Results for 'Harvey Gould'

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  1.  11
    Statistical and Thermal Physics: With Computer Applications.Harvey Gould & Jan Tobochnik - 2010 - Princeton University Press.
    This textbook carefully develops the main ideas and techniques of statistical and thermal physics and is intended for upper-level undergraduate courses. The authors each have more than thirty years' experience in teaching, curriculum development, and research in statistical and computational physics. Statistical and Thermal Physics begins with a qualitative discussion of the relation between the macroscopic and microscopic worlds and incorporates computer simulations throughout the book to provide concrete examples of important conceptual ideas. Unlike many contemporary texts on thermal physics, (...)
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    The Piltdown Conspiracy.Stephen Jay Gould - unknown
    In his great aria "La calumnia," Don Basillo, the music master of Rossini's Barber of Seville, graphically describes how evil whispers grow, with appropriate watering, into truly grand and injurious calumnies. For the less conniving among us, the same lesson may be read with opposite intent: in adversity, try to contain. The desire to pin evil deeds upon a single soul acting alone reflects this strategy; conspiracy theories have a terrible tendency to ramify like Basillo's whispers until the runaway solution (...)
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    A student's guide to political philosophy.Harvey Claflin Mansfield - 2001 - Wilmington, Del.: ISI Books.
    The ISI Guides to the Major Disciplines are reader-friendly introductions to the most important fields of knowledge in the liberal arts. Written by leading scholars for both students and the general public, they will be appreciated by anyone desiring a reliable and informative tour of important subject matter. Each title offers an historical overview of a particular discipline, explains the central ideas of each subject, and evaluates the works of thinkers whose ideas have shaped our world. They will aid students (...)
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  4. (1 other version)The Spandrels of San Marco and the Panglossian Paradigm: A Critique of the Adaptationist Programme.S. J. Gould & R. C. Lewontin - 1994 - In Elliott Sober, Conceptual Issues in Evolutionary Biology. The Mit Press. Bradford Books. pp. 73-90.
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  5. “Tocqueville's New Political Science” with Delba Winthrop.Harvey Claflin Mansfield - 2006 - In Cheryl B. Welch, The Cambridge companion to Tocqueville. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  6. On the philosophy of politics.Harvey C. Mansfield - 2002 - In S. Phineas Upham & Joshua Harlan, Philosophers in conversation: interviews from the Harvard review of philosophy. London: Routledge.
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  7. Ever since Darwin: Reflections in Natural History.Stephen Jay Gould - 1978 - Journal of the History of Biology 11 (2):399-400.
  8. Contemporary America: The National Scene since 1900.Harvey Wish - 1947 - Science and Society 11 (2):199-201.
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  9. The hardening of the modern synthesis.Stephen J. Gould - unknown
    In 1937, just as Dobzhansky published the book that later generations would laud as the foundation of the modern synthesis, the American Naturnlist published a symposium on "supraspecific variation in nature and in classification." Alfred C. Kinsey, who later became one of America's most controversial intellectuals for his study of basic behaviors in another sort of WASP,1 led off the symposium with a summary of his extensive work on a family of gall wasps, the Cynipidae. In his article, Kinsey strongly (...)
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  10. (1 other version)Nonoverlapping magisteria.Stephen Jay Gould - 1997 - Natural History 106 (2):16--22.
    ncongruous places often inspire anomalous stories. In early 1984, I spent several nights at the Vatican housed in a hotel built for itinerant priests. While pondering over such puzzling issues as the intended function of the bidets in each bathroom, and hungering for something other than plum jam on my breakfast rolls (why did the basket only contain hundreds of identical plum packets and not a one of, say, strawberry?), I encountered yet another among the innumerable issues of contrasting cultures (...)
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  11. Transnational solidarities.Carol C. Gould - 2007 - Journal of Social Philosophy 38 (1):148–164.
