Results for 'Hasan Eşici'

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  1.  20
    COVID-19: Are School Counseling Services Ready? Students' Psychological Symptoms, School Counselors' Views, and Solutions.Mehmet Akif Karaman, Hasan Eşici, İsmail Hakkı Tomar & Ramin Aliyev - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effects of COVID-19 on high school students' psychological symptoms and to understand how ready counselors and school counseling services are based on the data we have. Therefore, this research is designed under two different studies: Study 1: Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on students' psychological symptoms and Study 2: Views and expectations of students and school counselors about school counseling services. The first study was a quantitative study and included 549 high (...)
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  2. In search of integration and identity: Indian Muslims since independence.Mushirul Hasan - 2010 - In Aakash Singh & Silika Mohapatra (eds.), Indian political thought: a reader. New York: Routledge.
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    Türkiye'de din anlayışında değişim süreci.Hasan Onat - 2003 - Ankara: Ankara Okulu Yayınları.
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  4. Algorithmic Bias and Risk Assessments: Lessons from Practice.Ali Hasan, Shea Brown, Jovana Davidovic, Benjamin Lange & Mitt Regan - 2022 - Digital Society 1 (1):1-15.
    In this paper, we distinguish between different sorts of assessments of algorithmic systems, describe our process of assessing such systems for ethical risk, and share some key challenges and lessons for future algorithm assessments and audits. Given the distinctive nature and function of a third-party audit, and the uncertain and shifting regulatory landscape, we suggest that second-party assessments are currently the primary mechanisms for analyzing the social impacts of systems that incorporate artificial intelligence. We then discuss two kinds of as-sessments: (...)
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  5. Personal epistemology, nature of science and instructional practice: towards defining a meaningful relationship.Hasan Deniz - 2017 - In Gregory J. Schraw, Jo Brownlee & Lori Olafson (eds.), Teachers' personal epistemologies: evolving models for informing practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc,..
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    Rasprava za bitie(to) vo islamskata filozofija.Hasan Džilo - 2017 - Skopje: Logos-A.
  7. Reporting on "islamic bioethics" in the medical literature: Where are the experts?Hasan Shanawani & Mohammad Hassan Khalil - 2008 - In Jonathan E. Brockopp & Thomas Eich (eds.), Muslim Medical Ethics: From Theory to Practice. University of South Carolina Press.
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    Development, Power, and the Mining Industry in Papua: A Study of Freeport Indonesia.P. A. Rifai-Hasan - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (S2):129 - 143.
    This article seeks to determine whether PT Freeport Indonesia, an operating subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan Copper and Gold Inc., has acted in environmentally and socially responsible ways in the context of its operations in Papua, Indonesia, and how well it has responded to the legacy left by its less responsible operations from 1973 until the mid-1990s. This objective is achieved by examining the company's impact on the resources and assets with which it comes into contact as part of its operations, as (...)
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  9. A Critical Introduction to the Epistemology of Perception.Ali M. Hasan - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    We ordinarily take it as obvious that we acquire knowledge of our world on the basis of sensory perception, and that such knowledge plays a central cognitive and practical role in our lives. Upon reflection, however, it is far from obvious what perception involves and how exactly it contributes to our knowledge. Indeed, skeptical arguments have led some to question whether we have any knowledge, or even rational or justified belief, regarding the world outside our minds. -/- Investigating the nature (...)
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    Türk Kültüründe Çevre Algısı ve İslam’ın Türk Toplumunun Çevre Anlayışına Etkileri.Hasan Kalyoncu & Kemaleddin Taş - 2022 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 39:43-51.
    Türk kültür ve inanç tarihine bakıldığında, Türk milletinin doğa ile uyum içinde yaşadığını ve bu yaşam biçimini sürekli kılmayı amaçladığını gösteren pek çok bulgu mevcuttur. İslam öncesi Türk toplumlarında olduğu gibi, kitlesel olarak İslam dinini benimsemesinden sonra da bu yaklaşımın sürdürüldüğü görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada kadim Türk kültürünün ve İslam inancının, insanlara verdiği çevreye ilişkin değer yargıları ve davranış modelleri biyoetik kavramı çerçevesinde ele alınmıştır. Bu amaçla öncelikle eski Türk inançları, arkeolojik bulgular, metinler, destanlar incelenmiştir. İslam inancının Türklerin çevre algısına etkilerini (...)
