Results for 'Igor´ Evlampiev'

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  1.  8
    Soviet Studies in Renaissance Philosophy as a Basis for Developing a New View on History.Igor´ Evlampiev - 2018 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 73 (2):327-339.
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    L’influenza delle idee di Lev Tolstoj sul pensiero di Friedrich Nietzsche durante il lavoro sul trattato L’Anticristo.Igor Evlampiev & Pëtr Kolychev - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 56:209-216.
    Analysis of the quotations from Leo Tolstoy’s «What I Believe», that Nietzsche copied out and worked on in late 1887-early 1888, shows that after reading this book Nietzsche significantly changed his attitude toward Christianity. Before that he did not see any difference between the teachings of Jesus Christ and historic Christianity, but from that moment on, following Tolstoy, he draws a sharp opposition between them. Still persisting in a very negative assessment of historical Christianity, he acknowledges the teaching of Christ (...)
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    An Attempt at Systematic Presentation of the History of Political Doctrines in Boris N. Chicherin’s Major Work.Igor I. Evlampiev - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (1):67-79.
    This article examines the classification of political doctrines proposed by Boris N. Chicherin in his major work on the history of political thought. Chicherin uses two forms of systematization for...
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    The concept of joy in the context of F. Dostoevskij’s understanding of the essence of religious belief.Igor Evlampiev - 2014 - Studies in East European Thought 66 (1-2):139-148.
    In this article I show that Dostoevskij criticized traditional Christianity, and that for him the authentic teaching of Christianity concerned the unity of man and God, the existence in man of a divine “dimension,” the opening of which allows man to become an absolute being. In the context of this understanding of man and God the concept of “joy” is an important one. This concept includes, on the one hand, the fullness of earthly human life and, on the other hand, (...)
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    The “Synthetic” Image of Jesus Christ in F.M. Dostoevsky’s Works and Its Origins in German Romantic Natural Philosophy.Igor I. Evlampiev & Vladimir N. Smirnov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (5):87-106.
    The articles analyzes the original concept of immortality, presented by F.M. Dostoevsky in a handwritten sketch written on April 16, 1864, the day after the death of the writer’s first wife. The authors argue that this concept was created under the influence of the ideas of German romantic natural philosophy, in particular G.T. Fechner’s work of The Book of Life After Death (1836). According to the pantheistic ideas of Dostoevsky and Fechner, every person after death continues to exist in the (...)
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    Dostoevsky's Christianity.Igor I. Evlampiev & Vladimir N. Smirnov - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (1):44-58.
    The article refutes the widespread view that Dostoevsky's Christian beliefs were strictly Orthodox. It is proved that Dostoevsky's religious and philosophical searches' central tendency is the criticism of historical, ecclesiastical Christianity as a false, distorted form of the teaching of Jesus Christ and the desire to restore this teaching in its original purity. Modern researchers of the history of early Christianity find more and more arguments in favor of the fact that the actual teaching of Jesus Christ is contained in (...)
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  7.  17
    Boris N. Chicherin on Western Liberalism and Its Shortcomings.Igor I. Evlampiev - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 59 (1):13-27.
    This article examines the criticisms that Chicherin directed at the classical Western liberalism that emerged from the works of John Locke, Claude-Adrien Helvétius, Baron d’Holbach, and Jean-Jacque...
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    America and Switzerland on F.M. Dostoevsky's Metaphysical Map.Menglian Ou & Igor' Ivanovich Evlampiev - forthcoming - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal).
    The article deals with the symbolic meanings that the images of America and Switzerland have in the works of F.M. Dostoevsky. It is shown that the meanings of these two images are interconnected and constitute a dialectical contradiction, and each image, in turn, has two contradictory meanings - positive and negative. America acts, on the one hand, as a symbol of the openness and freedom of man, his desire to build the future on his own, but, on the other hand, (...)
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    The philosophy of time of Henri Bergson and Russian culture of the nineteenth–early twentieth centuries.Inga Matveeva & Igor Evlampiev - 2021 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (3):401-417.
    The article provides proof that the concept of time articulated in Russian philosophy of the nineteenth century was very close to the understanding of time in the philosophy of Henri Bergson. This explains the close attention of Russian culture to the philosophical system of the French thinker at the beginning of the twentieth century. It also allows us to hypothesize about the possible influence of the ideas of Russian philosophers of the late nineteenth century on Bergson. Bergson’s most original idea (...)
