Results for 'Heidrun Dröscher'

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  1.  73
    The nascent political philosophy of the european polity.Heidrun Friese & Peter Wagner - 2002 - Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (3):342–364.
  2.  62
    Spaces of hospitality.Heidrun Friese & Translated by James Keye - 2004 - Angelaki 9 (2):67 – 79.
  3.  20
    The Role of the Human Entorhinal Cortex in a Representational Account of Memory.Heidrun Schultz, Tobias Sommer & Jan Peters - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
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    Scepticisms in the Formation of Islamic Rational Theology: Abū al‐Qāsim al‐Balkhī and Ibn al‐Malāḥimī Providing a Window on the Transmission of Arguments from Late Antiquity.Heidrun Eichner - 2021 - Theoria 88 (1):49-71.
    Newly accessible source material calls for a revision of our picture of the more technical transmission of sceptical epistemologies in the intellectual landscape of early Islam. Abū al‐Qāsim al‐Balkhīʼs (ninth/tenth century) Book of Doctrines shows that naẓar as the basic argumentative method of kalām is defined by the encounter with a broad spectrum of sceptical strategies. By the beginning of the tenth century, Greek traditions were amalgamated in a complex way with other intellectual traditions, most notably dualist ontologies. This situation (...)
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    Friendship and Politics: Preamble.Heidrun Friese - 1998 - European Journal of Social Theory 1 (2):255-258.
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    Handbuch Soziale Praktiken und digitale Alltagswelten (2nd edition).Heidrun Friese, Marcus Nolden & Miriam Schreiter (eds.) - 2025 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
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    Identities: Time, Difference, and Boundaries.Heidrun Friese & Aleida Assmann - 2002 - Berghahn Books.
    "Identity" has become a core concept of the social and cultural sciences. Bringing together perspectives from sociology, anthropology, psychology, history, and literary criticism, this book offers a comprehensive and critical overview on how this concept is currently used and how it relates to memory and constructions of historical meaning.
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    L'Europe comme enjeu politique.Heidrun Friese & Peter Wagner - 2000 - Multitudes 3 (3):51-63.
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    Literal Letters. On the Materiality of Words.Heidrun Friese - 1998 - Paragraph 21 (2):169-199.
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    More beginnings than ends. The other space of the university.Heidrun Friese & Peter Wagner - 1998 - Social Epistemology 12 (1):27 – 31.
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    Textuelle Historizität: interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das historische Apriori.Heidrun Kämper, Ingo Warnke & Daniel Schmidt-Brücken (eds.) - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Die Beiträge des Bandes, die aus den Vorträgen der 4. Jahrestagung,,Diskurs - interdisziplinär" 2014 hervorgehen, fokussieren in unterschiedlicher disziplinärer Perspektivierung die diskursanalytische Konstante der Historizität. Das im Titel genannte historische Apriori indiziert gleichermaßen die Diskursivität sprachlichen Handelns als kontextuelles Bedingt-Sein von Aussagen wie auch die Geschichtlichkeit und damit Relativität sprachlicher Artefakte, für die hier Texte als eine weite Kategorie von Kommunikaten stehen. Im ersten Bandabschnitt,,Historische Semantik und Pragmatik" werden sprachliche Phänomene und, auf einer Metaebene, linguistische Kategorien unter dem Vorzeichen diskursiver (...)
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    Quibbling and the Fallacy of Critical Scholarship: Response to Thorstensen.Heidrun Åm - 2014 - NanoEthics 8 (3):251-254.
    In this text, I respond to a paper by Erik Thorstensen entitled “Public Involvement and Narrative Fallacies of Nanotechnologies.” In his paper, Thorstensen critically reviews a previous ELSA project on engagement and nanotechnology known by the acronym DEEPEN. While I agree that the ELSA community could benefit from the critical examination of earlier research, I believe the approach taken by Thorstensen is not a constructive one. My response deals with three main issues: the character of the paper, narrative theory, and (...)
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    Are Moral Judgments About the Past a Necessity or Unethical? Reflections on the Meaning of Universalistic and Relativistic Ethical Positions.Heidrun Wulfekühler & Angela Moré - 2021 - Ethics and Social Welfare 15 (4):395-409.
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    Flourishing in Social Work Organisations.Heidrun Wulfekühler & Margaret L. Rhodes - forthcoming - Ethics and Social Welfare:1-16.
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    Trust as Glue in Nanotechnology Governance Networks.Heidrun Åm - 2011 - NanoEthics 5 (1):115-128.
    This paper reflects on the change of relations among participants in nanotechnology governance through their participation in governance processes such as stakeholder dialogues. I show that policymaking in practice—that is, the practice of coming and working together in such stakeholder dialogues—has the potential for two-fold performative effects: it can contribute to the development of trust and mutual responsibility on the part of the involved actors, and it may bring about effects on the formation of boundaries of what is sayable and (...)
