Results for 'Henriette Schneider-Hassloff'

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  1.  31
    Emotional Availability Modulates Electrophysiological Correlates of Executive Functions in Preschool Children.Henriette Schneider-Hassloff, Annabel Zwönitzer, Anne K. Künster, Carmen Mayer, Ute Ziegenhain & Markus Kiefer - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  2. Metaphysics of Uploading.Joseph Corabi & Susan Schneider - 2012 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 19 (7-8):26.
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    Geschichte der PhysikMax v. Laue.Ilse Rosenthal-Schneider - 1948 - Isis 38 (3/4):258-260.
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    Geist, Psyche und Gehirn: aktuelle Aspekte der Kognitionsforschung, Philosophie und Psychopathologie.Hinderk M. Emrich & Udo Schneider (eds.) - 2005 - New York: P. Lang.
    Mit der Frage nach dem -Geist- wird ein Thema angesprochen, dem die Philosophie des deutschen Idealismus noch eine vollkommen andere Bedeutung zumessen konnte, als wir dies heute gewohnt sind. Geist in seinem Selbstsein scheint unbestimmbar geworden in einer Zeit, in der Neurobiologen funktionelle Prozesse im zentralen Nervensystem des Gehirns als korrelierende Variable zu mentalen Vorgangen beschreiben. In diesem Buch wird nach den -verstehbaren Zusammenhangen- zwischen Krankheitsvorgangen des menschlichen Seelenlebens und den Grundeigenschaften des Mentalen, insbesondere des Psychischen, gefragt.".
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  5. Geschichte der Philosophie.Johannes Rehmke & Friedrich Schneider - 1959 - Vma Verlag.
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    How Interactive Visualizations Compare to Ethical Frameworks as Stand-Alone Ethics Learning Tools for Health Researchers and Professionals.Joanna Sleigh, Kelly Ormond, Manuel Schneider, Elsbeth Stern & Effy Vayena - 2023 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 14 (4):197-207.
    Background Despite the bourgeoning of digital tools for bioethics research, education, and engagement, little research has empirically investigated the impact of interactive visualizations as a way to translate ethical frameworks and guidelines. To date, most frameworks take the format of text-only documents that outline and offer ethical guidance on specific contexts. This study’s goal was to determine whether an interactive-visual format supports frameworks in transferring ethical knowledge by improving learning, deliberation, and user experience.Methods An experimental comparative study was conducted with (...)
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  7. Attention modulation in the human lateral geniculate nucleus and pulvinar.Sabine Kastner, Keith A. Schneider & Daniel H. O'Connor - 2005 - In Laurent Itti, Geraint Rees & John K. Tsotsos (eds.), Neurobiology of Attention. Academic Press. pp. 435--441.
  8. Dependence of loudness on context-implications for scales of loudness.S. R. Parker & B. A. Schneider - 1988 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 26 (6):504-504.
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  9. The nature of symbols in the language of thought.Susan Schneider - 2009 - Mind and Language 24 (5):523-553.
    The core of the language of thought program is the claim that thinking is the manipulation of symbols according to rules. Yet LOT has said little about symbol natures, and existing accounts are highly controversial. This is a major flaw at the heart of the LOT program: LOT requires an account of symbol natures to naturalize intentionality, to determine whether the brain even engages in symbol manipulations, and to understand how symbols relate to lower-level neurocomputational states. This paper provides the (...)
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    Local Knowledge, Environmental Politics, and the Founding of Ecology in the United States: Stephen Forbes and "The Lake as a Microcosm".Daniel Schneider - 2000 - Isis 91 (4):681-705.
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    Socialism and the Individual. [REVIEW]Herbert W. Schneider - 1956 - Journal of Philosophy 53 (13):423-426.
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    Quaestiones in praedicamenta.Jean Buridan & Johannes Schneider - 1983 - München: In Kommission bei Beck. Edited by Johannes Schneider.
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    Landmarks for Beginners in Philosophy.Irwin Edman, Herbert Wallace Schneider, Edwin Norman Garlan, George Curry Seward & Henry Meyer Magid - 1966 - Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
    This is a new release of the original 1941 edition.
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    Umanesimo ed esistenzialismo di Miguel de Unamuno.Raffaele Schneider Graziosi - 1965 - Milano,: Gastaldi.
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    William J. Morgan on Fair Play, Treatment versus Enhancement and the Doping Debates in Sport.Angela J. Schneider - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 12 (4):386-400.