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    Temat islame.Hasan Čengić - 1999 - Shkup: Logos-A.
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    Sanatsal gerçeklikler, olgular ve öteleri..Hasan Bülent Kahraman - 2016 - İstanbul: Kapı Yayınları.
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    Religiöse Bildung und interkulturelles Lernen. Ein ErasmusPlusProjekt mit Partnern aus Deutschland, Liechtenstein und der Türkei.Hasan Sözen - 2018 - Dini Araştırmalar 21 (54):1-1.
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    An Analysis of the Verses in the Qur'an Where the Roots Shu'ur and Ş-a'-r Are Mentioned.Hasan Fehmi Ulus - 2023 - Marifetname 10 (2):579-619.
    The word “şuū’r” comes from the root “ş-a'-r”, which means hair, feather, hair. There are forty words in different forms from this root in the Qur'an. We see that twenty-seven of these words, set in forty different verses, are included as verbs in the form of gaib and interlocutor, and thirteen as nouns. Since the derivatives mentioned as verbs are explained with the infinitive ”shū'r” in exegesis, in the study, priority was given to determining the meaning of this word in (...)
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    Osmanlı'da Bir Darbe ve Tahlili: Genç Osman Örneği.Hasan Yaşaroğlu - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 7):705-705.
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  16. Are You Anthropomorphizing AI?Ali Hasan - 2024 - Blog of the American Philosophical Association.
    I argue that, given the way that AI models work and the way that ordinary human rationality works, it is very likely that people are anthropomorphizing AI, with potentially serious consequences. There are good reasons to doubt that LLMs have anything like human understanding, and even if they have representations or meaningful contents in some sense, these are unlikely to correspond to our ordinary understanding of natural language. However, there are natural, and in some ways quite rational, pressures to anthropomorphize (...)
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    Anachronism and Scientific Tafsir.Hasan Yildirim & Abdullah Aygün - 2024 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):233-252.
    Anachronism, which is defined as the conscious or unconscious neglect or falsification of the chronological relationship between any event, phenomenon, person, object, etc., is used in many fields, especially in literature, history and art. Although different classifications are made, anachronism can be considered in three parts as factual, linguistic and attitudinal. Although it has positive results according to its usage and purpose, anachronism, which has a negative perception in general, is also in question in the understanding and interpretation of the (...)
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  18. In Defense of Rationalism about Abductive Inference.Ali Hasan - 2017 - In Kevin McCain & Ted Poston (eds.), Best Explanations: New Essays on Inference to the Best Explanation. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Laurence BonJour and more recently James Beebe have argued that the best way to defend the claim that abduction or inference to the best explanation is epistemically justified is the rationalist view that it is justified a priori. However, rationalism about abduction faces a number of challenges. This chapter focuses on one particular, highly influential objection, that there is no interpretation of probability available which is compatible with rationalism about abduction. The rationalist who wants to maintain a strong connection between (...)
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    The Role of Islamic Schools in the Formation of European Müslim Culture and an Evaluation on the Possibility of Euro Islam (The Case of Netherlands-Arnhem).Hasan Gökmen - 2023 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 28 (2):137-152.
    The presence of muslim appeared by post colonial migration in Europe has begun to rice gradually and instinctively since 1960. Today, the population of immigrant muslims exceeding is 15 million has faced many problems such as political, socio-cultural and economic and this situation still remains up to date. Behind all these problems, it is alleged that the significiant integration problems occur and that there are also significiant ethnic and religious identity in front of the integration problems. The debates of Euro-Islam (...)
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    Contemporary issues in social sciences in pakistan.Hasan Askari Rizvi - 2015 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 54 (1):3-14.
    The paper provides an overview of the evolution of Social Sciences with a focus on the Post-1945 period, known for major strides towards scientific, analytical, nonpartisan, multi-disciplinary and comprehensive study and research in different fields of Social Sciences. The paper discusses the gradual growth of Social Sciences in Pakistan in terms of increase in number of persons engaged in teaching, research and practice in various domains of Social Sciences, institutional facilities and availability of funds. There is a discussion of the (...)
