Results for 'Irina Golovanʹ'

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  1. Po dolgu grazhdanina.Irina Golovanʹ - 1962 - Moskva,: Gos. izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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    Hospitality of the Matrix: Philosophy, Biomedicine, and Culture.Irina Aristarkhova - 2012 - Columbia University Press.
    The question "Where do we come from?" has fascinated philosophers, scientists, and artists for generations. This book reorients the question of the matrix as a place where everything comes from (_chora_, womb, incubator) by recasting it in terms of acts of "matrixial/maternal hospitality" producing space and matter of and for the other. Irina Aristarkhova theorizes such hospitality with the potential to go beyond tolerance in understanding self/other relations. Building on and critically evaluating a wide range of historical and contemporary (...)
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  3. Minds without spines: evolutionarily inclusive animal ethics.Irina Mikhalevich - 2020 - Animal Sentience 29 (1).
    Invertebrate animals are frequently lumped into a single category and denied welfare protections despite their considerable cognitive, behavioral, and evolutionary diversity. Some ethical and policy inroads have been made for cephalopod molluscs and crustaceans, but the vast majority of arthropods, including the insects, remain excluded from moral consideration. We argue that this exclusion is unwarranted given the existing evidence. Anachronistic readings of evolution, which view invertebrates as lower in the scala naturae, continue to influence public policy and common morality. The (...)
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  4. John Dewey and the development of education in russia before 1930 — report on a forgotten reception.Irina Mchitarjan - 2000 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 19 (1):109-131.
    This article explores the kinds of response John Dewey received in Russia between 1900 and 1930, and the impact he had on the educational debate there. The study’s main findings are: Both before and after the Socialist October Revolution of 1917, Dewey had a significant impact on the development of the Russian school system. The ultimate rejection of Dewey’s pedagogy towards the end of the 20s was not due to educational but to political and ideological reasons.
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    From Humanism to Meta-, Post- and Transhumanism?Irina Deretić & Stefan Lorenz Sorgner (eds.) - 2015 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The relationship between humanism, metahumanism, posthumanism and transhumanism is one of the most pressing topics concerning many current cultural, social, political, ethical and individual challenges. There have been a great number of uses of the various terms in history. Meta-, post- and transhumanism have in common that they reject the categorically dualist understanding of human beings inherent in humanism. The essays in this volume consider the relevant historical discourses, important contemporary philosophical reflections and artistic perspectives on this subject-matter.
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    L'anima e il sublime.Irina Casali (ed.) - 2021 - Milano: Editori della peste.
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    Istorija srpske filozofije.Irina Deretić (ed.) - 2011 - Beograd: Evro-Giunti.
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    Science of self-organization and self-organization of science.Irina Dobronravova & Wolfgang Hofkirchner (eds.) - 2004 - Kyiv: "Abris".
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  9. Semantiko-assot︠s︡iativnai︠a︡ struktura kont︠s︡epta "voĭna": monografii︠a︡.O. V. Golovanʹ - 2001 - Barnaul: Altaĭskiĭ gos. tekhnicheskiĭ universitet.
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    Філософський аналіз проблем соціальної адаптації та дезадаптації родин, які виховують особливу дитину.Irina Orlenko - 2019 - Multiversum. Philosophical Almanac:55-73.
    У статті проаналізовано наукові підходи та сучасні дослідження проблеми соціальної адаптації та дезадаптації. Із філософської точки зору розглядається взаємозв'язок процесів адаптації та дезадаптації батьків й вихованням дитини з вадами психофізичними розвитку. Проаналізовано співвідношення понять соціальна адаптація та соціальна дезадаптація. У статті доведено, що народження та виховання особливої дитини викликає у батьків комплекс негативних реакцій і переживань, кризових емоційних станів з притаманними їм емоційною пригніченістю, депресивними тенденціями, ситуативною та особистісною тривожністю, що є ознаками соціальної дезадаптації.
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    Picture-Proofs and Platonism.Irina Starikova - 2007 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):81-92.
