Results for 'J. Porta'

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  1. Palliative sedation: clinical aspects.J. Porta - 2002 - In Chris Gastmans (ed.), Between technology and humanity: the impact of technology on health care ethics. Leuven: Leuven University Press. pp. 219--237.
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    Open economics. Economics in relation to other disciplines. Richard Arena; Sheila Dow & Matthias Klaes (eds).Richard Arena, Sheila Dow, Matthias Klaes, Brian J. Loasby, Bruna Ingrao, Pier Luigi Porta, Sergio Volodia Cremaschi, Mark Harrison, Alain Clément, Ludovic Desmedt, Nicola Giocoli, Giovanna Garrone, Roberto Marchionatti, Maurice Lagueux, Michele Alacevich, Andrea Costa, Giovanna Vertova, Hugh Goodacre, Joachim Zweynert & Isabelle This Saint-Jean - 2009 - Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
    Economics has developed into one of the most specialised social sciences. Yet at the same time, it shares its subject matter with other social sciences and humanities and its method of analysis has developed in close correspondence with the natural and life sciences. This book offers an up to date assessment of economics in relation to other disciplines. -/- This edited collection explores fields as diverse as mathematics, physics, biology, medicine, sociology, architecture, and literature, drawing from selected contributions to the (...)
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    David Ricardo: Notes on Malthus's 'Measure of Value'.Pier Luigi Porta (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book is a companion volume to the Royal Economic Society edition of The Works and Correspondence of David Ricardo, edited by Piero Sraffa with the collaboration of Maurice Dobb. It completes the record on Ricardian value theory by showing Ricardo's reaction to Malthus's pamphlet The Measure of Value Stated and Illustrated of 1823. Ricardo's Notes are, in Sraffa's words, 'the only considerable item' not appearing in the Royal Economic Society edition of his works. In addition, the recent publication by (...)
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  4. David Ricardo: Notes on Malthus's" Measure of Value". By Pier Luigi Porta.J. R. Elkjaer - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (4):589-589.
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    Um Brasil poético e solidário.J. B. De Souza Freitas - 2021 - Desleituras Literatura Filosofia Cinema e outras artes 4:3-6.
    Alci, Miguelzinho e Lazinho trouxeram espigas de milho, as primeiras colhidas no milharal de Ivo e Sueli, amigos e vizinhos, e Rosilene colocou na panela. Mais tarde, Alci, voltou com imensa abóbora que foi logo transformada em doce e ainda será quibebe e sopa, tudo em fogão de lenha. Neste recanto do sul de Minas, descoberto há cinco anos, conseguimos construir um pequeno refúgio. Marcia, arquiteta, decidiu que a casa teria grandes janelas e portas de vidro, abrindo para a floresta, (...)
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    ‘The death of intestate old men’: Gilbert Highet's paper on Juvenal 1.144.Robert J. Ball - 2019 - Classical Quarterly 69 (1):363-369.
    The verse hinc subitae mortes atque intestata senectus has long fuelled considerable debate and discussion among classical scholars. This hexameter occurs in the passage of the first satire that describes the aspect of the patron-client relationship where the rich patron, ignoring the plight of his poor and hungry clients, enjoys a sumptuous but deadly feast. After dining on delicacies such as boar and peacock, he bathes on a bloated stomach, causing him to die suddenly and apparently intestate, and causing those (...)
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    Natural MagickJohn Baptista Porta Derek J. Price.Marie Boas - 1959 - Isis 50 (1):76-76.
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    TORNÉ, R.; PORTA, J. M. (eds.), Les linies mestres de la història del pensament (III Jornades lleidatanes de la filosofia moderna), Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs, Lleida, 2009, 161 pp. [REVIEW]José B. Torres - 2009 - Anuario Filosófico 42 (3):699-701.
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    A COMMENTARY ON ‘ HANNIBAL AD PORTAS’ - (J.R.) Telg Genannt Kortmann (ed., trans.) Hannibal ad portas. Silius Italicus, Punica 12,507–752. Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter, 2018. Cased, €78. ISBN: 978-3-8253-6868-5. [REVIEW]Simone Finkmann - 2019 - The Classical Review 69 (2):467-469.
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  10. Metaphysics and the Eucharist in the Early Leibniz.Daniel C. Fouke - 1992 - Studia Leibnitiana 24 (2):145-159.
