Results for 'Heikki Mannila'

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  1.  21
    A topological characterization of (λ, μ)*-compactness.Heikki Mannila - 1983 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 25 (3):301-305.
  2. Discovery science: 14th International Conference, DS 2011, Espoo, Finland, October 5-7, 2011: proceedings.Tapio Elomaa, Jaakko Hollmén & Heikki Mannila (eds.) - 2011 - Heidelberg: Springer.
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    (1 other version)Heikki Mannila and Kari-Jouko Räihä. The design of relational databases. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Wokingham, England, and Reading, Mass., etc., 1992, vii + 318 pp. - Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull, and Victor Vianu. Foundations of databases. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reading, Mass., etc., 1995, xviii + 685 pp. - Paris C. Kanellakis. Elements of relational database theory. Handbook of theoretical computer science, Volume B, Formal models and semantics, edited by Jan van Leeuwen, Elsevier, Amsterdam, etc., and The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1990, pp. 1073–1156. [REVIEW]J. A. Makowsky - 1997 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 62 (1):324-326.
  4.  28
    World politics, critical realism and the future of humanity: an interview with Heikki Patomäki, Part 2.Heikki Patomäki & Jamie Morgan - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (4):720-766.
    Heikki Patomäki is Professor of World Politics (Global Political Economy) at the University of Helsinki.1 In Part 1 of this interview (Patomäki and Morgan 2023) he discussed his work and career up...
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    World politics, critical realism and the future of humanity: an interview with Heikki Patomäki, Part 1.Heikki Patomäki & Jamie Morgan - 2023 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (3):562-603.
    In Part 1 of this wide-ranging interview Heikki Patomäki discusses his early work and career up to the Global Financial Crisis. He provides comment on his role as a public intellectual and activist, his diverse academic interests and influences, and the many and varied ways he has contributed to critical realism and critical realism has influenced his work. In Part 2 he discusses his later work, the predicament of humanity and the role of futures studies.
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    Pufendorf’s Theory of Sociability: Passions, Habits and Social Order.Heikki Haara - 2018 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book centres on Samuel Pufendorf’s moral and political philosophy, a subject of recently renewed interest among intellectual historians, philosophers and legal scholars in the English-speaking world. Pufendorf’s significance in conceptualizing sociability in a way that ties moral philosophy, the theory of the state, political economy, and moral psychology together has already been acknowledged, but this book is the first systematic investigation of the moral psychological underpinnings of Pufendorf’s theory of sociability in their own right. Readers will discover how Pufendorf’s (...)
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    The Price Equation and Extended Inheritance.Heikki Helanterä & Tobias Uller - 2010 - Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology 2 (20130604).
    The presence of various mechanisms of non-genetic inheritance is one of the main problems for current evolutionary theory according to several critics. Sufficient empirical and conceptual reasons exist to take this claim seriously, but there is little consensus on the implications of multiple inheritance systems for evolutionary processes. Here we use the Price Equation as a starting point for a discussion of the differences between four recently proposed categories of inheritance systems; genetic, epigenetic, behavioral and symbolic. Specifically, we address how (...)
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    Capitalism: Competition, Conflict, Crisis.Heikki Patomäki - 2017 - Journal of Critical Realism 16 (5):537-543.
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  9. Analyzing Recognition: Identification, Acknowledgement and Recognitive Attitudes Towards Persons.Heikki Ikäheimo & Arto Laitinen - 2007 - In Bert van den Brink & David Owen (eds.), Recognition and Power: Axel Honneth and the Tradition of Critical Social Theory. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 33-56.
    There is today a wide consensus that ‘recognition’ is something that we need a clear grasp of in order to understand the dynamics of political struggles, and, perhaps the constitution and dynamics of social reality more generally. Yet, the discussions on ‘recognition’ have so far often been conceptually rather inexplicit, in the sense that the very key concepts have remained largely unexplicated or undefined. Since the English word ‘recognition’ is far from unambiguous, it is possible, and to our mind also (...)