    This paper concerns the role of intuitions in mathematics, where intuitions are meant in the Kantian sense, i.e. the “seeing” of mathematical ideas by means of pictures, diagrams, thought experiments, etc.. The main problem discussed here is whether Platonistic argumentation, according to which some pictures can be considered as proofs (or parts of proofs) of some mathematical facts, is convincing and consistent. As a starting point, I discuss James Robert Brown’s recent book Philosophy of Mathematics, in particular, his primarily examples (...)
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    A critique of the principle of cognitive simplicity in comparative cognition.Irina Meketa - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (5):731-745.
    A widespread assumption in experimental comparative cognition is that, barring compelling evidence to the contrary, the default hypothesis should postulate the simplest cognitive ontology consistent with the animal’s behavior. I call this assumption the principle of cognitive simplicity . In this essay, I show that PoCS is pervasive but unjustified: a blanket preference for the simplest cognitive ontology is not justified by any of the available arguments. Moreover, without a clear sense of how cognitive ontologies are to be carved up (...)
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    Thought experiments in mathematics.Irina Starikova & Marcus Giaquinto - unknown
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  14. Hindu and Buddhist Ideas in Dialogue: Self and No-Self.Irina Kuznetsova, Jonardon Ganeri & Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad (eds.) - 2012 - Surrey, England: Ashgate.
    The debates between various Buddhist and Hindu philosophical systems about the existence, definition and nature of self, occupy a central place in the history of Indian philosophy and religion.
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    Honor Among Thieves.Irina Meketa - 2015 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 18 (2):385-402.
    Traditional accounts of the fair play principle suggest that, under appropriate conditions, those who benefit from the cooperative labor of others acquire an obligation of repayment. However, these accounts have had little to say about the nature of such obligations within morally or legally problematic cooperative schemes, taking the matter to be either straightforward or unimportant. It is neither. The question of what sorts of fair play obligations obtain for those who benefit from illicit cooperative activity is a matter of (...)
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    A common-sense approach to the problem of the itinerary stadion.Irina Tupikova - 2022 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 76 (4):319-361.
    Estimating the length of the Greek stadion remains controversial. This paper highlights the pitfalls of a purely metrological approach to this problem and proposes a formal differentiation between metrologically defined ancient measuring units and other measures used to estimate long distances. The common-sense approach to the problem is strengthened by some cross-over documentary evidence for usage of the so-calleditinerarystadion in antiquity. We discuss the possibility of using statistical analysis methods to estimate the length of the stadion by comparing ancient routes (...)
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    Addressing ethical gaps in ‘Technology for Good’: Foregrounding care and capabilities.Irina Shklovski, Sebastián Lehuedé, Funda Ustek-Spilda & Alison B. Powell - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    This paper identifies and addresses persistent gaps in the consideration of ethical practice in ‘technology for good’ development contexts. Its main contribution is to model an integrative approach using multiple ethical frameworks to analyse and understand the everyday nature of ethical practice, including in professional practice among ‘technology for good’ start-ups. The paper identifies inherent paradoxes in the ‘technology for good’ sector as well as ethical gaps related to (1) the sometimes-misplaced assignment of virtuousness to an individual; (2) difficulties in (...)
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    Paradoksy teorii mnozhestv i dialektika.Irina Nikolaevna Burova - 1976 - Moskva: Nauka.
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  19. O vzaimodeĭstvii kinovidov.Irina Evteeva - 2011 - Sankt-Peterburg: Rossiĭsk. in-t istorii iskusstv.
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    Limits of knowledge society.Irina Frasin & Codrin Dinu Vasiliu (eds.) - 2012 - Iași: Institutul European.
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    Rossievedenie: v poiskakh utrachennogo vremeni.Irina Glebova (ed.) - 2019 - Moskva: Institut nauchnoĭ informat︠s︡ii po obshchestvennym naukam (INION RAN).
