Results for 'Anna Zajenkowska'

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  1.  18
    Natural language sentiment as an indicator of depression and anxiety symptoms: a longitudinal mixed methods study 1.Izabela Kaźmierczak, Adrianna Jakubowska, Agnieszka Pietraszkiewicz, Anna Zajenkowska, David Lacko, Aleksander Wawer & Justyna Sarzyńska-Wawer - forthcoming - Cognition and Emotion.
    The study tested how the use of positive- (e.g. beautiful) and negative-valenced (e.g. horrible) words in natural language and its change in time affects the severity of depression and anxiety symptoms among depressed and non-depressed individuals. This longitudinal mixed methods study (N = 40 participants, n = 1440 narratives) with three measurements within a year showed that at the between-person level the use of negative-valenced words was strongly associated with the increase in anxiety and depression symptoms over time while the (...)
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    Platons Kritik an Geld und Reichtum.Anna Schriefl - 2013 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    The volumes published in the series Beiträge zur Altertumskunde comprise monographs, collective volumes, editions, translations and commentaries on various topics from the fields of Greek and Latin Philology, Ancient History, Archeology, Ancient Philosophy as well as Classical Reception Studies. The series thus offers indispensable research tools for a wide range of disciplines related to Ancient Studies.
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    Controversy over the Power Between the Papacy and the Empire in the light of Marsilius’ of Padua Defensor pacis.Anna Białas - 2010 - Peitho 1 (1):145-159.
    The most famous medieval controversy over the power and the temporal dominion took place between the papacy and the empire. One of the greatest advocates of the imperial domination was Marsilius of Padua, the author of an original work that demonstrated the advantage of acknowledging the emperor’s superiority over the Pope’s. The Defensor pacis, written between 1319 and 1324, was devoted to the dispute on such sovereignty issues as proving that the Pope should be subordinate to the Emperor, and not (...)
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  4. Światopogląd tragiczny u twórców warszawskiej szkoły historyków idei i Zygmunta Baumana.Anna Borowicz - 2000 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 33 (1):95-108.
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    Hombre y educación.Anna Pagés Santacana & Wolfgang Brezinka (eds.) - 1989 - Barcelona: PPU.
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  6. Feminist activism and presidential politics-Theorizing the costs of'insider strategy'.Anna Marie Smith - 1997 - Radical Philosophy 83:25-35.
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    Sexual Families and the State: Welfare Policy and Same-Sex Marriage in Shame Culture.Anna Marie Smith - 2001 - Theory and Event 5 (2).
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  8. Well-being.Anna Alexandrova - 2014 - In Nancy Cartwright & Eleonora Montuschi, Philosophy of Social Science: A New Introduction. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Posthuman legalities: new materialism and law beyond the human.Anna Grear, Emille Boulot, Iván Darío Vargas-Roncancio & Joshua Sterlin (eds.) - 2021 - Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing.
    How might law address the multiple crises of meaning intrinsic to global crises of climate, poverty, mass displacements, ecological breakdown, species extinctions and technological developments that increasingly complicate the very notion of 'life' itself? How can law embrace -- in other words --the 'posthuman' condition -- a condition in which non-human forces such as climate change and Covid-19 signal the impossibility of clinging to the existing imaginaries of Western legal systems and international law? This carefully curated book addresses these and (...)
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  10. Koniec sztuki według Donalda Kuspita.Anna Grucka - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 15 (15/16):288-293.
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  11. Labirynt hudby--ráj srdce.Anna Hostomská - 1967 - Praha: Panton.
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    Herrnhut - the model settlement for the Unity of Brethren.Anna Huminiak - 2005 - In Udo Sträter, Interdisziplinäre Pietismusforschungen: Beiträge Zum Ersten Internationalen Kongress Für Pietismusforschung 2001. De Gruyter. pp. 419-428.
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    Une posture de déresponsabilisation énonciative. L’ethos du Dr. Cottard 1.Anna Jaubert - 2020 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage.
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    Der Parteienstaat: zum Staatsverständnis von Gerhard Leibholz.Anna-Bettina Kaiser (ed.) - 2013 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
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    Ruso en el habla de los alemanes del Volga en Argentina.Anna Ladilova - 2019 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 29 (1):109-121.
