Results for 'Immanent teleology'

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  1. Immanent teleologies versus historical regressions: Some political remarks on Honneth’s Hegelianism.Marco Solinas - 2019 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 45 (6):655-664.
    The article is focused on Honneth’s teleology of history, presented as a historical process of gradual realization of an immanent normative ‘telos’, and not only as a form of axiological evaluation...
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  2. Hegel: The Reality and Priority of Immanent Teleology.James Kreines - 2020 - In Jeffrey McDonough, Philosophical Concepts: Teleology. pp. 219-248.
    Hegel defends the reality and the priority of immanent teleology. He does so by accepting Kant’s analysis of immanent teleology, but arguing against Kant’s subjectivist position. Key to Hegel’s argument is the idea that a general kind—in Hegel’s terms, a “concept” of a form of life—can be the substance or nature of the individual organism, or determine what it is to be that organism. In some ways Hegel here follows his own interpretation of Aristotle, while also (...)
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    Boyle’s teleological mechanism and the myth of immanent teleology.Laurence Carlin - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 43 (1):54-63.
  4.  97
    Teleology in Early Modern Philosophy and Science.Julia Jorati - 2019 - Encyclopedia of Early Modern Philosophy and the Sciences.
    The vast majority of canonical early modern authors reject Aristotelian physics and metaphysics. Instead, many of them are mechanists, that is, they explain all natural change in the material world simply through the motions and collisions of inertial matter in motion. This typically means that they deny that there is immanent teleology in the natural world; sometimes, it even means eliminating purposiveness from natural philosophy altogether. Thus, some writers attempt to provide explanations of natural phenomena that do not (...)
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  5. Teleology.André Ariew - 2007 - In David L. Hull & Michael Ruse, The Cambridge Companion to the Philosophy of Biology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Teleology in biology is making headline news in the United States. Conservative Christians are utilizing a teleological argument for the existence of a supremely intelligent designer to justify legislation calling for the teaching of "intelligent design" (ID) in public schools. Teleological arguments of one form or another have been around since Antiquity. The contemporary argument from intelligent design varies little from William Paley's argument written in 1802. Both argue that nature exhibits too much complexity to be explained by 'mindless' (...)
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    Contra Teleology: Hegel on Subjective and Objective Purpose.Kevin Thompson - 2023 - Hegel Bulletin 44 (1):171-193.
    Hegel's system is not teleological. For a philosophy to be teleological, as I shall use the term, means that it takes the basic nature of the world itself or any foundational account of that world to be defined ultimately by final causality. Such a view has, of course, long stood as the dominant model for interpreting Hegel's system. This essay argues, to the contrary, that the accounts of Teleology and Life in the Science of Logic, and more precisely their (...)
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    The immanence of infinite power: Anaxagoras' νοῦς in the light of Homer.Anne-Laure Therme & Arnaud Macé - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    Le présent article vise à éclairer la nature des activités perceptives et cognitives attribuées au νοῦς d’Anaxagore, en particulier à lever les difficultés liées à l'évaluation de la part des dimensions mécaniques, cognitives et téléologiques dans l'activité du νοῦς cosmique, par une comparaison avec l'usage des verbes γιγνώσκω, νοέω et du substantif νοῦς dans le contexte du champ de bataille homérique. Les rangeurs d'hommes homériques partagent avec le νοῦς d'Anaxagore une description de leurs activités en termes de tri, d'extraction et (...)
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    Taking the Teleology of History Seriously: Lessons from Hegel's Logic.Chen Yang & Christopher Yeomans - 2023 - Hegel Bulletin 44 (1):219-240.
    To oversimplify quite a bit, scholars’ presentation of Hegel's teleology constitutes a continuum according to how more-or-less secured the progress towards the goal is supposed to be, which tracks roughly the nature of the end and its necessity. In this article, rather than focus on the end and progress towards it, we will focus on the means and structure of teleological relationships on Hegel's account. This focus follows from an essential feature of Hegel's discussion of teleology in the (...)
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  9. From Opposition to Creativity: Saba Mahmood’s Decolonial Critique of Teleological Feminist Futures (Open Access).Muhammad Velji - forthcoming - Hypatia.
