Results for 'Isabell Koinig'

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  1.  60
    Protecting Human Health and Security in Digital Europe: How to Deal with the “Privacy Paradox”?Isabell Büschel, Rostane Mehdi, Anne Cammilleri, Yousri Marzouki & Bernice Elger - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (3):639-658.
    This article is the result of an international research between law and ethics scholars from Universities in France and Switzerland, who have been closely collaborating with technical experts on the design and use of information and communication technologies in the fields of human health and security. The interdisciplinary approach is a unique feature and guarantees important new insights in the social, ethical and legal implications of these technologies for the individual and society as a whole. Its aim is to shed (...)
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    Trading Zones of Climate Change: Introduction.Christoph Engemann & Isabell Schrickel - 2017 - Berichte Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte 40 (2):111-119.
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    The No-Report Paradigm: A Revolution in Consciousness Research?Irem Duman, Isabell Sophia Ehmann, Alicia Ronnie Gonsalves, Zeynep Gültekin, Jonathan Van den Berckt & Cees van Leeuwen - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:861517.
    In the cognitive neuroscience of consciousness, participants have commonly been instructed to report their conscious content. This, it was claimed, risks confounding the neural correlates of consciousness (NCC) with their preconditions, i.e., allocation of attention, and consequences, i.e., metacognitive reflection. Recently, the field has therefore been shifting towards no-report paradigms. No-report paradigms draw their validity from a direct comparison with no-report conditions. We analyze several examples of such comparisons and identify alternative interpretations of their results and/or methodological issues in all (...)
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    A Pilot Randomized Trial of a Companion Robot for People With Dementia Living in the Community.Amy Liang, Isabell Piroth, Hayley Robinson, Bruce MacDonald, Mark Fisher, Urs M. Nater, Nadine Skoluda & Elizabeth Broadbent - 2017 - Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 18 (10):871-878.
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    Original Sin and Transmission of Trauma: A Dialog between Kierkegaard’s Hamartiology and the Phenomenon of Transgenerationality.Lena Isabell Mausbach - 2024 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 29 (1):165-180.
    This article explores the psychological phenomenon of the transgenerational transmission of trauma. Søren Kierkegaard’s conception of original sin serves as a template for the argument. After outlining the complex psychological process of trauma transmission, the article gleans insights regarding the transgenerationality of trauma as found in Kierkegaard’s thinking. With a focus on The Concept of Anxiety, the article highlights parallel structures of displaying and penetrating original sin and the transmission of trauma. The article argues that the Christian perspective on salvation (...)
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    Is it possible to feel at home in a patient room in an intensive care unit? Reflections on environmental aspects in technology‐dense environments.Morgan Andersson, Isabell Fridh & Berit Lindahl - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (4):e12301.
    This paper focuses on the patient's perspective and the philosophical underpinnings that support what might be considered optimal for the future design of the intensive care unit (ICU) patient room. It also addresses the question of whether the aspects that support at‐homeness are applicable to ICU patient rooms. The concept of “at‐homeness” in ICUs is strongly related to privacy and control of space and territory. This study investigates whether the sense of at‐homeness can be created in an ICU, when one (...)
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    The Trajectory of Hemispheric Lateralization in the Core System of Face Processing: A Cross-Sectional Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Pilot Study.Franziska E. Hildesheim, Isabell Debus, Roman Kessler, Ina Thome, Kristin M. Zimmermann, Olaf Steinsträter, Jens Sommer, Inge Kamp-Becker, Rudolf Stark & Andreas Jansen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Thinking the Problematic: Genealogies and Explorations between Philosophy and the Sciences.Oliver Leistert & Isabell Schrickel (eds.) - 2020 - Bielefeld: transcript Verlag.
    The notion of »the problematic« has changed its meaning within the history of power and knowledge since the early 20th century, leading up to today's performative, neocybernetic fascination with generalized management ideas and technocratic models of science. This book explores central scenes, conceptual elaborations, and practical affiliations of what historically has been called »the problem« or »the problematic«. By way of considering modes of problematization as modes of inhabitation, intervention, and transformation the contributions map its current conceptual-political uses as well (...)
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    The neural correlates of reference to the past.Bos Laura, Wartenburger Isabell, Ries Jan & Bastiaanse Roelien - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    The punctuated equilibrium of scientific change: a Bayesian network model.Patrick Grim, Frank Seidl, Calum McNamara, Isabell N. Astor & Caroline Diaso - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-25.
