Results for 'Frank Seidl'

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  1. Scientific Theories as Bayesian Nets: Structure and Evidence Sensitivity.Patrick Grim, Frank Seidl, Calum McNamara, Hinton E. Rago, Isabell N. Astor, Caroline Diaso & Peter Ryner - 2022 - Philosophy of Science 89 (1):42-69.
    We model scientific theories as Bayesian networks. Nodes carry credences and function as abstract representations of propositions within the structure. Directed links carry conditional probabilities and represent connections between those propositions. Updating is Bayesian across the network as a whole. The impact of evidence at one point within a scientific theory can have a very different impact on the network than does evidence of the same strength at a different point. A Bayesian model allows us to envisage and analyze the (...)
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    The punctuated equilibrium of scientific change: a Bayesian network model.Patrick Grim, Frank Seidl, Calum McNamara, Isabell N. Astor & Caroline Diaso - 2022 - Synthese 200 (4):1-25.
    Our scientific theories, like our cognitive structures in general, consist of propositions linked by evidential, explanatory, probabilistic, and logical connections. Those theoretical webs ‘impinge on the world at their edges,’ subject to a continuing barrage of incoming evidence. Our credences in the various elements of those structures change in response to that continuing barrage of evidence, as do the perceived connections between them. Here we model scientific theories as Bayesian nets, with credences at nodes and conditional links between them modelled (...)
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  3. Some Problems for Conditionalization and Reflection.Frank Arntzenius - 2003 - Journal of Philosophy 100 (7):356-370.
  4. Bayesianism, Infinite Decisions, and Binding.Frank Arntzenius, Adam Elga & John Hawthorne - 2004 - Mind 113 (450):251 - 283.
    We pose and resolve several vexing decision theoretic puzzles. Some are variants of existing puzzles, such as 'Trumped' (Arntzenius and McCarthy 1997), 'Rouble trouble' (Arntzenius and Barrett 1999), 'The airtight Dutch book' (McGee 1999), and 'The two envelopes puzzle' (Broome 1995). Others are new. A unified resolution of the puzzles shows that Dutch book arguments have no force in infinite cases. It thereby provides evidence that reasonable utility functions may be unbounded and that reasonable credence functions need not be countably (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Time Travel and Modern Physics.Frank Arntzenius & Tim Maudlin - 2002 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 50:169-200.
    Time travel has been a staple of science fiction. With the advent of general relativity it has been entertained by serious physicists. But, especially in the philosophy literature, there have been arguments that time travel is inherently paradoxical. The most famous paradox is the grandfather paradox: you travel back in time and kill your grandfather, thereby preventing your own existence. To avoid inconsistency some circumstance will have to occur which makes you fail in this attempt to kill your grandfather. Doesn't (...)
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    How does Sustainability Leadership Affect Firm Performance? The Choices Associated with Appointing a Chief Officer of Corporate Social Responsibility.Frank Wiengarten, Chris K. Y. Lo & Jessie Y. K. Lam - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 140 (3):477-493.
    Recent years have seen a significant increase in stakeholder pressure on firms to be not only economically sustainable but also from an environmental and social perspective. Besides operational changes in practices and products companies have reacted toward this increased pressure from a strategic perspective through structural changes of their top management team. A recent addition to the TMT has been the appointment of the chief officer of corporate social responsibility. In this paper, we take a behavioral perspective and investigate how (...)
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    Utopian Thought in the Western World.Frank Edward Manuel & Fritzie Prigohzy Manuel - 1979 - Harvard University Press.
    This masterly study has a grand sweep. It ranges over centuries, with a long look backward over several millennia. Yet the history it unfolds is primarily the story of individuals: thinkers and dreamers who envisaged an ideal social order and described it persuasively, leaving a mark on their own and later times. The roster of utopians includes men of all stripes in different countries and eras--figures as disparate as More and Fourier, the Marquis de Sade and Edward Bellamy, Rousseau and (...)
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  8. (1 other version)Gunk, Topology and Measure.Frank Arntzenius - 2008 - Oxford Studies in Metaphysics 4.
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    The Common Cause Principle.Frank Arntzenius - 1992 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1992:227 - 237.
    The common cause principle states that correlations have prior common causes which screen off those correlations. I argue that the common cause principle is false in many circumstances, some of which are very general. I then suggest that more restricted versions of the common cause principle might hold, and I prove such a restricted version.