    Cet article essaie de reconstruire les raisons complexes des changements successifs dans la relation entre le métaphysique de Leibniz dans ses écrits de jeunesse et son intérêt personnel dans l'apologétique et la réunion des Eglises. Je soutiens que, tandis que l'effort primitif de Leibniz pour lier l'intelligibilité de la Philosophie Mécanique au théisme le porta à mettre l'accent sur Dieu comme Moteur Premier, son désir croissant de défendre l'intelligibilité de la Transubstantiation inspira le développement d'analyses métaphysiques plus poussées sur (...)
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    Responsibility and punishment.J. Angelo Corlett - 2013 - Dordrecht: Springer.
    This volume provides discussions of both the concept of responsibility and of punishment, and of both individual and collective responsibility. It provides in-depth Socratic and Kantian bases for a new version of retributivism, and defends that version against the main criticisms that have been raised against retributivism in general. It includes chapters on criminal recidivism and capital punishment, as well as one on forgiveness, apology and punishment that is congruent with the basic precepts of the new retributivism defended therein. Finally, (...)
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  12.  27
    Abstraction and Representation in Living Organisms: When Does a Biological System Compute?J. Young, Susan Stepney, Viv Kendon & Dominic Horsman - 2017 - In Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic & Raffaela Giovagnoli (eds.), Representation of Reality: Humans, Other Living Organism and Intelligent Machines. Heidelberg: Springer.
    Even the simplest known living organisms are complex chemical processing systems. But how sophisticated is the behaviour that arises from this? We present a framework in which even bacteria can be identified as capable of representing information in arbitrary signal molecules, to facilitate altering their behaviour to optimise their food supplies, for example. Known asion/Representation theory, this framework makes precise the relationship between physical systems and abstract concepts. Originally developed to answer the question of when a physical system is computing, (...)
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    Descartes. Philosophical Writings.J. N. Wright, Elizabeth Anscombe, Peter T. Geach & Alexander Koyre - 1957 - Philosophical Quarterly 7 (26):89.
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    Reply to critics: collective (telic) virtue epistemology.J. Adam Carter - unknown
    Here I reply to criticisms by Jeroen de Ridder and S. Kate Devitt to my "Collective (Telic) Virtue Epistemology".
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  15. Aristotle.J. M. E. Moravcsik - 1967 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Books.
    Aristotle and the sea battle, by G. E. M. Anscombe.--Aristotle's different possibilities, by K. J. J. Hintikka.--On Aristotle's square of opposition, by M. Thompson.--Categories in Aristotle and in Kant, by J. C. Wilson.--Aristotle's Categories, chapters I-V: translation and notes, by J. L. Ackrill--Aristotle's theory of categories, by J. M. E. Moravcsik.--Essence and accident, by I. M. Copi.--Tithenai ta phainomena, by G. E. L. Owen.--Matter and predication in Aristotle, by J. Owens.--Problems in Metaphysics Z, chapter 13, by M. J. Woods.--The meaning (...)
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  16. Patricia Harkin James J. Sosnoski.James J. Sosnoski - forthcoming - Intertexts: Reading Pedagogy in College Writing Classrooms.
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    Dreams reflect nocturnal cognitive processes: Early-night dreams are more continuous with waking life, and late-night dreams are more emotional and hyperassociative.J. E. Malinowski & C. L. Horton - 2021 - Consciousness and Cognition 88:103071.
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    (1 other version)The epigenesis of pure reason. A note on the critique of pure reason, b, sec. 27,165—168.J. Wubnig - 1969 - Kant Studien 60 (2):147-152.
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    Wayne ouderkirkand Christopher J. Preston.Christopher J. Preston - 2007 - In Christopher J. Preston and Wayne Ouderkirk (ed.), Nature, Value, Duty: Life on Earth with Holmes Rolston, III. Springer. pp. 8.
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    Athenian Black Figure Vases.J. H. Young & John Boardman - 1975 - American Journal of Philology 96 (2):235.
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    The Dream Drugstore: Chemically Altered States of Consciousness.J. Allan Hobson - 2002 - MIT Press.
    In this book J. Allan Hobson offers a new understanding of altered states of consciousness based on knowledge of how our brain chemistry is balanced when we are...
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    Why Does the Brain-Mind (Consciousness) Problem Seem So Hard?J. F. Storm - 2020 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 27 (5-6):174-189.
