Results for 'Indonesian family'

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  1.  18
    Parents’ indirect utterances in an Indonesian family.Budi Setiawan - 2023 - Pragmatics and Society 14 (5):717-731.
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    Protecting the rights of Muslim women in Indonesian diaspora marriages in Russia: An Islamic Law Perspective.Mesraini Mesraini, Ida Novianti, Sadari Sadari & Suwito Suwito - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):9.
    This research focuses on the issue of human rights violations, particularly those affecting Muslim women in Indonesian diaspora marriages in Russia. Despite the regulations set by the Family Code of the Russian Federation, there have been reports of abuse, expulsion, withholding of documents and unilateral divorce. The purpose of this qualitative research using Smith’s phenomenological approach is to analyse the root causes of these violations and provide solutions. Data were collected through in-depth interviews, observation and documentation analysis. The (...)
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    The Prospect of Familism in the Global Era: A Study on the Recent Development of the Ethnic-Chinese Business, with Particular Attention to the Indonesian Context.Yahya Wijaya - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (3):311-317.
    The ethnic-Chinese business is often characterised by a central role of the family both in the structure of the firm and in its corporate culture. This has political, social as well as cultural reasons. The centrality of the family in business has its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, it enables a fast, efficient and flexible process of decision-making. On the other hand, it often contradicts modern business professionalism. The younger generation of ethnic-Chinese business actors tend to (...)
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    Christian theological understanding of the handling of infertility and its relevance in the Indonesian context.Yohanes K. Susanta - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-6.
    Infertility is one of the key themes in the Old Testament narrative. This infertility was experienced by the Israelite matriarchs Sarai, Rebekah and Rachel as well as several other women. This article argues that the concept infertility has given rise to injustice and discrimination, especially against women. For this reason, a constructive and a contextual dialogue between the biblical context and the context of the present is required to offer a new understanding and a liberating spirit to women and men. (...)
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    The relationship between Big Five Personality Traits, eating habits, physical activity, and obesity in Indonesia based on analysis of the 5th wave Indonesia Family Life Survey.Greena Pristyna, Trias Mahmudiono, Mahmud A. Rifqi & Diah Indriani - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study investigated the association between Big Five Personality Traits and nutrition-related variables. We used secondary data from the Indonesia Family Life Survey wave 5 involving a total of 14,473 men and 16,467 women aged 15−101 years in Indonesia that was selected by stratified random sampling conducted in the period 2014 to 2015. Data were collected through interviews with the Big Five Index 15 and a questionnaire similar to the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire which was translated into the (...) language, and based on measurements of height and weight. Analyses used binary logistic regression test controlled by socio-demographic factors to determine the association between Big Five Personality Traits and eating habits, physical activity, and obesity. Results showed that openness and extraversion were positively associated with recommended and non-recommended foods, conscientiousness was positively associated with only recommended foods, agreeableness was positively associated with recommended foods, and negatively associated with only one non-recommended food. Whereas, neuroticism was positively associated with non-recommended foods and negatively associated with recommended foods. Openness and conscientiousness were associated with physical activity. Conscientiousness, extraversion, and neuroticism were associated with obesity. Although some results were different from previous studies, these associations can be used as strategies of behavioral change due to the adaptation of personality characteristics, which can be modified even though the personality tends to be persistent. Further studies are needed to understand other mechanisms that might underlie this association. (shrink)
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  6. Ethics or the right thing?: corruption, care, and family in an age of good governance.Sylvia Tidey - 2022 - Chicago: HAU Books.
    A sympathetic examination of the failure of anti-corruption efforts in contemporary Indonesia. Combining ethnographic fieldwork in the city of Kupang with an acute historical sensibility, Sylvia Tidey shows how good governance initiatives paradoxically perpetuate civil service corruption while also facilitating the emergence of new forms of it. Importing critical insights from the anthropology of ethics to the burgeoning anthropology of corruption, Tidey exposes enduring developmentalist fallacies that treat corruption as endemic to non-Western subjects. In practice, it is often indistinguishable from (...)
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    Psychological well-being among mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder: The role of family function.Dinie Ratri Desiningrum, Dewi Retno Suminar & Endang Retno Surjaningrum - 2019 - Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological Journal 16 (2):106.
