Results for 'Hideaki Sato'

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  1.  20
    The Kādambarīnāṭaka of Narasiṁha: A Dramatic Version of Bāṇa's Classic KādambarīThe Kadambarinataka of Narasimha: A Dramatic Version of Bana's Classic Kadambari.Robert A. Hueckstedt & Hideaki Sato - 2001 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 121 (2):277.
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    Satō Naokata zenshū.Naokata Satō - 1979
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  3. Satō Issai zenshū: Issai seitan 220-nen kinen.Issai Satō - 1990 - Tōkyō: Meitoku Shuppansha.
    1. Seikyō ronkō -- 2-3. Shibunrui -- 4-10. Rangai shorui -- 11-12. Genshi shiroku -- 13-14. Fukureki.
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  4. Satō Issai, Ōshio Chūsai.Issai Sato, Heihachiro Oshio, Toru Sagara, Mitsuji Fukunaga & Yuzo Mizoguchi (eds.) - 1980 - Iwanami Shoten.
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  5.  71
    Action observation modulates auditory perception of the consequence of others' actions.Atsushi Sato - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (4):1219-1227.
    We can easily discriminate self-produced from externally generated sensory signals. Recent studies suggest that the prediction of the sensory consequences of one’s own actions made by forward model can be used to attenuate the sensory effects of self-produced movements, thereby enabling a differentiation of the self-produced sensation from the externally generated one. The present study showed that attenuation of sensation occurred both when participants themselves performed a goal-directed action and when they observed experimenter performing the same action, although they clearly (...)
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  6. Andō Shōeki, Satō Nobuhiro.Shōeki Andō, Nobuhiro Satō, Masahide Bitō & Takao Shimazaki (eds.) - 1977
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  7.  64
    Brief report the dynamic aspects of emotional facial expressions.Wataru Sato & Sakiko Yoshikawa - 2004 - Cognition and Emotion 18 (5):701-710.
  8.  21
    Ōmori Shōzō and Kotodama Theory: How Can We Overcome the Need for Bodily Encounters?Maki Sato - 2023 - Journal of Japanese Philosophy 9 (1):101-123.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ōmori Shōzō and Kotodama Theory: How Can We Overcome the Need for Bodily Encounters?Maki SatoIntroductionŌmori Shōzō is known for his theory of tachi-araware monism. Tachiaraware monism is his attempted counter-argument to the Cartesian dualism of the object–subject divide, or in his words, a divide between physical (butsuri, mono, science, object) and non-physical consciousness (ishiki, koto, perception, incident), perception (chikaku, 知覚) and conception (shikō, 思考). His concept of Kasane-egaki is (...)
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    Ningen no "inochi" o kangaeru: jinrui idengaku, iden rinshō, seimei rinrigaku no tachiba kara.Hideaki Chiyo - 2018 - Ōsaka-shi: Medikarudu.
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  10.  29
    Ming-Qing Studies in Japan: 1986.Sato Fumitoshi - 1989 - Chinese Studies in History 22 (1-2):79-90.
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  11.  18
    "messianity Makes A Person Useful": Describing Differences In A Japanese Religion In Brazil.Matsuoka Hideaki - 2001 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 28 (1-2):77-102.
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  12. Jikanron no puroburemātiku.Hideaki Iwano - 1992 - Tōkyō: Sekai Shoin.
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  13. Bunkyō Sensei Shu Shunsui.Hideaki Kinoshita - 1989 - Mito-shi: Mito Shigakkai.
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  14. Gen keizaigaku hihan to shizen shugi: keizaigakushi to shizen ninshiki.Hideaki Kudō - 1998 - Chiba-shi: Chiba Daigaku Hōkei Gakubu Keizai Gakka.
  15.  32
    Landscape as Doctrinal Representation: The Sacred Place of Shūyōdan Hōseikai.Hideaki Matsuoka & 松岡秀明 - forthcoming - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies.
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  16.  10
    2002 Busan Asian Games Sport Science Congress.Hideaki Onuki - 2002 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 24 (2):51-54.
  17.  14
    Politics for the Domain of Dance in Schools.Hideaki Onuki - 2004 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 26 (2):1-12.
