Results for 'Hiroko Yamashita'

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  1.  66
    “Long before short” preference in the production of a head-final language.Hiroko Yamashita & Franklin Chang - 2001 - Cognition 81 (2):B45-B55.
  2.  11
    Yoshino Hiroko zenshū.Hiroko Yoshino - 2007 - Kyōto-shi: Jinbun Shoin.
    dai 1-kan. Ōgi ; Matsuri no genri -- dai 2-kan. Nihon kodai jujutsu ; Kakusareta kamigami -- dai 3-kan. Inʼyō gogyō shisō kara mita Nihon no matsuri -- dai 4-kan. Hebi ; Kitsune -- dai 5-kan. Nihonjin no shiseikan ; Inʼyō gogyō to Nihon no minzoku -- dai 6-kan. Eki to Nihon no saishi ; Inʼyō gogyō to jidō saishi -- dai 7-kan. Daijōsai ; Jitō Tennō -- dai 8-kan. Yama no kami ; Kamigami no tanjō -- dai 9-kan. Gogyō (...)
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  3.  39
    Master Sorai's Responsals: An Annotated Translation of Sorai Sensei Tomonsho.Samuel Hideo Yamashita - 1994 - University of Hawaii Press.
    Master Sorai's Responsals was to eighteenth-century Japan what The Prince was to Renaissance Italy. Like Machiavelli, Ogyu Sorai was a humanist scholar who served a prince and drew on his experiences as a house philosopher and on his vast knowledge of history and political affairs in his work. In 1720, when he began to write the letters that comprise this text, the Tokugawa regime was more than a hundred years old and beset with grave administrative and fiscal problems, about which (...)
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    Jean-Jacques Rousseau face au public: problèmes d'identité.Masano Yamashita - 2017 - Oxford, UK: Voltaire Foundation.
    Rousseau a bien compris, mieux que ses contemporains peut-être, le paradoxe de la communication propre aux Lumières, prises entre le développement du savoir et la constitution d'une opinion publique. Avec l'accélération de la circulation des discours et des écrits, comment parler et agir philosophiquement sans se perdre? Comment concilier la culture du secret, issue de la tradition littéraire du libertinage érudit, et la publicité, qui ouvre de plus en plus grands les horizons de la sphère publique? Masano Yamashita examine (...)
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    Novel method to classify hemodynamic response obtained using multi-channel fNIRS measurements into two groups: exploring the combinations of channels.Hiroko Ichikawa, Jun Kitazono, Kenji Nagata, Akira Manda, Keiichi Shimamura, Ryoichi Sakuta, Masato Okada, Masami K. Yamaguchi, So Kanazawa & Ryusuke Kakigi - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  6.  59
    Action-projection in Japanese conversation: topic particles wa, mo, and tte for triggering categorization activities.Hiroko Tanaka - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Grammer and Social Interaction in Japanese and Anglo-American English: The Display of Context, Social Identity and Social Relation.Hiroko Tanaka - 1999 - Human Studies 22 (2):363-395.
    This paper employs conversation analysis to examine the inter-connection between grammar and displays of contextual understanding, social identity, and social relationships as well as other activities clustering around turn-endings in Japanese talk-in-interaction, while undertaking a restricted comparison with the realisation of similar activities in English. A notable feature of turn-endings in Japanese is the particular salience of grammatical construction on the interactional activities they accomplish. Complete turns which are also syntactically complete are shown to be associated with the explicit display (...)
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  8. Translator’s Introduction.Hiroko Fudemoto - 2007 - In Benedetto Croce, Breviary of Aesthetics: Four Lectures. University of Toronto Press.
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  9. Organizational Mediums: A Case Study of Shinnyô‐en.Shiramizu Hiroko - 1979 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6 (1):413-144.
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  10.  46
    François Cooren. Action and Agency in Dialogue: Passion, Incarnation and Ventriloquism.Hiroko Itakura - 2013 - Pragmatics and Society 4 (3):393-396.
  11.  12
    (2 other versions)Ecological correlates of song complexity in white-rumped munias.Hiroko Kagawa, Hiroko Yamada, Ruey-Shing Lin, Taku Mizuta, Toshikazu Hasegawa & Kazuo Okanoya - 2012 - Interaction Studies. Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies / Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systemsinteraction Studies 13 (2):263-284.
    Male white-rumped munias sing syntactically simpler songs than their domestic counterparts, Bengalese finches. The differences in song structure may reflect differences in natural selection pressures between wild and domestic environments. Deacon proposed song simplicity of the wild strain could be subject to natural selection. We hypothesized the selection pressure may be species identification. Thus, we compared song variations in relation to ecological factors and dispersal history of white-rumped munias to understand song evolutionary processes. We found geographic variations of song syntactical (...)
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  12.  14
    Experience Affects EEG Event-Related Synchronization in Dancers and Non-dancers While Listening to Preferred Music.Hiroko Nakano, Mari-Anne M. Rosario & Constanza de Dios - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    EEGs were analyzed to investigate the effect of experiences in listening to preferred music in dancers and non-dancers. Participants passively listened to instrumental music of their preferred genre for 2 min, alternate genres, and silence. Both groups showed increased activity for their preferred music compared to non-preferred music in the gamma, beta, and alpha frequency bands. The results suggest all participants' conscious recognition of and affective responses to their familiar music, appreciation of the tempo embedded in their preferred music and (...)
