Results for 'Isabella Lores-Chavez'

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  1. Counterfeiting materials, imitating nature.Pamela H. Smith & Isabella Lores-Chavez - 2022 - In Marjolijn Bol & E. C. Spary, The matter of mimesis: studies of mimesis and materials in nature, art and science. Boston: Brill.
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  2. Counterfeiting materials, imitating nature.Pamela H. Smith & Isabella Lores-Chavez - 2022 - In Marjolijn Bol & E. C. Spary, The matter of mimesis: studies of mimesis and materials in nature, art and science. Boston: Brill.
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    Integration by Parts: Collaboration and Topic Structure in the CogSci Community.Isabella DeStefano, Lauren A. Oey, Erik Brockbank & Edward Vul - 2021 - Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (2):399-413.
    DeStefano, Oey, Brockbank, and Vul explore interdisciplinary collaboration using data‐driven measures of research topics and co‐authorship, constructed from a rich dataset of over 11,000 Cogsci conference papers. Findings suggest the cognitive science research community has become increasingly integrated in the last 19 years.
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    Artificial intelligence in fiction: between narratives and metaphors.Isabella Hermann - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (1):319-329.
    Science-fiction (SF) has become a reference point in the discourse on the ethics and risks surrounding artificial intelligence (AI). Thus, AI in SF—science-fictional AI—is considered part of a larger corpus of ‘AI narratives’ that are analysed as shaping the fears and hopes of the technology. SF, however, is not a foresight or technology assessment, but tells dramas for a human audience. To make the drama work, AI is often portrayed as human-like or autonomous, regardless of the actual technological limitations. Taking (...)
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    Sobre la noción de información y algunas implicaciones en el ámbito psicosocial.Isabella Builes - 2017 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 17 (34).
    La noción de información es esencial para la teoría de la individuación de Gilbert Simondon. Este autor se distancia de las concepciones tradicionales sobre la información dado que estas la consideran medible y controlable. Además, una posible implicación de esta sustancialización en las teorías tradicionales es que, en la sociedad actual, la información se utiliza, en conjunto con la comunicación, para controlar y manipular los sistemas sociales, y en este sentido, puede ir en vías de la alienación de los sujetos. (...)
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    On Contemporary Dialectics: Concept, Ontology and Critical Capacity.Pablo Gres Chávez - 2021 - Revista de Humanidades de Valparaíso 18:151-171.
    This research aims to offer a concept of dialectics without mystifications, following Bertell Ollman’s reading of Marx’s work. In this sense, dialectics will be understood as a philosophical tradition and as a method of investigation, in which the figure of Marx is fundamental, but which can be nourished by the perspective of other philosophers who share some of his points. Secondly, the ontological basis and the epistemological substratum that allow dialectics to operate will be explained. Once these aspects have been (...)
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    Appartenersi: verso un modello complesso di interpretazione del riconoscimento.Isabella Corvino - 2021 - Milano: Meltemi.
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  8. Alexander von Humboldt-Carl Ritter, Briefwechsel, hrsg. von Ulrich Päßler.Isabella Ferron - 2011 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 66 (3):599.
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    Petra Werner, Naturwahrheit und ästhetische Umsetzung. Alexander von Humboldt im Briefwechsel mit bildenden Künstlern.Isabella Ferron - 2015 - Rivista di Estetica:202-207.
    Il libro di Petra Werner, ricercatrice alla Alexander-von-Humboldt-Forschungsstelle dell’Accademia delle Scienze di Berlino (Berlin-Brandebur- gische Akademie der Wissenschaften), costituisce un contributo singolare nel panorama degli studi sulla vita, le opere e il pensiero di Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859). Werner analizza, per la prima volta all’interno della Humboldt-Forschung, il rapporto di Humboldt con le arti figurative e con l’arte, studiando e valutando la sua corrispondenza epi...
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    Da Relação Entre Autonomia da Vontade e Autocracia.Isabella Oliveira Holanda - 2023 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 14 (37):64-78.
    O presente trabalho visa analisar de forma circunscrita a relação entre os conceitos de autonomia da vontade (Autonomie des Willens) e autocracia do arbítrio (Autokratie der Willkür) na filosofia prática de Kant. Já que o filósofo Immanuel Kant foi responsável pela inovação no campo da moral ao apresentar uma concepção para “autonomia da vontade”, a qual é a faculdade da autodeterminação legislativa obrigante da razão prática pura. O problema desse conceito se encontra na sua aplicação para ações específicas. Para resolver (...)
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    The meanings of the sigh. Vocal expression along the route of our desires.Isabella Poggi, Alessandro Ansani & Christian Cecconi - 2019 - Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 13.