    The present article looks at the lexical elements from Russia in the speech of the Volga Germans in Argentina. For this data recollected during the field study conducted in the context of the PhD of the author is analyzed. After a brief theoretical introduction into language contact studies, the article will give an overview of the sociohistorical context of the group in question. Then the Slavisms found in the study will be analyzed in regards to their semantics and their phonetical (...)
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    Intuicje modalne.Anna Brożek & Jacek J. Jadacki - 2008 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 56 (1):39-59.
    The authors proposes a philosophical hinterland of nomological type for various conceptions of alethic modalities. Differences among these conceptions are explained by the fact, that moda­lizators can be relativized to various types of laws. Thus one can speak respectively about logic and definitional, ontical and physical, technical and dispositional, psychological and methodo­logical, and finally deontic modalities. The authors shows that in their conceptual appa­ratus modal logics find intuitive interpretation more clear and ontologically more cautious than the semantics of possible worlds (...)
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    Rekonstrukcja pojęć w Szkole Lwowsko-Warszawskiej. Teoria i praktyka.Anna Brożek - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (2):155-179.
    Pojęcia były zawsze jednym z najważniejszych obiektów badań filozoficznych. Szczególnie duży wkład do teorii analizy pojęć wnieśli przedstawiciele polskiej gałęzi XX-wiecznej filozofii analitycznej, czyli Szkoły Lwowsko-Warszawskiej. Badaniom filozoficznym w tej szkole przyświecał postulat jasności myślenia i mowy. Analiza i doskonalenie pojęć oraz języka filozoficznego jako ich nośnika były naturalnym wyrazem programu metodologicznego, jaki formacji tej nadał jej założyciel, Kazimierz Twardowski. W artykule przedstawiona jest procedura rekonstrukcji pojęć, stosowana powszechnie w szkole Twardowskiego. Okazuje się, że pomimo głębokich niekiedy różnic między poszczególnymi (...)
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  18.  13
    People, Planet, Power: Toward a New Social Settlement.Anna Coote - 2015 - International Journal of Social Quality 5 (1):8-34.
    This article presents proposals for a new social settlement – a framework for deciding how people live together and what they expect from government, now and for the future. The proposed settlement has three goals: social justice, environmental sustainability, and a more equal distribution of power. To achieve these goals we have identified a set of objectives too often ignored in mainstream debates: achieving prosperity without depending on economic growth; shifting investment and action upstream to prevent harm rather than coping (...)
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    Formal causation and mental representation : a thomistic proposal.Gabriele De Anna - unknown
    In the past years, the relevance of Thomas Aquinas's theory of cognition for contemporary debates on epistemology has been widely discussed. That theory claims that mind and world are formally identical and that this relationship overcomes various problems associated with scepticism concerning mental representation. The proposal, however, is grounded on the idea that the world can act on the mind through a relation of formal causation. This thesis attempts to develop a Thomistic theory of formal causation which may be suitable (...)
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    J. Hintikka’s Interrogative Model of Inquiry and Prospects for Its Application in the Study of Artificial Intelligence.Anna Yu Moiseeva - 2022 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 64 (7):46-67.
    The article outlines the prospects of using J. Hintikka’s interrogative epistemology for modelling cognitive operations carried out by a cognizing agent to create a machine capable of full cognition. It was established that modeling is divided into two objectives: modeling the cognitive operations and modeling the strategic reasoning. Interrogative epistemology presents a solution to the first objective. It relies on a game-theoretic formal apparatus that allows one to correctly describe all types of possible moves within the framework of a particular (...)
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    Naturally Intentional.Anna Aloisia Moser - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 39:157-165.
    This paper takes its departure from a cluster of approaches to Intentionality that could be headed under the title “Naturalizing Intentionality.” The author groups them into two different arguments: The defenders of the Original-Derived Intentionality argument hold that while there may be such a thing as originalintentionality understood in Brentano’s sense which applies to the mental, we usually extend this intentionality to processes, machines and all sorts of other things. The defenders of the Basic-Higher Order Intentionality argument on the other (...)
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  22. Перетворення в середовищі промислового робітництва україни (1907-1914 рр.): Стан та перспективи дослідження.Anna Muravik - 2014 - Схід 4 (130).
    The present article analyses the research papers devoted to changes in industrial workers'states of Ukraine during 1905-1914. Current understanding of the basic principles of historiographical studies stipulates a many-sided approach to the studied problem. The analysis and generalization of extensive sweep of historical papers belonged to the historians of several generations outstand as an essential component. The presented article is devoted to presentation of the social and economic, political, ethnic changes in the environment of industrial workers of Ukraine in 1907-1914 (...)