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    Major issues and challenges of human and societal development.Hasan Askari Rizvi - 2017 - Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 56 (2):1-12.
    The role of state in the contemporary global system is greatly shaped by its inner or domestic strength that include economic resilience, socio-political harmony and a stable constitutional political order. These attributes cannot be achieved by a state unless it assigns the highest priority to human and societal development and promotion of egalitarian socio-economic arrangements that provide equal opportunities to all citizens irrespective of ethnicity, language, religion, caste, region or gender. The focus is on transforming human resources into human capital (...)
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    Sıffîn Savaşı ve Tarihin Gizlediği Bir Gerçek Ali-Mu'viye Mütarekesi.Hasan Yaşaroğlu - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 1):623-623.
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    Kayseri'de Öğrenim Gören Yabancı Uyruklu Öğrencilerin Kayseri, Türkiye ve İslam Algısı.Hasan Yavuzer - 2015 - Journal of Turkish Studies 10 (Volume 10 Issue 2):1025-1025.
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    Hamdullah Hamdî Divanı Üzerinde Durum Biçimbirimleri Açısından Bir İnceleme.Hasan Özer - 2016 - Journal of Turkish Studies 11 (Volume 11 Issue 4):783-783.
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  25. Kötülük problemi bir sözde problem midir?Hasan G. Bahçekapili - manuscript
    Bu çalışma, geleneksel din felsefesindeki kötülük probleminin gerçek değil sözde bir problem olduğunu, dolayısıyla çözümlemeye çalışmak yerine tasfiye edilmesi gerektiğini öne süren bazı yeni tarihli iddiaları değerlendirmektedir. Öncelikle ele alınan konu sözde problem dendiğinde ne kastedildiğidir. Bir problemin iki tarafının karşılıklı olarak aynı yanlış varsayımı yaptığı durumlar literatürde sözde problem olarak nitelendirilmektedir. Makalede bu anlamda sözde problemin türleri ve ölçütleri belirlenmektedir. Arkasından geleneksel kötülük problemini oluşturan argüman ortaya koyulmakta ve problem için getirilen çözüm önerileri tanıtılmaktadır. Makalenin son bölümünde, önceki bölümlerde (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Foundationlist Theories of Epistemic Justification.Ali Hasan & Richard Fumerton - 2016 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  27. The Grounds of Knowledge Must Be Accessible.Ali Hasan - 2020 - In Steven B. Cowan (ed.), Problems in Epistemology and Metaphysics: An Introduction to Contemporary Debates. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 95-107.
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    Nizâm-ı âlemi sağlayan sebeplerin temelleri =.Hasan Kâfî Akhisârî - 2020 - İstanbul: Klasik. Edited by Ömer Mahir Alper.
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  29. Transmission du charisme et institutionnalisation: Les cas de la Zawiya d'Ouezzane, Maroc XVIème-XIXème siècles.Hasan Elboudrari - 1991 - Al-Qantara 12 (2):523-536.
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    Non-reporting and inconsistent reporting of race and ethnicity in articles that claim associations among genotype, outcome, and race or ethnicity.Hasan Shanawani, L. Dame & R. da SchwartzCook-Deegan - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (12):724-728.
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    İki H'şiyenin Serencamı -Hay'lî ve İbn Ebî Şerîf’in Şerhu’l-Akāid H'şiyeleri-.Hasan Sefa Turan - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):666-679.
    Kelâm’ın şerh ve hâşiye döneminin önde gelen metinlerinden biri Teftâzânî’nin Şerhu’l-Akāid adlı şerhidir. Nitekim üzerine İslâm dünyasının muhtelif bölgelerindeki âlimler tarafından birçok hâşiye çalışması yapılmıştır. Bunlar arasında öne çıkan en meşhur metinlerden birisi Hayâlî’nin yazmış olduğu Hâşiye alâ Şerhi’l-Akāidi’n-Nesefiyye adlı eserdir. Nitekim Hayâlî’nin bu hâşiyesi, Şerhu’l-Akāid üzerine yazılan hâşiyeler arasında üzerine en fazla hâşiye yazılan eserdir. Kâtib Çelebi, Leknevî ve Taşköprülüzâde gibi âlimler Hayâlî hâşiyesi hakkında övücü ifadeler kullanmıştır. Ayrıca Hayâlî’nin bu hâşiyesi Osmanlı kelâm kitapları hiyerarşisinde Şerhu’l-Akāid’den daha üst bir (...)
