Results for 'Inga-Lill Hansson'

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  1.  28
    A Symposium on Chinese Grammar Held at the Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen 27-29 August 1970 under the Chairmanship of Søren EgerodA Symposium on Chinese Grammar Held at the Scandinavian Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen 27-29 August 1970 under the Chairmanship of Soren Egerod. [REVIEW]Paul L.-M. Serruys & Inga-Lill Hansson - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):520.
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  2. A Textbook of Belief Dynamics: Solutions to Exercises.Sven Ove Hansson - 1999 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    In the middle of the 1980s, logical tools were discovered that make it possible to model changes in belief and knowledge in entirely new ways. These logical tools turned out to be applicable both to human beliefs and to the contents of databases. This is the first textbook in this new area. It contains both discursive chapters with a minimum of formalism and formal chapters in which proofs and proof methods are presented. By using different selections from the formal section (...)
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    The ethics of risk: ethical analysis in an uncertain world.Sven Ove Hansson - 2013 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    When is it morally acceptable to expose others to risk? Most moral philosophers have had very little to say in answer to that question, but here is a moral philosopher who puts it at the centre of his investigations.
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    Logic of belief revision.Sven Ove Hansson - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  5. Risk and ethics : three approaches.Sven Ove Hansson - 2007 - In Tim Lewens (ed.), Risk: Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Routledge.
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    Preferences.Sven Ove Hansson & Till Grüne-Yanoff - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  7.  86
    Building on relationships of trust in biobank research.M. G. Hansson - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (7):415-418.
    Trust among current and future patients is essential for the success of biobank research. The submission of an informed consent is an act of trust by a patient or a research subject, but a strict application of the rule of informed consent may not be sensitive to the multiplicity of patient interests at stake, and could thus be detrimental to trust. According to a recently proposed law on “genetic integrity” in Sweden, third parties will be prohibited from requesting or seeking (...)
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    Invisible Worlds, Visible: Uexküll's Umwelt, Film, and Film Theory.Inga Pollmann - 2013 - Critical Inquiry 39 (4):777-816.
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    There Are No Ceteris Paribus Laws Bengt Hansson.Bengt Hansson - 2013 - In Christer Svennerlind, Almäng Jan & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson (eds.), Johanssonian Investigations: Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 5--231.
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    How to Swim in Sinking Sands: The Sorites Paradox and the Nature and Logic of Vague Language.Inga Bones - 2020 - Paderborn, Deutschland: Mentis.
    This book examines philosophical approaches to linguistic vagueness, a puzzling feature of natural language that gives rise to the ancient Sorites paradox and challenges classical logic and semantics. -/- The Sorites, or Paradox of the Heap, consists in three claims: (1) One grain of sand does not make a heap. (2) One billion grains of sand do make a heap. (3) For any two amounts of sand differing by at most one grain: either both are heaps of sand, or neither (...)
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  11. Verbal Disputes and the Varieties of Verbalness.Vermeulen Inga - 2018 - Erkenntnis 83 (2):331-348.
    Many philosophical disputes, most prominently disputes in ontology, have been suspected of being merely verbal and hence pointless. My goal in this paper is to offer an account of merely verbal disputes and to address the question of what is problematic with such disputes. I begin by arguing that extant accounts that focus on the semantics of the disputed statement S do not capture the full range of cases as they might arise in philosophy. Moreover, these accounts bring in heavy (...)
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  12. History and humanism.Inga Clendinnen - 2016 - Australian Humanist, The 124:11.
    Clendinnen, Inga I want to begin with the question 'what is a humanist?' largely because you answered that question superbly and succinctly with your Australian Humanist of the Year choice last year.
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    Courage and nursing practice: A theoretical analysis.Inga-Britt Lindh, António Barbosa da Silva, Agneta Berg & Elisabeth Severinsson - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (5):551-565.
    This article aims to deepen the understanding of courage through a theoretical analysis of classical philosophers’ work and a review of published and unpublished empirical research on courage in nursing. The authors sought answers to questions regarding how courage is understood from a philosophical viewpoint and how it is expressed in nursing actions. Four aspects were identified as relevant to a deeper understanding of courage in nursing practice: courage as an ontological concept, a moral virtue, a property of an ethical (...)