    The work defines the sigh as a type of breath expressing or communicating specific physical or mental internal states. To investigate the meanings of the sigh, the paper presents analyses of written and oral corpora, finding out that it may express different emotions like boredom or frustration, but also positive meanings like self-encouragement; then it focuses on the use of sighs in political debates. Finally a perception study shows participants’ agreement on the meanings of sighs in terms of valence and (...)
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    Disability as an Interpersonal Experience: A Systematic Review on Dyadic Challenges and Dyadic Coping When One Partner Has a Chronic Physical or Sensory Impairment.Isabella C. Bertschi, Fabienne Meier & Guy Bodenmann - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Chronically disabling health impairments affect an increasing number of people worldwide. In close relationships, disability is an interpersonal experience. Psychological distress is thus common in patients as well as their spouses. Dyadic coping can alleviate stress and promote adjustment in couples who face disabling health impairments. Much research has focused on dyadic coping with cancer. However, other health problems such as physical and sensory impairments are also common and may strongly impact couple relationships. In order to promote couples' optimal adjustment (...)
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    State and Trait Anxiety Among University Students: A Moderated Mediation Model of Negative Affectivity, Alexithymia, and Housing Conditions.Isabella Giulia Franzoi, Maria Domenica Sauta & Antonella Granieri - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Descartes's Theory of Mind (review).Enrique Chávez-Arvizo - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (1):116-117.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Descartes’s Theory of MindEnrique Chávez-ArvizoDesmond M. Clarke. Descartes’s Theory of Mind. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2003. Pp. viii + 267. Cloth, $49.95.Desmond Clarke, commentator on Cartesian natural philosophy, has now published an interpretation of Descartes's dualism, a theme which can hardly be said to be underrepresented in the literature. The monograph is divided into nine chapters concerned with explanation, sensation, imagination and memory, the passions, the will, language, thought, (...)
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  15. What Makes Free Riding Wrongful? The Shared Preference View of Fair Play.Isabella Trifan - 2019 - Journal of Political Philosophy 28 (2):158-180.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  16. Literature and philosophy: Emotion and knowledge?Isabella Wheater - 2004 - Philosophy 79 (2):215-245.
    Nussbaum attempts to undermine the sharp distinction between literature and philosophy by arguing that literary texts (tragic poetry particularly) distinctively appeal to emotion and imagination, that our emotional response itself is cognitive, and that Aristotle thought so too. I argue that emotional response is not cognitive but presupposes cognition. Aristotle argued that we learn from the mimesis of action delineated in the plot, not from our emotional response. The distinctions between emotional and intellectual writing, poetry and prose, literature and philosophy, (...)
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    Neoliberal Economic Thinking and the Quest for Rational Socialism in China: Ludwig von Mises and the Market Reform Debate.Isabella M. Weber - 2022 - Journal of the History of Ideas 83 (2):333-356.
  18.  13
    Filosofia delle emozioni.Isabella Adinolfi & Laura Candiotto (eds.) - 2019 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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    Il segreto di Abramo: una lettura mistica di Timore e tremore.Isabella Adinolfi - 2018 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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    Making Sense of the Unique Pain of Survivors: A Psychoeducational Approach for Suicide Bereavement.Isabella Berardelli, Denise Erbuto, Elena Rogante, Salvatore Sarubbi, David Lester & Maurizio Pompili - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Dios, el universo y la libertad.Ezequiel Adeodato Chávez - 1935 - Barcelona,: Araluce.
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  22. Identificación de actividad fosfolipásica en una toxina de la anémona Stichodactyla helianthus.M. A. Chávez, L. Wong & T. Gómez - 1988 - Scientia 1:76-9.
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    Lo spirito è un osso: postmodernità, materialismo e teologia in Slavoj Žižek.Isabella Guanzini - 2010 - Assisi: Cittadella.
  24. Die Wiederkehr des Verdrängten. Uberlegungen zur Rolle des Anfangs bei Schelling und Schopenhauer.Lore HüHN - 2005 - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch 86:55-69.
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    The Human Condition in Hilary of Poitiers: The Will and Original Sin Between Origen and Augustine.Isabella Image - 2017 - Oxford University Press.
    This study examines the theology of the fourth-century bishop, Hilary of Poitiers, concentrating particularly on two commentaries written at different times in his life. The main focus of the study is on Hilary's anthropological theology.
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  26. Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalization of Democratic Nationalism, 1830-1920.Isabella Maurizio - 2008
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  27. Mazzini's Internationalism in Context: From the Cosmopolitan Patriotism of the Italian Carbonari to Mazzini's Europe of the Nations.Maurizio Isabella - 2008 - In Isabella Maurizio, Giuseppe Mazzini and the Globalization of Democratic Nationalism, 1830-1920. pp. 37-58.
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  28. Two Kinds of Values.L. M. Loring - 1967 - Philosophy 42 (161):293-295.