    Our scientific theories, like our cognitive structures in general, consist of propositions linked by evidential, explanatory, probabilistic, and logical connections. Those theoretical webs ‘impinge on the world at their edges,’ subject to a continuing barrage of incoming evidence. Our credences in the various elements of those structures change in response to that continuing barrage of evidence, as do the perceived connections between them. Here we model scientific theories as Bayesian nets, with credences at nodes and conditional links between them modelled (...)
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    Thinking Catherine Malabou: Passionate Detachments.Thomas Wormald & Isabell Dahms (eds.) - 2018 - Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This volume contributes to the emerging critical conversation around Catherine Malabou’s thought. It focuses on some of Malabou's underexamined philosophical thematics, including dis-attachment or farewell. It also engages with Malabou's relation to deconstruction and her use of science.
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  12. Scientific Theories as Bayesian Nets: Structure and Evidence Sensitivity.Patrick Grim, Frank Seidl, Calum McNamara, Hinton E. Rago, Isabell N. Astor, Caroline Diaso & Peter Ryner - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (1):42-69.
    We model scientific theories as Bayesian networks. Nodes carry credences and function as abstract representations of propositions within the structure. Directed links carry conditional probabilities and represent connections between those propositions. Updating is Bayesian across the network as a whole. The impact of evidence at one point within a scientific theory can have a very different impact on the network than does evidence of the same strength at a different point. A Bayesian model allows us to envisage and analyze the (...)
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    Satisfied with the Job, But Not with the Boss: Leaders’ Expressions of Gratitude and Pride Differentially Signal Leader Selfishness, Resulting in Differing Levels of Followers’ Satisfaction.Lisa Ritzenhöfer, Prisca Brosi, Matthias Spörrle & Isabell M. Welpe - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (4):1185-1202.
    Setting out to understand the effects of positive moral emotions in leadership, this research examines the consequences of leaders’ expressions of gratitude and pride for their followers. In two experimental vignette studies and a field study, leaders’ gratitude expressions showed a positive effect and leaders’ pride expressions showed a negative effect on followers’ ascriptions of leader selfishness. Thereby, leaders’ gratitude expression indirectly led to higher follower satisfaction with and OCB towards the leader, while leaders’ pride expressions indirectly reduced satisfaction with (...)
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  14.  15
    Common Ground Information Affects Reference Resolution: Evidence From Behavioral Data, ERPs, and Eye-Tracking.Maria Richter, Mariella Paul, Barbara Höhle & Isabell Wartenburger - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:565651.
    One of the most important social cognitive skills in humans is the ability to “put oneself in someone else’s shoes,” that is, to take another person’s perspective. In socially situated communication, perspective taking enables the listener to arrive at a meaningful interpretation of what is said (sentence meaning) and what is meant (speaker’s meaning) by the speaker. To successfully decode the speaker’s meaning, the listener has to take into account which information he/she and the speaker share in their common ground (...)
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    The Effect of Top Management Trustworthiness on Turnover Intentions via Negative Emotions: The Moderating Role of Gender.Sophie Mölders, Prisca Brosi, Matthias Spörrle & Isabell M. Welpe - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (4):957-969.
    Based on a field study, this paper explores the differential role that perceived top management trustworthiness has on female and male employees’ negative emotions and turnover intentions in organizations. A theoretical model is established that explicates a negative indirect effect of perceived top management trustworthiness on employee turnover intentions through employee negative emotions. The results reveal that there is a negative relationship between perceived top management trustworthiness and employee negative emotions and resulting turnover intentions and that this effect is stronger (...)
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    Ethical Leadership Evaluations After Moral Transgression: Social Distance Makes the Difference. [REVIEW]Andranik Tumasjan, Maria Strobel & Isabell Welpe - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (4):609 - 622.
    In light of continuing corporate scandals, the study of ethical leadership remains an important area of research which helps to understand the antecedents and consequences of ethical behavior in organizations. The present study investigates how social distance influences ethical leadership evaluations, and how in turn ethical leadership evaluations affect leader-member exchange (LMX) after a leader's moral transgression. Based on construal level theory, we propose that higher social distance will lead to more severe evaluations of immoral behavior and therefore entail lower (...)
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  17. Reliance on constraints means detection of information.David M. Jacobs, Sverker Runeson & Isabell E. K. Andersson - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (4):679-680.
