Results for 'Helga Notuack'

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    Konservatismus der achtziger Jahre.Helga Notuack - 1987 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 35 (2).
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  2. Sex, Love, and Gender: A Kantian Theory.Helga Varden - 2020 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    Sex, Love, and Gender is the first volume to present a comprehensive philosophical theory that brings together all of Kant's practical philosophy — found across his works on ethics, justice, anthropology, history, and religion — and provide a critique of emotionally healthy and morally permissible sexual, loving, gendered being. By rethinking Kant's work on human nature and making space for sex, love, and gender within his moral accounts of freedom, the book shows how, despite his austere and even anti-sex, cisist, (...)
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  3. Kant and Moral Responsibility for Animals.Helga Varden - 2020 - In John J. Callanan & Lucy Allais (eds.), Kant and Animals. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press. pp. 157-175.
    Working out a Kantian theory of moral responsibility for animals2 requires the untying of two philosophical and interpretive knots: i.) How to interpret Kant’s claim in the important “episodic” section of the Doctrine of Virtue that we do not have duties “to” animals, since such duties are only “with regard to” animals and “directly to” ourselves; and ii.) How to explain why animals don’t have rights, while human beings who (currently or permanently) don’t have sufficient reason for moral responsibility do (...)
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  4. Clinical ethics and nursing: "Yes" to caring, but "no" to a female ethics of care.Helga Kuhse - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (3):207–219.
    According to a contemporary school of thought there is a specific female approach to ethics which is based not on abstract “male” ethical principles or rules, but on “care”. Nurses have taken a keen interest in these female approaches to ethics. Drawing on the views expounded by Carol Gilligan and Nel Noddings, nurses claim that a female “ethics of care” better captures their moral experiences than a traditional male “ethics of justice”. This paper argues that “care” is best understood in (...)
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    A Latent Class Approach for Classifying the Problem and Disordered Gamers in a Group of Adolescence.Helga Myrseth & Guy Notelaers - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Bausteine zur Überwindung der Spaltung von Natur- und Geisteswissenschaften: neue Grundlagen der transdisziplinären Forschung: ein universelles operationales Kategoriensystem für natürliche und kulturelle Phänomene.Helga Haase - 2015 - [München]: Literareon.
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    Cloning our way to Armageddon?Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer - 1997 - Bioethics 11 (5).
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    Of genes, embryos, human individuals and future persons.Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (1).
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    Homo periculosus sui: Dargestellt am Beispiel Natur.Helga Peskoller - 2020 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 29 (1):166-176.
    Der Ausgang des Beitrags ist ein Ereignis, das sich in der Natur real zugetragen hat. Erzählt wird von einem Kletterer, der ohne ein Anzeichen abgestürzt ist und unter widrigen Bedingungen gerettet werden musste. In die Erzählung flechten sich Theorieelemente mit historischen Perspektiven ein und geben ein Beispiel davon ab, wie subjektiv Erlebtes objektiviert werden kann. Dabei geht es primär um eine Sprache, die nahe am Bild bleibt und dadurch den Kontakt zum Körper hält als ein Schlüssel, den Menschen neu zu (...)
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  10. Recht und Staat bei Viktor Cathrein.Helga Sass - 1966 - [n.p.,:
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  11. A Kantian Conception of Global Justice.Helga Varden - 2011 - Review of International Studies 37 (05):2043-2057.
    I start this paper by addressing Kant’s question why rightful interactions require both domestic public authorities (or states) and a global public authority? Of central importance are two issues: first, the identification of problems insoluble without public authorities, and second, why a domestic public monopoly on coercion can be rightfully established and maintained by coercive means while a global public monopoly on coercion cannot be established once and for all. In the second part of the paper, I address the nature (...)
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  12. Kant's non-voluntarist conception of political obligations: Why justice is impossible in the state of nature.Helga Varden - 2008 - Kantian Review 13 (2):1-45.
    This paper presents and defends Kant’s non-voluntarist conception of political obligations. I argue that civil society is not primarily a prudential requirement for justice; it is not merely a necessary evil or moral response to combat our corrupting nature or our tendency to act viciously, thoughtlessly or in a biased manner. Rather, civil society is constitutive of rightful relations because only in civil society can we interact in ways reconcilable with each person’s innate right to freedom. Civil society is the (...)
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  13. A Kantian Account of Trauma.Helga Varden - 2022 - Kantian Review (4):1-19.
    In our societies today, the prevalence of serious, untreated trauma means that we cannot reliably expect to receive or give unconditional love, understood as love which functions within a normative framework to protect each and all of us as having dignity. Serious, untreated trauma makes unconditional love, so understood, unreliable because each time the pattern of the psychological damage (trauma) is triggered in the traumatized person, in the wrongdoers, or in the bystanders, their behaviour easily becomes self- and other-numbing, destructive, (...)