  12. The Confusion over Evolution.Stephen Jay Gould - unknown
    l i ver Cromwell delivered history's most famous rebuke to the heroworshiping that irons all subtlety into flawless cardboard: Mr. Lely, I desire you would use all your skill to paint my picture truly like me, and not flatter me at al l ; but remark all these roughnesses, pimples, warts, and everything as you see me, otherwise I will never pay a farthing for it. Helena Cronin, in The Ant and the Peacock , displays a raw talent clearly equal (...)
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  13.  24
    Panselectionist pitfalls in Parker & Gibson's model for the evolution of intelligence.Stephen Jay Gould - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):385-386.
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    Punctuated equilibrium comes of age.Stephen Jay Gould & Niles Eldredge - unknown
    PUNCTUATED cquilibrium has finally obtained an unambiguous and incontrovertiblc majoxity—that is, our theory is now 21 ' years old. We also, with parental pride (and, therefore, potential..
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  15. The exaptive excellence of spandrels as a term and prototype.Stephen Jay Gould - unknown
    In 1979, Lewontin and I borrowed the archi- tectural term “spandrel” (using the pendentives of San Marco in Venice as an example) to designate the class of forms and spaces that arise as necessary byproducts of another decision in design, and not as adaptations for direct utility in them- selves. This proposal has generated a large literature featur- ing two critiques: (i) the terminological claim that the span- drels of San Marco are not true spandrels at all and (ii) the (...)
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  16. Contemporary Readings in Logical Theory.I. M. Copi & J. A. Gould - 1968 - Critica 2 (6):114-117.
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  17.  20
    Interactive Democracy: The Social Roots of Global Justice.Carol C. Gould - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    How can we confront the problems of diminished democracy, pervasive economic inequality, and persistent global poverty? Is it possible to fulfill the dual aims of deepening democratic participation and achieving economic justice, not only locally but also globally? Carol C. Gould proposes an integrative and interactive approach to the core values of democracy, justice, and human rights, looking beyond traditional politics to the social conditions that would enable us to realize these aims. Her innovative philosophical framework sheds new light (...)
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  18. This View of Life.Stephen Jay Gould - unknown
    Understanding after the fact confers no special perspicacity. The real test for any diviner can only lie in grasping the outcome at the outset. Correct predictions, in themselves, offer no proof of true wisdom, for how can we distinguish dumb luck from horse sense? The only good experiment is, alas, the most undoable of all intriguing thoughts in a world of irrevocable history-to run back the tape and play it again, Sam.
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  19. 43. the incoherence argument and the notion of relative truth.Harvey Siegel - 2003 - In Steven Luper, Essential Knowledge: Readings in Epistemology. Longman. pp. 446.
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  20. The new science and the old: Complexity and realism in the social sciences.Michael Reed & David L. Harvey - 1992 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 22 (4):353–380.
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    Future minds and a new challenge to anti-natalism.Deke Caiñas Gould - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (8):793-800.
    Some futurists and philosophers have urged that recent developments in biotechnology promise advancements that challenge standard accepted views of human nature, the self, and ethical obligation. Additionally, some have urged that developments in artificial intelligence similarly raise interesting new challenges to our conceptions of the mind, morality, and the future direction for conscious entities generally. Some have even gone so far as to argue in defense of “artificial replacement,” which is the view that humanity should be prepared to “hand over (...)
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    How Democracy Can Inform Consent: Cases of the Internet and Bioethics.Carol C. Gould - 2019 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 36 (2):173-191.
    Traditional conceptions of informed consent seem difficult or even impossible to apply to new technologies like biobanks, big data, or GMOs, where vast numbers of people are potentially affected, and where consequences and risks are indeterminate or even unforeseeable. Likewise, the principle has come under strain with the appropriation and monetisation of personal information on digital platforms. Over time, it has largely been reduced to bare assent to formalistic legal agreements. To address the current ineffectiveness of the norm of informed (...)
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    Building on Spash's critiques of monetary valuation to suggest ways forward for relational values research.Rachelle K. Gould, Austin Himes, Lea May Anderson, Paola Arias Arévalo, Mollie Chapman, Dominic Lenzi, Barbara Muraca & Marc Tadaki - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (2):139-162.