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  22. Travelling interchanges between the Russian Empire and Western Europe: The travels of engineers during the first half of the nineteenth century.Irina Gouzévitch & Dmitri Gouzévitch - 2003 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 233:213-231.
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    The Problem of Morality in Contemporary Russian Psychology.Irina A. Mironenko - 2013 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 51 (4):51-63.
    The author discusses the three main approaches taken by contemporary Russian psychologists to the problem of moral reference points and finds them all unsuited to life in a multicultural world.
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    Skin to skin: language in the Soviet education of deaf–blind children, the 1920s and 1930s.Irina Sandomirskaja - 2008 - Studies in East European Thought 60 (4):321-337.
    The article deals with surdotiflopedagogika, a doctrine of special education for deaf–blind–mute children as it was developed in the USSR in the 1920s and 1930s. In the spirit of social constructivism of the early Stalinist society, surdotiflopedagogika presents itself as a technology for the manufacture of socially useful human beings out of handicapped children with sight and hearing impairments, “half-animals, half-plants”. Surdotiflopedagogika’s institutionalization and rationale as these were evolving under the special patronage of Maxim Gorkij are analysed. Its experimental aspect (...)
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    Science and ideology in the Soviet capital discourse of religious studies: dichotomous analysis.Irina A. Savchenko & Olga K. Shimanskaya - forthcoming - Studies in East European Thought:1-13.
    Dichotomous analysis is used as a method to identify the contradictory nature and ways of adaption demonstrated by representatives of the Moscow School of Religious Studies (MSRS) in the combination of science and ideology specific to the Soviet period. This study proves that scholars can rarely be completely autonomous since their socio-political environment invariably affects their academic stance. In the late 1950s, Soviet religious studies were characterized by historicism. By the 1960s, Soviet authorities realized that the destruction of churches and (...)
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    Internal CSR Practices: Social Dialogue Versus Corporate Paternalism.Irina Soboleva - 2009 - International Corporate Responsibility Series 4:237-260.
    The paper is focused upon the relations of key inside stakeholders—managers and employees whose interests are supposed to be represented by trade unions while shaping internal CSR practices. It discusses real, perceived and desired role of TU in the process and the outcomes of internal CSR in the fields of work related security and access to social benefits. It is demonstrated that the internal social policy of corporate management pursues pragmatic goals seeking the least costly way to compete for skilled (...)
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  27. Концептуальні засади формування системи фармацевтичної безпеки україни.Irina Susharina & Iryna Kyrychenko - 2014 - Схід 6 (132):70-72.
    У статті визначено концептуальні засади формування системи фармацевтичної безпеки України. Автори констатують фрагментарність наукових досліджень у вітчизняній фармацевтичній науці щодо стану та механізмів гарантування фармацевтичної безпеки держави та неузгодженість пріоритетів і механізмів функціонування окремих суб'єктів фармацевтичного ринку України. У зв'язку з цим вони обгрунтовують, що першочерговим завданням, яке має бути відображено в Концепції фармацевтичної безпеки України, є залучення відповідних органів влади, провідних науково-дослідних установ, інших суб'єктів фармацевтичної галузі до розширення та вдосконалення розробки нормативно-правових актів у цій сфері.
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    Multilingualism, Cultural Differences and Their Management in IT Communication within European Union.Irina Tanasescu, Cristina Sbirneciu & Ioana Panagoret - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (1):194-205.
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    Self-Construal and Unethical Behavior.Irina Cojuharenco, Garriy Shteynberg, Michele Gelfand & Marshall Schminke - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (4):447-461.
    We suggest that understanding unethical behavior in organizations involves understanding how people view themselves and their relationships with others, a concept known as self-construal. Across multiple studies, employing both field and laboratory settings, we examine the impact of three dimensions of self-construal (independent, relational, and collective) on unethical behavior. Our results show that higher levels of relational self-construal relate negatively to unethical behavior. We also find that differences in levels of relational self for men and women mediate gender differences in (...)
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    “Please, come in.” Being a charlatan, or the question of trustworthy knowledge.Irina Podgorny & Daniel Gethmann - 2020 - Science in Context 33 (4):355-361.