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  10.  12
    The Birth of Christianity from the Spirit of the Roman Empire. A Paradoxical View of the Religious Development of Europe in the Works of F.F. Zelinski. [REVIEW]Igor I. Evlampiev - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (1):75-93.
    The article analyzes the original concept of the development of ancient religions and the emergence of Christianity set out in the six-volume work of F.F. Zelinski History of Ancient Religions. Zelnski refutes the well-established idea of the origin of Christianity from Judaism and proves that it was based on the Hellenistic-Roman religion of the early Roman Empire. In this religion, a idea of monotheistic and pantheistic God was formed, which is the basis of all world processes and human actions, at (...)
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    Index to Biographical Material in Chin and Yüan Literary WorksIndex to Biographical Material in Chin and Yuan Literary Works.James T. C. Liu, Igor de Rachewiltz & Miyoko Nakano - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (2):214.
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    Hypoxia Worsens Affective Responses and Feeling of Fatigue During Prolonged Bed Rest.Nektarios A. M. Stavrou, Tadej Debevec, Ola Eiken & Igor B. Mekjavic - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Itinéraires culturels modernes et contemporains.Frédéric Barbier, Monique Cottret, Chryssanthi Avlami, Igor Sokologorsky, Michèle Riot-Sarcey & Charlotte Guichard - 2001 - Revue de Synthèse 122 (2-4):706-719.
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  14. Nicolas Berdiaev, 1874-1948: un philosophe russe à Clamart: colloque de Clamart, 24 et 25 novembre 2018.Philippe Dautais, Michel Fromaget, Jean-Marie Gourvil & Igor Sollogoub (eds.) - 2019 - Grenoble, France: Éditions Le Mercure dauphinois.
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    Comptes rendus de lecture.Nataša Laporte, Rainer Schäfer, Igor Eterović, Amir Muzur, Iris Vidmar & Ivana Zagorac - 2009 - Synthesis Philosophica 24 (2):369-383.
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    Recenzije I prikazi.Zoran Vračan, Ida Labus, Igor Eterović, Slaven Lendić, Ivana Skuhala Karasman & Suzana Marjanić - 2012 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 32 (2):361-375.
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    Some aspects of modeling in the economic management system of the territory.Tatiana Vladimirovna Zheludkova, Vadim Petrovich Kirpanev & Igor Petrovich Uvarov - 2021 - Kant 41 (4):51-56.
    The article highlights the issues of modeling processes of a socio-economic nature, considers the problems and reveals the factors influencing the construction of the model algorithm. In our opinion, studies of economic processes undoubtedly affect the social side of the development of the territory. The scientific novelty lies in the development and testing of new approaches to the construction of a model that allows us to systematically characterize the processes taking place, based on the analysis of the whole, territorial development, (...)
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  18.  13
    Resources and adaptation following involuntary resettlement in the Bytom-Karb community.Augustyn Bańka, Katarzyna Popiołek, Małgorzata Wójcik & Igor Pietkiewicz - 2015 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 46 (1):15-25.
    Studies show that involuntary displacement often creates various threats for the community and individuals. To reduce these risks, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment, Health Impact Assessment, and Social Assessment are recommended. Whereas assessments focus mostly on the community level and studies describe cases of large population displacements, there is a lack of empirical evidence about how individuals cope with involuntary displacement and what factors contribute or hinder their successful adaptation in the target location. This study uses semi-structured interviews with 21 (...)
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    Emotional Pain Mediates the Link Between Preoccupied Attachment and Non-suicidal Self-Injury in High Suicide Risk Psychiatric Inpatients.Ali M. Molaie, Chih-Yun Chiu, Zara Habib, Igor Galynker, Jessica Briggs, Paul J. Rosenfield, Raffaella Calati & Zimri S. Yaseen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Filozofski život.Bruno Ćurko, Ivana Kragić, Elvina Šehić, Ivana Skuhala Karasman, Igor Eterović, Goran Grgec, Tomislav Krznar, Marija Selak & Iris Vidmar - 2011 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 31 (4):891-908.
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  21. Istorii︠a︡ russkoĭ metafiziki v XIX-XX vekakh: russkai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ v poiskakh absoli︠u︡ta.I. I. Evlampiev - 2000 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo "Aleteĭi︠a︡".
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    How to account for the oddness of missing-link conditionals.Igor Douven - 2017 - Synthese 194 (5).
    Conditionals whose antecedent and consequent are not somehow internally connected tend to strike us as odd. The received doctrine is that this felt oddness is to be explained pragmatically. Exactly how the pragmatic explanation is supposed to go has remained elusive, however. This paper discusses recent philosophical and psychological work that attempts to account semantically for the apparent oddness of conditionals lacking an internal connection between their parts.