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  23. Nietzsche e l'America.Anna Maria Nieddu - 2008 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 28 (1):190.
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    On the Subject in Linguistics.Anna Strelis - 2010 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 31 (1):61-89.
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    Introduction.Anna Stubblefield - 2018 - In Ethics Along the Color Line. Cornell University Press. pp. 1-20.
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    References.Anna Stubblefield - 2018 - In Ethics Along the Color Line. Cornell University Press. pp. 179-186.
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    Metodologia, teoria della conoscenza, filosofia dei valori: Heinrich Rickert e il suo tempo.Anna Donise, Antonello Giugliano & Edoardo Massimilla (eds.) - 2015 - Napoli: Liguori editore.
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  28. Spór o szaleństwo.Anna Drabarek - 2011 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 47 (190).
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  29. Descriptive ineffability reconsidered.Anna Drożdżowicz - 2016 - Lingua 177:1-16.
    Ordinary competent language speakers experience difficulty in paraphrasing words such as ‘the’, ‘but’ or ‘however’ as compared to words such as ‘chair’ or ‘run’. The difficulty experienced in the first case is sometimes called descriptive ineffability. In recent debates about meaning types in pragmatics and philosophy of language, descriptive ineffability has been used as a test for the presence of expressive (as opposed to descriptive) meaning, or procedural (as opposed to conceptual) meaning. However, the notion of descriptive ineffability is controversial (...)
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    Cybernetic Bacteria 2.0: Investigating the sublime in bacterial and digital communication.Anna Dumitriu - 2013 - Technoetic Arts 11 (1):27-46.
    Cybernetic Bacteria is an ongoing transdisciplinary investigation that brings together art, philosophy, microbiology and digital technology to examine the relationship of the emerging science of bacterial communication to our own digital communications networks, looking in particular at ‘packet data’ and bacterial quorum sensing. The project seeks to compare philosophical notions of the sublime with a kind of bacterial sublime, demonstrating the greater complexity of the interactions taking place at a microscopic level, when compared to human communication technologies such as the (...)
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  31. Lekcja etyki: czy przyszłość zależy ode mnie.Anna Dworczyk - 1994 - Etyka 27.
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  32. Abuelos cuidadores y educadores: abuelos, cuidados y educación por generación interpuesta.Anna Freixas Farré - 2005 - Critica 55 (928):44-48.
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  33.  19
    From cyborg feminism to drone feminism: Remembering women’s anti-nuclear activisms.Anna Feigenbaum - 2015 - Feminist Theory 16 (3):265-288.
    By the 1990s the dynamic array of creative direct action tactics used against militarised technologies that emerged from women’s anti-nuclear protest camps in the 1980s became largely eclipsed by cyberfeminism’s focus on digital and online technologies. Yet recently, as robots and algorithms are put forward as the vanguards of new drone execution regimes, some are wondering if now is the time for another Greenham Common. In this article I return to cyborg feminism and anti-nuclear activisms of the 1980s to explore (...)
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    A Device for Children’s Instrumental Creativity and Learning: An Overview of the MIROR Platform.Anna Rita Addessi - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:516478.
    This article presents the pedagogical paradigm of reflexive interaction and its application in the field of technology-enhanced learning and children’s musical creativity. The main feature of reflexive interaction is the repetition-variation mechanism: something is repeated and varied during the interaction, through a continual process of imitation and variation. In the context of the MIROR project (EU-ICT Project), we exploited the educational potential of the reflexive interaction paradigm and implemented the MIROR platform, an educational device consisting of a set of softwares (...)
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  35. Metody docierania do aksjologicznego wymiaru rzeczywistości w filozofiach działania Paula Ricoeura i Józefa Tischnera.Anna Borowicz - 2012 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 82 (2):311-328.
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    Biopolítica y distopía: la genómica en Next de Michael Crichton.Anna Bugajska - 2021 - Quaderns de Filosofia 7 (2):59.