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    The Null Relation between Father Absence and Earlier Menarche.Kitae Sohn - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (4):407-422.
    Researchers have claimed that the absence of a biological father accelerates the daughter’s menarche. This claim was assessed by employing a large and nationally representative sample of Indonesian women. We analyzed 11,138 ever-married women aged 15+ in the Indonesian Family Life Survey 2015. We regressed age at menarche on the interaction of father absence and mother absence at age 12 with or without childhood covariates. For robustness checks, we performed a power analysis, re-ran the same specification for (...)
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  9. Interfaith Marriage of North Sulawesi Multicultural Community in Minority Fiqh Perspective.Gunawan Edi, Hakim Budi Rahmat, Reza Adeputra Tohis & Mash'ud Imam - 2024 - Al-Ihkam: Jurnal Hukum Dan Pranata Sosial 19 (2):384-412.
    The teachings of Islam and the Indonesian constitution clearly prohibit interfaith marriage. However, some Muslim communities in North Sulawesi as a minority group have entered into interfaith marriages. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the phenomenon of interreligious marriage in North Sulawesi and the achievement of minority fiqh objectives in interfaith families. This research is a field research that uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. Data collection was conducted through interviews with informants consisting of 5 interfaith marriage actors, (...)
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  10.  22
    A qualitative study on patients' selection in the scarcity of resources in the COVID‐19 pandemic in a communal culture.Ervin Dyah Ayu Masita Dewi, Lara Matter, Astrid Pratidina Susilo & Anja Krumeich - forthcoming - Developing World Bioethics.
    The scarcity of resources during the COVID‐19 pandemic caused ethical dilemmas in prioritizing patients for treatment. Medical and ethical guidance only emphasizes clinical procedures but does not consider the sociocultural aspect. This study explored the perception of former COVID‐19 patients and their families on the decision‐making process of the patient's selection at a time of scarcity of resources. The result will inform the development of an ethical guide for allocating scarce resources that aligns with Indonesian culture. We conducted qualitative (...)
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  11.  3
    Heteronormativity.Hastanti Widy Nugroho Hardiyanti - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (2):165-188.
    Unity has been touted as the cornerstone of Indonesian nationalism since its declaration in 1945. With the national motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, Indonesian unity holds a sacred and absolute status. However, in reality, unity sometimes becomes a national problem. This article revisits Indonesian unity by shedding light on its darker aspects, namely heteronormativity, and introduces how Indonesian unity can be supported by a new ontological alternative: pluriverse. The study provides a brief historical overview of the New (...)
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  12.  20
    (Non)referentiality in conversation.Michael C. Ewing & Ritva Laury (eds.) - 2024 - Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
    Although there is a large literature on referentiality, going back to at least the nineteenth and early twentieth century, much of this early work is based on constructed data and most of it is on English. The chapters in this volume contribute to a growing body of work that examines referentiality through naturalistic data in context. Taking an interactional approach to (non)referentiality, contributors to this volume ask how participants talk in real time about persons and things as individuals or as (...)
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  13. Readymades in the Social Sphere: an Interview with Daniel Peltz.Feliz Lucia Molina - 2013 - Continent 3 (1):17-24.
    Since 2008 I have been closely following the conceptual/performance/video work of Daniel Peltz. Gently rendered through media installation, ethnographic, and performance strategies, Peltz’s work reverently and warmly engages the inner workings of social systems, leaving elegant rips and tears in any given socio/cultural quilt. He engages readymades (of social and media constructions) and uses what are identified as interruptionist/interventionist strategies to disrupt parts of an existing social system, thus allowing for something other to emerge. Like the stereoscope that requires two (...)
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  14.  23
    Religious beliefs, addiction tendency, sexual dysfunction and intention to divorce among Muslim couples.Andrés Alexis Ramírez-Coronel, Abed Mahdavi, Wamaungo Juma Abdu, Rahmawati Azis, Ammar Abdel Amir Al-Salami, Ria Margiana, Forqan Ali Hussein Al-Khafaji & Narmin Beheshtizadeh - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):6.