    Why is there a 'hard problem' of consciousness? Why do we seem unable to grasp intuitively that physical brain processes can be identical to experiences? Here I comment on the 'meta-problem' (Chalmers, 2018), based on previous ideas (Storm, 2014; 2018). In short: humans may be 'inborn dualists' ('neuroscepticism'), because evolution gave us two (types of) brain systems (or functional modes): one (Sp) for understanding relatively simple physical phenomena, and another (Sm) specialized for mental phenomena. Because Sp cannot deal with the (...)
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    Le point de vue flamand sur les relations culturelles et linguistiques en Belgique : Exposé de J. Van Eynde.J. Van Eynde - 1963 - Res Publica 5 (1):3-8.
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  24. Dividing the Domestic: Men, Women and Household Work in Cross-National Perspective.J. Batalova & P. Cohen - unknown
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    Phenomenology of Life and Cosmology (English).Renaud Barbaras - 2010 - Chiasmi International 12:379-392.
    Phénoménologie de la vie et cosmologieJ’ai établi dans mes précédents ouvrages que la corrélation universelle entre l’étant transcendant et la subjectivité, corrélation qui constitue l’objet propre de laphénoménologie, mettait originairement en rapport une Vie et un Monde plutôt qu’une simple conscience et son objet. J’ai donc montré que la phénoménologie s’accomplissait sous la forme d’une phénoménologie de la vie comprenant celle-ci comme le sens originaire de la conscience, elle-même déterminée comme désir pour autant qu’elle est traversée par une vie qui (...)
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  26. British Empirical Philosophers : Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Reid and J. S. Mill. [An Anthology].A. J. Ayer & Raymond Winch (eds.) - 1952 - London,: Routledge.
    First published in 1952, British Empirical Philosophers is a comprehensive picture of one of the most important movements in the history of philosophic thought. In his introduction, Professor A. J. Ayer distinguishes the main problems of empiricism and gives a critical account of the ways in which the philosophers whose writings are included in this volume attempted to solve them. Editors Ayer and Raymond Winch bring together an authoritative abridgement of John Locke’s Essay Concerning Human Understanding ; Bishop George Berkeley’s (...)
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    Conventional Logic and Modern Logic.J. D. Bastable - 1953 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 3:141-141.
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    Epistémologie Générale.J. D. Bastable - 1961 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 11:330-331.
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    Pascal.J. D. Bastable - 1954 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 4:111-113.
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    The Mind of Paul VI: On the Church and the World.J. D. Bastable - 1965 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 14:247-248.
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    Intellectual humility and assertion.J. Adam Carter & Emma C. Gordon - 2020 - In Mark Alfano, Michael Patrick Lynch & Alessandra Tanesini (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Humility. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 335-345.
    Recent literature suggests that intellectual humility is valuable to its possessor not only morally, but also epistemically-viz., from a point of view where epistemic aims such as true belief, knowledge and understanding are what matters. Perhaps unsurprisingly, epistemologists working on intellectual humility have focused almost exclusively on its ramifications for how we go about forming, maintaining and evaluating our own beliefs, and by extension, ourselves as inquirers. Less explored by contrast is how intellectual humility might have implications for how we (...)
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    Is it time to abandon institutional research ethics committees?J. Savulescu - 2002 - Monash Bioethics Review 21 (3):S74-S77.
    Research on human beings has significantly increased in ethical and scientific complexity. Ethics review is at a fork in the road. Either we significantly increase the resources we provide to support institutional research ethics committees. Or we abandon the institutional base of human research ethics review and move to model of expert suprainstitutional ethics committees.
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    Miscellaneous Lunar Tables from Babylon.J. M. Steele - 2006 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 60 (2):123-155.
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    New Life for Old Ideas: Chinese Philosophy in the Contemporary World: A Festschrift in Honour of Donald J. Munro.Yanming An & Brian J. Bruya (eds.) - 2019 - Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press.
    Over five decades, Donald J. Munro has been one of the most important voices in sinological philosophy. Among other accomplishments, his seminal book The Concept of Man in Early China influenced a generation of scholars. His rapprochement with contemporary cognitive and evolutionary science helped bolster the insights of Chinese philosophers and set the standard for similar explorations today. -/- In this festschrift volume, students of Munro and scholars influenced by him celebrate Munro’s body of work in articles that extend his (...)
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    Aaron Pidel, S.J.: Erich Przywara, S.J., and “Catholic Fascism:” A Response to Paul Silas Peterson.S. J. Aaron Pidel - 2016 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 23 (1):27-55.