    Saba Mahmood’s anthropological work studies the gain in skills, agency and capacity building by the women’s dawa movement in Egypt. These women increase their virtue toward the goal of piety by following dominant, often patriarchal norms. Mahmood argues that “teleological feminism” ignores this gain in agency because this kind of feminism only focuses on opposition or resistance to these norms. In this paper I defend Mahmood’s “anti-teleological” feminist work from criticisms that her project valorizes oppression and has no vision for (...)
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  10. Leibniz on final causation.Marleen Rozemond - 2009 - In Samuel Newlands & Larry M. Jorgensen, Metaphysics and the good: themes from the philosophy of Robert Merrihew Adams. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Early modern philosophers rejected various important aspects of Aristotelianism. Current scholarship debates the question to what extent the early moderns rejected final causation. Leibniz explicitly endorsed it. I argue that his notion of final causation should be understood in connection with his resurrection of substantial forms and his seeing such forms on the model of the soul. I relate Leibniz’ conception of final causation to the Aristotelian background as well as Descartes’s treatment of teleology. I argue that he agreed (...)
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  11.  52
    Logic of Subsumption, Logic of Invention, and Workplace Democracy: Marx, Marcuse, and Simondon.Ian Angus - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 32 (4):613-625.
    Through a comparison of the logic of socio-economic and technical development in Marx with the logic of technical invention in Simondon, I argue the thesis that worker’s democracy is the forgotten political form that offers a viable alternative to both capitalism and Soviet-style Communism, the dominant political régimes of the Cold War period that have not yet been surpassed. Marx’s detailed account of the capitalist technical logic from handwork through manufacture to industry is a logic of continuous concretization in Simondon’s (...)
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    Organismic Concepts in Biology and Physics.T. A. Goudge - 1953 - Review of Metaphysics 7 (2):282 - 289.
    The model provided by the organismic point of view is quite different. Without having recourse to any transcendent vital force or immanent teleology, it nevertheless rejects the basic ideas of mechanism. More specifically, it replaces the analytical- summative conception by the idea of biological organisms as wholes or systems which have unique system-properties and obey irreducible system-laws. The machine-theoretical conception is replaced by a dynamic interpretation of living things, wherein organic structures are due to a continuous flow of (...)
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  13. Spinoza and the Theory of Organism.Hans Jonas - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):43-57.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Spinoza and the Theory of Organism HANS JONAS I CARTESIANDUALISMlanded speculation on the nature of life in an impasse: intelligible as, on principles of mechanics, the correlation of structure and function became within the res extensa, that of structure-plus-function with feeling or experience (modes of the res cogitans) was lost in the bifurcation, and thereby the fact of life itself became unintelligible at the same time that the explanation (...)
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  14. Enactivist Big Five Theory.Garri Hovhannisyan & John Vervaeke - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 21 (2):341-375.
    The distinguishing feature of enactivist cognitive science is arguably its commitment to non-reductionism and its philosophical allegiance to first-person approaches, like phenomenology. The guiding theme of this article is that a theoretically mature enactivism is bound to be humanistic in its articulation, and only by becoming more humanistic can enactivism more fully embody the non-reductionist spirit that lay at its foundation. Our explanatory task is thus to bring forth such an articulation by advancing an enactivist theory of human personality. To (...)
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  15. Life after Kant: Natural purposes and the autopoietic foundations of biological individuality. [REVIEW]Andreas Weber & Francisco J. Varela - 2002 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 1 (2):97-125.
    This paper proposes a basic revision of the understanding of teleology in biological sciences. Since Kant, it has become customary to view purposiveness in organisms as a bias added by the observer; the recent notion of teleonomy expresses well this as-if character of natural purposes. In recent developments in science, however, notions such as self-organization (or complex systems) and the autopoiesis viewpoint, have displaced emergence and circular self-production as central features of life. Contrary to an often superficial reading, Kant (...)
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  16. Aristóteles y la lluvia, una vez más [Aristotle and the Rain, Once Again].Gabriela Rossi - 2010 - Dianoia 55 (65):91-123.
