Results for 'Ingo Rill'

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  1.  10
    Briefe Deutscher Philosophen (1750-1850), Begleitbroschüre, Briefe Deutscher Philosophen (1750-1850).Ingo Rill, Martin Roether, Norbert Henrichs & Horst Weeland (eds.) - 1990 - De Gruyter Saur.
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    POLIS-Interview mit Ingo Friedrich.Ingo Friedrich - 2017 - Polis 21 (2):17-18.
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    The Political Role of the Business Firm.Ingo Pies, Markus Beckmann & Stefan Hielscher - 2014 - Business and Society 53 (2):226-259.
    This article contributes to the debate about the political role of the business firm. The article clarifies what is meant by the “political” role of the firm and how this political role relates to its economic role. To this end, the authors present an ordonomic concept of corporate citizenship and illustrate the concept by way of comparison with the Aristotelian idea of individual citizenship for the antique polis. According to our concept, companies take a political role if they participate in (...)
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  4. Beyond reduction and pluralism: Toward an epistemology of explanatory integration in biology.Ingo Brigandt - 2010 - Erkenntnis 73 (3):295-311.
    The paper works towards an account of explanatory integration in biology, using as a case study explanations of the evolutionary origin of novelties-a problem requiring the integration of several biological fields and approaches. In contrast to the idea that fields studying lower level phenomena are always more fundamental in explanations, I argue that the particular combination of disciplines and theoretical approaches needed to address a complex biological problem and which among them is explanatorily more fundamental varies with the problem pursued. (...)
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  5. Species pluralism does not imply species eliminativism.Ingo Brigandt - 2003 - Philosophy of Science 70 (5):1305-1316.
    Marc Ereshefsky argues that pluralism about species suggests that the species concept is not theoretically useful. It is to be abandoned in favor of several concrete species concepts that denote real categories. While accepting species pluralism, the present paper rejects eliminativism about the species category. It is argued that the species concept is important and that it is possible to make sense of a general species concept despite the existence of different concrete species concepts.
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  6. How to Philosophically Tackle Kinds without Talking About ‘Natural Kinds’.Ingo Brigandt - 2020 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (3):356-379.
    Recent rival attempts in the philosophy of science to put forward a general theory of the properties that all (and only) natural kinds across the sciences possess may have proven to be futile. Instead, I develop a general methodological framework for how to philosophically study kinds. Any kind has to be investigated and articulated together with the human aims that motivate referring to this kind, where different kinds in the same scientific domain can answer to different concrete aims. My core (...)
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    The iconolatric fallacy: On the limitations of the internal method of criticism.Ingo Seidler - 1967 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 26 (1):9-16.
  8.  50
    Identity Discourses on the Dancefloor.Bryan Rill - 2010 - Anthropology of Consciousness 21 (2):139-162.
    Electronic Dance Music Culture (EDMC) is one of the largest subcultural musical movements in history. The dance floor is a creative context that engenders a freedom among participants to reshape their social identity within the Temporary Autonomous Zones (TAZ) that raves, the central spaces for EDMC, provide. On the dance floor, participants enter into powerful trances that have the capacity to reshape notions of self and personhood. This paper examines such identity discourses and suggests that trance consciousness re-constitutes the bodily (...)
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  9. Scientific Reasoning Is Material Inference: Combining Confirmation, Discovery, and Explanation.Ingo Brigandt - 2010 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 24 (1):31-43.
    Whereas an inference (deductive as well as inductive) is usually viewed as being valid in virtue of its argument form, the present paper argues that scientific reasoning is material inference, i.e., justified in virtue of its content. A material inference is licensed by the empirical content embodied in the concepts contained in the premises and conclusion. Understanding scientific reasoning as material inference has the advantage of combining different aspects of scientific reasoning, such as confirmation, discovery, and explanation. This approach explains (...)
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  10. The importance of homology for biology and philosophy.Ingo Brigandt & Paul Edmund Griffiths - 2007 - Biology and Philosophy 22 (5):633-641.
    Editors' introduction to the special issue on homology (Biology and Philosophy Vol. 22, Issue 5, 2007).
