Results for 'Helene Weinhold'

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  1.  7
    Methodologie-Kolloquium Leipziger Philosophen und Politökonomen.Gerhard Sattler & Helene Weinhold - 1981 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 29 (7-9):837.
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  2. Democratic Reason: Politics, Collective Intelligence, and the Rule of the Many.Hélène Landemore (ed.) - 2012 - Princeton University Press.
    The maze and the masses -- Democracy as the rule of the dumb many? -- A selective genealogy of the epistemic argument for democracy -- First mechanism of democratic reason: inclusive deliberation -- Epistemic failures of deliberation -- Second mechanism of democratic reason: majority rule.
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    Open Democracy: Reinventing Popular Rule for the Twenty-First Century.Hélène Landemore - 2020 - Princeton University Press.
    "Open Democracy envisions what true government by mass leadership could look like."—Nathan Heller, New Yorker How a new model of democracy that opens up power to ordinary citizens could strengthen inclusiveness, responsiveness, and accountability in modern societies To the ancient Greeks, democracy meant gathering in public and debating laws set by a randomly selected assembly of several hundred citizens. To the Icelandic Vikings, democracy meant meeting every summer in a field to discuss issues until consensus was reached. Our contemporary representative (...)
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    Return of Results in Population Studies: How Do Participants Perceive Them?Hélène Nobile, Pascal Borry, Jennifer Moldenhauer & Manuela M. Bergmann - 2021 - Public Health Ethics 14 (1):12-22.
    As a cornerstone of public health, epidemiology has lately undergone substantial changes enabled by, among other factors, the use of biobank infrastructures. In biobank-related research, the return of results to participants constitutes an important and complex ethical question. In this study, we qualitatively investigated how individuals perceive the results returned following their participation in cohort studies with biobanks. In our semi-structured interviews with 31 participants of two such German studies, we observed that some participants overestimate the nature of the personal (...)
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  5. Beyond the Fact of Disagreement? The Epistemic Turn in Deliberative Democracy.Hélène Landemore - 2017 - Social Epistemology 31 (3):277-295.
    This paper takes stock of a recent but growing movement within the field of deliberative democracy, which normatively argues for the epistemic dimension of democratic authority and positively defends the truth-tracking properties of democratic procedures. Authors within that movement call themselves epistemic democrats, hence the recognition by many of an ‘epistemic turn’ in democratic theory. The paper argues that this turn is a desirable direction in which the field ought to evolve, taking it beyond the ‘fact of disagreement’ that had (...)
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    Challenging Expertise: Paul Feyerabend vs. Harry Collins & Robert Evans on democracy, public participation and scientific authority.Helene Sorgner - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 57:114-120.
  7.  9
    Christina Toren & Simonne Pauwels (eds), Living Kinship in the Pacific.Hélène Nicolas - 2017 - Clio 45.
    Comment se vivent et s’expérimentent actuellement les relations de parenté dans le Pacifique? Voici le fil conducteur qui relie les onze contributions de ce bel ouvrage dirigé par Christina Toren et Simonne Pauwels. Il actualise l’anthropologie de la parenté des îles du Pacifique, de la Nouvelle-Zélande à la Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, en passant par Fidji, Tonga, Samoa et Taïwan. En introduction, C. Toren et S. Pauwels questionnent la manière dont la parenté constitue dans le Pacifique une t...
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  8. Deliberation, cognitive diversity, and democratic inclusiveness: an epistemic argument for the random selection of representatives.Hélène Landemore - 2013 - Synthese 190 (7):1209-1231.
    This paper argues in favor of the epistemic properties of inclusiveness in the context of democratic deliberative assemblies and derives the implications of this argument in terms of the epistemically superior mode of selection of representatives. The paper makes the general case that, all other things being equal and under some reasonable assumptions, more is smarter. When applied to deliberative assemblies of representatives, where there is an upper limit to the number of people that can be included in the group, (...)
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  9. Deliberation and disagreement.Hélène Landemore & Scott E. Page - 2015 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 14 (3):229-254.
    Consensus plays an ambiguous role in deliberative democracy. While it formed the horizon of early deliberative theories, many now denounce it as an empirically unachievable outcome, a logically impossible stopping rule, and a normatively undesirable ideal. Deliberative disagreement, by contrast, is celebrated not just as an empirically unavoidable outcome but also as a democratically sound and normatively desirable goal of deliberation. Majority rule has generally displaced unanimity as the ideal way of bringing deliberation to a close. This article offers an (...)