    The text of Physics 2.8 has been recently interpreted so as to restore the reading that Aristotle holds an external, and even an anthropocentric, natural teleology. This reading has been defended by D. Furley, and especially by D. Sedley. In this paper I present several arguments against this interpretation of the text. Thus, I will argue that Aristotle does not claim, in this chapter, that it rains for the sake of the growing of the crop, against an opinion which (...)
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  17.  37
    Whitehead and the Lisbon School of Quantum Physics.Andrea Mazzola - 2023 - Perspectivas 7 (2):29-48.
    In the controversy on the philosophical foundations of quantum mechanics Whitehead's philosophy of organism has an essential place. But its realistic position invalidates any attempt to relate it to the School of Copenhagen's “orthodox interpretation”. Unlike, the Eurhythmic Physics developed by the Lisbon School has notable theoretical tunings with Whitehead's philosophy. In both, the notion of passive matter disappears; entities are understood as ecstatic process of becoming arising from a continuum of potentialities; and they achieve physical persistence grace to a (...)
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    Zur Problematik des Verantwortungsbegriffes bei Hans Jonas.Wolfgang Erich Müller - 1989 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 33 (1):204-216.
    In his restitution of metaphysical founded ethics Hans Jonas replied to the challenges of modern technology. His reperception of the immanent teleology of nature tries to prevent the technological overkill. This article shows in opposition to Jonas the impossibility to deduct a moral obligation from the teleology of nature. Moreover in theological thoughts it is illegitime to talk obout a good nature in which men ought to incorporate themselves.
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  19. Subjectivity, nature, existence: Foundational issues for enactive phenomenology.Thomas Netland - 2023 - Dissertation, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
    This thesis explores and discusses foundational issues concerning the relationship between phenomenological philosophy and the enactive approach to cognitive science, with the aim of clarifying, developing, and promoting the project of enactive phenomenology. This project is framed by three general ideas: 1) that the sciences of mind need a phenomenological grounding, 2) that the enactive approach is the currently most promising attempt to provide mind science with such a grounding, and 3) that this attempt involves both a naturalization of phenomenology (...)
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    Ethics and Evolution.Ursula Wolf - 2010 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 66 (3):577 - 586.
    From a teleological concept of a species you can derive normative orientation, more precisely the aim of the good realisation of the immanent telos. But can you draw any ethical consequences from Darwin's scientific evolutionary theory? To answer this question, some preliminary clarification is necessary concerning both sides, Darwinism as well as ethical theory. Who is the bearer of evolution and how far do the claims of evolutionary theory reach? Nowadays, one would say that it is neither the species (...)
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    The Trickster archetype: education to stupefy.Sunny Dhillon - 2025 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 59 (1):184-197.
    Contra the teleological paradigm of the Hero, this article argues that incorporating an ethic of the Trickster archetype may facilitate greater critical thinking and metacognition within contemporary neoliberal Education Studies learning environments in UK Higher Education. Echoing Lewis’ call for an education to stupefy, as well as Bojesen’s argument for treating Education Studies as a labour of the negative, I present the Trickster archetype as a valuable mode of educational engagement (an endeavour which itself must be done in a paradoxical (...)
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  22. Vom Wandel des Naturbegriffs. Zur Heuristik gegenwärtiger „Naturphilosophie".Rolf KÜhn - 2011 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 58 (1):163-184.
    Auch in der gegenwärtigen Naturphilosophie wird erkannt, dass die klassische Verstehensweise unserer näheren und ferneren „Umwelt“ über ein mechanistisches Weltbild, wie es den Naturwissenschaften lange zugrunde lag, nicht mehr allein angemessen sein kann. Diese notwendige Korrektur,die gerade im Zusammenhang mit dem Teleologiegedanken des Lebendigen besonders diskutiert wird, muss jedoch in phänomenologischer Sicht noch weiter geführt werden, denn es ist die deskriptive Erscheinensvoraussetzung von Differenz oder Transzendenz im modernen Denken selbst, die in Frage zu stellen ist, um „Natur“ aus einem immanenten (...)
