Results for 'Igor Vasiliev'

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    Loupe Screen Shots.Igor Vasiliev - 2013 - Philosophy of Photography 4 (1):77-86.
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    Igor Vasiliev: Loupe.Valery Valran - 2013 - Philosophy of Photography 4 (1):73-75.
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  3. What Is Graded Membership?Lieven Decock & Igor Douven - 2012 - Noûs 48 (4):653-682.
    It has seemed natural to model phenomena related to vagueness in terms of graded membership. However, so far no satisfactory answer has been given to the question of what graded membership is nor has any attempt been made to describe in detail a procedure for determining degrees of membership. We seek to remedy these lacunae by building on recent work on typicality and graded membership in cognitive science and combining some of the results obtained there with a version of the (...)
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  4. Ramsey’s test, adams’ thesis, and left-nested conditionals.Richard Dietz & Igor Douven - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (3):467-484.
    Adams famously suggested that the acceptability of any indicative conditional whose antecedent and consequent are both factive sentences amounts to the subjective conditional probability of the consequent given the antecedent. The received view has it that this thesis offers an adequate partial explication of Ramsey’s test, which characterizes graded acceptability for conditionals in terms of hypothetical updates on the antecedent. Some results in van Fraassen may raise hope that this explicatory approach to Ramsey’s test is extendible to left-nested conditionals, that (...)
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    Mémoire, genre et activisme.Igor Thiago Silva de Sousa - 2024 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 34 (2):276-297.
    Résumé Cet article analyse les luttes menées par des casseuses de noix de babassu pour leurs territoires dans l’État de Maranhão, au Brésil. L’analyse est basée sur les réflexions de deux femmes noires casseuses de noix de babassu et sur les témoignages de Maria do Rosário et Rosalva Gomes. Il est possible de problématiser les processus d’organisation des luttes collectives des casseuses de babassu du Maranhão et la manière dont ces femmes ont résisté à la violence, à la fois sur (...)
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    The paths of history.Igorʹ Mikhaĭlovich Dʹi︠a︡konov - 1999 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This is a broad and ambitious study of the entire history of humanity which takes as its point of departure Marx's theory of social evolution. However, Professor Diakonoff's theory of world history differs from Marx's in a number of ways. Firstly he has expanded Marx's five stages of development to eight. Secondly he denies that social evolution necessarily implies progress and shows how 'each progress is simultaneously a regress', and thirdly he demonstrates that the transition from one stage to another (...)
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    A Process Model of Wisdom from Adversity.Michel Ferrari, Igor Grossmann, Stephen Grimm & Julia Staffel - 2019 - Journal of Value Inquiry 53 (3):471-473.
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    Logic and uncertainty in the human mind: a tribute to David E. Over.S. Elqayam, Igor Douven, J. St B. T. Evans & N. Cruz (eds.) - 2020 - Routledge.
    David Earl Over is a leading cognitive scientist and, with his firm grounding in philosophical logic, he also exerts a powerful influence on the psychology of reasoning. He is responsible for not only a large body of empirical work and accompanying theory, but for advancing a major shift in thinking about reasoning, commonly known as the 'new paradigm' in the psychology of human reasoning. Over's signature mix of philosophical logic and experimental psychology has inspired generations of researchers, psychologists, and philosophers (...)
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    Zur Geschichte von Trapezunt unter Justinian dem Großen.Alexander Alex Vasiliev - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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  10. What are natural concepts? A design perspective.Igor Douven & Peter Gärdenfors - 2019 - Mind and Language (3):313-334.
    Conceptual spaces have become an increasingly popular modeling tool in cognitive psychology. The core idea of the conceptual spaces approach is that concepts can be represented as regions in similarity spaces. While it is generally acknowledged that not every region in such a space represents a natural concept, it is still an open question what distinguishes those regions that represent natural concepts from those that do not. The central claim of this paper is that natural concepts are represented by the (...)
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  11. Assertion, knowledge, and rational credibility.Igor Douven - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (4):449-485.
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    A minimax algorithm better than alpha-beta? Yes and No.Igor Roizen & Judea Pearl - 1983 - Artificial Intelligence 21 (1-2):199-220.
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    Autonomy, procedural and substantive: a discussion of the ethics of cognitive enhancement.Igor D. Bandeira & Enzo Lenine - 2022 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 25 (4):729-736.
