John Law [25]James Law [5]Jules David Law [3]Julie Banzon Law [3]
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  1. Power, action, and belief: a new sociology of knowledge?John Law (ed.) - 1986 - Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  2.  53
    Reassembling Social Science Methods: The Challenge of Digital Devices.Evelyn Ruppert, John Law & Mike Savage - 2013 - Theory, Culture and Society 30 (4):22-46.
    The aim of the article is to intervene in debates about the digital and, in particular, framings that imagine the digital in terms of epochal shifts or as redefining life. Instead, drawing on recent developments in digital methods, we explore the lively, productive and performative qualities of the digital by attending to the specificities of digital devices and how they interact, and sometimes compete, with older devices and their capacity to mobilize and materialize social and other relations. In doing so, (...)
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    Aircraft stories: decentering the object in technoscience.John Law - 2002 - Durham, NC: Duke University Press.
    "What is a military aircraft? John Law shows in his beautiful analysis that it is a constant oscillation between multiplicity and singularity.
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    Complexities: Social Studies of Knowledge Practices.John Law & Annemarie Mol (eds.) - 2002 - Duke University Press.
    Although much recent social science and humanities work has been a revolt against simplification, this volume explores the contrast between simplicity and complexity to reveal that this dichotomy, itself, is too simplistic. John Law and Annemarie Mol have gathered a distinguished panel of contributors to offer—particularly within the field of science studies—approaches to a theory of complexity, and at the same time a theoretical introduction to the topic. Indeed, they examine not only ways of relating to complexity but complexity _in (...)
  5.  36
    (1 other version)Embodied Action, Enacted Bodies: the Example of Hypoglycaemia.John Law & Annemarie Mol - 2004 - Body and Society 10 (2-3):43-62.
    We all know that we have and are our bodies. But might it be possible to leave this common place? In the present article we try to do this by attending to the way we do our bodies. The site where we look for such action is that of handling the hypoglycaemias that sometimes happen to people with diabetes. In this site it appears that the body, active in measuring, feeling and countering hypoglycaemias is not a bounded whole: its boundaries (...)
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  6. Sociological Review Monograph 32.John Law - 1986 - In Power, action, and belief: a new sociology of knowledge? Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul. pp. 234--263.
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    Using LEGO® SERIOUS® Play with stakeholders for RRI.Stevienna de Saille, Alice Greenwood, James Law, Mark Ball, Mark Levine, Elvira Perez Vallejos, Cath Ritchie & David Cameron - 2022 - Journal of Responsible Technology 12 (C):100055.
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    Objects and Spaces.John Law - 2002 - Theory, Culture and Society 19 (5-6):91-105.
    Law's article begins by restating the classical ANT position that objects do not exist `in themselves' but are the effect of a performative stabilization of relational networks. In addition, these material enactments inevitably have a spatial dimension; they simultaneously establish spatial conditions for objectual identity, continuity, and difference. Space must not be reified as a natural, pre-existing container of the social and the material, but is itself a performance. Moreover, there are multiple forms of spatiality beyond the Euclidean space of (...)
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    Whatever should be done with indexical expressions?Barry Barnes & John Law - 1976 - Theory and Society 3 (2):223-237.
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    Science for social scientists.John Law - 1984 - London: Macmillan Press. Edited by Peter Lodge.
  11.  33
    The relationship of phonological ability, speech perception, and auditory perception in adults with dyslexia.Jeremy M. Law, Maaike Vandermosten, Pol Ghesquiere & Jan Wouters - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  12.  61
    Alternatives in different dimensions: a case study of focus intervention.Haoze Li & Jess H.-K. Law - 2016 - Linguistics and Philosophy 39 (3):201-245.
    In Beck, focus intervention is used as an argument for reducing Hamblin’s semantics for questions to Rooth’s focus semantics. Drawing on novel empirical evidence from Mandarin and English, we argue that this reduction is unwarranted. Maintaining both Hamblin’s original semantics and Rooth’s focus semantics not only allows for a more adequate account for focus intervention in questions, but also correctly predicts that focus intervention is a very general phenomenon caused by interaction of alternatives in different dimensions.
