Results for 'Ieva Eskytė'

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  1.  31
    Out on the streets – Crisis, opportunity and disabled people in the era of Covid-19.Ieva Eskytė, Anna Lawson, Maria Orchard & Elizabeth Andrews - 2020 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 14-4 (14-4):329-336.
    Les gouvernements réagissent à la crise de Covid-19 en prenant diverses mesures pour réduire sa transmission et pour protéger les personnes jugées à haut risque. Cet article explore les implications de ces mesures au Royaume-Uni pour les personnes handicapées, en se concentrant sur celles conçues pour réduire et remodeler l’utilisation des rues et des espaces publics. Nous divisons les mesures en deux catégories. Premièrement, il existe des mesures conçues pour réduire l’utilisation des rues et espaces publics – par exemple, les (...)
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  2. The chair of international law and Pasquale Stanislao Mancini's lectures in Turin.Frédéric Ieva - 2024 - In Elisabetta Fiocchi Malaspina & Gabriella Silvestrini, Natural law and the law of nations in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Italy. Boston: Brill/Nijhoff.
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    The Two Subjects’ Dialectics in Luce Irigaray’s Philosophy.Ieva Lapinska - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 25:45-53.
    My starting point in the exploration of the two subjects’ dialectics would be something what is perceived by Luce Irigaray, namely, that the humane nature is two, but the two is not represented in the philosophical discourse and the woman has always been symbolised as the other or lack. In Irigaray philosophy the crucial otherness is the other belonging to the other gender. The dialectical process now is in the service of intersubjectivity. Luce Irigaray argues that the recognition of the (...)
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    Hobbes’ Wegrationalisierung des Märtyrertums.Ieva Motuzaite - 2022 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 74 (2):145-164.
  5.  19
    Trope analysis of women’s political subjectivity: Women secretaries and the issue of sexual harassment in Latvia.Ieva Zake - 2001 - Feminist Theory 2 (3):282-310.
    The article focuses on the narratives of women secretaries regarding their work experiences in private business in Latvia, and aims at understanding the barriers that prevent the formation of women’s political subjectivity in Latvia, by looking at why sexual harassment does not become a political issue for working women in Latvia. Using Hayden White’s theory of trope analysis, the article analyses the dominant tropes and the political results of their use in secretaries’ articulations and narratives about their experiences of sexual (...)
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    Change management: artificial intelligence (AI) at the service of public administrations.Ieva Mainardi - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-29.
    Public administrations, including national government agencies as well as the EU institutions, face not only structural changes, but are increasingly talking about the need to transform management, foster innovation, and share responsibilities. The role of AI is the key composite element of this process. However, not only from the technological point of view. AI also needs the human “perspective”. It is very important to include the so-called soft components (institutional culture, inter-cultural awareness, and organizational needs) to facilitate the mental shift (...)
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  7.  14
    Wie Hobbes mit dem Naturzustand ein Argument macht. Oder: Wie Hobbes ein Argument für den Naturzustand macht?Ieva Höhne - 2024 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 72 (4):480-509.
    This paper deals with Thomas Hobbes’ conception of the state of nature. Deviating from its interpretation as a logically indispensable hypothesis for the purpose of the individualist-contractualist legitimation of the state, the article directs the discussion away from the question of the state of nature’s status within Hobbes’ anthropological or legal framework and towards the issue of where and what kind of evidence for this narrative is supposed to be found. If one interrogates this narrative in epistemological terms, an interpretative (...)
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    Verčiant Benthamą.Ieva Vasilionytė & Vilius Dranseika - 2013 - Problemos 83:185-187.
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    Der Hobbes-Kristall und die Kritik des Naturrechts.Ieva Höhne - 2024 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 110 (2):203-228.