    We argue four points. First, perception always relies on environmental constraints, not only in special cases. Second, constraints are taken advantage of by detecting information granted by the constraints rather than by internalizing them. Third, apparent motion phenomena reveal reliance on constraints that are irrelevant in everyday perception. Fourth, constraints are selected through individual learning as well as evolution. The “perceptual-concept-of-velocity” phenomenon is featured as a relevant case. [Hecht; Kubovy & Epstein; Shepard].
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    Attentional Bias to Facial Expressions of Different Emotions – A Cross-Cultural Comparison of ≠Akhoe Hai||om and German Children and Adolescents.Cordelia Mühlenbeck, Carla Pritsch, Isabell Wartenburger, Silke Telkemeyer & Katja Liebal - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Parallels in Processing Boundary Cues in Speech and Action.Matt Hilton, Romy Räling, Isabell Wartenburger & Birgit Elsner - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Specificity is always contingent on constraints: Global versus individual arrays is not the issue.Sverker Runeson, David M. Jacobs, Isabell E. K. Andersson & Kairi Kreegipuu - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):240-241.
    Stoffregen & Bardy's proposal that perceptual systems can use information defined across two or more sensory domains is valuable and urgent in its own right. However, their claim of exclusive validity for global-array information is superfluous and perpetuated for incorrect reasons. The seeming ambiguities of individual arrays emanate from failures to consider relevant ecological constraints and higher-order variables.
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    Children’s Learning of Non-adjacent Dependencies Using a Web-Based Computer Game Setting.Mireia Marimon, Andrea Hofmann, João Veríssimo, Claudia Männel, Angela D. Friederici, Barbara Höhle & Isabell Wartenburger - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:734877.
    Infants show impressive speech decoding abilities and detect acoustic regularities that highlight the syntactic relations of a language, often codedvianon-adjacent dependencies (NADs, e.g.,issinging). It has been claimed that infants learn NADs implicitly and associatively through passive listening and that there is a shift from effortless associative learning to a more controlled learning of NADs after the age of 2 years, potentially driven by the maturation of the prefrontal cortex. To investigate if older children are able to learn NADs,Lammertink et al. (...)
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    Isabelle Delpla, Le mal en procès. Eichmann et les théodicées modernes. Paris, Hermann (L'avocat du diable), 2011, 230 pages, 23,80 euros. [REVIEW]Isabelle Delpla - 2013 - Astérion 11.
    Dans ce livre, l’auteur élabore une critique de la notion de « banalité du mal » forgée par Hannah Arendt à partir du procès Eichmann en vue d’expliquer les crimes de masse. En reconnaissant, certes, que la banalité du mal est une formule qui a le mérite d’affirmer la dimension humaine du mal extrême « par opposition à l’idée de l’indicible d’un mal absolu et transcendant » (p. 117), Isabelle Delpla la qualifie néanmoins de « faux concept ». Del..
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  23. Penser avec Isabelle Stengers, a propos de Whitehead.Isabelle Stengers - 2003 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 57 (223-226):79.
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    Thinking with Whitehead: a free and wild creation of concepts.Isabelle Stengers - 2011 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    Alfred North Whitehead has never gone out of print, but for a time he was decidedly out of fashion in the English-speaking world. In a splendid work that serves as both introduction and erudite commentary, Isabelle Stengersâe"one of todayâe(tm)s leading philosophers of scienceâe"goes straight to the beating heart of Whiteheadâe(tm)s thought. The product of thirty yearsâe(tm) engagement with the mathematician-philosopherâe(tm)s entire canon, this volume establishes Whitehead as a daring thinker on par with Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, and Michel Foucault. Reading (...)
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  25.  29
    (1 other version)Cosmopolitics I.Isabelle Stengers - 2010 - Univ of Minnesota Press.
    "Isabelle Stengers presents us with a new way of understanding a remarkably diverse range of sciences and their relation to a material and living world. Playing with a position both inside the practices that constitute and transform science and outside the sciences as their mode of conceptualization, Stengers explores the limits, constraints, and inventions that fuse modern science and contemporary society." Elizabeth Grosz --.