    As cognitive enhancement research advances, important ethical questions regarding individual autonomy and freedom are raised. Advocates of cognitive enhancement frequently adopt a procedural approach to autonomy, arguing that enhancers improve an individual’s reasoning capabilities, which are quintessential to being an autonomous agent. On the other hand, critics adopt a more nuanced approach by considering matters of authenticity and self-identity, which go beyond the mere assessment of one’s reasoning capacities. Both positions, nevertheless, require further philosophical scrutiny. In this paper, we investigate (...)
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    The Epistemology of Indicative Conditionals: Formal and Empirical Approaches.Igor Douven - 2015 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    Conditionals are sentences of the form 'If A, then B', and they play a central role in scientific, logical, and everyday reasoning. They have been in the philosophical limelight for centuries, and more recently, they have been receiving attention from psychologists, linguists, and computer scientists. In spite of this, many key questions concerning conditionals remain unanswered. While most of the work on conditionals has addressed semantical questions - questions about the truth conditions of conditionals - this book focuses on the (...)
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    Mindwandering heightens the accessibility of negative relative to positive thought.Igor Marchetti, Ernst Hw Koster & Rudi De Raedt - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (3):1517-1525.
    Mindwandering is associated with both positive and negative outcomes. Among the latter, negative mood and negative cognitions have been reported. However, the underlying mechanisms linking mindwandering to negative mood and cognition are still unclear. We hypothesized that MW could either directly enhance negative thinking or indirectly heighten the accessibility of negative thoughts. In an undergraduate sample we measured emotional thoughts during the Sustained Attention on Response Task which induces MW, and accessibility of negative cognitions by means of the Scrambled Sentences (...)
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    On Independent Axiomatizability of Quasi-Normal Modal Logics.Igor Gorbunov & Dmitry Shkatov - 2022 - Studia Logica 110 (5):1189-1217.
    We give a negative solution to the problem, posed by A. Chagrov and M. Zakharyaschev, of whether every quasi-normal propositional modal logic can be axiomatized by an independent set of axioms, with the inference rules of Substitution and Modus Ponens.
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    Botschafter eines nichtexistierenden Landes.Igor Romanov - 2017 - Psyche 71 (11):1030-1055.
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  18. Simulating peer disagreements.Igor Douven - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (2):148-157.
    It has been claimed that epistemic peers, upon discovering that they disagree on some issue, should give up their opposing views and ‘split the difference’. The present paper challenges this claim by showing, with the help of computer simulations, that what the rational response to the discovery of peer disagreement is—whether it is sticking to one’s belief or splitting the difference—depends on factors that are contingent and highly context-sensitive.Keywords: Peer disagreement; Computer simulations; Opinion dynamics; Hegselmann–Krause model; Social epistemology.
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    Qualitative progress of national and theological education in Bukovina of Bishop Eugene Hackman.Igor Lucan - 2014 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 70:135-142.
    The problem of history and the development of national theological education is one of the most urgent in our time. This is the sphere of the spiritual life of a human society that is constantly undergoing reform. Therefore, the study of the history of theological education, when it was due to the specificity of historical events in the pan-European space, in particular the territory of Bukovina in the late XIX - early XX century, require a more specific study than it (...)
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    Politična kultura: političnost morale.Igor Lukšič - 2006 - Ljubljana: Fakulteta za družbene vede.
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    Identité et égalité : le criticisme de Poincaré.Igor Ly - 2004 - Philosophiques 31 (1):179-212.
    Ce travail a pour objet d’examiner comment sont articulés deux thèmes centraux de l’oeuvre philosophique de Poincaré : la question de la nature mathématique de la physique et la critique des questionnements « métaphysiques » relatifs aux théories scientifiques. En s’appuyant sur la dimension linguistique du traitement de ces thèmes par Poincaré et en analysant certains aspects de ses réflexions sur le continu et la mesure des grandeurs physiques, notre examen sera poursuivi en suivant le fil conducteur de la distinction (...)
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  22. Туристична оцінка історико-культурного потенціалу замкових споруд івано-франківської області.Igor Lysyi - 2015 - Схід 7 (139):25-29.
    The article is based on own methods of tourist estimation of historical and cultural potential of castle buildings in the Ivano-Frankivsk region to determine their level of attractiveness and prospects for needs of tourism and recreation industry. In the Ivano-Frankivsk region are five castles: in Halych Mariiampil, Rakovets, Chernelytsia and Pniv, which have great historical and cultural potential and all of these buildings can be used for the tourist adaptation. Criteria of the tourist estimation of potential of castle complexes are (...)
