Results for 'Hubert Hermans'

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  1.  12
    Society in the Self: A Theory of Identity in Democracy.Hubert J. M. Hermans - 2018 - Oup Usa.
    Society in the Self: A Theory of Identity in Democracy shows how society is working in the deeper regions of self and identity. This book is an exploration of the democratic potentials of self and identity in a globalizing and localizing society.
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    The Dialogical Self: A Process of Positioning in Space and Time.Hubert Hermans - 2011 - In Shaun Gallagher, The Oxford handbook of the self. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This article examines the concept of the so-called dialogical self. This theory is based on the pragmatism of George Herbert Mead and the work of Mikhail Bakhtin on dialogicality. This article explains that the dialogical theory view the other not as external to self, but as part of the self and constitutive of it. It also introduces the notion of positioning as a further articulation of the dialogical self situated in time and space. The idea is that the self is (...)
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    Entering the moral middle ground: who is afraid of the grey wolf?Hubert J. M. Hermans - 2024 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Contemporary society needs the recognition of a moral middle ground, where human behavior can be evaluated as permissible, understandable, or even valuable. As a counterforce to polarization and divisive politics, an identity model is proposed in which individual and group identities are transcended by a human and ecological identity.
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    The Existential Self in a Culture of Multiplicity: Hubert Hermans's Theory of the Dialogical Self.Hetty Zock - 2011 - In J. Wentzel van Huyssteen & Erik P. Wiebe, In search of self: interdisciplinary perspectives on personhood. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans. pp. 163.
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  5. The Dialogical Self: Meaning and Movement, by Hubert JM Hermans and Harry JG Kempen.M. J. Hannush - 1995 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 26:123-123.
  6.  12
    Narrative psychology: identity, transformation and ethics.Julia Vassilieva - 2016 - London: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This book provides the first comparative analysis of the three major streams of contemporary narrative psychology as they have been developed in North America, Europe, and Australia and New Zealand. Interrogating the historical and cultural conditions in which this important movement in psychology has emerged, the book presents clear, well-structured comparisons and critique of the key theories of narrative psychology pioneered across the globe. Examples include Dan McAdams in the US and his followers, who have developed a distinctive approach to (...)
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    The affective priming effect: Automatic activation of evaluative information in memory.Dirk Hermans, Jan De Houwer & Paul Eelen - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (6):515-533.
  8. What Computers Still Can’T Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1992 - MIT Press.
    A Critique of Artificial Reason Hubert L. Dreyfus . HUBERT L. DREYFUS What Computers Still Can't Do Thi s One XZKQ-GSY-8KDG What. WHAT COMPUTERS STILL CAN'T DO Front Cover.
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    Odours as Affective-processing Context for Word Evaluation: A Case of Cross-modal Affective Priming.Dirk Hermans Frank Baeyens Paul Eelen - 1998 - Cognition and Emotion 12 (4):601-613.
  10. The return of the myth of the mental.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2007 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 50 (4):352 – 365.
    McDowell's claim that "in mature human beings, embodied coping is permeated with mindedness",1 suggests a new version of the mentalist myth which, like the others, is untrue to the phenomenon. The phenomena show that embodied skills, when we are fully absorbed in enacting them, have a kind of non-mental content that is non-conceptual, non-propositional, non-rational and non-linguistic. This is not to deny that we can monitor our activity while performing it. For solving problems, learning a new skill, receiving coaching, and (...)
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    A time course analysis of the affective priming effect.Dirk Hermans, Jan De Houwer & Paul Eelen - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (2):143-165.
    The argument that automatic processes are responsible for affective/evaluative priming effects has been primarily based on studies that have manipulated the stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA; i.e., the interval between the onset of the prime and the onset of the target). Moreover, these SOA studies provide an insight in the time course of the activation processes underlying automatic affect/attitude activation. Based on a fine-grained manipulation of the SOA employing either the evaluative decision task (Experiment 1) and the pronunciation task (Experiment 2) (...)
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    Cognition and Emotion, Volume 24, 2010, List of Contents.Dirk Hermans, Jan De Houwer, Jenny Yiend, Nilly Mor, Leah D. Doane, Emma K. Adam, Susan Mineka, Richard E. Zinbarg, James W. Griffith & Michelle G. Craske - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (8).