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  14.  30
    In praise of full meet contraction.Sven Ove Hansson - 2006 - Análisis Filosófico 26 (1):134-146.
    Full meet contraction, that was devised by Carlos Alchourrón and David Makinson in the early 1980' s, has often been overlooked since it is not in itself a plausible contraction operator. However, it is a highly useful building-block in the construction of composite contraction operators. In particular, all plausible contraction operators can be reconstructed so that the outcome of contracting a belief set K by a sentence p is defined as K ∼ f, where ∼ is full meet contraction and (...)
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  15.  16
    Disaster Anarchy: Mutual Aid and Radical Action by Rhiannon Firth (review).John-Erik Hansson - 2024 - Utopian Studies 34 (3):606-612.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Disaster Anarchy: Mutual Aid and Radical Action by Rhiannon FirthJohn-Erik HanssonRhiannon Firth. Disaster Anarchy: Mutual Aid and Radical Action. London: Pluto Press, 2022. Paperback, 243 pp. ISBN 9780745340463The COVID-19 pandemic and the unfolding climate crisis, with the multiplication of unprecedented weather events, have shown how urgent it is to reflect on our responses to disaster. Following up on themes she first broached in Coronavirus, Class, and Mutual Aid (...)
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  16.  83
    Consumer Reactions to Corporate Tax Strategies: Effects on Corporate Reputation and Purchasing Behavior.Inga Hardeck & Rebecca Hertl - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (2):309-326.
    On the basis of an interdisciplinary approach linking taxation, marketing, and corporate social responsibility, the present research investigates the effects of media reports on aggressive and responsible corporate tax strategies (CTSs) on corporate success with consumers. By means of two laboratory experiments (N = 150, 360), we analyze the effects of the CTSs on corporate reputation, consumer purchase intention, and the consumer’s willingness to pay. Our results suggest that aggressive CTSs diminish corporate success with consumers, whereas responsible CTSs enhance it. (...)
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  17.  11
    Person: anthropologische, phänomenologische und analytische Perspektiven.Inga Römer & Matthias Wunsch (eds.) - 2013 - Münster: Mentis.
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  18.  26
    Legal Effect of WTO Dispute Settlement Body Decisions on the European Union Law (article in Lithuanian).Inga Daukšienė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (3):905-920.
    World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement includes the Annex 2 Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU) that reveals with WTO dispute settlement rules and procedures. The Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) is hereby established to administer these rules and procedures. The article analyses the problematic issues of the direct effect of the DSB decisions in the European Union (EU) legal order. ECJ concluded that an individual does not have the right to challenge, the incompatibility of Community measures with WTO rules, even if the DSB (...)
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  19.  29
    Recognition of Jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union in International Courts.Inga Daukšienė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (2):459-475.
    From the point of the EU law, the CJEU has the exclusive competence to interpret the EU legal norms and decide upon validity of the legal acts adopted by the EU institutions because it is the most effective method to ensure the unilateral interpretation of the EU law and to prevent its fragmentation. Thus, it can be presumed that all disputes between the Member States regarding the EU law must be solved by the CJEU. The paper aims at finding the (...)
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  20. The Role of National Parliaments in the European Union after Treaty of Lisbon.Inga Daukšienė & Sigita Matijošaitytė - 2012 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 19 (1):31-47.
    After coming into force of the Treaty of Lisbon it is acknowledged that better control and respect of the principle of subsidiarity is one of the most important and innovative goals of the Treaty. To achieve this goal, the Treaty introduces a mechanism which, apart from checking compliance of draft legislative acts with that principle, may eventually lead to a draft act to be deleted from the legislative agenda of the European Union on grounds of violation of subsidiarity. Within this (...)
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  21.  8
    The power of beauty: on the aesthetics of Homer, Plato, and Cicero.Inga R. Gammel - 2015 - Aarhus: Aarhus University Press.
    The fascination of beauty has given rise to a long-standing European philosophical tradition on the idea of beauty the beginnings of which link back to ancient Greek mythology. However, at the dawn of Modernity the discourse on beauty slowly disappeared from theory and philosophy. While classical tradition dealt with the many and varied aspects of beauty in relation to cosmos, man's way of life, education and the arts, modern theory trivialized the idea of beauty and finally abandoned the topic. This (...)