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  14. Nick Cave, Dolly Parton, and Sojourner Truth Walk into a Bar...Helga Varden - forthcoming - Con-Textos Kantianos.
    This is a public philosophy piece that explores aspects of Kant's theory of the highest good, art, and hope.
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  15. A modern myth: that letting die is not the intentional causation of death.Helga Kuhse - 1999 - In Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer (eds.), Bioethics: An Anthology. Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 315--328.
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  16. Killing and Letting Die.Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer - 2001 - In John Harris (ed.), Bioethics. Oxford University Press.
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  17. Kant's Non-Absolutist Conception of Political Legitimacy – How Public Right ‘Concludes’ Private Right in the “Doctrine of Right”.Helga Varden - 2010 - Kant Studien 101 (3):331-351.
    Contrary to the received view, I argue that Kant, in the “Doctrine of Right”, outlines a third, republican alternative to absolutist and voluntarist conceptions of political legitimacy. According to this republican alternative, a state must meet certain institutional requirements before political obligations arise. An important result of this interpretation is not only that there are institutional restraints on a legitimate state's use of coercion, but also that the rights of the state (‘public right’) are not in principle reducible to the (...)
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  18. Should the Baby Live?: The Problem of Handicapped Infants.Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer - 1985 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Few subjects have generated so many newspaper headlines and such heated controversy as the treatment, or non-treatment, of handicapped newborns. In 1982, the case of Baby Doe, a child born with Down's syndrome, stirred up a national debate in the United States, while in Britain a year earlier, Dr. Leonard Arthur stood trial for his decision to allow a baby with Down's syndrome to die. Government intervention and these recent legal battles accentuate the need for a reassessment of the complex (...)
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    Ethics and the Handicapped Newborn Infant.Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer - 1985 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 52.
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  20. Berge, Menschen, Meere.Helga Peskoller - 2015 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 24 (1):39-50.
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  21. Traumatized Heroes: Living with Wrongdoing.Helga Varden - 2024 - Public Seminar.
    This is a public philosophy piece that explores some questions around heroes, trauma, and wrongdoing.
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  22. Leaving the State of Nature: Strengths and Limits of Kant’s Transformation of the Social Contract Tradition.Helga Varden - 2024 - Zeitschrift Für Politische Theorie 1:1-24.
    (Early) Modern social contract theories reject the idea that legal and political institutions are grounded in an alleged natural ordering or hierarchy of human beings, and instead argue that only government by a public (and not private) authority can fulfil the idea of justice as freedom and equality for all. To be authoritative and not just powerful, governing institutions must be shared as ours in this irreducible sense. I first outline how Kant’s ideal account of rightful freedom brilliantly transforms this (...)
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    The cunning of uncertainty.Helga Nowotny - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity.
    Uncertainty is interwoven into human existence. It is a powerful incentive in the search for knowledge and an inherent component of scientific research. We have developed many ways of coping with uncertainty. We make promises, manage risks and make predictions to try to clear the mists and predict ahead. But the future is inherently uncertain - and the mist that shrouds our path an inherent part of our journey. The burning question is whether our societies can face up to uncertainty, (...)
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  24. Toward a Karendtian Theory of Political Evil: Connecting Kant and Arendt on Political Wrongdoing.Helga Varden - 2024 - Estudos Kantianos 12 (1):61-96.
    This paper shows ways to develop, integrate, and transform Kant’s and Arendt’s theories on political evil into a unified Karendtian theory. Given the deep influence Kant had on Arendt’s thinking, the deep philosophical compatibility between their projects is not surprising. But the results of drawing on the resources left by both is exciting and groundbreaking with regard to both political evil in general and the challenges of modernity and totalitarianism in particular.
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    Dialektik und Systemdenken: histor. Aspekte: Nikolaus von Kues, franz. Aufklärung, Schelling.Helga Bergmann (ed.) - 1977 - Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Dialektik und Systemdenken" verfügbar.
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    Boulainvilliers, mably E tocqueville: Genealogia de Uma exclusão.Helga Gahyva - 2006 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 11 (1):129-144.
    The present article aims to analyze Tocqueville’s expectations concerning the triumph of liberty in the social state of equality. This analysis considers the author’s proximity with the germanist ideology developed during the “the quarrel of the two races”. It is intended to relate tocquevillian conception of freedom to Boulainvilliers’ one, which has been formulated in the beginning of XVIIth century and reinterpretated by Mably in the pre-revolutionary context.