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  36. Studies in Indian literature and philosophy: collected articles of J.A.B. van Buitenen.J. A. B. van Buitenen - 1988 - Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass. Edited by Ludo Rocher.
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    A role for philosophy of science in the teaching of science.J. C. Forge - 1979 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 13 (1):109–117.
    J C Forge; A Role for Philosophy of Science in the Teaching of Science, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 13, Issue 1, 30 May 2006, Pages 109–117, http.
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    The Ethics and Politics of Microaffirmations.J. B. Delston - 2021 - Philosophy of Management 20 (4):411-429.
    The role of microaggressions has gained increasing philosophical attention in recent years. However, microaggressions only tell part of the story. An often-overlooked component of inequality is the uneven and unjust distribution of microaffirmations. In this paper, I give a new definition of microaffirmations as signals that a recipient belongs to some valued or high-status class. Microaffirmations can—but need not—lead individuals to gain a sense of confidence, belonging, and merit. I then explain the harms of microaffirmations, arguing that when microaffirmations are (...)
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    Dynamic problem structure analysis as a basis for constraint-directed scheduling heuristics.J. Christopher Beck & Mark S. Fox - 2000 - Artificial Intelligence 117 (1):31-81.
  40. The History of Philosophy in Islam by D^R. T. J. De Boer.T. J. de Boer & Edward R. Jones - 1965 - Luzac & Co.
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    Reply by Margaret J. Osler and Richard A. Watson.Margaret J. Osler & Richard A. Watson - 2003 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 41 (3):407-407.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 41.3 (2003) 407 [Access article in PDF] Reply By Margaret J. Osler and Richard A. Watson In his comments on our historiographical Notes in the October 2002 issue of JHP, A. P. Martinich misrepresents our position by erroneously claiming that we presume a sharp dichotomy between the analytic history of philosophy and the historical history of philosophy. Neither of us accepts such a (...)
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    The evolving God: Charles Darwin on the naturalness of religion.J. David Pleins - 2013 - New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In focusing on the story of Darwin's religious doubts, scholars too often overlook Darwin's positive contribution to the study of religion. J. David Pleins traces Darwin's journey in five steps. He begins with Darwin's global voyage, where his encounter with religious and cultural diversity transformed his understanding of religion. Surprisingly, Darwin wrestles with serious theological questions even as he uncovers the evolutionary layers of religion from savage roots. Next, we follow Darwin as his doubts about traditional biblical religion take root, (...)
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    The surprise exam: Prediction on last day uncertain.J. A. Wright - 1967 - Mind 76 (301):115-117.
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    From Homer to Menander. Forces in Greek Poetic Fiction.J. A. Philip & L. A. Post - 1953 - American Journal of Philology 74 (4):435.
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  45. Taking the Bible Seriously: Honest Differences About Biblical Interpretation.J. Benton White - 1993
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    17. Three Ways of Inheriting Austin.J. Conant - unknown
    In this paper I will sketch three different ways of reading Austin. In order to have some bit of Austin before us to show that it can be and has been read in each of these three different ways, let us begin with a characteristic passage from Austin. In A Plea for Excuses, Austin writes: Modification without aberration. When it is stated that X did A, there is a temptation to suppose that given some, indeed perhaps any, expression modifying the (...)
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  47. The power of fiction: Exploring boundaries. In van Peer, W., & Auracher, J.M. C. Green & J. Garst - 2008 - In Jan Auracher & Willie van Peer (eds.), New Beginnings in Literary Studies. Cambridge Scholars Press. pp. 185--196.
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    Public and Private Morality.J. Derek Holmes - 1980 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 27:354-355.
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    (1 other version)Becoming A (Wonder) Woman.J. Lenore Wright - 2017 - The Philosophers' Magazine 79:64-69.
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    Creating Community in the Philosophy Classroom.J. Lenore Wright & Anne-Marie Bowery - 2006 - Teaching Philosophy 29 (1):1-21.
    In this paper, we describe Blackboard’s Online Journal program and explain how we use the online journal in a variety of philosophy courses. We outline our pedagogical motivation for using online journals and analyze how online journals help to improve our students’ ability to read, write and think philosophically. We analyze the strengths and weaknesses of online journals in comparison to online discussion boards. Finally, we address several concerns that philosophy teachers may have about using online journals.
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