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    Modes of Syncretism.Vicky Singleton, John Law, Geir Afdal, Kristin Asdal & Wen-Yuan Lin - 2014 - Common Knowledge 20 (1):172-192.
    In this contribution to the Common Knowledge symposium “Fuzzy Studies,” the authors, all of whom work in the field of science, technology, and society, begin from the assumption that, as Bruno Latour has put it, “we have never been modern.” They accept the STS thesis that, while modern practices purport to be entirely rational and coherent, on closer inspection they turn out to be as much noncoherent as coherent. This article poses the question of what forms “noncoherences” take and how (...)
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    Indigeneity, Science, and Difference: Notes on the Politics of How.Solveig Joks & John Law - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (3):424-447.
    This paper explores a colonial controversy: the imposition of state rules to limit salmon fishing in a Scandinavian subarctic river. These rules reflect biological fish population models intended to preserve salmon populations, but this river has also been fished for centuries by indigenous Sámi people who have their own different practices and knowledges of the river and salmon. In theory, the Norwegian state recognizes traditional ecological knowledge and includes this in its biological assessments, but in practice this does not happen, (...)
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  15. Animals As Objects, or Subjects, of Rights.Richard A. Epstein, James Parker Hall Distinguished Professor of Law, Peter, Kirsten Senior Fellow & The Hoover Institution - 2004 - In Cass R. Sunstein & Martha Craven Nussbaum (eds.), Animal rights: current debates and new directions. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Grapheme-Phoneme Learning in an Unknown Orthography: A Study in Typical Reading and Dyslexic Children.Jeremy M. Law, Astrid De Vos, Jolijn Vanderauwera, Jan Wouters, Pol Ghesquière & Maaike Vandermosten - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:381040.
    In this study, we examined the learning of new grapheme-phoneme correspondences in individuals with and without dyslexia. Additionally, we investigated the relation between grapheme-phoneme learning and measures of phonological awareness, orthographic knowledge and rapid automatized naming, with a focus on the unique joint variance of grapheme-phoneme learning to word and non-word reading achievement. Training of grapheme-phoneme associations consisted of a 20-min training program in which eight novel letters (Hebrew) needed to be paired with speech sounds taken from the participant's native (...)
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    Toward a theology of boundary.Jeremy T. Law - 2010 - Zygon 45 (3):739-761.
    Awareness of boundary, both physical and mental, is seen as the beginning of perception. In any account of the world, therefore, boundary must be a ubiquitous component. In sharp contrast, accounts of God within the Christian tradition commonly have proceeded by the affirmation that God is above and beyond boundary as infinite, timeless, and simple. To overcome this “problem of transcendence,” of how such a God can relate to such a world, an eight-term grammar of boundary is developed to demonstrate (...)
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  18. The practice of fishy sentience.John Law & Marianne Lien - 2016 - In Kristin Asdal & Tone Druglitrø (eds.), Humans, Animals and Biopolitics: The More-Than-Human Condition. New York: Routledge.
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    On Customers and Costs: A Story from Public Sector Science.John Law & Madeleine Akrich - 1994 - Science in Context 7 (3):539-561.
    The ArgumentIn this we explore some of the ways in which a state scientific laboratory (Daresbury SERC) reacted to the rtetoric and forces of the marketpace in the 1980s. We describe laboratory attempts to create what we call “good customers” while converting itself into a “good seller” by developing a particulat set of costing practicting that were closely related to the implementation of a management accounting system. Finally, we consider how Daresbury response to “market forces” influenced scintific and organzational practice, (...)
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    Structure as process and environmental constraint.John Law & Peter Lodge - 1978 - Theory and Society 5 (3):373-386.
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    Force shift: a case study of Cantonese ho2 particle clusters.Jess H.-K. Law, Haoze Li & Diti Bhadra - 2024 - Natural Language Semantics 32 (3):315-357.
