Results for 'Hedva Eyal'

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  1. Quiet, dependent, nice and loyal" : surrogacy agencies discourse of international surrogacy.Hedva Eyal & Adi Moreno - 2018 - In Hagai Boas, Shai Joshua Lavi, Yael Hashiloni-Dolev, Dani Filc & Nadav Davidovitch, Bioethics and biopolitics in Israel: socio-legal, political and empirical analysis. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.
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  2. Is the Body Special? Review of Cécile Fabre, Whose Body is it Anyway? Justice and the Integrity of the Person: Nir Eyal.Nir Eyal - 2009 - Utilitas 21 (2):233-245.
    Both left libertarians, who support the redistribution of income and wealth through taxation, and right libertarians, who oppose redistributive taxation, share an important view: that, looming catastrophes aside, the state must never redistribute any part of our body or our person without our consent. Cécile Fabre rejects that view. For her, just as the undeservedly poor have a just claim to money from their fellow citizens in order to lead a minimally flourishing life, the undeservedly ‘medically poor’ have a just (...)
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    On the inter-relatedness of theory and measurement in the study of unconscious processes.Eyal M. Reingold & Philip M. Merikle - 1990 - Mind and Language 5 (1):9-28.
  4. Is Evidence of Evidence Evidence?Eyal Tal & Juan Comesaña - 2017 - Noûs 51 (1):95-112.
    We examine whether the "evidence of evidence is evidence" principle is true. We distinguish several different versions of the principle and evaluate recent attacks on some of those versions. We argue that, whatever the merits of those attacks, they leave the more important rendition of the principle untouched. That version is, however, also subject to new kinds of counterexamples. We end by suggesting how to formulate a better version of the principle that takes into account those new counterexamples.
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    Wandering and Home: Beckett's Metaphysical Narrative.Eyal Amiran - 1993 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    How are we to think of Beckett's fiction? Lyrical, inventive, uncompromising, beautifully precise-an immense achievement—is it really an art that proclaims the disintegration of language and of the imagination, as traditional readings conclude? Eyal Amiran's study demonstrates that Beckett's work does not embody the failure of synthetic vision. Beckett's fiction transposes a large intertextual logic from the Western metaphysics it is said to disown, and so takes its place in a literary and philosophical tradition that extends from Plato to (...)
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    Washing away your sins will set your mind free: physical cleansing modulates the effect of threatened morality on executive control.Eyal Kalanthroff, Chen Aslan & Reuven Dar - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (1):185-192.
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    Law, Economics, and Morality.Eyal Zamir & Barak Medina - 2010 - Oup Usa.
    Law, Economics, and Morality examines the possibility of combining economic methodology and deontological morality through explicit and direct incorporation of moral constraints into economic models. Economic analysis of law is a powerful analytical methodology. However, as a purely consequentialist approach, which determines the desirability of acts and rules solely by assessing the goodness of their outcomes, standard cost-benefit analysis is normatively objectionable. Moderate deontology prioritizes such values as autonomy, basic liberties, truth-telling, and promise-keeping over the promotion of good outcomes. It (...)
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  8.  40
    Using direct and indirect measures to study perception without awareness.Eyal M. Reingold & Philip M. Merikle - 1988 - Perception and Psychophysics 44:563-575.
  9.  14
    Response to Turner.Gil Eyal & Elizaveta Sheremet - 2024 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 61 (3):51-61.
    We argue that the concept of epistemic coercion is neither accurate nor useful for describing and thinking about the significance of the new practices of algorithmic curation, and that Foucault’s concept of rarefaction is better suited for this purpose. After establishing what Turner means by epistemic coercion, we show that it differs from how the concept of coercion is typically defined and used by philosophers and sociologists, especially because Turner does not identify a threat that causes the coerced people to (...)
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  10. ‘Perhaps the most important primary good’: self-respect and Rawls’s principles of justice.Nir Eyal - 2005 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 4 (2):195-219.
    The article begins by reconstructing the just distribution of the social bases of self-respect, a principle of justice that is covert in Rawls’s writing. I argue that, for Rawls, justice mandates that each social basis for self-respect be equalized. Curiously, for Rawls, that principle ranks higher than Rawls’s two more famous principles of justice - equal liberty and the difference principle. I then recall Rawls’s well-known confusion between self-respect and another form of self-appraisal, namely, confidence in one’s determinate plans and (...)
