Results for 'Ivor B. Hart'

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  1.  63
    The Physical Science of Leonardo da Vinci: A Survey.Ivor B. Hart - 1925 - The Monist 35 (3):464-485.
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    The complex interplay between semantics and grammar in impression formation.Wyley B. Shreves, William Hart, John M. Adams, Rosanna E. Guadagno & Cassie A. Eno - 2014 - Cognition 132 (3):455-460.
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    B. Balcar and F. Franek. Independent families in complete Boolean algebras. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 274 (1982), pp. 607–618. - Bohuslav Balcar, Jan Pelant, and Petr Simon. The space of ultrafilters on N covered by nowhere dense sets. Fundamenta mathematicae, vol. 110 (1980), pp. 11–24. - Boban Velickovic. OCA and automorphisms of P(ω)/fin. Topology and its applications, vol. 49 (1993), pp. 1–13.Klaas Pieter Hart, B. Balcar, F. Franek, Bohuslav Balcar, Jan Pelant, Petr Simon & Boban Velickovic - 2002 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 8 (4):554.
  4.  48
    RETRACTED: Fueling doubt and openness: Experiencing the unconscious, constructed nature of perception induces uncertainty and openness to change.William Hart, Alexa M. Tullett, Wyley B. Shreves & Zachary Fetterman - 2015 - Cognition 137 (C):1-8.
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    1-based theories - the main gap for $a$ -models.B. Hart, A. Pillay & S. Starchenko - 1995 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 34 (5):285-300.
    We prove the Main Gap for the class of a -models (sufficiently saturated models) of an arbitrary stable 1-based theory T . We (i) prove a strong structure theorem for a -models, assuming NDOP, and (ii) roughly compute the number of a -models of T in any given cardinality. The analysis uses heavily group existence theorems in 1-based theories.
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    Ordinal decompositions for preordered root systems.James B. Hart & Constantine Tsinakis - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (2):203-211.
    In this paper, we explore the effects of certain forbidden substructure conditions on preordered sets. In particular, we characterize in terms of these conditions those preordered sets which can be represented as the supremum of a well-ordered ascending chain of lowersets whose members are constructed by means of alternating applications of disjoint union and ordinal sums with chains. These decompositions are examples of ordinal decompositions in relatively normal lattices as introduced by Snodgrass, Tsinakis, and Hart. We conclude the paper (...)
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  7. AMBOS-SPIES, K., LACHLAN, continuity of cupping to 0'.S. Shelah, C. Laflamme & B. Hart - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 64:293.
  8.  32
    The significance of African vegetables in ensuring food security for South Africa’s rural poor.Tim G. B. Hart - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (3):321-333.
    Technologies and services provided to resource-poor farmers need to be relevant and compatible with the context in which they operate. This paper examines the contribution of extension services to the food security of resource-poor farmers in a rural village in South Africa. It considers these in terms of the local context and the production of African vegetables in household food plots. A mixture of participatory, qualitative and quantitative research tools, including a household survey, is used to argue that local production (...)
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    Superstable quasi-varieties.B. Hart & S. Starchenko - 1994 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 69 (1):53-71.
    We present a structure theorem for superstable quasi-varieties without DOP. We show that every algebra in such a quasi-variety weakly decomposes as the product of an affine algebra and a combinational algebra, that is, it is bi-interpretable with a two sorted structure where one sort is an affine algebra, the other sort is a combinatorial algebra and the only non-trivial polynomials between the two sorts are certain actions of the affine sort on the combinatorial sort.
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    Triviality, NDOP and stable varieties.B. Hart, A. Pillay & S. Starchenko - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 62 (2):119-146.
    We study perfectly trivial theories, 1-based theories, stable varieties, and their mutual interaction. We give a structure theorem for the models of a complete perfectly trivial stable theory without DOP: any model is the algebraic closure of a nonforking regular tree of elements. We also give a structure theorem for stable varieties, all of whose completions have NDOP. Such a variety is a varietal product of an affine variety and a combinatorial variety of an especially simple form.
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  11.  43
    The classification of excellent classes.R. Grossberg & B. Hart - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (4):1359-1381.
  12.  22
    Disciplines of Education.W. B. Inglis & Ivor Morrish - 1968 - British Journal of Educational Studies 16 (1):99.