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    Origin and Repetition.F. H. Heinemann - 1950 - Review of Metaphysics 4 (2):201 - 214.
    Bergson, feeling that evolution alone is not sufficient, replaced it by Creative Evolution. He substituted the immanent creative force of nature for the transcendent creativity of God. He is completely justified in rejecting a mechanical, or a teleological, interpretation of nature. But notwithstanding the splendid fireworks of his mind and his profound influence on a whole generation of intellectuals in and outside France, he has failed to solve the problem of natural creation with the help of the élan vital. (...)
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    The Trembling of the Concept: The Material Genesis of Living Being in Hegel's Realphilosophie.Joseph Carew - 2012 - Pli 23.
    Although Hegel's absolute idealism is often presented as a solipsistically self-grounding, the Realphilosophie offers us an another image of Hegel which not only challenges standard interpretations, but more importantly gives us valuable resources to rethink living being. The zero-level determinacy of nature as “the idea in its otherness” has two consequences. Firstly, the starting point of any philosophy of nature must be a realism, insofar as nature's material constitution shows itself as unthought-like. Secondly, if idealism is to be viable, it (...)
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    O problema da normatividade na teoria do reconhecimento de Honneth.Odair Camati - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 26:021012.
    The text intends to make an evaluation of the possible normative answers in Honneth’s theory of recognition. I identify three major answers in Honneth’s works: a first is teleological, a second is anthropologic ant the third is anchored in formal ethics. I want to show the insufficiency of the first two answers because they are based on contingent elements and strong dependent on particular contexts. The third answer presents more complete elements for the development of a normative theory, or also (...)
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    Five-year plan of philosophy: Stalinism after Kojève, Hegel after Stalinism.Siarhei Biareishyk - 2013 - Studies in East European Thought 65 (3-4):243-258.
    The aporia inherent in Kojève’s discussion of the end of history stems from the temporality implicit in the moment of inscribing the end of history in philosophy. Hegel’s Phenomenology as the unfolding of absolute knowledge stands at the last moment in history, without necessarily constituting its end. Reading the post-NEP Soviet ideology through Kojève demonstrates that the doctrine of “socialism in one country” similarly situates itself outside historical time as history’s last moment, marked by the coincidence of being and concept, (...)
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    Imágenes mapuche de pueblos como dispositivos de pensamiento crítico.Andrés Pereira Covarrubias - 2017 - Alpha (Osorno) 44:51-65.
    Resumen: Dentro del movimiento sociopolítico mapuche por la autodeterminación que surge en Chile en la década de los noventa, una generación de mapuches de las ciudades comienzan a llevar a cabo proyectos de comunicación y cultura. Allí se vuelve relevante el desarrollo de producciones audiovisuales, estas han jugado un rol fundamental en la disputa por el derecho a la elaboración y circulación de sus propias imágenes y representaciones. El presente trabajo busca establecer el estatuto crítico de algunas de estas imágenes (...)
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    Evolution: Mind or Randomness?Dennis F. Polis - 2010 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 22 (1-2):32-66.
    Philosophical naturalists claim macroevolution shows order emerging by pure chance. This claim is incompatible with accepted physical and biological principles. The present state of the universe is implicit in its initial state and the laws ofnature. Logical principles essential to science require these laws to be maintained by a self-conserving reality identifiable as God. Further, the laws share a common dynamic with human committed intentions. Both are logical propagators seen to the intentional by theists and naturalists alike. Mechanism and (...) project a single reality into different conceptual spaces. Statistically, evolution is only possible given predefined goals. For fitness to be explanatory, it must be prior to survival events, entailing immanent goals verified by convergent evolution, toolkit genes, and evolutionary stasis. Aristotle's falsifiable claims for teleology are confirmed by evolution. Evolution is not random, but fully intentional, evidencing mind in nature. (shrink)
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    Quale fondazione per la politica europea? Il bene, il potere e l'impolitico a partire da Roberto Esposito.Diego D'Angelo - 2018 - Philosophical Readings 10 (1).