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  10.  5
    What has happened to the Union Wage Gap in Times of Deunionization? Trends in the Union Wage Gap, 1984-1994.Helene J. Jorgensen - 1998 - Politics and Society 26 (2):257-272.
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    Couples Coping With the Serious Illness of One of the Partners.Hélène Riazuelo - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Chronic kidney failure is a serious somatic disease. Addressing the issue of living with a chronic disease means fully considering the patients’ entourage, their families, and those close to them, especially their children and spouses.Objectives: The present paper focuses on the couple’s psychological experience when one of them suffers from a chronic disease, in this instance kidney disease. In particular, how is the spouse affected by the treatment provided? The aim is not only to see how care for sick people (...)
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    Yes, We Can (Make It Up on Volume): Answers to Critics.Hélène Landemore - 2014 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 26 (1-2):184-237.
    ABSTRACTThe idea that the crowd could ever be intelligent is a counterintuitive one. Our modern, Western faith in experts and bureaucracies is rooted in the notion that political competence is the purview of the select few. Here, as in my book Democratic Reason, I defend the opposite view: that the diverse many are often smarter than a group of select elites because of the different cognitive tools, perspectives, heuristics, and knowledge they bring to political problem solving and prediction. In this (...)
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  13.  9
    Insister of Jacques Derrida.Helene Cixous - 2007 - Stanford University Press.
    In Insister, Hlne Cixous brings a unique mixture of theoretical speculation, breath-taking textual explication and scholarly erudition to an extremely close reading of Derrida's work, always attentive to the details of his thinking. At the same time, Insister is an extraordinarily poetic meditation, a work of literature and of mourning for Jacques Derrida the person, who was a close friend and accomplice of Cixous's from the beginning of their careers.
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  14.  23
    Sign and Language in Anton Marty: before and after Brentano.Hélène Leblanc - 2021 - In Arnaud Dewalque, Charlotte Gauvry & Sébastien Richard (eds.), Philosophy of Language in the Brentano School: Reassessing the Brentanian Legacy. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 119-140.
    On the basis of Anton Marty’s 1867 Preisschrift, this article offers a reconstruction of the semiotic and linguistic investigations the Swiss philosopher develops just before becoming a student of Brentano. The paper then compares this account with the view on signs that will be given in Marty’s later work, as well as within the Austro-German tradition.
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    Connections between simulations and observation in climate computer modeling. Scientist’s practices and “bottom-up epistemology” lessons.Hélène Guillemot - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (3):242-252.
  16. Marie dans l'encyclique Dieu est amour.Soeur Marie-Hélène Deloffre - 2007 - Nova et Vetera 82 (2):211-233.
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    Tragedy and politics in Aristophanes' "Acharnians".Helene P. Foley - 1988 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 108:33-47.
  18.  46
    What’s Left?: The Ecole Normale Supérieure and the Right.Helene Sanko - 1995 - Bulletin de la Société Américaine de Philosophie de Langue Française 7 (3):255-259.
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    Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint.Hélène Cixous - 2004 - Columbia University Press.
    Who can say "I am Jewish?" What does "Jew" mean? What especially does it mean for Jacques Derrida, founder of deconstruction, scoffer at boundaries and fixed identities, explorer of the indeterminate and undecidable? In _Portrait of Jacques Derrida as a Young Jewish Saint_, French feminist philosopher Hélène Cixous follows the intertwined threads of Jewishness and non-Jewishness that play through the life and works of one of the greatest living philosophers. Cixous is a lifelong friend of Derrida. They both grew up (...)
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    Responsibility and Culpability in War.Helene Ingierd & Henrik Syse - 2005 - Journal of Military Ethics 4 (2):85-99.
    This article furnishes a philosophical background for the current debate about responsibility and culpability for war crimes by referring to ideas from three important just war thinkers: Augustine, Francisco de Vitoria, and Michael Walzer. It combines lessons from these three thinkers with perspectives on current problems in the ethics of war, distinguishes between legal culpability, moral culpability, and moral responsibility, and stresses that even lower-ranking soldiers must in many cases assume moral responsibility for their acts, even though they are part (...)
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  21. Ibrāhīm ibn Sinān: On Analysis and Synthesis.Hélène Bellosta - 1991 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 1 (2):211.