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    Space, time, & stuff.Frank Arntzenius - 2012 - New York: Oxford Univ. Press. Edited by Cian Seán Dorr.
    Space, Time, and Stuff is an attempt to show that physics is geometry: that the fundamental structure of the physical world is purely geometrical structure. Along the way, he examines some non-standard views about the structure of spacetime and its inhabitants, including the idea that space and time are pointless, the idea that quantum mechanics is a completely local theory, the idea that antiparticles are just particles travelling back in time, and the idea that time has no structure whatsoever. The (...)
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  11. Neural bases of binocular rivalry.Frank Tong, Ming Meng & Randolph Blake - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (11):502-511.
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    Al-Ghazālī's philosophical theology.Frank Griffel - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this book, Frank Griffel presents the most comprehensive examination to date of the life and thought of this important figure.
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  13. Temporal adverbials, tenses and the perfect.Frank Vlach - 1993 - Linguistics and Philosophy 16 (3):231 - 283.
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    Meaning, truth, and reference in historical representation.Frank Ankersmit - 2012 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Historicism -- Time -- Interpretation -- Representation -- Reference -- Truth -- Meaning -- Presence -- Experience (I) -- Experience (II) -- Subjectivity -- Politics.
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  15. Associative learning of likes and dislikes: Some current controversies and possible ways forward.Frank Baeyens, Andy P. Field & Jan De Houwer - 2005 - Cognition and Emotion 19 (2):161-174.
    Evaluative conditioning (EC) is one of the terms that is used to refer to associatively induced changes in liking. Many controversies have arisen in the literature on EC. Do associatively induced changes in liking actually exist? Does EC depend on awareness of the fact that stimuli are associated? Is EC resistant to extinction? Does attention help or hinder EC? As an introduction to this special issue, we will discuss the extent to which the papers that are published in this issue (...)
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    Public Science in Britain, 1880-1919.Frank Turner - 1980 - Isis 71:589-608.
  17. Bioethics and the Later Foucault.Arthur W. Frank & Therese Jones - 2003 - Journal of Medical Humanities 24 (3/4):179-186.
  18. The CPT Theorem.Frank Arntzenius - 2011 - In Craig Callender, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time. Oxford University Press.
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    Moral Philosophers as Ethical Engineers: Limits of Moral Philosophy and a Pragmatist Alternative.Frank Martela - 2017 - Metaphilosophy 48 (1-2):58-78.
    Ever since Kant, moral philosophers have been more or less animated by the mission of discovering inescapable law-like rules that would provide a binding justification for morality. Recently, however, many have started to question whether this is possible and what, after all, this project could achieve. An alternative vision of the task of moral philosophy starts from the pragmatist idea that philosophizing begins and ends in human experiencing. It leads to a view where morality is seen as a “social technology” (...)
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    The prophets of Paris.Frank Edward Manuel - 1962 - Cambridge,: Harvard University Press.
    Turgot, Baron de l'Aulne: The future of mind.--Marquis de Condorcet: The taming of the future.--Comte de Saint-Simon: The pear is ripe.--Children of Saint-Simon: The triumph of love.--Charles Fourier: The burgeoning of instinct.--Auguste Comte: Embodiment in the great being.
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    The patriarch hypothesis.Frank Marlowe - 2000 - Human Nature 11 (1):27-42.
    Menopause is puzzling because life-history theory predicts there should be no selection for outliving one’s reproductive capacity. Adaptive explanations of menopause offered thus far turn on women’s long-term investment in offspring and grandoffspring, all variations on the grandmother hypothesis. Here, I offer a very different explanation. The patriarch hypothesis proposes that once males became capable of maintaining high status and reproductive access beyond their peak physical condition, selection favored the extension of maximum life span in males. Because the relevant genes (...)
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  22. Imagery and visual working memory: one and the same?Frank Tong - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (10):489-490.
  23. Spacelike connections.Frank Arntzenius - 1994 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 45 (1):201-217.
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    Global Corruption: Applying Experience and Research to Meet a Mounting Crisis.Frank Vogl - 2007 - Business and Society Review 112 (2):171-190.
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    Associative learning requires associations, not propositions.Frank Baeyens, Debora Vansteenwegen & Dirk Hermans - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2):198-199.
