Results for 'Igor Grgic'

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  1. Modelling Comparative Concepts in Conceptual Spaces.Lieven Decock, Richard Dietz & Igor Douven - 2013 - In Y. Motomura, Y. Butler & D. Bekki (eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 7856. Springer. pp. 69-86.
  2. Сознание и Материя. Информационно-измерительный Подход. Обобщенный Принцип Дополнительности.Sergiy Melnyk & Igor Tuluzov - manuscript
    Обсуждается широкий круг проблем взаимоотношения сознания и материи. Особое внимание уделено анализу структуры и свойств сознания в рамках информационной эволюции. А также – анализу роли специфических (невычислительных) свойств сознания в процедуре классических и квантовых измерений. В частности, подробно обсуждается вопрос о «клонировании» сознания (возможности копирования его свойств его на новый материальный носитель). Мы надеемся, что сформулированный нами обобщенный принцип дополнительности откроет новые пути для исследования проблем сознания в рамках фундаментальной физической картины мира.
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    A note on formalizing discussive logic.Hitoshi Omori & Igor Sedlar - 2025 - Australasian Journal of Logic 22 (1):33-43.
    Discussive logic was introduced by Jaskowski as a logic of discussion. In this note we show that some natural translation-based formalizations of discussive logic in modal logic do not yield a paraconsistent logic but rather classical logic. Some alternative modal formalizations of discussive logic that avoid the collapse into classical logic are put forward.
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  4. Sextus Empiricus on the Goal of Skepticism.Filip Grgic - 2006 - Ancient Philosophy 26 (1):141-160.
    In this paper I take a closer look at Sextus Empiricus’ arguments in his Outlines of Pyrrhonism I.25-30 and try to make sense of his account of Skepticism as a goal-directed philosophy. I argue that Sextus fails to mount a convincing case for the view that tranquility, rather than suspension of judgment, is the ultimate goal of his inquiries.
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  5. Simulating peer disagreements.Igor Douven - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 41 (2):148-157.
    It has been claimed that epistemic peers, upon discovering that they disagree on some issue, should give up their opposing views and ‘split the difference’. The present paper challenges this claim by showing, with the help of computer simulations, that what the rational response to the discovery of peer disagreement is—whether it is sticking to one’s belief or splitting the difference—depends on factors that are contingent and highly context-sensitive.Keywords: Peer disagreement; Computer simulations; Opinion dynamics; Hegselmann–Krause model; Social epistemology.
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    Ignorance, Involuntariness, and Regret in Aristotle.Filip Grgić - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 29 (3):351-369.
    This paper is a discussion of Aristotle’s account of actions that come about because of ignorance as found in his Nicomachean Ethics 3.1. I argue that such actions do not originate in the agent, bu...
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  7. Assertion, knowledge, and rational credibility.Igor Douven - 2006 - Philosophical Review 115 (4):449-485.
  8. Aristotle's Teleological Luck.Filip Grgic - 2016 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 63 (2):441-457.
    In this paper I discuss some problems with Aristotle’s characterization of lucky events as events which are “for the sake of something”. I argue that there is no special sense of the phrase “for the sake of something” when applied to lucky events. Qua event, a lucky event has come about for the sake of something and thus unqualifiedly belongs among things that come about for the sake of something. But qua lucky event, it has not come about for the (...)
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  9. Investigative and Suspensive Scepticism.Filip Grgić - 2012 - European Journal of Philosophy 22 (4):653-673.
    Sextus Empiricus portrays the Pyrrhonian sceptics in two radically different ways. On the one hand, he describes them as inquirers or examiners, and insists that what distinguishes them from all the other philosophical schools is their persistent engagement in inquiry. On the other hand, he insists that the main feature of Pyrrhonian attitude is suspension of judgement about everything. Many have argued that a consistent account of Sextan scepticism as both investigative and suspensive is not possible. The main obstacle to (...)
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    Conditionals and inferential connections: toward a new semantics.Igor Douven, Shira Elqayam, Henrik Singmann & Janneke van Wijnbergen-Huitink - 2020 - Thinking and Reasoning 26 (3):311-351.