    This paper is devoted to Ibn Sinn's text deals with two distinct, though closely related, subjects. First he considers the classification of problems, founded on the logical criteria which are the number and degree of indetermination of the solutions and the number of hypotheses and their possible independence. This classification does not replace the Hellenistic one, which remains relevant insofar as it purports to solve geometrical problems, but complements it and has a different frame of reference, applying principally to algebra, (...)
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    Des patrons des mathématiques en France dans l'entre-deux-guerres.Hélène Gispert & Juliette Leloup - 2009 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 62 (1):39-117.
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    Les véritables principes de la grammaire: et autres textes, 1729-1756.Hélène Metzger & Gad Freudenthal - 1987 - Fayard.
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    The significance of ethics reflection groups in mental health care: a focus group study among health care professionals.Marit Helene Hem, Bert Molewijk, Elisabeth Gjerberg, Lillian Lillemoen & Reidar Pedersen - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):54.
    Professionals within the mental health services face many ethical dilemmas and challenging situations regarding the use of coercion. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the significance of participating in systematic ethics reflection groups focusing on ethical challenges related to coercion. In 2013 and 2014, 20 focus group interviews with 127 participants were conducted. The interviews were tape recorded and transcribed verbatim. The analysis is inspired by the concept of ‘bricolage’ which means our approach was inductive. Most participants report (...)
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  25. Expression of nonconscious knowledge via ideomotor actions.Hélène L. Gauchou, Ronald A. Rensink & Sidney Fels - 2012 - Consciousness and Cognition 21 (2):976-982.
    Ideomotor actions are behaviours that are unconsciously initiated and express a thought rather than a response to a sensory stimulus. The question examined here is whether ideomotor actions can also express nonconscious knowledge. We investigated this via the use of implicit long-term semantic memory, which is not available to conscious recall. We compared accuracy of answers to yes/no questions using both volitional report and ideomotor response . Results show that when participants believed they knew the answer, responses in the two (...)
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  26.  28
    The function of melanin or six blind people examine an elephant.Helene Z. Hill - 1992 - Bioessays 14 (1):49-56.
    The pigment melanin is found in all living kingdoms and in many different structures and forms. When its various functions are examined separately, its behaviors seem disparate and conflicting. It has a clear role in camouflage and sexual display. Other major roles are examined critically. It can act as a sun screen but is not a very effective one. It can also scavenge active chemical species, but this, too, is not done very effectively. It produces active radicals that can damage (...)
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  27.  29
    Showing vital signs: The work of gilles deleuze and félix guattari's creative philosophy in architecture.Hélène Frichot - 2006 - Angelaki 11 (1):109-116.
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    The Iron Curtain and the Eirenie Movement.Helene Iswolsky - 1950 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 25 (2):238-250.
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    Abject Object Relations and Epistemic Engagement in Clinical Practice.Helene Scott-Fordsmand - 2021 - Philosophy of Medicine 2 (2).
    This article engages with medical practice to develop a philosophically informed understanding of epistemic engagement in medicine, and epistemic object relations more broadly. I take my point of departure in the clinical encounter and draw on French psychoanalytical theory to develop and expand a taxonomy already proposed by Karin Knorr-Cetina. In so doing, I argue for the addition of an abject-type object relation; that is, the encounter with objects that transgress frameworks and disrupt further investigation, hence preventing dynamic engagement and (...)
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  30.  42
    Race, Racism, and Structural Injustice: Equitable Allocation and Distribution of Vaccines for the COVID-19.Helene D. Gayle & James F. Childress - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (3):4-7.
    Inequity has been a hallmark of the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States, especially in the sharply disproportionate impacts among people of color. Recent studies have confirmed that t...
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  31.  62
    Not Being Oneself: A Critical Perspective on ‘Inauthenticity’ in Schizophrenia.Helene Stephensen & Mads Gram Henriksen - 2017 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 48 (1):63-82.
    The task of being oneself lies at the heart of human existence and entails the possibility of not being oneself. In the case of schizophrenia, this possibility may come to the fore in a disturbing way. Patients often report that they feel alienated from themselves. Therefore, it is perhaps unsurprising that schizophrenia sometimes has been described with the heideggerian notion of inauthenticity. The aim of this paper is to explore if this description is adequate. We discuss two phenomenological accounts of (...)
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  32.  20
    False Reporting in the Norwegian Police: Analyzing Counter-productive Elements in Performance Management Systems.Helene O. I. Gundhus, Olav Niri Talberg & Christin Thea Wathne - 2022 - Criminal Justice Ethics 41 (3):191-214.
