Results for 'Ignace Schoot'

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  1.  19
    Opening Up Containment.Charles Mather & Ignace Schoot - 2022 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 47 (5):937-959.
    Our paper contributes to Science, Technology and Society scholarship on the practices and technologies of containment. We build on existing work in STS that has analyzed containment as a performative sociotechnical system that generates and sustains new realities, new systems, and new relationships. Our contribution draws from the problem of containment in salmon aquaculture. The stakes for containing salmon are very high. Farmed salmon escapes are environmentally damaging to ecosystems and wild salmon populations, and they put additional pressure on an (...)
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    Valeurs esthétiques et valeurs cognitives : et le rire ?Ignace Haaz - 2024 - In Anja Andriamasy & Ignace Haaz, Aesthetic Values, Ethics and Education. Geneva: Globethics Publications. pp. 199-233.
    Ignace Haaz endeavors to thoughtfully confront the intricate phenomenon of embellishing knowledge, which lies at the delicate boundary between aesthetic values and the ethics of knowledge, or intellectual ethics. This boundary should not be pompously perceived as the social status of some armchair academics but rather understood very practically through the noble profession of the editor. In a meticulously curated collection of essays, he addresses the third set of challenges among three sets of problems surrounding aesthetic values, ethics, and (...)
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    Récit, littérature et pratique littéraire : Délices du métier d'éditeur et les vertiges de l'IA.Ignace Haaz - forthcoming - In Michelle Bergadaà & Paulo Peixoto, Réinventer l’intégrité académique à l’ère de l’intelligence artificielle. Caen (France): EMS Management et Sociétés.
    Dans son chapitre, Ignace Haaz analyse la pratique littéraire depuis son poste d’observation d’éditeur. Traditionnellement, la publication scientifique est le fruit d’un processus rigoureux de recherche, de vérification et de validation par les pairs. Cependant, avec la capacité de l’IA à générer de manière autonome des textes cohérents et détaillés, il devient plus difficile de distinguer les travaux véritablement innovants de ceux qui ne sont que des répliques ou des compilations automatisées de travaux existants. Comment garantir que l’utilisation de (...)
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    Be a good sport: A care ethical inquiry into sport parenting.Esther Schoots, Alistair Niemeijer & Gustaaf Bos - forthcoming - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy:1-16.
    In recent years, reports on youth sports excesses and abuses of minors underscore the need for a safer sport environment. However, the way in which parents guide their children in dealing with winning and losing in sports is less understood. A care ethical inquiry into sport parenting might contribute to a better understanding of the role parents play in creating a safe sport environment for their children. This study applies theoretical perspectives from care ethics into practical context focusing on the (...)
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    Nietzsche et la métaphore cognitive.Ignace Haaz - 2006 - Dissertation, Geneva (Switzerland)
    F. Nietzsche does interesting indications on the anthropological foundation of language in his lessons on classical rhetoric, at the University of Basel in 1874. Many quotations of Gerber and Humboldt, and older notions, drawn from the Aristotle's Rhetoric are discussed in this dissertation. Many studies highlighted Nietzsche's attempts during thirty years (1976-2006) to draw a consistent anthropological foundation of the language. Some of them shed light on the metaphor, described from the point of view of anthropology, as an innovative perspective (...)
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  6. L'invention des conventions de justice chez Hume et sa skepsis envers la rétribution.Ignace Haaz - 2009 - In Philippe Saltel, L'invention philosophique humienne. Vrin - Recherches sur la philosophie et le langage No 26. pp. 235-272.
    Promise keeping and the virtue of integrity are understandable only if the sense of justice and of injustice doesn't come from nature but results from education and of some of the most inventive human conventions. We comment this argument that we find in the Treatise of Nature, book III and present how it impacts the notion of retribution and punishment in general.
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    La solidarité chez Hegel, von Hartmann, Tocqueville et Mill.Ignace Haaz - 2012 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    Selon une psychologie empiriste, aucune vie mentale inconsciente n'existe ; la conscience devrait être vue comme intérieure au sujet. Au contraire, la psychologie idéaliste soutient une philosophie de l'inconscient (et non pas de l'inconscience). La multiplicité et la finalité ne sont pas représentables comme des produits de l'évolution ou du destin des individus ; notre image du monde est conscience du monde. Nietzsche (1874), le premier, réagit contre cette thèse ; il y voit un tourbillon de consciences étroites : "l'homme (...)