    The present contribution tackle the question of which kind of philosophy is apt to thinking contemporary Europe. In order to thematize this problem, the philosophy of Roberto Esposito is analyzed in detail. The central idea of the paper is that contemporary politics cannot be founded upon classical metaphysical instances, such as God, a teleological structur, or some other moral good. The foundation of contemporary politics must rely in politics itself. Esposito’s philosophy of the “impolitico” can help us in thiking this. (...)
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    (1 other version)Fashion: From attitudes to poses.Caroline Evans - 2017 - Latest Issue of Philosophy of Photography 8 (1-2):151-170.
    Borrowing some of Aby Warburg’s methods from his Mnemosyne Atlas, this paper experiments with an anti-linear, non-teleological method of writing fashion history. It investigates fashion movement, gesture and pose, and their afterlife in images and objects. It thus looks at the intersection of time and the gesture, particularly in relation to the idea of the ‘now’, a central organising principle of fashion. To this end, it juxtaposes images of the body in motion from a wide range of sources, including scientific (...)
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    The Power of Absence: Dialectical Critical Realism, MetaRealism and Terrence W. Deacon’s Account of the Emergence of Ententionality.Mervyn Hartwig - 2013 - Journal of Critical Realism 12 (2):210 - 243.
    This essay calls attention to robust synergies between Roy Bhaskar’s philosophy of dialectical critical realism and Terrence W. Deacon’s recent investigation of the geo-historical emergence of ententional or teleological phenomena, as well as important differences. Deacon has independently arrived at an understanding of absence as causally efficacious in the emergence of life and consciousness, and deploys a range of other concepts that resonate with DCR. He develops a critique both of eliminativist and monovalent approaches to ententionality, on the one hand, (...)
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  32. Mad Speculation and Absolute Inhumanism: Lovecraft, Ligotti, and the Weirding of Philosophy.Ben Woodard - 2011 - Continent 1 (1):3-13.
    continent. 1.1 : 3-13. / 0/ – Introduction I want to propose, as a trajectory into the philosophically weird, an absurd theoretical claim and pursue it, or perhaps more accurately, construct it as I point to it, collecting the ground work behind me like the Perpetual Train from China Mieville's Iron Council which puts down track as it moves reclaiming it along the way. The strange trajectory is the following: Kant's critical philosophy and much of continental philosophy which has followed, (...)
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    Hegel’s Philosophy of Right, with Marx’s Commentary. [REVIEW]James Doull - 1975 - The Owl of Minerva 7 (1):5-7.
    This book has the modest and practical intention of providing students with “a readable paraphrase” of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right and of Marx’s Critique of it. In this the assumption is made that the Ph.R. is difficult beyond need and that it was a reasonable desire of Marx, unfortunately unfulfilled, “to present the philosophy of Hegel in a form comprehensible to the ‘average man’. Hegel certainly had no thought that it was either possible to make speculative philosophy popular or that (...)
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  34. (1 other version)Natureza e artifício: Leibniz e os modernos sobre a concepção dos corpos orgânicos como máquinas.Celi Hirata - 2018 - Dois Pontos 15 (1):95-109.
    In modernity, the distinction between nature and artifice disappears, so that machines made by men become privileged models for the explanation of natural bodies, as can be observed in Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, among others. This new relationship between nature and artifice is correlated with the mechanization and refutation of finality in nature, insofar as the adoption of mechanics as a model of nature’s explanation is associated to the rejection of the use of final causes in physics and to the conception (...)
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    The World of Desire: Lacan between Evolutionary Biology and Psychoanalytic Theory.Lorenzo Chiesa - 2009 - Filozofski Vestnik 30 (2):200-225.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The World Of Desire:Lacan Between Evolutionary Biology and Psychoanalytic TheoryLorenzo Chiesa (bio)The primary aim of this paper is to analyse the biological foundations of Lacan's notion of desire as expounded in his first two Seminars (1953-1955). These works provide us with his most detailed discussion of the species-specific preconditions that allow Homo sapiens to speak and establish symbolic pacts among individuals. Despite its irreducibility to the domain of animal (...)
