Results for 'Ishan Goswami'

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  1.  3
    The Need for Early Engagement with Interested Groups on Advanced Biopreservation.Insoo Hyun, John Bischof, Shawneequa L. Callier, Alexander M. Capron, Michele Bratcher Goodwin, Ishan Goswami, Rosario Isasi, Andrew D. Maynard, Timothy L. Pruett, Korkut Uygun & Susan M. Wolf - 2024 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 52 (3):585-594.
    Research on advanced biopreservation — technologies that include, for example, partial freezing, supercooling, and vitrification with nanoparticle infusion and laser rewarming — is proceeding at a rapid pace, potentially affecting many areas of medicine and the life sciences, food, agriculture, and environmental conservation. Given the breadth and depth of its medical, scientific, and corresponding social impacts, advanced biopreservation is poised to emerge as a disruptive technology with real benefits, but also ethical challenges and risks. Early engagement with potentially affected groups (...)
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    Subjects that matter: philosophy, feminism, and postcolonial theory.Namita Goswami - 2019 - Albany: SUNY Press, State University of New York Press.
    Argues for postcoloniality as a model for philosophical practice. In this ambitious book, Namita Goswami draws on continental philosophy, postcolonial criticism, critical race theory, and African American and postcolonial feminisms to offer postcoloniality as a model for philosophical practice. Moving among and between texts, traditions, and frameworks, including the work of Gayatri Spivak, Theodor Adorno, Barbara Christian, Paul Gilroy, Neil Lazarus, and Hortense Spillers, among others, she charts a journey that takes us beyond Eurocentrism by understanding postcoloniality as the (...)
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    Dissociation between dreams and wakefulness: Insights from body and action representations of rare individuals with massive somatosensory deafferentation.Ishan-Singh J. Chauhan, Jonathan D. Cole, Alain Berthoz & Fabrice R. Sarlegna - 2022 - Consciousness and Cognition 106 (C):103415.
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    In search of lost time: Integrated information theory needs constraints from temporal phenomenology.Ishan Singhal, Ramya Mudumba & Narayanan Srinivasan - 2022 - Philosophy and the Mind Sciences 3.
    Integrated information theory of consciousness proposes an identity between its causal structure and phenomenology. Through this assertion, IIT aims to explain consciousness by prioritizing first-person experience. However, despite its phenomenology-first stance, developments in IIT have overlooked temporality. As such, we argue that at present IIT’s phenomenological analysis is incomplete. In this critique, we show how IIT takes a non-identical illusionist stance towards the experiences of continuity, flow, and extent of our experiences. Moreover, in isolating temporal grains of experience to a (...)
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    Ethical Oversight of Direct-to-Consumer Neurotechnologies: The FDA, the FTC, or Self-Regulation?Ishan Dasgupta - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (4):200-201.
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    The Self-aware Universe: How Consciousness Creates the Material World.Amit Goswami, Richard E. Reed & Maggie Goswami - 1993
    Brings together the most recent discoveries in quantum physics and provides a powerful argument for transforming not only the way we view nature, but also how we view our own personal reality. The book also challenges readers to give up their prejudices regarding material realism.
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    Europe as an Other: Postcolonialism and Philosophers of the Future.Namita Goswami - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (1):59-74.
    This essay challenges the reduction of Gayatri Spivak's critique of postcolonial reason to functional and derivative identity politics. Such a reading neutralizes the philosophical nature of Spivak's conceptual contributions. Because Spivak is derided as preaching about subaltern victimhood, this essay discerns what is philosophical about the concept of the subaltern. I focus on Spivak's attempt at a space-clearing gesture that can create the possibility for breaking the frame of Eurocentrism. I argue that for this philosopher of the future, the concept (...)
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    From Sports Ethics to Labor Relations.Ishan Dasgupta & Dan O’Connor - 2013 - American Journal of Bioethics 13 (10):17 - 18.
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    A critique on Śabda: based on Viśvanatha's Bhāṣāpariccheda.Ashok Kumar Goswami - 1991 - Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications.