    Described as a gem in Islam, intellect can lead all individual and social behaviours towards balance, appeal and godliness. Given the utmost importance of protecting intellect in this divine religion, everything from eating and drinking to reading, listening and entertainment is thus considered haram [ viz. remains prohibited] if it makes threats to the health of mind and soul. In general, narcotics and substance abuse in all forms can have crushing and all-encompassing effects, that is, inflict heavy blows on the (...)
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  15.  14
    Doktrin Trinitas dalam Diskursus Teologi Ekonomik.Yahya Wijaya - 2016 - Diskursus - Jurnal Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara 15 (1):45.
    Abstrak: Artikel ini menguraikan penggunaan konsep teologis “Trinitas sosial” oleh empat teolog yang secara khusus menyoroti isu-isu ekonomi. Secara umum para teolog itu menyatakan bahwa teologi ekonomik yang berdasarkan “Trinitas sosial” menolak model ekonomi individualistik yang memertaruhkan komunitas. Mereka memberi gambaran yang berbeda-beda tentang model ekonomi yang layak ditolak itu. Meeks dan Boff melihat praktik ekonomi pasar yang berlaku saat ini maupun praktik ekonomi sosialis yang pernah dijalankan di negara-negara komunis sebagai wujud-wujud dari model ekonomi semacam itu. Novak menolak praktik (...)
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  16.  25
    Who Are the Breadwinners?Theresia Dyah Wirastri & Stijn Cornelis van Huis - 2023 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 17 (2):225-251.
    Polygamy is a highly controversial topic and the object of serious political contestation in Indonesia. Although all major Muslim organizations consider polygamy is allowed under Islamic Law, the practice is not without stigma. In 1974 when Indonesia adopted its current Marriage Law, the Indonesian parliament decided to tie polygamy to strict conditions. This law however failed to prevent the practice of unregistered polygamous marriages. Women in unregistered polygamous marriages formally hold no rights as lawful wife in case of a (...)
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  17.  27
    When the Earth is Female and the Nation is Mother: Gender, the Armed Forces and Nationalism in Indonesia.Saraswati Sunindyo - 1998 - Feminist Review 58 (1):1-21.
    This article examines how, through militarism, masculine imaginings of Indonesian nationalism construct a ‘national feminine’. Whether through popular song, national war heroines, or the institutionalization of feminine roles in the military, the positioning of the ‘national feminine’ is always contradictory. On the one hand, it is gendered and domesticized, while, on the other, it is employed as confirmation that Indonesia has already achieved gender equality. In most instances, once the national crisis is over, and before a new crisis emerges, (...)
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  18.  14
    The pragmatist family romance.Family Romance - 2008 - In Cheryl Misak (ed.), The Oxford handbook of American philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Immigration Law Exceptionalism and the Administrative Procedure Act.Jill E. Family - 2023 - Public Affairs Quarterly 37 (3):209-225.
    Immigration law is exceptional enough to deserve an administrative law focus of its own. The Administrative Procedure Act (APA) does not demand uniformity in adjudication. Therefore, it may be counterintuitive to argue that any one area of administrative adjudication is exceptional. Removal adjudication is indeed exceptional because it is an extremely dysfunctional system, it operates in a double void of fewer constitutional protections and without the protections of the APA, it relies on a vast network of civil detention, and it (...)
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  20. Just a Minute.Region Family Law Professionals - forthcoming - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology.
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    Family Feuds? Relativism, Expressivism, and Disagreements about Disagreement.Huw Price - 2022 - Philosophical Topics 50 (1):293-344.
    In Expressing Our Attitudes, Mark Schroeder speculates about the relation between expressivism and relativism. Noting that “John MacFarlane has wondered whether relativism is expressivism done right,” he suggests that this may get things back to front: “it is worth taking seriously the idea that expressivism is relativism done right”. In this piece, motivated both by Schroeder’s suggestion and by recent work from Lionel Shapiro, I compare and contrast my version of expressivism with MacFarlane’s version of relativism. I identify some significant (...)
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  22.  19
    The Chinese Classic of Family Reverence: A Philosophical Translation of the X Iaojing.Henry Rosemont - 2008 - University of Hawai'i Press. Edited by Roger T. Ames.