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    Meticulous Thoughtfulness: Cultivating Practical Wisdom in Social Work.Heidrun Wulfekühler & Margaret L. Rhodes - 2018 - Ethics and Social Welfare 12 (4):330-347.
    Practical wisdom is a necessary virtue for social workers. We explore the nature of this virtue and one possible element of facilitating its development in social work students who are seen as beginning learners of virtue. The pertinent ethical reflections can be stimulated by employing practically feasible guidelines which are Aristotelian in structure and which are not predominantly outcome oriented. We emphasize the need for slowing down the decision-making process. Creating ‘meticulous thoughtfulness’ is the first step on the path of (...)
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  17. Violence against the Democratic State, Abuse of Children: Revising the Collective Memory of `1968'?Heidrun Friese & Peter Wagner - 2002 - Thesis Eleven 68 (1):106-109.
    The thesis that `1968' resulted in the rise of the individual, on the one hand, and the end of politics, on the other, is critically discussed by interpreting the events of 1968 as a project of emancipation and by distinguishing between the individual and the collective aspects of emancipation.
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    “We don’t need another hero!”: Whistleblowing as an ethical organizational practice in higher education.Heidrun Wulfekühler & Alexander Andrason - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (7):844-854.
    The present article shifts the focus and burden of whistleblowing away from an individual to the collective and argues for the necessary incorporation of whistleblowing into an ethical infrastructure in institutions of higher education. The authors argue that institutions of higher learning should be understood as collective agents bestowed with ethical responsibility which obliges them to act in an ethical manner. The fundamental principle guiding the ethical practice of all higher-learning institutions should be a culture of voice because conscientization – (...)
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  19.  26
    Processing Nasals with and without Consecutive Context Phonemes: Evidence from Explicit Categorization and the N100.Heidrun Bien & Pienie Zwitserlood - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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  20.  13
    Islamische Philosophie im Mittelalter: ein Handbuch.Heidrun Eichner, Matthias Perkams & Christian Schäfer (eds.) - 2013 - Darmstadt: WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft).
    Das Handbuch der" Islamischen Philosophie im Mittelalter"präsentiert in einer umfassenden Gesamtdarstellung eine der faszinierendsten Epochen der Geschichte des Denkens. Renommierte internationale Fachleute führen sowohl in die Theorien und Argumente der bedeutendsten islamischen Philosophen als auch in ihre Biographien ein. Überblicksartikel leiten in die Geschichte der islamischen Philosophie, ihre historischen Rahmenbedingungen und den stets wechselnden Austausch mit anderen Wissensgebieten ein. So ermöglicht das Handbuch seinen Lesern, so bedeutende Denker wie Avicenna, Averroes und al-Farabi besser kennenzulernen und sie vor einem ganz neuen, (...)
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    War and Agency: A Comment.Heidrun Friese - 2001 - European Journal of Social Theory 4 (1):95-100.
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  22. The sovereign individual and the management of truths.Heidrun Hesse - 1992 - Philosophische Rundschau 39 (1-2):65-80.
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    Selbstsein und Politik.Heidrun Pieper - 1973 - Meisenheim am Glan,: A. Hain.
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    Der Gast. Zum Verhaltnis von Ethnologie und Philosophie.Heidrun Friese - 2003 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 51 (2):311.
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    A Neurophysiological Investigation of Non-native Phoneme Perception by Dutch and German Listeners.Heidrun Bien, Adriana Hanulíková, Andrea Weber & Pienie Zwitserlood - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Do syllables play a role in German speech perception? Behavioral and electrophysiological data from primed lexical decision.Heidrun Bien, Jens Bölte & Pienie Zwitserlood - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
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    L'Europe en guerre.Heidrun Friese & Peter Wagner - 2003 - Multitudes 4 (4):81-85.
    Europe as a political entity is born with the general public disagreement against the Iraqi war, while governments were divided on that point. Those linked with European opinion are going to build politics together while the others will remain in a corm on market. This new political stage is supported by the global movement.
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  28. Politische Bildung und die Vision (en) der Geschlechterdemokratie.Heidrun Hoppe - 2004 - Polis 2 (2004):5-8.
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    The Limits of Hospitality: Political Philosophy, Undocumented Migration and the Local Arena.Heidrun Friese - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (3):323-341.
    How to hospitably welcome refugees and migrants presents urgent questions for social and political thought. Current debates can be attributed to three discursive fields. Liberal versions hold that there are good reasons for political and legal limits of hospitality, critical perspectives advocate a renewed cosmopolitanism and, finally, deconstructive perspectives focus on the demand of unconditional hospitality as an absolute ethical requirement. These concepts trouble the conventional congruence of citizenship and bounded territory that make up modern nation states, on the one (...)