    Despite the growing body of work exploring the weaknesses of police performance systems and the displacement of their goals, less attention has been given to why police officers resist and circumvent by false reporting. Whether police report honestly on their activities is a matter of considerable significance given the role that police have in a broadly democratic society, and the overall question is whether the false reporting undermines the integrity of the police or if it is a collective coping strategy (...)
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    Veils.Hélène Cixous, Jacques Derrida & Geoffrey Bennington - 2001 - Stanford University Press.
    This book combines loosely "autobiographical" texts by two of the most influential French intellectuals of our time. "Savoir," by Hélène Cixous is an account of her experience of recovered sight after a lifetime of severe myopia; Jacques Derrida's "A Silkworm of One's Own" muses on a host of motifs, including his varied responses to "Savoir.".
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    On Minimal Deliberation, Partisan Activism, and Teaching People How to Disagree.Hélène Landemore - 2013 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 25 (2):210-225.
    ABSTRACT Mutz argues that there is an inverse correlation between deliberation and participation. However, the validity of this conclusion partly depends on how one defines deliberation and participation. Mutz's definition of deliberation as ?hearing the other side? or ?cross-cutting exposure? is narrower than a minimal conception of deliberation with which deliberative democrats could agree. First, a minimal conception of deliberation would have to revolve around the principle of a reasoned exchange of arguments, as opposed to mere exposure to dissenting views. (...)
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  35.  90
    De l'usage Des coniques chez ibrāhīm Ibn sinān.Hélène Bellosta - 2012 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 22 (1):119-136.
    Once Apollonius' Conics had been translated from Greek into Arabic, they became a main reference and the principal tool in studying solid problems, algebraic equations of 3rd and 4th degrees, infinitesimal mathematics, etc. Mathematicians of the 9th–10th centuries also studied the conic sections' constructions, as well as their continuous drawing and their drawing by points. Ibrāhīm ibn Sinān, as his grandfather Thābit ibn Qurra, was one of the most active and inventive mathematicians in these fields. Late Hélène Bellosta examined in (...)
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  36.  8
    Apologétique et raison dans les Pensées de Pascal.Hélène Bouchilloux - 1995 - [Paris]: Klincksieck.
    Les Pensees de Pascal ne posent pas seulement des problemes d'etablissement du texte, de datation et de classement des fragments qui les composent; elles posent au philosophe le probleme de leur sens. cet ouvrage recuse les interpretations qui, reduisant les Penseesa la perspective apologetique, achoppent inevitablement sur le caractere delibere du desordre, l'elargissement du propos, la multiplication des protagonistes. Car on peut resoudre cette triple difficulte sans amputer le texte, pourvu qu'on decele derriere le discours de la preuve, proprement apologetique, (...)
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  37.  12
    Qualitative decision theory with preference relations and comparative uncertainty: An axiomatic approach.Didier Dubois, Hélène Fargier & Patrice Perny - 2003 - Artificial Intelligence 148 (1-2):219-260.
  38.  33
    Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing.Hélène Cixous & Susan Sellers (eds.) - 1993 - Columbia University Press.
    _Three Steps on the Ladder of Writing_ is a poetic, insightful, and ultimately moving exploration of 'the strange science of writing.' In a magnetic, irresistible narrative, Cixous reflects on the writing process and explores three distinct areas essential for 'great' writing: _The School of the Dead_--the notion that something or someone must die in order for good writing to be born; _The School of Dreams_--the crucial role dreams play in literary inspiration and output; and _The School of Roots_--the importance of (...)
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    Les rythmes spatiaux et temporels de la dynamique urbaine à Paris du XVIe au début du XIXe siècle.Davide Gherdevich & Hélène Noizet - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Cet article a déjà paru dans Maria do Carmo Ribeiro & Arnaldo Sousa Mello, Evolucão da paisagem urbana cidade e periferia, Braga, Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar « Cultura, Espaço e Memória » – Instituto de Estudos Medievais – Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2014, pp.175-204. Il est disponible en ligne sur la base des Archives ouvertes. Nous remercions Hélène Noizet et Davide Gherdevich de nous avoir autorisé à le republier ici. Comme la plupart des villes, Paris connaît une dynamique - Géographie (...)
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  40.  11
    How the Public Engages With Brain Optimization: The Media-mind Relationship.Helene Joffe & Cliodhna O’Connor - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (5):712-743.