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    Christ, Image of the Father. On the Lasting Importance of the Christology of Thomas Aquinas.Henk J. M. Schoot - 2023 - New Blackfriars 104 (1109):79-91.
    This contribution discusses the expression ‘Image of the Father’ as a case in point to Aquinas's approach of naming Christ: Christology and Trinitarian theology, as well as the discussion of analogical naming in divinis, need to be taken together. ‘Image’ and ‘Father’ are predicated differently of Christ and God the Father than of human beings. Moreover, God is ‘Father’ in a different way towards the Son than regarding human beings. Christ is the unique image of the Father: the invisible image (...)
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    Moving Beyond Traditional Null Hypothesis Testing: Evaluating Expectations Directly.Rens Van de Schoot, Herbert Hoijtink & Romeijn Jan-Willem - 2011 - Frontiers in Psychology 2.
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    Religie vandaag.Ignace Verhack - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (1):146 - 153.
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    Le Bricolage Évolutif : Un Modèle Pertinent Des Changements Dans Les Sciences.Ignace Yapi - 2018 - Lato Sensu: Revue de la Société de Philosophie des Sciences 5 (1):20-25.
    Cet article propose un modèle additionnel pour l’interprétation des changements qui, dans les sciences, ne résultent pas d’une rupture irréversible avec le passé, mais du recyclage opportuniste de vieilles théories, destiné soit à en enrichir les théories émergentes, soit à provoquer le retour contre-révolutionnaire des théories défaites. Il soutient que, quand la science crée ainsi du neuf à partir du vieux, elle procède suivant un modèle proche du « bricolage évolutif », par lequel François Jacob explique l’évolution par le jeu (...)
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    Discours de la connoissance des bestes.Ignace Gaston Pardies & Sébastien Mabre-Cramoisy - 1972 - New York,: Johnson Reprint.
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    Complexity of networks II: The set complexity of edge‐colored graphs.Tomasz M. Ignac, Nikita A. Sakhanenko & David J. Galas - 2012 - Complexity 17 (5):23-36.
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    Managing and teaching ethics in higher education: policy, skills and resources: International Conference report 2018.Ignace Haaz (ed.) - 2019 - Geneva:
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    Problèmes de la personne.Ignace Meyerson (ed.) - 1973 - Paris,: Mouton.
    No detailed description available for "Problèmes de la personne".
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    Ignać Goldziher: His Life and Scholarship as Reflected in His Works and CorrespondenceIgnac Goldziher: His Life and Scholarship as Reflected in His Works and Correspondence.M. Perlmann, Róbert Simon, Ignać Goldziher, Robert Simon & Ignac Goldziher - 1989 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 109 (3):439.
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    Stronger Syntactic Alignment in the Presence of an Interlocutor.Lotte Schoot, Peter Hagoort & Katrien Segaert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Thomas Aquinas and Judaism.Henk Schoot & Pim Valkenberg - 2004 - Modern Theology 20 (1):51-70.
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    Als een vlam.Ignace Verhack - 1992 - Nova et Vetera 70 (5):388-393.
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  20.  18
    De filosofie Van de logica Van wittgensteins tractatus.Ignace Verhack - 1975 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 37 (4):617 - 652.
    In the commentaries on Wittgenstein's Tractatus, due attention has always been paid to the philosophy of logic contained in this work. In particular the statement that a picture and reality must have their form in common has attracted the attention of the commentators. This statement has been explained now in an extreme realistic way, now in the sense of a linguistic kantianism. Both of the interpretations have this in common that they tend to give a kind of metaphysical status to (...)
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    De mens en zijn onrust: over het raadsel van de beweging.Ignace Verhack - 2000 - Leuven: Acco.
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    Filosofie, 'geweten' Van de theologie.Ignace Verhack - 2006 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (2):309 - 341.
    The issue of philosophy’s contribution to theology is an old and much disputed one. This article posits philosophy as the 'conscience' of theology. It takes 'conscience' in the heideggerian sense of existential 'being-aware-of' and applies this to our finitude and the ultimate meaning of being. A living theology has therefore to be based on a successful encounter between our understanding of the issue of our existence and the Word of 'revelation' — as Western tradition calls it —, spoken to us (...)