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    Towards a Theory of Spiritual and Religious Experiences.Chris A. M. Hermans - 2015 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 37 (2):141-167.
    How do we define religious experiences? And what would be the relationship with spiritual experiences? The author claims that the cognitive turn in science gives us new opportunities to map the territory of religion and spirituality. In line with other authors, he proposes a building block approach of cognitive mechanisms that can deal with questions regarding the specificity, origin, and complexity of religious experiences. Two concepts are presented that bridge the great divide which is presumed to exist between sciences that (...)
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  14. Being-in-the-World: A Commentary on Heidegger's Being in Time, Division I.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1990 - Bradford.
    Essays discuss the themes of worldliness, affectedness, understanding, and the care-structure found in Heidegger's work on the nature of existence.
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  15. Michel Foucault: Beyond Structuralism and Hermeneutics.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Paul Rabinow - 1982 - Chicago: Routledge. Edited by Paul Rabinow & Michel Foucault.
    This book is the first to provide a sustained, coherent analysis of Foucault's work as a whole. To demonstrate the sense in which Foucault's work is beyond structuralism and hermeneutics, the authors unfold a careful, analytical exposition of his oeuvre. They argue that during the of Foucault's work became a sustained and largely successful effort to develop a new method - "interpretative analytics" - capable of explaining both the logic of structuralism's claim to be an objective science and the apparent (...)
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  16.  31
    Schleiermacher and Plato, Hermeneutics and Translation.Theo Hermans - 2015 - In Adriana Serban & Larisa Cercel, Friedrich Schleiermacher and the Question of Translation. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 77-106.
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  17. Husserl, Intentionality, and Cognitive Science.Hubert L. Dreyfus (ed.) - 1984 - MIT Press.
    As this book makes clear, current use of data structures such as frames, scripts, and stereotypes in psychology, artificial intelligence, and all the other disciplines now grouped together as Cognitive Science develop ideas already explored by Husserl who believed that the analysis of mental representations was the proper subject of philosophy, psychology, and other disciplines that deal with the mind. This new anthology will serve as an ideal introduction to phenomenology for analytic philosophers, both as a text and as the (...)
  18.  54
    On the Internet.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2001 - Routledge.
    _Internet_ is een van de eerste boeken waarin het filosofische inzicht -van Plato tot Kierkegaard - betrokken wordt op het debat over de mogelijkheden en onmogelijkheden van het internet. Dreyfus laat zien dat de onstoffelijke, 'vrij zwevende' websurfer zijn oorsprong vindt in Descartes' scheiding van geest en lichaam, en hoe Kierkegaards inzichten in de opkomst van het moderne leespubliek vooruitlopen op de nieuwsgierige, maar elk risico vermijdende internet-junkie. Uitgaande van recente onderzoeken naar het isolement dat veel internetgebruikers ervaren, toont Dreyfus (...)
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    Heterogeneity of cognitive-neurobiological determinants of resilience.Erno J. Hermans & Guillén Fernández - 2015 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38.
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    Affective and Identity Priming with Episodically Associated Stimuli.Jan De Houwer Dirk Hermans Paul Eelen - 1998 - Cognition and Emotion 12 (2):145-169.
  21.  72
    Associative learning requires associations, not propositions.Frank Baeyens, Debora Vansteenwegen & Dirk Hermans - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2):198-199.
    We discuss findings on evaluative conditioning (EC) that are problematic for the account of learning, namely, dissociations between conscious beliefs and acquired (dis)liking. We next argue that, both for EC and for Pavlovian learning in general, conditioned responding cannot rationally be inferred from propositional knowledge type and that, therefore, performance cannot be explained.
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    Differences in the affective processing of words and pictures.Jan De Houwer & Dirk Hermans - 1994 - Cognition and Emotion 8 (1):1-20.
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    Eye Movement Registration as a Continuous Index of Attention Deployment: Data from a Group of Spider Anxious Students.Dirk Hermans, Deb Vansteenwegen & Paul Eelen - 1999 - Cognition and Emotion 13 (4):419-434.
  24.  71
    All Things Shining: Reading the Western Classics to Find Meaning in a Secular Age.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2011 - Free Press. Edited by Sean Kelly.
