Results for 'Hill Ra'

964 found
  1. Benton, RA, 527 Blackburn, P., 281 Braüner, T., 359 Brink, C., 543.S. Chopra, B. J. Copeland, E. Corazza, S. Donaho, F. Ferreira, H. Field, D. M. Gabbay, L. Goldstein, J. Heidema & M. J. Hill - 2002 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 31 (615).
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    Medical Genetics Casebook: A Clinical Introduction to Medical Ethics Systems Theory.Colleen D. Clements - 1982 - Springer Verlag.
    The Direction of Medical Ethics The direction bioethics, and specifically medical ethics, will take in the next few years will be crucial. It is an emerging specialty that has attempted a great deal, that has many differing agendas, and that has its own identity crisis. Is it a subspecialty of clinical medicine? Is it a medical reform movement? Is it a consumer pro tection movement? Is it a branch of professional ethics? Is it a ra tionale for legal decisions and (...)
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    Gibbard on morality and sentiment.Review author[S.]: Thomas E. Hill Jr - 1992 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 52 (4):957-960.
  4.  32
    Three Portraits of Bertrand Russell at Home.Constance Malleson - 2012 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 32 (2):161-169.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:January 12, 2013 (10:49 am) C:\WPdata\TYPE3202\russell 32,2 062 red.wpd 1 [For document sources and the pseudonyms used, see the entries in D.4 of the Malleson bibliography in this issue. The Wrst is under “Hemma Hos br”.z—zK.B.] 2 [Russell had given Malleson directions: “Festiniog is 3 miles from Blaenau Festiniog, along the road to Port Madoc; our cottage is a quarter of a mile from Festiniog, towards Port Madoc; the (...)
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    Seeing is believing?Daniel Whistler & Daniel Hill - 2016 - Forum for European Philosophy Blog.
    Daniel Whistler and Daniel Hill ask what kind of harm religious symbols might cause.
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  6. Urban Outfitters' Headquarters, Philadelphia Navy Yard Pennsylvania, USA-Respecting the history and recycling existing materials.Julie Bargmann & David Hill - 2009 - Topos: European Landscape Magazine 67:52.
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    Theories and Methods.Morag MacDonald, Lee Harvey & Jane Hill - 2000 - Hodder Education.
    Theories and Methods is the one compulsory unit on the AEB and Interboard syllabuses. This guide outlines the main sociological perspectives, and discusses three main approaches: positivism, phenomenology and critical social research. The topic-book format should be suitable for linear and modular courses, and there are sample questions and skills advice.
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  8. Moksha mārga pradīpa.Mahādeva Rāmadāsī - 1967
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    Kanssakulkijat: monilajisten kohtaamisten jäljillä.Tuomas Räsänen & Nora Schuurman (eds.) - 2020 - Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seura.
    Länsimaisessa kulttuurissa ihminen on perinteisesti esitetty omalakisena ja itseriittoisena toimijana, vaikka yhteiskunta on aina rakentunut monilajisen vuorovaikutuksen varaan. Eläimillä on ollut ja on edelleenkin merkittävä vaikutus ihmisten historiaan ja yhteiskuntaan. Kanssakulkijat valottaa niitä erilaisia tapoja, joilla ihmiset ovat suhtautuneet kohtaamiinsa eläimiin ja jakaneet arkensa, työnsä ja kotinsa niiden kanssa. Monitieteinen teos nostaa esiin ihmisten ja eläinten vuorovaikutuksen moninaisia muotoja ja erittelee niissä tapahtuneita muutoksia Suomessa.
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  10. Istorii︠a︡ indiĭskoĭ filosofii: grecheskai︠a︡ i indiĭskai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡.Manorañjana Rāẏa - 1958 - Moskva: Izd-vo inostrannoĭ lit-ry. Edited by F. N. Gret︠s︡kiĭ.
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  11. al-Mulakhkhaṣ fī al-manṭiq wa-al-ḥikmah.Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar Rāzī - 2021 - al-Qāhirah: Markaz Iḥyāʼ lil-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt. Edited by ʻAbd Allāh Muḥammad Ismāʻīl, Aḥmad Ṣābir Muṣṭafá & Rājiḥ Hilāl.
  12. al-Munāẓarāt.Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar Rāzī - 1992 - Bayrūt: Muʼassasat ʻIzz al-Dīn lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr. Edited by ʻĀrif Tāmir.
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    Kashf al-maʻāqid fī sharḥ Qawāʻid al-ʻaqāʼid.Ḥimmaṣī Rāzī & Maḥmūd ibn ʻAlī - 2007 - Ṭihrān: Muʼassasah-i Muṭālaʻāt-i Islāmī-i Dānishgāh-i Āzād-i Birlīn. Edited by Sabine Schmidtke.
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    Kelam'a giriş: el-Muhassal.Fakhr al-Dīn Muḥammad ibn ʻUmar Rāzī - 2002 - Ankara: T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı. Edited by Hüseyin Atay.
