Results for 'Hinduism Hermeneutics.'

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  1.  16
    A hermeneutical approach to Śrī Madhvācārya's interpretation of the śrutis.Henry D'Almeida - 2022 - Delhi: Christian World Imprints.
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    Hermeneutical Paths to the Sacred Worlds of India: Essays in Honour of Robert W. Stevenson.Robert W. Stevenson & Katherine K. Young - 1994 - Atlanta : Scholars Press.
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    Hermeneutics of Encounter: Essays in Honour of Gerhard Oberhammer on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday.Francis X. D'Sa & Roque Mesquita - 1994
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  4. Hermeneutics, St. Augustine of Hippo & Tantra.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2018
    In this 2nd part of the series on Tantra in this blog, we look at St. Augustine and the Postmoderns like Derrida and John Caputo to gradually frame a hermeneutics of Tantra.
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    Contemplative Studies and Hinduism: Meditation, Devotion, Prayer, and Worship.Rita DasGupta Sherma & Purushottama Bilimoria - 2020 - Routledge India.
    This book is one of the first wide-ranging academic surveys of the major types and categories of Hindu contemplative praxis. It explores diverse spiritual and religious practices within the Hindu traditions and Indic hermeneutical perspectives to understand the intricate culture of meditative communion and contemplation, devotion, spiritual formation, prayer, ritual, and worship. The volume extends and expands the conceptual reach of the fields of Contemplative Studies and Hindu Studies. The chapters in the volume cover themes in Hindu contemplative experience from (...)
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    Śabda pramāṇa and Indian biblical hermeneutics: an inter-cultural dialogue.Krishnan Giri - 2015 - New Delhi: Christian World Imprints.
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    Re-conceptualizing the villain: Todd Phillips’s Joker through the lens of Vedic hermeneutics.Lalit Aditya Kaushal & Nipun Kalia - 2023 - Technoetic Arts 21 (1):135-145.
    This article attempts to examine the portrayal of the character of Arthur Fleck in Todd Phillips’s Joker (2019). In the initial part of the film, Arthur exhibits signs that reveal he is headed towards committing a violent crime. Arthur displays signs of psychopathy and a lack of empathy. This article links criminal behaviour analysis to the Bible of the Arya Samaj, an Indian text, to find out how ancient Indian literature’s empirical theories, which are intertwined with philosophical and religious content, (...)
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  8. Chronicity and Temporality: A Revisionary Hermeneutics of Time.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2015 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 120 (10):606-609.
    This is a rethinking of the problems posed by time; especially European concepts of time.
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  9. Review of Nome's The Quintessence of True Being. [REVIEW]Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2016 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 121 (June (06)):530.
    Master Nome makes Advaita Vedanta accessible to us without losing its rigour. This review shows how a neophyte to Advaita Vedanta can use this book to remap the domains of hermeneutics and translations studies.
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    Asian and feminist philosophies in dialogue: liberating traditions.Jennifer McWeeny & Ashby Butnor (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    In this collection of original essays, international scholars put Asian traditions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, and Confucianism, into conversation with one or more contemporary feminist philosophies, founding a new mode of inquiry that attends to diverse voices and the complex global relationships that define our world. -/- These cross-cultural meditations focus on the liberation of persons from suffering, oppression, illusion, harmful conventions and desires, and other impediments to full personhood by deploying a methodology that traverses multiple philosophical styles, (...)
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    Interpretation in Religion.Shlomo Biderman & Ben-Ami Scharfstein (eds.) - 1992 - BRILL.
    Interpretation in Religion is the work of a group of contemporary American, European, and Israeli scholars and philosophers, who analyze the crucial course of interpretation in religion -- religion in general, and, in particular, Hinduism, ancient Egyptian religion, Judaism, christianity, and Islam.
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    Categories, Creation and Cognition in Vaiśeṣika Philosophy.Śaśiprabhā Kumāra - 2019 - Singapore: Imprint: Springer.
    The proposed book presents an overview of select theories in the classical Vaiśeṣika system of Indian philosophy, such as the concept of categories, creation and existence, atomic theory, consciousness and cognition. It also expounds in detail the concept of dharma, the idea of the highest good and expert testimony as a valid means of knowing in Vaiśeṣika thought. Some of the major themes discussed are the religious inclination of Vaiśeṣika thought towards Pasupata Saivism, the affiliation of the Vaiśeṣika System to (...)
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    Göbekli Tepe’s Pillars and Architecture Reveal the Foundation of Religion, Metaphysics, and Science.Howard Barry Schatz - 2023 - Open Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):112-144.
