Results for 'Herald Höppding'

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  1. (1 other version)Die Verflechtung der Probleme in Spinozas Philosophie.Herald Höppding - 1927 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 32:29.
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    The herald of hyllus? Identifying the ϒλλοϒ πενεστησ in euripides' heraclidae.Florence Yoon - 2015 - Classical Quarterly 65 (1):51-59.
    At Euripides' Heraclidae 630, an anonymous character arrives onstage to report the arrival of Hyllus' army, and returns at 928 accompanying the defeated Eurystheus. He is generally identified by editors as a therapōn, following the dramatis personae of the hypothesis. Mastronarde briefly challenges this assumption, stating that ‘he is a soldier, not a servant’. There are, however, four reasons to identify the character as neither a soldier nor a therapōn, but as Hyllus' herald. Although none of these reasons is (...)
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    Heralding ideas of well-being: A philosophical perspective.Marek Tesar & Michael A. Peters - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 52 (9):923-927.
    Volume 52, Issue 9, August 2020, Page 923-927.
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  4. Heralds of God: A Practical Book on Preaching.James S. Stewart - 1946
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    "Periwigged Heralds": Epistemology and Intertextuality in Early American Cometography.Christopher Johnson - 2004 - Journal of the History of Ideas 65 (3):399-419.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:"Periwigged Heralds":Epistemology and Intertextuality in Early American CometographyChristopher JohnsonIn the winter of 1680-81 an enormous comet appeared in the nighttime skies of Europe and the Americas.1 This "blazing star" occasioned numerous treatises, poems, pamphlets, broadsides, ballads, engravings, and woodcuts. Evaluating this cometary copia, the historian of science, Pingré, in 1783 observes:The world was inundated with writings on these phenomena, on their nature, on their significations; for there were still (...)
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    Heralds and Corpses in Thucydides.Donald Lateiner - 1977 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 71 (2):97.
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    Herald of a restless world: how Henri Bergson brought philosophy to the people.Emily Herring - 2024 - New York, NY: Basic Books.
    At the dawn of the twentieth century, Henri Bergson (1859-1941) became the most famous philosopher on earth. Where prior thinkers sketched out a deterministic, predictable universe, he asserted the transformative power of individual consciousness and creativity. An international celebrity, he made headlines around the world debating luminaries like Bertrand Russell and Albert Einstein about free will and time. The vision of creative evolution and freedom he presented was so disruptive that the New York Times branded him "the most dangerous man (...)
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    Heraldic Identity of the Republic of Croatia–Represented through Devices Used by Contemporary Political Parties.Dubravka Peić Čaldarović - 2010 - In Giselle Walker & Elisabeth Leedham-Green (eds.), Identity. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Heralds of That Good Realm: Syro-Mesopotamian Gnosis and Jewish Traditions.James C. VanderKam & John C. Reeves - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):159.
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    Five Heraldic Animals (for Eduardo Kac).Steve Baker - 2013 - Angelaki 18 (1):175-180.
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    Aaron Herald Skabelund, Empire of Dogs: canines, japan and the making of the modern imperial world.Tomohiro Kaibara - 2022 - Clio 55 (55):317-320.
    Le chien, dit-on, est le meilleur ami de l’homme. En est-il de même de la femme? Que fait le chien dans la construction sociale du genre? Le livre d’Aaron Skabelund aborde cette question à travers une étude des rôles joués par le chien symbolique et les chiens réels dans le Japon contemporain depuis l’ère Meiji, notamment dans le contexte impérial. S’il ne traite pas de la question du genre de façon systématique, le problème de l’identité nationale, intimement lié à celui (...)
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    The Herald: A Reading of Walter Benjamin's Kafka Study.Henry Sussman - 1977 - Diacritics 7 (1):42.
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    Heralding the Digitalization of Life in Post-Pandemic East Asian Societies.Calvin Wai-Loon Ho, Karel Caals & Haihong Zhang - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (4):657-661.
    Following the outbreak of what would become the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing measures were quickly introduced across East Asia—including drastic shelter-in-place orders in some cities—drawing on experience with the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome almost two decades ago. “Smart City” technologies and other digital tools were quickly deployed for infection control purposes, ranging from conventional thermal scanning cameras to digital tracing in the surveillance of at-risk individuals. Chatbots endowed with artificial intelligence have also been deployed to shift part of (...)
