Results for 'J. Sevely'

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  1.  16
    Excitation des niveaux atomiques K du carbone, du magnésium et de l'aluminium par des électrons de 60 keV.Par Y. Kihn, J. Sevely & B. Jouffrey - 1976 - Philosophical Magazine 33 (5):733-741.
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  2. Marx, Wittgenstein, Arendt, Habermas.A. Tosel, C. Chauvire, A. Amiel, D. Jervolino, L. Seve, Y. Quiniou, J. -M. Vincent, S. Petrucciani, Y. Cusset & A. MÜNSTER - 1999 - Actuel Marx 25:11-151.
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    Varia Philippica, 3. Que s’est‑il passé à Philippes dans la seconde moitié du vie s. apr. J.‑C.?Michel Sève - 2021 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 145:47-63.
    Vers la fin du vie s.apr. J.‑C., le forum de Philippes est devenu une place de village, en fort contraste avec l’intense activité de construction d’églises qu’avait connue le centre de la ville dans la première moitié du siècle. Ce retour à la ruralité s’inscrit dans un courant plus général qui affecte alors les Balkans, mais la présente note étudie l’hypothèse que l’épidémie dite « peste de Justinien » a eu un fort impact à Philippes. Une vague connue à Constantinople (...)
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    Utilisation et « présentation esthétique » des instruments de musique.Bernard Sève - 2011 - Methodos 11.
    J’appelle « présentation esthétique » le fait, pour un artiste, de présenter certaines conditions ou certains moyens de son art dans les formes même de son art, de manière sensible (« esthétique ») et non pas discursive. Dans certaines œuvres, le musicien présente esthétiquement certains instruments de musique : l’instrument n’est plus seulement au service de la musique, il est mis en avant pour lui-même. La musique devient alors l’instrument de son instrument. J’analyse de ce point de vue les Six (...)
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    (11 other versions)Philippes.Pierre Aupert, Paola Bottini & Michel Sève - 1979 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 103 (2):619-631.
    Vers la fin du vie s.apr. J.‑C., le forum de Philippes est devenu une place de village, en fort contraste avec l’intense activité de construction d’églises qu’avait connue le centre de la ville dans la première moitié du siècle. Ce retour à la ruralité s’inscrit dans un courant plus général qui affecte alors les Balkans, mais la présente note étudie l’hypothèse que l’épidémie dite « peste de Justinien » a eu un fort impact à Philippes. Une vague connue à Constantinople (...)
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    Un monument honorifique au forum de Philippes.Michel Sève & Patrick Weber - 1988 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 112 (1):467-479.
    Une découverte récente permet d'interpréter un monument situé à proximité du temple Est du forum : il s'agit d'une longue base pour au moins cinq, et peut-être sept dames dont quatre avaient été prêtresses de Livie. Ce monument, mis en place à l'extrême fin du Ier s. ou au début du n* s. ap. J.-C, a curieusement été respecté lors des importants travaux exécutés au début du règne de Marc-Aurèle. Étude des dédicaces et de la base, et réflexions sur les (...)
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    Philippes.Michel Sève, Pascal Darcque, Gilles Touchais & René Treuil - 1992 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 116 (2):713.
    Vers la fin du vie s.apr. J.‑C., le forum de Philippes est devenu une place de village, en fort contraste avec l’intense activité de construction d’églises qu’avait connue le centre de la ville dans la première moitié du siècle. Ce retour à la ruralité s’inscrit dans un courant plus général qui affecte alors les Balkans, mais la présente note étudie l’hypothèse que l’épidémie dite « peste de Justinien » a eu un fort impact à Philippes. Une vague connue à Constantinople (...)
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  8. L'ascension de la sève dans les plantes.J. C. Bose - 1924 - Scientia 18 (36):33.
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    Modern French Marxism. [REVIEW]George J. Stack - 1987 - Review of Metaphysics 41 (1):143-144.
    This is an informative, well-written, spritely, and sympathetic survey of the development of Marxism in France from the late nineteenth century to Sève's An Introduction to Marxist Philosophy. Although Kelly does not characterize it this way, his work may be seen as a history of the dialectical evolution of French Marxism. By tracing the historical background of the variety of theoretical works on Marx's writings and on Marxism in general and sketching the systolic and diastolic movements of the French communist (...)
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    Regards sur la pensée française, 1870-1940.Jean Guitton - 1968 - Paris,: Beauchesne.