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  31. Aspasia: Woman in Crises.Irina Deretić - 2021 - In Women in Times of Crisis. Belgrade: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. pp. 35-47.
    Like Socrates, Aspasia did not leave any writings. We know about her from secondary sources. In this paper, I will show a number of things in the reports of what Aspasia said and did that are philosophically interesting, especially in what they show about dealing with various kinds of crises, from marital to political ones. First, I will argue for the most probable reconstruction of her life. Second, I will elucidate what kind of method Aspasia employed when considering marital issues. (...)
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  32. Why do mathematicians need different ways of presenting mathematical objects? The case of cayley graphs.Irina Starikova - 2010 - Topoi 29 (1):41-51.
    This paper investigates the role of pictures in mathematics in the particular case of Cayley graphs—the graphic representations of groups. I shall argue that their principal function in that theory—to provide insight into the abstract structure of groups—is performed employing their visual aspect. I suggest that the application of a visual graph theory in the purely non-visual theory of groups resulted in a new effective approach in which pictures have an essential role. Cayley graphs were initially developed as exact mathematical (...)
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    Readiness of teachers to work on professional self-determination of persons with restricted health opportunities.Irina Finogenovna Pleteneva & Olesya Aleksandrovna Podolskay - 2021 - Kant 38 (1):312-316.
    The study of teachers' readiness to work with adolescents with disabilities in terms of their professional self-determination was carried out on the basis of the study of works containing scientific ideas about the essence of professional self-determination, conceptual provisions on the essence of the phenomenon of "readiness", analysis of the characteristics of persons with psychophysical disorders. Studying the readiness of teachers to work with persons with disabilities on professional self-determination included questions on their knowledge of the essence of professional self-determination; (...)
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    Different Populations Agree on Which Moral Arguments Underlie Which Opinions.Irina Vartanova, Kimmo Eriksson, Isabela Hazin & Pontus Strimling - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    People often justify their moral opinions by referring to larger moral concerns. Is there a general agreement about what concerns apply to different moral opinions? We used surveys in the United States and the United Kingdom to measure the perceived applicability of eight concerns to a wide range of moral opinions. Within countries, argument applicability scores were largely similar whether they were calculated among women or men, among young or old, among liberals or conservatives, or among people with or without (...)
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    Bioscience ethics.Irina Pollard - 2009 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Bioscience ethics facilitates free and accurate information transfer from applied science to applied bioethics. Its major elements are: increased understanding of biological systems, responsible use of technology, and attuning ethnocentric debates to new scientific insights. Pioneered by Irina Pollard in 1994, bioscience ethics has become an internationally recognized discipline, interfacing science and bioethics within professional perspectives such as medical, legal, bio-engineering, and economics. Written for students and professionals alike, the fundamental feature of this book is its breadth, important because (...)
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    Quantitative content analysis as a method for business ethics research.Irina Lock & Peter Seele - 2015 - Business Ethics: A European Review 24 (4):S24-S40.
    The aim of this article is to discuss quantitative content analysis as established in communication sciences as a method for research in business ethics. We argue that communication sciences and business ethics are neighboring disciplines, which allow the transfer of quantitative content analysis from communication sciences to business ethics. Technically, quantitative content analysis can be applied through human as well as software coding. Examples for both applications are provided and discussed. We make reference to the software solutions ‘Leximancer’, ‘Crawdad’, and (...)
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    When Empathic Concern and Perspective Taking Matter for Ethical Judgment: The Role of Time Hurriedness.Irina Cojuharenco & Francesco Sguera - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (3):717-725.
    Based on a dual process view of ethical judgment, we examine the role of empathic concern and perspective taking on the acceptability of lying to protect the company. We hypothesize that these traits will matter to a different extent under conditions of high and low perceived time hurriedness. Our research hypotheses are tested in a survey of 134 US workers. Results show that empathic concern reduces the acceptability of lying to protect the company for individuals who tend to do things (...)