  13.  27
    Retraction notice to "Fueling Doubt and Openness: Experiencing the Unconscious, Constructed Nature of Perception Induces Uncertainty and Openness to Change" Cognition, Volume 137, April 2015, Pages 1-8. [REVIEW]William Hart, Alexa M. Tullett, Wyley B. Shreves & Zachary Fetterman - 2017 - Cognition 169 (C):165.
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  14. HART, B. -The Psychology of Insanity. [REVIEW]B. Muscio - 1913 - Mind 22:410.
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    Teaching Health Sociology in Australia.J. Parer, K. Harley, R. Aird, F. Collyer, P. S. Cook, J. Dellemain, B. Hart, L. Rodriguez & S. Short - 2013 - Nexus 25 (3):12-18.
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  16. The Expanse of the Expanding Test Series Effect.J. J. Shaughnessy, E. B. Zechmeister, W. L. Cull & H. M. Hart - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):493-493.
  17.  18
    Ethics, Literature, and Theory: An Introductory Reader.Wayne C. Booth, Dudley Barlow, Orson Scott Card, Anthony Cunningham, John Gardner, Marshall Gregory, John J. Han, Jack Harrell, Richard E. Hart, Barbara A. Heavilin, Marianne Jennings, Charles Johnson, Bernard Malamud, Toni Morrison, Georgia A. Newman, Joyce Carol Oates, Jay Parini, David Parker, James Phelan, Richard A. Posner, Mary R. Reichardt, Nina Rosenstand, Stephen L. Tanner, John Updike, John H. Wallace, Abraham B. Yehoshua & Bruce Young (eds.) - 2005 - Sheed & Ward.
    Do the rich descriptions and narrative shapings of literature provide a valuable resource for readers, writers, philosophers, and everyday people to imagine and confront the ultimate questions of life? Do the human activities of storytelling and complex moral decision-making have a deep connection? What are the moral responsibilities of the artist, critic, and reader? What can religious perspectives—from Catholic to Protestant to Mormon—contribute to literary criticism? Thirty well known contributors reflect on these questions, including iterary theorists Marshall Gregory, James Phelan, (...)
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    In Search of Humanity: Essays in Honor of Clifford Orwin.Ryan Balot, Timothy W. Burns, Paul A. Cantor, Brent Edwin Cusher, Hugh Donald Forbes, Steven Forde, Bryan-Paul Frost, Kenneth Hart Green, Ran Halévi, L. Joseph Hebert, Henry Higuera, Robert Howse, Seth N. Jaffe, Michael S. Kochin, Noah Laurence, Mark L. Lutz, Arthur M. Melzer, Miguel Morgado, Waller R. Newell, Michael Palmer, Lorraine Smith Pangle, Thomas L. Pangle, William B. Parsons, Marc F. Plattner, Linda R. Rabieh, Andrea Radasanu, Michael Rosano & Nathan Tarcov (eds.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This collection of essays, offered in honor of the distinguished career of prominent political philosophy professor Clifford Orwin, brings together internationally renowned scholars to provide a wide context and discuss various aspects of the virtue of “humanity” through the history of political philosophy.
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  19. DOSEN, K., Rudimentary Kripke models for the intuitionistic propositional calculus EVANS, DM and HRUSHOVSKI, E., On the automorphism groups of finite covers.H. Friedman, Sg Simpson, X. Yu, Mc Laskowski, Ad Greif, A. Marcia, M. Prest, C. Toffalori, A. Pillay & B. Hart - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 62:295.
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    Historical and Cultural Refractions in Recent Education Transitions: The Example of Former Socialist European Countries.Ivor Goodson & Rain Mikser - 2023 - British Journal of Educational Studies 71 (1):99-116.
    Thirty years after the demise of the Soviet bloc, there still persists a rhetoric of differentiation and a discursive polarisation between the Western and the non-Western educational thinking and practices. This rhetoric overshadows a potential similarity, or homogeneity, between the dominant and several marginalised contexts. Regional, local and personal variations are prematurely attributed to fundamental, if often poorly argued, cultural differences. We seek to introduce and to preliminarily summarise the existing understandings of refraction in education and social research. Sporadically used (...)
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    Bertrand Russell (1872-1970), man of dissent.Ivor Grattan-Guinness - 2009 - Notes and Records of the Royal Society 63 (4):365-379.
    Russell argued against the Great War, but he also wanted to drop atomic bombs on the Soviet Union after World War II, and later he advocated nuclear disarmament. How could a great logician accommodate such inconsistencies? How, as a private citizen, did he make such a world-wide impact in his late years?