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    The Limits of Hospitality1.Heidrun Friese - 2009 - Paragraph 32 (1):51-68.
    The arrival of migrants in search of a better life puts forward urgent questions for social and political thought. Historically, hospitality has been considered as a religious duty, a sacred commandment of charity and generosity to assign strangers a place — albeit ambivalent — in the community. With the development of the modern nation state, these obligations have been inscribed into the procedures of political deliberation and legislation that determine the social spaces of aliens, residents and citizens. Current debates are (...)
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  31.  24
    The moment: time and rupture in modern thought.Heidrun Friese (ed.) - 2001 - Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.
    Modern philosophical thought has a manifold tradition of emphasizing "the moment". "The moment" demands questioning all-too-common notions of time, of past, present and future, uniqueness and repetition, rupture and continuity. This collection addresses the key questions posed by "the moment", considering writers such as Nietzsche, Husserl, Benjamin and Badiou, and elucidates the connections between social theory, philosophy, literary theory and history that are opened up by this notion.
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    When `the Light of the Great Cultural Problems Moves on': On the Possibility of a Cultural Theory of Modernity.Heidrun Friese & Peter Wagner - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 61 (1):25-40.
    Comparative analysis of civilizations has recently revived and has led into a debate about varieties of modernity. This connection between an empirically defined area of study, `civilizations', and a theme that is predominantly seen as conceptual, `modernity', is a peculiar one and raises crucial questions for any social theory. Can `modernity' be located spatio-temporally among the civilizations? Is it itself a civilization (or the successor to all civilizations), or does it not rather refer to a human condition? This article takes (...)
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  33.  14
    Von aussen denken.Heidrun Friese - 2012 - In Barbara Henry & Alberto Pirni (eds.), Der Asymmetrische Westen: Zur Pragmatik der Koexistenz Pluralistischer Gesellschaften. Transcript Verlag. pp. 161-186.
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    Transforming Scientists’ Understanding of Science–Society Relations. Stimulating Double-Loop Learning when Teaching RRI.Maria Bårdsen Hesjedal, Heidrun Åm, Knut H. Sørensen & Roger Strand - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1633-1653.
    The problem of developing research and innovation in accordance with society’s general needs and values has received increasing attention in research policy. In the last 7 years, the concept of “Responsible Research and Innovation” has gained prominence in this regard, along with the resulting question of how best to integrate awareness about science–society relations into daily practices in research and higher education. In this context, post-graduate training has been seen as a promising entrance point, but tool-kit approaches more frequently have (...)
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    Grundlagenstudien zur Linguistik: wissenschaftstheoret. Untersuchungen d. sprachphilosoph. Konzeptionen Humboldts, Chomskys u. Wittgensteins.Hans-Michael Droescher - 1980 - Heidelberg: Groos.
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  36. Grundlagenstudien zur Linguistik: wissenschaftstheoret. Untersuchungen d. sprachphilosoph. Konzeptionen Humboldts, Chomskys u. Wittgensteins.Hans-Michael Droescher - 1980 - Heidelberg: Groos.
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    Introduction.Sandro Mezzadra & Heidrun Friese - 2010 - European Journal of Social Theory 13 (3):299-313.
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  38. Beiträge zur feministischen Theorie und Praxis.Ute Annecke & Heidrun Ehrhardt (eds.) - 1989 - Wiesbaden: Vertrieb, Frauenliteraturvertrieb GBR.
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    How Mentors Think About the Attainability of Mentoring Goals: The Impact of Mentoring Type and Mentoring Context on the Anticipated Regulatory Network and Regulatory Resources of Potential Mentors for School Mentoring Programs.Matthias Mader, Heidrun Stoeger, Alejandro Veas & Albert Ziegler - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:737014.
    Research shows that trained mentors achieve better results than untrained ones. Their training should particularly address their expectations for their future mentoring. Our study involved 190 preservice teachers, potential mentors of ongoing school mentoring for primary and secondary school students of all grades. They were randomly assigned to one of four conditions in a 2-x-2 between-subjects design of mentoring type (traditional mentoring versus e-mentoring) and mentoring context (non-pandemic versus COVID-19 pandemic). Participants assessed mentoring conducted under these four conditions in terms (...)
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    Fine Motor Skills and Lexical Processing in Children and Adults.Rebecca E. Winter, Heidrun Stoeger & Sebastian P. Suggate - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Children’s fine motor skills link to cognitive development, however, research on their involvement in language processing, also with adults, is scarce. Lexical items are processed differently depending on the degree of sensorimotor information inherent in the words’ meanings, such as whether these imply a body-object interaction or a body-part association. Accordingly, three studies examined whether lexical processing was affected by FMS, BOIness, and body-part associations in children and adults. Analyses showed a differential link between FMS and lexical processing as a (...)
