Results for 'Izabela Wagner-Saffray'

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  1.  16
    Bauman as a refugee: We should not call refugees ‘migrants’.Izabela Wagner-Saffray - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 156 (1):102-117.
    This paper claims that Bauman’s personal experiences deeply shaped his work. In the first part, I draw upon my own research, combining archive documents and interviews data, as well as – for the very first time – details taken from Zygmunt Bauman’s own unpublished autobiography, accessed courtesy of the Zygmunt and Janina Bauman Archive project at the University of Leeds. The second part of the paper draws upon my wider ethnographical study into the lived experiences of asylum seekers, conducted between (...)
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    In friendship with Keith Tester.Izabela Wagner - 2020 - Thesis Eleven 158 (1):14-16.
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    Social control and the institutionalization of human rights as an ethical framework for media and ICT corporations.Katharine Sarikakis, Izabela Korbiel & Wagner Piassaroli Mantovaneli - 2018 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 16 (3):275-289.
    Purpose This paper is concerned with the place of human rights in the process of technological development but specifically as this process is situated within the corporate-technological complex of modern digital communications and their derivatives. This paper aims to argue that expecting and institutionalizing the incorporation of human rights in the process of technological innovation and production, particularly in the context of global economic actors, constitutes a necessary act if we want to navigate the immediate future of artificial intelligence and (...)
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    Izabela Wagner (Hg.): Zygmunt Bauman, Fragmente meines Lebens. Aus dem Englischen von Ursula Kömen, Berlin: Suhrkamp Insel/Jüdischer Verlag 2024, 303 S. [REVIEW]Martin Arndt - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 76 (4):314-316.
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    Autonomous vehicle safety: An interdisciplinary challenge.P. Koopman & M. Wagner - 2017 - IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 9.
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    Development and validation of an Argentine set of facial expressions of emotion.Marcelo Vaiman, Mónica Anna Wagner, Estefanía Caicedo & Germán Leandro Pereno - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (2).
  7.  31
    Local supersimplicity and related concepts.Enrique Casanovas & Frank O. Wagner - 2002 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 67 (2):744-758.
    We study local strengthenings of the simplicity condition. In particular, we define and study a local Lascar rank, as well as short, low, supershort and superlow theories. An example of a low, non supershort theory is given.
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    Negative emotions in art reception: Refining theoretical assumptions and adding variables to the Distancing-Embracing model.Winfried Menninghaus, Valentin Wagner, Julian Hanich, Eugen Wassiliwizky, Thomas Jacobsen & Stefan Koelsch - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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  9. An introduction to real possibilities, indeterminism, and free will: three contingencies of the debate.Thomas Müller, Antje Rumberg & Verena Wagner - 2019 - Synthese 196 (1):1-10.
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    Toward a computational hermeneutics.Ronald L. Breiger, Robin Wagner-Pacifici & John W. Mohr - 2015 - Big Data and Society 2 (2).
    We describe some of the ways that the field of content analysis is being transformed in an Era of Big Data. We argue that content analysis, from its beginning, has been concerned with extracting the main meanings of a text and mapping those meanings onto the space of a textual corpus. In contrast, we suggest that the emergence of new styles of text mining tools is creating an opportunity to develop a different kind of content analysis that we describe as (...)
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    Présentation.Quentin Kammer & Henri Wagner - 2018 - Philosophie 137 (2):3-13.
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    PITH: una meditación raigal sobre la fe.Alberto Wagner de Reyna - 2005 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 10 (28):103-111.
    In the relation between man and the creator, the search for sense and the significance of faith has been permanent. From our human nature we devolvein a logical reasoning, a dialectic and in skepticism. From what we suppose to be our spiritual nature, we question what transcends from theological fai..
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    The Art-Work of the Future and Other Works.Richard Wagner & W. Ashton Ellis - 1995 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 53 (1):104-104.
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    Intransitive indifference: The semi-order problem.Keith Lehrer & Carl Wagner - 1985 - Synthese 65 (2):249 - 256.
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  15. Free speech and offensive expression.Judith Wagner DeCew - 2004 - Social Philosophy and Policy 21 (2):81-103.
    Free speech has historically been viewed as a special and preferred democratic value in the United States, by the public as well as by the legislatures and courts. In 1937, Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote in Palko v. Connecticut that protection of speech is a “fundamental” liberty due to America's history, political and legal, and he recognized its importance, saying, “[F]reedom of thought and speech” is “the matrix, the indispensable condition, of nearly every other form of freedom.” It is likely notable (...)
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    Ensayos en torno a Heidegger.Alberto Wagner de Reyna - 2000 - Lima: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Instituto Riva-Agüero.