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  23. Geen zachte hand. Over gezag en orde in gezin en school.Ignace Verhack - 1985 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 47 (4):680-680.
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    Hoe het verlangen te bewaren?Ignace Verhack - 2011 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 73 (2):341.
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    Wat bedoelen wij wanneer wij God zeggen?Ignace Verhack - 2011 - Kalmthout: Uitgerverij Pelckmans.
    Filosofische speurtocht naar een verantwoorde wijze om over God te spreken, tegen de achtergrond van de huidige religieuze crisis in de westerse cultuur.
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    The multivocality of the nation: political imagination and transformation in the emergence of African Nationalism.Jonathan Schoots - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (6):1357-1387.
    At key moments in history, political understanding and action are irrevocably transformed. What makes such moments of transformation possible? This article examines the emergence of African nationalism in South Africa, following the multivocal appeal to African nationhood made by proto-nationalist leaders and intellectuals. In doing so I examine how new political imagination can reconfigure the structure of political relations and create powerful new possibilities for political organizing and action. African proto-nationalist leaders were ‘intermediary intellectuals’ who used African nationhood to speak (...)
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  27. The value of up-hill skiing.Ignace Haaz - 2022 - In Ignace Haaz & Amélé Adamavi-Aho Ekué, Walking with the Earth: Intercultural Perspectives on Ethics of Ecological Caring. Geneva, Switzerland: Globethics Publications. pp. 181-222.
    The value of up-hill skiing is double, it is first a sport and artistic expression, second it incorporates functional dependencies related to the natural obstacles which the individual aims to overcome. On the artistic side, M. Dufrenne shows the importance of living movement in dance, and we can compare puppets with dancers in order to grasp the lack of intentional spiritual qualities in the former. The expressivity of dance, as for, Chi Gong, ice skating or ski mountaineering is a particular (...)
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    Aquinas and supposition: The possibilities and limitations of logic in divinis.Henk J. M. Schoot - 1993 - Vivarium 31 (2):193-225.
  29.  21
    Ambivalence, Creative Investment, Publishing and Development.Ignace Haaz - 2022 - Journal of Ethics in Higher Education (1):103-121.
    The role of an academic editor and publisher is not simple. It is even less so when providing guidance and support for authors from the countries of the majority world becomes a habitual condition of this activity. Editorial commitment in this context becomes ambivalent, as it has to be oriented towards meeting two distinct objectives: ensuring academic quality and providing support to authors. To meet this challenge the publisher hopes to make the most of online tools and networks. If some (...)
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    (1 other version)Die neue Erde.Ignace Lepp - 1962 - Olten,: Walter-Verlag.
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    L'existence authentique.Ignace Lepp - 1950 - Paris,: La Colombe.
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  32. La philosophie chrétienne de l'existence.Ignace Lepp - 1953 - Paris,: Aubier.
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    The faith of men.Ignace Lepp - 1967 - New York,: Macmillan.
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    Eucharistic Transformation. Thomas Aquinas’ Adoro Te Devote.Henk J. M. Schoot - 2016 - Perichoresis 14 (2):67-79.
    Originally the Adoro te devote was not a liturgical hymn but a prayer, probably intended by Thomas Aquinas for personal use when attending mass. Quoting the at present most reliable version of the poem, the author studies Adoro te devote from the angle of transformation: poetic, Eucharistic and mystic or eschatological transformation. Structure and form are analysed, and a number of themes discussed: two alternative interpretations of adoration, several concepts of truth intended in the poem, the good thief and doubting (...)
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  35. Inclusive Education and Epistemic Value in the Praxis of Ethical Change.Ignace Haaz - 2019 - In Obiora F. Ike, Justus Mbae & Chidiehere Onyia, Mainstreaming Ethics in Higher Education Research Ethics in Administration, Finance, Education, Environment and Law Vol. 1. Globethics. net. pp. 259-290.
    In many universities and related knowledge transmission organisations, professional focus on empirical data shows as in vocational education that preparation for real life technical work is important, as one would expect from “career education”. University is as the name shows on the contrary focusing on the universality of some sort of education, which is neither a technical one, nor much concerned by preparing oneself for a career. The scope of this chapter is to propose an analysis of inclusion as the (...)