    Once the Luwian hieroglyphics for God “” and Gate “” were discovered at Göbekli Tepe, this author was able to directly link the site’s carved pillars and pillar enclosures to the Abrahamic/Mosaic “Word of God”,. Archaeologists and anthropologists have long viewed the Bible as mankind’s best guide to prehistoric religion, however, archaeologist Klaus Schmidt had no reason to believe that the site he spent years excavating at Göbekli Tepe might be the legendary “Pillars of Enoch”, carved by the first Biblical (...)
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  14. Thinking with Heidegger: Rethinking Environmental Theory and Practice.Kevin Michael DeLuca - 2005 - Ethics and the Environment 10 (1):67-87.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thinking with Heidegger:Rethinking Environmental Theory and PracticeKevin Michael DeLuca (bio)Environmentalism is tired. It is a movement both institutionalized and insipid. The vast majority of Americans claim to be environmentalists while buying ever more SUVs, leaf-blowers, and uncountable plastic consumer goods. Indeed, environmentalism itself has become just another practice of consumerism, a matter of buying Audubon memberships, Ansel Adams calendars, and 'biodegradable' plastic bags with one's Sierra Club credit card. (...)
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    Beiträge zur Hermeneutik indischer und abendländischer Religionstraditionen: Arbeitsdokumentation eines Symposiums.Gerhard Oberhammer (ed.) - 1991 - Wien: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press.
    Aus dem Inhalt: G.OBERHAMMER: Einleitendes zur Religionshermeneutik; J.REIKERSTORFER: Transzendentale Religionshermeneutik als theologische Religionstheorie; L.LEERTOUWER: Zur Definition des Objektes in der Religionshermeneutik; H.SCHWABL: Religioser Paradigmenwechsel im klassischen Altertum; E.WALDSCHUTZ: Zur Auslegung der "Mystik" Meister Eckharts in der neuzeitlichen Philosophie als Rueckfrage an die Moglichkeit dieser Auslegungen; W.HALBFASS: Tradition und Reflexion: Zur Gegenwart des Veda in der indischen Philosophie; J.C.HEESTERMAN: "I am who I am" - Truth and Identity in Vedic Ritual, T.Vetter: Zur religiosen Hermeneutik buddhistischer Texte; G.OBERHAMMER: "Begegnung" als Kategorie der (...)
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    Humanistic effects of the value synergy of religious ethical ideas: the methodological platform and applied horizons.Oleksandr Brodetsky - 2019 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 89:13-25.
    . The article substantiates the relevance of complex researches aimed at expert understanding of the humanistic potential of ethical ideas of different religious traditions and clarifying the conditions of their effectiveness in modern reality. Methodological guidelines for such studies are Kant's ethicotheology; ethical doctrine of N. Hartmann; Berdyaev's ethics of creativity; E.Fromm’s demarcation of the foundations of authoritarian and humanistic religiosity; D.Ikeda's ideas about the primacy of cultural dialogue of religions over their dogmatic or corporate isolationism. The author models the (...)
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    Transforming Caste Domination and the Challenges of Structural Transformations and Transformation of Consciousness: Ambedkar, Shankara and Beyond.Ananta Kumar Giri - 2024 - Journal of Human Values 30 (2):188-201.
    Caste is a multidimensional reality in history and society, and it has manifested itself through varieties of structures of domination which are simultaneously cultural, economic, political and ideological as caste has also been related in complex ways with structures of class and gender domination. These structures of domination have led to the annihilation of self and society. This led Ambedkar to challenge us for annihilating caste. For Ambedkar, annihilation of caste calls for the realization of each person as an individual (...)
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    What's in a List?: A Rule of Interpretation for Hindu Dharma Offered in Response to Maria Hibbets.Ariel Glucklich - 1999 - Journal of Religious Ethics 27 (3):463 - 469.
    The study of South Asian ethics presents a variety of problems for the comparative ethicist. This response focuses on one such problem relating to Hinduism: the pervasive use of nonsystematic lists as a source of ethical injunctions and guidelines. The author demonstrates how an indigenous hermeneutic may unpack a list that contains the gift of fearlessness among other gifts. The source of this interpretation is Pūrva Mīmāṃsā, an ancient Indian school of philosophy that specialized in language and the application (...)