    This paper investigates force shift, a phenomenon in which the canonical discourse conventions, or force, associated with a clause type can be overridden to yield polar questions with the help of additional force-indicating devices. Previous studies attribute force shift to the presence of a complex question force component operating on semantic content. Based on utterance particles and particle clusters in Cantonese, we analyze force shift as resulting from compositional operations on force-bearing expressions. We propose that a simplex force, such as (...)
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    Tidescapes: Notes on a shi-inflected Social Science.John Law - 2018 - Journal of World Philosophies 3 (1):1-16.
    What might it be to write a post-colonial social science? And how might the intellectual legacy of Chinese classical philosophy—for instance Sun Tzu and Lao Tzu—contribute to such a project? Reversing the more usual social science practice in which EuroAmerican concepts are applied in other global locations, this paper instead considers how a “Chinese” term, _shi_ might be used to explore the UK’s 2001 foot-and-mouth epidemic. Drawing on anthropological insights into mis/translation between different worlds and their alternative ways of knowing (...)
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    Magical Urbanism:Walter Benjamin and Utopian Realism in the film Ratcatcher.Alex Law & Jan Law - 2002 - Historical Materialism 10 (4):173-211.
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  24. Producing nature : where biophysical materialities meet social dynamics.Christine Biermann, Justine Law & Zoe Pearson - 2024 - In Gregory Simon & Kelly Kay (eds.), Doing political ecology. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    On Jacques Derrida's" Paul de Man's War.John Brenkman & Jules David Law - unknown
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    Resetting the Agenda.John Brenkman & Jules David Law - 1989 - Critical Inquiry 15 (4):804-811.
    Jacques Derrida offers his recent commentary on the early career of Paul de Man as an urgent intervention in a discussion he fears is going awry. The most pressing danger he sees in the recent revelations is that they have played into the hands of de Man’s antagonists, who are now ready to denounce the whole of his career and even deconstruction itself. Against such indiscriminate critiques Derrida hurls the epithet: totalitarian. He is attempting to reseize the initiative in the (...)
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  27. Konfliktstudien.H. M. Collins, J. Law & T. J. Punch - 1988 - In Eva-Maria Willert & Gabriele Wosnitza-Spiegelberg (eds.), Mikrosoziologische Erklärungen der Wissenschaftsentwicklung und ihre Kritik. Erlangen: Herausgeber, Herstellung und Vertrieb, Institut für Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft an der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg.
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    The Emergence of 5-Year-Olds’ Behavioral Difficulties: Analyzing Risk and Protective Pathways in the United Kingdom and Germany.Wei Huang, Sabine Weinert, Helen Wareham, James Law, Manja Attig, Jutta von Maurice & Hans-Günther Roßbach - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aimed to advance our understanding of 5-year-olds’ behavioral difficulties by modeling and testing both mediational protective and risk pathways simultaneously. Drawing on two national samples from different Western European countries—the United Kingdom and Germany, the proposed model considered observed sensitive parental interactive behaviors and tested child vocabulary as protective pathways connecting parental education with children’s behavioral outcomes; the risk pathways focused on negative parental disciplinary practices linking parental education, parental distress, and children’s difficult temperament to children’s behavioral difficulties. (...)
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    (2 other versions)I think I know what you mean.Meredyth Krych-Appelbaum, Julie Banzon Law, Dayna Jones, Allyson Barnacz, Amanda Johnson & Julian Paul Keenan - 2007 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 8 (2):267-280.
    Theory of Mind is the ability to predict and understand the mental state of another. While ToM is theorized to play a role in language, we examined whether such a mentalizing ability plays an important role in establishing shared understanding in conversation. Pairs of participants engaged in a Lego model building task in which a director instructed a builder on how to create duplicate models from a prototype that only the director could see. We manipulated whether the director could see (...)
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    Conceptualizations of time in French depuis ‘since, for’ constructions.James Law - 2018 - Cognitive Linguistics 29 (2):163-195.