    In previous published research (“Conditionals and Inferential Connections: A Hypothetical Inferential Theory,” Cognitive Psychology, 2018), we investigated experimentally what role the presence and strength of an inferential connection between a conditional’s antecedent and consequent plays in how people process that conditional. Our analysis showed the strength of that connection to be strongly predictive of whether participants evaluated the conditional as true, false, or neither true nor false. In this article, we re-analyse the data from our previous research, now focussing on (...)
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    Prošireno jastvo i identitet kroz vrijeme.Ana Grgić & Marina Novina - 2022 - Disputatio Philosophica 23 (1):65-76.
    U ovom članku raspravljamo o hipotezi proširenog jastva Andyja Clarka i Davida Chalmersa, a osobito o prigovoru prema kojemu proširenom jastvu nedostaje stabilnost i kontinuitet koji su potrebni da bismo ga smatrali identičnim kroz vrijeme. Pokušavamo pokazati da je taj prigovor neodrživ. Raspravljamo i o gledištu prema kojemu se drugi tip jastva, to jest narativno jastvo, također može shvatiti kao prošireno, i tvrdimo da stabilnost i kontinuitet toga tipa jastva također nisu ugroženi ako ga proširimo izvan granica čovjekova tijela. Stoga, (...)
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  12. A new solution to the paradoxes of rational acceptability.Igor Douven - 2002 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 53 (3):391-410.
    The Lottery Paradox and the Preface Paradox both involve the thesis that high probability is sufficient for rational acceptability. The standard solution to these paradoxes denies that rational acceptability is deductively closed. This solution has a number of untoward consequences. The present paper suggests that a better solution to the paradoxes is to replace the thesis that high probability suffices for rational acceptability with a somewhat stricter thesis. This avoids the untoward consequences of the standard solution. The new solution will (...)
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    Apraxia, Appearances, and Beliefs.Filip Grgić - 2016 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 16 (3):441-458.
    According to the objection of inactivity (apraxia), the skeptics cannot live their skepticism, since any attempt to apply it to everyday life would result in total inactivity, while any action they would perform qua skeptics would be a sign that they abandoned their skepticism. In this paper I discuss the ancient Pyrrhonists’ response to the objection as is presented in the writings of Sextus Empiricus. Sextus argues that the Pyrrhonists are immune to the apraxia objection because it is based on (...)
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  14. Aristotle against the determinist: Metaphysics 6.3.Filip Grgić - 1998 - International Philosophical Quarterly 38 (1998):127-136.
    The article tries to show that Aristotle's refutation of causal determinism in Metaph. 6.3 is grounded mainly on two assumptions: a. that there must be a first member of any causal chain, and b. that the origin and the outcome of the chain have to be of equal status.
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    Znanje i mijena: Parmenidova dva nauka.Maja Hudoletnjak Grgić - 1996 - Zagreb: KruZak.
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    Der neugefundene Text eines Briefes von Maximos Katelianos: noch eine Fälschung von Karl Benedikt Hase.Igor P. Medvedev - 2016 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 109 (2):821-836.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 109 Heft: 2 Seiten: 821-836.
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    Listening Through Language: Jean-Luc Nancy and Pierre Schaeffer.Igor R. Reyner - 2021 - Paragraph 44 (2):176-191.
    This article addresses the role of auditory-related verbs in the work of Jean-Luc Nancy and Pierre Schaeffer in order to shed light on a broader tendency in French thought. Through a comparative reading of the ways in which Nancy, in Listening, and Schaeffer, in Treatise on Musical Objects, mobilize verbs such as écouter and entendre, I connect the issue of language to debates about descriptive and prescriptive approaches towards listening. Drawing on the Dictionary of Untranslatables, I argue that Nancy's and (...)
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  18. Identity and similarity.Igor Douven & Lieven Decock - 2010 - Philosophical Studies 151 (1):59-78.
    The standard approach to the so-called paradoxes of identity has been to argue that these paradoxes do not essentially concern the notion of identity but rather betray misconceptions on our part regarding other metaphysical notions, like that of an object or a property. This paper proposes a different approach by pointing to an ambiguity in the identity predicate and arguing that the concept of identity that figures in many ordinary identity claims, including those that appear in the paradoxes, is not (...)