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    De Saquarema a Apipucos: Gilberto Freyre, “revolucionário conservador”.Helga Da Cunha Gahyva - 2023 - Dois Pontos 19 (2).
    O artigo recupera a recomendação de Oliveira Vianna, formulada a partir dos anos 1920, quanto à necessidade de pesquisas voltadas para a compreensão do “pais real”, com o intuito de mostrar como, na geração seguinte, a de 1930, foi Gilberto Freyre seu mais empenhado continuador. Se o primeiro precariamente avança sobre suas próprias sugestões, o pernambucano, ao valorizar o passado colonial brasileiro, consegue romper com certa "sociologia da ausência" presente em trabalhos de alguns de seus contemporâneos. Neste esforço, Freyre constrói (...)
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    Die Bedeutung des Politischen bei Karl Jaspers.Helga Hager - 1967 - Freiburg i. Br.,:
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  29. I'm still not sure how I got here.EdD Helga M. McCullough - 2024 - In Beverly Middlebrook-Thomas (ed.), Inspired to climb higher: the journey, the challenges, the questions, the struggles, and the joy of earning your doctoral degree. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield.
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  30. Getting better: Conversations with myself & other friends while healing from breast cancer. Anne.Helga Kuhse - 1990 - Journal of Medical Humanities 1 (3).
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  31. Exzessive Mimesis: Trompe-l'Œils und andere Überschreitungen der ästhetischen Grenze.Helga Lutz & Bernhard Siegert (eds.) - 2020 - München: Edition Metzel.
    Im Rahmen der interdisziplinären DFG-Forschungsgruppe Medien und Mimesis wird die Kulturtechnik der Mimesis vor dem Hintergrund der aktuellen Medienforschung untersucht. In diesem Band sind die Ergebnisse zum Thema Metamorphosen der Fläche versammelt. Es geht darum, Trompe-l'OEils im Rahmen eines Prozesses der medialen Ausdifferenzierung als Figuren zu entziffern, durch die die zweidimensionale Buchseite (z. B. der mittelalterlichen Stundenbücher ) selbstreferentiell ihre Flächigkeit thematisiert, und die - indem sie zwischen Zwei- und Dreidimensionalität changieren - medial hybride Räume erzeugen. Damit wird die Beziehung (...)
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    An act of cognitive intersubjectivity.Helga Nowotny - 2006 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 13 (5):64-70.
    Dear John, You would have agreed with me that by writing to you I am putting into practice what your essay is all about: an act of cognitive intersubjectivity. It aims at reaching a common understanding or even a shared interpretation that is sufficiently wide to include whatever differences may remain between us. At the same time, I am aware, and painfully so, that this intersubjectivity has become asymmetrical, for you will not be able to respond this time. The symmetry (...)
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    Ernährung im Alter - Es ist nie zu spät.Helga Strube - 2010 - In Dieter Kleiber & Stefan N. Willich (eds.), Jahrbuch Healthcapital Berlin-Brandenburg 2009/2010: Ernährung Im Fokus der Prävention. Akademie Verlag. pp. 179-202.
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    Caring: Nurses, Women and Ethics.David L. Perry & Helga Kuhse - 1998 - Hastings Center Report 28 (5):44.
    An examination of Helga Kuhse, Caring: Nurses, Women and Ethics (1997).
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  35. Coercion and the State.Helga Varden - 2011 - Jurisprudence 2 (2):547-559.
  36. The sanctity-of-life doctrine in medicine: a critique.Helga Kuhse - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    According to the "sanctity-of-life" view, all human lives are equally valuable and inviolable, and it would be wrong to base life-and-death medical decisions on the quality of the patient's life. Examining the ideas and assumptions behind the sanctity-of-life view, Kuhse argues against the traditional view that allowing someone to die is morally different from killing, and shows that quality-of-life judgments are ubiquitous. Refuting the sanctity-of-life view, she provides a sketch of a quality-of-life ethics based on the belief that there is (...)
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  37. On a Supposed Right to Lie from Philanthropy.Helga Varden - 2021 - In Julian Wuerth (ed.), The Cambridge Kant Lexicon. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. pp. 691-695.
    Lexicon entry on Kant's Essay "On a Supposed Right to Lie from Philanthropy.".
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  38. Connecting Arendt’s Lectures and Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy.Helga Varden - 2024 - In Nicholas Dunn (ed.), Hannah Arendt's Lectures on Kant's Political Philosophy. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This chapter draws attention to some deep points of philosophical connection between Arendt’s Lectures and Kant’s own and contemporary Kantian legal and political writings in the English-speaking world today. The aim is not to convince as such, but to show ways to bridge these historical divisions such that we can utilize these important works left us in the philosophical canon as we strive to improve our understanding of politics generally and the particular political challenges facing us. In this way, this (...)