  16.  21
    Language Development and Social Integration of Students with English as an Additional Language.Michael Evans, Claudia Schneider, Madeleine Arnot, Linda Fisher, Karen Forbes, Yongcan Liu & Oakleigh Welply - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Given the current context of the experience of migration on schools in England and Europe, and the competing policies and approaches to social integration in schools, there is a need to understand the connection between language development and social integration as a basis for promoting appropriate policies and practices. This volume explores the complex relationship between language, education and the social integration of newcomer migrant children in England, through an in-depth analysis of case studies from schools in the East of (...)
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    The conjugacy problem for the automorphism group of the random graph.Samuel Coskey, Paul Ellis & Scott Schneider - 2011 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 50 (1-2):215-221.
    We prove that the conjugacy problem for the automorphism group of the random graph is Borel complete, and discuss the analogous problem for some other countably categorical structures.
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  18. Being-in-The office : Sartre, the look, and the viewer (US).Matthew P. Meyer & Gregory J. Schneider - 2008 - In Jeremy Wisnewski (ed.), The Office and Philosophy: Scenes From the Unexamined Life. Blackwell.
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    At Law: Experts.Carl E. Schneider - 2001 - Hastings Center Report 31 (4):10.
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    Aufmerksamkeit.Christian Schneider - 2024 - Psyche 78 (3):258-260.
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  21. Die> Aufführung< von Bildern beim Wenden der Blätter in Mittelalterlichen Codices: Zur performativen Dimension von Werken der Buchmalerei.Wolfgang Christian Schneider - 2002 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 47 (1):7-35.
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    Future Problem-Solving Practiced During COVID-19: Implications for Health Management Students' E-Health Literacy Identity.Dorit Alt, Lior Naamati-Schneider & Adaya Meirovich - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The current study describes the implementation of an online Future Problem Solving program in the field of Health education and set out to explore its contribution to students' eHealth Literacy identity, by using two levels of teacher guidance: minimal vs. frequent. FPS was employed in two groups of Health students. In the research group, frequent weekly guidance was provided to the students centered on the enhancement of eHealth Literacy skills, whereas in the control group minimal guidance was offered by the (...)
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  23.  64
    "Chevalier" Ramsay's critique of Spinoza.Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1965 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 3 (1):91-96.
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    Distanz.Pablo Schneider - 2017 - In Pablo Schneider & Marion Lauschke (eds.), 23 Manifeste Zu Bildakt Und Verkörperung. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 53-62.
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    Das Kapital und sein Schutz.Uwe H. Schneider & Peter Hommelhoff - 2010 - In Uwe H. Schneider & Peter Hommelhoff (eds.), Marcus Lutter. Gesammelte Schriften. De Gruyter.
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  26. Der Menschliche Wille Vom Standpunkte der Neueren Entwicklungstheorien, des 'Darwinismus'.Georg Heinrich Schneider - 1882
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    Der sprachlose Philosoph: Ludwig Wittgensteins Philosophie als lebensgeschichtliche Selbstreflexion.Christian Schneider - 2020 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
    Ludwig Wittgenstein gilt als der Sprachphilosoph. Mit dem 'Tractatus logico-philosophicus' und den 'Philosophischen Untersuchungen' hat er die entscheidenden Texte verfasst, die den linguistic turn der modernen Philosophie begründen. Dass sich die beiden Ansätze eklatant widersprechen, ist oft bemerkt und diskutiert worden. Nicht aber, dass Wittgenstein in dieser systemimmanenten Konkurrenz mehr als ein innerphilosophisches Problem verhandelt. Tatsächlich muss man seine philosophische Entwicklung auch als eine Auseinandersetzung mit seiner eigenen Lebensgeschichte begreifen. Dabei spielt eine wichtige Rolle, dass Wittgenstein erst mit vier Jahren (...)
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  28.  19
    Das Urteil und die Sinne: transzendentalphilosophische und ästhesiologische Untersuchungen im Anschluss an Richard Hönigswald und Helmuth Plessner.Manuel Schneider - 1989 - Köln: Janus.
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    Ethik--Orientierungswissen?Jakob Hans Josef Schneider (ed.) - 2000 - Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Eine Philosophie der Kritik. Zur amerikanischen und französischen Rezeption Michel Foucaults.Ulrich Johannes Schneider - 1988 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 42 (2):311 - 317.
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    Economic psychology: From Descartes to Newton.Harold K. Schneider - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (3):402-403.