    Few if any philosophical schools have championed family values as persistently as the early Confucians, and a great deal can be learned by attending to what they had to say on the subject. In the Confucian tradition, human morality and the personal realization it inspires are grounded in the cultivation of family feeling. One may even go so far as to say that, for China, family reverence was a necessary condition for developing any of the other human (...)
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  23. Family History.J. David Velleman - 2005 - Philosophical Papers 34 (3):357-378.
    Abstract I argue that meaning in life is importantly influenced by bioloical ties. More specifically, I maintain that knowing one's relatives and especially one's parents provides a kind of self-knowledge that is of irreplaceable value in the life-task of identity formation. These claims lead me to the conclusion that it is immoral to create children with the intention that they be alienated from their bioloical relatives?for example, by donor conception.
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    Account episodes in family discourse: the making of morality in everyday interaction.Laur A. Sterponi - 2003 - Discourse Studies 5 (1):79-100.
    This article investigates account episodes in Italian family dinner conversations and illustrates how sequential patterns and participation are organized in terms of preferences indexical of moral ideology and moral order. Accounts have been mostly examined as speech acts abstracted from embedding sequential environment; this article shows that different design features of the priming move in account episodes retrospectively define different aspects of a situation as problematic and prospectively activate the relevance for distinctive remedial moves. On an ideological level, narrative (...)
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  25.  47
    The Family in Medical Decision Making: Japanese Perspectives.Michael D. Fetters - 1998 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 9 (2):132-146.
  26. How Work–Family Conflict and Work–Family Facilitation Affect Employee Innovation: A Moderated Mediation Model of Emotions and Work Flexibility.Zhicheng Wang, Xingyu Qiu, Yixing Jin & Xinyan Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper aims to verify the effects of work–family conflict and work–family facilitation on employee innovation in the digital era. Based on resource conservation theory, this study regards the work–family relationship as a conditional resource. Employees who are in a state of lack of resources caused by work–family conflict will maintain existing resources by avoiding the consumption of further resources to perform innovation activities; employees who are in a state of sufficient resources are more willing to (...)
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  27. XII—Universals and Family Resemblances.Renford Bambrough - 1961 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 61 (1):207-222.
    Renford Bambrough; XII—Universals and Family Resemblances, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 61, Issue 1, 1 June 1961, Pages 207–222, https://doi.
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  28. Species as family resemblance concepts: the (dis-)solution of the species problem?Massimo Pigliucci - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (6):596-602.
    The so-called ‘‘species problem’’ has plagued evolution- ary biology since before Darwin’s publication of the aptly titled Origin of Species. Many biologists think the problem is just a matter of semantics; others complain that it will not be solved until we have more empirical data. Yet, we don’t seem to be able to escape discussing it and teaching seminars about it. In this paper, I briefly examine the main themes of the biological and philosophical liter- atures on the species problem, (...)
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    The holy family.Friedrich Engels - 1956 - Moscow,: Foreign Languages Pub. House. Edited by Karl Marx.
    FROM THE INSTITUTE OF MARXISM-LENINISM The Holy Family, or Critique of Critical Critique. Against Bruno Bauer and C0. is the first joint work of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels. At the end of August 1844 Marx and Engels met in Paris ...
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    From property to family: American dog rescue and the discourse of compassion.Andrei S. Markovits - 2014 - Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. Edited by Katherine N. Crosby.
    In the wake of the considerable cultural changes and social shifts that the United States and all advanced industrial democracies have experienced since the late 1960s and early 1970s, social discourse around the disempowered has changed in demonstrable ways. In From Property to Family: American Dog Rescue and the Discourse of Compassion, Andrei Markovits and Katherine Crosby describe a “discourse of compassion” that actually alters the way we treat persons and ideas once scorned by the social mainstream. This “culture (...)
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    Family Environment Variables as Predictors of School Absenteeism Severity at Multiple Levels: Ensemble and Classification and Regression Tree Analysis.Mirae J. Fornander & Christopher A. Kearney - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The notorious neurophilosophy of pain: A family resemblance approach to idiosyncrasy and generalizability.Sabrina Coninx - 2021 - Mind and Language 38 (1):178-197.
