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Petr M. Kolychev [3]Pëtr Kolychev [1]
  1.  14
    What is the Philosophy We Need?Petr M. Kolychev & Konstantin V. Losev - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):1021-1032.
    The study provides an overview of the discussion “What is the philosophy we need?”, that took place in the frames of “Modern Ontology - XI: Ontology and Religion” International Scientific and Practical Conference. The discussion spread around three main areas of philosophy teaching: philosophy as the history of philosophy, philosophy as the basis for the worldview, and philosophy as a system-categorical knowledge about the world as a whole. Supporters of the first position demonstrated the content diversity of philosophy, often emphasizing (...)
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    L’influenza delle idee di Lev Tolstoj sul pensiero di Friedrich Nietzsche durante il lavoro sul trattato L’Anticristo.Igor Evlampiev & Pëtr Kolychev - 2014 - Rivista di Estetica 56:209-216.
    Analysis of the quotations from Leo Tolstoy’s «What I Believe», that Nietzsche copied out and worked on in late 1887-early 1888, shows that after reading this book Nietzsche significantly changed his attitude toward Christianity. Before that he did not see any difference between the teachings of Jesus Christ and historic Christianity, but from that moment on, following Tolstoy, he draws a sharp opposition between them. Still persisting in a very negative assessment of historical Christianity, he acknowledges the teaching of Christ (...)
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    Ontology and Art: Current Tendencies.Petr M. Kolychev, Andrei B. Patkul & Anna A. Khakhalova - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (4):720-728.
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    Relative Ontology and Method of Scientific Theory of Consciousness.Petr M. Kolychev & Колычев Петр Михайлович - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (2):316-331.
    Consciousness is defined as operating with the meanings of representations, which are what arises in mind under the influence of a stimulus (primary representations) as well as what arises as a result of their transformation (secondary, combined representations). In a first approximation, a representation is expressed by words. The concept of “representation” is a special case of the concept of “information-certainty”, which is the result of distinction. Any distinction is a distinction by a specific attribute and representation is the value (...)
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