    We discuss findings on evaluative conditioning (EC) that are problematic for the account of learning, namely, dissociations between conscious beliefs and acquired (dis)liking. We next argue that, both for EC and for Pavlovian learning in general, conditioned responding cannot rationally be inferred from propositional knowledge type and that, therefore, performance cannot be explained.
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    Some inevitable reflections.Frank O. Wagner - 2013 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 (1-2):159 - 171.
    We generalize Frécon’s construction of the inevitable radical to groups in stable and even simple theories.
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    Hadza Cooperation.Frank W. Marlowe - 2009 - Human Nature 20 (4):417-430.
    Strong reciprocity is an effective way to promote cooperation. This is especially true when one not only cooperates with cooperators and defects on defectors (second-party punishment) but even punishes those who defect on others (third-party, “altruistic” punishment). Some suggest we humans have a taste for such altruistic punishment and that this was important in the evolution of human cooperation. To assess this we need to look across a wide range of cultures. As part of a cross-cultural project, I played three (...)
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  28. Why physicians should not do ethics consults.Frank H. Marsh - 1992 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 13 (3).
    Increasing complexities facing physicians negotiating the bedside decision continue to fuel the debate over who is the appropriate party to offer ethics consults, should one be needed, during the decision-making process. Some very good arguments have been put forth on behalf of clinical ethicists as being the proper and best party to engage in ethics consultations. However, serious questions remain about the role of the clinical ethicist and his ability to provide the necessary level of objectivity called for in an (...)
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    Historical Experience Interrogated: A Conversation.Frank Ankersmit & Jonathan Menezes - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 11 (2):247-273.
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    (1 other version)Kochen's Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.Frank Arntzenius - 1990 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1990:241 - 249.
    Kochen has suggested an interpretation of quantum mechanics in which he denies that wavepackets ever collapse, while affirming that measurements have definite results. In this paper I attempt to show that his interpretation is untenable. I then suggest ways in which to construct similar, but more satisfactory, hidden variable interpretations.
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  31. (1 other version)A Map of Metaphysics Zeta.Frank A. Lewis - 2004 - Mind 113 (449):158-164.
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    Shapes of philosophical history.Frank Edward Manuel - 1965 - Stanford, Calif.,: Stanford University Press.
    Though the geographic dimensions of philosophical history were always, in principle at least, the whole globe, for the last two thousand years the ...
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    Expanding the Map of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Aspirations Using Network Analysis and Multidimensional Scaling: Examining Four New Aspirations.Frank Martela, Emma L. Bradshaw & Richard M. Ryan - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    Life goals or aspirations can be distinguished as intrinsic or extrinsic, with different implications for well-being. In this study we used network analysis to reexamine this intrinsic-extrinsic distinction, illustrating how novel candidate aspirations can be mapped along this dimension using innovative methods. We identify four previously unexamined life aspirations, predicting that aspiring for power and social adherence would group with extrinsic goals, whereas aspiring for self-expression and mastery would group with intrinsic goals. In two samples (n = 196; n = (...)
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  34. A Dialogue with Jouni-Matti Kuukkanen.Frank Ankersmit - 2017 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 11 (1):38-58.
    The discussion of Kuukkanen’s bookPostnarrativist Philosophy of Historiography is presented here in the form of a dialogue. The dialogue addresses the following five issues: 1) the kind of claims typically made in- and by the historical text, 2) narrativism and historical representation, 3) representational holism, 4) representationalism and non-representationalism and 5) the role of argument in historical writing. While agreement is within reach for the two participants in the dialogue in case of the two first issues, opinions begin to diverge (...)
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  35. The public and private in Saudi Arabia: restrictions on the powers of committees for ordering the good and forbidding the evil.Frank E. Vogel - 2003 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 70 (3):749-768.
    My paper will explore boundaries and rights, the public and the private, as to the enforcement of religious legal rules in societies self-consciously founded on Islamic law. I employ as my case-study legal and social controversies aroused by the Saudi Hay’at al-amr bi-al-ma`ruf wa-al-nahy `an al-munkar, the government agency charged with “ordering the good and forbidding the evil.” The paper will first lay out some of the laws fixing the powers of the Hay’at, including various statutes issued by the king (...)