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    Mütekaddim Dönem Sünnî Kel'mında Keramet.Hasan Sefa Turan - 2021 - Tasavvur - Tekirdag Theology Journal 7 (1):63-94.
    The main evidence used in a matter of proving prophethood in Kalām is miracles. For this reason, other extraordinary situations that miraculously occur have always been on the agenda of theologians. Of these the most similar to miracle is karāma events that occur extraordinary in the hands of Walī. Karāma has been discussed on certain theoretical grounds in kalām books during the beginning period of Sunnī kalām. As in other theological debates, the leading adversaries of Sunnī theologians in the issue (...)
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  33. The new legal anti-positivism.Hasan Dindjer - 2020 - Legal Theory 26 (3):181-213.
    According to a recent wave of work by legal anti-positivists, legal norms are a subset of moral norms. This striking “one-system” view of law has rapidly become the dominant form of anti-positivism, but its implications have so far been little tested. This article argues that the one-system view leads systematically to untenable conclusions about what legal rights and obligations we have. For many clear legal norms, the view lacks the resources to explain the existence of corresponding moral norms. And its (...)
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    Quasi-Occasionalistic Causation in the Philosophy of René Descartes.Hasan Ahmadizade - 2020 - Journal of Philosophical Theological Research 22 (1):127-146.
    Introduction The discussion of “self-knowledge” as a philosophical issue begins with an intuition. This intuition is based on the fact that our knowledge of our mental states or our knowledge in relation to statements like: “I know that I am happy,” is a particular knowledge that is distinct from the rest of our knowledge. It seems that in order to gain knowledge of ourselves, we do not need to go through those processes that we go through in order to gain (...)
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    Linguistik Indonesia: pengantar memahami hakikat bahasa.Hasan Busri - 2018 - Malang, Jatim: Madani Media. Edited by Moh Badrih.
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    Classification with NormalBoost.Hasan Fleyeh & Erfan Davami - 2011 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 20 (2):187-208.
    This paper presents a new boosting algorithm called NormalBoost which is capable of classifying a multi-dimensional binary class dataset. It adaptively combines several weak classifiers to form a strong classifier. Unlike many boosting algorithms which have high computation and memory complexities, NormalBoost is capable of classification with low complexity. Since NormalBoost assumes the dataset to be continuous, it is also noise resistant because it only deals with the means and standard deviations of each dimension. Experiments conducted to evaluate its performance (...)
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    Semantic Variation: Meaning in Society and in Sociolinguistics.Ruqaiya Hasan - 2009 - Equinox. Edited by Jonathan Webster.
    The sociolinguistic turn of the 1960's has been remarkably successful: variability of language is no longer an issue open to debate. But studies of variation have by and large been restricted to the level of expression. This volume makes a contribution to a neglected area in sociolinguistics, namely variation at the level of meaning, i.e., semantic variation. The chapters in this volume discuss the results of an empirical research strongly supporting the view that systematic variation in the choice of semantic (...)
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    Ethical Perception Of Tissue Banking In Bangladesh.Hasan M. Zahid, Kanchan Chakma, Mamun Miah & Azizun Ness - 2012 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 1 (2):11-19.
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    The Effect of Making Joining (Vasl) on the Purpose of Stopping (Waqf) in the Holy Qur'an According to Sajawandi.Hasan Bulut - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (1):120-135.
    Every word of the Qur'an ensures the understanding of the divine will. The foundation signs in it were created for this purpose. Just like the punctuation marks that ensure the correct understanding of a Turkish sentence, the foundation marks in the Qur'an have assumed the same function. The signs of foundation, which give the opportunity to breathe by interrupting the recitation at the places where the mana is completed, and the signs of ibtida, which provides the recitation starting from the (...)
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  40. Developing Education in Israa University Using Intelligent Tutoring System.Hasan A. Abu Hasanein & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Pedagogical Research (IJAPR) 2 (5):1-16.