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  10.  51
    Common Good and Self-Interest in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy.Heikki Haara & Juhana Toivanen (eds.) - 2024 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access volume provides an in-depth analysis of philosophical discussions concerning the common good and its relation to self-interest in the history of Western philosophy. The thirteen chapters explore both renowned and lesser-known thinkers from the Middle Ages to the eighteenth century, covering also the relevant ancient background. By bridging the gap between the medieval and early modern periods, they provide fresh insights into how moral and political philosophers understood the concepts of the common good and self-interest, along with (...)
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    Realist Ontology for Futures Studies.Heikki Patomäki - 2006 - Journal of Critical Realism 5 (1):1-31.
    All social phenomena, all social interaction, anything that exists in society, is temporal. Anticipation of futures is a necessary part of all social actions, and particularly so in the world of modern organisations. If social sciences are to be relevant they should also be able to say something about possible and likely futures. My paper articulates an ontology for futures studies and then, on that ontological basis, specifies the methodology of futures studies. Critical realist ontology explains why there are multiple (...)
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  12. Recognition and the Human Life-Form: Beyond Identity and Difference.Heikki Ikaheimo - 2022 - New York, Yhdysvallat: Routledge.
    What is recognition and why is it so important? This book develops a synoptic conception of the significance of recognition in its many forms for human persons by means of a rational reconstruction and internal critique of classical and contemporary accounts. The book begins with a clarification of several fundamental questions concerning recognition. It then reconstructs the core ideas of Fichte, Hegel, Charles Taylor, Nancy Fraser, and Axel Honneth and utilizes the insights and conceptual tools developed across these chapters for (...)
  13.  33
    Ideology of Nursing Care in Child Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment.Heikki Ellilä, Maritta Välimäki, Tony Warne & Andre Sourander - 2007 - Nursing Ethics 14 (5):583-596.
    Research on nursing ideology and the ethics of child and adolescent psychiatric nursing care is limited. The aim of this study was to describe and explore the ideological approaches guiding psychiatric nursing in child and adolescent psychiatric inpatient wards in Finland, and discuss the ethical, theoretical and practical concerns related to nursing ideologies. Data were collected by means of a national questionnaire survey, which included one open-ended question seeking managers' opinions on the nursing ideology used in their area of practice. (...)
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    Sosiaalisuus Samuel Pufendorfin luonnonoikeusteoriassa.Heikki Haara - 2017 - Ajatus 74 (1):355-362.
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    Planetary gravitation and history.Tauno Mannila - 1973 - Helsinki: [s.n.] : distributor, Akateeminen Kirjaksuppa.
  16.  29
    Giacomo Zabarella.Heikki Mikkeli - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    (Innsbrucker Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft Neue Folge 17).Heikki Solin - 2018 - Klio 103 (1):358-366.
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    An Aristotelian response to Renaissance humanism: Jacopo Zabarella on the nature of arts and sciences.Heikki Mikkeli - 1992 - Helsinki: The Finnish Historical Society.
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    Jurilinguistique comparée: Essai de caractérisation d'une discipline multidimensionnelle.Heikki E. S. Mattila - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 34 (4):1141-1171.
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    Anerkennung.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2014 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Over the past two decades scholars in the fields of political and social philosophy have devoted much time to the subject of recognition. But what is recognition, exactly? Who (or what) can (or should) be recognized? What role does it play for individuals and society? This volume discusses these and other central questions from historical and systematic perspectives. In doing so, it helps define the framework of the discussion and advance recognition studies.
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    Relative separation theorems for $\scr L_{\kappa+\kappa}$.Heikki Tuuri - 1992 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 33 (3):383-401.
  22. Quine and Pragmatism.Heikki J. Koskinen & Sami Pihlström - 2006 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 42 (3):309-346.