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    Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic by Karen Ng (review).Marina F. Bykova - 2023 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 61 (3):527-528.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic by Karen NgMarina F. BykovaKaren Ng. Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. iii + 319. Hardback, $85.00.In her insightful book, Karen Ng defends the fundamental significance of Hegel's concept of life, which she considers "constitutive" not merely of his dynamic account of reason but also of his "idealist program" itself (3–4), the very core (...)
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    From Anticipatory Corpse to Posthuman God.Jeffrey P. Bishop - 2016 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 41 (6):679-695.
    The essays in this issue of JMP are devoted to critical engagement of my book, The Anticipatory Corpse. The essays, for the most part, accept the main thrust of my critique of medicine. The main thrust of the criticism is whether the scope of the critique is too totalizing, and whether the proposed remedy is sufficient. I greatly appreciate these interventions because they allow me this occasion to respond and clarify, and to even further extend the argument of my book. (...)
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  38. Nothing, Perhaps? Nihilism, Psychoanalysis, and the Philosophy of History.S. Clark Buckner - 2004 - Dissertation, Vanderbilt University
    This dissertation examines Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis with particular regard to the problem of nihilism, and the philosophy of history that Edmund Husserl and Georg Lukacs argue is needed in its wake to restore reason's capacity to give order and direction to human life. I understand nihilism not merely as the theory that life is devoid of value, but rather as an historical crisis in the sense of autonomy that results from the separation of fact and value in the thoroughly rationalized (...)
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    Education for sustainable development and the humanization of nature.Johan Dahlbeck - unknown
    In this paper I argue that there are some telling examples from the discourse of education for sustainable development that hint at a reliance on a reversed sense of causality, manifesting itself in a teleological and anthropomorphic understanding of nature. In order to substantiate this claim, I will consider some of Spinoza’s arguments concerning the limitations of human imagination -- and the prejudices that tend to arise from this -- and I will also link this with some of Freud’s claims (...)
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  40. Afectivitate şi anti-modernitate. Spinoza şi Nietzsche despre afecte.Nica Daniel - 2016 - Cercetări Filosofico-Psihologice (2):43-52.
    Although the differences between Spinoza and Nietzsche are crucial, there are several aspects on which one can trace a relevant set of similarities between the two authors. The refutation of teleology, transcendence and free will, together with the consequent embracement of fatality, the pursuit of joy, and the particular emphasis on affectivity are just a few of the resemblances that can be drawn between Spinoza and Nietzsche. This paper is focused only on the last aspect mentioned above. Both Spinoza (...)
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    Nature as Guide: Wittgenstein and the Renewal of Moral Theology by David Goodill, O.P (review).Cajetan Cuddy & P. O. - 2024 - The Thomist 88 (4):703-707.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Nature as Guide: Wittgenstein and the Renewal of Moral Theology by David Goodill, O.PCajetan Cuddy and O.P.Nature as Guide: Wittgenstein and the Renewal of Moral Theology. By David Goodill, O.P. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2022. Pp. xiii-319. $75.00. (hardcover). ISBN: 978-0-8132-3445-8.Nature as Guide is an intriguing reevaluation of the philosophical legacy of Ludwig Wittgenstein in the light of Thomistic moral theology after the Second (...)
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    Philosophical-Pedagogical Foundations of the Educational-Professional Program ‘Cultural Studies: Cultural Process Management’.Сергій Вікторович ШЕВЦОВ - 2024 - Epistemological studies in Philosophy, Social and Political Sciences 7 (1):128-135.
    The relevance is due to the socio-cultural and civilizational importance of training specialists in the field of cultural process management. The purpose of the work is the articulation of the philosophical-anthropological, teleological-causal, organizational-praxeological foundations of the educational-professional program “Cultural Studies: Cultural Process Management”. It is proved that the philosophical and anthropological basis contains a syncretic image of a person, which arises at the intersection of three images – a person who is capable for symbolic activity, producing different forms – science, (...)
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    Dans le labyrinthe.Gilles Moutot - 2023 - Astérion 29 (29).
    This article analyses the book on Beethoven, which Adorno worked on for more than 30 years without having time to complete it. The long-awaited French translation now makes it possible to fully appreciate the importance of this volume, which is, at the same time, a workshop and an echo chamber for Adorno’s entire work. The main thrust of the book is the connection between Beethoven and Hegel, which raises the issue of a relationship between identity and difference that ensures that (...)