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    COVID-19 heralds a new epistemology of science for the public good.Manfred D. Laubichler, Peter Schlosser, Jürgen Renn, Federica Russo, Gerald Steiner, Eva Schernhammer, Carlo Jaeger & Guido Caniglia - 2021 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 43 (2):1-6.
    COVID-19 has revealed that science needs to learn how to better deal with the irreducible uncertainty that comes with global systemic risks as well as with the social responsibility of science towards the public good. Further developing the epistemological principles of new theories and experimental practices, alternative investigative pathways and communication, and diverse voices can be an important contribution of history and philosophy of science and of science studies to ongoing transformations of the scientific enterprise.
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    Dr. William Marra: Herald of the Great King.Donald J. D'Elia - 2000 - Catholic Social Science Review 5:375-379.
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    A baronial bestiary: Heraldic evidence for the patronage of MS bodley 764.Ronald Baxter - 1987 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 50 (1):196-200.
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  17. The poet as herald of the appearance of grace and dignity: The influence of Schiller's twin concepts on Stefan George.Christophe Fricker - 2005 - In Jane Veronica Curran, Christophe Fricker & Friedrich Schiller (eds.), Schiller's "On grace and dignity" in its cultural context: essays and a new translation. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House.
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    Friedrich Schleiermacher: Heralding a New Paradigm.Nadia D’Amelio - 2015 - In Adriana Serban & Larisa Cercel (eds.), Friedrich Schleiermacher and the Question of Translation. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 173-184.
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  19. ELIOT, Heralds of a Liberal Faith. [REVIEW]H. Mclachlan - 1952 - Hibbert Journal 51:101.
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    Nancy Frankenberry: Philosopher of Religion, Radical Empiricist, Herald of Contingency.Robert Cummings Neville - 2016 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 37 (1):5-20.
    In the 1978 volume of Process Studies, Nancy Frankenberry published an article called “The Empirical Dimension of Religious Experience” that I thought was so good that I wrote her a short fan letter about it.1 She responded by saying that she was flattered by my praise because I was a model for her younger generation. For the first time in my life I felt old. And I wasn’t yet forty. But here I am, still fully employed, presenting a long fan (...)
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    Burying Mountjoy and Penelope Rich: King James, the Heralds and a Counter-statement from the Poet Samuel Daniel.John Pitcher - 2022 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 85 (1):71-112.
    Bourdieu’s concept of ‘symbolic capital’ has been used to study various kinds of elites. This article shows how it can help us understand the status and privileges of early modern English courtiers—and how these could be won and lost. The discussion focuses on the funeral, burial and commemoration of the most successful of contemporary generals, Charles Blount, 1st Earl of Devonshire, 8th Baron Mountjoy (1563–1606), and sets these in the context of the Jacobean court’s concern with symbolic capital. It demonstrates (...)
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  22. Michael Powell Siddons, Heraldic Badges in England and Wales, 1: Introduction; 2/1: Royal Badges; 2/2: Non-royal Badges; 3: Ordinaries. Woodbridge, Eng., and Rochester, NY: Boydell and Brewer, for the Society of Antiquaries of London, in association with Illuminata Publishers, 2009. 1: pp. xix, 314 plus 64 black-and-white and color plates. 2/1: pp. xvi, 263. 2/2: pp. xii, 341. 3: pp. xiii, 259; black-and-white figures. $695. [REVIEW]D'ajd Boulton - 2011 - Speculum 86 (3):806-808.
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    Australian literature in the '90s heralds a post-European identity.Thomas Shapcott - 1995 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 6 (2):86-89.
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  24. The Jester and the Madman, Heralds of Liberty and Truth.Paolo Santarcangeli - 1979 - Diogenes 27 (106):28-40.
    I. Hardly any other mythical creature has enjoyed the ubiquity of the clown: “There are few other myths such as this one about which it can be affirmed without any doubt that they involve the most ancient modes of human expression,” wrote Paul Radin in his famous essay on the figure of the clown among primitive American Indians. “There are few myths which have retained their original characters with so few changes.” The character of the Fool, the Jester, the Joker (...)
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    Article from the London Catholic Herald of January 3, 1992, about the life of Cardinal Manning.Oliver Rafferty - 1992 - The Chesterton Review 18 (4):587-591.