    This paper discusses critically W.V. Quine's relation to the tradition of pragmatism. Even though Quine is often regarded as a pragmatist, it is far from clear what his commitment to pragmatism actually amounts to. It is argued that while there are pragmatist elements in Quine's position, this is not sufficient to classify him as a pragmatist in any strong historical sense; indeed, he was not even clear himself what it means to be a pragmatist. It is also shown that neither (...)
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  23. Recognition and Social Ontology: An Introduction.Heikki Ikäheimo & Arto Laitinen - 2011 - In Heikki Ikaheimo & Arto Laitinen (eds.), Recognition and Social Ontology. Leiden: Brill. pp. 1-24.
    A substantial article length introduction to a collection on social ontology and mutual recognition.
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    Beyond Justice: Pufendorf and Locke on the Desire for Esteem.Heikki Haara & Tim Stuart-Buttle - 2019 - Political Theory 47 (5):699-723.
    It is widely accepted that the seventeenth-century natural lawyers constructed the minimal requirement for social coordination between self-seeking individuals animated by the desire for self-preservation. On most interpretations, Grotius and his successors focused on the “perfect” duties (rules of justice) and had little to say about the “imperfect” duties of love and civility. This essay provides an alternative reading of post-Grotian natural law by reconstructing Pufendorf’s and Locke’s understanding of how the duties of civility and love might be realised in (...)
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    Introduction.Heikki Ikäheimo, Kristina Lepold & Titus Stahl - 2021 - In Heikki Ikäheimo, Kristina Lepold & Titus Stahl (eds.), Recognition and Ambivalence: Judith Butler, Axel Honneth, and Beyond. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 1-20.
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    R. G. Collingwood on the identity of thoughts.Heikki Saari - 1989 - Dialogue 28 (1):77-89.
    R. G. Collingwood's re-enactment doctrine has been widely discussed in recent years by his commentators. However, most philosophers who discuss the re-enactment doctrine touch only briefly on his view of the identity of thoughts. This is surprising because Collingwood claims that the historian's successful re-enactment of the thought behind the historical agent's action involves re-thinking the same thought as the agent and not merely a copy of his thought.
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  27. Holism and normative essentialism in Hegel's social ontology.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2011 - In Heikki Ikaheimo & Arto Laitinen (eds.), Recognition and Social Ontology. Leiden: Brill. pp. 145--209.
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    Concepts of "action", "structure" and "power" in "critical social realism": A positive and reconstructive critique.Heikki Patomäki - 1991 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 21 (2):221–250.
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  29. Animal Consciousness In Hegel's Philosophy Of Subjective Spirit.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2010 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2010 (1):180-185.
  30.  39
    How to Tell Better Cosmic Stories: A Rejoinder to Nick Hostettler.Heikki Patomäki - 2010 - Journal of Critical Realism 9 (1):104-111.
    In response to Hostettler, I clarify the intended meanings of ‘After Critical Realism?’ My point is not to abandon critical realism but to develop it further and make it more self-reflexively critical. Bhaskar's journey through different stories about our place in the cosmos is a dialectical learning process from Althusserian scientist existentialism, via an all-encompassing dialectical philosophy as a theory of moral good grounded in every expressively veracious action or remark, to a pluralist notion of God. Bhaskar's questions are deep (...)
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  31. Recognition and Social Ontology.Heikki Ikaheimo & Arto Laitinen (eds.) - 2011 - Leiden: Brill.
    This unique collection examines the connections between two complementary approaches to philosophical social theory: Hegel-inspired theories of recognition, and analytical social ontology.
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    Mediational Recognition and Metaphysical Power: A Systematic Analysis.Heikki J. Koskinen - 2019 - Journal of Social Ontology 5 (2):147-168.
    Interhuman relations sometimes suffer from a lack of adequate recognition. Here I ask whether this can be caused by the “third” of representations of a superhuman ultimate object or source of recognition, that is, a personal God. In arguing for a positive answer, I articulate a notion of mediational recognition, and present a systematic analysis of a trilateral form of recognition in which one party claims to mediate normative judgements of another party to a third one. The analysis then focuses (...)