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  11. The Dynamics of Scientific Concepts: The Relevance of Epistemic Aims and Values.Ingo Brigandt - 2012 - In Uljana Feest & Friedrich Steinle (eds.), Scientific Concepts and Investigative Practice. de Gruyter. pp. 75-103.
    The philosophy of science that grew out of logical positivism construed scientific knowledge in terms of set of interconnected beliefs about the world, such as theories and observation statements. Nowadays science is also conceived of as a dynamic process based on the various practices of individual scientists and the institutional settings of science. Two features particularly influence the dynamics of scientific knowledge: epistemic standards and aims (e.g., assumptions about what issues are currently in need of scientific study and explanation). While (...)
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  12. Explanation in Biology: Reduction, Pluralism, and Explanatory Aims.Ingo Brigandt - 2011 - Science & Education 22 (1):69-91.
    This essay analyzes and develops recent views about explanation in biology. Philosophers of biology have parted with the received deductive-nomological model of scientific explanation primarily by attempting to capture actual biological theorizing and practice. This includes an endorsement of different kinds of explanation (e.g., mathematical and causal-mechanistic), a joint study of discovery and explanation, and an abandonment of models of theory reduction in favor of accounts of explanatory reduction. Of particular current interest are philosophical accounts of complex explanations that appeal (...)
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  13. Homology in comparative, molecular, and evolutionary developmental biology: The radiation of a concept.Ingo Brigandt - 2003 - Journal of Experimental Zoology (Molecular and Developmental Evolution) 299:9-17.
    The present paper analyzes the use and understanding of the homology concept across different biological disciplines. It is argued that in its history, the homology concept underwent a sort of adaptive radiation. Once it migrated from comparative anatomy into new biological fields, the homology concept changed in accordance with the theoretical aims and interests of these disciplines. The paper gives a case study of the theoretical role that homology plays in comparative and evolutionary biology, in molecular biology, and in evolutionary (...)
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    A Condorcet jury theorem for couples.Ingo Althöfer & Raphael Thiele - 2016 - Theory and Decision 81 (1):1-15.
    The agents of a jury have to decide between a good and a bad option through simple majority voting. In this paper the jury consists of N independent couples. Each couple consists of two correlated agents of the same competence level. Different couples may have different competence levels. In addition, each agent is assumed to be better than completely random guessing. We prove tight lower and upper bounds for the quality of the majority decision. The lower bound is the same (...)
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    Writing about Nothing?Ingo Meyer - 2023 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 97 (4):1065-1079.
    Opposing contemporary literature’s conventional rhetorical profile, along with its awaitable topics of social concern, the article focuses on more recent examples of ›Sprachkunst‹. Via an analysis of Rainald Goetz’s and Felicia Zeller’s shorter prose, a habit of ›writing about nothing‹ could remind us what literature is all about: language and form.
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    A game tree with distinct leaf values which is easy for the alpha-beta algorithm.Ingo Althöfer & Bernhard Balkenhol - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 52 (2):183-190.
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  17. Die Probe aufs Humane.Ingo Hermann - 1970 - (Düsseldorf): Patmos-Verl.. Edited by Franz Böckle.
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    (1 other version)Aus der Romantik-Forschung.Ingo Meyer - 2019 - Philosophische Rundschau 66 (2):118.
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    Pohorilles, Noah Elieser, Dr. phil. Entwicklung und Kritik der Erkenntnistheorie Eduard von Hartmanns.Ν. E. Pohοrilles - 1911 - Kant Studien 16 (1-3).
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  20. Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 15, Saarbruecken.Ingo Reich (ed.) - 2010 - Saarbrücken: Universitätsverlag des Saarlandes.
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    Directed forgetting in context.Mark Rilling, Donald F. Kendrick & Thomas B. Stonebraker - 1984 - In Gordon H. Bower (ed.), The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory. Academic Press. pp. 18--175.
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  22. Stadt und Bettelorden im Mittelalter.Ingo Ulpts - 1995 - Wissenschaft Und Weisheit 58 (2):223-260.
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  23. Systems biology and the integration of mechanistic explanation and mathematical explanation.Ingo Brigandt - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4):477-492.