    This article presents a reading of Carl Schmitt’s Concept of the Political, in recourse to lesser known works of his such as Dictatorship and On the Three Types of Juristic Thought and in light of a hypothesis developed while examining his comment to Concept, going back to the German re-edition of the latter in 1963. There, Schmitt offers an interpretative scheme he has himself named “Hobbes-Crystal”, encapsulating not only a suggestion of how to decipher Hobbes, but also Schmitt’s own approach (...)
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    Der überflüssige Glaube?Ieva Höhne - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 76 (4):233-273.
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  11.  40
    Aesthetic Puzzlements: Jonas Mekas's Diary Films and Ludwig Wittgenstein.Ieva Jasinskaite - 2020 - Film-Philosophy 24 (2):162-184.
    In this article, I argue that by considering Ludwig Wittgenstein's methods, we can better understand and appreciate Jonas Mekas's diary films. Based on Wittgenstein's notion of “aesthetic puzzlement”, I identify the main confusions encountered by the viewer upon watching Mekas's films, such as: 1) fragmentation; 2) persistent repetition; and 3) the importance placed on the everyday. I discuss three films – Walden (1969), Lost Lost Lost (1976), and As I Was Moving Ahead Occasionally I Saw Brief Glimpses of Beauty (2000) (...)
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    (4 other versions)Klaipėdos krašto statuto aiškinimo byla M. Römerio dienoraščiuose. VI dalis: teismas ir teisėjai.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - forthcoming - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art.
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    Mental states modulate gaze following, but not automatically.Gustav Kuhn, Ieva Vacaityte, Antonia D. C. D'Souza, Abbie C. Millett & Geoff G. Cole - 2018 - Cognition 180:1-9.
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  14.  16
    Administracinės teisės raida tarpukario Lietuvoje: mokslinės stažuotės.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2021 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 108.
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    Kinas ir jo priežiūra tarpukario Lietuvoje.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2020 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 102.
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    Klaipėdos Krašto Seimelis: 1935 m. rinkimai.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2019 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 98.
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    Klaipėdos krašto teisė studentų darbuose 1933–1939.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2019 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 101.
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    Klaipėdos krašto valdymas: gubernatorius.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2018 - Logos 95:60-70.
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    Konstitucinė teisė M. Römerio dienoraščiuose.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2022 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 111.
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    Lietuvių kalba Klaipėdos krašto teismuose ir mokyklose 1927–1932 m.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 96:86-97.
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    Mykolo Romerio "Administracinis teismas“.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2020 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 105.
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    1933 m. Teismų reforma ir Klaipėdos krašto justicija.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2018 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 97:80-89.
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    Pirmieji žurnalo „Logos“ numeriai (1921 ir 1990 m.): istorija, temos, autoriai.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2021 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 107.
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  24.  54
    The Concept of European Administrative Law and the Background of the Development of the Law on Administrative Procedure of the European Union.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2013 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 20 (3):1005-1022.
    There are several reasons, according to which it is worth analyzing European administrative law. First, this is a rather new branch of law. Second, the European administrative law is treated in different countries from different legal traditions positions, consequently, any effort to unify the approach to it can provide a basis for a unified European administrative law model. Third, there are no works dedicated to the analysis of the phenomenon of the European administrative law in Lithuania. Therefore, this article deals (...)
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  25.  20
    Teisės filosofijos studijos tarpukario Lietuvoje.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2020 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 104.
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    Žurnalas „Logos“ tarpukario Lietuvoje: istorija, autoriai.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2019 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 100.
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    Valstybinė (lietuvių) kalba viešajame gyvenime teisininko požiūriu.Ieva Deviatnikovaitė - 2020 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 103.
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  28.  20
    Nuo socialinio darbo profesijos link socialinio darbo profesinės veiklos lauko analizės.Arūnas Poviliūnas & Ieva Adomaitytė-Subačienė - 2023 - Filosofija. Sociologija 34 (S4).