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  22.  17
    The philosophy of time of Henri Bergson and Russian culture of the nineteenth–early twentieth centuries.Inga Matveeva & Igor Evlampiev - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (3):401-417.
    The article provides proof that the concept of time articulated in Russian philosophy of the nineteenth century was very close to the understanding of time in the philosophy of Henri Bergson. This explains the close attention of Russian culture to the philosophical system of the French thinker at the beginning of the twentieth century. It also allows us to hypothesize about the possible influence of the ideas of Russian philosophers of the late nineteenth century on Bergson. Bergson’s most original idea (...)
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  23.  10
    Häuserzerstörung und Vertreibung in Simbabwe.Inga Morgenstern - 2006 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2007 (jg):175-182.
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  24. Positing Existence.Inga Nayding - 2002 - Dissertation, Princeton University
    This thesis aims to challenge the position of a philosopher who thinks that claiming to have a "fictionalist attitude" towards, for example, mathematics, allows him, under certain conditions, both to maintain that mathematics is not true and to use it as one ordinarily would, without offering a paraphrase for it or regarding it as mere symbol-manipulation. The motivation for this position runs along the following lines. Mathematics purports to refer to numbers. Positing existence of such entities is deemed undesirable. Nevertheless, (...)
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  25.  15
    Le texte de la phénoménologie.Inga Römer - 2023 - Dois Pontos 20 (1).
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    Moral Responsibility: A Relational Way of Being.Inga-Britt Lindh, Elisabeth Severinsson & Agneta Berg - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (2):129-140.
    This article reports a study exploring the meaning of the complex phenomenon of moral responsibility in nursing practice. Each of three focus groups with a total of 14 student nurses were conducted twice to gather their views on moral responsibility in nursing practice. The data were analysed by qualitative thematic content analysis. Moral responsibility was interpreted as a relational way of being, which involved guidance by one’s inner compass composed of ideals, values and knowledge that translate into a striving to (...)
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  27. Decision Making Under Great Uncertainty.Sven Ove Hansson - 1996 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 26 (3):369-386.
    This article is an attempt at a systematic account of decision making under greater uncertainty than what traditional, mathematically oriented decision theory can cope with. Four components of great uncertainty are distinguished: (1) the identity of the options is not well determined (uncertainty of demarcation) ; (2) the consequences of at least some option are unknown (uncertainty of consequences); (3) it is not clear whether information obtained from others, such as experts, can be relied on (uncertainty of reliance); and (4) (...)
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    An ethics of rhythm—reflections on justice and education.Inga Bostad - 2022 - Ethics and Education 17 (2):149-162.
    ABSTRACT I here explore how an ethics of rhythm can shed light on what promotes and inhibits recognition between people across our vulnerable lives, and the need for a renewal of the philosophy of pedagogy. I argue that philosophy itself has contributed to a certain oblivion regarding how we follow and create rhythmic societies, the need for a more profound and fine-tuned listening attitude as a philosophical-ethical marker, using among others Barthes concept of rhuthmos, Kierkegaards concept of repetition, Herbart’s concept (...)
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  29. From the casino to the jungle: Dealing with uncertainty in technological risk management.Sven Ove Hansson - 2009 - Synthese 168 (3):423-432.
    Clear-cut cases of decision-making under risk (known probabilities) are unusual in real life. The gambler’s decisions at the roulette table are as close as we can get to this type of decision-making. In contrast, decision-making under uncertainty (unknown probabilities) can be exemplified by a decision whether to enter a jungle that may contain unknown dangers. Life is usually more like an expedition into an unknown jungle than a visit to the casino. Nevertheless, it is common in decision-supporting disciplines to proceed (...)
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  30. Weighing Risks and Benefits.Sven Ove Hansson - 2004 - Topoi 23 (2):145-152.
    It is almost universally acknowledged that risks have to be weighed against benefits, but there are different ways to perform the weighing. In conventional risk analysis, collectivist risk-weighing is the standard. This means that an option is accepted if the sum of all individual benefits outweighs the sum of all individual risks. In practices originating in clinical medicine, such as ethical appraisals of clinical trials, individualist risk-weighing is the standard. This implies a much stricter criterion for risk acceptance, namely that (...)