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    Augustine’s Influence on Medieval Women’s Theology: Gertrud of Helfta’s Herald of God’s Loving-Kindness.Laura Grimes - 2008 - Augustinian Studies 39 (1):75-100.
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    Letter to the Editor, The Herald dated 30th August 2024.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2024 - The Herald 160 (34):4.
    This is a very important document in the form of a letter/epistle and it marks several paradigm shifts within theodicy. The letter makes a case for a synoptic reading of Sts. Augustine of Hippo, Thomas Aquinas and Tantric texts. This is not the norm. Generally, these Saints are read along with Advaita texts. The letter hints at the futility of the latter approach. Then in the next part of the letter, the author requests a re-evaluation of the concept of the (...)
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    Michael Powell Siddons, Heraldic Badges in England and Wales, 1: Introduction; 2/1: Royal Badges; 2/2: Non-royal Badges; 3: Ordinaries. Woodbridge, Eng., and Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell and Brewer, for the Society of Antiquaries of London, in association with Illuminata Publishers, 2009. 1: pp. xix, 314 plus 64 black-and-white and color plates. 2/1: pp. xvi, 263. 2/2: pp. xii, 341. 3: pp. xiii, 259; black-and-white figures. $695. [REVIEW]D'A. J. D. Boulton - 2011 - Speculum 86 (3):806-808.
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    Is the Beauty of the Body a Herald of the Beauty of the Soul?Johann GottfriedHG Herder - 2009 - In Selected Writings on Aesthetics. Princeton University Press. pp. 31-40.
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    Erasmus and Our Struggle for Peace. Part I. Erasmus: Herald of a United World. Part II. Peace Protests! by Erasmus of Rotterdam. [REVIEW]Albert Salomon & Jose Chapiro - 1951 - Journal of Philosophy 48 (13):423.
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    Civilizing Australia.Richard Haese - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 106 (1):118-127.
    Against the background of the Second World War and post-war cultural change in Australia, this review article discusses the establishment of the profession of art history and art curatorial scholarship in Australia in the 1940s and 1950s. The key figures in this transformation were Franz Philipp and Ursula Hoff (European ‘savant’ refugees from Nazism and anti-Semitism), and the British scholar Joseph Burke (appointed as Herald Professor of Fine Arts at Melbourne University). These figures played pivotal roles in Sir Keith (...)
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  32. (1 other version)Responsibility incorporated.Philip Pettit - 2007 - Ethics 117 (2):171-201.
    The Herald of Free Enterprise, a ferry operating in the English Channel, sank on March 6, 1987, drowning nearly two hundred people. The official inquiry found that the company running the ferry was extremely sloppy, with poor routines of checking and management. “From top to bottom the body corporate was infected with the disease of sloppiness.”1 But the courts did not penalize anyone in what might seem to be an appropriate measure, failing to identify individuals in the company or (...)
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  33. The Sacrament of Marriage.Subhasis Chattopadhyay - 2024 - The Herald (25):4.
    The PDF uploaded is ENTIRELY different from the two links provided. Please download the PDF and then read the given links. This has NOTHING to do with philosophy or literature. This is being put up here in the memories of Bro. Cal Whiting cfc and Fr. Larry Abello SJ. This is more of a record for those interested. The full names of the Christian Brother from Australia is Br Robert Cataldus Whiting who is also mentioned among notable Christian Brothers in (...)
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    (2 other versions)The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 12, 1925 - 1953: 1938 - Logic: The Theory of Inquiry.Jo Ann Boydston (ed.) - 1986 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Heralded as “the crowning work of a great career,” _Logic: The Theory of Inquiry _was widely reviewed. To Evander Bradley McGilvary, the work assured De­wey “a place among the world’s great logicians.” William Gruen thought “No treatise on logic ever written has had as direct and vital an impact on social life as Dewey’s will have.” Paul Weiss called it “the source and inspiration of a new and powerful movement.” Irwin Edman said of it, “Most phi­losophers write postscripts; Dewey has (...)
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    Blockchain Imaginaries and Their Metaphors: Organising Principles in Decentralised Digital Technologies.Pedro Jacobetty & Kate Orton-Johnson - 2023 - Social Epistemology 37 (1):1-14.