    Socialinio darbo teoretikai sutinka, kad Pierre’o Bourdieu sociologijos įtaka sociali­ niam darbui plečiasi ir gilėja. Kita vertus, kai kalbama apie socialinio darbo profesiją, tie patys teoretikai ignoruoja P. Bourdieu nuostatą nuo profesijos tyrimų pereiti prie profesinio lauko analizės. P. Bourdieu profesijos fenomeną laikė biurokratinės pri­ gimties konceptualizacija, kuri įtvirtina mokslinio mąstymo logikai prieštaraujančias heteronomijos apraiškas. Straipsnyje siekiama įgyvendinti P. Bourdieu reikalavimą ir, pritaikius jį socialiniam darbui, nuo socialinio darbo profesijos analizės pereiti prie socialinio darbo profesinio lauko tyrimų. Straipsnyje ieškome atsakymo (...)
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    Interdiskurzivnite dijalozi na kniževnosta.Marija Ǵorǵieva - 2021 - Skopje: Makedonika litera.
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  30.  47
    Mediation in Disputes between Public Authorities and Private Parties: Comparative Aspects.Salvija Kavalnė & Ieva Saudargaitė - 2011 - Jurisprudencija: Mokslo darbu žurnalas 18 (1):251-265.
    This article deals with an analysis of mediation practice in disputes between public authorities and private parties based on examples of the application of different types of mediation in administrative disputes in France, the United Kingdom and Belgium . The application of mediation in countries under consideration is investigated through the evaluation of legal acts related to the subject and through the assessment of available official data provided by relative institutions. The historical development of the application of mediation and the (...)
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  31.  28
    Intergenerational Transmission of Resilience? Sense of Coherence Is Associated between Lithuanian Survivors of Political Violence and Their Adult Offspring.Evaldas Kazlauskas, Danute Gailiene, Ieva Vaskeliene & Monika Skeryte-Kazlauskiene - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  32.  33
    Reduktyvizmo Raiška Šiuolaikinėje Analitinėje.Jonas Dagys, Vilius Dranseika, Vytautas Grenda & Ieva Vasilionytė - 2014 - Problemos 85:141-152.
    Šio straipsnio tikslas – bendrais bruožais aptarti reduktyvizmo raišką šiuolaikinėje analitinėje sąmonės, moralės, veiksmo ir priežastingumo filosofijoje bei įvertinti redukcijos strategijų šiose filosofijos šakose panašumus ir skirtumus. Straipsnyje aptariamos šešios reduktyvizmo strategijos – sąvokų sinonimija paremta redukcija, a posteriori tapatybės tezė, analitinis funkcionalizmas, anomalusis monizmas, analizė pasitelkiant pareities sąvoką, konceptualinė analizė be sąvokų sinonimijos – ir konstatuojama, kad skirtingose filosofijos srityse šios strategijos reiškiasi skirtingai, taip pat yra skirtingai kritikuojamos ir interpretuojamos. Straipsnyje mėginama paaiškinti kai kuriuos šių skirtumų ir daroma (...)
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    Psychometric Comparisons of Benevolent and Corrective Humor across 22 Countries: The Virtue Gap in Humor Goes International.Sonja Heintz, Willibald Ruch, Tracey Platt, Dandan Pang, Hugo Carretero-Dios, Alberto Dionigi, Catalina Argüello Gutiérrez, Ingrid Brdar, Dorota Brzozowska, Hsueh-Chih Chen, Władysław Chłopicki, Matthew Collins, Róbert Ďurka, Najwa Y. El Yahfoufi, Angélica Quiroga-Garza, Robert B. Isler, Andrés Mendiburo-Seguel, TamilSelvan Ramis, Betül Saglam, Olga V. Shcherbakova, Kamlesh Singh, Ieva Stokenberga, Peter S. O. Wong & Jorge Torres-Marín - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  34. Social Emotional Competence, Learning Outcomes, Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties of Preschool Children: Parent and Teacher Evaluations.Baiba Martinsone, Inga Supe, Ieva Stokenberga, Ilze Damberga, Carmel Cefai, Liberato Camilleri, Paul Bartolo, Mollie Rose O’Riordan & Ilaria Grazzani - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper addresses the role of social emotional competence in the emotional and behavioral problems and learning outcomes of preschool children based on their parents’ and teachers’ evaluations. In this study, we compared the perceptions of teachers and parents when evaluating the same child using the multi-informant assessment. First, the associations and differences between both the informant evaluations were investigated. Second, the correlation of the social emotional competence and emotional, and behavioral difficulties among preschool children was analyzed, separately addressing their (...)