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    Martin Luther and Buddhism: The Aesthetics of Suffering (review).Paul O. Ingram - 2006 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 26 (1):235-237.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Martin Luther and Buddhism: The Aesthetics of SufferingPaul O. IngramMartin Luther and Buddhism: The Aesthetics of Suffering. By Paul S. Chung. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2002. 434 pp.As a member of the Lutheran community (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), I am struck by the fact that Lutheran theologians—referred to as "teaching theologians" when employed by Lutheran seminaries—seem little interested in religious pluralism in general and interreligious (...)
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    Philosophy of the Gita.Ramesh N. Patel - 1991 - New York: Peter Lang.
    The book called "Philosophy of the Gita," by Prof. Ramesh N. Patel, is a striking philosophical study of the celebrated Sanskrit text called the Bhagavad-gita which is known simply as the Gita. Patel's book proposes and develops a new hermeneutic called archaic coherentism and applies it to the Gita to distill and decode a comprehensive metaphysic and philosophy of action embedded in the text. A new conceptual translation of the Sanskrit text brings out this philosophy in clear detail. Philosophical essays (...)
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    The Sacred and the Profane: Menstrual Flow and Religious Values.Shefali Kamat & Koshy Tharakan - 2021 - Journal of Human Values 27 (3):261-268.
    Most religious texts and practices warrant the exclusion of women from religious rituals and public spheres during the menstrual flow. This is seemingly at odds with the very idea of ‘Religion’ which binds the human beings with God without any gender and sexual discrimination. The present article attempts to problematize the ascription of negative values on menstruating women prevalent in both Hinduism and Christianity, two major world religions of the East and the West. After briefly stating the patriarchal values (...)
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    The ‘Dharma’ and ‘Karma’ of CSR from the Bhagavad-Gita.Balakrishnan Muniapan & Biswajit Satpathy - 2013 - Journal of Human Values 19 (2):173-187.
    In recent years, numerous researches have been conducted on CSR from various perspectives. From a survey of CSR literatures from spiritual and religious perspectives, there are some studies based on the Quran (Islam) and the Bible (Christianity) made by scholars. However, the Bhagavad-Gita (Hinduism) is yet to be explored in the context of CSR. This article is therefore timely and fills the gap in the CSR literature. In this article, the authors employs hermeneutics, a qualitative research methodology which involves (...)
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    Classical and contemporary issues in Indian studies: essays in honour of Trichur S. Rukmani.T. S. Rukmani, P. Pratap Kumar & Jonathan Duquette (eds.) - 2013 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    "This book is a Festschrift volume in honour of Prof. Trichur S. Rukmani that reflects the plethora of issues which she studied in her scholastic life. It includes twenty-four essays by distinguished scholars on various classical and contemporary issues pertaining to Indian studies. While the volume discusses current research in the field of Yoga -- Prof. Rukmani's primary research field -- it also invites further reflection on other areas of Indian thought which have attracted her attention in the course of (...)
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  24. Vedic practice, ritual studies and Jaimini's Mīmāṃsāsūtras: dharma and the enjoined subject.Samuel Ngaihte - 2020 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Drawing on insights from Indian intellectual tradition, this book examines the conception of dharma by Jaimini in his Mīmāṃsāsūtras, assessing its contemporary relevance, particularly within ritual scholarship. Presenting a hermeneutical re-reading of the text, it investigates the theme of the relationship between subjectivity and tradition in the discussion of dharma, bringing it into conversation with contemporary discourses on ritual. The primary argument offered is that Jaimini's conception of dharma can be read as a philosophy of Vedic practice, centred on the (...)
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    (1 other version)Reality and Mystical Experience.F. Samuel Brainard - 2000 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    "Reality and Mystical Experience" proposes and demonstrates the use of a new hermeneutical tool for the study of philosophical and religious foundations. The tool, which I call "publicity-presence-awareness terminology," offers a way to examine, understand, and classify different conceptions about the nature of reality in terms of their different approaches to certain shared metaphysical problems. Such an analysis helps, in turn, to clarify the basis for and significance of mystical experience within these traditions. ;The schema proposed here is especially useful (...)
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    Christian-Buddhist Dialogue on Loving the Enemy.Wioleta Polinska - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):89-107.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Christian-Buddhist Dialogue on Loving the EnemyWioleta PolinskaWe are taught to think that we need a foreign enemy. Governments work hard to get us to be afraid and to hate so we will rally behind them. If we do not have an enemy, they will invent one in order to mobilize us. Yet they are also victims.1—Thich Nhat HanhWe are called to speak for the weak, for the voiceless, for (...)
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  27. Review of Heroic Shāktism: The Cult of Durgā in Ancient Indian Kingship. [REVIEW]Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2020 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 125 (7):49-50.