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    Toward a Thermo-hydrodynamic Like Description of Schrödinger Equation via the Madelung Formulation and Fisher Information.Eyal Heifetz & Eliahu Cohen - 2015 - Foundations of Physics 45 (11):1514-1525.
    We revisit the analogy suggested by Madelung between a non-relativistic time-dependent quantum particle, to a fluid system which is pseudo-barotropic, irrotational and inviscid. We first discuss the hydrodynamical properties of the Madelung description in general, and extract a pressure like term from the Bohm potential. We show that the existence of a pressure gradient force in the fluid description, does not violate Ehrenfest’s theorem since its expectation value is zero. We also point out that incompressibility of the fluid implies conservation (...)
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    The Open Access Debate.Eyal Amiran - 2010 - Symploke 18 (1-2):251-260.
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    Democracy Captured: The Mega‐Regional Agreements and the Future of Global Public Law.Eyal Benvenisti - 2016 - Constellations 23 (1):58-70.
  14.  14
    Party Primaries as Collective Action with Constitutional Ramifications: Israel as a Case Study.Eyal Benvenisti - 2002 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 3 (1).
    In 1992, Israel underwent a major constitutional reform, which provided Israel, for the first time in its history, with an effective system of separation of powers between the political branches of government. This reform was not intentional but, rather, a byproduct of the voluntary adoption by the two major political parties of open primaries as the method for choosing candidates on their lists for election to parliament. The adoption of the primaries system produced two major changes in the Israeli constitutional (...)
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    Narrating the modern’s subjection: Freud’s theory of the Oedipal complex.Eyal Chowers - 2000 - History of the Human Sciences 13 (3):23-45.
    While Freud’s theory of the Oedipus complex is concerned with psycho-sexual development, it concomitantly presents a novel historical-political imagination. This article compares the post-Oedipal self with the selves envisioned by Nietzsche and Marx, suggesting that while these 19th-century theorists constructed selves that are able to transcend the normalizing and subjugating circumstances of modernity, Freud’s theory defines a healthy self as irredeemably embedded in the prevailing culture and life-orders. In making his case, Freud spurns the quests of Nietzsche and Marx for (...)
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    (1 other version)The Political Philosophy of Zionism: Trading Jewish Words for an Hebraic Land.Eyal Chowers - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Jews and the temporal imaginations of modernity -- The Zionist temporal revolution -- The End of building -- Hebrew and politics.
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    (1 other version)Grounding Public Reasons in Rationality: The Conditionally-Compassionate Medical Student and Other Challenges.Eyal Nir - 2012 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 6 (1):47-68.
    Gillian Hadfield and Stephen Macedo argue that late-Rawlsian stability for the right reasons, that is, stability based on participants’ reciprocal cooperation, can arise even if participants start out only economically rational and indifferent to justice. As they explain, even purely rational actors have an interest in having a neutral “shared logic” to coordinate decentralized enforcement of social cooperation and in internalizing that logic. Once developed and internalized, they add, that logic renders their reasoning public, and their persons, reasonable and responsive (...)
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  18. (1 other version)Beyond perception: conceptual.Eyal M. Reingold - unknown
    Whenever knowledge of the possible interpretation or conceptualization of some- thing helps in perceiving that thing, we say the processing is conceptually driven. That is, the process starts with conceptualization of what might be present and then looks for confirming evidence, biasing the processing mechanisms to give the expected result... Conceptually driven processing and data-driven processing almost always occur together, with each direction of processing contributing something to the total analysis. (Lindsay and Norman 1977, p. 13).
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  19. Lester C. Loschky.Eyal M. Reingold - unknown
    Salience of Peripheral 2 Abstract The three experiments reported document a slowing of peripheral target acquisition associated with the presence of a gaze-contingent window. This window effect was shown for displays using either moving video or still images. The window effect was similar across a resolutiondefined window condition and a luminance-defined window condition suggesting that peripheral image degradation is not a prerequisite of this effect. The window effect was also unaffected by the type of window boundary used (sharp or blended). (...)
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    Not sensitive, yet less biased: A signal detection theory perspective on mindfulness, attention, and recognition memory.Eyal Rosenstreich & Lital Ruderman - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 43:48-56.
  21. Sefer Minḥat ish: bo niḳbetsu u-vaʼu kol hilkhot yiḥud..Eyal Sheraga - 2003 - Yerushalayim: Mekhon Bigde shesh.
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    Passer à travers les murs.Eyal Weizman - 2007 - Multitudes 1 (1):31-44.