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  23. Edinstvo estestvennonauchnogo znanii︠a︡.Igor Alekseevich Akchurin - 1974 - Nauka.
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  24. Bozhestvennoe i chelovecheskoe v filosofii Ivana Ilʹina.I. I. Evlampiev - 1998 - Sankt-Peterburg: Nauka.
  25.  2
    Ivan Aleksandrovich Ilʹin.I. I. Evlampiev (ed.) - 2014 - Moskva: ROSSPĖN (Rossiĭskai︠a︡ politicheskai︠a︡ ėnt︠s︡iklopedii︠a︡).
  26.  61
    Kirillov and Christ.I. I. Evlampiev - 1999 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 38 (2):25-51.
    The problem of death and immortality is one of the most intriguing and poignant themes in Russian culture. It is worth looking through this problem at the essence of "the Russian idea," which expresses the distinctive metaphysical foundations of our life and worldview rather than Russia's unique historical path. All Russian thinkers in one way or another touched upon this problem, but the deepest treatment of the conception of death and immortality, which became one of the main accomplishments of Russian (...)
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    The Metaphysical Premises of the Ideology of Liberalism and Its Types.I. I. Evlampiev - 1996 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 35 (2):21-31.
    The contemporary epoch has confronted our country with the problem of choosing its path of development and at the same time has placed the problem of liberalism at the center of political discussions. But at first glance there would not seem to be a problem here: since liberal principles played a decisive role in the genesis of Western society and form the basis of the modern world order, it would seem that we should accept these principles, which have passed the (...)
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  28. Measuring coherence.Igor Douven & Wouter Meijs - 2007 - Synthese 156 (3):405 - 425.
    This paper aims to contribute to our understanding of the notion of coherence by explicating in probabilistic terms, step by step, what seem to be our most basic intuitions about that notion, to wit, that coherence is a matter of hanging or fitting together, and that coherence is a matter of degree. A qualitative theory of coherence will serve as a stepping stone to formulate a set of quantitative measures of coherence, each of which seems to capture well the aforementioned (...)
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    Dostoevsky and Nietzsche: Toward a New Metaphysics of Man.I. I. Evlampiev - 2002 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 41 (3):7-32.
    The theme "Dostoevsky and Nietzsche" is one of the most important for understanding the meaning of the abrupt changes that took place in European philosophy and culture at the turn of the nineteenth century. This epoch is still a puzzle: it was a flourishing period for the creative powers of European humanity and at the same time the beginning of the tragic "breakdown" of history that gave birth to two world wars and unprecedented calamities, the consequences of which Europe has (...)
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  30. Inference to the best explanation made coherent.Igor Douven - 1999 - Philosophy of Science 66 (Supplement):S424-S435.
    Van Fraassen (1989) argues that Inference to the Best Explanation is incoherent in the sense that adopting it as a rule for belief change will make one susceptible to a dynamic Dutch book. The present paper argues against this. A strategy is described that allows us to infer to the best explanation free of charge.
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  31. Conditionals and inferential connections: A hypothetical inferential theory.Igor Douven, Shira Elqayam, Henrik Singmann & Janneke van Wijngaarden-Huitink - 2018 - Cognitive Psychology 101:50-81.
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    Mindwandering heightens the accessibility of negative relative to positive thought.Igor Marchetti, Ernst Hw Koster & Rudi De Raedt - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1517-1525.
    Mindwandering is associated with both positive and negative outcomes. Among the latter, negative mood and negative cognitions have been reported. However, the underlying mechanisms linking mindwandering to negative mood and cognition are still unclear. We hypothesized that MW could either directly enhance negative thinking or indirectly heighten the accessibility of negative thoughts. In an undergraduate sample we measured emotional thoughts during the Sustained Attention on Response Task which induces MW, and accessibility of negative cognitions by means of the Scrambled Sentences (...)
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    Антология феноменологической философии в России.Igor' M. Čubarov (ed.) - 1998 - Moskva: Logos "Gnozis" Rfo.
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    Aristotle's Psychological Conception of Meaning: παθήματα as ὁμοιώματα.Igor Martinjak - 2018 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 38 (3):601-614.
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  35. Kategorije 10, 13b27-35: logička forma singularnih subjektno-predikatnih rečenica [Categories 10, 13b27-35: Logical form for Singular Predications].Igor Martinjak - 2021 - Nova Prisutnost : Časopis Za Intelektualna I Duhovna Pitanja 19 (2):373-388.