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  44. The cosmic heirarchy.Richard J. Pendergast - 2024 - New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company. Edited by Valerie Miké.
    A Christian Cosmology studies the two books of God, the Bible and nature, to discern their consistent reading for our age. This volume, an expanded version of Volume 1, offers a framework of illuminating concepts of philosophy and theology, in which it develops in rich detail the author's crystallized vision. Richard Pendergast sees the world as a hierarchy of irreducible elements, the highest level being that of the Logos. From the search of ancient Greek philosophy for a unifying principle and (...)
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    Plutarch and the Wonder of Nature. Preliminaries to Plutarch’s Science of Physical Problems.Michiel Meeusen - 2014 - Apeiron 47 (3):310-341.
    This study aims to substantiate the general ancient ‘scientific’ interest of the natural phenomena and popular beliefs Plutarch discusses in his physical problems. Plutarch does not intend to verify these mirabilia in an empirical fashion. He is not so much looking for the ὅτι but more for the διὰ τί in nature. It remains to be seen whether he investigates and ‘believes’ these natural phenomena only for reasons of intellectual exercise, then. They at least receive Plutarch’s benefit of the doubt, (...)
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    Kant and the Possibility of Progress: From Modern Hopes to Postmodern Anxieties ed. by Paul T. Wilford and Samuel A. Stoner (review). [REVIEW]Benedikt Brunner - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (1):159-160.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Kant and the Possibility of Progress: From Modern Hopes to Postmodern Anxieties ed. by Paul T. Wilford and Samuel A. StonerBenedikt BrunnerPaul T. Wilford and Samuel A. Stoner, editors. Kant and the Possibility of Progress: From Modern Hopes to Postmodern Anxieties. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2021. Pp. 328. Hardback, $65.00.Our present does not invite, let alone suggest, particularly optimistic expectations for the future. This volume, edited by (...)
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    The Language of Practical Philosophy.Ota Weinberger - 2002 - Ratio Juris 15 (3):283-293.
    Kant’s criticism is based on the idea that all possible knowledge of facts is determined by the immanent structure of our apparatus of cognition, and that therefore we have no access to reality as it is per se (“Ding an sich”). In modern analytical philosophy some elements of this view survived, namely, the distinction between framework construction and actual data of experience, supposition or voluntary setting. The conditio humana is characterised by our capacity of acting. Acting is defined as (...)
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    The micropolitics of desire reproduced: A Nietzschean revolutionary-becoming in a post-industrial age.Christian Gilliam - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (4):583-603.
    The premise of this article is that the political import of Deleuze and Guattari’s “micropolitics of desire” has been obscured and as such remains underdeveloped. The micropolitics of desire is here reproduced to provide a Nietzscheo-Marxian critique of capitalism and resistive politics of the future. This entails an entirely different understanding of the nature of power and resistance, as compared to prevalent views. Power is not negative or anti-energy, but a socially productive force operating on, with and through the productivity (...)
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  49. God and the Good in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.Vijay Mascarenhas - 2010 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (1):35-59.
    By examining the systematic integration of theology, ethics, and teleology in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, I address four key interpretational aporiai: the apparently illogicality of the opening lines, the apparent contradiction between practical virtue and contemplation being the highest good, the “dominant” v. “inclusivist” views of eudaimonia, and the immanence v. transcendence of God. I show how proper attention to the link between Aristotle’s conception of the Good as “that at which all things aim” and God as the prime unmoved (...)
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    Process Thought and Traditional Theism: A Critique.Mary F. Rousseau - 1985 - Modern Schoolman 63 (1):45-64.
    This critique of papers by hartshorne, tracy and eslick seeks a possible rapport between process theology and thomistic natural theology. both schools seek a god who is love, intimately involved in daily human life. but a dipolar god is not sufficiently transcendent to be so immanent. hence only love which is purely actual being can satisfy process intentions. tracy's new "tensive analogical language" and eslick's teleological explanation of novelty are thus more feasible on thomistic than on process grounds.
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