    The maneuvre carried out by the Israeli army at Nablus in April of 2002 consisted of interpreting the private house as an open passageway, and « walking through walls. » It involved a conception of the city as not just the site, but as the very medium of warfare – a flexible, almost liquid matter that is forever contingent and in flux. Who makes such interpretations ? Since the end of the cold war a vast intellectual field has been established (...)
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    Differentiating the Pearl from the Fish-Eye: Ouyang Jingwu and the Revival of Scholastic Buddhism.Eyal Aviv - 2020 - Boston: BRILL.
    In _Differentiating the Pearl from the Fish-Eye_, Eyal Aviv offers an account of Ouyang Jingwu, a revolutionary Buddhist thinker and educator. The book surveys the life and career of Ouyang and his influence on modern Chinese intellectual history.
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  24. Is higher-order evidence evidence?Eyal Tal - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (10):3157-3175.
    Suppose we learn that we have a poor track record in forming beliefs rationally, or that a brilliant colleague thinks that we believe P irrationally. Does such input require us to revise those beliefs whose rationality is in question? When we gain information suggesting that our beliefs are irrational, we are in one of two general cases. In the first case we made no error, and our beliefs are rational. In that case the input to the contrary is misleading. In (...)
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  25. What Difference Reveals About Similarity.Eyal Sagi, Dedre Gentner & Andrew Lovett - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (6):1019-1050.
    Detecting that two images are different is faster for highly dissimilar images than for highly similar images. Paradoxically, we showed that the reverse occurs when people are asked to describe how two images differ—that is, to state a difference between two images. Following structure-mapping theory, we propose that this disassociation arises from the multistage nature of the comparison process. Detecting that two images are different can be done in the initial (local-matching) stage, but only for pairs with low overlap; thus, (...)
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  26. On the perceptual specificity of memory representations.Eyal Reingold - 2002 - Memory 10 (5/6):365-379.
    The present paradigm involved manipulating the congruency of the perceptual processing during the study and test phases of a recognition memory task. During each trial, a gaze-contingent window was used to limit the stimulus display to a region either inside or outside a 108 square centred on the participant’s point of gaze, constituting the Central and Peripheral viewing modes respectively. The window position changed in real time in concert with changes in gaze position. Four experiments documented better task performance when (...)
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  27. A Dilemma for Higher-Level Suspension.Eyal Tal - 2022 - Journal of the American Philosophical Association 8 (4):685-699.
    Is it ever rational to suspend judgment about whether a particular doxastic attitude of ours is rational? An agent who suspends about whether her attitude is rational has serious doubts that it is. These doubts place a special burden on the agent, namely, to justify maintaining her chosen attitude over others. A dilemma arises. Providing justification for maintaining the chosen attitude would commit the agent to considering the attitude rational—contrary to her suspension on the matter. Alternatively, in the absence of (...)
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  28. Egalitarian justice and innocent choice.Nir Eyal - 2006 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 2 (1):1-19.
    This article argues that, in its standard formulation, luck-egalitarianism is false. In particular, I show that disadvantages that result from perfectly free choice can constitute egalitarian injustice. I also propose a modified formulation of luck-egalitarianism that would withstand my criticism. One merit of the modification is that it helps us to reconcile widespread intuitions about distributive justice with equally widespread intuitions about punitive justice.
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    Response Bias Correction in the Process Dissociation Procedure: A Reevaluation?Eyal Reingold - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 5 (4):595-603.
    A Buchner and E. Erdfelder (this volume) provide a commentary on our analysis of response bias correction in the process dissociation procedure. Unfortunately, this commentary fails to address the substantive issues that were raised in M. J. Wainwright and E. M. Reingold (1996). In the present article, we attempt to clarify some of their misrepresentations and the inconsistency inherent in their position. ©1996 Academic Press..
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    Partition-based logical reasoning for first-order and propositional theories.Eyal Amir & Sheila McIlraith - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence 162 (1-2):49-88.
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    Against Narrative Poetics: Postmodern Narrative Returns.Eyal Amiran - 1996 - Substance 25 (3):90.
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    Market failure in light of non-expected utility.Eyal Baharad & Doron Kliger - 2013 - Theory and Decision 75 (4):599-619.