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  36. Poésie et éthique: Présentation du livre.Ignace Haaz - manuscript
    Poetry and Ethics: Inventing Possibilities in Which We Are Moved to Action and How We Live Together, Obiora Ike / Andrea Grieder / Ignace Haaz (Eds.), Global Series No. 16, Geneva: Globethics Publications, 2018, pp. 247-262.
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  37. Empathy and indifference: philosophical reflections on schizophrenia.Ignace Haaz - 2020 - Geneva, Switzerland: Globethics Publications.
    The professional application of ethics often lacks the necessary conceptual tools to construct adequate theoretical foundations that can be used for practical enterprise. This book focuses on an anthropological approach to mental illness, describing how schizophrenia can distort one's experience of empathy and of the presence in the world through pathological indifference. It describes factual and phenomenological perspectives on a case of schizophrenia, based on the method of Eugène Minkowski.
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  38. L'invention des conventions de justice chez Hume et sa skepsis envers la rétribution.Ignace Haaz - 2009 - In Philippe Saltel, L'invention philosophique humienne. Vrin - Recherches sur la philosophie et le langage No 26. pp. 235-272.
    Promise keeping and the virtue of integrity are understandable only if the sense of justice and of injustice doesn't come from nature but results from education and of some of the most inventive human conventions. We comment this argument that we find in the Treatise of Nature, book III and present how it impacts the notion of retribution and punishment in general.
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  39. Walking with the Earth: Intercultural Perspectives on Ethics of Ecological Caring.Ignace Haaz & Amélé Adamavi-Aho Ekué (eds.) - 2022 - Geneva, Switzerland: Globethics Publications.
    It is commonly believed that considering nature different from us, human beings (qua rational, cultural, religious and social actors), is detrimental to our engagement for the preservation of nature. An obvious example is animal rights, a deep concern for all living beings, including non-human living creatures, which is understandable only if we approach nature, without fearing it, as something which should remain outside of our true home. “Walking with the earth” aims at questioning any similar preconceptions in the wide sense, (...)
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  40. Mélanges.L. E. Pseudo-Ignace - 1900 - Revue D’Histoire Ecclésiastique 1:61.
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    La construction discursive des identités dans la parole des évêques catholiques du Congo : Présentation et perspectives d’une recherche en cours.Ignace Ndongala Maduku - 2015 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 71 (3):431-455.
    Ignace Ndongala Maduku | : Cet article entend vérifier la plausibilité sociale et politique de la parole épiscopale. Il a pour objet un Message de l’épiscopat congolais qu’il approche à partir de l’analyse du discours tel que systématisé par Ruth Amossy et Patrick Charaudeau. Il examine la visée persuasive, les modes d’argumentation et de légitimation de la parole épiscopale. Il rend compte de la manière dont les évêques congolais construisent leur identité et celle de leur auditoire ainsi que de (...)
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    Coronavirus and value pluralism : a robust ethical perspective on a pandemic.Ignace Haaz - 2020 - Journal of Dharma 45 (2):261-280.
    The fear of the largely unknown consequences of being exposed to coronavirus should have brought a more dynamic interplay of beliefs and opinions for those who in the footsteps of J.S. Mill believe that the limits of power, which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual, is to prevent harm to others. It is surprising that not much debate or critical interaction has taken place on the choice of locking down most of the populace in 185 countries after (...)
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  43. Histoire de l’Idée d’Europe. Du vitalisme cynique et de sa signification pour Friedrich Nietzsche.Ignace Haaz - 2009 - In Isabelle Wienand, Neue Beiträge zu Nietzsches Moral-, Politik- und Kulturphilosophie. Academic Press Fribourg,. pp. 91-109.
    L'éthique classique hérite avec Diogène de Sinope de l'idée maîtresse de simplicité, dont l'individu peut faire l'expérience dans l'existence, et dont la jarre est le symbole. L'école cynique, dont Diogène est le représentant, enseigne une pratique de l'absence de souffrance (apathia), caractérisitique d'une simplicité déterminée par la contrainte ou acquise par l'exercice volontaire de l'abandon de certains traits propres à notre identité locale, de ce qui nous entraîne à nous abuser nous-mêmes, et donc à nous décevoir sur le long terme; (...)