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    Apologii︠a︡ sofistov: reli︠a︡tivizm kak ontologicheskai︠a︡ sistema = Apolohii︠a︡ sofistiv: reli︠a︡tyvizm i︠a︡k ontolohichna systema.Igorʹ Nikolaevich Rassokha - 2009 - Kharʹkov: KhNAMG.
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  24. Health Professionals’ perspectives on Human Rights and Mental Health Recovery.Igor de Oliveira Reis, Emanuele Seicenti de Brito, Maria Luiza dos Santos Barbosa, Maria Geraldo Dói, Ana Beatriz Zanardo Mion & Carla Aparecida Arena Ventura - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background: The guarantee of human rights in the healthcare of individuals with mental disorders is a global challenge. Health practices frequently fail to integrate relational ethical principles in the promotion of holistic and inclusive care. It is therefore crucial to investigate how healthcare professionals perceive and conduct their practices in this context. Objective: To understand, in the light of Relational Ethics, the perceptions and conduct of healthcare professionals regarding the guarantee of human rights and the recovery process of individuals with (...)
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    Primazia ontológica e intuitividade.Igor Sant'Anna Resende - 1998 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 3 (2):03-13.
    Neste artigo procura-se responder ao desafio da leitura de Heidegger no que concerne à possibilidade de uma relação entre ontologia e ética.O autor investiga a possibilidade da colocação do problema de tal relação,privilegiando a noção heideggeriana de liberdade.
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  26. (1 other version)The rationality of vagueness.Igor Douven - forthcoming - In Richard Dietz, Vagueness and rationality. Springer.
  27.  60
    Brightening Up: The Effect of the Physician Payment Sunshine Act on Existing Regulation of Pharmaceutical Marketing.Igor Gorlach & Genevieve Pham-Kanter - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (1):315-322.
    In 2008 pharmaceutical companies spent over $12 billion on product promotion and detailing aimed at U.S. health care practitioners. Drug and device manufacturers rely on a workforce of detailers and physician speakers to reach health care practitioners and nudge their prescribing habits. To prevent undue influence and protect the public fisc, a number of states began regulating these marketing practices, requiring companies to disclose all gifts to practitioners, prohibiting the commercialized sale of prescription data, and prohibiting certain gifts altogether. The (...)
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    Tradução de "Dissertação sobre a política dos romanos na religião", de Montesquieu.Igor Moraes Santos - 2022 - Cadernos de Ética E Filosofia Política 40 (1):240-249.
    Tradução do texto originalmente intitulado "Dissertation sur la politique des Romains dans la religion", de Charles-Louis de Secondat, barão de La Brède e de Montesquieu. Trata-se de trabalho apresentado no dia 18 de junho de 1716 à Academie Royale des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Bordeaux e somente publicado após a sua morte.
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    (1 other version)If Russia Is to Be Saved, It Will Only Be Through Eurasianism.Igor' Savkin - 1995 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 34 (3):62-76.
    I have had occasion to hear that your interest in Eurasianism, Lev Nikolaevich, manifested itself very early, practically in your student years, and in any case before Eurasianism became the fashion. Could you tell us how exactly you became familiar with these ideas, or, in other words, how you discovered Eurasianism?
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    Critique et refondation de la métaphysique chez Kant.Igor Schüssler - 2006 - Archives de Philosophie 4 (4):567-599.
    Dans son écrit tardif, Les progrès de la métaphysique (1791), Kant résume toute sa métaphysique en critiquant la métaphysique traditionnelle et, avant tout, le « système leibniziano-wolffien » (qui en est, selon lui, le sommet). La finitude de la pensée humaine s’avérant, la métaphysique traditionnelle – affaire de la raison et de la logique – se révèle être vide. Kant refonde alors la métaphysique sur ce qui est donné (les intuitions pures, la loi morale de la liberté et, en un (...)
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    Die Rolle der russischen Sprache in der Gegenwart.Igor Scharonov - 2015 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 24 (2):117-122.
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  32. A new solution to the paradoxes of rational acceptability.Igor Douven - 2002 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53 (3):391-410.