    The paper discusses how systems biology is working toward complex accounts that integrate explanation in terms of mechanisms and explanation by mathematical models—which some philosophers have viewed as rival models of explanation. Systems biology is an integrative approach, and it strongly relies on mathematical modeling. Philosophical accounts of mechanisms capture integrative in the sense of multilevel and multifield explanations, yet accounts of mechanistic explanation have failed to address how a mathematical model could contribute to such explanations. I discuss how mathematical (...)
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    Evolutionary novelty and the Evo-devo synthesis: field notes.Ingo Brigandt & Alan C. Love - 2010 - Evolutionary Biology 37:93-99.
    Accounting for the evolutionary origins of morphological novelty is one of the core challenges of contemporary evolutionary biology. A successful explanatory framework requires the integration of different biological disciplines, but the relationships between developmental biology and standard evolutionary biology remain contested. There is also disagreement about how to define the concept of evolutionary novelty. These issues were the subjects of a workshop held in November 2009 at the University of Alberta. We report on the discussion and results of this workshop, (...)
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    How Are Biology Concepts Used and Transformed?Ingo Brigandt - 2019 - In Kostas Kampourakis & Tobias Uller (eds.), Philosophy of Science for Biologists. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 79–101.
  26. Social values influence the adequacy conditions of scientific theories: beyond inductive risk.Ingo Brigandt - 2015 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 45 (3):326-356.
    The ‘death of evidence’ issue in Canada raises the spectre of politicized science, and thus the question of what role social values may have in science and how this meshes with objectivity and evidence. I first criticize philosophical accounts that have to separate different steps of research to restrict the influence of social and other non-epistemic values. A prominent account that social values may play a role even in the context of theory acceptance is the argument from inductive risk. It (...)
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    Homology and the origin of correspondence.Ingo Brigandt - 2002 - Biology and Philosophy 17 (3):389-407.
    Homology is a natural kind term and a precise account of what homology is has to come out of theories about the role of homologues in evolution and development. Definitions of homology are discussed with respect to the question as to whether they are able to give a non-circular account of the correspondence or sameness referred to by homology. It is argued that standard accounts tie homology to operational criteria or specific research projects, but are not yet able to offer (...)
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    The Representation of Social Actors in Corporate Codes of Ethics. How Code Language Positions Internal Actors.Ingo Winkler - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 101 (4):653-665.
    This article understands codes of ethics as written documents that represent social actors in specific ways through the use of language. It presents an empirical study that investigated the codes of ethics of the German Dax30 companies. The study adopted a critical discourse analysis-approach in order to reveal how the code-texts produce a particular understanding of the various internal social groups for the readers. Language is regarded as social practice that functions at creating particular understandings of individuals and groups, how (...)
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  29. Evolutionary Developmental Biology and the Limits of Philosophical Accounts of Mechanistic Explanation.Ingo Brigandt - 2015 - In P.-A. Braillard & C. Malaterre (eds.), Explanation in Biology: An Enquiry into the Diversity of Explanatory Patterns in the Life Sciences. Springer. pp. 135-173.
    Evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) is considered a ‘mechanistic science,’ in that it causally explains morphological evolution in terms of changes in developmental mechanisms. Evo-devo is also an interdisciplinary and integrative approach, as its explanations use contributions from many fields and pertain to different levels of organismal organization. Philosophical accounts of mechanistic explanation are currently highly prominent, and have been particularly able to capture the integrative nature of multifield and multilevel explanations. However, I argue that evo-devo demonstrates the need for a (...)
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    Effects of a School-Based Instrumental Music Program on Verbal and Visual Memory in Primary School Children: A Longitudinal Study.Ingo Roden, Gunter Kreutz & Stephan Bongard - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Marx Im Westen: Die Neue Marx-Lektüre in der Bundesrepublik Seit 1965.Ingo Elbe - 2010 - Akademie Verlag.
