Results for 'I. İbrahim Risalesi'

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  1.  28
    Koçi Bey’in IV. Murat’a ve I. İbrahim’e Sunduğu Risalelerin Farklılıkları ve Karşılaştırması.Nejla Ceyhan - 2021 - Atebe 5:1-16.
    Osmanlı Devleti, Avrupa’daki gelişmeleri takip edip değişen dünya düzenine ayak uydurma noktasında yetersizliğini XVII. yüzyılda hissetmeye başlamıştır. Osmanlı Devleti’nin ihtişamlı yıllarının akabinde devlet nizamındaki çözülmeler, halkın içinde bulunduğu durum ve sebepleri üzerine çeşitli çevrelerden çözüm reçeteleri sunulmuştur. Bunların bilinen ilki iki farklı ve ardıl padişaha sunulan Koçi Bey Risaleleridir. XVII. yüzyılda tarihi seyrin değişmekte olduğunu ön gören ve bu öngörü ile daha önce benzeri Osmanlı Devleti’nde görülmemiş olan ilmî-siyasî-askerî-sosyal içeriklere sahip bir risale/rapor hazırlayan Koçi Bey risalelerini IV. Murat ve kardeşi (...)
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  2. Dawr al-qaḍāʼ fī daʻm thaqāfat al-mujtamaʻ al-madanī: ḥalaqāt niqāshīyah.Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Aḥmad Ṣubḥī Manṣūr & ʻAlī al-Dīn Hilāl (eds.) - 1997 - al-ʻAjūzah [Giza]: Dār al-Amīn.
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    Osmanlı Tekke Mutfak Kültürü ve Mecmu'-i Fev'id.Güldane Gündüzöz - 2016 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 20 (2):175-175.
    The dervish lodge cuisine in the Ottoman lodge structuring has a central importance. The lodge cuisine helped Anatolia turn into a homeland. Travelers took shelter in the lodges in Anatolia. So, these buildings were a safe haven for those who travel. Lodge’s kitchens were always open. These kitchens offered a delightful “Sheikh Baba’s Soup” anytime and these kitchens gave peace and serenity to Anatolia. This article analyzes the Ottoman lodge food culture in the context of a manuscript which belongs to (...)
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    ‘Standing up’ Maḥallu al-Qiyām as cultural expression in Indonesia: A historical approach.Moh Ashif Fuadi, Andi Arif Rifa’I., Supriyanto Supriyanto, Yunika Triana, Rustam Ibrahim & Moh Mahbub - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (1):10.
    This study aims to discuss the historiography of standing up Maḥallu al-Qiyām in the cultural expression in Indonesia. This research is classified as qualitative research with a historical approach method reinforced with documentation, interview and observation. To deepen the meaning of Maḥallu al-Qiyām using analysis using the symbolic interpretive theory of Clifford Geertz. Interestingly, the tradition of Maḥallu al-Qiyām becomes a symbolic meaning of the expression of homage to the Prophet Muhammad and has the content of Maḥabbah teachings to the (...)
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  5. A Seal with the name of abdalrahman-I.T. Ibrahim - 1995 - Al-Qantara 16 (1):143-146.
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  6. Maqūlāt va ārāʼ-i marbūṭ bih ān.Ibrahim Ayati - 1964 - Tihrān: Dānishgāh-i Tihrān.
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    Egyptians' social acceptance and consenting options for posthumous organ donation; a cross sectional study.Ammal M. Metwally, Ghada A. Abdel-Latif, Lobna Eletreby, Ahmed Aboulghate, Amira Mohsen, Hala A. Amer, Rehan M. Saleh, Dalia M. Elmosalami, Hend I. Salama, Safaa I. Abd El Hady, Raefa R. Alam, Hanan A. Mohamed, Hanan M. Badran, Hanan E. Eltokhy, Hazem Elhariri, Thanaa Rabah, Mohamed Abdelrahman, Nihad A. Ibrahim & Nada Chami - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-14.
    BackgroundOrgan donation has become one of the most effective ways to save lives and improve the quality of life for patients with end-stage organ failure. No previous studies have investigated the preferences for the different consenting options for organ donation in Egypt. This study aims to assess Egyptians’ preferences regarding consenting options for posthumous organ donation, and measure their awareness and acceptance of the Egyptian law articles regulating organ donation.MethodsA cross sectional study was conducted among 2743 participants over two years. (...)
