Results for 'Ishan Lamba'

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  1.  25
    Utility of cinema in medical pedagogy: a novel ideology based on a case study of “apocalypse now”.Ishan Lamba - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 5 (2):225-232.
    The advent of the internet age has impacted every sphere of modern medicine, including medical education. The new generation of trainees require novel approaches to teaching to make the requisite impacts on their minds. Conventional classroom teaching might be considered obsolete by some, especially when the subject being talked about is ethics and philosophy of medicine. An untapped resource for the teachers lies perhaps in the colossal reserve of decades of cinema. This novel concept of using movies to teach is (...)
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    Dissociation between dreams and wakefulness: Insights from body and action representations of rare individuals with massive somatosensory deafferentation.Ishan-Singh J. Chauhan, Jonathan D. Cole, Alain Berthoz & Fabrice R. Sarlegna - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 106 (C):103415.
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    Los derechos de las personas LGTBI en los países del Norte de Europa.Fernando Santamaría Lambás - 2024 - Derechos y Libertades: Revista de Filosofía del Derecho y derechos humanos 50:225-267.
    Los derechos de las personas LGTBI están de actualidad en la sociedad del si- glo XXI. Es nuestro propósito estudiar las normas sobre orientación sexual e identidad de género en los países del Norte de Europa (Reino Unido, Irlanda, Islandia, Finlandia, Dinamarca, Noruega, Suecia, Estonia, Letonia y Lituania). Nos dedicaremos sobre todo al estudio del grado de reconocimiento del derecho al cambio de género en las leyes nacionales, así como si esas legislaciones res- petan o no el Convenio Europeo de (...)
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    Researching Migrant Street Children in Delhi: Ethical Considerations in Practice.Yukti Lamba - 2023 - Ethics and Social Welfare 17 (4):436-448.
    This article is based on qualitative research conducted in Delhi between May 2019 and October 2019 with children from the Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT) as part of a PhD. Data were collected from 30 children in focus group discussions using participatory methods, followed by semi-structured interviews. As the research was conducted among a vulnerable population (migrant street children), every effort was made to conduct the study ethically, including obtaining informed consent and upholding confidentially and anonymity. Careful consideration was given as (...)
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    From Sports Ethics to Labor Relations.Ishan Dasgupta & Dan O’Connor - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (10):17 - 18.
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  6. Lo español en Europa: el caso español.Juan Francisco Casero Lambás - 2005 - El Basilisco 36:3-10.
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    A wrinkle in and of time: Contraction of felt duration with a single perceptual switch.Ishan Singhal & Narayanan Srinivasan - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105151.
    The way we represent and perceive time has crucial implications for studying temporality in conscious experience. Contrasting positions posit that temporal information is separately abstracted out like any other perceptual property through specialized mechanisms or that time is represented through the temporality of experiences themselves. To add to this debate, we investigate alterations in felt time in conditions where only conscious visual experience is altered through perceptual switches while a bistable figure remains physically unchanged. We predicted that if perceived time (...)
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    Ethical Oversight of Direct-to-Consumer Neurotechnologies: The FDA, the FTC, or Self-Regulation?Ishan Dasgupta - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (4):200-201.
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    In search of lost time: Integrated information theory needs constraints from temporal phenomenology.Ishan Singhal, Ramya Mudumba & Narayanan Srinivasan - 2022 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 3.
    Integrated information theory of consciousness proposes an identity between its causal structure and phenomenology. Through this assertion, IIT aims to explain consciousness by prioritizing first-person experience. However, despite its phenomenology-first stance, developments in IIT have overlooked temporality. As such, we argue that at present IIT’s phenomenological analysis is incomplete. In this critique, we show how IIT takes a non-identical illusionist stance towards the experiences of continuity, flow, and extent of our experiences. Moreover, in isolating temporal grains of experience to a (...)
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  10.  54
    What Happens After a Neural Implant Study? Neuroethics Expert Workshop on Post-Trial Obligations.Ishan Dasgupta, Eran Klein, Laura Y. Cabrera, Winston Chiong, Ashley Feinsinger, Joseph J. Fins, Tobias Haeusermann, Saskia Hendriks, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Cynthia Kubu, Helen Mayberg, Khara Ramos, Adina Roskies, Lauren Sankary, Ashley Walton, Alik S. Widge & Sara Goering - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (2):1-14.