    Our contemporary nihilism -- Homer's polytheism -- From Aeschylus to Augustine : monotheism on the rise -- From Dante to Kant : the attractions and dangers of autonomy -- Fanaticism, polytheism, and Melville's "evil art" -- David Foster Wallace's nihilism -- Conclusion : lives worth living in a secular age.
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  25. Towards a phenomenology of ethical expertise.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Stuart E. Dreyfus - 1991 - Human Studies 14 (4):229 - 250.
  26.  38
    Restoration, Obligation, and the Baseline Problem.Alex Lee, Adam Pérou Hermans & Benjamin Hale - 2014 - Environmental Ethics 36 (2):171-186.
    Should we restore degraded nature, and if so, why? Environmental theorists often approach the problem of restoration from perspectives couched in much broader debates, particularly regarding the intrinsic value and moral status of natural entities. Unfortunately, such approaches are susceptible to concerns such as the baseline problem, which is both a philosophical and technical issue related to identifying an appropriate restoration baseline. Insofar as restoration ostensibly aims to return an ecosystem to a particular baseline state, and depends upon clearly identifying (...)
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    Cross‐border health care in the European Union: recent legal implications of 'Decker and Kohll'.Herbert E. G. M. Hermans - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (4):431-439.
  28.  26
    Factors determining the direction of the visual after-image drift.T. G. Hermans - 1941 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 28 (2):187.
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    The relationship of convergence and elevation changes to judgments of size.Thomas G. Hermans - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 48 (3):204.
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  30. 20. What Computers Can’t Do: A Critique of Artificial Reason.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2014 - In Bernard Williams, Essays and Reviews: 1959-2002. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 90-100.
  31. Violent commercials in television programs for children.K. J. Shanahan, C. M. Hermans & M. R. Hyman - 2003 - Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising 25 (1):61--69.
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    The new achikumbe elite: food systems transformation in the context of digital platforms use in agriculture in Malawi.M. Tauzie, T. D. G. Hermans & S. Whitfield - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (2):475-489.
    The Malabo Declaration places the transformation of agriculture and food systems at the centre of regional and national policy priorities across Africa. Transformative change in the way that food is produced, processed and consumed is seen as not only necessary for addressing the complex challenges of food security and poverty alleviation, but also as a driver of new employment opportunities and economic development. As pointed out within the recent UN Food Systems Summit, essential elements of food system transformations include digital (...)
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  33. What is moral maturity? Towards a phenomenology of ethical expertise (1992).Hubert L. Dreyfus & Stuart E. Dreyfus - 2014 - In Skillful Coping: Essays on the Phenomenology of Everyday Perception and Action. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
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    Unconscious processing of coarse visual information during anticipatory threat.Maria Lojowska, Manon Mulckhuyse, Erno J. Hermans & Karin Roelofs - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 70:50-56.
  35. Beyond the Senses: How Self-Directed Speech and Word Meaning Structure Impact Executive Functioning and Theory of Mind in Individuals With Hearing and Language Problems.Thomas F. Camminga, Daan Hermans, Eliane Segers & Constance T. W. M. Vissers - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:646181.
    Many individuals with developmental language disorder (DLD) and individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing (D/HH) have social–emotional problems, such as social difficulties, and show signs of aggression, depression, and anxiety. These problems can be partly associated with their executive functions (EFs) and theory of mind (ToM). The difficulties of both groups in EF and ToM may in turn be related to self-directed speech (i.e., overt or covert speech that is directed at the self). Self-directed speech is thought to (...)
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    Affective priming of semantic categorisation responses.Jan De Houwer, Dirk Hermans, Klaus Rothermund & Dirk Wentura - 2002 - Cognition and Emotion 16 (5):643-666.
  37.  26
    Executive functioning in preschoolers with specific language impairment.Constance Vissers, Sophieke Koolen, Daan Hermans, Annette Scheper & Harry Knoors - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Automatic affective processing.Jan De Houwer & Dirk Hermans - 2001 - Cognition and Emotion 15 (2):113-114.
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    The dialogical self: theory and research.Piotr Oleś & H. J. M. Hermans (eds.) - 2005 - Lublin: Wydawn. KUL.
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    Participation and globalization in water system building.Wim Revesteijn, Leon Hermans & Erik van der Vleuten - 2002 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (4):4-12.