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  13.  28
    Apparent distance between profiles of faces with dynamic properties that represent interpersonal relationships.Hiroko Okada & Seymour Wapner - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (2):150-152.
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  14.  9
    Rensasuru Chūgoku kindai no "chi".Hiroko Sakamoto - 2009 - Tōkyō: Kenbun Shuppan.
  15.  44
    Aperçu des mutations de la famille japonaise au XXe siècle à travers trois mangas.Hiroko Sato - 2004 - Clio 19.
    Cet article s’intéresse aux mutations de la famille japonaise au XXe siècle à travers les manga de Machiko Hasegawa (Sazae-san), première dessinatrice de bande dessinée au Japon, et de Kyoko Okazaki (La maison du bonheur et Au bord de la rivière), qui appartient à la génération actuelle. L’analyse comparée de plusieurs de leurs albums montre, notamment à travers les scènes de repas, la déstructuration de la famille japonaise d’après-guerre, dans un contexte d’industrialisation qui a poussé les Japonaises à délaisser en (...)
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  16. Sōseki no "Neko" to Nīche: kitai no tetsugakusha ni shinkanshita kindai Nihon no chiseitachi.Hiroko Sugita - 2010 - Tōkyō: Hakusuisha.
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    Neural Advantages of Older Musicians Involve the Cerebellum: Implications for Healthy Aging Through Lifelong Musical Instrument Training.Masatoshi Yamashita, Chie Ohsawa, Maki Suzuki, Xia Guo, Makiko Sadakata, Yuki Otsuka, Kohei Asano, Nobuhito Abe & Kaoru Sekiyama - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    This study compared 30 older musicians and 30 age-matched non-musicians to investigate the association between lifelong musical instrument training and age-related cognitive decline and brain atrophy. Although previous research has demonstrated that young musicians have larger gray matter volume in the auditory-motor cortices and cerebellum than non-musicians, little is known about older musicians. Music imagery in young musicians is also known to share a neural underpinning [the supramarginal gyrus and cerebellum] with music performance. Thus, we hypothesized that older musicians would (...)
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  18. Nakae Toju's Religious Thought and Its Relation to'Jitsugaku.'.Ryuji Yamashita - 1979 - In William Theodore De Bary & Irene Bloom, Principle and practicality: essays in Neo-Confucianism and practical learning. New York: Columbia University Press.
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  19. Shushigaku to han Shushigaku: Nihon ni okeru Shushigaku hihan.Ryūji Yamashita - 1991 - Tōkyō: Kenbunsha.
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  20. Gogyō junkan.Hiroko Yoshino - 1992 - Kyōto-shi: Jinbun Shoin.
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  21. Inʾyō gogyō to Nihon no tennō.Hiroko Yoshino - 1998 - Kyōto-shi: Jinbun Shoin.
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  22.  5
    陰陽五行と日本の天皇.Hiroko Yoshino - 1998 - Kyōto-shi: Jinbun Shoin.
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  23.  67
    Understanding Conditionals in the East: A Replication Study of Politzer et al. With Easterners.Hiroko Nakamura, Jing Shao, Jean Baratgin, David E. Over, Tatsuji Takahashi & Hiroshi Yama - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Bhikkhunī Ordination Debate: Global Aspirations, Local Concerns, with special emphasis on the views of the monastic community in Burma.Hiroko Kawanami - 2007 - Buddhist Studies Review 24 (2):226-244.
    This paper examines the recent events following the bhikkhuni revival in Sri Lanka, and looks at the position of the Burmese Sangha, which has traditionally seen itself as the custodian of an ‘authentic’ Buddhist legacy, thrown into a debate by the action of a Burmese bhikkhuni who was recently ordained in Sri Lanka. It introduces the early initiatives of revivalist monks in Burma as well as the viewpoints of Burmese Sangha and the nuns in regard to the bhikkhuni issue. Since (...)
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  25. Embracing tensions through narrative inquiry into experiences of people who are homeless in Japan.Hiroko Kubota - 2018 - In D. Jean Clandinin, The relational ethics of narrative inquiry. New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
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  26.  10
    Chūgoku kindai no shisō bunkashi.Hiroko Sakamoto - 2016 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
    清朝末から中華人民共和国建国までの世界的激動期、中国の知識人は儒教的世界観の更新に立ち会い、西洋の知と格闘した。社会進化論や立憲思想の衝撃はナショナリズムと革命思想に展開し、雑誌メディアには生命論から 民族論まで様々な論争と漫画表現が花開く。貴重な資料と最新の研究から読み解く労作。.
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    Organizational media-case-study of shinnyo-en.Hiroko Shiramizu - 1979 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 6 (3):413-444.
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  28. Atarashii ninshiki e no ronri.Tarō Yamashita (ed.) - 1984 - Tōkyō: Kōronsha.
