Results for 'Herman Siegvald'

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    Zahlendiagramme bei Erwachsenen.Herman Siegvald - 1949 - Theoria 15 (1-3):339-366.
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    The Moral Habitat.Barbara Herman - 2021 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    The Moral Habitat offers a new and systematic interpretation of Kant's moral and political philosophy. Herman introduces the idea of a moral habitat to examines the dynamic system of duties that exists between individuals and civic institutions.
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    Systems and theories in psychology.Melvin Herman Marx - 1973 - New York,: McGraw-Hill. Edited by William A. Hillix.
    “The primary purpose of this book has been to provide a single source of containing the basic information about systematic and theoretical psychology which any student of psychology should have. It is mainly directed at the senior undergraduate major and the beginning of the graduate student.”-Publisher.
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    The philosophy of education.Herman Harrell Horne - 1904 - New York,: Macmillan.
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    The philosophy of education: being the foundations of education in the related natural and mental sciences.Herman Harrell Horne - 1927 - London,: Macmillan & co..
    This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishings Legacy Reprint Series.
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    Kantian Commitments: Essays on Moral Theory and Practice.Barbara Herman - 2022 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This volume collects ten essays investigating some fundamental aspects of Kant's ethics, drawing wider conclusions for moral philosophy. Herman aims to undermine some received ideas about how Kantian ethics works and what it means in practice.
  7. The role of challenge-skills balance in task engagement.Mehdi Mirlohi & David Herman - 2024 - In Joy Egbert & Priya Panday-Shukla, Task engagement across disciplines: research and practical strategies to increase student achievement. New York: Routledge.
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  8. Admission to citizenship.Herman R. Van Gunsteren - 1988 - Ethics 98 (4):731-741.
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    Walking, Talking, or Standing Still? Climate Commitment and Performance in Publicly Listed Firms in Five Major Economies.Kyle S. Herman, Caterina Schiavoni & Gianni Guastella - 2025 - Business and Society 64 (4):713-756.
    Recent regulatory interventions are beginning to mandate climate disclosure in listed firms. Although compelling, prior studies demonstrate that firms can symbolically commit to climate and environmental disclosures yet not undertake action. Neo-institutional theory (NIT) suggests that two strategies exist: the legitimacy perspective, which manifests in symbolic efforts, and the efficiency perspective, which is more consistent with substantive efforts. In this article, we apply NIT to assess the climate transition efforts in large, publicly traded firms in five countries with similar regulatory (...)
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    Weizsäcker, Viktor von. Am Anfang Schuf Gott Himmel und Erde. Grundfragen der Naturphilosophie.Michiel Herman - 2023 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 84 (2):178-180.
    Genesis – known by many, understood by few. After reading his lectures, there is no doubt that Viktor von Weizsäcker falls under the second category. Weizsäcker was not a philosopher by profession,...
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    The Murder of Professor Schlick: The Rise and Fall of the Vienna Circle by David Edmonds.David Herman - 2022 - Philosophy and Literature 46 (1):248-250.
    The main title and subtitle of this well-researched, lucidly written, and engaging book reflect the author's double-sided approach. On the one hand, David Edmonds uses individual life stories as a route of access to key philosophical, political, and sociocultural issues and trends in the first half of the twentieth century. On the other hand, in chronicling the broader history of the origins, aims, and legacy of the Vienna Circle, he shows how individual lives were caught up in—and shaped by—the group's (...)
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    The Imagination of Reference: Meditating the Linguistic Condition (review).David Herman - 1994 - Philosophy and Literature 18 (1):167-169.
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  13. The Theory Mess: Deconstruction in Eclipse.Charles J. Stivale & Herman Rapaport - 2002 - Substance 31 (1):136.
  14. God undercover: een missionair concept met het sublieme als leidraad.Herman Heijn - 2023 - [Vught]: Uitgeverij Skandalon.
    Het sublieme is fascinerend en verwarrend. Het maakt kunst tot Kunst, tekent verzet aan bij kitsch, McDonaldization en Disneyization, en kan een gecommercialiseerde samenleving humaniseren. 'God undercover' brengt een cultureel-maatschappelijk gesprek op gang door het fenomeen van het sublieme. Het sublieme is voor het eerst op noemer gebracht door de Griekse Longinus, tijdgenoot van Jezus - en heeft daarna steeds een rol gespeeld in het westerse denken. Doopsgezind em. predikant Herman Heijn integreert het sublieme in de theologie. Het sublieme (...)
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    Eucken and Bergson, their siginificance for Christian thought.Emily Herman - 1912 - London,: J. Clarke & co..