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  35.  13
    Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Sociality: Sociological Interpretation and Interdisciplinary Approach.Vladimir Menshikov, Vera Komarova, Ieva Bolakova & Andrejs Radionovs - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (2).
    The subject of this study is the participants in artificial sociality (humans and artificial intelligence (AI) tools) and communication between them. The first section analyses (using Luhmann’s methodology) communication as the basis of sociality. The second section shows how AI tools became social technologies in the framework of artificial sociality. The third section describes experimental communication between authors and AI tools (the case of ChatGPT). For the first time in the Baltic countries, the authors examined sociological, humanitarian, natural and technological (...)
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  36. Collected Papers (on Neutrosophic Theory and Applications), Volume VI.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This sixth volume of Collected Papers includes 74 papers comprising 974 pages on (theoretic and applied) neutrosophics, written between 2015-2021 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 121 co-authors from 19 countries: Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Abdel Nasser H. Zaied, Abduallah Gamal, Amir Abdullah, Firoz Ahmad, Nadeem Ahmad, Ahmad Yusuf Adhami, Ahmed Aboelfetouh, Ahmed Mostafa Khalil, Shariful Alam, W. Alharbi, Ali Hassan, Mumtaz Ali, Amira S. Ashour, Asmaa Atef, Assia Bakali, Ayoub Bahnasse, A. A. Azzam, Willem K.M. Brauers, Bui (...)
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  37. Collected Papers (on Physics, Artificial Intelligence, Health Issues, Decision Making, Economics, Statistics), Volume XI.Florentin Smarandache - 2022 - Miami, FL, USA: Global Knowledge.
    This eleventh volume of Collected Papers includes 90 papers comprising 988 pages on Physics, Artificial Intelligence, Health Issues, Decision Making, Economics, Statistics, written between 2001-2022 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 84 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 19 countries: Abhijit Saha, Abu Sufian, Jack Allen, Shahbaz Ali, Ali Safaa Sadiq, Aliya Fahmi, Atiqa Fakhar, Atiqa Firdous, Sukanto Bhattacharya, Robert N. Boyd, Victor Chang, Victor Christianto, V. Christy, Dao The Son, Debjit Dutta, Azeddine Elhassouny, Fazal Ghani, Fazli Amin, (...)
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  38.  9
    Pirmosios sociologės moters Lietuvoje paieškos metodas, jo taikymas ir galimi sociologijos pirmeivių pavyzdžiai.Agota Vaitkienė - 2024 - Filosofija. Sociologija 35 (2).
    Plėtojant sociologijos istorijos tyrimus Lietuvoje aktualu įtraukti ir lyties aspektą. XX amžiaus pirmosios pusės Lietuvos istorijos naratyvuose vyrauja vyriškos pavardės, tačiau, nusakius istorinį kontekstą ir apibrėžus kriterijus, galima suformuoti pirmosios moters sociologės Lietuvoje paieškos metodą. Po 2004 m. Michaelio Burawoy įkvėptų viešosios sociologijos diskusijų atsirado galimybė praplėsti sociologijos mokslo sampratą. Kritiškai išanalizavus turimus duomenis apie Lietuvos feministinio judėjimo pradžią, literatūrines rašytojų biografijas ir kūrinių analizes, XIX a. – XX a. Lietuvos istorijos tyrimus, biografinius mokslinius straipsnius, buvo atrinktos ir pasiūlytos penkios (...)
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