    Scholars have critiqued mainstream economic approaches to environmental valuation for decades. These critiques have intensified with the increased prominence of environmental valuation in decision-making. This paper has three goals. First, we summarise prominent critiques of monetary valuation, drawing mostly on the work of Clive Spash, who worked extensively on cost–benefit analysis early in his career and then became one of monetary valuation's most thorough and ardent critics. Second, we, as a group of scholars who study relational values, describe how relational (...)
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  24. The Animal Mind.J. L. Gould & C. G. Gould - 1994 - Scientific American Library.
  25. Kropotkin Was No Crackpot.Stephen Jay Gould - unknown
    IN LATE 1909, two great men corresponded across oceans, religions, generations, and races. Leo Tolstoy, sage of Christian nonviolence in his later years, wrote to the young Mohandas Gandhi, struggling for the rights of Indian settlers in South Africa.
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    Re-Viewing from Within: A Commentary on First- and Second-Person Methods in the Science of Consciousness.T. Froese, C. Gould & A. Barrett - 2011 - Constructivist Foundations 6 (2):254-269.
    Context: There is a growing recognition in consciousness science of the need for rigorous methods for obtaining accurate and detailed phenomenological reports of lived experience, i.e., descriptions of experience provided by the subject living them in the “first-person.” Problem: At the moment although introspection and debriefing interviews are sometimes used to guide the design of scientific studies of the mind, explicit description and evaluation of these methods and their results rarely appear in formal scientific discourse. Method: The recent publication of (...)
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  27. Eternal Metaphors of Palaeontology.Stephen Jay Gould - unknown
    Alexander wept at the height of his triumphs because he had no new worlds to conquer. Whitehead declared that all of philosophy had been a footnote to Plato. The Preacher exclaimed (Ecclesiastes 1:10): "Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? It hath been already of old time, which was..
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  28. Coercion, care, and corporations: Omissions and commissions in Thomas Pogge's political philosophy.Carol C. Gould - 2007 - Journal of Global Ethics 3 (3):381 – 393.
    This article argues that Thomas Pogge's important theory of global justice does not adequately appreciate the relation between interactional and institutional accounts of human rights, along with the important normative role of care and solidarity in the context of globalization. It also suggests that more attention needs to be given critically to the actions of global corporations and positively to introducing democratic accountability into the institutions of global governance. The article goes on to present an alternative approach to global justice (...)
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    Beyond Domination: New Perspectives on Women and Philosophy.Carol C. Gould (ed.) - 1984 - Rowman & Littlefield.
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  30.  64
    Epistemic Virtue, Prospective Parents and Disability Abortion.James B. Gould - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (3):389-404.
    Research shows that a high majority of parents receiving prenatal diagnosis of intellectual disability terminate pregnancy. They have reasons for rejecting a child with intellectual disabilities—these reasons are, most commonly, beliefs about quality of life for it or them. Without a negative evaluation of intellectual disability, their choice makes no sense. Disability-based abortion has been critiqued through virtue ethics for being inconsistent with admirable moral character. Parental selectivity conflicts with the virtue of acceptingness and exhibits the vice of wilfulness. In (...)
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  31. The return of hopeful monsters.Stephen Jay Gould - manuscript
    Big Brother, the tyrant of George Orwell's 1984, directed his daily Two Minutes Hate against Emmanuel Goldstein, enemy of the people. When I studied evolutionary biology in graduate school during the mid-1960s, official rebuke and derision focused upon Richard Goldschmidt, a famous geneticist who, we were told, had gone astray. Although 1984 creeps up on us, I trust that the world will not be in Big Brother's grip by then. I do, however, predict that during this decade Goldschmidt will be (...)
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  32.  93
    A Puzzle about the Possibility of Aristotelian enkrateia.Carol Gould - 1994 - Phronesis 39 (2):174-186.