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  22.  29
    In Search of Humanity: Essays in Honor of Clifford Orwin.Ryan Balot, Timothy W. Burns, Paul A. Cantor, Brent Edwin Cusher, Donald Forbes, Steven Forde, Bryan-Paul Frost, Kenneth Hart Green, Ran Halévi, L. Joseph Hebert, Henry Higuera, Robert Howse, S. N. Jaffe, Michael S. Kochin, Noah Lawrence, Mark J. Lutz, Arthur M. Melzer, Jeffrey Metzger, Miguel Morgado, Waller R. Newell, Michael Palmer, Lorraine Smith Pangle, Thomas L. Pangle, Marc F. Plattner, William B. Parsons, Linda R. Rabieh, Andrea Radasanu, Michael Rosano, Diana J. Schaub, Susan Meld Shell & Nathan Tarcov (eds.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This collection of essays, offered in honor of the distinguished career of prominent political philosophy professor Clifford Orwin, brings together internationally renowned scholars to provide a wide context and discuss various aspects of the virtue of “humanity” through the history of political philosophy.
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  23. New books. [REVIEW]P. F. Strawson, H. J. Paton, H. L. A. Hart, Richard Robinson, A. C. Lloyd, R. Rhees, J. L. Spilsbury, Dorothy Emmet, George E. Hughes, D. R. Cousin, Basil Mitchell, Richard Peters, B. A. Farrell, Antony Flew, J. O. Urmson, O. P. Wood & Jonathan Cohen - 1951 - Mind 60 (238):265-295.
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    A Poetics of Parable and the ‘Basileic Reduction’: Ricoeurean Reflections on Kevin Hart’s Kingdoms of God.B. Keith Putt - 2017 - Sophia 56 (1):45-58.
    Reading Kevin Hart’s creative hermeneutic of the ‘basileic’ reduction in his latest book, Kingdoms of God, naturally leads me to consider another eminent linguistic phenomenologist who continually occupies my thoughts. Although I have been reading Hart now for about 25 years, I have been reading Paul Ricoeur for a decade longer than that, and it is his theory of poetic discourse that my mind keeps tenaciously associating with Hart’s perspectives on parable. Granted, Hart never mentions Ricoeur (...)
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    Mitchell B. Hart. The Healthy Jew: The Symbiosis of Judaism and Modern Medicine. x + 280 pp., bibl., index. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007. $28. [REVIEW]Lynne Fallwell - 2009 - Isis 100 (2):379-380.
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    Models with second order properties V: A general principle.Saharon Shelah, Claude Laflamme & Bradd Hart - 1993 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 64 (2):169-194.
    Shelah, S., C. Laflamme and B. Hart, Models with second order properties V: A general principle, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 64 169–194. We present a general framework for carrying out the construction in [2-10] and others of the same type. The unifying factor is a combinatorial principle which we present in terms of a game in which the first player challenges the second player to carry out constructions which would be much easier in a generic extension of (...)
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  27.  19
    Between a Saint and a Phenomenologist: Hart’s Theological Criticism of Marion.Bradley B. Onishi - 2017 - Sophia 56 (1):15-31.
    In 2013, the first reader of Jean-Luc Marion’s works appeared, Jean-Luc Marion: The Essential Writings, meticulously edited by his friend and colleague Kevin Hart. Yet, if the appearance of volume marked Marion’s status as France’s most influential living philosopher, Hart’s Kingdoms of God marks the beginning of a systematic theology long in the making. In addition to serving as the prologemenon to his planned systematics, the work also serves to differentiate Hart’s phenomenological theology from Marion’s phenomenology of (...)
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    H. L. A. Hart's Moderate Indeterminacy Thesis Reconsidered: In Between Scylla and Charybdis?Imer B. Flores - 2011 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (5):147-173.
    In this article the author, in the context of the fiftieth anniversary of H. L. A. Hart’s The Concept of Law, reconsiders the moderate indeterminacy of law thesis, which derives from the open texture of language. For that purpose, he intends: first, to analyze Hart’s moderate indeterminacy thesis, i.e. determinacy in “easy cases” and indeterminacy in “hard cases”, which resembles Aristotle’s “doctrine of the mean”; second, to criticize his moderate indeterminacy thesis as failing to embody the virtues of (...)