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    Simplicity and Cognitive Modeling: Avoiding old mistakes in new experimental contexts.Irina Mikhalevich - 2017 - In Kristin Andrews & Jacob Beck (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Animal Minds. Routledge. pp. 427-437.
    In this chapter, the author examines how the simplicity heuristic adversely affects a relatively new tool in experimental comparative cognition: cognitive models. It does so, she argues, by directing intellectual resources into the development and refinement of putatively simple cognitive models at the expense of putatively more complex ones, which in turn directs experimenters to develop tests to rule out these simple models.
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    From Practice to New Concepts: Geometric Properties of Groups.Irina Starikova - 2012 - Philosophia Scientiae 16 (1):129-151.
    Cet article cherche à montrer comment la pratique mathématique, particulièrement celle admettant des représentations visuelles, peut conduire à de nouveaux résultats mathématiques. L'argumentation est basée sur l'étude du cas d'un domaine des mathématiques relativement récent et prometteur: la théorie géométrique des groupes. L'article discute comment la représentation des groupes par les graphes de Cayley rendit possible la découverte de nouvelles propriétés géométriques de groupes.
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    Programs for Undergraduate Women in Science and Engineering: Issues, Problems, and Solutions.Irina Nikiforova, Gerhard Sonnert & Mary Frank Fox - 2011 - Gender and Society 25 (5):589-615.
    We analyze programs for undergraduate women in science and engineering as strategic research sites in the study of disparities between women and men in scientific fields within higher education. Based on responses to a survey of the directors of the universe of these programs in the United States, the findings reveal key patterns in the programs’ definitions of the issues of women in science and engineering, their solutions to address the issues, their goals and perceived success with goals, and their (...)
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    An Analogical Model of Pretense.Irina Rabkina & Kenneth D. Forbus - 2022 - Cognitive Science 46 (3):e13112.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 46, Issue 3, March 2022.
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    Posmodernidad estética de Frederick Jameson: pastiche y esquizofrenia.Irina Vaskes Santches - 2013 - Praxis Filosófica 33:53-74.
    El presente trabajo se sitúa en el marco teórico-conceptual de la posmodernidad estética de Frederick Jameson. Tras destacar las nuevas características que adquiere la experiencia estético-artística en su etapa posmoderna, se hace énfasis en el análisis de los conceptos –pastiche y esquizofrenia– como las dos distinciones más importantes de la sensibilidad posmoderna. Su análisis responde a un doble objetivo. Por un lado, siendo una “herramienta conceptual”, aclara la situación del arte en su “estado posmoderno”, explicando y justificando los cambios durante (...)
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    Процессуальное положение защитника.Irina Akubardia - 2005 - GISAP: Jurisprudence 1:3-13.
    [Translated by Google] The article touches upon one of the most important problems of criminal - procedural law. It examines the procedural position of the defense in the criminal - procedural production in terms of its role and importance. In the above legal literature expressed views on this issue. Based on the analysis of opinion identified three positions: 1.zaschitnik - representative of the accused; 2.zaschitnik - an independent participant in the process and at the same time representative of the accused; (...)
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    Gadamer kao platoničar?Irina Deretić - 1997 - Theoria 40 (4):55-70.
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  45. Историја српске филозофије II, прилози истраживању.Irina Deretić (ed.) - 2012
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  46. Logos,Written Logoi and Pharmakon in Plato’s Phaedrus.Irina Deretić - unknown - Yeditepe'de Felsefe (Philosophy at Yeditepe) 3.
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  47. Logos, Platon, Aristotel: Platonova i Aristotelova koncepcija logosa.Irina Deretić - 2009 - Belgrade:
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    Nemački povratak Grcima.Irina Deretić - 1997 - Theoria 40 (4):173-176.
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  49. Историја српске филозофије III, прилози истраживању.Irina Deretić (ed.) - 2014
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  50. 21st Century Anthropology: A Reference Handbook.Irina Deretić (ed.) - 2010 - Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications, Inc..
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