    This study was conducted with the aim of developing the academic work in the Palestinian universities. No one can deny the technological stage that we are witnessing in the present era. Our mission is to use this development to develop the educational process. The Artificial Intelligence of the most important branches of computer science, which is interested in the development of computer software in order to make them simulate intelligent human, recently it emerged promised based on artificial intelligence applications are (...)
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  41. Democracy, dissensus and the aesthetics of class struggle: An exchange with jacques rancière.Rafeeq Hasan, Max Blechman & Anita Chari - 2005 - Historical Materialism 13 (4):285-301.
  42.  20
    An Evaluation on the Purpose of Adding the Verse Numbers in Muṣḥaf.Hasan Yücel - 2021 - Dini Araştırmalar 24 (61):375-426.
    The Qur’an was formed into the book and took the name muṣḥaf during the caliphate of Abu Bakr. Naturally, this muṣḥaf, recorded with the script of the period, was subjected to various arrangements over time in terms of its script and form. Activities such as the dots that help to separate letters from each other, lines that make the movements specific, the intervals (fāṣila) separating the verses from each other and the punctuations can be mentioned among them. In this article, (...)
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    Review of Albert Casullo, Essays on A Priori Knowledge and Justification. [REVIEW]Ali Hasan - 2014 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (2014).
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    Writing the Text of the Qurʾān with Punctuation Marks in Modern Arabic Inscription.Hasan Yücel - 2020 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 24 (3):1307-1331.
    Qurʾān was revealed to the Prophet Muḥammad (pbuh) not as a written document, but by word of mouth over a period of approximately 23 years. He dictated the verses to the scribes of revelation. After this, Abū Bakr compiled the written verses; i.e. gathered between two covers. Thus when the Qurʾān was compiled as a text, a number of addresses lost their characteristics. This situation, which is a result of the shortcomings in inscription, suggested the necessity of separating the verses, (...)
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  45.  22
    Şeyhî'nin Gazellerine Tasavvufî Bakış.Hasan Cankurt - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 3):321-321.
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    Mahtumkulu Fir'kî'nin Şiirlerinde Muhtev'.Hasan Cankurt - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 9):911-911.
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    Gençlerin Sapmış Ve Suçlu Davranışlara Yönelmelerinde Benlik Saygısının Etkisi: Lise 11. Sınıf Örneğ.Hasan Sankir - 2014 - Journal of Turkish Studies 9 (Volume 9 Issue 2):1311-1311.
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    Religion and Development in the Global South.Rumy Hasan - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    This book examines how the beliefs and practices of each of the major world religions, as well as other belief systems, affect the variables that influence growth and development in the Global South. Evidence suggests that as countries develop, the influence of religion on all aspects of society declines. In stark contrast to the developed world, in the Global South, the role of religion is highly pervasive - the distinctive conclusion of this book is therefore that a lessening of religiosity (...)
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  49. Al-Ghazali and Ibn Rush (Averroes) on Creation and the Divine Attributes.Ali Hasan - 2013 - In Jeanine Diller & Asa Kasher (eds.), Models of God and Alternative Ultimate Realities. Springer. pp. 141-156.
    Al-Ghazali (1058-1111) was concerned that early Islamic philosophers were leaning too heavily and uncritically on Aristotelian and Neoplatonic ideas in developing their models of God and His relation to the world. He argued that their views were not only irreligious, but philosophically problematic, and he defended an alternative view aimed at staying closer to the Qur’an and the beliefs of the ordinary Muslim. Ibn Rushd (1126-1198) responded to al-Ghazali’s critique and developed a sophisticated Aristotelian view. The present chapter explores their (...)
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    Investigating the mediating role of moral identity on the relationship between spiritual intelligence and Muslims' self-esteem.Hasan Boudlaie, Albert Boghosian, Israr Ahmad, Hussam Mohammed Wafqan, Ismail Suardi Wekke & Aziza Makhmudova - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–6.
    One of the critical crises observed in human society, especially in the so-called advanced and industrial societies, is the spiritual crisis. Spirituality in various types of cultural and religious concepts is considered a spiritual path one in which can achieve something like a high level of consciousness, wisdom or union with God. In addition, self-esteem is a sense of worth. This feeling comes from the sum of our thoughts, feelings, emotions and experiences throughout life. Dignity also means honour and pride, (...)
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