly, in this essay, I argue that continental philosophy of religion faces something of a mid-life crisis regarding its own professional and disciplinary identity as philosophical. Through an engagement with the recent work of Kevin Hart, I argue that new phenomenology provides important (...)
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  27.  50
    Is Continental Philosophy Just Catholicism for Atheists?J. Aaron Simmons - 2008 - Philosophy in the Contemporary World 15 (1):94-111.
    There is much within contemporary continental philosophy that might give the indication that it is really just disguised Christian theology. However, in line with Hent de Vries and in contrast to Dominique Janicaud, I contend that there are reasons for taking continental God-talk seriously on purely philosophical grounds. On this basis, I then go on to advocate a specific form of God-talk-that dealing with kenosis-as being deeply relevant to contemporary politics because of the way in which it provides an argument (...)
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  28. Heretics Everywhere.J. Aaron Simmons - 2010 - Philosophy and Theology 22 (1-2):49-76.
    By carefully considering Galileo’s letters to Castelli and Christina, we argue that his position regarding the relationship between Scripture and science is not only of historical importance, but continues to stand as a perspective worth taking seriously in the context of contemporary philosophical debates. In particular, we contend that there are at least five areas of contemporary concern where Galileo’s arguments are especially relevant: (1) the supposed conflict between science and religion, (2) the status and stakes of evidence, (3) the (...)
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  29. Historical Rights and Fair Shares.John Simmons - 1995 - Law and Philosophy 14:149–84.
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  30. Super-, sub-, or pseudo-naturalism?James R. Simmons - 1955 - Journal of Philosophy 52 (5):128-131.
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  31. Punishment. A Philosophy and Public Affairs Reader.John Simmons, Marshall Cohen, Joshua Cohen & Charles Rebeitz - 1995 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 185 (4):560-560.
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  32. Levinasian otherism, skepticism, and the problem of self-refutation.Scott F. Aikin & J. Aaron Simmons - 2009 - Philosophical Forum 40 (1):29-54.
  33. Gabriel Biel and Occasionalism: Overcoming an Apparent Tension.Fred Ablondi & J. Aaron Simmons - 2011 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 28 (2):159.
  34.  7
    Contemporary Debates in Negative Theology and Philosophy.Nahum Brown & J. Aaron Simmons (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Springer.
    In this volume, scholars draw deeply on negative theology in order to consider some of the oldest questions in the philosophy of religion that stand as persistent challenges to inquiry, comprehension, and expression. The chapters engage different philosophical methodologies, cross disciplinary boundaries, and draw on varied cultural traditions in the effort to demonstrate that apophaticism can be a positive resource for contemporary philosophy of religion.
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  35.  13
    Teamsters and Turtles?: U.S. Progressive Political Movements in the 21st Century.Frank L. Davis, Melissa Haussman, Ronald Hayduk, Christine Kelly, Joel Lefkowitz, Immanuel Ness, Laura Katz Olson, David Pfeiffer, Meredith Reid Sarkees, Benjamin Shepard, James R. Simmons, Solon J. Simmons & Claude E. Welch (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    After decades of single issue movements and identity politics on the U.S. left, the series of large demonstrations beginning in 1999 in Seattle have led many to wonder if activist politics can now come together around a common theme of global justice. This book pursues the prospects for progressive political movements in the 21st century with case studies of ten representative movements, including the anti-globalization forces, environmental interest groups, and new takes on the peace movement.
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  36.  25
    Short-term haptic memory for complex objects.Michael J. Kiphart, Jeffrey L. Hughes, J. Paul Simmons & Henry A. Cross - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (3):212-214.
  37.  38
    Whitehead's Metaphysics; an Introductory Exposition.James R. Simmons - 1959 - Journal of Philosophy 56 (12):550-552.
  38. Guide to Russian Reference Books. Vol. II. History Auxiliary Historical Sciences, Ethnography, and Geography.Karol Maichel & J. S. G. Simmons - 1965 - Studies in Soviet Thought 5 (1):103-104.
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  39.  58
    Forward looking or looking unaffordable? Utilising academic perspectives on corporate social responsibility to assess the factors influencing its adoption by business.Chris Mason & John Simmons - 2011 - Business Ethics: A European Review 20 (2):159-176.
    The paper demonstrates its ‘CSR at a tipping point’ thesis by juxtaposing views of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as essential for business and societal sustainability against those that see CSR as unaffordable or irrelevant in the current economic climate. Drawing from Kohlberg's seminal theory of moral development, CSR is conceptualised as the development of organisation moral reasoning, and the proposition is illustrated by demonstrating inter-disciplinary similarities in levels of ethical concern within different approaches to the practice of marketing, human resource (...)
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    Giving as Good as They Get? Organization and Employee Expectations of Ethical Business Practice.Chris Mason & John Simmons - 2013 - Business and Society Review 118 (1):47-70.
    Corporate malpractice and malfeasance on an unprecedented scale have brought ethical issues to the fore and accentuated demands from activists, governments, and the public for greater corporate social responsibility (CSR). The predominant response of researchers and policymakers has been to focus on the external impact of business operations and the merits of regulation or persuasion in achieving more responsible practice in these areas. In this article, we focus on a less well explored aspect of CSR, namely the evaluation of an (...)
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  41. An Antinomy of Perishing in Whitehead.James R. Simmons - 1969 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 50 (4):559.
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  42.  28
    Being For the Other: Emmanuel Levinas, Ethical Living, and Psychoanalysis. By Paul Marcos.J. Aaron Simmons - 2010 - Heythrop Journal 51 (3):504-506.
  43.  60
    Become Joyful, Become Active, But Do Not Forget About Being Responsible.J. Aaron Simmons - 2007 - Southwest Philosophy Review 23 (2):21-26.
  44.  35
    Editorial Introduction to Special Issue on “The Virtue of Justice”.J. Aaron Simmons & John Sanders - 2013 - Philosophia 41 (2):271-272.
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  45.  22
    Editorial Introduction to Special Issue on Kevin Hart.J. Aaron Simmons - 2017 - Sophia 56 (1):1-3.
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  46.  26
    Effect of charged-centre scattering on the mobility of photo-excited carriers in defect photoconductors.J. G. Simmons & G. W. Taylor - 1973 - Philosophical Magazine 27 (1):121-126.
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  47.  42
    Educational Technology and Academic Freedom.Jack Simmons - 2001 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 5 (3):158-166.
  48.  13
    Francis Suarez on the Ontological Status of Individual Unity Vis-a-Vis the Aristotelian Doctrine of Primary Substance.John W. Simmons - 2004 - Dissertation, Marquette University
    The present dissertation consists of a developmental account of the problem of the ontological status of individuality as manifested initially in the metaphysical thought of Aristotle and subsequently developed by Thomas Aquinas, Duns Scotus, and Francis Suarez. ;The philosophical context for the problem of individuality's ontological status is set by the theme, prominent in Greek philosophy, of unity as a mark of what is most real and most perfect. The historical precedent for viewing individuality as fitting under this theme, and (...)
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  49.  37
    Find Uses for Used-Up Words.J. Aaron Simmons - 2006 - Philosophy Today 50 (2):156-169.
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  50.  15
    Intentionality & Intersubjectivity in Cusa'S De Visione Dei.Joseph Simmons - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (2):258-265.
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