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  8. An inexplicably good argument for causal finitism.Ibrahim Dagher - 2023 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 94 (2):199-211.
    Causal finitism, the view that the causal history of any event must be finite, has garnered much philosophical interest recently—especially because of its applicability to the Kalām cosmological argument. The most prominent argument for causal finitism is the Grim Reaper argument, which attempts to show that, if infinite causal histories are possible, then other paradoxical states of affairs must also be possible. However, this style of argument has been criticized on the grounds of (i) relying on controversial modal principles, and (...)
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    Dynamical Hybrid System for Optimizing and Controlling Efficacy of Plant-Based Protein in Aquafeeds.Serge Dossou, Mahmoud A. O. Dawood, Amr I. Zaineldin, Ibrahim A. Abouelsaad, Kumbukani Mzengereza, Ronick S. Shadrack, Yukun Zhang, Mohamed El-Sharnouby, Hamada A. Ahmed & Mohammed F. El Basuini - 2021 - Complexity 2021:1-7.
    In this paper, a mathematical model was used to evaluate a dynamical hybrid system for optimizing and controlling the efficacy of plant-based protein in aquafeeds. Fishmeal, raw rapeseed meal, and a fermented meal with yeast and fungi were used as test ingredients for the determination of apparent digestibility coefficients of dry matter, crude protein, crude lipid, energy, and essential amino acids for olive flounder using diets containing 0.5% Cr2O3 as an inert indicator. Among all ingredients tested, FM had the maximum (...)
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  10. The Revival of Intellectual Sciences during the Safavid Period: Isfahan School of Philosophy and Sadraddin Shirazi.Ibrahim Baghirov - 2024 - Metafizika 7 (3):41-58.
    In the history of Islamic philosophy, one period that attracts researchers' attention, particularly in recent times, is the Safavid era. This is because the Safavid period witnessed a resurgence in philosophical thought within Islamic tradition after a period of stagnation following the classical stage that lasted several centuries. Until the middle of the last century, Western scholars, and before them orientalists, often viewed Islamic philosophy as having concluded after Ibn Rushd, due to Ghazali’s refutations. However, intellectual activities during the Safavid (...)
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    Kommentar I zum Fall: „Intrauterines Lebensrecht von Zwillingen mit ungleichen Überlebenschancen“.Anne Rummer & Ibrahim Alkatout - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (3):231-232.
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    Fıkhî Boyutuyla İstih're Namazı.İbrahim Sizgen - 2024 - Marifetname 11 (1):263-285.
    Bu çalışmada, İslâm hukukunun ibadetler bölümü içerisinde konu edinen, fukaha tarafından yer yer müstakil başlık altında incelenen istihâre namazına ilişkin ileri sürülen bazı hükümler nitel araştırma ve istidlâl yöntemleri kullanılarak ele alınmıştır. İstihâre namazı hakkında varit olan birtakım rivâyetlerde Hz. Peygamber’in –kendisi kılmamasına rağmen- sahâbîlere söz konusu namazı tavsiye ettiği görülmüştür. Binaenaleyh istihâre namazının meşruiyeti, şer‘î deliller içerisinde sünnete dayanmaktadır. Meşrûiyeti hususunda herhangi bir hilaf söz konusu olmamasına rağmen istihâre namazına dair rivâyet edilen birtakım nasların senedinin tenkite tabi tutulduğu, ilgili (...)
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  13. Fiqh and Economics in Hariri's Makamat.İbrahim Özpolat - 2025 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 29 (2):117-132.
    Ancient Arabic literature dealt with linguistic sciences such as sarf, nahiw, belagha and Islamic sciences such as fıqh, hadith and tafsîr. This is known to the elite and the common people. But what is hidden and forgotten is that Arabic literature also includes the foundations and rules of modern sciences such as sociology and economics. Among the ancient Arabic literature is the writing of Maqamat, which holds an important position among the masterpieces of Arabic literature. For this reason, it is (...)
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  14.  22
    A lenda O riso de Demócrito e o pranto de Heráclito.Ibrahim Campos & Walter Lima - 2021 - Filosofia E Educação 12 (3).