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  31. Conceptual evidentialism.Inga Nayding - 2011 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 92 (1):39-65.
    Two recent arguments purport to find a new and firmer foundation for evidentialism in the very nature of the concept of belief. Evidentialism is claimed to be a conceptual truth about belief, and pragmatism to be ruled out, conceptually. But can the conclusion of such conceptual arguments be regarded as the denial of pragmatism? The pragmatist traditionally conceived belief through its motivational role. Therefore, when confronted with conceptual evidentialism, the pragmatist should cede the term ‘belief,’ but insist that pragmatism be (...)
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  32. 4-D Objects and Disposition Ascriptions.Tobias Hansson Wahlberg - 2009 - Philosophical Papers 38 (1):35-72.
    Disposition ascription has been discussed a good deal over the last few decades, as has the revisionary metaphysical view of ordinary, persisting objects known as 'fourdimensionalism'. However, philosophers have not merged these topics and asked whether four-dimensional objects can be proper subjects of dispositional predicates. This paper seeks to remedy this oversight. It argues that, by and large, four-dimensional objects are not suited to take dispositional predicates.
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    The dynamics of care and loyalty in peer relations.Mimmi Norgren Hansson - 2024 - Ethics and Education 19 (4):559-578.
    The aim of this article is to enrich the care ethics framework by uncovering the relationship between care and loyalty, offering insights into the complexities of children’s experiences of care in school. Through twelve interviews with pupils in sixth grade, I analyse the intersection of loyalty and care. The findings reveal two dimensions, conceptualized as internal care loyalty and external care loyalty. Internal care loyalty involves the relationship between the one-caring and the cared-for, shaping the (1) motivation, (2) understanding, and (...)
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    Implant ethics.S. O. Hansson - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (9):519-525.
    Implant ethics is defined here as the study of ethical aspects of the lasting introduction of technological devices into the human body. Whereas technological implants relieve us of some of the ethical problems connected with transplantation, other difficulties arise that are in need of careful analysis. A systematic approach to implant ethics is proposed. The major specific problems are identified as those concerning end of life issues (turning off devices), enhancement of human capabilities beyond normal levels, mental changes and personal (...)
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  35. Figurative Language in Explanation.Inga Nayding - 2013 - Disputatio 5 (35):2013.
    Yablo argued that some metaphors are representationally essential: they enable us to express contents that we would not be able to express without them. He defended a fictionalist view of mathematical language by making the case that it similarly serves as a representational aid. Against this, Colyvan argued that metaphorical/figurative language can never play an essential role in explanation and that mathematical language often does, hence concluding that Yablo’s fictionalism is untenable. I show that Colyvan’s thesis about explanation is highly (...)
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    Autoethnography and Psychodynamics in Interrelational Spaces of the Research Process.Birgitte Hansson & Betina Dybbroe - 2012 - Journal of Research Practice 8 (2):Article - M6.
    This article takes the stance that the subjectivity of the researcher is an integral part of the research process. It should be studied as a key to understanding the interrelational processes of meaning in an interview situation. The article demonstrates how the subjectivity of the researcher can be made accessible methodologically and methodically by combining a psychodynamic approach with an autoethnographic approach. The methodical question is therefore how the researcher can conduct introspection and at the same time reflect upon and (...)
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  37.  25
    Empirical evidence in the sciences.Bengt Hansson - unknown
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    Lifestyle - a useful concept in environmental research? Remarks in the light of the general development of the human sciences.Bengt Hansson - 1999 - In Lars Lundgren (ed.), Changing environmental behavior : an anthology.
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  39. The naive intuitive statistician: organism-environment relations from yet another angle.Patrik Hansson, Peter Juslin & Winman & Anders - 2008 - In Nick Chater & Mike Oaksford (eds.), The Probabilistic Mind: Prospects for Bayesian Cognitive Science. Oxford University Press.
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    Small bi- and multilingual spoken corpora – a theoretical and methodological challenge.Inga Hennecke - 2018 - Corpus 18.