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  19. Aristotle on Deliberation and Contingency.Filip Grgic - 2018 - In Filip Grgić & Davor Pećnjak (eds.), Free Will & Action: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives. Switzerland: Springer. pp. 103-115.
    The author discusses Aristotle’s notion of deliberation and shows that it differs considerably from the model of deliberation as is common in contemporary discussions of free will and moral responsibility. As opposed to the contemporary model, Aristotle’s account does not require that the deliberator has any belief (or lack thereof) concerning the availability of possible courses of action. However, the action chosen by deliberation, before it is performed, is still contingent––i.e. such that it can both be and not be done––and (...)
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  20. Vagueness: A Conceptual Spaces Approach.Igor Douven, Lieven Decock, Richard Dietz & Paul Égré - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (1):137-160.
    The conceptual spaces approach has recently emerged as a novel account of concepts. Its guiding idea is that concepts can be represented geometrically, by means of metrical spaces. While it is generally recognized that many of our concepts are vague, the question of how to model vagueness in the conceptual spaces approach has not been addressed so far, even though the answer is far from straightforward. The present paper aims to fill this lacuna.
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  21. Aristotle on the Akratic's Knowledge.Filip Grgić - 2002 - Phronesis 47 (4):336-358.
    This paper is an analysis of Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics 7.3." Aristotle's discussion in this chapter is motivated by the Socratic doctrine, elaborated in Plato's "Protagoras," according to which it is impossible to know what is good and act against this knowledge. Aristotle wants to rebut this doctrine and show that there is a sense of "know" such that this is possible. I argue that this is all that he wants to do in EN 7.3, and that his discussion is not (...)
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    Putting prototypes in place.Igor Douven - 2019 - Cognition 193 (C):104007.
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    The Epistemology of Indicative Conditionals: Formal and Empirical Approaches.Igor Douven - 2015 - Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
    Conditionals are sentences of the form 'If A, then B', and they play a central role in scientific, logical, and everyday reasoning. They have been in the philosophical limelight for centuries, and more recently, they have been receiving attention from psychologists, linguists, and computer scientists. In spite of this, many key questions concerning conditionals remain unanswered. While most of the work on conditionals has addressed semantical questions - questions about the truth conditions of conditionals - this book focuses on the (...)
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  24. Extending the Hegselmann–Krause Model III: From Single Beliefs to Complex Belief States.Igor Douven & Alexander Riegler - 2009 - Episteme 6 (2):145-163.
    In recent years, various computational models have been developed for studying the dynamics of belief formation in a population of epistemically interacting agents that try to determine the numerical value of a given parameter. Whereas in those models, agents’ belief states consist of single numerical beliefs, the present paper describes a model that equips agents with richer belief states containing many beliefs that, moreover, are logically interconnected. Correspondingly, the truth the agents are after is a theory (a set of sentences (...)
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  25. A new resolution of the Judy Benjamin Problem.Igor Douven & Jan-Willem Romeijn - 2011 - Mind 120 (479):637 - 670.
    A paper on how to adapt your probabilisitc beliefs when learning a conditional.
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  26. Scoring in context.Igor Douven - 2020 - Synthese 197 (4):1565-1580.
    A number of authors have recently put forward arguments pro or contra various rules for scoring probability estimates. In doing so, they have skipped over a potentially important consideration in making such assessments, to wit, that the hypotheses whose probabilities are estimated can approximate the truth to different degrees. Once this is recognized, it becomes apparent that the question of how to assess probability estimates depends heavily on context.
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    Network effects in a bounded confidence model.Igor Douven & Rainer Hegselmann - 2022 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 94 (C):56-71.
    The bounded confidence model has become a popular tool for studying communities of epistemically interacting agents. The model makes the idealizing assumption that all agents always have access to all other agents’ belief states. We draw on resources from network epistemology to do away with this assumption. In the model to be proposed, we impose an explicit communication network on a community, due to which each agent has access to the beliefs of only a selection of other agents. A much-discussed (...)
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  28. “To See and Hear That Which is Not Present”: Aristotle on the Objects of Memory.Filip Grgić & Ana Grgić - 2022 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 129 (2):215-231.