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  33. On the Role of Intersubjectivity in Hegel's Encyclopaedic Phenomenology and Psychology.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2004 - Hegel Bulletin 25 (1-2):73-95.
    According to a widely shared view, a radical change took place in the role of intersubjectivity in Hegel's philosophy somewhere between Jena and Berlin. For instance, Jürgen Habermas's judgement is that whereas in the Jena writings – in the JenaRealphilosophien, and perhaps still in the 1807Phenomenology of Spirit– Hegel conceived of intersubjectivity as an essential element in the constitution of subjectivity and of objectivity, in Berlin Hegel's intersubjectivist conception was replaced by a metaphysics of the absolute I or absolute self-consciousness, (...)
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  34. Pufendorf coercion, religious beliefs and toleration.Heikki Haara - 2022 - In Hans Willem Blom (ed.), Sacred Polities, Natural Law and the Law of Nations in the 16th-17th Centuries. Boston: BRILL.
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    1. Einleitung.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2009 - In Christopher F. Zurn & Hans-Christoph Schmidt am Busch (eds.), Anerkennung. Berlin, Germany: Akademie Verlag. pp. 1-6.
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  36. Johdatus teologiseen etiikkaan.Heikki Kirjavainen - 1969 - Helsinki: [Kirjapaja].
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    Emerson's Metaphysics: A Song of Laws and Causes by Joseph Urbas.Heikki A. Kovalainen - 2018 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 54 (1):109-113.
    Contemporary commentators on Emerson often assume that the American essayist has been successfully rehabilitated as a philosopher. If we consider seriously his claims to philosophy from a contemporary perspective, however, we must also deal with the treatments of his philosophy critically. This is because philosophy, in itself, is a critical discipline, and every philosophical treatment of Emersonian thought deserves to be treated on the same footing with that of any other classical thinker.Joseph Urbas’s Emerson’s Metaphysics joins David Van Leer’s Emerson’s (...)
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    Innovation, adaptation, and maintaining the balance.Heikki Pesonen - 2022 - Approaching Religion 12 (3):16-31.
    The environmental crisis has challenged faith traditions to take a stand and act both globally and locally. Statements and action build on reinterpretations of tradition, which also produce a variety of ritual applications. Environmental rituals, for example, deal with the grief and anxiety caused by environmental crisis or seek to have a concrete impact on local environmental problems. The anthropologist Roy Rappaport (1926–97) examined religious environmental rituals, firstly as a way of regulating ecological balance. Secondly, he saw religiously motivated environmental (...)
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    Smithian Sentimentalism Anticipated: Pufendorf on the Desire for Esteem and Moral Conduct.Heikki Haara & Aino Lahdenranta - 2018 - Journal of Scottish Philosophy 16 (1):19-37.
    In this paper, we argue that Samuel Pufendorf's works on natural law contain a sentimentalist theory of morality that is Smithian in its moral psychology. Pufendorf's account of how ordinary people make moral judgements and come to act sociably is surprisingly similar to Smith's. Both thinkers maintain that the human desire for esteem, manifested by resentment and gratitude, informs people of the content of central moral norms and can motivate them to act accordingly. Finally, we suggest that given Pufendorf's theory (...)
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  40.  41
    Some Aspects of R. G. Collingwood’s Doctrine of Absolute Presuppositions.Heikki Saari - 1991 - International Studies in Philosophy 23 (1):61-73.
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    Critical Naturalism: A Manifesto.Federica Gregoratto, Heikki Ikäheimo, Emmanuel Renault, Arvi Särkelä & Italo Testa - 2022 - Krisis 42 (1):108-124.
    The Critical Naturalism Manifesto is a common platform put forward as a basis for broad discussions around the problems faced by critical theory today. We are living in a time, e.g. a pandemic time, when present-day challenges exert immense pressure on social critique. This means that models of social critique should not be discussed from the point of view of their normative justification or political effects alone, but also with reference to their ability to tackle contemporary problematic issues (like the (...)