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  18.  28
    Accounting Frauds and Main-Bank Monitoring in Japanese Corporations.Hideaki Sakawa & Naoki Watanabel - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):605-621.
    This study examines whether the delegated monitoring of main banks effectively decreases severe agency problems. For example, this includes accounting fraud in bank-dominated corporate governance. In this context, the fraud triangle specifies the three main factors of opportunity, incentive, and rationalization. Main banks may reduce the factor of opportunity through actions such as monitoring, which plays a moderating role by reducing the potential for managerial misconduct, whereas, the incentive factor may be enhanced through the subsequent pressure that influences managers to (...)
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  19.  56
    Temporal cortex activation during speech recognition: an optical topography study.Hiroki Sato, Tatsuya Takeuchi & Kuniyoshi L. Sakai - 1999 - Cognition 73 (3):B55-B66.
  20.  59
    Seunghoon Emilia Heo, Reconciling Enemy States in Europe and Asia, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.Hideaki Shinoda - 2013 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 14 (3):449-451.
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  21.  9
    Facial Cosmetics Exert a Greater Influence on Processing of the Mouth Relative to the Eyes: Evidence from the N170 Event-Related Potential Component.Hideaki Tanaka - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  22. Dai Nihon seishin.Hideaki Tomioka - 1935
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  23.  29
    The light‐driven sodium ion pump: A new player in rhodopsin research.Hideaki E. Kato, Keiichi Inoue, Hideki Kandori & Osamu Nureki - 2016 - Bioessays 38 (12):1274-1282.
    Rhodopsins are one of the most studied photoreceptor protein families, and ion‐translocating rhodopsins, both pumps and channels, have recently attracted broad attention because of the development of optogenetics. Recently, a new functional class of ion‐pumping rhodopsins, an outward Na+ pump, was discovered, and following structural and functional studies enable us to compare three functionally different ion‐pumping rhodopsins: outward proton pump, inward Cl− pump, and outward Na+ pump. Here, we review the current knowledge on structure‐function relationships in these three light‐driven pumps, (...)
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  24.  20
    Report of the joint symposium in the 50th Anniversary Conference of the Japanese Society of Physical Education.Hideaki Onuki & Hideaki Hayashi - 2000 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 22 (1):37-44.
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  25.  22
    Report: World Dance 2000 Choreography Today.Hideaki Onuki - 2000 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 22 (2):39-44.
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  26.  41
    Pos データの時系列モデリングによる知識発見: 新製品投入の消費者価格反応変化に及ぼす影響の解析.Higuchi Tomoyuki Sato Tadahiko - 2007 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 22 (2):200-208.
    The number of competing-brands changes by new product's entry. The new product introduction is endemic among consumer packaged goods firm and is an integral component of their marketing strategy. As a new product's entry affects markets, there is a pressing need to develop market response model that can adapt to such changes. In this paper, we develop a dynamic model that capture the underlying evolution of the buying behavior associated with the new product. This extends an application of a dynamic (...)
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  27.  23
    Correction to: Accounting Frauds and Main-Bank Monitoring in Japanese Corporations.Hideaki Sakawa & Naoki Watanabel - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 180 (2):623-623.
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  28.  6
    Falsedad en las primeras obras de Agustín.Makiko Sato & Enrique A. Eguiarte B. - 2018 - Augustinus 63 (250-251):463-471.
    In the second book of Soliloquia, Augustine queries: what is ‘true’ and what is ‘false’. Through the examination, Augustine (Ratio) expresses the idea that ‘true’ is that which exists. Therefore, whatever exists is true; nothing will be false. But then, what is ‘false’? This paper will first clarify that the examination of ‘false’ in Soliloquia relates to Augustine’s awareness of the problem of sin. Already in Soliloquia, Augustine finds that the soul can have in itself the cause of sin so (...)
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  29. Kōdō tetsugaku.Tsūji Satō - 1942
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  30. Rinrigaku kenkyū no tehiki.Tatsuo Satō - 1950
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  31. Shakaigaku shisō.Tsutomu Satō, Takashi Hosoya & Tomoko Muranaka (eds.) - 1997 - Tōkyō: Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai.