    Über Jahrzehnte beanspruchten die komplementären Diskurse des östlichen partei-, später staatsoffiziellen Marxismus sowie des westlichen Antikommunismus die nahezu uneingeschränkte Definitionsmacht über das, was gemeinhin als 'Marxsche Theorie' oder 'wissenschaftlicher Sozialismus' galt. Dagegen machte sich ab Mitte der 1960er Jahre eine neue Lektüre-Bewegung vor allem in der Bundesrepublik daran, die originellen wissenschaftlichen Gehalte des Marxschen Denkens zu entdecken. Der Rezeptionsschutt der vorangegangenen 100 Jahre sollte weggeräumt werden, um für die Rekonstruktion einer kritischen Gesellschaftstheorie mit einem innovativen Methoden- und Gegenstandsverständnis Platz zu (...)
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    Systems Biology and Mechanistic Explanation.Ingo Brigandt, Sara Green & Maureen A. O'Malley - 2017 - In Stuart Glennan & Phyllis McKay Illari (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Mechanisms and Mechanical Philosophy. Routledge. pp. 362-374.
    We address the question of whether and to what extent explanatory and modelling strategies in systems biology are mechanistic. After showing how dynamic mathematical models are actually required for mechanistic explanations of complex systems, we caution readers against expecting all systems biology to be about mechanistic explanations. Instead, the aim may be to generate topological explanations that are not standardly mechanistic, or to arrive at design principles that explain system organization and behaviour in general, but not specific mechanisms. These abstraction (...)
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  33. Philosophy of Biology.Ingo Brigandt - 2011 - In Steven French & Juha Saatsi (eds.), Continuum Companion to the Philosophy of Science. Continuum. pp. 246-267.
    This overview of philosophy of biology lays out what implications biology and recent philosophy of biology have for general philosophy of science. The following topics are addressed in five sections: natural kinds, conceptual change, discovery and confirmation, explanation and reduction, and naturalism.
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    The Changing Role of Business in Global Society.Ingo Pies - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (3):375-401.
    ABSTRACTThis article introduces an “ordonomic” approach to corporate citizenship. We believe that ordonomics offers a conceptual framework for analyzing both the social structure and the semantics of moral commitments. We claim that such an analysis can provide theoretical guidance for the changing role of business in society, especially in regard to the expectation and trend that businesses take a political role and act as corporate citizens. The systematicraison d'êtreof corporate citizenship is that business firms can and—judged by the criterion of (...)
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    Comparative primate neuroimaging: insights into human brain evolution.James K. Rilling - 2014 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 18 (1):46-55.
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    Integration in biology: Philosophical perspectives on the dynamics of interdisciplinarity.Ingo Brigandt - 2013 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 44 (4):461-465.
    This introduction to the special section on integration in biology provides an overview of the different contributions. In addition to motivating the philosophical significance of analyzing integration and interdisciplinary research, I lay out common themes and novel insights found among the special section contributions, and indicate how they exhibit current trends in the philosophical study of integration. One upshot of the contributed papers is that there are different aspects to and kinds of integration, so that rather than attempting to offer (...)
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    Biological Species.Ingo Brigandt - 2024 - In Kathrin Koslicki & Michael J. Raven (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Essence in Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge. pp. 276-290.
    In the 1970s, the position that species are natural kinds characterized by essences came to be challenged, and was replaced by the view that species are individuals. To date, this remains the dominant position, at least among biologists, despite influential arguments that species can be construed as homeostatic property cluster kinds (employing a revised notion of essence). Recent philosophical discussions have broadened the scope by articulating a neo-Aristotelian essentialism for species, developing a post-essentialist account of human nature, and scrutinizing temporal (...)
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    Introduction.Ingo Farin & Jeff Malpas - 2022 - In Ingo Farin & Jeff Malpas (eds.), Heidegger and the human. Albany: State University of New York Press. pp. 1-4.
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    3.5 Konjunkturen des Revolutionskonzepts.Ingo Elbe - 2010 - In Marx Im Westen: Die Neue Marx-Lektüre in der Bundesrepublik Seit 1965. Akademie Verlag. pp. 533-545.
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    3.4 Klasse Widerspruch.Ingo Elbe - 2010 - In Marx Im Westen: Die Neue Marx-Lektüre in der Bundesrepublik Seit 1965. Akademie Verlag. pp. 514-532.
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    Heidegger's topology: Being, place, world.Ingo Farin - 2007 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 38 (2):288-295.