    Heralded as revolutionary in their potential to improve efficiency, transparency, and sustainability, blockchain technologies promise new forms of large-scale coordination between actors that do not necessarily trust each other. This paper examines blockchain imaginaries and associated metaphors. Our analysis focuses on bitcoin and ethereum, today’s most prominent blockchains that use the proof-of-work consensus mechanism. We identify three principles that organise blockchain imaginaries: substantial, morphological, and structural. These principles position blockchain as an enabler of economic, political and epistemological practices, respectively. Blockchain (...)
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    Globalizing Knowledge: Intellectuals, Universities, and Publics in Transformation.Michael Kennedy - 2014 - Stanford University Press.
    Heralding a push for higher education to adopt a more global perspective, the term "globalizing knowledge" is today a popular catchphrase among academics and their circles. The complications and consequences of this desire for greater worldliness, however, are rarely considered critically. In this groundbreaking cultural-political sociology of knowledge and change, Michael D. Kennedy rearticulates questions, approaches, and case studies to clarify intellectuals' and institutions' responsibilities in a world defined by transformation and crisis. _Globalizing Knowledge_ introduces the stakes of globalizing knowledge (...)
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    The Later Works of John Dewey, Volume 12, 1925 - 1953: 1938 - Logic: The Theory of Inquiry.John Dewey & Ernest Nagel - 1986 - Southern Illinois University Press.
    Heralded as "the crowning work of a great career," Logic: The Theory of Inquiry was widely reviewed. To Evander Bradley McGilvary, the work assured Dewey "a place among the world's great logicians." William Gruen thought "No treatise on logic ever written has had as direct and vital an impact on social life as Dewey's will have." Paul Weiss called it "the source and inspiration of a new and powerful movement." Irwin Edman said of it, "Most philosophers write postscripts; Dewey has (...)
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  38. The Deontological Defense of Democracy: An Argument From Group Rights.Andrew Altman & Christopher Heath Wellman - 2008 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 89 (3):279-293.
    Abstract: Democracy is regularly heralded as the only form of government that treats political subjects as free and equal citizens. On closer examination, however, it becomes apparent that democracy unavoidably restricts individual freedom, and it is not the only way to treat all citizens equally. In light of these observations, we argue that the non-instrumental reasons to support democratic governance stem, not from considerations of individual freedom or equality, but instead from the importance of respecting group self-determination. If this is (...)
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    Restoration and History in a Changing World: A Case Study in Ethics for the Anthropocene.Marion Hourdequin - 2013 - Ethics and the Environment 18 (2):115-134.
    The widely-heralded arrival of the “Anthropocene” era seems to call the existence and value of the natural world into question. Is the world prior to human alteration of it something worth preserving? Can and should we attempt to restore ecological conditions prior to human disturbance? Ecological restoration has traditionally used the past as a reference point in establishing standards and assessing the value of restored landscapes. In many landscapes, however, the traditional notion of historical fidelity provides inadequate guidance because contemporary (...)
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  40. James Madison.Shane J. Ralston - 2012 - In John R. Shook (ed.), The dictionary of early American philosophers. New York: Continuum. pp. 667-674..
    Heralded as the “Father of the Constitution,” James Madison was, besides one of the most influential architects of the U.S. Constitution, a man of letters, a politician, a scientist and a diplomat who left an enduring legacy for American philosophical thought. As a tireless advocate for the ratification of the Constitution, Madison advanced his most groundbreaking ideas in his jointly authoring The Federalist Papers with John Jay and Andrew Hamilton. Indeed, two of his most enduring ideas—the large republic thesis and (...)
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    A Systemic Approach to the Oversight of Machine Learning Clinical Translation.Effy Vayena & Alessandro Blasimme - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (5):23-25.
    Machine learning heralds highly transformative approaches to the automation of numerous clinical tasks, from diagnosis to risk assessment, and from prognosis to informing treatment decisions....
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    The Moral Value of Telemedicine to the Physician‐Patient Relationship.Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (4):28-29.
    Covid‐19 heralded a natural experiment with telemedicine. My experience as a clinician was very positive, and learning how to use telemedicine has made me a better doctor. Telemedicine has flipped the medical service paradigm; families do not need to conform their busy lives to the medical office workflow. An appointment can be a virtual house call that takes less time for my patient's family and allows me to learn even more about their home. While there are limitations of telemedicine, there (...)
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    The Iovilae-Dedications from S. Maria di Capua.J. Whatmough - 1922 - Classical Quarterly 16 (3-4):181-.