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  15. Ṭibb-i rūḥānī: risālah dar ravānshināsī-i akhlāq.Abū Bakr Muḥammad ibn Zakarīyā Rāzī - 2004 - Tihrān: Ahl-i Qalam. Edited by Parvīz Az̲kāyī.
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  16. Ozer Yiśraʼel bi-gevurah: sugyot bi-gevurat Yiśraʼel.Tsevi Yiśraʼel Ṭaʼu - 1992 - [Jerusalem?: Ḥ. Mo. L.. Edited by Yaʻaḳov Sofer.
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    Education! Education! Education!: Managerial Ethics and the Law of Unintended Consequences.Stephen Prickett & Patricia Erskine-Hill (eds.) - 2002 - Imprint Academic.
    The essays in this book criticise the new positivism in education policy, whereby education is systematically reduced to those things that can be measured by so-called 'objective' tests. School curricula have been narrowed with an emphasis on measurable results in the 3 R’s and the ‘quality’ of university departments is now assessed by managerial exercises based on commercial audit practice. As a result, the traditional notion of liberal arts education has been replaced by utilitarian productivity indices.
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    Nyāyāmr̥takulyā: Arthadyotanikavyākhyāsvakrtavyākhyāsahitā.Paḍamunnūru Nārāyaṇācārya - 2012 - Rajatapīṭhapuram, Uḍupī: Tatvasaṃśodhanasaṃsat. Edited by Ku ŚiHaridāsa Bhaṭṭa.
    Treatises, with Arthadyotanikā auto commentary, of the Dvaita and Advaita school in Hindu philosophy.
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  19. al-Fikr al-Islāmī fī muwājahat al-fikr al-ʻAarbī.Fuʼād Muḥsin Rāwī - 2009 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Maʼmūn lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    Wainwright, Maritain, and Aquinas on Transcendent Experiences.Louis Roy - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (4):655-672.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:WAiINWRIGHT, MARI'.rAIN, AND AQUINAS ON TRANSCENDENT EXPERIENCES1 Lours RoY, O.:P. Boston College Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts WHAT COULD ALLOW thoo1ogiianis to s1ay that rbrtanJScendent expmiences we, exiplicitly or implicitly, expenienoos of God? To ooswieir tMs question fully, one would ihavie Ibo ooga;ge in :two d:iisltmot mqumi1es. Fiirsit, religious, moml, iand psyoho101 giical icristeci:a 1are required in the evtalurution of concrete oases. They ctan he found in rthe grerut spi:ritUJal (...)
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  21. Cārvāka-darśana.Rāmacandra Boṛā - 1964
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    Surgical specialization and training–its relation to clinical outcome for colorectal cancer surgery.Suhail Anwar, Sheila Fraser & Jim Hill - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (1):5-11.
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    Orphan selenoproteins.Raymond F. Burk & Kristina E. Hill - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (3):231-237.
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    The ability versus intentionality aspects of unconscious mental processes.Maria Czyzewska, Thomas Hill & Pawel Lewicki - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (4):602-602.
  25. Donagan's Kant.Hill Thomas E. Jr - 1994 - Ethics 104.
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    Parenting in Black and white families: The interaction of gender with race and class.Joey Sprague & Shirley A. Hill - 1999 - Gender and Society 13 (4):480-502.
    It is widely believed that gendered expectations are communicated to children in the process of socialization. However, there is reason to ask whether and how gender is constructed in Black families. An early perspective that still continues to inform some contemporary research is assimilationism, which assumes that Black people embrace and pass on to their children the gender norms of the dominant white society. The Afrocentric perspective challenges this view, maintaining that the unique historical experiences of Blacks have militated against (...)
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    Vibhramavivekaḥ. Maṇḍanamiśra - 2019 - Vārāṇasī: Caukhambā Surabhāratī Prakāśana. Edited by Śailakumārī Miśra.
    Sanskrit text with commentaries on the theories of error in Mīmāṃsa school in Hindu philosophy by Maṇḍanamiśra, 7th century philosopher.
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  28. Sefer Keneset Yiśraʼel: maʼamarim mivḥarim me-ʻaṿon śinat ḥinam, umi-mitsṿat ahavat reʻim..Yaʻaḳov Yiśraʼel Lugasi - 1996 - Yerushalayim: [Y.Y. Lugasi].
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    Responses and Interventions.Maurice Blanchot, Michael Holland & Leslie Hill - 2007 - Paragraph 30 (3):5-45.
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  30. Vedāntadarśanam-Ācāryavācaspatimiśrāśca: laghunibandhoyaṃ.Rā Muttukr̥ṣṇaśāstrī - 1982 - Trichy: Hithabhashini Publications.
    Life and works of Vācaspatimiśra, fl. 976-1000, Hindu philosopher; with special reference to his contribution to the Advaita school.
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    Structural analysis of a yeast centromere.Kerry Bloom, Alison Hill & Elaine Yeh - 1986 - Bioessays 4 (3):100-104.