    In the burgeoning debate about neuroscience’s role in contemporary society, the issue of brain optimization, or the application of neuroscientific knowledge and technologies to augment neurocognitive function, has taken center stage. Previous research has characterized media discourse on brain optimization as individualistic in ethos, pressuring individuals to expend calculated effort in cultivating culturally desirable forms of selves and bodies. However, little research has investigated whether the themes that characterize media dialogue are shared by lay populations. This article considers the relationship (...)
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    Un professionnel, un établissement de santé peuvent-ils se défendre face à une mise en cause pour infection nosocomiale ? Où est l'équité dans les textes ?Hélène Fabre - 2005 - Médecine et Droit 2005 (71):55-60.
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    Captive Woman's Lament in Greek Tragedy.Helene P. Foley - 2007 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 100 (4):456-457.
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    Intention et signe dans le Tractatus de signis de Jean Poinsot.Hélène Leblanc - 2014 - Methodos 14.
    Parmi les différentes approches possibles de la matière historique, on observe souvent, dans la littérature, une tension entre les deux options suivantes : faire d’un auteur le précurseur d'une révolution dont notre modernité serait l'héritière directe, ou au contraire, et par réaction, se livrer à un travail de remise en contexte détaillé qui prend parfois le risque de gommer l'originalité possible de ce même auteur. Le Traité sur les signes de Jean Poinsot, dominicain du début du XVIIe siècle, a ainsi (...)
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    Intention and sign in the Tractatus de signis of John Poinsot.Hélène Leblanc - 2014 - Methodos 14.
    Parmi les différentes approches possibles de la matière historique, on observe souvent, dans la littérature, une tension entre les deux options suivantes : faire d’un auteur le précurseur d'une révolution dont notre modernité serait l'héritière directe, ou au contraire, et par réaction, se livrer à un travail de remise en contexte détaillé qui prend parfois le risque de gommer l'originalité possible de ce même auteur. Le Traité sur les signes de Jean Poinsot (appelé également Jean de Saint Thomas), dominicain du (...)
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    Judging Politically: Symposium on Linda M. G. Zerilli’s A Democratic Theory of Judgment, University of Chicago Press, 2016.Hélène Landemore, Davide Panagia & Linda M. G. Zerilli - 2018 - Political Theory 46 (4):611-642.
  46.  21
    Motherhood as idea and practice: A discursive understanding of employed mothers in sweden.Heléne Thomsson & Ylva Elvin-Nowak - 2001 - Gender and Society 15 (3):407-428.
    This article discusses the meanings that motherhood has in the everyday life of women in Sweden and how they practice their mothering. The empirical foundation is qualitative interviews conducted with mothers who live in Sweden. Social constructionist and discursive psychology inspired the article, and according to the analysis three discursive positions were identified. The first position deals with the child-mother relationship and indicates that the child's psychological well-being is dependent on the mother's accessibility. The second discursive position deals with the (...)
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    Figures du signe à l’'ge classique : Port-Royal – Hobbes – Locke.Hélène Leblanc - 2016 - Methodos 16.
    Ce mini-dossier compte parmi les résultats d’un travail de séminaire de longue haleine, développé au cours d’un cycle de trois ans, portant sur les théories philosophiques du signe de l’Antiquité à nos jours, organisé à l’UMR STL 8163 par Claudio Majolino et Laurent Cesalli. Au sein de l’arc temporel visé par ce séminaire, le XVIIe siècle avait d’emblée une place privilégiée : conçu comme un siècle de rupture qui inaugure la période moderne, il illustre surtout, en particulier dep...
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  48.  14
    Le progrès de la conscience dans la philosophie occidentale. Leon Brunschvicg.Helene Metzger - 1928 - Isis 10 (1):98-102.
  49.  34
    Les reactions intellectuelles elementaires. Andre Cresson.Helene Metzger - 1923 - Isis 5 (2):473-474.
  50.  12
    The Interactive Method for Language Science and Some Salient Results.Hélène & Andre Włodarczyk & Andre Włodarczyk - 2022 - Zagadnienia Naukoznawstwa 55 (3):73-92.
    The use of information technology in linguistic research gave rise in the 1950s to what is known as Natural Language Processing, but that framework was created without paying due attention to the need for logical reconstruction of linguistic concepts which were borrowed directly from barely formalised structural linguistics. The Computer-aided Acquisition of Semantic Knowledge project based on the Knowledge Discovery in Databases technology enabled us to interact with computers while gathering and improving our knowledge about languages. Thus, with the help (...)
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