    En palabras del rector de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, coeditora de este libro, quien lea estas páginas podrá apreciar cómo Alberto Wagner de Reyna, alumno del filósofo alemán, nos aproxima a una renovada comprensión de los temas que cautivaron la reflexión de Heidegger, y nos invita a adentrarnos con él por esas "sendas del bosque" en las que el hombre que busca su autenticidad celebra la fiesta de la meditación serena.
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    (2 other versions)Heidegger y el problema de la libertad.Alberto Wagner de Reyna - 1952 - Revista de Filosofía 2 (1):83-94.
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    The role of contour and location mechanisms in the Mueller-Lyer illusion.Roger B. Howard & Michael Wagner - 1973 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 2 (4):235-236.
  19. Epistemic practices in arts and technology.Andrew Newman, Matthias Tarasiewicz & Sophie-Carolin Wagner - 2015 - Journal for Research Cultures 1 (1).
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    Call for papers.Otthein Rammstedt & Gerhard Wagner - 1991 - Human Studies 14 (4):379-379.
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    Bioethics in the Pediatric Icu: Ethical Dilemmas Encountered in the Care of Critically Ill Children.John Lantos, Ásdís Finnsdóttir Wagner & Laura Miller-Smith - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book examines the many ethical issues that are encountered in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. It supports pediatricians, nurses, residents, and other providers in their daily management of critically ill children with the dilemmas that arise. It begins by examining the evolution of pediatric critical care, and who is now impacted by this advancing medical technology. Subsequent chapters explore specific ethical concerns and controversies that are commonly encountered. These topics include how to conduct end-of-life discussions with families facing a (...)
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  22.  21
    Contribuições Filosóficas de Spinoza Para Uma Educação Mais Potente.Carlos Wagner Benevides Gomes - 2023 - Revista Dialectus 29 (29):205-217.
    Benedictus de Spinoza (1632-1677), filósofo seiscentista holandês, não dedicou, evidentemente, ao tema da educação uma obra sistemática. No entanto, de maneira um pouco dispersa, ele deixou alguns registros sobre o ato de educar e sua importância em termos ontológicos, epistemológicos, afetivos e ético-políticos. Com base nisso, o objetivo desta pesquisa se dará a partir das seguintes reflexões: Por que estudar um pensador como Spinoza para entender a educação hoje? Qual a importância de sua filosofia às aplicações pedagógicas contemporâneas na Escola? (...)
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    Spinoza e o Anticartesianismo.Carlos Wagner Benevides Gomes - 2022 - Cadernos Espinosanos 46:127-146.
    A partir do estudo dos Princípios de Filosofia Cartesiana e da Ética de Spinoza, buscaremos explicitar o problema do anticartesianismo em três movimentos críticos específicos de natureza metódica, metafísica e ética: primeiro, a conversão do método empregado nos Princípios de Descartes; segundo, a crítica ao “dualismo substancial”; e, por fim, a crítica à teoria cartesiana do livre-arbítrio.
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    A Questão Do Nada Em Heidegger e Sartre.Raimundo Wagner Gonçalves de Medeiros Gomes - 2010 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 2 (4):259-271.
    Na contemporaneidade, o nada aparece na obra de alguns pensadores, numa tentativa de articulá-la com a questão do ser. Heidegger e Sartre se configuram como os principais expoentes deste tempo, nesta vertente do pensamento humano, por concentrarem seus estudos no campo ontológico, entretanto sem se desgarrem das relações humanas no que tange ao conhecimento. Ambos articulam a questão do ser na medida em que é colocada como uma questão do homem, ou, em certos momentos, do ser-aí humano, por isso, ela (...)
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  25.  15
    La Racionalidad Teológica En la Moral de Pedro Abelardo.Alberto Wagner Moll - 2023 - Ágora Papeles de Filosofía 42 (2).
    El presente trabajo busca exponer las premisas y la fundamentación teológica que subyace a la moral de Pedro Abelardo, con el fin de mostrar cómo en el sistema filosófico de dicho autor, conocido por su racionalismo, hay una justificación que extralimita dicho sistema. Para ello, se expondrá la terminología clave de su moral, la aplicación práctica de dichos conceptos, y una serie de objeciones tanto teológicas como filosóficas.
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    12 Weeks of Kindergarten-Based Yoga Practice Increases Visual Attention, Visual-Motor Precision and Decreases Behavior of Inattention and Hyperactivity in 5-Year-Old Children. [REVIEW]Sana Jarraya, Matthias Wagner, Mohamed Jarraya & Florian A. Engel - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Nursing Home Implementation of Health Information Technology: Review of the Literature Finds Inadequate Investment in Preparation, Infrastructure, and Training. [REVIEW]Michelle Ko, Laura Wagner & Joanne Spetz - 2018 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 55:004695801877890.