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  26. From the inexistent to the concrete : Kojève after Kandinsky.Isabel Jacobs - 2022 - In Luis J. Pedrazuela (ed.), Alexandre Kojève: a man of influence. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Joseph Priestley, Scientist, Philosopher, and Theologian.Isabel Rivers & David L. Wykes (eds.) - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    Joseph Priestley, the eighteenth-century scientist who discovered oxygen, was one of the most remarkable thinkers of his time. This collection of essays by a team of experts covers the full range of his work in the fields of education, politics, philosophy, and theology, and firmly re-establishes him as a major intellectual figure.
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    Schmerz: die Entzauberung eines Mythos.Isabelle Azoulay - 2000 - Berlin: Aufbau-Verlag.
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  29. Antigone and her Brother: What Sort of Special Relationship?Isabelle Torrance - 2010 - In S. E. Wilmer & Audrone Zukauskaite (eds.), Interrogating Antigone in Postmodern Philosophy and Criticism. Oxford University Press. pp. 240.
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    Women Who Make a Fuss: The Unfaithful Daughters of Virginia Woolf.Isabelle Stengers & Vinciane Despret - 2014 - Univocal Publishing.
    Virginia Woolf, to whom university admittance had been forbidden, watched the universities open their doors. Though she was happy that her sisters could study in university libraries, she cautioned women against joining the procession of educated men and being co-opted into protecting a “civilization” with values alien to women. Now, as Woolf's disloyal daughters, who have professional positions in Belgian universities, Isabelle Stengers and Vinciane Despret, along with a collective of women scholars in Belgium and France, question their academic careers (...)
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  31.  14
    L'invention des sciences modernes.Isabelle Stengers - 1993 - Editions La Découverte.
    Depuis qu'elles existent, les sciences dites exactes se prétendent différentes des autres savoirs. Comment comprendre cette prétention? Faut-il, à la manière des épistémologues anglo-saxons ou de Karl Popper, tenter d'identifier les critères qui la justifient? Peut-on, suivant le modèle nouveau des études sociales des sciences, y voir une simple croyance? Ce livre propose un dépassement fructueux de l'opposition, apparemment irréconciliable, entre ces deux approches des sciences. Et si la tension entre objectivité scientifique et croyance était justement constitutive des sciences, enjeu (...)
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    Civiliser la modernité?: Whitehead et les ruminations du sens commun.Isabelle Stengers - 2017 - Dijon: Les Presses du réel.
    Dans cet essai qui privilégie la joie d'une pensée insoumise plutôt que la dénonciation, Isabelle Stengers prend le relais d'Alfred North Whitehead lorsque, diagnostiquant le "déclin de la civilisation moderne", celui-ci assigna à la philosophie la tâche de "souder le sens commun avec l'imagination". Face aux prétentions à déterminer ce que nous avons le droit de savoir, elle cherche à donner force à ce que nous savons. Face aux oppositions doctrinales prédatrices qui démembrent le sens commun, elle affirme la philosophie (...)
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  33. Deleuze and Guattari's last enigmatic message.Isabelle Stengers - 2005 - Angelaki 10 (2):151 – 167.
    (2005). Deleuze and Guattari's Last Enigmatic Message. Angelaki: Vol. 10, continental philosophy and the sciences the french tradition issue editor: andrew aitken, pp. 151-167.
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    Perfecting pregnancy: law, disability, and the future of reproduction.Isabel Karpin - 2012 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Kristin Savell.
    Prenatal and preimplantation testing technologies have offered unprecedented access to information about the genetic and congenital makeup of our prospective progeny. Future developments such as preconception testing, non-intrusive prenatal testing and more extensive preimplantation testing promise to increase that access further still. The result may be greater reproductive choice, but it also increases the burden on women and men to avail themselves of these technologies in order to avoid having a child with a disability. The overwhelming question for legislators has (...)
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  35.  18
    The Experimental Side of Modeling.Isabelle F. Peschard & Bas C. Van Fraassen (eds.) - 2018 - Minneapolis: Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science.
    An innovative, multifaceted approach to scientific experiments as designed by and shaped through interaction with the modeling process The role of scientific modeling in mediation between theories and phenomena is a critical topic within the philosophy of science, touching on issues from climate modeling to synthetic models in biology, high energy particle physics, and cognitive sciences. Offering a radically new conception of the role of data in the scientific modeling process as well as a new awareness of the problematic aspects (...)
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  36. .Isabelle Künzer - unknown
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    Le gène saisi par le droit: la qualification de chose humaine.Isabelle Zulian - 2010 - Aix-en-Provence: Presses universitaires d'Aix-Marseille.