    O artigo explora as fontes históricas da lenda O riso de Demócrito e o pranto de Heráclito, com destaque para a antiguidade greco-romana e para a modernidade renascentista. É realizado um estudo genealógico da referida lenda, seguido da análise de três obras: as Cartas do Pseudo-Hipócrates (c. século I d.C.) e os discursos oratórios de Antônio Vieira (Le lacrime d'Eraclito) e de Girolamo Cattaneo (Il riso di Democrito) (1674). Diante da tirania da felicidade que se impõe nas sociedades contemporâneas, o (...)
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    Relevance of the Bahāʾī Philosophy of Religious Unity and Universal Brotherhood in Modern Times.Ahmed Ibrahim Abed, Hussein Basim Furaijl, Fahim Cheffat Salman, Rasha Abed, Israa Abed Jawad, Haneen Hassan Laith, Alaa A. Gatafa & Noor Al Huda H. Hameed - 2024 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 16 (2):530-544.
    This paper examines the Bahāʾī philosophy with all its religious values and humanitarian practices to assess their relevance to the modern times. The rationale behind the choice of this subject was to find out whether the Bahāʾī philosophy could be yet another force and potential ideology to offer a solution to modern time challenges that are faced globally. Using a qualitative research design, the data was collected through a content analysis and close reading of Bahāʾī scriptures, tablets, letters and other (...)
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    Rethinking the Taqlīd–Ijtihād Dichotomy: A Conceptual-Historical Approach.Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (2):285.
    The primary and secondary sources of Islamic law often assume a binary distinction between ijtihād and taqlīd, ignoring a third level of engagement with the sources, which was conceptualized by some jurists as forming a distinct category. In this article I discuss the evolution of the terms ijtihād, taqlīd, and ittibāʿ, using a conceptual-historical approach. I argue that the use of taqlīd to mean “precedent-following” did not emerge as a technical term until after the time of al-Shāfiʿī. The distinction between (...)
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    Powered properties, modal continuity, and the patchwork principle.Ibrahim Dagher - 2024 - Synthese 204 (2):1-19.
    The principle of modal continuity has become an increasingly popular bit of modal epistemology, featuring prominently in debates about mereology, value, causation, and theism. It claims, roughly, that degreed properties are modally unified. So, if the property of being three inches tall is exemplifiable, so is the property of being four inches tall, and five inches tall, etc. Despite its plausibility, in this paper I show that there is a class of counterexamples to modal continuity: what I call ‘powered properties.’ (...)
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  18. Two New Successive Addition Arguments.Ibrahim Dagher - 2024 - Heythrop Journal 65 (2):152-160.
    One of William Lane Craig's key arguments for the finitude of the past is the Successive Addition Argument (SAA). Malpass (2021) has recently developed a novel challenge to the SAA, utilising a thought experiment from the work of Fred Dretske, which is meant to show that it is possible to count to infinity, to argue that there is a counterexample to the SAA's second premise. In this paper, I contend that the Malpass‐Dretske counterexample should not worry advocates of the SAA. (...)
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    Approaches to reading intercultural communication in the Qur’an and the politics of interpretation.Hanan Ibrahim - 2014 - Critical Research on Religion 2 (2):99-115.
    The Qur'an depicts fluctuating relations between Muslims and non-Muslims. While at times such relations can be conciliatory and harmonious, at others they are inimical, uneasy, or distant. Still, the Qur'an acknowledges the necessary ontological reality of the human difference. This is evidenced in many verses. Thus, I will argue that an “attentive” and “worldly” reading of the Qur'an is crucial to curb misunderstanding of the way ‘difference’ is perceived in Islam by Muslims and non-Muslims alike. A close reading is primarily (...)
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    Modernity and Veiled Women.Ibrahim Kaya - 2000 - European Journal of Social Theory 3 (2):195-214.
    This article aims to explore the relationship between veiled, Islamist, women and modernity in Turkey where the woman question is indeed exemplary of the tension-ridden relations between modernity and Islam. By examining the veiled women's rejection of modernity I argue that it is wrong to read Islamism as an actual questioning of modernity. Traditional Islam is not the key element in understanding the veiled women's identity; rather, at the core of the issue is the reproduction of identity under conditions of (...)
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  21. Properties, Collections, and the Successive Addition Argument: A Reply to Malpass.Ibrahim Dagher - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (3):1-7.