    This reviewer had earlier had the misfortune of reviewing Sarah Jacoby's puerile book on Sera Khandro for Prabuddha Bharata. Jacoby had nearly made this reviewer puke. Same is the case with Bihani Sarkar's monograph. On the basis of this monograph she might win academic brownie points but it is a study which should have been dumped. The existence of the monograph is not only an insult to Hinduism and the Sanatana Dharma; it is technically wrong in its structuralist, iterative (...)
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    God, Guilt, and Death: An Existential Phenomenology of Religion by Merold Westphal. [REVIEW]Steven Galt Crowell - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (3):545-553.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 545 Congratulations to the publisher must be qualified only with regret that a work so valuable to students should be available only in a hardback edition costing nearly twenty dollars. Wabash College Crawfordsville, Indiana WILLIAM c. PLACHER God, Guilt, and Death: An Existential Phenomenology of Religion. By MEROLD WESTPHAL. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1984. Pp. xiv+ 305. $27.50. At each stage of its history existential thought has (...)
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    Logic and love: reflecting on Professor John Vattanky's contribution to Indian philosophy and spirituality.John Vattanky, Thomas Karimundackal & Kuruvila Pandikattu (eds.) - 2019 - Pune: Jnana-Deepa Vidyapeeth & Christian World Imprints, Delhi.
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  30. Review of Exploring Mysticism: A Methodological Essay. [REVIEW]Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2014 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 119 (6):404-5.
    This review works to create a hermeneutic of reading Indian/Hindu texts as treatises on mysticism.
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  31. Review of A Vedantic Key to the Gospels. [REVIEW]Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2015 - Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India 120 (12):720-21.
    This is a review which contextualizes this book within Christian hermeneutics.
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  32. An Exposition and Defence of Jayanta Bhatta’s Inclusivism.David Slakter - 2011 - In David Cheetham, Ulrich Winkler, Oddbjørn Leirvik & Judith Gruber (eds.), Interreligious Hermeneutics in Pluralistic Europe: Between Texts and People. Brill. pp. 49-55.
    In the Āgamaḍambara (‘Much Ado About Religion’), Bhaṭṭa Jayanta presents an argument for an inclusivist approach to the problem of religious diversity, building upon some of the arguments given in his Nyāyamañjarī. Although his arguments are restricted to consideration of a form of Hinduism particular in time and place, I argue that Jayanta’s solution to the problem of religious diversity has wide-ranging relevance and some applicability to contemporary debates in the philosophy of religion. I consider possible pluralist objections to (...)
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  33. 5 dilthets hermeneutics: Between idealism and realism Ronald L. Schultz.Dilthets Hermeneutics - 1999 - In TM Powers & P. Kamolnick (ed.), From Kant to Weber: Freedom and Culture in Classical German Social Theory. pp. 83.
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    American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 458.Hermeneutical Epistemology - 2010 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84 (2).
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    Against Theory 2: Sentence Meaning, Hermeneutics : Protocol of the Fifty-second Colloquy, 8 December 1985.Steven Knapp, Walter Benn Michaels & Center for Hermeneutical Studies in Hellenistic and Modern Culture - 1986
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    Hermeneutics and Science.Márta Fehér, Olga Kiss, L. Ropolyi & International Society for Hermeneutics and Science (eds.) - 1999 - Kluwer Academic Publishers.
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    ¿ Es fundamental la hermenéutica?Is Hermeneutics Fundamental - 2013 - Ideas Y Valores 62 (152).
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    Interpretation: The Poetry of Meaning : [philosophical, Religious, and Literary Inquiries Into the Expression of Human Experience Through Language].Stanley Romaine Consultation on Hermeneutics, David L. Hopper & Miller - 1967 - Harcourt, Brace & World.
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    On Not Reading Derrida s Texts.Mistaking Hermeneutics & Neutralizing Narration - 1997 - In Ellen K. Feder, Mary C. Rawlinson & Emily Zakin (eds.), Derrida and Feminism: Recasting the Question of Woman. New York: Routledge. pp. 87.
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    Hermeneutics and the Human Sciences: Essays on Language, Action and Interpretation.Paul Ricoeur - 1981 - Cambridge University Press.
    A collection in translation of essays by Paul Ricoeur.
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    Hermeneutics.Richard E. Palmer - 1969 - Northwestern University Press.
    This classic, first published in 1969, introduces to English-speaking readers a field which is of increasing importance in contemporary philosophy and theology--hermeneutics, the theory of understanding, or interpretation. Richard E. Palmer, utilizing largely untranslated sources, treats principally of the conception of hermeneutics enunciated by Heidegger and developed into a "philosophical hermeneutics" by Hans-Georg Gadamer. He provides a brief overview of the field by surveying some half-dozen alternate definitions of the term and by examining in detail the contributions of Friedrich Schleiermacher (...)