  42.  36
    Allometric departures for the human brain provide insights into hominid brain evolution.James K. Rilling - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (2):292-293.
    Researchers studying primate brain allometry often focus on departures from allometry more than the allometric relationships themselves because only the former reveal what brain regions and behavioral-cognitive abilities were the focus of selection. Allometric departures for the human brain provide insights into hominid brain evolution and cast doubt on the suggestion that the large human cerebral cortex is a.
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    Gestalt experiments and inductive observations: Konrad Lorenz's early epistemological writings and the methods of classical ethology.Ingo Brigandt - 2003 - Evolution and Cognition 9:157-170.
    Ethology brought some crucial insights and perspectives to the study of behavior, in particular the idea that behavior can be studied within a comparative-evolutionary framework by means of homologizing components of behavioral patterns and by causal analysis of behavior components and their integration. Early ethology is well-known for its extensive use of qualitative observations of animals under their natural conditions. These observations are combined with experiments that try to analyze behavioral patterns and establish specific claims about animal behavior. Nowadays, there (...)
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    Logistic of the Beauty.Ingo Stöckmann - 2024 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 98 (2):223-277.
    The article starts with a reconstruction of Bernard Bolzano’s aesthetics as a paradigmatic example of the logical-semantic aesthetics tradition following Leibniz, which has been marginalized in Germany. It ends with perspectives for a future reconstruction of post-Hegelian aesthetics in the light of the semantic problem that became virulent in the analytical philosophy of language and in linguistics in the early 20th century. As a result, a continuity becomes visible between the allegedly idealistic 19th century and the theoretical developments in the (...)
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    Explanation of Molecular Processes without Tracking Mechanism Operation.Ingo Brigandt - 2018 - Philosophy of Science 85 (5):984-997.
    Philosophical discussions of systems biology have enriched the notion of mechanistic explanation by pointing to the role of mathematical modeling. However, such accounts still focus on explanation in terms of tracking a mechanism's operation across time (by means of mental or computational simulation). My contention is that there are explanations of molecular systems where the explanatory understanding does not consist in tracking a mechanism's operation and productive continuity. I make this case by a discussion of bifurcation analysis in dynamical systems, (...)
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    How can audiovisual pathways enhance the temporal resolution of time-compressed speech in blind subjects?Ingo Hertrich, Susanne Dietrich & Hermann Ackermann - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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  47. Why the Difference Between Explanation and Argument Matters to Science Education.Ingo Brigandt - 2016 - Science & Education 25 (3-4):251-275.
    Contributing to the recent debate on whether or not explanations ought to be differentiated from arguments, this article argues that the distinction matters to science education. I articulate the distinction in terms of explanations and arguments having to meet different standards of adequacy. Standards of explanatory adequacy are important because they correspond to what counts as a good explanation in a science classroom, whereas a focus on evidence-based argumentation can obscure such standards of what makes an explanation explanatory. I provide (...)
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  48. The Epistemic Goal of a Concept: Accounting for the Rationality of Semantic Change and Variation.Ingo Brigandt - 2010 - Synthese 177 (1):19-40.
    The discussion presents a framework of concepts that is intended to account for the rationality of semantic change and variation, suggesting that each scientific concept consists of three components of content: 1) reference, 2) inferential role, and 3) the epistemic goal pursued with the concept’s use. I argue that in the course of history a concept can change in any of these components, and that change in the concept’s inferential role and reference can be accounted for as being rational relative (...)
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  49. Accounting for Vertebrate Limbs: From Owen's Homology to Novelty in Evo-Devo.Ingo Brigandt - 2009 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 1:e004.
    This article reviews the recent reissuing of Richard Owen’s On the Nature of Limbs and its three novel, introductory essays. These essays make Owen’s 1849 text very accessible by discussing the historical context of his work and explaining how Owen’s ideas relate to his larger intellectual framework. In addition to the ways in which the essays point to Owen’s relevance for contemporary biology, I discuss how Owen’s unity of type theory and his homology claims about fins and limbs compare with (...)
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    Data compression using an intelligent generator: The storage of chess games as an example.Ingo Althöfer - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 52 (1):109-113.
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