  38.  7
    Pour en finir avec la tolérance.Isabelle Stengers - 1997 - Editions La Découverte.
    De longue date, les sciences dites " humaines et sociales " ont eu l'ambition d'appliquer à leurs objets les mêmes critères de rigueur scientifique que les sciences dites " exactes ". Mais les hommes et les sociétés sont des " objets " bien différents des neutrinos ou des bactéries, et les pratiques scientifiques, quand elles prétendent s'y appliquer, subissent une redoutable transformation : armé de concepts - croyance, motivation, opinion, habitude et même culture -, le scientifique rationnel cherche à se (...)
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    Au nom de la flèche du temps: le défi de Prigogine.Isabelle Stengers - 1997 - Le Plessis-Robinson: Editions La Découverte.
    En ce XXe siècle, où la physique s'est identifiée à la science révolutionnaire par excellence, l'œuvre passionnée d'Ilya Prigogine constitue une singulière anomalie. Anormale parce qu'elle prend le parti du monde des phénomènes physiques contre le pouvoir de la théorie, jugé abusif ; mais anormale aussi par sa longue obstination à une époque où la rapidité fait foi. Le combat avait commencé au début des années soixante, sur un mode mineur : Prigogine demandait à ses collègues de reconnaître qu' " (...)
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  40. The Scotist background in Hervaeus natalis's interpretation of Thomism.Isabel Iribarren - 2002 - The Thomist 66 (4):607-627.
  41. Reason, Grace, and Sentiment: A Study of the Language of Religion and Ethics in England 1660–1780. Volume II, Shaftesbury to Hume.Isabel Rivers - 2000
  42. To what extent can we overcome the „bystander effects‟ of collective responsibility in matters of global injustice?“.Isabelle Baker - 2011 - Emergent Australasian Philosophers 4 (1).
    Where do we draw the line between individual and collective responsibilities? Can collectives be „morally responsible‟ in the same way that individuals can? This paper explores the Bystander Effect – how an individual‟s sense of personal responsibility can become „diffused‟ when they become part of a collective. This is compared to the issue of the collective responsibility of the „developed world‟ to aid the „Third World‟ that ethicists, such Peter Singer and Iris Marion Young believe to be true. I consider (...)
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    Science and Sport in 2012| Policies| BIS.Spence Isabel - 2012 - Science and Society 9 (10).
  44. Herencia crítica: de Durkheim a Bourdieu.Isabel Jiménez - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 44 (133):163-176.
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    Asceticism and the place of the body in modern monastic prayer.Isabelle Jonveaux - 2012 - In Giuseppe Giordan & Enzo Pace (eds.), Mapping religion and spirituality in a postsecular world. Boston: Brill. pp. 22--151.
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  46. Towards a neurobiology of musical emotions.Isabelle Peretz - 2011 - In Patrik N. Juslin & John Sloboda (eds.), Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
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    Experimenting with What is Philosophy?Isabelle Stengers, Casper Bruun Jensen & Kjetil Rödje - 2010 - In Casper Bruun Jensen & Kjetil Rödje (eds.), Deleuzian intersections: science, technology, anthropology. New York: Berghahn Books.
  48.  27
    The Doctor and the Charlatan.Isabelle Stengers - 2003 - Cultural Studies Review 9 (2):11-36.
    We all know, in fact we are sure, that our medical practices are very different from those in the times of Molière or of Louis XVI. In one way or another medicine has today become ‘modern’ in the same way as the whole set of knowledges and practices that call themselves rational. This is obvious, but I would like to interrogate this obviousness. Not to debunk it so as to show that beyond these appearances nothing has changed, but in order (...)
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  49. The Cognitive Neuroscience of Music.Isabelle Peretz & Robert J. Zatorre (eds.) - 2003 - Oxford University Press UK.
    Music offers a unique opportunity to better understand the organization of the human brain. Like language, music exists in all human societies. Like language, music is a complex, rule-governed activity that seems specific to humans, and associated with a specific brain architecture. Yet unlike most other high-level functions of the human brain - and unlike language - music is a skill at which only a minority of people become proficient. The study of music as a major brain function has for (...)
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  50. Introduction to the special issue on case‐based reasoning in the health sciences.Isabelle Bichindaritz & Stefania Montani - 2009 - In L. Magnani (ed.), computational intelligence. pp. 25--3.
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