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  29.  48
    Ein Beitrag zum „künftigen Denken'' aus der Ferne.Yoshiaki Yamashita - 1980 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 6:11-27.
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  30. Yama no kami: eki, gogyō to Nihon no genshi hebi shinkō.Hiroko Yoshino - 1989 - Kyōto-shi: Jinbun Shoin.
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  31.  8
    Bungeigaku josetsu.Hiroko Kitamura - 1993 - Chiyoda-ku, [Tokyo]: Sōbunsha.
  32.  78
    Joseph Hamburger, John Stuart Mill on Liberty and Control, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1998, pp. xx + 239.Shigekazu Yamashita - 2001 - Utilitas 13 (3):360.
  33.  11
    Bi to utsukushisa: "aru ga mama" ni tsuite no shisaku.Yoshiaki Yamashita - 2016 - Kyōto-shi: Kōyō Shobō.
    ヨーロッパの“美”と日本の“うつくしさ”の邂逅―それは単に比較文明の問題ではない。両者の邂逅に、西洋形而上学が形而上学=美学の歴史であった所以が立ち現われるなか、“あるがまま”という“うつくしさ”の存 在論が、ヨーロッパの存在論の忘れられた根底と呼び合う。.
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  34. Herrigel, Eugen as Kantian.Y. Yamashita - 1988 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 95 (1):144-158.
  35.  18
    Impact of Early-Commenced and Continued Sports Training on the Precuneus in Older Athletes.Masatoshi Yamashita, Maki Suzuki, Toshikazu Kawagoe, Kohei Asano, Masatoshi Futada, Ryusuke Nakai, Nobuhito Abe & Kaoru Sekiyama - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Intervention studies on sedentary older adults have demonstrated that commencing physical exercise at an older age has a positive effect on brain structure. Although this suggests that older athletes with lifelong sports training have larger gray matter volume in some brain regions compared to age-matched non-athletes, evidence in the literature is scarce. Moreover, it remains unclear whether a larger GMV is associated with training intensity or period of training in life. To address these gaps in the literature, we compared regional (...)
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  36. J. S. Miru no shisō keisei.Shigekazu Yamashita - 1971 - Tōkyō: Komine Shoten.
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  37. Kagaku jidai o dō ikiru ka.Masao Yamashita - 1967
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    Ō Yōmei: hyakushi sennan ni ikiru.Ryūji Yamashita - 1984 - Tōkyō: Shūeisha.
  39. Ronrigakushi.Masao Yamashita - 1983 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  40. Yōmeigaku no kenkyū.Ryūji Yamashita - 1971
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  41.  5
    Zettai hitei to zettai kōtei.Hidetomo Yamashita - 1978 - Tōkyō: Hokuju Shuppan.
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  42. Kamigami no tanjō: eki gogyō to Nihon no kamigami.Hiroko Yoshino - 1990 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
  43. Über die Fortschritte der Metaphysik. Betrachtungen zu einer nachgelassenen Schrift Kants.Yoshiaki Yamashita - 1991 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 98 (2).
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  44.  9
    Hirata Atsutane: kyōshin kara kyōshin e.Hisao Yamashita & Hideki Saitō (eds.) - 2023 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan.
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  45.  11
    Kant und der Pietismus: ein Vergleich der Philosophie Kants mit der Theologie Speners.Kazuya Yamashita - 2000 - Berlin: VWF.
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  46. Daruma no minzokugaku: onʼyō gogyō kara toku.Hiroko Yoshino - 1995 - Tōkyō: Iwanami Shoten.
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  47.  21
    Kamalaśīla on Doubt as the Cause of the Activity of Reading.Hiroko Matsuoka - 2018 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 46 (3):455-473.
    As Funayama has shown, Dharmakīrti’s successors had an animated discussion on the nature and function of the initial statement of scientific treatises in terms of its effectiveness and requisites. Arcaṭa in his comments on the initial statement of the Hetubindu considers that the initial statement, which contains the purpose of the treatise, is useless in prompting people to undertake the activity of reading the treatise because judicious people are supposed to undertake action only due to certainty which never arises from (...)
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  48.  42
    On the Buddha’s Cognition of Other Minds in the Bahirarthaparīkṣā of the Tattvasaṅgraha.Hiroko Matsuoka - 2014 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 42 (2-3):297-307.
    This paper aims at examining the arguments between Śubhagupta (c.720–780) and Śāntarakṣita (c.725–788) over the Buddha’s cognition of other minds and shows how the question of the Buddha’s cognition of other mindsis incorporated into the proof of vijñaptimātratā or “consciousness-only” by Śāntarakṣita. According to Śāntarakṣita, Śubhagupta assumes that the Buddha’s cognition, which is characterized as “the cognition [of the Blessed One] which follows the path of cognition” (aupalambhikadarśana), grasps other minds when the Buddha’s cognition is similar (sārūpya) to other minds. (...)
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  49. Atarashii tetsugaku.Masao Yamashita - 1966
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  50.  24
    Feudality of College Sports In Japan.Kazuhiko Yamashita - 1986 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 13 (1):35-44.
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