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    "Natur" in der philosophischen Anthropologie bei Nāgārjuna und Dōgen: komparative Philosophie in Bezug auf den indischen Mahāyāna- und japanischen Zen-Buddhismus.Heidrun Jäger - 2011 - New York: Peter Lang, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
    Die naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnis nimmt die Trennung in ein erkennendes Subjekt und erkanntes Objekt vor, um die Gesetzmäßigkeit natürlicher Abläufe zu erforschen und menschlichen Zwecken dienlich zu machen. Die Naturgegenstände werden zwar begrifflich und funktional bestimmt, jedoch nicht ganzheitlich erfasst. Mit dem Blick auf Mahāyāna-Lehren in Indien und Japan wird eine neue Sicht eröffnet: Nāgārjuna (ca. 2. Jahrhundert) lehrt als Weiterführung des Herz-Sūtras das abhängige Entstehen aller Dinge aufgrund der Leerheit. Der japanische Zen-Denker Dōgen Kigen (1200 -1253) erfasst die Phänomene als (...)
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    Ästhetische Praxis.Michael Kauppert & Heidrun Eberl (eds.) - 2016 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Die bis in unsere Gegenwart hineinreichende Gewissheit, dass es sich bei ästhetischer Praxis um die Praxis von Künstlern und die Wahrnehmung von Kunst durch ein Publikum handeln müsse, ist brüchig geworden. Eine Reihe von Indizien legen den Schluss nahe, dass der Bereich ästhetischer Praktiken und das Kunstfeld in der Gesellschaft eine nur noch partiale Deckung aufweisen. Beispiele für ästhetische Praktiken finden sich in der Mode, der Werbung und dem Design ebenso wie in den neuen Medien sowie in der Musik- und (...)
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  43.  21
    The Nascent Political Philosophy of the European Polity[Link].Peter Wagner & Heidrun Friese - 2003 - Journal of Political Philosophy 10 (3):342-364.
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    5 Modellierung als sozio-materielle Praktik.Christoph Richter & Heidrun Allert - 2015 - In Ivor Nissen & Bernhard Thalheim (eds.), Wissenschaft Und Kunst der Modellierung: Kieler Zugang Zur Definition, Nutzung Und Zukunft. De Gruyter. pp. 48-66.
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    (1 other version)Theophilus Presbyter, Boto von Prüfening und der Bilderschmuck der Kirchen.Heidrun Stein-Kecks - 2013 - In Andreas Speer (ed.), Zwischen Kunsthandwerk Und Kunst: Die,Schedula Diversarum Artium'. De Gruyter. pp. 288-304.
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    Inescapability and Attainability in the Sociology of Modernity: A Note on the Variety of Modes of Social Theorizing.Peter Wagner & Heidrun Friese - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (1):27-44.
    It is a background assumption of much of social science - here called modernist social science - that, in principle, there are neither questions that it cannot decline nor answers that cannot be found. Modernist social science does not accept the issues of inescapability and of attainability; they are names for adversaries that need to be fought against. In contrast to modernism in social theory, this article argues that social theory not only cannot succeed in suppressing the questions of the (...)
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    Cenários construtivistas: temas e problemas.Daniela Beccaccia Versiani, Heidrun Krieger Olinto & Ana Lucia de Souza Henriques (eds.) - 2010 - [Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]: 7Letras.
    'Cenários construtivistas - temas e problemas' pretende ampliar a esfera dos estudos literários com uma perspectiva que fundamenta a sua investigação em pressupostos epistemológicos construtivistas. Esta coletânea reúne textos de trabalhos discutidos no Colóquio Construtivismo, realizado em setembro de 2008 no âmbito do Programa de Pós-Graduação de Estudos de Literatura do Departamento de Letras da PUC-Rio. Os artigos reunidos oferecem pistas para outros modos de olhar a literatura através de lentes construtivistas.
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    War and Social Theory: Reflections after Kosovo: Introduction.Peter Wagner, Heidrun Friese & Gerard Delanty - 2001 - European Journal of Social Theory 4 (1):5-10.
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    Identifying and quantifying main components of physiological noise in functional near infrared spectroscopy on the prefrontal cortex.Evgeniya Kirlilna, Na Yu, Alexander Jelzow, Heidrun Wabnitz, Arthur M. Jacobs & Ilias Tachtsidis - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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    The Supporting Role of Mentees’ Peers in Online Mentoring: A Longitudinal Social Network Analysis of Peer Influence.Manuel D. S. Hopp, Heidrun Stoeger & Albert Ziegler - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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