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    Expanding hermeneutics to the world of technology.Jure Zovko - 2023 - AI and Society 38 (6):2243-2254.
    In this essay, I first analyze the extension of hermeneutical interpretation in the Heideggerian sense to products of contemporary technology which are components of our “lifeworld”. Products of technology, such as airplanes, laptops, cellular phones, washing machines, or vacuum cleaners might be compared with what Heidegger calls the “Ready-to-hand” (das Zuhandene) with regard to utilitarian objects such as a hammer, planer, needle and door handle in Being and Time. Our life with our equipment, which represents the “Ready-to-hand” in Heidegger's sense (...)
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    Gadamer's Hermeneutics: A Reading of Truth and Method.Joel Weinsheimer - 1985
    Since the publication of Wahrheit und Methode in 1960 (Tfibingen), Gadamer's hermeneutics has called forth a varied and fruitful response from the Continent, without receiving anything near the same attention from the English-speaking world. Though E. D. Hirsch thought Gadamer sufficiently important in 1965 to merit an early rebuttal and rehabilitation (Validity in Interpretation [New Haven, Conn., 1967], pp. 245-64), Wahrheit und Methode remained unread in England and America, partly because a translation was not available until 1975 (Truth and Method, (...)
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    Rhetorical Hermeneutics: Invention and Interpretation in the Age of Science.Alan G. Gross & William M. Keith - 1997 - SUNY Press.
    Examines the nature of rhetorical theory and criticism, the rhetoric of science, and the impact of poststructuralism and postmodernism on contemporary accounts of rhetoric.
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  45. The Question of Hermeneutics.Bas C. van Fraassen (ed.) - 1994
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    Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Reported Dreams and the Problem of Double Hermeneutics in Clinical Research.Siamak Movahedi - 2012 - Journal of Research Practice 8 (2):Article - M12.
    The aim of this article is to show that statistical analysis and hermeneutics are not mutually exclusive. Although statistical analysis may capture some patterns and regularities, statistical methods may themselves generate different types of interpretation and, in turn, give rise to even more interpretations. The discussion is lodged within the context of a quantitative analysis of dream content. I attempted to examine the dialogical texts of reported dreams monologically, but soon found myself returning to dialogic contexts to make sense of (...)
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    Classical and Philosophical Hermeneutics.Hans-Georg Gadamer - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (1):29-56.
    Hermeneutics is a mantic art involved in the translation of the unintelligible into the intelligible. However, within modern contexts the term possesses a more methodological sense - ‘a universal doctrine for the interpretation of signs’. This conception of hermeneutics was given impetus during the Renaissance with the quest for theological objectivity, but it was with Schleiermacher and other philosophers of the Romantic movement that hermeneutics was viewed as a universal ‘dialogical’ condition. The Romantic conception of hermeneutics was psychologized by Dilthey (...)
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    The Dharma of Ethics, the Ethics of Dharma: Quizzing the Ideals of Hinduism.Arti Dhand - 2002 - Journal of Religious Ethics 30 (3):347 - 372.
    This paper is divided into six parts. The first presents a rudimentary definition of ethics based on Western philosophical theories, particularly their concern for articulating universal moral principles. The second examines the assumptions anchoring Western moral philosophies, and raises the question: are the philosophical presuppositions of modern Western philosophy consistent with the presuppositions of Hinduism? It concludes that the two are not entirely in agreement, particularly on the issue of personal and social identity. The third section locates areas in (...)
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  49. Circularity and Philosophical Reflection: A Methodological Investigation Into Hermeneutics, Gadamer, and Kant.Linda J. Fisher - 1991 - Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University
    This dissertation investigates the possibility of a systematic yet non-methodological grounding for knowledge within the framework of hermeneutics. In opposition to formalistic and scientistic construals of philosophy, I argue that philosophy is essentially non-formalistic, nuanced, and contingent, characterized by circularity, ambiguity, and paradox. In rejecting formalized fixed positions and emphasizing circularity and contingency, I am concerned nevertheless to ensure that my account does not dissolve into random flux or empty indeterminacy. I look to articulate, therefore, a middle space between radical (...)
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    Hermeneutics and Reflection: Heidegger and Husserl on the Concept of Phenomenology.Friedrich-Wilhelm von Herrmann - 2013 - Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Edited by Kenneth Maly.
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