    Pain continues to be one of the most controversial subjects in neurophilosophy. One focus of current debates is the apparent absence of an ideal brain‐based biomarker that could function as a coherent and distinct indicator for pain. One prominent reaction to this in the philosophical literature is scientific pain eliminativism. In this article, I argue for a non‐eliminative alternative that builds on family resemblances and provides a useful heuristic in the tradeoff between the idiosyncrasy of the neural processes corresponding (...)
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  33.  91
    Children, Family and the State.David Archard - 2003 - Routledge.
    This title was first published in 2003. This book critically examines the moral and political status of the child by a consideration of three interrelated questions: What rights if any does the child have? What rights over and duties in respect of a child do parents have? What rights over and duties in respect of a child does the state have? David Archard adopts three areas for particular discussion on the practical implications of the general theoretical issues: education, child protection (...)
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    Subject and Family Perspectives from the Central Thalamic Deep Brain Stimulation for Traumatic Brain Injury Study: Part I.Joseph J. Fins, Megan S. Wright, Jaimie M. Henderson & Nicholas D. Schiff - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (4):419-443.
    This is the first article in a two-part series describing subject and family perspectives from the central thalamic deep brain stimulation for the treatment of traumatic brain injury using the Medtronic PC + S first-in-human invasive neurological device trial to achieve cognitive restoration in moderate to severe traumatic brain injury, with subjects who were deemed capable of providing voluntary informed consent. In this article, we report on interviews conducted prior to surgery wherein we asked participants about their experiences recovering (...)
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    Critical realism as a fruitful approach to social work research as illustrated by two studies from the field of child and family welfare.Vibeke Samsonsen & Inger Kristin Heggdalsvik - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (1):18-32.
    This paper argues the case for taking a critical realist (CR) approach to social work research. The normativity in social work is often under-communicated in the social sciences, resulting in research that has an unclear value base as its starting point. Social work practice promotes social change and people's development, empowerment, and liberation. By taking a CR of view as a starting point for researching social problems, the focus shifts towards explaining phenomena by revealing and discussing the mechanisms through which (...)
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  36.  69
    Games and Family Resemblances.Anthony Manser - 1967 - Philosophy 42 (161):210 - 225.
    In his Philosophical Investigations , Wittgenstein introduces the notion of a ‘family resemblance’ to deal with certain problems. Talking of games and what they seem to have in common, he points out that there are no common features in virtue of which we call all games ‘games’. Instead there are, he claims, many different similarities and relationships; he says ‘we see a complicated network of similarities overlapping and criss-crossing: sometimes overall similarities, sometimes similarities of detail’. He then goes on (...)
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  37.  31
    All in the (Human) Family? Species Aristocratism in the Return of Human Dignity.Diego Rossello - 2017 - Political Theory 45 (6):749-771.
    Human dignity is making a comeback. The essay focuses on the story that this comeback of human dignity presupposes and recasts. In that story, the “human family” is portrayed in terms of aristocratic dignitas. The consequences are twofold: (1) human dignity is co-implicated with the de-animalization of the human being; (2) once de-animalization is introduced, the story of human dignity cultivates an aristocratic sense of elevation of the human over other species, or what I will call “species aristocratism.” The (...)
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  38.  35
    Sociological Structures and Accounting Misbehavior: An Institutional Anomie Theory Explanation of Restatements in Family Firms.Eugenio D’Amico, Felice Matozza & Elisabetta Mafrolla - 2023 - Business and Society 62 (2):434-469.
    This article studies the underinvestigated but fascinating issue of the sociological determinants of accounting misbehavior while focusing on an allegedly illicit accounting practice (i.e., restatement) in family- vs. nonfamily-controlled corporations. Under the framework of institutional anomie theory, we examined whether sociological structures (i.e., legal forces and cultural values) influence accounting errors inducing restatements. By applying a multivariate regression analysis to a sample of restating firms listed in 23 countries during the 2006 to 2014 period, we found that legal forces (...)