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  42.  41
    Pufendorf on Passions and Sociability.Heikki Haara - 2016 - Journal of the History of Ideas 77 (3):423-444.
  43. A Vital Human Need Recognition as Inclusion in Personhood.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2009 - European Journal of Political Theory 8 (1):31-45.
    Why is recognition of such an importance for humans? Why should lack of recognition motivate people to fight or work for recognition? In this article, I first discuss shortly Axel Honneth's psychologizing strategy for answering these questions, and suggest that the psychological harms of lack of recognition pointed out by Honneth are neither sufficient nor necessary for motivation to fight or work for recognition to arise. According to the alternative that I then spell out, recognition and lack of it are (...)
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  44.  36
    Desubstantializing the critique of forms of life: relationality, subjectivity, morality.Heikki Ikäheimo, Jean-Philippe Deranty & John Goris - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Rahel Jaeggi’s Critique of Forms of Life represents a welcome new development in critical social thought. It aims to overcome the ‘liberal abstinence’, which forbids criticizing the ethical fabric of social life, and proposes to connect normative evaluation with a serious social-ontological model of ‘forms of life’. In this article we argue, however, that Jaeggi’s ontological characterization of the concept of form of life is problematic in ways that introduce a number of adverse consequences for social critique. In section 1, (...)
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    The Cambridge Companion to Pufendorf, edited by Knud Haakonssen and Ian Hunter.Heikki Haara - 2023 - Grotiana 44 (1):224-229.
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    Further reflections on theory as time travel: a response to Morgan.Heikki Patomäki - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (3):351-359.
    In his review essay on World Statehood, Morgan poses three questions, namely: does my conceptualization imply conflation of agency and structure; is the realist processual account of time contradictory; and have we humans already reached the limit of the possible? I address each question briefly one at a time, arguing that the concept of self-transformative capacity of contexts does not imply conflation; that various processes with different durations can exhibit patterns that can be reasonably discussed and assessed and, with caution, (...)
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  47. On the Genus and Species of Recognition.Heikki Ikäheimo - 2002 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 45 (4):447-462.
    This article makes several conceptual proposals for a closer analysis of recognition more or less in line with Axel Honneth's account of recognition: (1) a proposal as to the genus of recognitional attitude and recognition, (2) a sketch of an analytical scheme intended to be heuristically useful for analysing the different species of recognitional attitude and recognition, (3) some proposals as to the precise contents of self-conceptions involved in each species and subspecies of recognition, and (4) suggestions as to the (...)
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  48.  16
    Reforming the law of nature: the secularisation of political thought 1523–1689.Heikki Haara - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (4):775-776.
    Simon P. Kennedy’s book is an intervention in the recent revival of interest in the role of natural law in Reformed Protestantism. It deals with shifts in perspectives on human nature and politics...
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    New Morning: Emerson in the Twenty-first Century Arthur S. Lothstein & Michael Brodrick.Heikki A. Kovalainen - 2010 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 46 (4):650-655.
    This timely anthology contains five pieces of republished poetry (and one original poem) and eleven essays of varying length taking mostly contemporary stances on—and thus hoping to spur the on-going reception into the twenty-first century of—the work of Ralph Waldo Emerson. The assortment of the texts is heterogeneous, yet showing a slight philosophical emphasis: among the eleven essays, half a dozen are by authors trained in philosophy, a couple by literary scholars, and another couple by poets. The prose pieces are (...)
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    A Canadian Classic of Legal Latin Updated: Mayrand, Albert. Dictionnaire de maximes et locutions latines utilisées en droit, 4e édition mise à jour par Máirtín Mac Aodha, Les éditions Yvon Blais, Cowansville , 2007, 671 pp, ISBN 978-2-89635-016-2.Heikki E. S. Mattila - 2009 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 22 (4):467-475.
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