    A Famous group of heraldic dedications, with inscriptions in the Oscan dialect, the iovilae-inscriptions as, in the uncertainty that prevails as to their real character, scholars have generally been content to call them , have long been a standing puzzle to students of the Italic dialects. A visit made in the spring of 1922 to the Museo Nazionale at Naples, where a number of the iovilae are now preserved, provided an opportunity of reconsidering, with the actual objects before me, a (...)
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    Writing to be Heard: Recovering the Philosophy of Luisa Capetillo.Stephanie Rivera Berruz - 2018 - Essays in Philosophy 19 (1):17-34.
    Luisa Capetillo has been heralded as the first feminist writer of Puerto Rico. She authored four books and embodied her emancipatory philosophical commitments, but has received scant philosophical attention. In this paper I recover the philosophy of Capetillo as part of a Latin American and Caribbean philosophical tradition centered on radical praxis places sexuality at the centerfold of class politics. At the intersection between gender equity and class emancipation Capetillo advocated for the liberatory possibilities of education, which served as the (...)
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    Abstract of “More Blacks on Boards of Fortune 500 Companies”.Lloyd D. Elgart & Lillian Schanfield - 1983 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 2 (4):93-93.
    In spite of heralded progress in civil rights, this paper pessimistically maintains that blacks are systematically excluded from directorships on the boards of the major industrial companies in this country. The statistics derived from a 1980 survey, which yielded responses from 143 companies, show that blacks constituted only 1.9 percent of the entire directorate pool, with no black chairmen, no company with more than one black director, and significantly high multiple-board service on the part of a few black directors. There (...)
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    Foucault and social dialogue: beyond fragmentation.Christopher Falzon - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    Given his heralding of the "death of Man" or the "death of the subject", Michel Foucault's work is thought by many to be too fragmentary and anti-foundationalist to be much use for building any sort of ethical or political theory. Chris Falzon challenges this position, arguing that the proper alternative to foundationalism is not fragmentation but dialogue and that concept can be found in Foucault's work. Such a reading of Foucault allows us to see the ethical and political position implicit (...)
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    The Politics of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives: The Crisis of the Forest Stewardship Council.Steffen Böhm, André Spicer & Sandra Moog - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 128 (3):469-493.
    Multi-stakeholder initiatives have become a vital part of the organizational landscape for corporate social responsibility. Recent debates have explored whether these initiatives represent opportunities for the “democratization” of transnational corporations, facilitating civic participation in the extension of corporate responsibility, or whether they constitute new arenas for the expansion of corporate influence and the private capture of regulatory power. In this article, we explore the political dynamics of these new governance initiatives by presenting an in-depth case study of an organization often (...)
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  48. The Heteronomy of Choice Architecture.Chris Mills - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (3):495-509.
    Choice architecture is heralded as a policy approach that does not coercively reduce freedom of choice. Still we might worry that this approach fails to respect individual choice because it subversively manipulates individuals, thus contravening their personal autonomy. In this article I address two arguments to this effect. First, I deny that choice architecture is necessarily heteronomous. I explain the reasons we have for avoiding heteronomous policy-making and offer a set of four conditions for non-heteronomy. I then provide examples of (...)
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    The End of Open Society Realism?Robert Schuett - 2022 - Analyse & Kritik 44 (2):219-242.
    Does the ‘Zeitenwende’ herald the beginning of a new and as yet undefined open society realism? The present essay argues this question requires critical discussion of nature and value of realist political theory, particularly at a time where international society is accelerating to somewhere which is itself as yet unclear. Adding to revisionist research on political realism in International Relations (IR) theory I sketch how a political vision I call open society realism may be developed out of Classical realism, (...)
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  50. Ethics of digital contact tracing and COVID-19: who is (not) free to go?Michael Klenk & Hein Duijf - 2020 - Ethics and Information Technology 23 (1):69-77.
    Digital tracing technologies are heralded as an effective way of containing SARS-CoV-2 faster than it is spreading, thereby allowing the possibility of easing draconic measures of population-wide quarantine. But existing technological proposals risk addressing the wrong problem. The proper objective is not solely to maximise the ratio of people freed from quarantine but to also ensure that the composition of the freed group is fair. We identify several factors that pose a risk for fair group composition along with an analysis (...)
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