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    Simulación educativa: Herramienta didáctica para educación Ciencia Tecnología y Sociedad en la disciplina Filosofía y Sociedad.Graciela López-Chávez Martínez & Sura Chávez Hernández - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (2):480-497.
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    Coleridge's Vindication of Spinoza: An Unpublished Note.Lore Metzger - 1960 - Journal of the History of Ideas 21 (1/4):279.
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    Structural basis of empathy and the domain general region in the anterior insular cortex.Isabella Mutschler, Céline Reinbold, Johanna Wankerl, Erich Seifritz & Tonio Ball - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  32. Emotions and rationality.Isabella Muzio - 2001 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 1 (2):135-145.
    This paper examines the sense and extent to which emotions can be thought of as rational. Through considering a number of examples, it argues (a) that there is more than one way of understanding the claims that we often make about emotions being “rational” or “justified”; (b) that none of the models of rationality already available to us can singly account for all of the various senses in which we think of emotions as rational; yet (c) that they can do (...)
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    Platonisches Erbe, Byzanz, Orthodoxie und die Modernisierung Griechenlands: Schwerpunkte des kulturphilosophischen Werkes von Stelios Ramfos.Isabella Schwaderer - 2018 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Lektüre Platons aus orthodoxer Sicht - Byzantinische Spiritualität und christlich-orthodoxe Religionsphilosophie - Neugriechische Literatur und Sprache aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht - Problematik der Modernisierung Griechenlands und seiner Positionierung in Europa.
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    Integrating Community Perspectives on Inclusion and Protection into IRB Structures.Isabella Li & Christine Grady - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (6):94-97.
    IRBs often face dueling values in research: their historically grounded mission to protect research participants from harm conflicts with more recent attention to the importance of including underr...
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    Broken bodies and present ghosts: Ubuntu and African women’s theology.Isabella F. Ras - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (3).
    In this article, the notion of broken bodies is explored in relation to the African body and the history of colonialism in South Africa. This exploration will be rooted in a retelling of the story of the woman, Saartjie Baartman. In this retelling, the product of colonialism comes to the fore in a haunting. Jacques Derrida’s use of the concept of Hauntology is employed to investigate the ethical demand the spectre makes of us. With the help of the African concept (...)
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    Discipline algoritmiche. Come gli algoritmi fanno e disfano la storia.Isabella Consolati - 2024 - Scienza and Politica. Per Una Storia Delle Dottrine 36 (70):83-99.
    Il saggio discute il regime temporale algoritmico a partire da un inquadramento, esito di un con la teoria di Bruno Latour e di alcuni suoi critici, della tecnologia come costrutto non solo operativo, ma anche ideologico. Il saggio ricostruisce la storia concettuale del calcolo algoritmico riconoscendone le radici nella cibernetica e in una più risalente storia della quantificazione sociale che permette di misurare il modo in cui gli algoritmi ridefiniscono la logica e la direzione dell’intervento amministrativo. Attraverso gli algoritmi, l’amministrazione (...)
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    Imagery As a Core Process in the Creativity of Successful and Awarded Artists and Scientists and Its Neurobiological Correlates.Rosa Aurora Chavez - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Una reflexión psicoanalítica sobre la segregación en tiempos de la Covid-19 y del discurso de la ciencia.Isabella Betancur Patiño & Samir Ahmed Dasuky Quiceno - 2024 - Escritos 32 (69):1-18.
    Debido a la contingencia por Covid-19, los Estados deciden frenar la economía y delimitar su espacio personal. Esto provocó como respuesta colectiva la segregación debida al apalabramiento al cual fue sometido el discurso por parte de la ciencia y el capitalismo. La pregunta investigativa ¿qué es lo estructural del sujeto que, apalabrado por el discurso de la ciencia, encuentra formas de segregar? que orientó la reflexión se respondió metodológicamente por el rigor en la conjetura. Para ello, se desarrollaron dos acápites: (...)
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    Regenerative food systems and the conservation of change.Philip A. Loring - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (2):701-713.
    In recent years, interest has increased in regenerative practices as a strategy for transforming food systems and solving major environmental problems such as biodiversity loss and climate change. However, debates persist regarding these practices and how they ought to be defined. This paper presents a framework for exploring the regenerative potential of food systems, focusing on how food systems activities and technologies are organized rather than the specific technologies or practices being employed. The paper begins with a brief review of (...)
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    A partire da Rashômon: Riflessioni filosofiche sulla credenza in Pascal e Kierkegard.Isabella Adinolfi - 2008 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 64 (2/4):1067 - 1098.