    Biopolitics and dystopia: genomics in Michael Crichton’s Next Resumen: En este artículo se busca demostrar que, mientras el desarrollo científico es propulsado por el pensamiento tecno-optimista, el discurso prevalente sobre genómica en la cultura de masas es pesimista y tiene potencial para impedir la construcción de respuestas adecuadas a los desafíos biopolíticos por parte de los sistemas políticos y jurídicos. Aquí se sostiene que la utopía genómica es la única propuesta optimista que estimula las investigaciones científicas y que permite pensar (...)
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  37. Conversations with Kierkegaard.Anna Capkova - 2009 - Filozofia 64 (1):67-69.
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  38. Questioning the politics of human augmentation technologies.Anna Roessing & Tom Hobson - 2022 - In Danielle Sands, Bioethics and the Posthumanities. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Lumen medium: Enrico di Gand e il dibattito sullo statuto scientifico della teologia.Anna Arezzo - 2014 - Bari: Edizioni di Pagina.
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    Relationality and Attunement in Teaching Christian Ethics.Anna Abram - 2020 - Studies in Christian Ethics 33 (1):55-60.
    I identify my priority in teaching Christian ethics as fostering relationality, both in individual and collective contexts. I argue that focusing on the idea of relationality enables us to explore connections that exist or should exist between individuals and groups. For me, fostering relationality involves building an intellectual understanding of moral relationality and embodying this understanding in practical situations. In order to contain the theme of this study, I focus on a specific aspect of relationality, namely the idea of attunement. (...)
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    Virtue ethics and professional roles. By Justin Oakley and Dean Cocking.Anna Abram - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (1):137–140.
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    When Christians Were Jews: The First Generation.Anna Sapir Abulafia - 2021 - Common Knowledge 27 (2):310-310.
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    Las Cuestiones Sicilianas de Ibn Sab‘īn: el texto, sus fuentes y su contexto histórico.Anna Ayşe Akasoy - 2008 - Al-Qantara 29 (1):115-146.
    Las Cuestiones Sicilianas son el primer texto conservado del filósofo y sufí Ibn Sab‘īn de Murcia (c. 614/1217-668/1270). Aunque el prólogo del texto pretende que se trata de respuestas a preguntas mandadas por Federico II al mundo árabe, parece más probable que se trate de un manual introductorio para estudiantes árabes de filosofía, discutiendo cuatro problemas específicos y controvertidos como manera de presentar conceptos generales de la filosofía aristotélica. Este artículo analiza la estructura y la manera de argumentar en las (...)
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    Naming the Gods of Others in the Septuagint: Lexical Analysis and Historical-Religious Implications.Anna Angelini - 2019 - Kernos 32.
    This paper discusses the representation of foreign gods as demons found in the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. It investigates the category of δαιμόνιον in some Septuagint texts against the background of the Hellenistic literature, and the relationship between the notion of demon and that of idol. In doing this, it shows the relevance of the Septuagint for a better understanding of religious notions emerging during the Hellenistic period. Moreover, focusing on some uses of εἴδωλον in the Pentateuch, the (...)
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  45.  17
    A generalization of combinatorial operators.Anna Silverstein - 1978 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 19 (4):639-645.
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    Please Don't Stop the Music: Song Completion in Patients with Aphasia.Kasdan Anna, Vera Matthew & Kiran Swathi - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    La condanna del 1277 e i suoi effetti dottrinali.Anna Arezzo - 2001 - Quaestio 1 (1):527-535.
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    Corticocancellous olecranon autograft for metacarpal defect reconstruction: a case report.Anna Babushkina & Scott Edwards - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 7--4.
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    Contributions of Socially Distributed Cognition to Social Epistemology: The Case of Testimony.Anna Estany & David Casacuberta - 2012 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 16:40-68.
    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar y revisar las normas que filosóficamente asociamos al proceso de testimonio, inquiriendo hasta qué puntoson0 consistentes con los conocimientos empíricos de las ciencias cognitivas.Tradicionalmente, el problema del testimonio surgía cuando, desde una epistemología de corte individualista, se suponía, siguiendo el dictum ya marcado en la Modernidad tanto por racionalistas como por empiristas, de que el conocimiento debía ser testado personalmente. Sin embargo, disciplinas y enfoques recientes, como la Cognición Socialmente Distribuida y la Epistemología (...)
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  50.  13
    Milczenie Heideggera. Uwagi na marginesie fragmentów \"Bycia i czasu\".Anna Możdżeń - 2007 - Filo-Sofija 7 (1(7)):163-172.
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