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    Amongst Letters I Am the Vowel A: Spivak, "Draupadi," and Anagogizing the Political.Namita Goswami - 2019 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 9 (2):20-44.
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  11. Interpersonal Relationship versus the Subjectivity Thesis.Sauravpran Goswami - 2007 - In Manjulika Ghosh, Musings on philosophy: perennial and modern. New Delhi: Sundeep Prakashan. pp. 237.
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  12.  26
    Moral Luck and the Question of Responsibility.Gargi Goswami - 2013 - Tattva - Journal of Philosophy 5 (2):37-49.
    The problem of moral luck is a genuine moral problem faced by all of us where the conflict arises on how and upon whom one should place the burden of moral responsibility when the situation is beyond one‟s control. On one hand, people commonly think that a person cannot be justly praised or blamed for his actions unless he controls them. On the other hand, ordinary moral judgments of persons routinely vary based on the actual consequences caused by the person, (...)
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    Kaṇādaṭippaṇī: a commentary on Gaṅgeśa's Avayavacintāmaṇī: critical edited with Cintāmaṇi, translation, notes and with Mūlamāthurī & Mūlajāgadīśī in the appendices. Kaṇādatarkavāgīśa & Subuddhi Charan Goswami - 2006 - Kolkata: Rabindra Bharati University. Edited by Subuddhi Charan Goswami, Gaṅgeśa, Jagadīśatarkālaṅkāra & Mathurānātha Tarkavāgīśa.
    Commentary on Avayava, portion of Tattvacintāmaṇi dealing with syllogism (avayava) work of the Navya-nyaya school in Indic philosophy by Gaṅgeśa, 13th cent.
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    The spiritual science of kriya yoga.Goswami Kriyananda - 1985 - Chicago: Temple of Kriya Yoga.
    "This is the most complete book available on the practices, techniques and philosophy of Kriya Yoga. It is an invaluable guide which takes the student step by step through the eight stages of Patanjali, from the yamas and the practice of ahimsa to samadhi, the ultimate realization of the yogic path.
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    Utility of cinema in medical pedagogy: a novel ideology based on a case study of “apocalypse now”.Ishan Lamba - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 5 (2):225-232.
    The advent of the internet age has impacted every sphere of modern medicine, including medical education. The new generation of trainees require novel approaches to teaching to make the requisite impacts on their minds. Conventional classroom teaching might be considered obsolete by some, especially when the subject being talked about is ethics and philosophy of medicine. An untapped resource for the teachers lies perhaps in the colossal reserve of decades of cinema. This novel concept of using movies to teach is (...)
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    Science and technology in ancient India.Bijoya Goswami (ed.) - 2013 - Kolkata: Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar.
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    A wrinkle in and of time: Contraction of felt duration with a single perceptual switch.Ishan Singhal & Narayanan Srinivasan - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105151.
    The way we represent and perceive time has crucial implications for studying temporality in conscious experience. Contrasting positions posit that temporal information is separately abstracted out like any other perceptual property through specialized mechanisms or that time is represented through the temporality of experiences themselves. To add to this debate, we investigate alterations in felt time in conditions where only conscious visual experience is altered through perceptual switches while a bistable figure remains physically unchanged. We predicted that if perceived time (...)
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    Puranic cosmology.Danavir Goswami (ed.) - 2007 - Missouri: Rupanuga Vedic College.
    Selections from Puranas on Hindu cosmology; Sanskrit text with English translation.
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  19. The idealistic interpretation of quantum mechanics.Amit Goswami - 1989 - Physics Essays 2:385-400.
  20. Principles of learning, implications for teaching: A cognitive neuroscience perspective.Usha Goswami - 2008 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 42 (3-4):381-399.
    Cognitive neuroscience aims to improve our understanding of aspects of human learning and performance by combining data acquired with the new brain imaging technologies with data acquired in cognitive psychology paradigms. Both neuroscience and psychology use the philosophical assumptions underpinning the natural sciences, namely the scientific method, whereby hypotheses are proposed and tested using quantitative approaches. The relevance of 'brain science' for the classroom has proved controversial with some educators, perhaps because of distrust of the applicability of so-called 'medical models' (...)