    O argumento do filme Rashômon de Akira Kurosawa suscita de um modo provocatório o problema a que o presente artigo pretende dar uma resposta. Como é possível discernir, em relação a um facto histórico, o verdadeiro do falso? Existe um saber capaz de nos ajudar a regular e a orientar o nosso juízo nas experiências humanas? Mostra-se, com efeito, que tanto para Pascal como para Kierkegaard existe um saber específico que tem por objecto o mundo histórico; este saber é a (...)
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    Kierkegaard duecento anni dopo.Isabella Adinolfi, Roberto Garaventa, Laura Liva & Ettore Rocca (eds.) - 2014 - Genova: Il melangolo.
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    Rituali di corte. Il Triclinio dei XIX Letti del Grande Palazzo di Costantinopoli.Isabella Baldini - 2021 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 114 (1):65-110.
    The present contribution aims at reviewing the available data on the Triclinium of the Nineteen couches. It is divided into three parts: the first is intended to overview the information that Byzantine authors have handed down to us about this great banquet hall; the second aims at proposing reconstructive hypotheses about its dimensions and architecture, as well as to investigate the material aspects related to the organisation of the banquet in late antiquity; the third part deals with the ceremonial functions (...)
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    Eine Ästhetik der Grenze als maßvolles Gutes und Schwelle zum Anderen — die Praxis der Freundschaft bei Ivan Illich.Isabella Bruckner - 2018 - Disputatio Philosophica 19 (1):3-16.
    In the course of his critique on institutions and modern society, the historian and philosopher Ivan Illich seeks to understand how the conception of limitation has changed from antiquity to modernity. Illich speaks about the fading of an aesthetic of proportionality and complementarity, which has framed the perception of beings as well as that of space and time. Within this aesthetic, the experience of fundamental otherness was a constitutive element. The article illustrates Illich’s historical analysis and points out its significance (...)
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    The immersive dome environment (IDE): Old concept in a new light or a new hybrid medium to enhance human cognitive faculty?Isabella Buczek - 2012 - Technoetic Arts 10 (2-3):247-254.
    The 360° medium, an immersive dome-based video projection environment (immersive dome environment (IDE)) also called ‘fulldome’, is often seen as an old concept of a traditional planetarium setting. This article invites the reader to look at it as a unique, hybrid media format, which opens new ways of perception.
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    Dominare tempi inquieti: storia costituzionale, politica e tradizione europea in Otto Brunner.Isabella Consolati - 2020 - Bologna: Il mulino.
  46.  25
    On the “Intimate Connivance” of Love and Thought.Jeremy De Chavez - 2017 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 26:105-120.
    Resumen El concepto de amor historicamente ha ruborizado a la filosofia, pues se mantiene totalmente ajeno a las exigencias de dar una explication critica de si mismo. El amor ha respondido con resistencia muda a los interrogatorios del pensamiento critico. De hecho, parece existir un consenso respecto de que el amor se situa en un territorio mas alla de lo pensable y en la doxa romantica se ha establecido que el amor es un tipo de intensidad que no puede reducirse (...)
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    Educação e Formação.Isabella Fernanda Ferreira & Rosi Giordano - 2016 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 24:166-171.
    Apresentação do Dossier Educação e formação: interesecções epistemológicas.
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    Il giovane Hegel e Paolo: L'amore fra politica e messianismo.Isabella Guanzini - 2013 - Milano: Vita e Pensiero.
  49. Crítica da modernidade política em Nietzsche.Isabella Vivianny Santana Heinen - 2015 - Revista de Filosofia Moderna E Contemporânea 3 (1):68-84.
    RESUMO: No presente artigo, o tema da política será pensado a partir das críticas às constituições morais valorativas delineadas por Nietzsche. Nesse sentido, pretende-se elucidar que o posicionamento deste autor, por um lado, indica uma leitura crítica da política a partir da sua formação democrática, por esta considerar o homem de maneira universal e rebaixar seus valores ligado a sua singularidade. E, por outro lado, possibilitar uma distinta percepção da organização política. Isto devido ao fato de se observar uma nova (...)
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    Empirismus und Ästhetik: Zur deutschsprachigen Rezeption von Hume, Hutcheson, Home und Burke im 18. Jahrhundert.Lore Knapp - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Empirismus und Ästhetik werden in den Schriften von Francis Hutcheson, David Hume, Edmund Burke und Henry Home zu einer empiristischen Ästhetik verbunden. Sie argumentiert induktiv, psycho- oder physiologisch, evolutionär und demokratisch und lässt sich als frühe Form der empirischen Ästhetik verstehen. Ihr Transfer nach Deutschland in Rezensionen, Übersetzungen und Anschlussforschungen geht mit unwillkürlichen Anpassungen einher. Für die empiristische Ästhetik in der deutschsprachigen Aufklärung stehen nicht nur Namen wie Lichtenberg, Mendelssohn und Kant, Hamann, Herder und Merck, sondern auch die Übersetzer Dusch, (...)
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