    In this thoughtful and provocative work, scholar Emily Herman explores the ideas of two of the most important philosophers of the 20th century and their relevance to Christian thought. From the concept of time to the nature of human existence, this book offers important insights into some of the most pressing questions of our time. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This (...)
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    Morality as Rationality: A Study of Kant's Ethics.Barbara Herman - 1990 - New York: Routledge.
    First published in 1990. The aim of this thesis is to show that the way to understand the central claims of Kant’s ethics is to accept the idea that morality is a distinctive form of rationality; that the moral "ought" belongs to a system of imperatives based in practical reason; and that moral judgment, therefore, is a species of rational assessment of agents’ actions. It argues, in effect, that you cannot understand Kant’s views about morality if you read him with (...)
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    Sämtliche Schriften.Arnold Geulincx & Herman Jean de Vleeschauwer - 1965 - F. Frommann (G. Holzboog).
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    First Steps in Modern Turkish.Sidney Glazer & Herman H. Kreider - 1946 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 66 (4):327.
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    Replication report: Latent learning in a T maze after shock in one end box.Henry Gleitman & Magdalena M. Herman - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (6):646.
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    Lichaamssamenstelling bij anorexia nervosa patiënten voor en na behandeling.Marina Goris, Herman Van Coppenolle, Michel Probst & Walter Vandereycken - 1990 - Hermes 21:543-551.
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  21. Feynman’s Relativistic Electrodynamics Paradox and the Aharonov-Bohm Effect.Adam Caprez & Herman Batelaan - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (3):295-306.
    An analysis is done of a relativistic paradox posed in the Feynman Lectures of Physics involving two interacting charges. The physical system presented is compared with similar systems that also lead to relativistic paradoxes. The momentum conservation problem for these systems is presented. The relation between the presented analysis and the ongoing debates on momentum conservation in the Aharonov-Bohm problem is discussed.
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    A comparison between correction and noncorrection methods in drive discrimination.Norma F. Besch, Herman Morris & Seymour Levine - 1963 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 65 (4):414.
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    Frontiers in American Philosophy Volume Ii.Robert W. Burch & Herman J. Saatkamp (eds.) - 1996 - Texas A & M University Press.
    This second volume arising from the Frontiers in American Philosophy Conference held at Texas A&M University is "festive, celebrating the diversity of thought and influences in American philosophy," say its editors. In these thirty-six essays, there is no attempt to define an American ethos; in fact, the editors conclude that, even pragmatism, identified by Tocqueville as America's defining attribute, should not be described as a national philosophy. It is, as Gerard Deledalle notes in his essay, "the new universal philosophy, because (...)
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  24. The Reinterpretation of Luther.Edga M. Carlson & Herman Amberg Preus - 1948
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  25. Study Protocol of Brief Daily Body-Mind-Spirit Practice for Sustainable Emotional Capacity and Work Engagement for Community Mental Health Workers: A Multi-Site Randomized Controlled Trial.S. M. Ng, Herman H. M. Lo, Albert Yeung, Daniel Young, Melody H. Y. Fung & Amenda M. Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    EEG activity during administration of low-concentration odors.Tyler S. Lorig, Kate B. Herman, Gary E. Schwartz & William S. Cain - 1990 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 28 (5):405-408.
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    The critique of poor reason.Arnold Herman Kamiat - 1936 - [New York]: Priv. print. [F. M. Rapp].
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    The ethics of civilization.Arnold Herman Kamiat - 1954 - Washington,: Public Affairs Press.
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    Was the deflation of the depression anticipated? An inference using real-time data.Gabriel Mathy & Herman Stekler - 2018 - Journal of Economic Methodology 25 (2):117-125.
    Theories that explain the behavior of the economy during the Depression are based on assumptions about agents’ expectations about future price trends. This paper uses an alternative methodological approach which utilizes real-time information from the Depression period to infer whether deflation was anticipated. The information includes the forecasting methodology of that time as well as projections about anticipated output that were obtained from the textual analysis of business statements, converting qualitative to quantitative data. We infer that deflation was not anticipated (...)
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    Interpretations of Poetry and Religion.William G. Holzberger & Herman J. Saatkamp (eds.) - 1990 - MIT Press.
    Interpretations of Poetry and Religion is the third volume in a new critical edition of the complete works of George Santayana that restores Santayana's original text and provides important new scholarly information.Published in the spring of 1900, Interpretations of Poetry and Religion was George Santayana's first book of critical prose. It developed his view that "poetry is called religion when it intervenes in life, and religion, when it merely supervenes upon life, is seen to be nothing but poetry." This statement (...)
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    Mechanism and the athlete.Daniel J. Herman - 1975 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 2 (1):102-110.
  32. G. W. Leibniz Ausgewählte Philosophische Schriften Im Originaltext.Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz & Herman Schmalenbach - 1914 - F. Meiner.