  33.  55
    An Evolutionary Perspective on Strengths, Fallacies, and Confusions in the Concept of Native Plants.Stephen Jay Gould - 1998 - Arnoldia 58 (1):11-19.
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    Postmodern Grief.Harvey L. Hix - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):47-64.
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  35. Reflections by a Journeyman in Philosophy on the Movements of Thought and Practice in His Time.John Henry Muirhead & John W. Harvey - 1943 - Philosophy 18 (69):89-91.
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    Introduction.Carol C. Gould & Alistair M. Macleod - 2006 - Journal of Social Philosophy 37 (1):1–5.
  37.  43
    Can There be a Philosophy of Archaeology?: Processual Archaeology and the Philosophy of Science.William Harvey Krieger - 2006 - Lexington Books.
  38. Women's Brains.Stephen Jay Gould - unknown
    IN THE PRELUDE to Middlemarch, George Eliot lamented the unfulfilled lives of talented women: Some have felt that these blundering lives are due to the inconvenient indefiniteness with which the Supreme Power has fashioned the natures of women: if there were one level of feminine incompetence as strict as the ability to count three and no more, the social lot of women might be treated with scientific certitude. Eliot goes on to discount the idea of innate limitation, but while she (...)
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  39. Shades of Lamarck.Stephen Jay Gould - unknown
    The world, unfortunately, rarely matches our hopes and consistently refuses to behave in a reasonable manner. The psalmist did not distinguish himself as an acute observer when he wrote: "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." The tyranny of what seems reasonable often impedes science. Who before Einstein would have believed that the mass and aging of an object could be affected by its velocity near the (...)
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  40. A social ontology of human rights.Carol C. Gould - 2015 - In Rowan Cruft, S. Matthew Liao & Massimo Renzo, Philosophical Foundations of Human Rights. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
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  41. Plautus: Menaechmi by A. S. Gratwick; Barbarian Play: Plautus' Roman Comedy by William S. Anderson. [REVIEW]Paul Harvey Jr - 1996 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 89:495-496.
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  42. Not necessarily a wing.Stephen Jay Gould - manuscript
    rom Flesh Gordon to Alex in Wonderland , title parodies have been a stock-in-trade of low comedy. We may not anticipate a tactical similarity between the mayhem of Mad magazine's movie reviews and the titles of major scientific works, yet two important nineteenth-century critiques of Darwin parodied his most famous phrases in their headings.
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    21 In Defense of Christian Platonism.Paul M. Gould - 2024 - In Mirosław Szatkowski, Ontology of Divinity. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 419-444.
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    Theistic Activism.Paul Gould - 2011 - Philosophia Christi 13 (1):127-139.
    Platonic theists have fallen on hard days. Theologically, it is argued that Platonism is unacceptable for the traditional theist, violating the aseity-sovereignty doctrine. Philosophically, Platonic theism suffers from an unforgiveable sin—incoherence. Understandably, the arguments in the literature are advanced as generically as possible, seeking metaphysical thinness in order to achieve clarity. I argue that this way of engaging the debate over the possibility of Platonic theism will only take one so far. What is needed is a bit of serious (and (...)
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    Does Stakeholder Theory Require Democratic Management?Carol C. Gould - 2002 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 21 (1):3-20.
  46. Sefer ha-yovel li-Shelomoh Pines: bi-melot lo shemonim shanah.Shlomo Pines, Moshe Idel, Warren Harvey & Eliezer Schweid (eds.) - 1988 - Yerushalayim: Bet ha-sefarim ha-leʼumi ṿeha-universiṭaʼi.
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    The occurrence of plateaus in telegraphy.Homer B. Reed & Harvey A. Zinszer - 1943 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 33 (2):130.
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  48. A Summer Plague: Polio and its Survivors.Toni Gould - 1996 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 39 (3):459.
  49. Glamour as an aesthetic property of persons.Carol S. Gould - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 63 (3):237–247.
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    Plato and Performance.John Gould - 1992 - Apeiron 25 (4):13-26.
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