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    Modelling Perjury: Between Trust and Blame.Izabela Skoczeń - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (2):771-805.
    I investigate: to what extent do folk ascriptions of lying differ between casual and courtroom contexts? to what extent does motive to lie influence ascriptions of trust, mental states, and lying judgments? to what extent are lying judgments consistent with previous ascriptions of communicated content? Following the Supreme Court’s Bronston judgment, I expect: averaged lying judgments to be similar in casual and courtroom contexts; motive to lie to influence levels of trust, mental states ascriptions, and patterns of lying judgments; retrospective (...)
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    Manifestations of clinical depression in daily life: a daily diary study of descriptions of naturally occurring events.Izabela Krejtz, Natalia Rohnka, Paweł Holas, Marzena Rusanowska & John B. Nezlek - 2020 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (8):1664-1675.
    In the present study, clinically depressed and non-depressed adults described the events that happened to them each day for two weeks, and these descriptions were content analys...
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  30. Wagner's Aesthetics.Richard Wagner & Carl Dahlhaus - 1972 - Edition Musica.
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    Minimal Semantics and Legal Interpretation.Izabela Skoczeń - 2016 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 29 (3):615-633.
    In this paper I will tackle three issues. First, I aim to briefly outline the backbone of semantic minimalism, while focusing on the idea of ‘liberal truth conditions’ developed by Emma Borg in her book ‘Minimal Semantics’. Secondly, I will provide an account of the three principal views in legal interpretation: intentionalism, textualism and purposivism. All of them are based on a common denominator labelled by lawyers ‘literal meaning’. In the paper I suggest a novel way of viewing this common (...)
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  32. Remarks on the structuralistic epistemology of mathematics* Izabela bondecka-krzykowska and Roman Murawski.Izabela Bondecka-Krzykowska - 2006 - Logique Et Analyse 49:31-41.
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    Éphrem, Bardesane et Albinus sur les incorporels.Izabela Jurasz - 2017 - Philosophie Antique 17:169-204.
    Le Discours contre le Discours « De Domnus » rend compte d’un triple débat, dans lequel trois personnages interviennent sur la question des « incorporels », point difficile de la doctrine stoïcienne. La polémique rédigée par le stoïcien Bardesane, en réaction aux positions du platonicien Albinus, a été examinée par Éphrem le Syrien, chrétien et polémiste antibardesanite. Il est l’auteur du Discours et notre seule source d’information sur cette controverse. Or, la manière dont Éphrem aborde la question litigieuse est spontanément (...)
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    The ontology as the privileged horizon of Plato’s thought.Izabela Bocayuva - 2008 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 1:41-45.
    The education is, no doubt, a fundamental question in Plato’s thought. The Republic, considerate by many people as his masterpiece, takes care of this aspect, not without directing it through a political obliquity. In the greek society that honoured, above all, the formation of free citizens, education and politics were necessarily together. Nevertheless, we want to punctuate how, to Plato, both of them are subordinate to the ontological question.
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    Adaptation and Validation of the ADOS-2, Polish Version.Izabela Chojnicka & Ewa Pisula - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  36. Oswojenie inności i określenie tożsamości. Funkcjonowanie motywów sinizujących w osiemnastowiecznej Anglii.Izabela Dzioba - 2003 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 15 (15).
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    Intellect - Kronos in Plotinus. The Place of Myth in Plotinian Noetic.Izabela Jurasz - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    La référence au mythe de Kronos dans l’œuvre de Plotin occupe une place qui n’est pas facile à définir. Ce mythe est peu abordé dans le cadre des travaux sur la métaphysique plotinienne, bien que Kronos - l’Intellect dans ses rapports à l’Un et à l’Âme représente un des points particulièrement sensibles de la doctrine de Plotin. Ce motif est, en revanche, étudié en tant que l’exemple de l’exégèse d’un mythe : consternant, car il n’y a rien de plus éloigné (...)
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  38. Krzysztof Matuszewski, \"Sade. Msza Okrucieństwa\", słowo/obraz terytoria, Gdańsk 2008, s. 360.Izabela Kucab - 2011 - Filo-Sofija 11 (12 (2011/1)).
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    Hybrid artificial intelligence system in constraint based scheduling of integrated manufacturing ERP systems.Izabela Rojek & Mieczysław Jagodziński - 2012 - In Emilio Corchado, Vaclav Snasel, Ajith Abraham, Michał Woźniak, Manuel Grana & Sung-Bae Cho (eds.), Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems. Springer. pp. 229--240.
  40. Brzydota w ujęciu Umberto Eco.Izabela Romańska - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 15 (15/16):320-325.