    The Successive Addition Argument (SAA) is one of the key arguments espoused by William Lane Craig for the thesis that the universe began to exist. Recently, Malpass, Mind, 131(523), 786–804 (2021) has developed a challenge to the SAA by way of constructing a counterexample that originates in the work of Fred Dretske. In this paper, I show that the Malpass-Dretske counterexample is in fact no counterexample to the argument. Utilizing a distinction between properties of members and properties of collections, I (...)
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    Hanefî/M'türîdî ve Ş'fiî/Eşꜥarî Mezheplerinde İrtidadı Sonrası İsl'm’a Dönen Kişinin Önceki Amellerinin Durumu.İbrahim Bayram - 2022 - Atebe 8:157-186.
    Günahın, imanı ve diğer salih amelleri boşa çıkarmayacağı hususunda birleşen Ehl-i sünnet âlimleri, irtidadından sonra yeniden İslâm’a dönen kişinin ilk Müslümanlık devresinde işlemiş olduğu amellerin durumu hakkında görüş ayrılığına düşmüşlerdir. Genel anlamda Hanefî/Mâtürîdîler doğrudan irtidad ile o amellerin boşa çıkacağını savunurken, Şâfiî/Eş’arîler ise bunun için ayrıca riddet üzere ölümü şart koşmuşlar, tek başına irtidad ile kişinin önceki amellerinin zayi olmayacağını ileri sürmüşlerdir. Kelâm, fıkıh ve usûl gibi ilimlerle ilişkisi bulunan bu meselede kapsamlı yorumlar daha çok tefsirlerde kendisine yer bulmuştur. Burada (...)
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  23. A Phenomenological Approach to the Bayesian Grue Problem.Ibrahim Dagher - 2022 - Aporia 22 (1):1-12.
    It is a common intuition in scientific practice that positive instances confirm. This confirmation, at least based purely on syntactic considerations, is what Nelson Goodman’s ‘Grue Problem’, and more generally the ‘New Riddle’ of Induction, attempt to defeat. One treatment of the Grue Problem has been made along Bayesian lines, wherein the riddle reduces to a question of probability assignments. In this paper, I consider this so-called Bayesian Grue Problem and evaluate how one might proffer a solution to this problem (...)
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  24. Expanding William Hasker's Transcendental Refutation of Determinism.Ibrahim Dagher - 2021 - Prometheus Undergraduate Journal of Philosophy 2 (3):15-21.
    This paper is an evaluation and expansion of William Hasker’s transcendental argument against determinism. Hasker’s argument attempts to show that determinism is logically incompatible with rationality and justified belief. Hasker claims this argument to be conclusive given two independent qualifications: first that the argument only applies to a specific form of determinism, and second that the argument rests on a specific conception of rationality. My aim in this paper will be to modify and expand Hasker’s argument such that it (1) (...)
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    Klasi̇k sosyoloji̇.İbrahim GÜMÜŞAY - 2015 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (31):257-257.
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    An edusemiotic approach to teaching intonation in the context of English language teacher education.Ibrahim Halil Topal - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (259):185-216.
    Employing manifold symbolic, iconic, and indexical signs – whether linguistic or extralinguistic – along with their polysemic and multimodular features, edusemiotics is an integrative and interdisciplinary conceptual framework that surmounts learning processes where learners find significance and meaning under the assumed responsibility of English language teachers for the provision of such a participative environment. Allowing for the salience of intonation despite its intricate nature, thus its inevitable underrepresentation in course books and teaching practices, this article intends to propose a novel (...)
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    Risālah-ʼi sih aṣl.Muḥammad ibn Ibrāhīm Ṣadr al-Dīn Shīrāzī & Seyyed Hossein Nasr - 1998
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  28. Absolutist-Dispositional Meta-Ethics and Genuine Moral Disagreement.Ibrahim Dagher - 2022 - Dialogue 64 (3):138-42.
    Often, semantic accounts of ethical statements wherein those statements have their truth-conditions linked in some capacity to the mental state of an agent face the difficulty of explaining how it is that moral agents and communities genuinely disagree. However, there are––I shall argue––such semantic theories of ethical statements we can construct that avoid this explanatory deficit, insofar as they are both absolute and dispositional theories. In this paper, I will (i) explore and analyze one such semantic theory, Roderick Firth (1952)’s (...)
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    R'fiî el-Kazvînî ve Tenkîh Faaliyetindeki Rolü.İbrahim Sizgen - 2022 - Marifetname 9 (1):157-186.