    Cette contribution présente des types de petits corpus très hétérogènes, qui ne sont toujours pas clairement définis : les petits corpus oraux bilingues et plurilingues. Elle envisage d’abord de donner un aperçu de petits corpus et discute l’insécurité terminologique du domaine des corpus bi- et plurilingues. Ensuite, les bases de données de petits corpus bilingues Talkbank, HZSK, Sketchengine et CLAPOTY sont brièvement décrites pour discuter les possibilités de visualisation ainsi que de mise en disposition des données de corpus. Finalement, un (...)
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    Humanistyka, zmiana, autobiografia. Studium przypadku osobistego.Inga Iwasiów - 2021 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 60 (1):15-31.
    The article follows dynamic changes and evolutions in the history of research theories in the field of humanities. It begins with an analysis of studies on group identity, and drawing from ideas by Ewa Domanska, it employs the metaphor of the see as the space in which one can navigate for new themes and ideas. A special importance is attached to the concept of autobiography, especially in reference to the researcher’s life and experience. Boleslaw Prus’s The Doll and its critical (...)
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  42. Puti i pereputʹi︠a︡ burzhuaznogo ateizma: (Kritika religii, osnovanie svetskoĭ morali svobodomysli︠a︡shchimi i ateistami v sovrem. burzhuaznom obshchestve).Inga Mikhaĭlovna Kichanova - 1976 - Moskva: Myslʹ.
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  43. Uwagi o zbiorze \'\'Od Erazma z Rotterdamu do Bertranda Russela\'\'.Inga Kiczanowa - 1969 - Człowiek I Światopogląd 1 (1):130-132.
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  44. Ikona ekrano medijoje: pasirodymo (ne)galimybė.Inga Mitkute - 2014 - Soter 50 (78):21-35.
    In this article the phenomenon of an icon (as described by Jean-Luc Marion) is considered in relation with its media of appearance. Asking whether it can appear and be recognized as such in any medium or only in “iconic” media, attention is directed towards electronic media, namely the television, film and computer screens. The main question is whether “crossing of gazes” and recognition of the face is possible on screen. If not, the screen remains univocally a medium of an idol. (...)
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  45. Alberta Camusa fenomen buntu jako konsekwencja uświadomionego fenomenu absurdu.Inga Mizdrak - 2005 - Colloquia Communia 78 (1-2):68-75.
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    More than a marginal phenomenon: Relevance and content-related aspects of mediated sport scandals.Inga Oelrichs & Mark Ludwig - 2020 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 17 (2):185-209.
    SummaryThe salience of mediated scandals today is deeply linked with the formation of norms and values in our society. This is a particular challenge for the field of sport as the compliance with norms and values is of particular relevance in this social area. The paper shows the extent of scandalization in sport reporting and discusses possible implications for sport. Therefore, it offers a definition and typology for sport scandals. It indicates why sport scandals might have a fundamental share of (...)
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  47. Phänomenologie und Metaphysik.Inga Römer & Alexander Schnell (eds.) - 2019 - Meiner.
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  48. Experiments Before Science. What Science Learned from Technological Experiments.Sven Hansson - 2015 - In Sven Ove Hansson (ed.), The Role of Technology in Science: Philosophical Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer Verlag.
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  49. The dual nature of technological concepts.Sven Ove Hansson - unknown
    Value statements can be divided into three major groups according to how their criteria of evaluation are specified. The first of these groups consists of those value statements that are unspecified with respect to the criteria of evaluation. Here is one example: Her decision was very good. The second group consists of the viewpoint-specified value statements. In these value statements, an explicit point of view is given, from which the evaluation is made. We often use adverbs such as “morally”, “aesthetically” (...)
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    Revising Probabilities and Full Beliefs.Sven Ove Hansson - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 49 (5):1005-1039.
    A new formal model of belief dynamics is proposed, in which the epistemic agent has both probabilistic beliefs and full beliefs. The agent has full belief in a proposition if and only if she considers the probability that it is false to be so close to zero that she chooses to disregard that probability. She treats such a proposition as having the probability 1, but, importantly, she is still willing and able to revise that probability assignment if she receives information (...)
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