    This paper merges the non-expected utility approach (Tversky and Kahneman, J Risk Uncertain 5:297–323, 1992 and Quiggin, J Econ Behav Organ 3:323–343, 1982) into Akerlof’s (Quart J Econ 84:488–500, 1970) model of Market for Lemons. We derive the results for different probability weighting functions and analyze the phenomenon of market failure in light of non-expected utility maximization. Our main finding suggests that when the proportion of traded lemons is high (low), the problem of market failure is mitigated (enhanced). In addition, (...)
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    From perceived control to self-control, the importance of cognitive and emotional resources.Eyal Carmel & David Leiser - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Empirical understanding of school leaders' ethical judgements: applications of the ethical perspectives instrument.Ori Eyal - 2022 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Izhak Berkovich.
    This volume offers a holistic, empirically grounded examination of the factors which influence educational leaders' ethical judgments in their day-to-day work in schools. Drawing on a range of quantitative studies, the text utilizes organizational psychology to explore multiple ethical paradigms. It considers social aspects including ethnicity, gender, hegemony-minority relations, and leadership styles which influence and drive ethical judgment patterns employed by educators and principals. The book ultimately demonstrates the Ethical Perspectives Instrument (EPI) as an effective tool for the assessment of (...)
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    On Prevalence and Prudence.Nir Eyal - 2024 - In Ben Davies, Gabriel De Marco, Neil Levy & Julian Savulescu, Responsibility and Healthcare. Oxford University Press USA. pp. 103-125.
    John Roemer’s pragmatic proposal for luck-egalitarian planners normalizes risky choices for individuals’ social “types,” such that risk takers from types where the same risky behaviors are prevalent retain their just entitlements to societal redress, and ones from types where they are rare encounter just penalties. This chapter shows, however, that risky behaviors that are prevalent in one’s type do not always intuitively retain rights to redress, and that ones that are rare in one’s type do not always intuitively deserve a (...)
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    Pediatric Heart Surgery in Ghana: Three Ethical Questions.Nir Eyal - 2014 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 25 (4):317-322.
    When a group of doctors and nurses from Boston, Massachusetts, provided evaluation and heart surgery to children in Ghana, they encountered three rationing dilemmas: (1) What portion of surgery slots should they reserve for the simplest, most cost-effective surgeries? (2) How much time should be reserved for especially simple, nonsurgical interventions? (3) How much time should be reserved to training local staff to perform such surgeries? This article investigates these three dilemmas.
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    de Broglie Normal Modes in the Madelung Fluid.Eyal Heifetz, Anirban Guha & Leo Maas - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (2):1-12.
    In an attempt to explore further the Madelung fluid-like representation of quantum mechanics, we derive the small perturbation equations of the fluid with respect to its basic states. The latter are obtained from the Madelung transform of the Schrödinger equation eigenstates. The fundamental eigenstates of de Broglie monochromatic matter waves are then shown to be mapped into the simple basic states of a fluid with constant density and velocity, where the latter is the de Broglie group velocity. The normal modes (...)
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    The midwives ordinance of Palestine, 1929: historical perspectives and current lessons.Eyal Katvan & Nira Bartal - 2010 - Nursing Inquiry 17 (2):165-172.
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  39. Necessary?Eyal M. Reingold & Larry L. Jacoby - unknown
    In a recent paper, Graf and Komatsu (1994) argued that the process dissociation procedure (Jacoby, 1991) is limited in its ability to separate and measure conscious and unconscious forms of memory and so should be "handIed with caution". Given that the study of unconscious influences has always posed a difficult problem for memory researchers, we agree with the general emphasis on caution. In this paper, we too advocate caution, especially as it applies to the use of indirect tests, assessing Graf (...)
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    A new criterion for confounder selection? Neither a confounder nor science.Eyal Shahar - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (5):984-986.
  41.  70
    The Psychology of Social Networking: the Challenges of Social Networking for Fame-Valuing Teens’ Body Image.Keren Eyal & Tali Te’eni-Harari - 2017 - Philosophia 45 (3):947-956.
    The article argues that youth’s exposure to thin-idealizing content posted by their adored celebrities on interactive and highly engaging social networking sites poses potential challenges for these young people. Celebrity SNS presence responds to youth’s desire for social connectedness, public approval, and fame, which are highlighted at the time of their identity search and establishment. SNS content likely interacts with teens’ unique developmental characteristics, personal background, and interests to propel processes such as identification and social comparison with famous personae leading (...)