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  39. Patriotism, Poverty, and Global Justice: A Kantian Engagement with Pauline Kleingeld's Kant and Cosmopolitanism.Helga Varden - 2014 - Kantian Review 19 (2):251-266.
    In this article I critically engage some of the philosophical ideas Kleingeld presents in Kant and Cosmopolitanism, namely patriotism, poverty and global justice. Against Kleingeld, I propose, first, that perhaps democracy is less important and affectionate love more so to both Kant himself as well as to an account that can successfully refute a Bernard Williams style objection to Kantian patriotism; second, that guaranteeing unconditional poverty relief for all its citizens is constitutive of the minimally just state for Kant; and, (...)
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    Diversity and Unity.Helga Varden - 2008 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 94 (1):1-25.
    This paper argues with Kant that the only justifiable basis for a legal system is an innate right to freedom, which is defined as the right to be subject only to universal law and not to the arbitrary choices of others. Since rightful interaction is possible only within public institutional frameworks, we cannot respect one another’s innate right to freedom simply by interacting as virtuous individuals or as just states. In fact, only public authorities can have coercive authority, the rightfulness (...)
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  41. Is there a tension between autonomy and dignity.Helga Kuhse - 2000 - Bioethics and Biolaw 2:61-74.
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  42. Critical Notice: Why Killing Is Not Always Worse—and Is Sometimes Better—Than Letting Die.Helga Kuhse - 1998 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 7 (4):371-374.
    The philosophical debate over the moral difference between killing and letting die has obvious relevance for the contemporary public debate over voluntary euthanasia. Winston Nesbitt claims to have shown that killing someone is, other things being equal, always worse than allowing someone to die. But this conclusion is illegitimate. While Nesbitt is correct when he suggests that killing is sometimes worse than letting die, this is not always the case. In this article, I argue that there are occasions when it (...)
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  43. Kant and Sexuality.Helga Varden - 2017 - In Matthew C. Altman (ed.), The Palgrave Kant Handbook. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 331-351.
    Kant’s comments on sexuality are commonly found to be at best perplexing and at worst extraordinarily unenlightened and morally offensive. In this paper, I start by reconstructing what seems to be Kant’s view on sexuality as well as providing an overview of the main, existing Kantian philosophical responses and alternative proposals to this account. In the last part of the paper, I outline a new Kantian approach to sexuality that overcomes the shortcomings of both Kant’s own and the existing Kantian (...)
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    Unsanctifying Human Life: Essays on Ethics.Helga Kuhse (ed.) - 2002 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    _ _ _Unsanctifying Human Life_ offers a collection of Singer's best and most challenging articles from 1971 to the present. The book includes early critiques of various approaches to philosophy and the role of philosophers, followed by controversial works on the moral status of animals, infanticide, euthanasia, the allocation of scarce health care resources, embryo experimentation, environmental responsibility, and reflections on how we should live.
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  45. Voluntary euthanasia and other medical end-of-life decisions: doctors should be permitted to give death a helping hand.Helga Kuhse - 1996 - In David C. Thomasma & Thomasine Kimbrough Kushner (eds.), Birth to death: science and bioethics. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 247--58.
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  46. Voluntary euthanasia in the Netherlands and slippery slopes.Helga Kuhse - 1992 - Bioethics News 11 (4):1-7.
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  47. (2 other versions)Bioethics: An Anthology.Helga Kuhse & Peter Singer (eds.) - 1999 - Malden, MA, USA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    The expanded and revised edition of _Bioethics: An Anthology_ is a definitive one-volume collection of key primary texts for the study of bioethics. Brings together writings on a broad range of ethical issues relating such matters as reproduction, genetics, life and death, and animal experimentation. Now includes introductions to each of the sections. Features new coverage of the latest debates on hot topics such as genetic screening, the use of embryonic human stem cells, and resource allocation between patients. The selections (...)
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  48. How to Move Beyond Our Endless Disagreements over Abortion Policies: A Kantian solution to what seems an insoluble moral conflict.Helga Varden - 2023 - Public Seminar.
    This is a public philosophy article that aims to make available an idea about abortion from my Sex, Love, and Gender book.
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    An orderly mess.Helga Nowotny - 2017 - New York: Central European University Press.
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    Material and consumer identities.Helga Dittmar - 2011 - In Seth J. Schwartz, Koen Luyckx & Vivian L. Vignoles (eds.), Handbook of identity theory and research. New York: Springer Science+Business Media. pp. 745--769.
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