    In this paper, we show that there are some strong philosophical and exegetical reasons to argue that according to the view developed in the first chapter of Aristotle’s De Memoria, the objects of memory are non-present, or absent, things and events rather than our past acts of awareness of them. We argue that on Aristotle’s account, the objects of memory can be particulars or universals, perceptibles or intelligibles, and that all these kinds of things are past in the same sense, (...)
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    A Fala e a Escuta Entre Quatro Paredes.Igor Carvalho - 2022 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 13 (26):79-93.
    Encontramos linguagens e códigos de todos os tipos e em todas as esferas na natureza. No entanto, quando chegamos no homem vemos esses códigos aplicados não como algo mecânico, como é notado na natureza, mas como articulações para o social. A partir disso, é apresentado à psicanálise, que tem como sua coluna vertebral a escuta que é voltada para a natureza discursiva do homem. Iremos explorar neste artigo qual seria a escuta servida para o discurso na clínica, pois não é (...)
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  30. Further results on the intransitivity of evidential support.Igor Douven - 2011 - Review of Symbolic Logic 4 (4):487-497.
    It is known that evidential support, on the Bayesian definition of this notion, is intransitive. According to some, however, the Bayesian definition is too weak to be materially adequate. This paper investigates whether evidential support is transitive on some plausible probabilistic strengthening of that definition. It is shown that the answer is negative. In fact, it will appear that even under conditions under which the Bayesian notion of evidential support is transitive, the most plausible candidate strengthenings are not.
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    Patriotism.Igor Primoratz (ed.) - 2002 - Humanity Books.
    Though the average person may take patriotism for granted as a natural feeling of loyalty to one's country, among philosophers the nature, moral standing, and political significance of patriotism have always been contentious. On the one hand, there are those who defend patriotic loyalty as either a duty or a virtue and extol it as an indispensable condition of a viable polity. On the other hand, critics of patriotism maintain that it is morally suspect to prefer one's country and compatriots, (...)
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    The forms of social engagement regarding the subject of import.Igor Cvejic - 2016 - Filozofija I Društvo 27 (2):332-342.
    My aim is to draw attention to the different forms of social engagement regarding the subject of import. The concept of import was introduced in the theory of action by Bennet Helm. It denotes an intentional characteristic of an object, to be viewed as worthy of pursuit or avoidance. However, according to Helm, the subject of import could be: either an individual person, the other or plural agent. Using this division in the context of social engagement, I propose to distinguish (...)
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    Alan Bailey, Sextus Empiricus and Pyrrhonean Scepticism.Filip Grgić - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 12:403-408.
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  34. David Sedley, The Midwife of Platonism: Text and Subtext in Plato's Theaetetus.Filip Grgić - 2004 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:131-136.
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    Empirizam u helenističkoj medicini–generalizacije bez etiologija.Maja Hudoletnjak Grgić - 2006 - Prolegomena 5 (1):1.
    SAŽETAK: Empiristi su tvrdili da se medicinsko znanje u cjelini može steći na temelju iskustva i da za njegovo formiranje i primjenu nije potrebna nikakva teorija. Ključni dio toga stava sastoji se u odbacivanju istraživanja uzroka bolesti. Medicinsko se znanje sastoji od teorema koji su generalizacije izvedene na temelju iskustva. Ranije analize generalizacija kojima se služi medicina, kao i rasprave o stručnom znanju općenito, pokazuju da je među grčkim liječnicima i filozofima bio prihvaćen stav da ispravne generalizacije koje nekoj djelatnosti (...)
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  36. Free Will and Action.Filip Grgic & Davor Pećnjak (eds.) - 2018 - Dordrecht:
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    Introduction.Filip Grgić - 2013 - Prolegomena 12 (2):197-197.
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    Kevin Timpe, Meghan Griffith, & Neil Levy, , "The Routledge Companion to Free Will." Reviewed by.Filip Grgić - 2020 - Philosophy in Review 40 (1):41-42.
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  39. Luck and human action in Aristotle's' Physics'.F. Grgic - 2000 - Filozofski Vestnik 21 (1):179-194.