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    Fichte.Reinhold Schneider - 1932 - München,: A. Langen [etc.].
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  33. GB SALA†, Die Struktur der menschlichen Erkenntnis, ISBN 978-3-534-22079-3.R. Schneider - 2011 - Theologie Und Philosophie 86 (4):593.
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    Historical Contributions to philosophy in the nineteenth century and the shaping of a discipline.Ulrich Schneider - 2003 - Rivista di Storia Della Filosofia 2.
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    Hobbes E la scienza.Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1972 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 10 (3):360-361.
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    In Case the Sun Disappears.Julia Schneider - 2021 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 64 (3):338-338.
    Somewhere outside of Baton Rouge, my cousin is FaceTiming her children goodbye before intubation "just in case." They press a watercolor sun to the screen to give her good dreams while she sleeps. I think how recklessly hopeful, how gloriously human a thing it is to close one's eyes and trust the sun to...
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  37.  14
    LeibnizKurt Huber.Heinrich Schneider - 1952 - Isis 43 (3):275-276.
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    Leibniz’s Theory of Space.Christina Schneider - 1998 - The Monist 81 (4):612 - 632.
    The present paper formulates a reconstruction of Leibniz’s theory of space and time from a metaphysical point of view. Leibniz’s theory of space-time is considered a prototype of an “unrealist,” “nonsubstantivalist” and “relationalist” theory of space-time. These attributions to Leibniz’s view are, at face value, well-founded in his corpus.
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    Moral Discourse, Bioethics, and the Law.Carl E. Schneider - 1996 - Hastings Center Report 26 (6):37-39.
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    Modern indian thought.Herbert Wallace Schneider - 1966 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 4 (1):88-88.
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    3. Nietzsche als Erzieher zum Glück?Ursula Schneider - 1983 - In Grundzüge einer Philosophie des Glücks bei Nietzsche. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 79-141.
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  42. Neque enim quaero intelligere ut credam, sed credo ut intelligam" zu Anselms Beweisauffassung und Semantik.Christina Schneider - 2019 - In Ulrich L. Lehner & Ronald K. Tacelli (eds.), Wort Und Wahrheit: Fragen der Erkenntnistheorie. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
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    The Effects of “Going Private” Using Private Equity: The Newly Private Corporation and the Dimensions of Corporate Performance.Marguerite Schneider & Alix Valenti - 2010 - Business and Society Review 115 (1):75-106.
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    Two Masters.Carl E. Schneider - 2010 - Hastings Center Report 40 (1):9-10.
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    The Sound of a Sentence I.Hans Julius Schneider - 2014 - In Wittgenstein's Later Theory of Meaning: Imagination and Calculation. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 67–82.
    Wittgenstein is apparently contending that it is simply linguistic habit that gives us the impression that the question “who or what…?” fits the subject expression of the sentence. The logical conclusions in this chapter show that the strong reading of the proposed thesis developed here of a purely sound‐oriented character of the grammar of a single language (in this case, English) cannot be entirely right, and might not even be what Wittgenstein intended, because he only spoke of the sound as (...)
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    The Sound of a Sentence II.Hans Julius Schneider - 2014 - In Wittgenstein's Later Theory of Meaning: Imagination and Calculation. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 98–103.
    Wittgenstein distinguishes two areas of what he calls the “use” of a word. First, there is the application of a word in the construction of a sentence, which he calls the “surface grammar.” Second, there is a usage that goes beyond the merely verbal part of language games, the rules governing which he terms “depth grammar.” These latter rules constitute what the preliminary work for the Investigations still referred to as “logical form.” To spell out Wittgenstein's analogy a little, he (...)
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    The Scope of "The Religious Factor" and the Sociology of Religion: Notes on Definition, Idolatry and Magic.Louis Schneider - 1974 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 41.
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  48. The transformation of Eros : Reflections on desire in Jacques lacan.Christoph Schneider - 2008 - In Adrian Pabst & Christoph Schneider (eds.), Encounter Between Eastern Orthodoxy and Radical Orthodoxy: Transfiguring the World Through the Word. Ashgate.
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  49. Um den Satz vom grunde.Voit Ludwig Schneider - forthcoming - Schopenhauer Jahrbuch.
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  50.  11
    Valence effects in information processing: Evaluating descriptive characteristics.S. L. Schneider, J. M. Bunch & S. M. Kerutis - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (6):468.
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