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    En torno a El concepto de derecho de Hart en su cincuenta aniversario. Introducción.Imer B. Flores & Jorge Fabra - 2011 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (5):XIII-XV.
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    50th Anniversary of Hart's The Concept of Law. Introduction.Imer B. Flores & Jorge Fabra - 2011 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (5):XVII-XIX.
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  31. HART, H. L. A. - Definition and Theory in Jurisprudence. [REVIEW]B. E. King - 1955 - Mind 64:424.
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    Ptolemy's Optics- Albert Lejeune: L'Optique de Claude Ptolémée dans la version latine d'après l'arabe de l'émir Eugène de Sicile, Édition critique et exégétique. Pp. 132+360; 100 figs. Louvain: Publications Universitaires, 1956. Paper, 420 B. fr. [REVIEW]Ivor Bulmer-Thomas - 1958 - The Classical Review 8 (02):127-128.
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    Preludes and postludes to Gibbon: Variations on an impromptu by J.G.A. Pocock.B. W. Young - 2009 - History of European Ideas 35 (4):418-432.
    The study of historiography is undergoing a revolution akin to that which took place in the history of political thought in the 1960s, and the work of J.G.A. Pocock is central to both. Pocock's continuing exploration, in Barbarism and Religion (1999-), of the intellectual contexts of Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, is central to this enterprise, and this essay situates the origins of his own work within a pre-‘Cambridge School’ Cambridge and its experience of (...)
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  34.  34
    Bradd Hart and Matthew Valeriote. A structure theorem for strongly abelian varieties with few models. The journal of symbolic logic, vol. 56 , pp. 832–852. - Bradd Hart and Sergei Starchenko. Addendum to “A structure theorem for strongly abelian varieties.”The journal of symbolic logic., vol. 58 , pp. 1419–1425. - Bradd Hart, Sergei Starchenko, and Matthew Valeriote. Vaught's conjecture for varieties. Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 342 , pp. 173–196. - B. Hart and S. Starchenko. Superstable quasi-varieties. Annals of pure and applied logic, vol. 69 , pp. 53–71. - B. Hart, A. Pillay, and S. Starchenko. Triviality, NDOP and stable varieties. Annals of pure and applied logic., vol. 62 , pp. 119–146.Ralph McKenzie - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (4):1820-1821.
  35. H.L.A. Hart's Minimum Content Theory of Natural Law.S. B. Drury - 1981 - Political Theory 9 (4):533-546.
  36.  43
    The Opening Mind. [REVIEW]M. B. - 1978 - Review of Metaphysics 32 (1):160-161.
    Weitz claims that humanistic philosophy requires open concepts. Concepts are said to be "neutral intermediaries between words and things". For Frege they must be sharply defined; for Weitz open concepts are sets of criteria that are either nonnecessary or nonsufficient or both in the definition of something, though they may be rejectable or undebatable. Thus he dismisses with Karl Popper "essentialism," and thus also Platonism and Aristotelianism. He finds early suggestions of open concepts in C. L. Stevenson’s "Persuasive Definitions," Friedrich (...)
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  37. Why Liberal Neutrality Prohibits Same-Sex Marriage: Rawls, Political Liberalism, and the Family.Matthew B. O'Brien - 2012 - British Journal of American Legal Studies 1 (2):411-466.
    John Rawls’s political liberalism and its ideal of public reason are tremendously influential in contemporary political philosophy and in constitutional law as well. Many, perhaps even most, liberals are Rawlsians of one stripe or another. This is problematic, because most liberals also support the redefinition of civil marriage to include same-sex unions, and as I show, Rawls’s political liberalism actually prohibits same- sex marriage. Recently in Perry v. Schwarzenegger, however, California’s northern federal district court reinterpreted the traditional rational basis review (...)
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  38.  23
    From Age to Agency: Frame Adoption and Diffusion Concerning the International Human Rights Norm Against Child, Early, and Forced Marriage.Morgan Barney, Amanda Murdie, Baekkwan Park, Jacqueline Hart & Margo Mullinax - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (4):503-528.
    The way many human rights advocates frame the international norm against child, early, and forced marriage (CEFM) has shifted in the past decade. While CEFM has historically been framed as driven by poverty and underdevelopment, advocates have more recently discussed the problem with a feminist sexuality frame. What leads advocates to change their framing about an international norm? We build an argument that stresses how (a) the nature of the frame, (b) the characteristics of the advocates, and (c) the characteristics (...)