    J'ai choisi comme sujet de cours, en cette seconde année de captivité, de dresser un tableau de la pensée française de 1870 à 1940, c'est-à-dire entre deux grands désastres pour la France. Il m'a semblé que cette époque avait été en philosophie une grande époque, non seulement parce qu'elle avait été marquée par de très grands noms et de très hardis efforts, mais encore parce que la philosophie, à l'inverse de ce qui se passait auparavant, avait pénétré dans des domaines (...)
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  11. Reliable Knowledge: An Exploration of the Grounds for Belief in Science.J. M. Ziman - 1981 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 32 (3):311-314.
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    The Metaphysics of Quantities.J. E. Wolff - 2020 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    What are physical quantities, and in particular, what makes them quantitative? This book presents an original answer to this question through the novel position of substantival structuralism, arguing that quantitativeness is an irreducible feature of attributes, and quantitative attributes are best understood as substantival structured spaces.
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  13. Well‐Being And Time.J. David Velleman - 1991 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 72 (1):48-77.
  14. The Moral Aspect of Nonmoral Goods and Evils: Michael J. Zimmerman.Michael J. Zimmerman - 1999 - Utilitas 11 (1):1-15.
    The idea that immoral behaviour can sometimes be admirable, and that moral behaviour can sometimes be less than admirable, has led several of its supporters to infer that moral considerations are not always overriding, contrary to what has been traditionally maintained. In this paper I shall challenge this inference. My purpose in doing so is to expose and acknowledge something that has been inadequately appreciated, namely, the moral aspect of nonmoral goods and evils. I hope thereby to show that, even (...)
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  15. Defending Conditional Excluded Middle.J. Robert G. Williams - 2010 - Noûs 44 (4):650-668.
    Lewis (1973) gave a short argument against conditional excluded middle, based on his treatment of ‘might’ counterfactuals. Bennett (2003), with much of the recent literature, gives an alternative take on ‘might’ counterfactuals. But Bennett claims the might-argument against CEM still goes through. This turns on a specific claim I call Bennett’s Hypothesis. I argue that independently of issues to do with the proper analysis of might-counterfactuals, Bennett’s Hypothesis is inconsistent with CEM. But Bennett’s Hypothesis is independently objectionable, so we should (...)
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  16.  20
    The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales.J. Zipes - 1977 - Télos 1977 (32):215-224.
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  17. Roundabout the Runabout Inference-Ticket.J. T. Stevenson - 1960 - Analysis 21 (6):124-128.
  18. Paternalism, Consent, and the Use of Experimental Drugs in the Military.J. Wolfendale & S. Clarke - 2008 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 33 (4):337-355.
    Modern military organizations are paternalistic organizations. They typically recognize a duty of care toward military personnel and are willing to ignore or violate the consent of military personnel in order to uphold that duty of care. In this paper, we consider the case for paternalism in the military and distinguish it from the case for paternalism in medicine. We argue that one can consistently reject paternalism in medicine but uphold paternalism in the military. We consider two well-known arguments for the (...)
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  19. An overview: Origins and development of green chemistry.J. A. Linthorst - 2009 - Foundations of Chemistry 12 (1):55-68.
    This article provides an overview of the origins and development of green chemistry. Aiming to contribute to the understanding of green chemistry, basically from a historical point of view, this overview argues that contextual influences and the user friendliness of the term are drivers for the explosive growth of green chemistry. It is observed that political support for its development has been significant, in which the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990 was a formal political starting-point, but informally the origins of (...)
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  20.  81
    Truth, Conservativeness, and Provability: Reply to Cieslinski.J. Ketland - 2010 - Mind 119 (474):423-436.
    Cieslinski has given an interesting response to Shapiro 1998 and Ketland 1999, which argued that deflationary truth theories are inadequate, since they lack the property of ‘reflective adequacy’. Cieslinski’s response, following Tennant (2002, 2005), aims to explain, without a detour using truth axioms, why someone who accepts the axioms of a theory should also accept its reflection principles. The argument is formulated very clearly (in fact, to justify a different reflection principle), and involves a couple of important assumptions, the crucial (...)
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  21. Les premiers siecles chretiens en Thrace, en Macedoine, en Grece et ä Constantinople.J. Zeiller - 1926 - Byzantion 3:215-232.
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  22. Marx, Karl as logician.J. Zeleny - 1983 - Filosoficky Casopis 31 (4):511-522.
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  23. Problem zakladu vedy u Hegela a Marxe,”.J. Zeleny - 1964 - Filosoficky Casopis 4.
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  24. Informace a struktura.J. Zeman - 1974 - Filosoficky Casopis 22.