    Şâfiî müctehidlerin muteber şahsiyetlerinden biri olan Râfiî el-Kazvînî, ilk olarak babası Muhammed b. Abdilkerîm el-Kazvînî (ö. 580/1184) ve annesinin dayısı Ebü’l-Hayr Ahmed et-Tâlkânî’nin (ö. 589/1193) rahle-i tedrisinde bulunduktan sonra alanında uzman birçok kişiden tefsir, hadis ve fıkıh sahasına ilişkin seviyeli bir eğitim almıştır. Yaşadığı asrın ileri gelen ulemasından İslâmî ilimleri okuyarak fıkıh ilminde ihtisas sahibi olan Râfiî, Kazvîn’de ders halkaları oluşturarak tedris faaliyetinde bulunmuş; dönemin halifeleri tarafından Şam ve Mısır baş kadılık görevine atanan Ahmed b. Halîl el-Mühellebî (ö. 638/1240), Zekiyyüddin (...)
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    The Elements of Avicenna's Physics: Greek Sources and Arabic Innovations by Andreas Lammer.Bilal Ibrahim - 2020 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 58 (1):168-170.
    In this timely and outstanding contribution, Andreas Lammer tackles central concepts and problems in Avicenna's Physics of the Healing. The analysis provides a wide-ranging but cohesive study of Avicenna's approach and ideas. The philological and philosophical analysis of the historical context of Avicenna's arguments pays dividends. Avicenna's—often radical—reworking of Aristotle's approach in the Physics critically engages a long tradition of Peripatetic and Neoplatonic philosophy in Greek and Arabic. Lammer's contribution, based on his doctoral dissertation, lays fertile ground for future work. (...)
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    Types of Mosque Music Performed in Hagia Sophia.İbrahim Çoban - 2025 - Kocaeli İLahiyat Dergisi 8 (2):354-391.
    This study explores the history of the Hagia Sophia Mosque and its religious music forms, with a particular focus on how these forms are applied in the newly reopened Hagia Sophia. All genres performed here are executed by imams and muezzins who are highly skilled in their fields, making it a model for both contemporary performers and future generations. The study examines the types of mosque music performed during the five daily prayers, Fridays, holy days, and religious holidays in Hagia (...)
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    Ögeleri Arasındaki Semantik İlişki Bakımından Arapçada İsim Tamlamaları.İbrahim Fidan - 2020 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 53:213-236.
    Arapçada kelimelerin bir araya gelişi belli bir düzen içerisinde gerçekleşir. Çoğunlukla terkîb olarak adlandırılan bu kombinasyonda öğeler arası anlam ilişkileri genellikle basittir. İzâfet terkîbi olarak adlandırılan isim tamlamasında ise kompleks ama bir o kadar da zengin anlam ilişkisi mevcuttur. Meselenin i‛râb eksenli değerlendirildiği geleneksel nahiv anlayışında öğeler arasındaki anlam ilişkisine dair nüve niteliğinde değerlendirmeler mevcutsa da daha çok ta‘rîf-tahsîs ve âmil-ma‘mûl ilişkileri öne çıkarılmaktadır. Konuyu arzu edilen düzeyde ele alan modern çalışmaların sayısı son derece az olup bunlar geliştirilmeye müsaittir. Meseleye (...)
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  33. Un precinto a nombre de "Abd al-Rahman I".Tawfiq B. Hafif Ibrahim - 1995 - Al-Qantara 16 (1):143-146.
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  34. Kur’'n Kıraatinde İm'le ve Feth’in Kit'bî Referansları.İbrahim Tetik - 2020 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 53:41-65.
    Ülkemizdeki ve dünyanın çeşitli bölgelerindeki kârîlerin, imâleyi farklı okudukları bir vakıadır; teknolojik olanaklarla bunların bir dizi ses kaydına erişebilmek mümkündür. Muhtelif okumalar, kârîlerin aynı imâle olgusunu ferdî tecrübeleriyle seslendirmelerinden kaynaklanmaktadır. O halde imâlenin kişisel deneyimlerden arındırılarak, ilk dönemlerden itibaren kitâbî olarak nasıl neşv-ü nemâ bulduğu ve nihaî olarak nasıl bir tanım ve uygulamaya eriştiğiyle ilgili bir tespite gereksinim duyulmaktadır. Bu sayede hangi kârî ya da kârîlerin, imâleyle ilgili telaffuz biçiminin sahih okuyuşa en yakın olduğu sonucuna erişilebilecektir. Makalemizde sahih okuyuşu tespit (...)