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    (1 other version)Forensische Architektur.Eyal Weizman - 2011 - Zeitschrift für Medien- Und Kulturforschung 2 (2):173-194.
    Entlang zweier ineinander verschränkter Erzählungen – einer epistemischen Verschiebung im Internationalen Recht, in der die Bedeutung forensischer Praktiken schrittweise auf Kosten derjenigen menschlicher Zeugen zugenommen hat, und der Karriere des »Kampfschadengutachters« Marc Garlasco – wird die Entstehung einer analytischen Methode zur Untersuchung von Gewaltereignissen, wie sie sich in räumliche Artefakte und gebaute Umgebungen einschreiben, und deren Rolle in der Untersuchung von Kriegsverbrechen verfolgt. Moving along two intertwining narrations – the epistemic shift in International Law towards an emphasis on forensic practices (...)
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  43. Self-Intimation, Infallibility, and Higher-Order Evidence.Eyal Tal - 2020 - Erkenntnis 85 (3):665-672.
    The Self-Intimation thesis has it that whatever justificatory status a proposition has, i.e., whether or not we are justified in believing it, we are justified in believing that it has that status. The Infallibility thesis has it that whatever justificatory status we are justified in believing that a proposition has, the proposition in fact has that status. Jointly, Self-Intimation and Infallibility imply that the justificatory status of a proposition closely aligns with the justification we have about that justificatory status. Self-Intimation (...)
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    Evidence‐based medicine: a new paradigm or the Emperor's new clothes?Eyal Shahar Md Mph - 1998 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 4 (4):277-282.
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    Facilitation and Interference in Indirect/Implicit Memory Tests and in the Process Dissociation Paradigm: The Letter Insertion and the Letter Deletion Tasks.Eyal M. Reingold - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 4 (4):459-482.
    This paper introduced the letter insertion and letter deletion tasks. In these tasks participants are presented with letter strings and are instructed to insert or delete a letter to create a word. Experiment 1 demonstrated facilitation priming and established these tasks as sensitive indirect measures of memory. Experiments 2 and 3 demonstrated interference priming effects. In Experiment 4 the process dissociation paradigm was applied to investigate the contributions of automatic and consciously controlled processes to performance on the letter insertion task. (...)
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    Inequalities in HIV Care: Chances Versus Outcomes.Nir Eyal & Alex Voorhoeve - 2011 - American Journal of Bioethics 11 (12):42-44.
    We analyse three moral dilemmas involving resource allocation in care for HIV-positive patients. Ole Norheim and Kjell Arne Johansson have argued that these cases reveal a tension between egalitarian concerns and concerns for better population health. We argue, by contrast, that these cases reveal a tension between, on the one hand, a concern for equal *chances*, and, on the other hand, both a concern for better health and an egalitarian concern for equal *outcomes*. We conclude that, in these cases, there (...)
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    Input and output in distributive theory.Nir Eyal & Anders Herlitz - 2023 - Noûs 57 (1):3-25.
    Distributive theories evaluate distributions of goods based on candidate recipients’ characteristics, e.g. how well off candidates are, how deserving they are, and whether they fare below sufficiency. But such characteristics vary across possible worlds, so distributive theories may differ in terms of the world which for them settles candidates’ characteristics. This paper examines how distributive theories differ in terms of whether candidate recipients’ relevant characteristics are grounded in the possible world that would take place if the distributor does not intervene (...)
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    Task conflict and proactive control: A computational theory of the Stroop task.Eyal Kalanthroff, Eddy J. Davelaar, Avishai Henik, Liat Goldfarb & Marius Usher - 2018 - Psychological Review 125 (1):59-82.
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    The attentional blink unveils the interplay between conscious perception, spatial attention and working memory encoding.Eyal Alef Ophir, Guido Hesselmann & Dominique Lamy - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 85:103008.
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    The rise of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in international development in historical perspective.Gil Eyal & Luciana Souza Leão - 2019 - Theory and Society 48 (3):383-418.
    This article brings a historical perspective to explain the recent dissemination of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) as the new “gold standard” method to assess international development projects. Although the buzz around RCT evaluations dates from the 2000s, we show that what we are witnessing now is a second wave of RCTs, while a first wave began in the 1960s and ended by the early 1980s. Drawing on content analysis of 123 RCTs, participant observation, and secondary sources, we compare the two (...)
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