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  21.  40
    Melting chocolate and melting snowmen: Analogical reasoning and causal relations.U. Goswami - 1990 - Cognition 35 (1):69-95.
  22. Consciousness in quantum physics and the mind-body problem.Amit Goswami - 1990 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 11 (1):75-96.
    Following the lead of von Neumann and Wigner, Goswami has developed a paradox-free interpretation of quantum mechanics based on the idealistic notion that consciousness collapes the quantum wave function. This solution of quantum measurement theory sheds a considerable amount of light on the nature of consciousness. Quantum theory is applied to the mind-brain problem and a solution is proposed for the paradox of the causal potency of the conscious mind and of self-reference. Cognitive and neurophysiological data in support of (...)
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  23. Physics within non-dual consciousness.Amit Goswami - 2001 - Philosophy East and West 51 (4):535-544.
    It is shown that if quantum physics is interpreted according to the philosophy of monistic idealism--that consciousness is the ground of all being--then some of the important dualisms of philosophy can be integrated.
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    What Happens After a Neural Implant Study? Neuroethics Expert Workshop on Post-Trial Obligations.Ishan Dasgupta, Eran Klein, Laura Y. Cabrera, Winston Chiong, Ashley Feinsinger, Joseph J. Fins, Tobias Haeusermann, Saskia Hendriks, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Cynthia Kubu, Helen Mayberg, Khara Ramos, Adina Roskies, Lauren Sankary, Ashley Walton, Alik S. Widge & Sara Goering - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (2):1-14.
    What happens at the end of a clinical trial for an investigational neural implant? It may be surprising to learn how difficult it is to answer this question. While new trials are initiated with increasing regularity, relatively little consensus exists on how best to conduct them, and even less on how to ethically end them. The landscape of recent neural implant trials demonstrates wide variability of what happens to research participants after an neural implant trial ends. Some former research participants (...)
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    Raddi, phisaddi, and bekar : Locating spivak’s originary queerness in Salman rushdie’s shame.Namita Goswami - 2021 - Angelaki 26 (5):38-56.
    Spivak refers to “originary queerness” as a concept she cannot yet theorize. If concepts convey and uphold heterogeneous lived experience, then the paradoxical missing-ness of a corresponding “what...
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  26. Anekanta-Vada: A Complementarity of One and Many.Drsc Goswami - 2001 - In Haripriya Rangarajan, G. Kamalakar, A. K. V. S. Reddy, M. Veerender & K. Venkatachalam, Jainism: art, architecture, literature & philosophy. Delhi: Sharada Pub. House. pp. 48.
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  27. Contemporary Treatment of the Problem of Self: The Humean Tradition.Sauravpran Goswami - 1997 - In Dilip Kumar Chakraborty, Perspectives in contemporary philosophy. Delhi: Ajanta Publications. pp. 197.
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  28. Development and developmental disorders: The case of dyslexia.U. Goswami - 2003 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7:534-540.
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    Kant's metaphysical exposition of the concept of space: an exegetical and critical study.Kumudranjan Goswami - 2017 - Kolkata, India: Maha Bodhi Book Agency.
  30. Lokāyata philosophy: a fresh appraisal.Subuddhi Charan Goswami (ed.) - 2010 - Kolkata: Asiatic Society.
    Research papers outcome of a seminar organised by the Asiatic Society, Kolkata on 18-19 February 2008.
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  31. Phonological awareness and literacy.U. Goswami - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 489--497.
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  32. Philosophy, postcolonialism, african-american feminism, and the race for theory.Namita Goswami - 2008 - Angelaki 13 (2):73 – 91.
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    The Empire Sings Back: Aesthetics, Politics, and Postcolonial Whimsy.Namita Goswami - 2009 - Contemporary Aesthetics.
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    What do we do with knowledge?Chinmoy Goswami - 2007 - AI and Society 21 (1-2):47-56.