  40. Nicholas White, Individual and Conflict in Greek Ethics, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 2002.Filip Grgić - 2005 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:301-305.
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  41. Philip J. van der Eijk, Medicine and Philosophy in Classical Antiquity: Doctors and Philosophers on Nature, Soul, Health and Disease.Maja Hudoletnjak Grgić - 2007 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 2:395-399.
    Review on Philip J. van der Eijk, Medicine and Philosophy in Classical Antiquity: Doctors and Philosophers on Nature, Soul, Health and Disease, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2005.
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    La suerte de los voluntarios yihadistas del Estado Islámico en la serie The State (TV, 2017).Igor Barrenechea Marañón - 2022 - Araucaria 24 (50).
    The constitution of the Islamic State emerged as a very dangerous reality, that it was going take advantage of the weakness of Syria and Iraq to become a serious threat to the balance in the Middle East. His call to jihad would seduce thousands of Muslims around the world to came to fight for its consolidation and expansion, and this would worry western countries that saw their own citizens also come. Concern for this phenomenon led to the making of the (...)
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    Thomas More in Moscow.Igor N. Osinovsky - 1968 - Moreana 5 (Number 19-5 (3-4):131-133.
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    Primazia ontológica e intuitividade.Igor Sant'Anna Resende - 1998 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 3 (2):03-13.
    Neste artigo procura-se responder ao desafio da leitura de Heidegger no que concerne à possibilidade de uma relação entre ontologia e ética.O autor investiga a possibilidade da colocação do problema de tal relação,privilegiando a noção heideggeriana de liberdade.
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  45. Skepticism and everyday life.Filip Grgić - 2011 - In Diego E. Machuca (ed.), New essays on ancient Pyrrhonism. Boston: Brill. pp. 69-90.
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    How to account for the oddness of missing-link conditionals.Igor Douven - 2017 - Synthese 194 (5).
    Conditionals whose antecedent and consequent are not somehow internally connected tend to strike us as odd. The received doctrine is that this felt oddness is to be explained pragmatically. Exactly how the pragmatic explanation is supposed to go has remained elusive, however. This paper discusses recent philosophical and psychological work that attempts to account semantically for the apparent oddness of conditionals lacking an internal connection between their parts.
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  47. Explaining the Success of Induction.Igor Douven - 2023 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 74 (2):381-404.
    It is undeniable that inductive reasoning has brought us much good. At least since Hume, however, philosophers have wondered how to justify our reliance on induction. In important recent work, Schurz points out that philosophers have been wrongly assuming that justifying induction is tantamount to showing induction to be reliable. According to him, to justify our reliance on induction, it is enough to show that induction is optimal. His optimality approach consists of two steps: an analytic argument for meta-induction (that (...)
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    Extending the Hegselmann–Krause Model I.Igor Douven & Alexander Riegler - 2009 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 18 (2):323-335.
    Hegselmann and Krause have developed a simple yet powerful computational model for studying the opinion dynamics in societies of epistemically interacting truth-seeking agents. We present various extensions of this model and show their relevance to the investigation of socio-epistemic questions, with an emphasis on normative questions.
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  49. The evidential support theory of conditionals.Igor Douven - 2008 - Synthese 164 (1):19-44.
    According to so-called epistemic theories of conditionals, the assertability/acceptability/acceptance of a conditional requires the existence of an epistemically significant relation between the conditional’s antecedent and its consequent. This paper points to some linguistic data that our current best theories of the foregoing type appear unable to explain. Further, it presents a new theory of the same type that does not have that shortcoming. The theory is then defended against some seemingly obvious objections.
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  50. Aristotle's Rational Powers and the Explanation of Action.Filip Grgić - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 74 (1):53-79.
    In this paper, I discuss Aristotle's notion of rational powers as presented in his Metaphysics Θ.2 and Θ.5. I argue, first, that his account cannot serve as the model for explaining human rational actions in general. The role of rational powers is restricted to the explanation of arts and their exercises, including the exercises of knowledge through teaching. The exercises of character virtues do not follow the same pattern that is discernible in the exercises of rational powers. Second, I try (...)
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