    The Lottery Paradox and the Preface Paradox both involve the thesis that high probability is sufficient for rational acceptability. The standard solution to these paradoxes denies that rational acceptability is deductively closed. This solution has a number of untoward consequences. The present paper suggests that a better solution to the paradoxes is to replace the thesis that high probability suffices for rational acceptability with a somewhat stricter thesis. This avoids the untoward consequences of the standard solution. The new solution will (...)
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  33. The evidential support theory of conditionals.Igor Douven - 2008 - Synthese 164 (1):19-44.
    According to so-called epistemic theories of conditionals, the assertability/acceptability/acceptance of a conditional requires the existence of an epistemically significant relation between the conditional’s antecedent and its consequent. This paper points to some linguistic data that our current best theories of the foregoing type appear unable to explain. Further, it presents a new theory of the same type that does not have that shortcoming. The theory is then defended against some seemingly obvious objections.
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  34. Punishment as Language.Igor Primoratz - 1989 - Philosophy 64 (248):187 - 205.
    A number of philosophers and legal scholars have pointed out a fact about punishment that had not been sufficiently appreciated by many traditional accounts, utilitarian, retributive, or ‘mixed’: that evil inflicted on the person punished is not an evil simpliciter , but rather the expression of an important social message—that punishment is a kind of language. The message which it is seen to communicate can broadly be described as condemnation by society of the crime committed. In what is still the (...)
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    Grundbegriffe der Phänomenologie: entwickelt unter der Perspektive von Einheit und Kontinuität ihrer Methode.Igor Herrmann - 1996 - Mainz: Chorus-Verlag für Kunst und Wissenschaft.
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    Examining school-related delinquencies, extracurricular activities, and grades in adolescents.Igor Himelfarb, Andrew Lac & Hadar Baharav - 2014 - Educational Studies 40 (1):1-17.
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    The Role of Quantum Mechanics in Understanding the Phenomenon of Consciousness.Igor V. Cherepanov & Черепанов Игорь Владимирович - 2022 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 26 (4):770-789.
    The article analyzes the effectiveness of quantum theories of mental experience in relation to two ontological problems - the problem of the existence of consciousness in the material world and the problem of the interaction of consciousness and body. A critical analysis of the quantum theories of consciousness by Penrose-Hameroff, M. Tegmark, G. Stapp, M. Fischer and M.B. Mensky shows that they fail to fully explain how complex physical systems generate mental experience without violating the principle of causal closure of (...)
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    A pathway for wisdom-focused education.Igor Grossmann & Alex C. Huynh - 2020 - Journal of Moral Education 49 (1):9-29.
    Interest in the topic of wisdom-focused education has so far not resulted in empirically validated programs for teaching wisdom. To start filling this void, we explore the emerging empirical evidence concerning the fundamental elements required for understanding how one can foster wisdom, with a particular focus on wise reasoning. We define wise reasoning through a combination of intellectual humility, recognition of world in flux/change, open-mindedness to diverse viewpoints, and search for compromise/integration of diverse perspectives. In this article, we review evidence (...)
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  39. The role of explanatory considerations in updating.Igor Douven & Jonah N. Schupbach - 2015 - Cognition 142 (C):299-311.
    There is an ongoing controversy in philosophy about the connection between explanation and inference. According to Bayesians, explanatory considerations should be given weight in determining which inferences to make, if at all, only insofar as doing so is compatible with Strict Conditionalization. Explanationists, on the other hand, hold that explanatory considerations can be relevant to the question of how much confidence to invest in our hypotheses in ways which violate Strict Conditionalization. The controversy has focused on normative issues. This paper (...)
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    How ChatGPT Changed the Media’s Narratives on AI: A Semi-automated Narrative Analysis Through Frame Semantics.Igor Ryazanov, Carl Öhman & Johanna Björklund - 2024 - Minds and Machines 35 (1):1-24.
    We perform a mixed-method frame semantics-based analysis on a dataset of more than 49,000 sentences collected from 5846 news articles that mention AI. The dataset covers the twelve-month period centred around the launch of OpenAI’s chatbot ChatGPT and is collected from the most visited open-access English-language news publishers. Our findings indicate that during the six months succeeding the launch, media attention rose tenfold—from already historically high levels. During this period, discourse has become increasingly centred around experts and political leaders, and (...)
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    How to account for the oddness of missing-link conditionals.Igor Douven - 2017 - Synthese 194 (5).