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  32.  12
    Zhongguo gu dai de "zhong" lun yan jiu.Masayuki Sato - 2010 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin.
    本書構畫「忠」概念在中國春秋戰國時代的演變,並嘗試藉此闡明其功能與特質。在春秋到戰國早期的政治思想中,「忠」和「忠信」概念對於國家社稷的生存幾乎是最高價值,而且到戰國中期更具有涵蓋「天下」的普遍性。然 而在戰國中期以後,道家與稷下思想家如慎到等人開始批判「忠」的價值,並且將原本以道德動機為主要內涵的「忠」概念、轉變成以個人利益為主要實踐動機的「忠」概念。面對此趨勢,戰國晚期的《荀子》和《呂氏春秋》都 試圖重新界定「忠」對國家運作的正面價值,而《韓非子》雖然基本上接受稷下學者之「反忠論」,但還是肯定「忠臣」是國家社稷安定的關鍵角色。本書也對中日韓及歐美學者過去研究「忠」概念的成果有詳細評述。.
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  33.  77
    The Confucian quest for order: the origin and formation of the political thought of Xun Zi.Masayuki Sato - 2003 - Boston: Brill.
    Dr. Sato's volume deals with the origin and formation of the political thought of pre-imperial Xun Zi, with close focus on this synthesizer's formative theory ...
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  34.  40
    Relative predicativity and dependent recursion in second-order set theory and higher-order theories.Sato Kentaro - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (3):712-732.
    This article reports that some robustness of the notions of predicativity and of autonomous progression is broken down if as the given infinite total entity we choose some mathematical entities other than the traditionalω. Namely, the equivalence between normal transfinite recursion scheme and newdependent transfinite recursionscheme, which does hold in the context of subsystems of second order number theory, does not hold in the context of subsystems of second order set theory where the universeVof sets is treated as the given (...)
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  35.  52
    Both motor prediction and conceptual congruency between preview and action-effect contribute to explicit judgment of agency.Atsushi Sato - 2009 - Cognition 110 (1):74-83.
  36.  58
    The strength of extensionality II—weak weak set theories without infinity.Kentaro Sato - 2011 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 162 (8):579-646.
    By obtaining several new results on Cook-style two-sorted bounded arithmetic, this paper measures the strengths of the axiom of extensionality and of other weak fundamental set-theoretic axioms in the absence of the axiom of infinity, following the author’s previous work [K. Sato, The strength of extensionality I — weak weak set theories with infinity, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 157 234–268] which measures them in the presence. These investigations provide a uniform framework in which three different kinds of (...)
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  37.  29
    Gauging the Impact of Gender Grammaticization in Different Languages: Application of a Linguistic-Visual Paradigm.Sayaka Sato, Pascal M. Gygax & Ute Gabriel - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  38.  28
    Imagined Peripheries: The World and its Peoples in Japanese Cartographic Imagination.Masayuki Sato - 1996 - Diogenes 44 (173):119-145.
    ... because the thing-in-itself has no abnormality. Anything unusual will appear, after I myself see it: Abnormality belongs not to the thing-in-itself, but to myself. Kuo P'u (276-324), Shan-hai ching (Scriptures of the Mountains and the Seas).
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    6. the archetype of history in the confucian ecumene.Masayuki Sato - 2007 - History and Theory 46 (2):218–232.
    Cultures are constituted by binary oppositions: the absolute and the relative; the perfect and the imperfect; the stable and the unstable. Many of the world’s cultures have looked to revealed religion to discover the absolute: that which transcends the human, the intellect, and space and time. By positing a God who is omniscient and omnipotent, they conceive of an eternal and absolute that continues to exist in an immutable state.In such cultures new perspectives for reinterpreting the past are continually propounded. (...)
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  40.  31
    Usage of an EMG controlled robotic arm in able-bodied and amputee participants.Sato Yuki, Kawase Toshihiro, Takano Kouji & Kansaku Kenji - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  41.  7
    Kundoku Satō Issai senshū.Issai Satō - 1987 - Tōkyō: Bunka Shobō Hakubunsha. Edited by Hakashi Tanaka.