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  39.  22
    Investments of Polish Family Businesses.Katarzyna Schmidt & Maciej Stradomski - 2021 - Studia Humana 10 (3):30-41.
    In this paper the authors address the issue of investments made by family businesses. Their study attempted to verify the level of investments made by Polish family businesses in comparison with the level of investments made by Polish non-family businesses. The study focused on the analysis of investment flows of Polish listed companies included in the WIG index for the years 2006-2018. A total of 233 companies were analyzed, including 177 non-family businesses and 56 family (...)
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  40. Intergenerational family memory and historical consciousness.Anna Green - 2018 - In Anna Clark & Carla L. Peck (eds.), Contemplating historical consciousness: notes from the field. Oxford: Berghahn.
  41. The family and interwoven concepts.Hakon Leiulfsrud - 2017 - In Håkon Leiulfsrud & Peter Sohlberg (eds.), Concepts in action: conceptual constructionism. Boston: Brill.
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    Optimizing Modern Family Size.David W. Lawson & Ruth Mace - 2010 - Human Nature 21 (1):39-61.
    Modern industrialized populations lack the strong positive correlations between wealth and reproductive success that characterize most traditional societies. While modernization has brought about substantial increases in personal wealth, fertility in many developed countries has plummeted to the lowest levels in recorded human history. These phenomena contradict evolutionary and economic models of the family that assume increasing wealth reduces resource competition between offspring, favoring high fertility norms. Here, we review the hypothesis that cultural modernization may in fact establish unusually intense (...)
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  43. Justice as a Family Value: How a Commitment to Fairness is Compatible with Love.Pauline Kleingeld & Joel Anderson - 2014 - Hypatia 29 (2):320-336.
    Many discussions of love and the family treat issues of justice as something alien. On this view, concerns about whether one's family is internally just are in tension with the modes of interaction that are characteristic of loving families. In this essay, we challenge this widespread view. We argue that once justice becomes a shared family concern, its pursuit is compatible with loving familial relations. We examine four arguments for the thesis that a concern with justice is (...)
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    Family Portrait.Joseph J. Fins - 2018 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 8 (1):4-6.
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    Physician Authority, Family Choice, and the Best Interest of the Child.Alister Browne - 2022 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 31 (1):34-39.
    Two of the most poignant decisions in pediatrics concern disagreements between physicians and families over imperiled newborns. When can the family demand more life-sustaining treatment than physicians want to provide? When can it properly ask for less? The author looks at these questions from the point of view of decision theory, and first argues that insofar as the family acts in the child’s best interest, its choices cannot be constrained, and that the maximax and minimax strategies are equally (...)
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    The Study of the Relations among Ethical Considerations, Family Management and Organizational Performance in Corporate Governance.C. -F. Wu - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 68 (2):165-179.
    Corporate governance is increasingly becoming an issue of global concern, not least because we are more and more living in a corporate world that transcends international boundaries. The main purpose and motivation of this study is to determine how the international community should motivate businesses in fostering exemplary corporate governance, therefore eliminating obstacles to ethically exemplary behavior. The empirical approach utilized here has been applied to 161 businesses, both listed and over-the-counter (OTC) companies, with the results indicating that ethical considerations, (...)
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    Family Resemblance Predicates.Keith Campbell - 1965 - American Philosophical Quarterly 2 (3):238 - 244.
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    The Influence of Family Firms and Institutional Owners on Corporate Social Responsibility Performance.Frank C. Butler & Nai H. Lamb - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (7):1374-1406.
    Research on corporate social responsibility has traditionally focused on managerial discretion and stakeholders’ influence. This study extends current research by addressing the effect of family firms and institutional owners on CSR performance, namely, CSR strengths and concerns. Based on stewardship theory and the socioemotional wealth perspective, we propose that family firms are more likely to value CSR performance. Next, drawing from multiple agency theory, we predict that institutional owners, unlike family owners, will influence a firm’s CSR performance (...)
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  49.  23
    Family Values: Subjects between Nature and Culture.Kelly Oliver - 1997 - Hypatia 20 (2):202-207.
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    The Family: Organic and Mechanistic Solidarity.Richard Ashcroft - 2001 - American Journal of Bioethics 1 (3):22-23.
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