    Conditionals whose antecedent and consequent are not somehow internally connected tend to strike us as odd. The received doctrine is that this felt oddness is to be explained pragmatically. Exactly how the pragmatic explanation is supposed to go has remained elusive, however. This paper discusses recent philosophical and psychological work that attempts to account semantically for the apparent oddness of conditionals lacking an internal connection between their parts.
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  42. Probabilistic Alternatives to Bayesianism: The Case of Explanationism.Igor Douven & Jonah N. Schupbach - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
    There has been a probabilistic turn in contemporary cognitive science. Far and away, most of the work in this vein is Bayesian, at least in name. Coinciding with this development, philosophers have increasingly promoted Bayesianism as the best normative account of how humans ought to reason. In this paper, we make a push for exploring the probabilistic terrain outside of Bayesianism. Non-Bayesian, but still probabilistic, theories provide plausible competitors both to descriptive and normative Bayesian accounts. We argue for this general (...)
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    Community of Infancy: Suspending the Sovereignty of the Teacher's Voice.Igor Jasinski & Tyson E. Lewis - 2016 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 50 (4):538-553.
    While some argue that the only way to make a place for Philosophy for Children in today's strict, standardised classroom is to measure its efficacy in promoting reasoning, we believe that this must be avoided in order to safeguard what is truly unique in P4C dialogue. When P4C acquiesces to the very same quantitative measures that define the rest of learning, then the philosophical dimension drops out and P4C becomes yet another progressive curriculum and pedagogy for enhancing argumentation skills that (...)
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    Expressive Power of “Now” and “Then” Operators.Igor Yanovich - 2015 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (1):65-93.
    Natural language provides motivation for studying modal backwards-looking operators such as “now”, “then” and “actually” that evaluate their argument formula at some previously considered point instead of the current one. This paper investigates the expressive power over models of both propositional and first-order basic modal language enriched with such operators. Having defined an appropriate notion of bisimulation for first-order modal logic, I show that backwards-looking operators increase its expressive power quite mildly, contrary to beliefs widespread among philosophers of language and (...)
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    Guía de selección de ERP en las pequeñas y medianas empresas mexicanas.Igor Rivera & María Rosario Pérez Salazar - 2013 - Arbor 189 (760):a025.
    Los Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) son Sistemas de Información caracterizados por tener una base de datos común para todos los departamentos de la empresa y son utilizados por las organizaciones para administrar sus datos con el fin de tomar mejores decisiones. Sin embargo, estudios recientes demuestran que el 92% de los proyectos ERP no terminan con éxito (De Pablos Heredero y De Pablos Heredero, 2009). El objetivo de este artículo es diseñar una guía de selección de ERP en las Pymes (...)
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    Identificando los limitantes de generación de efectivo: bases para una metodología de mejora continua.Igor Rivera & Juan Morúa Ramírez - 2013 - Arbor 189 (760):a016.
    Dentro de las organizaciones encontramos limitantes que hacen del proceso de generación de efectivo un largo y penoso camino. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es hacer una revisión teórica sobre los limitantes de generación de efectivo (LGE), desde el proceso de transformación hasta el valor añadido. Esta revisión establece un punto de vista diferente a aquella establecida por la teoría clásica del management y está enfocada a las pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes) de manufactura que no sean de reciente creación. (...)
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    Man, philosophical problems: authorized translation from Russian.Igorʹ Mikhaĭlovich Rogov - 1995 - Saint Petersburg: Saint Petersburg State Technical University.
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    Deregulation of protein synthesis as a mechanism of neoplastic transformation.Igor B. Rosenwald - 1996 - Bioessays 18 (3):243-250.
    Early research on the cell cycle revealed correlations between protein accumulation and cell proliferation. In this review, I describe the data showing that abnormality of cell growth and tumor development are dependent upon oncogene‐induced increases in the levels and activity of factors that determine the rate of protein synthesis. It is proposed that the establishment of a vicious circle, namely oncoproteins → increase in translation → oncoproteins, is a major biological mechanism that fuels neoplastic growth. The constitutively high rates of (...)
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  49. A new resolution of the Judy Benjamin Problem.Igor Douven & Jan-Willem Romeijn - 2011 - Mind 120 (479):637 - 670.
    A paper on how to adapt your probabilisitc beliefs when learning a conditional.
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    Von F. Schleiermacher zum religiösen Gefühl ausschließlich als Emotion.Igor W. Kirsberg - 2019 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 61 (2):149-164.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie Jahrgang: 61 Heft: 2 Seiten: 149-164.
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