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    Rethinking the Taqlīd Hegemony: An Institutional, Longue-Durée Approach.Ahmed Fekry Ibrahim - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (4):801.
    Islamic legal historiography has dealt extensively with questions of continuity and change, as epitomized by the relationship between ijtihād and taqlīd. This paper offers a new conceptualization of the ijtihād–taqlīd modes of law-making in the Sunni legal tradition. I argue that the institutional transformation from ijtihād to taqlīd required that jurists transform the views of the founding authorities of the schools over the course of the eleventh through thirteenth centuries. They achieved this by stratifying legal knowledge in their typologies of (...)
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    Does religiosity affect financing activity? Evidence from Indonesia.Ibrahim Fatwa Wijaya, Andrea Moro & Yacine Belghitar - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (2):670-697.
    We examine the role of religiosity on the financing activities in both Islamic and conventional banks in Indonesian provinces by using five different measures of religiosity: number of Islamic schools, hajj application, number of Islamic seminary schools, number of Mosques, and number of certified halal products. Based on regression analysis, the results show that both Islamic and conventional banks provide more financing in religious provinces. Religiosity also helps in reducing the volume of non-performing financing. Our the results are still qualitatively (...)
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    “Data makes the story come to life:” understanding the ethical and legal implications of Big Data research involving ethnic minority healthcare workers in the United Kingdom—a qualitative study.Robert Free, David Ford, Kamlesh Khunti, Sue Carr, Louise Wain, Martin D. Tobin, Keith R. Abrams, Amit Gupta, Ibrahim Abubakar, Katherine Woolf, I. Chris McManus, Catherine Johns, Anna L. Guyatt, Laura B. Nellums, Laura Gray, Manish Pareek, Ruby Reed-Berendt & Edward S. Dove - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-14.
    The aim of UK-REACH (“The United Kingdom Research study into Ethnicity And COVID-19 outcomes in Healthcare workers”) is to understand if, how, and why healthcare workers (HCWs) in the United Kingdom (UK) from ethnic minority groups are at increased risk of poor outcomes from COVID-19. In this article, we present findings from the ethical and legal stream of the study, which undertook qualitative research seeking to understand and address legal, ethical, and social acceptability issues around data protection, privacy, and information (...)
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    Kommentar I zum Fall: „Intrauterines Lebensrecht von Zwillingen mit ungleichen Überlebenschancen“. [REVIEW]Dr med Ibrahim Alkatout & Dr jur Anne Rummer - 2011 - Ethik in der Medizin 23 (3):233-234.
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  39. (1 other version)Le Livre des Pénétrations Métaphysiques. Kit'b Al-Mash''i.Muhammad ibn Ibrahim Sadr al-din Shirazi & Henry Corbin - 1964 - Dépt. D'Iranologie de l'Institut Franco-Iranien.
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    XVI. Coordination Meeting of Departmant of Tafsîr and Symposium of Ibrahim and Prophedhood.İsmail Çalişkan - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (3):1451-1456.
    This year, Şanlıurfa hosted an important event on the science of tafsîr (XVI. Tafsîr Coordination Meeting). On this occasion a symposium (Ibrahim and prophethood) was held, the problems of the tafsîr were discussed and tafsîr academics met among themselves and exchanged informa-tion. In this article, XVI. Tafsîr Coordination Meeting was widely introduced, and different meetings related to science of tafsîr and tafsîr education were mentioned.
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  41. The evolution of the rule of law : the origins and function of legal theory.Bilal Ibrahim - unknown
    The thesis examines the origins and function of legal theory within the context of the development of early Islamic law. I argue against the depiction of the development of law as a series of compromises between traditionalism and rationalism. Rather, by evading the demands of traditionalism, law evolved into a complex doctrinal entity rooted in the social structures of third-century Abbasid society. This revision of the development of law provides a context to evaluate early works of legal theory. Moreover, in (...)
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    Will They Ever Speak with Authority? Race, post‐coloniality and the symbolic violence of language.Awad Ibrahim - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (6):619-635.
    Intersecting authority-language-and-symbolic power, this article tells the story of a group of continental Francophone African youth who find themselves in an urban French-language high school in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Through their narrative, one is confronted by the trauma of one's own language being declared an illegitimate child, hence becoming a ‘deceptive fluency’ in the ‘eyes of power’ thanks to race and post-coloniality. They are fully consciousness of this situation and their ‘linguistic return’, thus gazing back at the eyes of power (...)