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  25. Materialist and idealist conception of essence of development.J. Zeman - 1976 - Filosoficky Casopis 24 (3):309-329.
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  26. Problems of epistemological representation.J. Zeman - 1987 - Filosoficky Casopis 35 (3):376-400.
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  27.  38
    John Dee on Astronomy: Propaedeumata aphoristica , Latin and English. Wayne Shumaker.J. Zetterberg - 1980 - Isis 71 (1):175-175.
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    Letting the past be brought about.J. Peter Zetterberg - 1979 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 17 (3):413-421.
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    Deformation behavior and enhanced plasticity of Ti-based metallic glasses with notches.J. X. Zhao, R. T. Qu, F. F. Wu, S. X. Li & Z. F. Zhang - 2010 - Philosophical Magazine 90 (29):3867-3877.
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  30. [The changing moral and civic education in Mainland China and Taiwan](edited by Lau Kwok-Keung and Tse Kwan-Choi).J. H. Zhang - 2005 - Journal of Moral Education 34 (3):380.
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  31.  16
    The thermoelectric power of the alkali metals at low temperatures.J. M. Ziman - 1959 - Philosophical Magazine 4 (39):371-379.
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    Zu griechischen Epigrammen.J. Zingerle - 1895 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 54 (1-4):15-15.
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  33.  11
    (1 other version)The Utopian Function of Tradition.J. Zipes - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1992 (94):25-29.
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  34. Methodological problems of analysis of the reflection of secularization process in artistic culture.J. Zouhar - 1982 - Filosoficky Casopis 30 (4):640-650.
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  35. On the ideological profile of the cultural efforts of czech catholicism of the thirties.J. Zouhar - 1980 - Filosoficky Casopis 28 (5):662-679.
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  36. Comenius and Masaryk.J. Zumr - 1992 - Filosoficky Casopis 40 (1):96-99.
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  37. Kalivoda, Robert december 11th 1923 december 6th 1989 or the hard life of a philosopher of our time.J. Zumr - 1990 - Filosoficky Casopis 38 (1-2):213-221.
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  38. Novy, Lubomir-65 years young.J. Zumr - 1995 - Filosoficky Casopis 43 (2):330-330.
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    Kritische studie: Over waardevrije sociologie, normatieve sociologie en hulpbehoevende rechtsfilosofie.J. Zwart - 1987 - Philosophia Reformata 52 (1):66-79.
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  40. Tacit Knowing and the Rationality of Science.J. Zycinski - 1994 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 160:253-253.
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    Why eliminativism?J. E. Wolff - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 74:16-21.
  42.  17
    Lucien Sève: Pour une critique de la raison bioéthique.Lucien Sève - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (4):481-482.
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  43. Emergency Contraception and Conscientious Objection.J. Paul Kelleher - 2010 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 27 (3):290-304.
    Emergency contraception — also known as the morning after pill — is marketed and sold, under various brand names, in over one hundred countries around the world. In some countries, customers can purchase the drug without a prescription. In others, a prescription must be presented to a licensed pharmacist. In virtually all of these countries, pharmacists are the last link in the chain of delivery. This article examines and ultimately rejects several standard moves in the bioethics literature on the right (...)
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  44.  94
    Evolutionary game theory.J. McKenzie Alexander - 2001 - Standord Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  45.  87
    Critical notices.B. B. J. - 1912 - Mind 21 (84):564-571.
    Burgess, J.P. and Rosen, G. Subject with No ObjectElliott, R.Faking Nature.
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  46. The Early History of Heaven.J. Edward Wright - 2000 - Utopian Studies 11 (2):311-312.
  47.  47
    Human Action, Deliberation and Causation.J. A. M. Bransen & S. E. Cuypers (eds.) - 1998 - Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The essays collected together in this volume, many of them written by leading scholars in the field, explore the commonsensical fact that our presence as..
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  48.  41
    Personality and Reality: a Proof of the Reality of a Supreme Self in the Universe. By J. E. Turner, M.A., Ph.D., Reader in Philosophy in the University of Liverpool. [REVIEW]J. S. Mackenzie - 1926 - Philosophy 1 (4):516.
  49. Naturalistyczne uzasadnienie etyki niezależnej (spolegliwego opiekuna).J. Woleński - 2006 - Etyka 39.
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  50.  27
    WH-EA: An Evolutionary Algorithm for Wiener-Hammerstein System Identification.J. Zambrano, J. Sanchis, J. M. Herrero & M. Martínez - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-17.
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