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  42. Satō Issai.Issai Satō - 1989 - Tōkyō: Meitoku Shuppansha. Edited by Issai Satō & Michio Yamazaki.
    Genshi shiroku -- Hakurokudō Shoin keijimon.
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  43.  50
    Forcing under Anti‐Foundation Axiom: An expression of the stalks.Sato Kentaro - 2006 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 52 (3):295-314.
    We introduce a new simple way of defining the forcing method that works well in the usual setting under FA, the Foundation Axiom, and moreover works even under Aczel's AFA, the Anti-Foundation Axiom. This new way allows us to have an intuition about what happens in defining the forcing relation. The main tool is H. Friedman's method of defining the extensional membership relation ∈ by means of the intensional membership relation ε .Analogously to the usual forcing and the usual generic (...)
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  44.  52
    The Confucian Roots of Business Kyosei.Calvin M. Boardman & Hideaki Kiyoshi Kato - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 48 (4):317 - 333.
    Kyosei, a traditional Japanese concept, has been applied to a variety subjects, from biology to business. It has more recently become synonymous with the concepts of corporate responsibility, ethical decision making, stakeholder maximization, and responsible reciprocity. The purpose of this paper is to trace kyosei's modern business application back to ancient Confucian thought. The ideals associated with Confucianism were instrumental in the creation of Japanese business codes of ethics during the early part of the seventeenth century. A short history of (...)
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  45.  50
    Brain‐Science Based Cohort Studies.Hideaki Koizumi - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (1):48-55.
    This article describes a number of human cohort studies based on the concept of brain‐science and education. These studies assess the potential effects of new technologies on babies, children and adolescents, and test hypotheses drawn from animal and genetic case studies to see if they apply to people. A flood of information, virtual media, individualism and the pursuit of efficiency might be transforming our brain and its functions. An environmental assessment from the metaphysical aspect could be essential to providing an (...)
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  46.  12
    An Aspect of The Jewish Question in Modern Japan: Correspondence between Leo Baeck and Tetsutarō Ariga.Takashi Sato & Tomoaki Fukai - 2010 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 17 (2):246-270.
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  47.  23
    Hou zhou lu shi dai de tian xia zhi xu: "Xun zi" he "Lü shi chun qiu" zheng zhi zhe xue zhi bi jiao yan jiu = The world order after Zhou-Lu regime in early China: a comparative study of political philosophies of the Xunzi and Mr. Lu's spring and autumn annals.Masayuki Sato - 2021 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin chu ban.
    西元前256年,周赧王被秦昭襄王所征服。由此,戰國時代最後階段的華夏世界進入三十五年的「後周魯時代」。 本書提出:在此時期周天子不在的政治權威空白時期,實為《荀子》和《呂氏春秋》兩書之出現的主要契機。以這樣歷史背景為主要契機誕生的兩書,其政治哲學的目標便應該在於構想能治理全天下人民之國家的建立──《荀子 》探求未來以禮義治理天下的君王;《呂氏春秋》則向已成為「de facto天子」的秦王,為提升至名正言順的天子,提供政策綱要和實踐細則。 作者根據較為嚴謹的「觀念史/概念史」分析,闡述《荀》、《呂》兩書在思維上、概念上、論述內容上等多層次的思想特質及其歷史角色。期盼本書在戰國秦漢時代的歷史和思想相關議題之探討能夠提供較新的切入點,並擴大 研究視野。.
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  48. Rinrigakuteki sanpo.Toshio Satō - 1970
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  49.  4
    Shisha no yukue.Hiroo Satō - 2008 - Tōkyō: Iwata Shoin.
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  50.  17
    The Present Significance of Frege’s Philosophy.Masahiko Sato - 2016 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 49 (1):67-84.
    "The Full Picture of Frege’s Philosophy" (Keiso Shobo, 2012) by Kazuyuki Nomoto gives a detailed account of Gottlob Frege’s life devoted to a failed attempt to develop mathematics formally and entirely from scratch based upon his logicism and his semantical understanding of mathematical entities. In the present paper, I review the book and recommend it as a challenging and inspiring book to anyone who wishes to understand the modern meaning of Frege’s philosophy.
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