    The possibility of formal representation of Aristotle’s discussion about singular predication in Categories 10, 13b27-35 is investigated through three symbolic idioms: the first-order language with identity, with and without definitive description, and through the languages of free logics. I show that such representations are not fully adequate. According to the first option, we are committing Aristotle with some (meta)logical implications he is not willing to accept. According to the second option, we are burdening Aristotle with Russell’s theory of names. Finally, (...)
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    Dual-Intuitionistic Logic.Igor Urbas - 1996 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 37 (3):440-451.
    The sequent system LDJ is formulated using the same connectives as Gentzen's intuitionistic sequent system LJ, but is dual in the following sense: (i) whereas LJ is singular in the consequent, LDJ is singular in the antecedent; (ii) whereas LJ has the same sentential counter-theorems as classical LK but not the same theorems, LDJ has the same sentential theorems as LK but not the same counter-theorems. In particular, LDJ does not reject all contradictions and is accordingly paraconsistent. To obtain a (...)
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  37. Assertion, knowledge, and rational credibility.Igor Douven - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (4):449-485.
  38. The Probabilities of Conditionals Revisited.Igor Douven & Sara Verbrugge - 2013 - Cognitive Science 37 (4):711-730.
    According to what is now commonly referred to as “the Equation” in the literature on indicative conditionals, the probability of any indicative conditional equals the probability of its consequent of the conditional given the antecedent of the conditional. Philosophers widely agree in their assessment that the triviality arguments of Lewis and others have conclusively shown the Equation to be tenable only at the expense of the view that indicative conditionals express propositions. This study challenges the correctness of that assessment by (...)
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    A minimax algorithm better than alpha-beta? Yes and No.Igor Roizen & Judea Pearl - 1983 - Artificial Intelligence 21 (1-2):199-220.
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    \"Tautoryt\": forum kultury w Krakowie.Igor Mostowicz - 2002 - Estetyka I Krytyka 2 (2):133-136.
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    (1 other version)Paraconsistency.Igor Urbas - 1990 - Studies in East European Thought 39 (3-4):343-354.
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    L'idea di Dio in Descartes: dalle Meditationes alle Responsiones.Igor Agostini - 2010 - Firenze: Le Monnier università.
  43.  31
    Filozofski život.Igor Bezinović, Goran Pavlić, Vanja Brkljač, Ivana Greguric, Bruno Ćurko, Gordana Pelčić, Natalija Fabić, Iva Mihalić, Snježan Hasnaš, Ruža Kovačević, Ivan Tomljenović, Marko Tokić & Goran Grgec - 2006 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 26 (4):1041-1065.
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    Nesvodivost sposobnosti osećanja: osećaj zadovoljstva i nezadovoljstva u filozofiji Imanuela Kanta.Igor Cvejić - 2018 - Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju.
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    Mesoderm induction and axis determination in Xenopus laevis.Igor B. Dawid - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (10):687-691.
    In Xenopus, as in all amphibians and possibly in vertebrate embryos in general, mesoderm formation and the establishment of the dorsoventral axis depend on inductive cell interactions. Molecules involved in mesoderm induction include FGF which acts predominantly as a ventrolateral inducer, the TGF‐β homolog activin which can induce all types of mesoderm, and members of the Wnt family which have powerful dorsalizing effects. Early effects of inducer action include the activation of regulatory genes. Among such genes, particular interest is focused (...)
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    Emergent Dualism and the Challenge of Vagueness.Igor Gasparov - 2015 - Faith and Philosophy 32 (4):432-438.
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    Tasking Textuality.Igor E. Klyukanov - 2002 - American Journal of Semiotics 18 (1/4):259-261.
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  48. Ways for evolving Russia's current civilizational choice in the context of globalization.Igor K. Liseyev - 2022 - In Alexander N. Chumakov, Alyssa DeBlasio & Ilya V. Ilyin, Philosophical Aspects of Globalization: A Multidisciplinary Inquiry. Boston: BRILL.
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    Apologii︠a︡ sofistov: reli︠a︡tivizm kak ontologicheskai︠a︡ sistema = Apolohii︠a︡ sofistiv: reli︠a︡tyvizm i︠a︡k ontolohichna systema.Igorʹ Nikolaevich Rassokha - 2009 - Kharʹkov: KhNAMG.
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    Iskusstvo, istina, realizm.Igor Ivanovich Vinogradov - 1975 - Moskva: Iskusstvo.
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