    Journal Name: Cognitive Linguistics Issue: Ahead of print.
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  31. Freud's Critique of Religion and the Viability of Faith.Jerry Law - 2000 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2000 (118):143-155.
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    Metonymy and argument alternations in French communication frames.James Law - 2022 - Cognitive Linguistics 33 (2):387-413.
    This study describes metonymic argument alternations, in which a constructional slot can be filled by any of a set of semantic roles that index one another, and provides a diachronic corpus analysis of two such alternations in French. In the Reveal secret frame and other communication frames, the Medium can indexically replace the Speaker and the Topic can indexically replace the Information. A regression analysis shows that while topic for information metonymy is more syntactically and pragmatically restricted, medium for speaker (...)
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  33. On metrics and fluids.John Law & Annemarie Mol - 1998 - In Robert C. H. Chia (ed.), Organized worlds: explorations in technology and organization with Robert Cooper. New York: Routledge. pp. 20.
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    Resisting pictures : Representation, distribution and ontological politics.John Law & Ruth Benschop - 1997 - In Kevin Hetherington & Rolland Munro (eds.), Ideas of Difference: Social Spaces and the Labour of Division. Blackwell Publishers/the Sociological Review. pp. 158--82.
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  35. Transcendental idealism 155 outline analysis of stammler's (kantian) system pure reason I realm of theory.Just Law - 1938 - In Jerome Hall (ed.), Readings in jurisprudence. Holmes Beach, Fla.: Gaunt. pp. 155.
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    The rhetoric of empiricism: language and perception from Locke to I.A. Richards.Jules David Law - 1993 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
  37. Colonial struggle and the infrastructures of knowledge : a story from Sápmi.Johan Henrik Liv Østmo, Line Kalak M. Buljo & John Law - 2025 - In Leandro Rodriguez Medina & Sandra G. Harding (eds.), Decentralizing knowledges: essays on distributed agency. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Gender differences in recognition memory for faces and cars: Evidence for the interest hypothesis.Stuart J. McKelvie, Lionel Standing, Denise St Jean & James Law - 1993 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 31 (5):447-448.
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    Development of a consumer constructed scale to evaluate mental health service provision.Lindsay G. Oades, Josephine Law & Sarah L. Marshall - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (6):1102-1107.
  40.  26
    Metamorphosis of a protein.Robert O. Ryan & John H. Law - 1984 - Bioessays 1 (6):250-252.
    All insects appear to have a transport lipoprotein in the hemolymph (blood) that is responsible for moving hydrophobic materials through aqueous compartments. This has been called lipophorin because it is believed to be a reversible transport shuttle. Since most insects undergo some degree of metamorphosis from larval stages to the adult, the need to transport hydrophobic materials or the nature of these materials may change in the course of the life span. This is especially marked in the case of the (...)
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  41. Lists, field guides, and the descriptive organization of seeing: Birdwatching as an exemplary observational activity. [REVIEW]John Law & Michael Lynch - 1988 - Human Studies 11 (2-3):271 - 303.
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    Contexts and Culling. [REVIEW]Ingunn Moser & John Law - 2012 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 37 (4):332-354.
    This article asks how contexts are made in science as well as in social science, and how the making of contexts relates to political agency and intervention. To explore these issues, it traces contexting for foot-and-mouth disease and the strategies used to control the epidemic in the United Kingdom in 2001. It argues that to depict the world is to assemble contexts and to hold them together in a mode that may be descriptive, explanatory, or predictive. In developing this argument, (...)
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    Sociology of Science Toward a Metric of Science: The Advent of Science Indicators. Edited by Yehuda Elkana, Joshua Lederberg, Robert K. Merton, Arnold Thackray, and Harriet Zuckerman. New York and Chichester: Wiley, 1978. Pp. xiv + 354. £14.00. [REVIEW]John Law - 1980 - British Journal for the History of Science 13 (3):264-264.