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  39.  17
    American aesthetics: theory and practice.Walter B. Gulick & Gary Slater (eds.) - 2020 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Although there are distinctly American artists-Walt Whitman, Herman Melville, Grandma Moses, Thomas Hart Benton, and Andy Warhol, for example-very little attention has been devoted to formulating any distinctively American characteristics of aesthetic judgment and practice. This volume takes a step in this direction, presenting an introductory essay on the possibility of such a distinctly American tradition, and a collection of essays exploring particular examples from a variety of angles. Some of the essays in this collection extend pragmatist and process (...)
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  40. The Political Question of the Concept of Law.Liam B. Murphy - 2000 - In Jules L. Coleman (ed.), Hart's Postscript: Essays on the Postscript to `the Concept of Law'. New York: Oxford University Press UK.
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    Moral Problems in Contemporary Society, Essays in Humanistic Ethics. [REVIEW]A. M. B. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 27 (2):399-399.
    This book is a collection of 18 essays portraying a "humanistic" outlook on several contemporary moral problems, and includes such essayists as Kurt Baier, Carl Rogers, B. F. Skinner, Sidney Hook, Abraham Edel, John Somerville, and Corliss Lamont. Although each was requested first to give his own definition of humanism and then to work out one application of it from his particular field or interest, these directions are not always strictly adhered to. Half of the essays had in fact, already (...)
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    Paternalistic Intervention. [REVIEW]Raymond B. Marcin - 1988 - Review of Metaphysics 41 (3):637-640.
    In the grand debate between the paternalist and the libertarian, VanDeVeer sides decidedly with the libertarian. Paternalistic intervention he regards as presumptively wrong, and so the question becomes whether there are countervailing, morally relevant considerations by which paternalistic intervention can be justified. In shifting the burden of justification to the paternalist, VanDeVeer is not being innovative. H. L. A. Hart broke that ground in his Law, Liberty, and Morality in 1963, and Ronald Dworkin used the technique effectively in his (...)
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  43.  16
    Alldridge, P. and Brants, C.(eds), Personal Autonomy, The Private Sphere and Criminal Law: A Comparative Study (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2001). Andrews, LB, Future Perfect (New York Chichester: Columbia University Press, 2000). [REVIEW]N. Basch, H. Charlesworth, C. Chinkin, A. Diduck, F. Kaganas, B. Fawcett, S. Lamb, A. McColgan & S. Rahman-Khan - 2001 - Feminist Legal Studies 9 (3):273-274.
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    Ethics in Medicine: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Concerns.Stanley Joel Reiser, Mary B. Saltonstall Professor of Population Ethics Arthur J. Dyck, Arthur J. Dyck & William J. Curran - 1977 - Cambridge: Mass. : MIT Press.
    This book is a comprehensive and unique text and reference in medical ethics. By far the most inclusive set of primary documents and articles in the field ever published, it contains over 100 selections. Virtually all pieces appear in their entirety, and a significant number would be difficult to obtain elsewhere. The volume draws upon the literature of history, medicine, philosophical and religious ethics, economics, and sociology. A wide range of topics and issues are covered, such as law and medicine, (...)
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  45. Hart, B. - The Modern Treatment Of Mental And Nervous Diseases. [REVIEW]J. A. Thomson - 1920 - Scientia 14 (28):143.
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  46. HART, B. -The Psychology of Insanity. [REVIEW]W. J. W. J. - 1914 - Mind 23:615.
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  47. Hart, I. B. - Makers Of Science. Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy. [REVIEW]G. Loria - 1928 - Scientia 22 (43):265.
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  48.  26
    Ivor Grattan-Guinness , Landmark Writings in Western Mathematics 1640–1940. Amsterdam, San Diego, Oxford and London: Elsevier B. V., 2005. Pp. xvii+1022. ISBN 0-444-50871-6. £158.00. [REVIEW]Josipa Petrunić - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Science 40 (4):608-610.
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    Hart, David B. The Beauty of the Infinite: The Aesthetics of Christian Truth. [REVIEW]Daniel Gallagher - 2005 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 17 (1-2):193-194.
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    IV. Ueber eine seltene Μ. B. Nemausus-münze des M. Vipsanius Agrippa mit dem trauer-harte.Ed Rapp - 1864 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 21 (1-4):31-40.
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