  35. Monistic Idealism May Provide Better Ontology for Cognitive Science: A Reply to Dyer.Amit Goswami - 1995 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 16 (2):135-150.
    This is a response to Michael Dyer's Commentary on Goswami's Quantum-Based Theory of Consciousness and Free Will, a theory that I will call idealist science - a science based on the primacy of consciousness rather than matter. First, I review Dyer's main points: there is no need for idealist science since cognitive science can explain whatever human phenomena idealist science purports to explain; and idealist science offers nothing new, such as, new methodology or experimental prediction. I then review some (...)
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    Analogy and the brain: A new perspective on relational primacy.Usha Goswami - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):387-388.
    Leech et al.'s demonstration that analogical reasoning can be an emergent property of low-level incremental learning processes is critical for analogical theory. Along with insights into neural learning based on the salience of dynamic spatio-temporal structure, and the neural priming mechanism of repetition suppression, it establishes relational primacy as a plausible theoretical description of how brains make analogies.
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    Higher-order structure and relational reasoning: Contrasting analogical and thematic relations.Usha Goswami & Ann L. Brown - 1990 - Cognition 36 (3):207-226.
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    Mapping the Dimensions of Agency.Andreas Schönau, Ishan Dasgupta, Timothy Brown, Erika Versalovic, Eran Klein & Sara Goering - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 12 (2):172-186.
    Neural devices have the capacity to enable users to regain abilities lost due to disease or injury – for instance, a deep brain stimulator (DBS) that allows a person with Parkinson’s disease to regain the ability to fluently perform movements or a Brain Computer Interface (BCI) that enables a person with spinal cord injury to control a robotic arm. While users recognize and appreciate the technologies’ capacity to maintain or restore their capabilities, the neuroethics literature is replete with examples of (...)
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  39. Why Race and Gender Still Matter: An Intersectional Approach.Namita Goswami, Maeve M. O'Donovan & Lisa Yount (eds.) - 2014 - London: Pickering & Chatto.
    Intersectionality, the attempt to bring theories on race, gender, disability and sexuality together, has existed for decades as a theoretical framework. The essays in this volume explore how intersectionality can be applied to modern philosophy, as well as looking at other disciplines.
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    Anmerkungen über eine Serie von indischen Miniaturen aus dem 18. Jahrhundert.B. N. Goswamy & A. L. Dallapiccola - 1981 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 33 (1):3-20.
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    Conscious Economics.Amit Goswami - 2012 - In Ingrid Fredriksson, Aspects of consciousness: essays on physics, death and the mind. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland & Co.. pp. 178.
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    Layayoga: an advanced method of concentration.Shyam Sundar Goswami - 1980 - Boston: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  43.  9
    Meaning in music.Roshmi Goswami - 1995 - Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study.
    Specifically on the raga of Indian classical music.
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  44. The quantum theory of consciousness and psi.Amit Goswami - 1986 - PSI Research 5:145-65.
  45.  26
    Tibetan Sacred Art: The Heritage of Tantra.B. N. Goswamy & Detlef Ingo Lauf - 1978 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 98 (3):332.
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    Vīraśaivism in the light of Śrīpati.Bharati Goswami - 2018 - Delhi: Pratibha Prakashan.
    Study of Vīraśaiva commentary on Brahmasutra along with the fundamentals of other systems on Hindu philosophy.
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  47. 51. Whither Non-Conventional Energy.S. K. Goswami & P. K. Lahiry - 1992 - In B. C. Chattopadhyay, Science and technology for rural development. New Delhi: S. Chand & Co.. pp. 399.
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  48. Andhakāravāda: vidvatsaṅgoṣṭhī.Sharad Goswami (ed.) - 2009 - Māṇḍavī-Kaccha: Śrīvallabhācārya Ṭrasṭa.
    Research papers presented at a seminar organized by Shri Vallabhacharya Trust at Pune in 2004.
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    Cosmogony in Sāṁkhya-Yoga philosophy.Rashmi Rekha Goswami - 2013 - Guwahati: Chandra Prakash.
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  50. Developmental dyslexia.Usha Goswami - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 3918--3921.
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