    What happens at the end of a clinical trial for an investigational neural implant? It may be surprising to learn how difficult it is to answer this question. While new trials are initiated with increasing regularity, relatively little consensus exists on how best to conduct them, and even less on how to ethically end them. The landscape of recent neural implant trials demonstrates wide variability of what happens to research participants after an neural implant trial ends. Some former research participants (...)
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  11. From gazing to understanding: Experiencing a methodological shift.Ishan Santra - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 27:575-585.
    As a mathematics education researcher from India, I try to capture glimpses of a messy terrain named education— or maybe field-notes from experiential tours, humbly inviting the MES community to engage and together become more reflexive towards our collective practices and baggage. This paper would, nonetheless, ask questions pertaining to mathematics education. However, it would not start with asking them, marking them as research questions. In this paper, I would rather try to trace the birthmarks of certain research questions; to (...)
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    Mapping the Dimensions of Agency.Andreas Schönau, Ishan Dasgupta, Timothy Brown, Erika Versalovic, Eran Klein & Sara Goering - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (2):172-186.
    Neural devices have the capacity to enable users to regain abilities lost due to disease or injury – for instance, a deep brain stimulator (DBS) that allows a person with Parkinson’s disease to regain the ability to fluently perform movements or a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) that enables a person with spinal cord injury to control a robotic arm. While users recognize and appreciate the technologies’ capacity to maintain or restore their capabilities, the neuroethics literature is replete with examples of (...)
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  13.  6
    Spiritual science.Bhag Singh Lamba - 1961 - [Jaipur]: [Jaipur].
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  14.  31
    The empirical evidence that does not support cultural group selection models for the evolution of human cooperation.Shakti Lamba - 2016 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39.
    I outline key empirical evidence from my research and that of other scholars, testing the role of cultural group selection in the evolution of human cooperation, which Richerson et al. failed to mention and which fails to support the CGS hypothesis.
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    Sport Is Arbitrary, and That's OK.Dan O'Connor & Ishan Dasgupta - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics 12 (7):30 - 31.
    The American Journal of Bioethics, Volume 12, Issue 7, Page 30-31, July 2012.
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    Reflections on Soros: Mach, Quine, Arthur and far-from-equilibrium dynamics.Rod Cross, Harold Hutchinson, Harbir Lamba & Doug Strachan - 2013 - Journal of Economic Methodology 20 (4):357-367.
    We argue that the Soros account of reflexivity does not provide a clear-cut distinction between a social science such as economics and the physical sciences. It is pointed out that the participants who attempt to learn from refutations of conjectures in the Soros world are likely to be haunted by the Duhem–Quine problem of conjointness of hypotheses and unfocused refutation. On a more constructive note, we argue that models of inductive learning, in which participants form conjectures on the basis of (...)
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  17.  23
    Biowarfare conspiracy, faith in government, and compliance with safety guidelines during COVID-19: an international study.Olga Khokhlova, Nishtha Lamba, Aditi Bhatia & Marina Vinogradova - 2021 - Mind and Society 20 (2):235-251.
    In light of the coronavirus pandemic, an international study (N = 1066) was conducted to explore the new bioterrorism conspiracy, faith in government, and compliance with public health guidelines related to COVID-19. Hierarchical regressions showed that while general belief in conspiracies decreased faith in government during COVID-19, it increased belief in bioterrorism regarding the coronavirus. Critical thinking was associated with decreased endorsement of biowarfare conspiracy. Higher levels of belief in bioterrorism, faith in government, and perceived risk positively facilitated compliance behavior (...)
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  18. Views of stakeholders at risk for dementia about deep brain stimulation for cognition.Eran Klein, Natalia Montes Daza, Ishan Dasgupta, Kate MacDuffie, Andreas Schönau, Garrett Flynn, Dong Song & Sara Goering - 2023 - Brain Stimulation 16 (3):742-747.