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    Dialogue in Tahsin Germiyani's Novels –In the Example of al-Huznu'l-Vesim, Evladu'l-Yahudiyye, Zaknemut-.Sabır Sabır İbrahim & Mehmet Şirin Çınar - 2024 - van İlahiyat Dergisi 11 (19):22-37.
    In the novels of Tahsin Germiyani, who stands out as a narrator and novelist, dialogue was a basic technique for artistic work. Because he used the art of dialogue in a unique way to carry out communication and understanding and to fictionalize events. Such that Tahsin Germiyani's novels are considered to fill a gap in this aspect, especially in Iraq and in the Arab world in general. What makes him important is the writers he read and was influenced by. Such (...)
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  44. A Short Study on Spinoza's View of Religion.İbrahim Okan Akkın - 2018 - In Roman Dorczak, Christian Ruggiero, Regina-Lenart Gansiniec & M. Ali Icbay, Research and Development on Social Sciences. Jagiellonian University. pp. 225-232.
    It is a matter of philosophical debate whether Jonathan Israel’s assessment of Spinoza’s notion of ‘state religion’ can be interpreted as an atheistic and Marxist reading of Spinoza. Contrary to the widely accepted view, Spinoza has a peculiar understanding of religion; and thus, his views cannot, simply, be equated with atheism. By relying on this fact, in this article, I am going to shed light on the issue and try to show to what extent Israel’s interpretation goes beyond what Spinoza (...)
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  45. Haset ve Gıpta Duygusunun Dindarlık ve Psikolojik İyi Oluş ile İlişkisi Üzerine Nicel Bir Araştırma.Esra İrk & İbrahim Gürses - 2024 - Ilahiyat Tetkikleri Dergisi 61:106-121.
    Çeşitli disiplinlerde farklı açılardan ele alınan haset ve gıpta duygusu, yoğunluğuna bağlı olarak, bireyin hayatını yapıcı veya yıkıcı yönde etkileme potansiyeline sahiptir. Haset, çeşitli gerilim alanlarına ve çatışmalara yol açarken gıpta, güçlü ve derin motivasyonlara imkân tanımaktadır. Bu açıdan haset ve gıpta, dönüşüm ya da çözülme dinamiğinin bir parçası olarak işlev görmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, dindarlık ve psikolojik iyi oluş ile haset ve gıpta arasında anlamlı bir ilişkinin olup olmadığını ve eğer varsa bu ilişkinin yönünü tespit etmektir. Bu doğrultuda 18-65 (...)
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    Denial of Paternity by DNA Fingerprint Test in Islamic Family Law.İbrahim Yılmaz - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi:957-1002.
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    Medieval Islamic Swords and Swordmaking: Kindi’s Treatise ‘On Swords and Their Kinds’.Halil İbrahim Yılmaz - 2019 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 21 (40):553-558.
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    İsl'm Aile Hukukunda DNA Parmak İzi Testi İle Nesebin Reddi.İbrahim Yılmaz - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (1):9-9.
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    Notas sobre precintos y ponderales. I. Varios precintos de sulh a nombre de 'Abd Allah ibn Malik: correciones y una posible atribución. II. Adiciones a "Ponderales andalusíes". [REVIEW]Tawfiq Ibrahim - 2006 - Al-Qantara 27 (2):329-335.
    En el presente escrito se estudian varias piezas hasta ahora inéditas tanto al corpus de precintos producidos durante el períodod inicial de al-Andalus, como al de los ponderales realcionados con las emisiones monetarias de épocas diversas en la historia andalusí.
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    İsl'm Hukukunda Vasiyet Yoluyla Varisleri Mirastan Mahrum Etmeye Yönelik Tasarrufların Sınırlandırılması.İbrahim Yılmaz - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (3):1739-1774.
    : In Islamic inheritance law, although in different ratios, the shares of male and female siblings are already determined. The testator has no right to deprive the inheritors of inheritance. However, in today’s Islamic countries, it is well known that some testators deprive the inheritors of inheritance fully or partially through various ways such as donation, last will, and fictitious. Last will, as a legal term, means that a person transfers his\her property complimentarily to person\persons who have the right to (...)
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