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    The other blue: Role of sky in the perception of nature.Izabela Maria Sztuka, Ada Örken, Sonja Sudimac & Simone Kühn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Nature is frequently operationalized as greenery or water to estimate the restorativeness of the environment. Pursuing a deeper understanding of the connection between representation of naturalness and its relationship with restoration, we conducted an experiment aimed to investigate if the sky is perceived as an element of nature. The main goal of this study was to understand how the composition of the environment guides people’s selection of sky as nature in an explicit task. Moreover, we investigated how the amount of (...)
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  42.  20
    Richard Wagner's Prose Works.Richard Wagner & William Ashton Ellis - 2018 - Palala Press.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain (...)
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  43.  11
    Alfred Schutz: an intellectual biography.Helmut R. Wagner - 1983 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  44.  84
    Rozstrzyganie sporów w oparciu o zasady dobra i słuszności versus orzekanie w „trudnych przypadkach” w świetle współczesnych koncepcji metaetycznych.Izabela Skoczeń - 2018 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 9 (1):91-110.
    In the present paper, I argue against the claim that ex aequo and bono adjudication cannot be epistemically objective. I start with a survey of legal rules allowing the parties to resort to ex aequo et bono adjudication. Next, I argue that decisions taken on ex aequo et bono basis are not subjective for three main reasons. First, they are analogous to decision making in hard cases. Second, theories of practical reasoning and hybrid expressivism provide a precise theoretical account of (...)
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  45. Expressivism and the ex aequo et bono adjudication method.Izabela Skoczeń & Krzysztof Poslajko - 2022 - In Tomasz Gizbert-Studnick, Francesca Poggi & Izabela Skoczeń (eds.), Interpretivism and the Limits of Law. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 212-229.
    In the present paper we argue that although the semantics of both legal and moral statements can be explained with the use of a unified framework called hybrid or quasi-expressivism (Finlay & Plunkett, 2018), there still is an important difference in the semantics of moral and legal terms. Namely, while the truth conditions of legal statements are widely intersubjectively shared, this is not the case with moral statements. We demonstrate this difference using the example of the ex aequo et bono (...)
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  46.  10
    Die Aktualität der Transzendentalphilosophie: Hans Wagner zum 60. Geburtstag.Hans Wagner, Gerhart Schmidt & Gerd Wolandt (eds.) - 1977 - Bonn: Bouvier.
    Barion, J. Was es heisst, ein Philosoph zu sein.--Flach, W. Die Objektivität der Erkenntnis.--Schmidt, G. Die Transzendentalität des Seingedankens.--Winterhager, E. Das Sich-Haben des Subjekts.--Hartmann, K. Analytische und kategoriale Transzendentalphilosophie.--Marx, W. Systemidee und die Problematik ihrer Begründung.--Röd, W. Transzendentalphilosophie und deskriptive Philosophie als wissenschaftliche Theorien.--Vuillemin, J. Caractères et fonctions des signes.--Ritzel, W. Zur Theorie praktischer Wissenschaft.--Hufnagel, E. Relationen--zum Streit um die pädagogische Anthropologie.--Derbolav, J. Politik und Moral.--Wolandt, G. Standpunkte der Kunstphilosophie.
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  47. "I still maintain that this session should have been called" An Evening with Alfred Schutz," maybe with the addition in small print:" as seen through the re-presentations of his student Helmut Wagner.Helmut R. Wagner - 1985 - Human Studies 8 (33).
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    How wide and how deep is the divide between population genetics and developmental evolution?Günter P. Wagner - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (1):145-153.
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    Implicatures Within Legal Language.Izabela Skoczeń - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book proposes a novel, descriptive theory that unveils the linguistic mechanisms lurking behind judicial decisions. It offers a comprehensive account of the ongoing debate, as well as a novel solution to the problem of understanding legal pragmatics. Linguistic pragmatics is based on a theory created by Paul Grice, who observed that people usually convey more than just the amalgam of the meaning of the words they use. He labeled this surplus of meaning a “conversational implicature.” This book addresses the (...)
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    Natural language sentiment as an indicator of depression and anxiety symptoms: a longitudinal mixed methods study 1.Izabela Kaźmierczak, Adrianna Jakubowska, Agnieszka Pietraszkiewicz, Anna Zajenkowska, David Lacko, Aleksander Wawer & Justyna Sarzyńska-Wawer - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The study tested how the use of positive- (e.g. beautiful) and negative-valenced (e.g. horrible) words in natural language and its change in time affects the severity of depression and anxiety symptoms among depressed and non-depressed individuals. This longitudinal mixed methods study (N = 40 participants, n = 1440 narratives) with three measurements within a year showed that at the between-person level the use of negative-valenced words was strongly associated with the increase in anxiety and depression symptoms over time while the (...)
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