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    Asking questions that matter – Question prompt lists as tools for improving the consent process for neurotechnology clinical trials.Andreas Schönau, Sara Goering, Erika Versalovic, Natalia Montes, Tim Brown, Ishan Dasgupta & Eran Klein - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Implantable neurotechnology devices such as Brain Computer Interfaces and Deep Brain Stimulators are an increasing part of treating or exploring potential treatments for neurological and psychiatric disorders. While only a few devices are approved, many promising prospects for future devices are under investigation. The decision to participate in a clinical trial can be challenging, given a variety of risks to be taken into consideration. During the consent process, prospective participants might lack the language to consider those risks, feel unprepared, or (...)
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  20.  26
    "In the spectrum of people who are healthy": Views of individuals at risk of dementia on using neurotechnology for cognitive enhancement.Asad Beck, Andreas Schönau, Kate MacDuffie, Ishan Dasgupta, Garrett Flynn, Dong Song, Sara Goering & Eran Klein - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (2):1-18.
    Neurotechnological cognitive enhancement has become an area of intense scientific, policy, and ethical interest. However, while work has increasingly focused on ethical views of the general public, less studied are those with personal connections to cognitive impairment. Using a mixed-methods design, we surveyed attitudes regarding implantable neurotechnological cognitive enhancement in individuals who self-identified as having increased likelihood of developing dementia (n = 25; ‘Our Study’), compared to a nationally representative sample of Americans (n = 4726; ‘Pew Study’). Participants in Our (...)
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    The Need for Early Engagement with Interested Groups on Advanced Biopreservation.Insoo Hyun, John Bischof, Shawneequa L. Callier, Alexander M. Capron, Michele Bratcher Goodwin, Ishan Goswami, Rosario Isasi, Andrew D. Maynard, Timothy L. Pruett, Korkut Uygun & Susan M. Wolf - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (3):585-594.
    Research on advanced biopreservation — technologies that include, for example, partial freezing, supercooling, and vitrification with nanoparticle infusion and laser rewarming — is proceeding at a rapid pace, potentially affecting many areas of medicine and the life sciences, food, agriculture, and environmental conservation. Given the breadth and depth of its medical, scientific, and corresponding social impacts, advanced biopreservation is poised to emerge as a disruptive technology with real benefits, but also ethical challenges and risks. Early engagement with potentially affected groups (...)
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  22. Neuroengineering and Ethics: Identifying Common Themes and Areas of Need Across Proposed Ethical Frameworks.Michelle Trang Pham, Matthew Sample, Ishan Dasgupta, Sara Goering & Eran Klein - forthcoming - In Nitish V. Thakor, Springer Handbook of Neuroengineering.
    Recent advancements in neuroengineering research have prompted neuroethicists to propose a variety of “ethical guidance” frameworks (e.g., principles, guidelines, framing questions, responsible research innovation frameworks, and ethical priorities) to inform this work. In this chapter, we offer a comparative analysis of five recently proposed ethical guidance frameworks (NIH neuroethics guiding principles, Nuffield Council on Bioethics, Global Neuroethics Summit Delegates, the Center for Neurotechnology’s neuroethical principles and guidelines, and the Neurotechnology Ethics Taskforce’s ethical priorities). We identify some common themes among these (...)
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    The indigenisation of eco-theology: The case of the Lamba people of the Copperbelt in Zambia.Lackson Chibuye & Johan Buitendag - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1).
    This article shows how eco-theology could and should be indigenised in an African context using the Copperbelt in Zambia as a case study. The ecological crisis worldwide has given rise to the call for everyone to work together to start caring about our natural environment. In theology, the response to this call received the name eco-theology. By means of a literature review, ethnographic information and governmental legislation, the article tries to illustrate how eco-theology could and should be indigenised in an (...)
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  24. On the correspondence between proofs and lamba-terms.J. Gallier - 1995 - In Philippe De Groote, The Curry-Howard isomorphism. Louvain-la-Neuve: Academia.
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    5. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Lamba Parlaklığı İle İlgili Hazırbulunuşlukları.Gonca Harman - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 2):549-549.
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