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    The relationship between kinesthetic satiation and inhibition in rotary pursuit performance.Ronald S. Lipman & Herman H. Spitz - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (5):468.
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    Citizenship, direct elections and the European Parliament.Juliet Lodge & Valentine Herman - 1977 - Res Publica 19 (4):579-605.
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  35. Legitimitätswandel der Wissenschaft.Herman Lübbe - 1981 - In Gernot Böhme & Franz Moser, Neue Funktionen von Wissenschaft und Technik in den 80er Jahren: Beiträge zur Technik- und Wissenschaftsdiskussion. Wien: Verlag des Verbandes der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaften Östeerreichs.
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    Circularity and self-reference in Nietzsche.Ruediger Herman Grimm - 1979 - Metaphilosophy 10 (3-4):289-305.
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    From the physical to the social sciences.Jacques Rueff & Herman Green - 1929 - London,: Oxford University PRess. Edited by Herman Green.
    At head of title: The Johns Hopkins University. Institute for the Study of Law.
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  38. Bibliographical Checklist: Sixth Update.Herman J. Saatkamp Jr - 1989 - Overheard in Seville 7 (7):35-40.
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    Remembrances for John Lachs (1934–2023).Herman J. Saatkamp Jr, Deron Boyles & Phil Oliver - 2025 - The Pluralist 20 (1):141-145.
    John Lachs, Centennial Professor of Philosophy Emeritus, Vanderbilt University, passed away on 14 November 2023. Notably, he ends his book In Love with Life with a quote from George Santayana: “The time will doubtless come for each of us, if not for the universe at large, to cease from care; but our passage through life will have added a marvelous episode to the tale of things” (Lachs, In Love with Life 125). John’s life indeed was a marvelous episode. He was (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Santayana Edition: Bulletin of the Santayana Society.Herman J. Saatkamp Jr - 1984 - Overheard in Seville 2 (2):33-34.
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  41. The Last Puritan: A Memoir in the Form of a Novel. Critical Edition.George Santayana, Herman J. Saatkamp, William G. Holzberger & Irving Singer - 1995 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 31 (2):437-444.
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    Physics as Natural Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Laszlo Tisza on His Seventy-Fifth Birthday.Abner Shimony & Herman Feshbach (eds.) - 1982 - MIT Press.
    When Laszlo Tisza first came to MIT in 1941, he had already made significant contributions to physics. In the years since, he has consolidated his position as one of the most important theoreticians of his time. Tisza's major areas of activity, closely reflected in these twenty-three essays, have included studies of quantum liquids (in particular, the remarkable properties of liquid helium and the nature of superfluidity and superconductivity), irreversible thermodynamics and the statistical thermodynamics of equilibrium, phase transitions and critical phenomena, (...)
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    Locations and binding.Herman Cappelen with John Hawthorne - manuscript
    We present some new data about binding and a theory that explains the phenomena by appeal to event quantification.
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    Creativity and Social Life.Herman Heering - 1978 - Dialectics and Humanism 5 (4):55-58.
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  45. Morality and Moral Theory.Barbara Herman - 2009 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 83 (2):63 - 77.
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    Materials for an analysis of a just universe.A. L. Herman - 1995 - Asian Philosophy 5 (1):3 – 22.
    Abstract There is one assumption that is shared by practically all popular religious and philosophic systems, ancient and modern, Eastern and Western. In truth it may well be that it is this single assumption which makes such ?systems? possible. That shared assumption is the belief in a ?just universe?, i.e. ?just? in the sense of morally ordered, morally predictable and morally explainable. This assumption rests, as most assumptions must, on pragmatic grounds; that is to say, the assumption is retained or (...)
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    Occidental Poetics: Tradition and Progress (review).David Herman - 1992 - Philosophy and Literature 16 (2):397-399.
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    The Great Chain of Being. [REVIEW]John Herman Randall - 1938 - Philosophical Review 47 (2):214-218.
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    The Modern Business Corporation and an Ethics of Trust.Stewart W. Herman - 1992 - Journal of Religious Ethics 20 (1):111-148.
    Recent theologically grounded contributions to business ethics, though innovative and promising, are flawed by an unrealistic conception of human agency in corporate settings. By drawing upon the resources of organization theory, we can construct a more reliable descriptive anthropology as a foundation for prescriptive judgments. By bringing this reconstructed knowledge into connection with the normative moral arguments of H. Richard Niebuhr, we can develop a corporate ethics of trust building that both takes organizational realities seriously and also guides their transformation.
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    Book review: The last puritan: A memoir in the form of a novel. [REVIEW]George Santayana, ed Saatkamp, Herman J. & William G. Holzberger - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1).
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