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  44. The Value of Critical Knowledge, Ethics and Education: Philosophical History Bringing Epistemic and Critical Values to Values.Ignace Haaz - 2019 - Geneva, Switzerland: Globethics Publications.
    This book aims at six important conceptual tools developed by philosophers. The author develops each particular view in a chapter, hoping to constitute at the end a concise, interesting and easily readable whole. These concepts are: 1. Ethics and realism: elucidation of the distinction between understanding and explanation – the lighthouse type of normativity. 2. Leadership, antirealism and moral psychology – the lightning rod type of normativity. 3. Bright light on self-identity and positive reciprocity – the reciprocity type of normativity. (...)
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    De louteringsgang Van Eros.Ignace Verhack - 2004 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 66 (1):119 - 142.
    After the 'death of God', it would be a mistake to continue to think of eros in terms of a longing for possession ofthat which one is lacking, especially in matters of religion. Alongside Plato's Diotima, Kierkegaard, Levinas and even Heidegger, an alternative view of eros is proposed in which eros is gradually letting go of its possessive cravings in order to open itself for the other. In this way, eros is bent in the directionof the unselfish service of the (...)
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  46. Solidarity - Enlightened Leadership.Ignace Haaz - 2016 - In Christoph Stückelberger, Walter Fust & Obiora F. Ike, Global Ethics for Leadership: Values and Virtues for Life. pp. 163-174.
    Solidarity could be defined in the broad sense either as a means or as an end. Considered as an end, solidarity is the motive of any virtuous action based on altruistic reasons, such as helping others to rescue someone in order to prevent a harmful situation. E. g. contributing to lift and rescue a heavy person, lying unconscious in the street on the floor, who is being handled by rescuers, but who might be needing an additional person, could express the (...)
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  47. Many shades of ressentiment.Ignace Haaz & Ivana Zagorac - 2023 - In Ignace Haaz, Jakob Bühlmann Quero & Khushwant Singh, Ethics and Overcoming Odious Passions: Mitigating Radicalisation and Extremism through Shared Human Values in Education. Geneva (Switzerland): Globethics Publications. pp. 33-58.
    In philosophical literature, the complex emotional state of ressentiment gained popularity through the writings of Friedrich Nietzsche. According to Nietzsche, ressentiment was a bad feeling that reflected the suppressed anger, the pain of impotence, and the general misery of the weak when they compared themselves to the strong and talented members of society. Max Scheler took up Nietzsche’s thesis and described ressentiment as a complex condition characterised by a thirst for revenge. Moreover, ressentiment has the annoying property of presenting itself (...)
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    Alienation: from the past to the future.Ignace Feuerlicht - 1978 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
    This work, the most comprehensive treatment of alienation ever published, deals with the philosophical, sociological, psychological, religious, political, and literary aspects of the problem. Among the topics discussed are the lost self, the fragmented self, alienated leisure, measurements of social alienation, counterculture, anti-intellectualism, and cures for alienation.
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  49. The Bright Lights on Self Identity and Positive Reciprocity: Spinoza’s Ethics of the Other Focusing on Competency, Sustainability and the Divine Love.Ignace Haaz - 2018 - Journal of Dharma 43 (3):261-284.
    The claim of this paper is to present Spinoza’s view on self-esteem and positive reciprocity, which replaces the human being in a monistic psycho-dynamical affective framework, instead of a dualistic pedestal above nature. Without naturalising the human being in an eliminative materialistic view as many recent neuro-scientific conceptions of the mind do, Spinoza finds an important entry point in a panpsychist and holistic perspective, presenting the complexity of the human being, which is not reducible to the psycho-physiological conditions of life. (...)
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  50. Ethical Education as a Normative Philosophical Perspective.Ignace Haaz - manuscript
    Part of education as interactive exercise is related to a community of practitioners, a dialogue based philosophy of morals which supposes ethical normative characteristics of the discourse. This normative layer can be interpreted either in relation to the lifeworld, i. e. to the understanding of the good life. Alternatively, it can be realized in relation to some cultural rights, since a mutual recognition based ethics, aiming at highlighting culture as necessary feature of human dignity, can explain an ultimate goal of (...)
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