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    Awareness inflated, evaluative conditioning underestimated.Frank Baeyens, Jan De Houwer & Paul Eelen - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):396-397.
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    In Pursuit of Respectful Teaching and Intellectually-Dynamic Social Fields.Frank Margonis - 2011 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 30 (5):433-439.
    In contrast to educational policies in the U.S., which assume an individualistic path of success and promote the assimilation of students, this essay argues for pedagogies where teachers focus upon facilitating the development of strong relationships en route to creating exciting educational environments and fertile contexts for social justice movements. Powerful teachers model the process whereby a commitment to appreciating the perspectives of individual students is combined with the orchestration of a dynamic intersubjective context, because such contexts call out the (...)
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  38. Quasi-endomorphisms in small stable groups.Frank O. Wagner - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (3):1044-1051.
    We generalise various properties of quasiendomorphisms from groups with regular generic to small abelian groups. In particular, for a small abelian group such that no infinite definable quotient is connected-by-finite, the ring of quasi-endomorphisms is locally finite. Under some additional assumptions, it decomposes modulo some nil ideal into a sum of finitely many matrix rings.
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    Politics of fear.Frank Furedi - 2006 - New York: Continuum.
    Frank Furedi argues that the traditional terms "left" and "right" as applied to politics, have been both distorted and proved inadequate by a number of ...
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    Being Realistic about Anti-realism.Frank Ankersmit - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 18 (2):135-151.
    In this criticism of Mitrović argument about realism it is pointed out 1): that Mitrović is unaware of how the medieval debate between realists and nominalists about the existence of universals complicates his position, 2) similarly, he is unaware of how the debate on the so-called ‘essentially contested concepts’ (W.B. Gallie) complicates his position, 3) when taking up the issue of holism and individualism he mistakenly assumes that what has been said about it in the context of the social sciences (...)
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  41. Coreference and Contextually Restricted Quantification.Frank Veltman - unknown
    The aim of this paper is to argue that update semantics is a natural framework for contextually restricted quantification, and to illustrate its use in the analysis of anaphoric definite descriptions and certain other anaphoric terms.
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    Neural Architectures of Compositionality.Frank van der Velde - 2005 - In Markus Werning, Edouard Machery & Gerhard Schurz, Applications to Linguistics, Psychology and Neuroscience. De Gruyter. pp. 265-282.
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    Remarks on stratifying interactions in five dimensions.Frank T. Vertosick - 1978 - Foundations of Physics 8 (1-2):93-102.
    A geometric model is proposed in which the interaction types, namely the strong, weak, electromagnetic, and gravitational interactions, are stratified in a five-dimensional manifold. The strong and electromagnetic interactions are confined to disjoint four-spaces and the weak and gravitational interactions are proposed unified in a five-manifold bounded topologically by the strong and electromagnetic four-spaces. Further, some advantages of the five-dimensional approach to current-current interactions are discussed, and a five-dimensional approach to PCAC is presented. The model is presented in hopes of (...)
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    Geschichte der Metaphysik.Frank Thilly - 1900 - Philosophical Review 9 (4):455-456.
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    L'éveil du printemps.Frank Wedekind - 1966 - Paris,: Centre de créativité.
    Cette pièce majeure de Wedekind met en scène des adolescents confrontés à un corps qui se métamorphose et à l'éveil du désir sexuel. Le dramaturge allemand n'hésite pas à attaquer l'hypocrisie morale de son époque, qui préfère feindre d'ignorer ce bouleversement et induit chez les jeunes gens des comportements déviants ou dangereux.
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    El mundo de la vida y la historia.Frank Welz - 2004 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 32:39-54.
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  47. V—Intention and Interpretation in Criticism.Frank Cioffi - 1964 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 64 (1):85-106.
    Frank Cioffi; V—Intention and Interpretation in Criticism, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 64, Issue 1, 1 June 1964, Pages 85–106, https://doi.o.
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    Apes in Tuxedos: Robust Sense of Meaning Built upon Our Evolutionarily Developed Basic Psychological Needs.Frank Martela - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (1):35-38.
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    William D. Schambacher and Whitney Fung Uy: Food Insecurity.Frank Yeboah Adusei - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):599-600.
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    The Nature of Causation.Frank Jackson - 1976 - Urbana : University of Illinois Press.
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