    The most striking region of structural differentiation of a eukaryotic chromosome is the kinetochore. This chromosomal domain plays an integral role in the stability and propagation of genetic material to the progeny cells during cell division. The DNA component of this structure, which we refer to as the centromere, has been localized to a small region of 220–250 base pairs within the chromosomes from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The centromere DNA (CEN) is organized in a unique structure in the cell (...)
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    Session VII. A new paradigm for the social sciences? Introductory remarks: Liah Greenfeld moderator: Jonathan Eastwood participants: Ali banuazizi.Carlos Casanova, Jeffrey Friedman, Geoffrey Hill, Natan Press, George Prevelakis, Michael O. Rabin, Nathalie Richard, Joseph E. Steinmetz & Peter Wood - 2004 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 16 (2-3):208-228.
  33. Surrogate's personal sense of duty as a crucial element in medical decision-making : ethical, empirical, and experience-based perspectives.Chris Feudtner & Douglas Hill - 2021 - In John D. Lantos, The ethics of shared decision making. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  34. “You Have Stept Out of Your Place”: A History of Women and Religion in America.Susan Hill Lindley - 1996
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    Hall effect studies in magnesium-cadmium alloys.J. Stringer, J. Hill & A. S. Huglin - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (4):859-876.
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    The temperature dependence of the hall effect in cadmium.J. Stringer, J. Hill & A. S. Huglin - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (169):53-61.
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    Taʻlīq ʻalá kitāb al-Maqūlāt li-Abī Naṣr al-Fārābī.Muḥammad Ibrāhīm Alūzād, ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz Laʻmūl & Fārābī (eds.) - 2002 - Fās: Markaz al-Dirāsāt al-Rushdīyah.
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    Applied philosophy: morals and metaphysics in contemporary debate.Brenda Almond & Donald Hill (eds.) - 1984 - New York: Routledge.
    Designed to bring the concepts and methods of philosophy to bear on practical concerns, the essays in this volume discuss the environment, personal relationships, war, terrorism and violence, social justice and medicine. Contributors emphasize the metaphysical and ethical dimensions.
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  39. Ajayya-Vijayīndraru.Rāja Es Gururājācārya - 1970
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    Good reason: essays dedicated to Risto Hilpinen.Risto Hilpinen, Olli Koistinen & Juha Räikkä (eds.) - 1993 - Turku: Turun yliopisto.
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  41. The generation effect-support for 2 factors.E. Hirshman & Ra Bjork - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (5):330-331.
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  42. The Philosophical Works of David Hume, Ed. By T.H. Green and T.H. Grose.David Hume & Thomas Hill Green - 1874
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    Mizzou Today.Richard L. Wallace & Rob Hill - 2007 - University of Missouri.
    "The University of Missouri's rich record of accomplishment and service to Missouri, the nation, and the world is captured in this collection of photographs of campus landmarks, people, events, and Tiger spirit. Includes a history of the campus and timeli.
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    An attempted clarification of frustration theory.Winfred F. Hill - 1968 - Psychological Review 75 (2):173-176.
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    An Analytic Calculus for the Intuitionistic Logic of Proofs.Brian Hill & Francesca Poggiolesi - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (3):353-393.
    The goal of this article is to take a step toward the resolution of the problem of finding an analytic sequent calculus for the logic of proofs. For this, we focus on the system Ilp, the intuitionistic version of the logic of proofs. First we present the sequent calculus Gilp that is sound and complete with respect to the system Ilp; we prove that Gilp is cut-free and contraction-free, but it still does not enjoy the subformula property. Then, we enrich (...)
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    A Brief Commentary on the Hegelian‐Marxist Origins of Gramsci's ‘Philosophy of Praxis’.Deb J. Hill - 2010 - In Peter Mayo, Gramsci and Educational Thought. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 5–20.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Historical‐Dialectical Thought in Hegel and Marx Marx's Onto‐formative View of Human Nature Capitalism As a Counter‐ontological, Fetishizing Force Gramsci's Historical and Dialectical Campaign against Capitalism Conclusion Notes References.
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  47. Aristotelian Dialectic.H. Hamner Hill & Michael Kagan - 1995 - Informal Logic 17 (1).
    "Aristotelian Dialectic" is a dialogue between two persons, T and Q, concerning Aristotle's views on the nature of dialectic and rhetoric and also on the role of dialectic and rhetoric in modern education. T advances two theses: that Aristotle views dialectic and rhetoric as intellectual martial arts. to be used to combat the sophists; and that these arts form the basis of Homeric education. T defends this view by examining what Aristotle has to say in the Topics, The Sophistical Refutations, (...)
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    A study of epilepsy in its clinical, social and genetic aspects.Denis Hill - 1951 - The Eugenics Review 43 (2):102.
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    British publishers' constructive contribution to African literature.Alan Hill - 1992 - Logos 3 (1):45-52.
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    Can anyone authorize the nontherapeutic permanent alteration of a child's body?George Hill - 2003 - American Journal of Bioethics 3 (2):16 – 18.
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