  41.  38
    Self-discrepancy and reduced autobiographical memory specificity in ruminating students and depressed patients.Hanne Schoofs, Dirk Hermans, James W. Griffith & Filip Raes - 2013 - Cognition and Emotion 27 (2):245-262.
  42.  14
    An Investigation of the Coherence of Oral Narratives: Associations With Mental Health, Social Support and the Coherence of Written Narratives.Lauranne Vanaken, Patricia Bijttebier & Dirk Hermans - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Research QuestionsIn a first research question, we examined whether the relations that are generally observed between the coherence of written autobiographical narratives and outcomes of mental health and social support, can be replicated for the coherence of oral narratives. Second, we studied whether the coherence of oral narratives is related to the coherence of written narratives.MethodsPearson correlations and t-tests were calculated on data of two separate studies to examine the research questions.ResultsFirst, only thematic coherence of oral narratives was significantly, although (...)
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  43. A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism.Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall (eds.) - 2006 - Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
    A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism is a complete guide to two of the dominant movements of philosophy in the twentieth century. Written by a team of leading scholars, including Dagfinn Føllesdal, J. N. Mohanty, Robert Solomon, Jean–Luc Marion Highlights the area of overlap between the two movements Features longer essays discussing each of the main schools of thought, shorter essays introducing prominent themes, and problem–oriented chapters Organised topically, around concepts such as temporality, intentionality, death and nihilism Features essays on (...)
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    A practical role-based approach for autonomous vehicle moral dilemmas.Hubert Etienne - 2022 - Big Data and Society 9 (2).
    Autonomous vehicle moral dilemmas matter less for the particular outcomes of potential accidents than for their role in defining the values of the society we wish to live in. Different approaches have been suggested to determine the ethical settings that autonomous vehicles should be implemented in and identify the legitimate agents for making such decisions. Most of these, however, fail on theoretical grounds, facing severe issues related to moral justifications and compliance to the law, or on practical grounds, being insufficiently (...)
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  45. Understanding Physics: ‘What?’, ‘Why?’, and ‘How?’.Mario Hubert - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (3):1-36.
    I want to combine two hitherto largely independent research projects, scientific understanding and mechanistic explanations. Understanding is not only achieved by answering why-questions, that is, by providing scientific explanations, but also by answering what-questions, that is, by providing what I call scientific descriptions. Based on this distinction, I develop three forms of understanding: understanding-what, understanding-why, and understanding-how. I argue that understanding-how is a particularly deep form of understanding, because it is based on mechanistic explanations, which answer why something happens in (...)
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  46. Being and power: Heidegger and Foucault.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1996 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 4 (1):1 – 16.
    being, culminating in the technological understanding of being, in order to help us understand and overcome our current way of dealing with things as objects and resources, Foucault analyzes several regimes of power, culminating in modern bio-power, in order to help us free ourselves from understanding ourselves as subjects.
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  47. Holism and Hermeneutics.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1980 - Review of Metaphysics 34 (1):3 - 23.
    OF THE many issues surrounding the new interest in hermeneutics, current debate has converged upon two.
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  48. The Current Relevance of Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Embodiment.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 1996 - Electronic Journal of Analytic Philosophy.
    In this paper I would like to explain, defend, and draw out the implications of this claim. Since the intentional arc is supposed to embody the interconnection of skillful action and perception, I will first lay out an account of skill.
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    Reduced autobiographical memory specificity and affect regulation.Filip Raes, Dirk Hermans, J. Mark G. Williams & Paul Eelen - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (3):402-429.
    The effect of specificity of autobiographical memory (AM) retrieval on the affective impact of an emotional event was examined. In Study 1 (N = 90) the impact of a negative and positive experience was compared between student participants who habitually retrieve autobiographical memories (AMs) in a specific way and participants who generally retrieve less specific memories. In Study 2 (N = 48) the effect of an experimentally induced (specific vs. overgeneral) retrieval style on the impact of a negative experience was (...)
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    The Interplay Between Theory of Mind and Social Emotional Functioning in Adolescents With Communication and Language Problems.Lidy Smit, Harry Knoors, Daan Hermans, Ludo Verhoeven & Constance Vissers - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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